Golden trout recipes. How to cook trout tastier: recipes and tips

Trout is one of the most delicious and healthy fish, so dishes from it are very fragrant and delicious. The undeniable health benefits of trout are due to the presence in fish of the salmon family of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as numerous minerals and vitamins that boost immunity and improve digestion. No wonder there are countless recipes for cooking trout, but cooking methods can differ in their complexity and result. ELLE has sorted out the most popular trout recipes.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Type Fish
  • Time 50 minutes
  • Person 2


  • Rainbow trout - 400 g
  • Lemon - 1/2
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Rinse the fish and prepare for baking.
  2. Fold the foil in half, put the fish on it, rub with pepper and salt on top. Cut the lemon into thin circles, put on top of the fish, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Make cuts on one side of the fish and put a slice of lemon into them. Wrap the edges of the foil so that it covers the fish well on all sides.
  3. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Baking in the oven

The most common way to cook trout is roasting in the oven. Someone prefers to bake fish with sauce, someone - in foil with herbs, someone manages with a simple mixture of salt and pepper. Absolutely any trout is suitable for baking in the oven - sea, lake or river. It is recommended to cut the sea one, because it is usually large, and the small river one can be baked whole. On average, the baking time for trout in the oven is 40 minutes. As a rule, the most delicious trout is obtained when it is pre-soaked in a marinade. The marinade is usually made from lemon, ginger, cream, sour cream, white wine, thyme, rosemary and orange in any combination.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Type Fish
  • Time 2 hours 10 minutes
  • Person 2


  • Trout - 400 g
  • Soy sauce - 2 tsp
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 2 tsp
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Sesame - 2 tsp


  1. Cut the fish into thick portions.
  2. Prepare the marinade by mixing oil, mustard, soy sauce, honey and sesame seeds. Pour the marinade over the fish and leave for about 2 hours.
  3. Fry the trout in a preheated pan without oil for 5-6 minutes on each side. Serve with greens.

Oil frying

Someone prefers to fry fresh trout on the grill or in a pan. If you want to cook a steak from trout, then the fish must first be cut into thick pieces, then marinated and sprinkled with salt, pepper and herbs. A trout steak is prepared very quickly - just fry the fish over high heat for 3-5 minutes on each side. Another common option for frying trout is whole in a dry hot frying pan, after stuffing the fish with salt and herbs and letting them soak. Trout can also be rolled in breadcrumbs and flour.

  • Difficulty Medium
  • Type Fish
  • Time of day
  • Persons 15


  • Whole trout (1500 gr)
  • Salt - 3 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp


  1. Clean the fish from the insides and scales, cut into two fillets.
  2. Mix sugar with salt. Sprinkle the fillet with lemon juice and rub with a mixture of salt and sugar, rubbing harder from the side of the skin. Sprinkle pepper on top.
  3. Cut the fish into large pieces and put in an enamel bowl with a wide bottom, cover the fish with a plate and put a load on top.
  4. Keep for 5 hours at room temperature, then remove for 12-15 hours in the refrigerator without load. Drain the juice and cut the fish into thin slices.

Trout salting

Another popular way of cooking trout is salting it. Lightly salted fish has a surprisingly delicate taste and is ideal for salads, for appetizers, for morning breakfasts with fresh bread and as a filling for pancakes. The fish is usually salted with a mixture of two tablespoons of salt and one tablespoon of sugar (per 1 kilogram of fish) under pressure at room temperature for about 5 hours. After that, the fish is cleaned in the refrigerator for salting.

Fish must be in the diet. It is rich in easily digestible protein, valuable vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other valuable substances. Trout is considered the most valuable fish, the recipes for its preparation are quite diverse. They imply various thermal processing: baking, frying, steam exposure.

Trout dishes are very nutritious and healthy, fish recipes can be supplemented with all kinds of side dishes. Rice, potatoes, all kinds of cabbage will be an excellent addition. The fish is perfect for lunch and dinner. It will complement the festive table and make it more original and solemn.

How to cook trout deliciously: basic secrets

Nutritionists recommend including trout dishes at least 3-4 times a week, recipes with photos will allow you to evaluate the appearance of the second, the way it is served. Red fish is quite oily. At the same time, it is quite delicate in taste and will not lead to a set of extra centimeters. It is better to buy fresh or chilled fish. It is in it that most of the useful ingredients are stored.

  • Crispy crust. Trout with a crispy crust is a real delicacy for gourmets. To do this, it should first be fried in a pan, and then brought to the oven until cooked. You can roll the pieces in a small amount of flour and then fry;
  • Do not fry the fish for a long time, otherwise it will become dry. Put the pieces should only be on a heated frying pan!
  • Be sure to cook the fish with the skin on. Firstly, the protein will not exfoliate. Secondly, the pulp will remain juicy and tender. If the recipe involves the use of skinless trout, then it can be removed after cooking the carcass;
  • Spices and lemon will give the fish additional flavors and aromas.
  • Checking the readiness of trout. If the meat easily separates from the bone, then the fish can be removed from the fire. She's ready!

Italians love to work with trout. It makes tender snacks, rich soups and, of course, delicious pasta. The fish goes well with cheese and cream. These products will emphasize the tenderness of the trout, give a pleasant creamy aftertaste and increase the nutritional value of the finished dish.

As for pasta, it is better to use fettuccine. Cook pasta until half cooked. It should not be digested and become very soft. Fettuccine should be, as the Italians say, "to the tooth" - with a hard center and a soft outer layer.


  • Fresh trout fillet - 200 grams;
  • Fettuccine - 200 grams;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Heavy cream - 1 cup (200 ml);
  • Butter - ½ tablespoon;
  • Hard cheese preferably parmesan - 50 grams;
  • Salt, black pepper, herbs - to taste;
  • Basil or any other greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

    1. Cut the fish fillet into cubes with a side of 2 cm. Be sure to remove the skin;
    2. Cut the garlic into small pieces and fry in butter, add pieces of trout to the garlic, cover the pan with a lid and fry until half cooked;
    3. Fill the fish with cream. Bring the mass to a boil. The fire must be slow. The dish should languish, not boil!
    4. Add the grated cheese to the sauce and simmer until the mass thickens;
    5. Add spices, simmer for a couple more minutes and turn off the fire;
    6. Boil the fettuccine and mix them with the sauce;
    7. Serve with chopped herbs.

If you are thinking how to cook trout deliciously and quickly, then pay attention to the recipe with potatoes. The dish turns out to be quite satisfying and high-calorie. It is ideal for a quiet family dinner, as well as for a large company.

