Salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in a spicy sauce. Assorted winter cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and onions for the winter - recipe with photo :

Prepare everything necessary ingredients. Wash the vegetables well under running water and blot with a paper towel to remove excess drops. You also need to prepare the container in which you will seal the salad. Before sterilization, jars must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is best to use baking soda for washing; it does not harm the body. Then process it in a way convenient for you.

Chop the cucumbers into thin slices and place them on the bottom of a sterile jar. Leave half the cucumbers for the final layer.

Cut cherry tomatoes into two halves and place in a jar on top of the cucumbers.

Peel the onion, cut into thin rings, and cover the tomato slices with them.

Remove veins and seeds from the pepper and chop into half rings. Place the pepper pieces in a jar on a layer of onion.

The final layer is the cucumber rings that were left.

When all the layers of vegetables are in place, you can start preparing the marinade. Pour a measured amount of water into a saucepan and place on the burner. After boiling, pour in a portion of sugar and stir.

Then add salt and vinegar. When the salt and granulated sugar crystals dissolve, remove the saucepan from the stove.

Pour the prepared marinade over the vegetables in a jar, sprinkle peppercorns on top.

Sterilize the salad jar without sealing it within 13 minutes after the water boils.

Tighten the lid of the jar tightly, place it upside down, wrap it with a thick cloth, and remove it until the glass cools completely.

Then move the jar of vegetable salad to the pantry shelf.

Layered salad of vegetables for the winter is ready!

This the recipe will work for those who need to solve the problem of how to close overgrown cucumbers for the winter if only one and a half liter jars are left free. There you are great recipe: winter assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. The preparation turns out not only very tasty, but also looks great. Is this really what you dreamed of while looking at a bucket of huge cucumbers? As you already understood, the solution is quite simple: we cut the cucumbers into slices. And if you have smaller jars, then you can also divide these slices in half. Then you will need to add more other vegetables: take half a kilo of tomatoes, and six peppers. For taste, we will add a little garlic, onion and bay leaf to the assortment. This assortment is marinated without sterilization. The double pouring method, which is familiar to almost everyone who has dealt with home canning vegetables.

Ingredients (for 3 cans of 1.5 l):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg
  • bell pepper- 3 pcs. (small)
  • cream tomatoes - 300 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • spicy Bell pepper- 0.3 pods
  • Marinade:
  • Water – 2 liters
  • salt - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 6 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 6 tbsp.
  • peppercorns - 12 peas
  • allspice - 9 peas

How to prepare assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter

Before you begin the process of pickling vegetables, you should take care to sterilize the jars and lids. We wash the jars (preferably with soda) and let the water drain. Then we resort to one of the many methods of sterilization. IN in this case I took advantage in the simplest way and sterilized the jars in the oven. To do this, I preheated the oven to 130 degrees and placed the jars on a wire rack upside down. 15 minutes - and the jars are ready.

Boil the lids for 3 minutes.

Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends and cut each cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts. It should be noted that this only makes sense in the case of overgrown cucumbers, which as a whole take up too much space in the jar.

Carefully place the cucumber slices in “columns” into jars. If you're like me and plan to use quart jars, you'll notice that there's plenty of empty space on top of the cucumbers to fill with other vegetables. Place a quarter of an onion, a couple cloves of garlic, bell pepper slices, and plum tomatoes in each jar. Don't forget about the bay leaf with a piece of hot pepper.

Fill the pan with 3 liters of water and put it on the fire. After boiling, fill the jars with assorted boiling water and cover them on top with sterilized lids. Leave the jars like this for 10 minutes. If there is excess water left in the pan, pour it out.

Then remove the lids and set them aside. We close each jar one by one with a special plastic lid with holes and pour the water back into the pan.

Bring the water to a boil again. This time it will not be just boiling water, but a full-fledged marinade. Add 3 tablespoons of salt (without a slide), 6 tablespoons of sugar (without a slide) and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar to the water. With the boiled marinade, fill the jars to the top again, add peppers (black and allspice) and cover with lids. Let's roll up the assortment.

Turn the jars upside down. This is very important because this is how the final blockage will occur. Thanks to the hot brine, the rubber bands on the lids will swell and further prevent the passage of oxygen into the jar, therefore, this will eliminate the fermentation process.

Cover the jars with assorted cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers with a blanket and leave them like that until they cool completely, and then put them in a dark, cool place (basement, pantry).

A simple salad of cucumbers and tomatoes is a frequent guest on our tables. Of course, in winter you can buy fresh vegetables in any supermarket. But these taste winter varieties significantly inferior to cucumbers and tomatoes “fresh from the garden”. Therefore, it is worth preparing cucumber and tomato salad for the winter during the season. There are many recipes for this preparation.

To prepare a salad for the winter, you need to choose perfectly fresh and strong vegetables without the slightest sign of spoilage. In addition to cucumbers and tomatoes, other types of fruits and vegetables can be included in the salad. The most commonly used vegetables are onion and bell pepper. They also use carrots, cabbage, fresh green pea etc.