Baked fish and potatoes are dietary products that retain useful substances. At the same time, the dish turns out to be quite high-calorie. Therefore, it is better to supplement it with a salad of fresh vegetables or fresh herbs.


  • Trout fillet - 400 grams;
  • Potatoes - 6 medium pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Rosemary - 1 sprig;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the potatoes thoroughly and, without removing the skin, cut into 2 parts;
  2. We spread the tubers in a mold greased with olive oil, and send to bake for 25 minutes at 200 degrees;
  3. We divide the trout into 2-3 large pieces, salt, pepper and sprinkle with olive oil. Leave it to marinate while the potatoes are baked;
  4. We take out the potatoes, put slices of garlic, rosemary, salt and pepper on it. We put the fish on top;
  5. We send the dish to the oven for another 15 minutes;
  6. Serve hot with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Wondering how to cook trout tasty? Then take a look at this recipe. Crispy batter will make the dish appetizing. But you have to be careful. The snack is eaten very quickly. Therefore, you need to cook it more!

Trout in batter is combined with various side dishes. It can act as an appetizer for wine or foam. In the latter case, a little more spices should be added to the batter so that the fish is spicy and fragrant!


  • Trout fillet - 1 kg;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • Starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • Mineral water - ½ cup (200 ml);
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • Ice - 6 cubes;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the fish, clean it from the skin, cut into small portions. Sprinkle trout with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Let the fish marinate for 10-15 minutes. At this time, we are preparing the batter;
  2. Mix starch with mineral water, flour, eggs, soda. Mix the mass thoroughly until smooth. At the end, add ice;
  3. Dip each piece of fish in batter and fry in hot vegetable oil on all sides;
  4. We spread the fish on a paper towel;
  5. As soon as all the trout is fried, serve it to the table.

Of course, crispy fried fish is very appetizing. But you should not eat it in large quantities. Since the product is quite high in calories. If you follow your health and carefully approach the composition of the diet, then cook the trout for a couple or in the oven. The simplest recipe is considered to be cooking fish in foil. To do this, the carcass is sprinkled with lemon, salted, peppered, wrapped in foil like candy and baked for half an hour.

Today's guest of our column is one of the most delicious and tender fish belonging to the noble salmon family. This fish is able to decorate with itself even the most refined menu of a sophisticated gourmet. Of course, you already guessed that today we will talk about trout. The undeniable taste and high nutritional value, coupled with the ease and speed of cooking, make trout one of the most desirable and favorite types of fish in home cooking. Judge for yourself, spending only fifteen minutes and quickly frying the trout in the oven with the addition of just a pinch of salt, you can easily and quickly get a delicious, tender, mouth-watering dish worthy of the best restaurants.

In the oven

Trout "Goldfish".


- trout - 4 pieces
- dill
- cream
- salt
- parsley


1. Prepare the gravy: add chopped dill, parsley to the cream.

2. Salt the fish on both sides, put it on foil, pour over the gravy.

3. Carefully wrap the fish, place in a mold, put in the oven for 20 minutes.

4. Put the finished dish along with the side dish on a plate, pour over the gravy.

in foil


Trout - 1kg

Lemon - 1 pc.

Ground pepper, red and black - to taste

Butter - 70 gr

Parsley - 20 gr

Dill - 20 gr

Dried coriander - to taste

How to do:

Gut the carcass of the fish (if it is not gutted) and rinse thoroughly under running water, you also need to clean it correctly, that is, taking the carcass by the tail, from the beginning of the tail to the head, against the scales. Next, cut the abdomen along the fish with a knife and remove all the insides, intestines, films and rinse it again.

Next, you need to cut the lemon into halves and set aside one and squeeze the other into a bowl, grate the trout inside and out with squeezed lemon juice, pepper it with pepper and salt it. Then chop the greens and stuff the carcass of the fish with it and coriander, leaving it to soak for 15 minutes.

Spread the foil on a baking sheet and cut the second half of the lemon into rings along the sheet, lay the trout on top, also along the lemon slices and make transverse cuts on the fish. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and cut it into small sticks, which are then inserted into the cuts made on the fish, now wrap the fish tightly with foil, even in two layers, so that the juice that will be produced during baking does not leak out. Everything, the fish can be sent to the oven, which must first be heated to 180 degrees. Such a dish is being prepared for 40 - 45 minutes. You can check the readiness with a toothpick by piercing through the foil and fish, the toothpick should easily enter the carcass, although this can also be done with a fork.

Remove the baking sheet with fish from the oven and carefully cut the foil, releasing hot steam, then unfold it and remove the trout with an elongated spatula so that it does not fall apart, place it on a previously prepared dish, decorate with herbs.

in a frying pan

Fried trout with mayonnaise

This dish is very fragrant and delicate in taste thanks to mayonnaise.

Required Ingredients:

trout - 2 kg;
onion - 2-3 pieces;
vegetable oil;
salt pepper.

Cooking method:

First you need to clean the fresh fish, gut it, separate the head and fins, rinse well and cut into steaks. Then put the steaks in a deep pan, salt and pepper. Pour in mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes without refrigeration.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Then fry it in a pan until golden brown and put on a separate plate.

After the fish is marinated, you need to roll each piece in breadcrumbs and put it in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Brown each piece on all sides.

Put the cooked fish on a dish, decorating with fried onion slices on top.

In a slow cooker

Trout baked in a slow cooker

Due to the nutritional properties of trout, this fish is used in dietary nutrition. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which saturate its tender meat, have a positive effect on the myocardium and protect blood vessels from the formation of harmful cholesterol plaques. Why not treat yourself to a juicy piece of baked trout in a slow cooker?

We will need the following products:

river trout steaks - 3 pcs.;
tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
onion - 3 pcs.;
hard cheese - 100 g;
vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
lemon - 1 pc.;
salt and spices for fish - to taste.

How to cook trout baked in a slow cooker:

Rinse fish steaks under running water and pat dry on paper towels. Then pour the pieces with vegetable oil, salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices. Leave the fish in this marinade for 15 to 20 minutes.

Wash the tomatoes and cut into large cubes, and peel the onion and chop into thin half rings.

Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, put the marinated steaks and turn on the “Baking” mode for a quarter of an hour.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze its juice over the fish. Sprinkle the meat on top with onion half rings, lightly salt it, then put a layer of tomatoes and cover everything with grated cheese. Without changing the mode, extend the cooking time for another 40 minutes.

Before serving trout baked in a slow cooker, decorate the dish with sprigs of fresh herbs.


To cook baked steaks you will need:

500 g trout (or other red fish);
1-2 lemons;
1 bunch of dill;
2 cloves of garlic;
50 ml of vegetable oil;
salt pepper.

Prepare the sauce. To do this, wash the dill, dry and finely chop. Pass the garlic through a press. Peel the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Mix everything, salt and pepper, pour in vegetable oil, grind everything together well.

Remove scales and fins from red fish, cut into portioned pieces - steaks. Pour over the marinade and leave for 30 minutes in a cool place. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the trout on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and bake for 20-30 minutes until cooked.

Remove scales and fins from red fish, cut into portioned pieces - steaks. Pour over the marinade and leave for 30 minutes in a cool place. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the trout on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and bake for 20-30 minutes until cooked. Fragrant baked trout steaks are ready.

On the grill


You can cut the trout into pieces, thereby preparing a barbecue from it, or you can fry the trout whole.

To improve the taste of grilled trout in nature, try to choose those wood species that are used for smoking - aspen or birch.

When purchasing ready-made charcoal in a store, calculate the weight of the charcoal based on the weight of the fish you will be cooking. For one trout weighing 0.5-0.6 kg, 0.6-0.8 kg of coal will be needed.

When choosing skewers, give preference to those with a flat shape. The flat shape greatly facilitates the process of putting trout on it.

Cooking process

Gut the trout, rinse thoroughly on all sides, including the inside of the trout. However, it should be remembered that after cleaning the trout from the inside, it is not necessary to remove the skin. Brush the trout well with olive or refined vegetable oil and let it soak for 5-10 minutes.

If you decide to make a barbecue - cut the trout into large pieces, while cutting through the meat on the backbone of the trout. The distance from the coals to the fish in this case should be at least 4-6 cm.

If you want to roast a whole trout, then place it for a few minutes at a distance of 18-20 cm from hot coals, and then move the fish lower.

The cooking time for trout skewers on the grill is on average 8-12 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces. For a whole fish, it is not possible to say in advance the cooking time, because everything will depend on the temperature outside, and on the distance from the trout to the heat source, and on how often you will turn the skewers with the fish.

The readiness of trout on the grill is determined as follows: when the skin of the fish begins to freely separate from the meat on all parts of the trout, then the meat is perfectly fried.

On the coals

In the country, at picnics, you can cook not only meat, but also fish, especially since it is prepared much faster and easier, and the result is excellent.

This is how easy it is to cook trout with lemon on the coals.

2 trout carcasses without head and entrails
- 2 medium lemons
- 1 large onion
- 1 bunch of dill
- olive oil
- coarse sea salt, SMChP
- foil

The trout was cleaned, washed, dried with a paper towel, made transverse cuts and rubbed with salt, pepper and olive oil.
I inserted thin slices of lemon into the incision, put onion and dill branches cut into half rings inside

I tightly wrapped the trout in 3 layers of foil with the shiny side to the fish and baked on coals for about 7 minutes on each side.
When you unfold the foil with the finished trout, be sure to do it in a deep bowl, the fish gives a lot of juice.

in cream


trout fillet 450 grams
heavy cream 1 cup
parsley greens 20 grams
dill greens 20 grams
lemon balm to taste
bay leaf 1 piece
lemons 1/4 pieces
ground black pepper to taste
salt to taste

Cooking method:

Rinse the fillet, rub the inside and outside with salt and pepper and place on the bottom of the brazier.

Rinse a few leaves of lemon balm, parsley and part of dill, dry and finely chop.

Mix the prepared greens with cream and fill the trout with this mixture.

Add bay leaf and bake the trout for 20-25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.

Take out the cooked trout.

Pour the sauce obtained during baking into a saucepan and, removing the bay leaf, boil.

When serving, pour the fish over cooked

Trout belongs to the salmon family. There are many types of trout. The most common is freshwater trout, which is found in streams and mountain rivers. It is often called noble, and it lives only in clean waters. That is why its meat is tender and tasty, and environmentally friendly, unlike other fish.
Trout is very rich in vitamins and is one of the best sources of high quality protein. It is very nutritious and is absorbed by the body faster than any meat product, therefore it is widely used in dietary nutrition, it is also widely used in cooking and is a delicacy.

Trout skewers

We marinate the fillets in kefir for half an hour, sprinkle a little lemon before the oven, put on skewers and cook for 15-20 minutes. into a hot oven. From any bones, fins, cook broth. Pass the flour in butter, dilute with this broth, add a finely chopped hard-boiled egg, a little cream and herbs. Remove from the stove and add a little lemon.

Recipe for salting salmon (trout)

First, recommendations for the size of the fish. You need to buy salmon (trout) weighing from 4 to 6 kilograms. Why exactly this - because the small one, from 1 kg to 3 kg, has not yet grown, and the meat on it has not yet grown enough and very little, and from 4 kg to 6 kg is the most optimal value for the content of meat, fat and has a delicate taste . In salmon above 7 kg - 8 kg, the meat is coarser and has a lot of fat (but this is not for everyone).
Method of preparation: (when cutting fish, use a large sharp knife such as Victorinox or a cleaver in the form of a flat hatchet).
The carcass of the fish must be completely defrosted at room temperature (by no means in other ways). Clean and wash the fish thoroughly so that there is no blood. Cut off the head and tail of the fish (they make a beautiful ear).
Cut the carcass into large pieces about 3-4 cm thick.
Then we free each piece from the skin and bones (the skin of the salmon is strong, and you can easily cope with this task with a tangential movement of the knife). Then we cut these large pieces into smaller ones, 4x5 cm in size, 2 cm thick, it can be thinner, but then when salting, you must take this into account so as not to oversalt (if you oversalt, the salmon meat will become tough). We put small pieces in a large container (stainless steel bowl or saucepan). Now that you have cut all the fish, we begin the salting process.

Salt should be of the coarsest grinding (No. 1). (Do not salt with fine salt!!! Oversalt!). Salt should be calculated so that each piece is evenly covered with salt on both sides, but not too thick. Also, for an amateur, you can lightly sprinkle with black pepper from the mill (if there is no mill, then ground pepper) and add a little hot ground red chili pepper, this gives the fish a spicy taste (men like a slight spiciness). Be careful with hot pepper, you can spoil the fish, and if children eat fish, it is better to refuse pepper. Do not immediately salt with a large amount of salt, it is better to let the fish be a little under-salted, then, as it is salted, it can be salted.
After you have completed the salting process, cover the container with the fish and leave to salt at room temperature.
Your salmon will be ready as soon as the salt crystals have dissolved (about 40 minutes to 2 hours). Taste for salt (if necessary, add salt to your liking, but do not over-salt!). Then transfer the fish to containers with lids and put in the refrigerator. After that, salmon can already be eaten, but it is better if it stands overnight in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!
From myself I will add that I love it when salt is almost not felt in the fish, then, in my opinion, the taste of the fish is better felt. And the taste is such that you can simply sell your homeland.

Trout with apples

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. For apples (I had a septenary), remove the core and cut into rings. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the trout. Melt the butter in another pan and brown the onion. Add apples. Fry and add a little red chili pepper (I have ground), ginger (I have ground), 2 tsp. honey, 2 tbsp. lemon and orange juice, reduce slightly. Salt and pepper. Put the trout in the sauce and sweat a little.

Trout baked with pine nuts and raisins

Tried a new recipe, the result exceeded all expectations! Well, there are simply no words for how delicious it is. In general, I definitely recommend to all fish lovers.

  • 1 medium trout 1.5 kg, gutted, but with a head (in the original recipe, 4 small fish are supposed),
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 8 olives (pits removed)
  • 1 st. spoonful of capers
  • 50 g pine nuts,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of black raisins,
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 1/2 teaspoon curry
  • finely grated rind of 1 lemon,
  • juice of half a lemon
  • 1 yesterday's loaf,
  • 10-15 black peppercorns
  • a generous pinch of sea salt.

Preheat the oven to 180°C.
Heat up 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil and fry finely chopped onion and garlic. Then add olives, capers, pine nuts, raisins, rosemary leaves and curry. Fry for a few minutes, then remove from heat.
Cut off the crust from the loaf and grind the pulp into crumbs (I did this in a blender). Add 2-3 tbsp to the pan. spoons of bread crumbs, add lemon zest and heat again over low heat.
Grind black pepper and sea salt in a mortar and grate the fish on both sides with this mixture. Fill the fish with stuffing, place in a deep refractory dish, sprinkle with the remaining stuffing.
Sprinkle with lemon juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, bake for 25 minutes, covering the dishes with a lid. Then remove the lid and bake for another 5 minutes.
The taste of this fish is divine!

Oven-baked trout

Grate the trout with a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, put slices of lemons inside, bake for 35-40 minutes, put on a plate without the skin. Everything is sprinkled with fresh dill.

For 4 fresh trout steaks (~300g each):

  • salt,
  • white pepper,
  • lemon,
  • Bay leaf,
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • a few leaves of melissa,
  • 375 g cream.
  1. Rub the trout on both sides with salt and pepper. Put the fish in the bottom of a refractory mold.
  2. Finely chop the parsley and lemon balm. Mix greens with cream.
  3. Pour cream over trout, put bay leaf.
  4. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180C, pouring cream with herbs.

Fish and sauce can be served separately.

Grilled trout

Everything here is simple, but terribly delicious. Marinade: juice of half a lemon, freshly ground pepper, sea salt. We keep the fish in the marinade for 20 minutes, then under the grill, for 5-7 minutes on each side.

Grilled marinated trout vegetables

  • 1 chili pepper
  • 1 thumb sized ginger root
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon olive oils,
  • a pinch of sea salt.

Remove the seeds from the pepper and finely chop it. Grate the ginger. Stir in chili, ginger, oil, cumin, coriander and salt. Brush the fish with the marinade and refrigerate for at least one hour.

Trout baked in salt

Wonderful fish! Very soft!

  • 1 large gutted trout / salmon / salmon (2-2.5 kg) (I cooked half a large fish),
  • 3 kg coarse salt,
  • 2 fennels (or fennel seeds)
  • 2 lemons
  • black peppercorns.

Preheat the oven to 220°C.
Pour 1 kg of salt onto a large baking sheet. Cut fennel, lemon into large slices, grind peppercorns in a mortar. Grate the salmon from the inside with pepper and salt, fill with fennel (or fennel seeds) and lemon and place on a baking sheet with salt. Sprinkle the fish with the remaining salt and bake in the oven for about an hour.

Salmon (trout) salad - grilled with olives and oranges

Very tasty salad, light and at the same time satisfying. A killer combination of delicate fish, crispy leaves and citrus.

  • 300 g salmon fillet (salmon, trout),
  • a bunch of crispy lettuce (I have frisse),
  • 1 orange
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil,
  • 1 tsp balsamic vinegar,
  • pieces 10 olives,
  • handful of capers
  • a few mint leaves (optional)
  • 1 tsp pink peppercorns (optional)
  • salt,
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Fry the salmon in the oven under the grill / in a grill pan (I cooked on a charcoal grill).
Finely grate orange and lemon zest. Put lettuce leaves in a bowl, add orange and lemon zest.
Peel the orange and cut into segments over a bowl of salad, so that the juice drips onto the leaves (you should get about 2 tablespoons of juice). Send sliced ​​orange pieces to salad, add olives, capers, juice of half a lemon, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, pink pepper, pepper, salt and mix everything.
Put the salad on a large flat dish, put the fish on top, breaking it into small pieces. Tear the mint with your hands and sprinkle over the salad.

Baked trout with vegetables

Salmon or trout with vegetables (for its preparation I make a rather deep open container from foil).
Take a piece of fish fillet and make vegetable sauce for it:
Finely chop the tomato, bell pepper, olives, olives, parsley, add a little sour cream, and a little finely chopped hard cheese and blue cheese. All this is mixed and laid on top of the fish.
For 15-20 min. at the maximum.

Trout with bacon, onions and raisins

Don't be put off by the strange combination of ingredients - red wine vinegar, raisins and fish. It turns out very, very tasty. Recipe from a culinary magazine 3 years ago, I slightly changed the proportions, the original recipe required 2 times more vinegar and raisins. The combination of bacon, onion and raisins does not clog, but rather emphasizes the taste of the fish. I cooked fish with dried fruits before, but never with red wine vinegar, it turned out great, I advise you to try it! In addition, it turns out a very quick dinner, which is important for me, since I always cook dinner after work.

  • 200 g bacon cut into thin strips
  • 2 tbsp. chopped red onion,
  • 1/2 st. raisins,
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
  • 2 tsp Sahara,
  • 1/2 tsp salt,
  • 4 whole trouts 280-300 gr each, clean, cut out the central bone, the tail can be left, it’s easier to buy a fillet (8 pieces),
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper.

Fry the bacon in a skillet over medium heat until golden brown, about 5-7 minutes. Transfer the bacon to paper towels. Remove half of the fat from the pan, then add the onion and simmer for 6-10 minutes. Then add bacon, raisins, vinegar, sugar, salt, increase the heat and let the sauce cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove sauce from heat and cover.
Heat the grill (I have a "grill" function in the oven, but I think you can just bake the fish in the oven afterwards). Put the fish on a baking sheet covered with foil, grease each fillet with rast. oil, sprinkle with black pepper and the remaining 1/4 tsp. salt.
Bake the fish for 3-5 minutes (the fillets are thin, the fish is baked very quickly), until tender. Then put a mixture of bacon, onions and raisins on the fillet, pour over the sauce and serve.

Trout with fruits

  • salmon (trout),
  • banana 1 pc.,
  • kiwi 1 pc.,
  • onion 2 pcs.,
  • orange 1/2 pc.,
  • cream 22%,
  • salt,
  • olive oil 2 tbsp. l.

Fry the onion in oil, salt the fish, cut banana and kiwi into circles, add kiwi to the onion, put the fish, put bananas on it, pour cream and simmer for min.15. Cut half of the orange into semicircles or circles, put on the fish. Simmer another min. 5-7. Real jam!

Filipino trout

According to this recipe, you can cook sea bass, trout, mackerel or milk fish (aka milkfish, this fish is also called hanos or bangus).
For 2-3 servings:

  • 1 fish (500 g),
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • pepper,
  • salt.

Rinse the fish, remove the scales, cut off the head and carefully remove the insides, so as not to damage the abdomen. With a sharp knife, make a longitudinal incision on the back, release the spine and carefully remove it, rinse the carcass with cold water, dry it with a napkin. Season the opened carcass with salt and pepper. Put a mixture of finely chopped tomato and onion, chopped garlic. Fold the carcass and roll it tightly in foil. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
This fish is delicious both hot and cold. Pour it well with a mixture of soy sauce and lemon juice.

Trout potato casserole

At the bottom of the form, greased with butter, mashed potatoes, trout fillet, pre-fried in a pan, then sauteed onions, carrots are laid out. Everything is poured with milk sauce (this is lightly fried in butter with flour, milk is added and boiled until thick, seasoned with salt and nutmeg), put in the oven for 15 minutes, you can also add grated cheese, but I didn’t have it.

Trout in the oven

Take salmon steaks, trout, whatever you like more, salt, pour lemon juice, cut onion rings, take foil, pour a few onion rings, steak on top, pepper, then again onion rings, and wrap everything well with foil. So a few servings. Put in the oven, also for 25-30 minutes. Well, 200-250 degrees. Sooooo delicious, ergonomic, beautiful.... You can serve it right in the foil, and then unfold it yourself - this is the entourage. And you can take it out, pour over the resulting juice, decorate with herbs.

Salmon (trout, salmon) in cream with pine nuts

  • 800 g salmon fillet,
  • 250 ml 33% cream,
  • 70 g pine nuts,
  • a handful of pink pepper,
  • freshly ground white pepper,
  • salt,
  • juice of half a lemon.

Salmon fillet (you can use another red fish that you like) cut into pieces, salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave to marinate for 1 hour. Put the fish in a heat-resistant pan, sprinkle with pine nuts previously fried in a dry pan, pour over the cream and put in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with pink pepper.

Trout in beer batter

Fish (preferably white and juicier: halibut (only good), river trout), beer 300 g, flour, egg.
Salt and sprinkle the fish with spices and hold for half an hour to soak (I add lemon juice and a spoonful of olive oil). The egg is beaten with beer, flour is added, everything is beaten to a state of very thick sour cream. Fish - in batter and in a pan.

Trout in sour cream sauce

The dish is suitable even for children. It is advisable to take a fish that is fatter, such as salmon and sea red trout. You can also have pink salmon, but keep in mind that pink salmon will be drier, you need more sauce. Cut the fish into pieces, salt, add lemon juice and leave for 10 minutes. Rub the carrots, chop the onion. Onions, carrots and fish - in a saucepan with a small amount of water and butter (or vegetable) oil (here, whoever likes it, really). Stew until the color of the fish changes, then pour in a mixture of sour cream and water (1: 1) and simmer further over low heat. Add a slice of lemon, bay leaf, allspice peas five minutes before the end. Goes great with mashed potatoes! If someone does not like boiled fish, you can pre-fry it, I corrected the recipe for a child under 5 years old.

Trout stew

Fry the trout quickly, add the ice cream mixture, where there are peas and corn, pepper, shrimp, sour cream, stew a little, serve with rice.
Well, it's delicious.

Trout baked in foil

1 kg of fish - completely cleaned and gutted (carcass), I make shallow cuts on both sides, three on each, if the carcass is at least 0.5 kg.
Salt, pepper, lay on foil (the sheet should be large enough to close, pre-grease the sheet lightly with olive oil. On both sides, grease with a sauce of squeezed 0.5 lemon, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 4 cloves of garlic, squeezed on a garlic press, 3 tablespoons spoons of olive oil. After that, I cover tightly with foil and in the oven, heated to 180-190 gr., for 25-30 minutes max. Try it, you won't regret it. Do not overdo it so that it doesn't turn out boiled. bones, and in overexposed it simply falls apart.

Trout in a steamer

And I cook salmon or sea trout in a double boiler, just salt and sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with dill and 15-20 minutes in a double boiler ... It turns out very tasty.

Trout in pumpkin seeds

Very quick, healthy and delicious recipe. Pumpkin seeds go well with fish, the dish looks good on the table, you can cook for yourself as a quick dinner after work, and for unexpected guests, as it will take a maximum of 10 minutes to cook.

  • 4 salmon fillets (trout or any other similar fish),
  • 1/3 st. pumpkin seeds,
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. parsley, finely chopped
  • salt,
  • pepper,
  • rast. frying oil.

Beat the egg lightly. Salt and pepper the fish fillet. Chop the seeds with a knife and mix with parsley. Lubricate the fish (only the side without skin) with an egg, put a mixture of pumpkin seeds and parsley on top, press down with your hand. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the fillet in the heated oil with the side with the seeds, fry for 2 minutes, turn over and fry for another 2-3 minutes. All dinner is ready.

Marinated trout

  • Raw trout fillet 150-200 gr. (cubes).
  • 1-2 onions (cut into rings).
  • Juice of 1 lemon.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Place everything in a saucepan, cover with a lid and shake for 5-10 minutes. And you can eat.

Trout baked with asparagus

  • Red fish (tastier, of course, if trout or salmon - it turns out softer),
  • green string beans,
  • lemons,
  • soy sauce,
  • sugar,
  • olive oil.

Frozen green asparagus beans are poured into the baking sleeve, already tied on one side, and poured with soy sauce. The fish is cut into steaks or fillets - as someone likes, a little sprinkled with olive oil, placed in an even layer on top of the beans. Lemon with peel is cut into thin circles. Each circle is sprinkled with sugar and placed in a layer on top of the fish (sugar side up). The sleeve is closed, and all this is baked in the oven at 200 gr. about 45 minutes.

Trout recipe from student life

You can take: pink salmon or chum salmon, or trout 1.5 kg. Cut from the inside along the spine and remove it and the bones on the abdomen. Fry onions and carrots - this is for the filling. Salt the fish, pepper to taste and grease with mayonnaise, put onions and carrots in it and sew it up. In the oven at 200 for about an hour. Fry walnuts and raisins in butter and decorate fish with them. Also lemon slices.

River trout in bacon

Prepare trout carcasses (clean, gut, wash). Salt, pepper, sprinkle lightly with lemon juice. Fold a few sprigs of dill into the abdomen. Wrap the carcasses with bacon. Put a sheet of foil in a baking dish (so as not to suffer later with washing dishes), put the fish, bake for 12-15 minutes.

Baked Trout with pesto, mashed potatoes and broccoli

We will need:

  • Two medium-sized portioned trout (250-300 gr.)

For pesto:

  • A small bunch of basil
  • Approximately 100 gr. parmesan.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • 100 gr. pine nuts (or pine nuts, or half with almonds).
  • 50 gr. olive oil.
  • Salt.
  1. We make pesto. Basil leaves, parmesan in small pieces, garlic and put everything in a blender along with olive oil. Add a little salt and nuts. In a blender, chop everything for no more than one minute.
  2. We put the cleaned fish in a baking dish, thickly grease it with pesto and put a little sauce in the abdomen.
  3. If desired, the fish can be sprinkled with lemon (I did not sprinkle). And to get a richer taste, you can let the fish marinate for some time.
  4. Add a little water to the bottom of the mold so that the fish does not dry out. Cover the form with foil and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Then remove the foil and let the fish stand for five minutes in the oven to form a crust.

For a side dish I prepared a dish from the same book.

Mashed potatoes and broccoli

Two medium potatoes + 300 gr. broccoli. Salt.
Put peeled potatoes into boiling salted water, when they are almost ready, add broccoli there. It only takes five minutes to cook.
Make a thick puree from boiled vegetables with the addition of vegetable broth.
Fill with olive oil.

Steamed trout with tomato vinaigrette

Another recipe from The New York Times best recipe book. This recipe was published on July 26, 1989 by Pierre Franey. It turns out very tasty - the fresh, bright taste of the sauce perfectly complements the fresh fish. It turns out a healthy and low-calorie dish, and this is one of the options when the usefulness of the dish does not spoil the taste. Now I will steam fish more often.

  • 1 st. l. dijon mustard,
  • 3 art. l. rice vinegar,
  • 1/3 st. (or 1/4 cup) olive. oils,
  • 1/2 st. finely chopped tomatoes, without skin or seeds
  • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped green onion,
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated ginger,
  • 2 tbsp. l. cilantro (or parsley)
  • 1 st. l. soy sauce,
  • a pinch of hot pepper.
  • 4 fish fillets (sea bass, trout or any other to your taste will do),
  • 4 sprigs of fresh thyme

Mix mustard and vinegar, add oil and beat with a whisk. Add the rest of the ingredients for the sauce, mix. Then salt and pepper to taste.

Grate the fish fillet with salt and pepper, put a sprig of thyme on top and cook in a double boiler. I don't have a steamer, so I had this device:

This is a form for roasting meat, inside I put a grate on which I usually freeze pastries, and put a fish fillet on the grate. I poured hot water into the mold, tightly covered the fish mold with foil. Put the form on gas and bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook the fish for 4-8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fillet. The fillet in the photo was ready in 4 minutes.
Put the fish on plates, pour over the sauce and serve.

Trout in the microwave

Sprinkle the trout steak with salt and pepper (you can also use other spices), sometimes I put onions on top, but usually without onions, pour sour cream on top and put in the microwave at 100 percent. for 6 minutes.
Ready! Yummy! (But it’s fatty, so it’s better to eat with rice).

Trout baked in the sleeve

The fish is gutted, rubbed inside and out with a mixture of salt, pepper and lemon juice squeezed from 2 circles of lemon. Put chopped lemon in circles in the belly so that the halves look out, all this in the sleeve and bake in the oven. Or bake in foil, then open and let the fish brown. It turns out awesome!

Fried trout

Fry in a frying pan:

  1. I fry on both sides. Before that, I smear with salt and spices. Ready.
  2. Just like in the first case, only at the end I add oyster sauce (I will give my soul for this dish).
  3. Dad loves breaded or floured.
  4. Outdoors. On the grill (instead of barbecue). Marinated quickly. You cut the fish, salt, spices, until you get to the place of frying - it has already marinated. Sometimes even immediately on the spot and marinated.

Trout in a steamer

Trout steaks, salt, onion rings on top, seasoning for fish, smear a little mayonnaise on top, 15 minutes, and you're done.

Trout in foil with tomatoes

Portion slices: salt, pepper, a slice of tomato and plastic cheese on top. I wrap each piece (from the palm of my hand) in foil and in the oven for 5-10 min. Drizzle with lime juice after cooking.

Raw trout salad

Fillet trout. It is very easy - her bones are large. Then cut into cubes, whatever size you like best. Put in a saucepan, pour the juice of one lemon, pepper and add the onion, I cut into rings. Cover with a lid and shake in a saucepan for 7-10 minutes.

Trout in the oven

I cut the fish into pieces, marinate for 30 minutes in lemon juice, salt, pepper. I spread it on a baking sheet and put a piece of butter on top. 20 minutes and you're done.

Stuffed trout

And I do so. I “open” the trout along the ridge, take out the insides, stuff with pre-prepared minced meat and into the oven. And it looks festive, it's not a shame to put it on the table, and, of course, it's delicious!!!
Minced meat can be any, depending on the preferences of the family. I tried to do it with potatoes, and with rice, and with vegetables, but most of all I like it with seafood - shrimp, octopus, squid ... Only the minced meat should be put already ready, as the fish cooks faster. And Bon Appetit!

I make trout in the sleeve, stuff minced meat in the belly: boiled rice with hot mushrooms, carrots and onions, then sew it up, salt and into the sleeve, the rice is saturated with trout fat, it tastes awesome.

Trout in air grill

Since I got an air grill, I cook trout only in it. I cut the gutted fish into 1.5-2 cm steaks, salt, you can sprinkle with lemon immediately, or after cooking, and on the grills for 10 minutes. I also used to cook in a frying pan, on a preheated one, for 3 minutes. fried on each side. The main thing is not to overdo it, then it turns out very juicy inside.

Salted trout with oranges

I salt the trout like this: I cut the gutted trout into steaks 1.5-2 cm thick, rub it with salt on both sides (about 1 teaspoon without a slide on one side) and put it in a bowl, laying each layer with fresh orange rings. Those. a layer of oranges to the bottom, then a fish, oranges on top, again a fish, and so on to the top. The top layer must be orange. It is advisable to lay it tightly so that the lid barely closes, well, or you can put a load on top of some thread. And overnight in the refrigerator. The taste is extraordinary, and there is no smell or taste of oranges. Even the most skeptical skeptics admitted that they did not eat trout tastier.

Trout baked in a carrot coat

Salt and pepper the trout (portioned pieces), put it on a baking sheet, put the carrots grated on a fine grater on top of the fish pieces and lightly grease the carrot hat with mayonnaise. Then put in a preheated to 180 gr. oven for 25 minutes.

It's very easy to cook it. Salt, pepper the fish (I took steaks), put it in a mold, pour fatter cream, somewhere up to half the "height" of the fish, you can put a lemon on top. In the oven for 20-30 minutes. All.

Trout in the oven with cream

Salmon or trout can be cooked in the oven, pre-salt, pepper, in general, marinate. And make sauce from cream. Heat cream, pepper, salt, herbs in a saucepan and add red caviar at the end - mix everything !! Put the fish on a plate, and fill it with this sauce !!! Very very tasty!!

I sometimes do this: you can pickle fish, you can not, it tastes, the main thing is this:

  1. I make portioned foil boxes, there is a piece of salmon / farel,
  2. shrimp peeled on top, on the sides, where they fall, as much as you want, I like to have a lot,
  3. cream + egg, fish is poured,
  4. grated cheese on top, you can greens,
  5. into the oven.

Stuffed trout baked in the oven

Buy pink salmon or chum salmon (you can, of course, trout - depending on the availability of money). The most difficult thing is to remove the bones from it, I have a picture with 3 stages at home, how this is done, I will try to explain.
First, clean the scales, then cut along the belly, gut, then with a sharp and thin knife, pry the bones along the ridge and separate the fish from the bones. The result should be such a fish without bones, deployed, as it were.
The filling is made - boil rice, add mushrooms fried with onions (I take dried white ones) and pickled cucumber. Salt, pepper and mix it all with sour cream.
A pillow is made - fry chopped carrots with onions in sunflower oil, salt, pepper.
Now start assembling.
Take a sheet of foil, put a layer of 2 cm there, about a pillow of carrots, anoint with sour cream on top.
Take the fish and stuff it with stuffing, sew the edges of the fish with a thread. Salt the fish inside, spices.
Then put thin slices of lemon on the carrot (you can use olives) and put the fish on top. Lubricate the top side of the fish with sour cream. Wrap it all in foil and put it on a sheet in the oven.
Bake it all for 1 hour somewhere in the oven. The juice from the fish flows onto a baking sheet, so sometimes it burns and starts to smoke - you need to carefully wrap it in foil.
Then you take it out, put everything on a dish. Good both hot and cold. Cooked for friends, for my birthday - everything was eaten in 15 minutes :)

Trout in cream cheese sauce

2 steaks of good salmon (salmon, trout) cut into small pieces so as not to lose juice, tenderness and taste. Grate about 70 g of soft cheese and melt in a pan over low heat, when it melts, add 100 g of dor blue cheese or any other soft cheese with mold, broken into pieces, pour cream, about 200 ml, heat until the cheese melts, but the cream didn't boil. Put the salmon pieces, cover, bring to a boil and turn off the stove (if the pan is thick-bottomed and can hold heat, if not, you can leave a little scarlet fire). Ready in 7 minutes. With pasta, that is, with pasta, just magical. It is prepared before the pasta is cooked, especially if there is a habit of storing grated cheese for future use.

Trout or salmon steaks in the oven

Steaks from trout or salmon (I buy a fish and cut it myself, it’s cheaper) I rub it with salt, pepper, spread it on a sheet, top with thin rings of lemon. I also wrap the sheet in foil and put it in the oven. Om-Nom-nom.
If you have fish blanks in the freezer, then uninvited guests are not afraid, as long as they wash their hands, you already have a festive dinner ready!

Royal Trout Ambassador

For 1 kg. fish (salmon, trout) take 2 tbsp. l. salt - NOT IODIATED, NOT 0 GRINDING, that is, COARSE GRINDING, 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Wash the fish, dry it, make an incision along the ridge. Grate with a mixture of salt and sugar inside the abdomen and back and outside, against the growth of scales. Wrap in a towel, put in a container, turn from side to side twice a day so that it is salted with its juice. You can eat in a day, but better in two, since your fish was not caught yesterday in Murmansk.

Steamed trout with rosemary and tea

Take 4 perch or trout fillets and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Make 570 ml of bergamot tea (earl gray - not from a bag) and bring to a boil. Place a few Chinese cabbage leaves in a steamer and top with the fish and 3 sprigs of rosemary. Steam for 15-20 minutes until the fish is done.

Steamed trout with potatoes

On the bottom row I put chopped potatoes, and on the top piece of salmon or trout. On top of the onion, and sprinkle with lemon. I put 15 minutes. Juice from salmon flows onto potatoes.

Steam trout

  • 1 prepared trout (1.2 kg);
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 glass of wine vinegar;
  • 6 sprigs of coarsely chopped spicy greens;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Rinse the prepared trout carefully and quickly. Rub inside with lemon juice, salt and ground pepper. Place the fish in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Tie the trout into a ring. Pour water, wine vinegar into the pan, add spicy herbs, boil. Put the fish on the grill-steamer, place on the pan. Steam for about 25 minutes. When serving, put on a warmed dish, after untying the fish. Garnish with boiled potatoes drizzled with butter.

Steam trout with tomatoes

  • 800 g trout fillet (or pink salmon),
  • 2 tomatoes without skin and seeds, cut into pieces;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of ketchup;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of yogurt;
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vodka;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1/2 lemon, cut into circles;
  • salt.

Set aside 2 sprigs of dill for decoration, put the rest of the greens on the bottom of the double boiler grate. Place fish fillet on top, season with salt. Place the steamer on a pot of boiling water and cook the fish for about 15 minutes, covering with foil. For the sauce, put mayonnaise, yogurt, ketchup in a bowl, mix thoroughly. Add tomato slices, pour in vodka and mix again. When serving, place the fish on a warmed dish, pour over the sauce, garnish with lemon slices and dill.

Grilled trout steaks

I cook fish under the grill. Salmon or trout. Marinate fish steaks in a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and salt. You can add your favorite herbs. Marinate from 30 minutes to several hours, as it turns out. And then to the grid. Delicious

Trout in a pot

I cook fish in pots (for 1 pot):

  • at the bottom of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
  • 150gr. fish fillet (trout is very tasty),
  • chopped red bell pepper
  • then a tomato.

All layers are salted and peppered, sprinkled with parsley and olive rings.
Water does not need to be added, because. vegetables give a lot of juice.
Pots are prepared for about half an hour in the oven.
When ready, pour over the mixture: either cream + grated cheese with mold, or sour cream + grated hard cheese + salt (everything is 50 gr.).

In greased pots put fried onions, carrots, fish pieces and potatoes. To make the dish more dietary and not burn at the same time, I cover everything inside the pot tightly with foil, and on top with a lid.

The first of the trout:

Trout soup

I cook soup from the head and tail of trout, salmon or pink salmon. It is possible from fillet, but we eat it anyway. I throw my head into the pan, sliced ​​potatoes, an onion head, a whole carrot. I fill it with water and on the stove, as it boils, salt, cook until the potatoes are ready, if you add pieces of fish, then I throw them in when the potatoes are almost ready. Before removing from the stove, I pepper and add fresh parsley and dill. The child likes it, dad does too ... It takes about 30 minutes to prepare, max 40 ...

Trout ear with two tabs

Ukha is not a soup, but a means of pleasure... From A. Genis's book "Russian Cuisine in Exile".
Boil small river fish until boiled, strain the broth (discard the small thing itself or give it to the cat). Put the broth on a small fire, adding unfried onions (a whole onion), celery, parsley, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt.
After 20-30 minutes add chopped carrots, potatoes, tarragon and basil (fresh or dried). After another 5-7 minutes, put the pieces of fish fillet. Here it is already better to take noble fish - trout, cod, sterlet, whitefish, and pike, at worst. The fillet is cooked for several minutes.
Separately, in a cup, brew saffron with hot broth, strain and pour into a saucepan removed from heat, this gives the ear a golden color and aroma. Throw a piece of butter into the pan, let the broth brew for 3-4 minutes and serve, sprinkled with dill and green onions.

Trout ear

From trout I cut off the head, tail, buy a jar of tuna, a bit of potatoes and a tomato or salmon bellies. They taste the best with them.

The selection was made by Ulla,

First of all, in order to properly cook trout, remember that you do not need to add anything superfluous to dishes from this delicious fish. If you use only natural ingredients, you can get a delicate and pure taste from Mother Nature herself.

River trout with shrimps in a noble way

So, to prepare such a dish, take trout, lime (not lime or lemon juice), spices (any, but natural), fresh parsley, coriander, leek feathers and lettuce, butter, natural vodka, shrimp (color should not be red), sesame oil, black pepper, salt and tempura mix.

Take a trout, clean it from scales, carefully cut the abdomen from the cloaca to the head and free it from caviar and entrails, cut off the gills. Now that the river trout has been cleaned, add a piece of butter to the middle of the carcass, squeeze out half the lime, and squeeze the other half on the outside. Then salt a little, pepper, sprinkle with spices, and inside the carcass and where the gills used to be, place parsley and coriander branches.

Lubricate the baking sheet with sesame oil, lay the fish and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, which operates in convection mode. And do not forget to water the fish with juice, which is formed during heat treatment. While the river trout is cooking, put the potatoes on the fire.

When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and put it on a baking sheet along with the trout, switch the oven to the "grill" mode and wait about ten minutes until a thin crispy crust forms on the dish.

While the river trout is cooking, do not waste time in vain, but cook the shrimp. Dilute the tempura mixture in distilled water, dip the shrimp in this consistency and put them in the sesame oil boiling in the pan. Fry until a light brown crust forms on both sides. The dish is ready, now decorate it as you wish.

River trout baked in foil

For one person, one fish (350-400 grams), onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, lemon, greens, (natural), foil is required.
Take a fresh trout, carefully clean it inside and rinse, do not remove the scales! Salt inside and out, pepper and drizzle with lemon juice. Let her rest for twenty minutes.

During this time, dice the tomato (for one fish - half a medium tomato), bell pepper and onion. Finely chop the dill and parsley, leaving a couple of whole sprigs. Cut a piece of foil about 60 cm long. Drop a few drops of vegetable oil on the foil, put two or three thin circles of lemon on it, and pickled trout on top.

Put chopped vegetables in the middle of the fish and sprinkle with seasoning. Put sprigs of greens on top of the trout and wrap the foil so that the juice does not flow out of it during baking.

Put the fish on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees. Open the foil five minutes before the end of the cooking time to brown the fish.
Serve in portions directly in foil, because the trout will turn out very juicy!

River trout in the oven

Prepare river trout (400 grams), onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, lemon, fresh herbs, spices (especially for fish).

Take a fish (one trout per person), clean it from the insides and rinse, but do not peel off the scales. Rub salt and spices on the outside, inside, add lemon juice. Now let the fish infuse for twenty minutes.

While the trout is marinating, dice the tomatoes for each fish. Chop the onion and bell pepper. Leave a couple of sprigs of greens, and chop the rest. Take foil (about half a meter), grease it with oil, put three or four circles of lemon on it, and put the fish on top.

Put the fish on a baking sheet. Bake for thirty minutes (180 degrees). Five minutes before the end, open the foil so that the crust is browned. Serve this dish in foil to preserve the unique taste and aroma of the fish.

Bon appetit.