The workpiece is prepared in two ways. If the jars are supposed to be sterilized, then fresh vegetables are placed in them. If you plan to make the preparation without sterilization, then it is necessary to stew the prepared vegetables. And then, while hot, the prepared vegetable mass is packaged in sterile, not yet cooled jars and immediately sealed hermetically.

Interesting facts: not many people know that from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are berries, and cucumbers are close relatives of melons.

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and onions for the winter

  • 4 cucumbers;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar;
  • 30 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 30 ml vegetable oil.

Peel and thoroughly wash all vegetables. Grate carrots and cucumbers into long strips, as when preparing Korean salads.

Advice! If desired, you can add garlic and herbs to the recipe of this salad.

Heat the oil in a cauldron, drop the chopped onion into it, fry until translucent, then add the carrots and fry for another five minutes. You want the vegetables to begin to settle, but not brown.

Add to the cauldron Bell pepper, cut into small cubes. Using a blender, turn the tomatoes into puree. Grind the resulting tomato mass through a sieve so that it is homogeneous.

Add grated cucumbers and tomato mass to the cauldron, add spices and sugar, and salt. Simmer at low boil for about half an hour. At the very end of cooking, add vinegar and remove the cauldron from the heat. Place the salad in a hot, sterilized container and immediately seal it tightly. Cool without covering with a blanket, turning the jars upside down.

Read also: Apples for the winter - 12 simple preparations

Layered cucumber and tomato salad

This salad is not only delicious, it also looks very beautiful in a jar, as the vegetables are laid out in layers.

  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 0.5 gr. cucumbers;
  • 200 gr. sweet pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 150 gr. Luke;
  • 50 gr. any greenery;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 100 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 50 gr. salt.

We clean all the vegetables. Cut tomatoes and cucumbers into slices, as when preparing regular salad. Chop the pepper into strips, and the onion into thin halves of rings. Finely chop the greens and garlic.

Advice! Ideally, for this preparation you need to use yellow bell peppers, then all the vegetables in the jars will be multi-colored.

Place vegetables in layers in pre-sterilized and cooled jars. First the onions, then the peppers. Next come tomatoes and cucumbers. Sprinkle each layer a small amount greens and chopped garlic.

Pour salt and sugar directly into the jars, pour in vinegar. Then add boiling water to the top so that the water slightly overflows. Then cover with lids and place in warm water for sterilization. Heat the jars in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then we roll it up, place it bottom up and leave to cool.

Salad "Assorted"

To prepare the Assorted salad, it is best to take green or brown tomatoes. But you can make this preparation with red ones too.

  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 large carrots;
  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 10 large onions;
  • 5 bay leaves;
  • 10 peas of allspice;
  • 150 ml vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 100 gr. granulated sugar.

Pour oil and vinegar into a small saucepan, add bay leaves and peppercorns. Add sugar and salt. Put the mixture on the fire and, after bringing to a boil, remove. The sugar in the marinade must have time to completely dissolve, so the mixture must be stirred when heating.

Peel and wash the vegetables. Cut cucumbers into thin slices and tomatoes into slices. Three carrots and cut the onion into thin rings. Mix everything, pour in the marinade and cook at a very low boil for half an hour.

Place the hot salad in hot sterilized jars and immediately seal tightly. Cool under a fur coat.

“Hunter” salad

The “Hunter” salad turns out to be very tasty; it is prepared from a mixture of vegetables.

  • 1 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 kg carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg bell pepper;
  • 250 gr. Sahara;
  • 80 gr. salt;
  • 250 ml refined oil;
  • We prepare all the vegetables - we wash them; we clean what is necessary. Let's take it large saucepan and lay it out in layers:

    • carrots, cut into thin circles;
    • shredded cabbage;
    • thin onion half rings;
    • wider half rings of bell pepper;
    • thin circles of cucumbers;
    • tomato slices.

Continuing the topic of preparing vegetables for the winter, I share with you very simple recipe amazing salad. It turns out not only tasty and aromatic, but also incredibly beautiful. And this vegetable puff salad appetizer contains simple and affordable ingredients, so preparing and eating it is a pleasure!

Today we will prepare a vegetable salad for the winter from ripe red tomatoes, crispy green cucumbers, juicy sweet peppers and onions. Of course, you can’t do without aromatic additives: be sure to use dill umbrellas, fresh garlic and allspice.

This delicious preparation good for the winter on its own as a piquant one cold appetizer. But just imagine how such a salad will miraculously complement boiled or baked potatoes, fish or chicken, as well as all kinds of meat dishes!


(200 grams) (140 grams) (140 grams) (100 grams) (2 cloves) (2 pieces ) (430 milliliters) (4 teaspoons) (2 teaspoons) (1 teaspoon) (2 tablespoons ) (4 pieces )

Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The recipe for this vegetable salad included for winter fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, dill umbrellas, bay leaves, allspice peas, water, salt, sugar, 9% table vinegar, as well as refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil. The indicated amount of ingredients (the mass of vegetables already peeled and chopped) is designed for two jars with a capacity of 500 milliliters.

First of all, you need to prepare jars and lids for this salad. Personally, it is most convenient for me to sterilize jars in microwave oven. To do this, you need to wash them in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 milliliters into each cold water. Steam in the microwave at the highest power for 5-7 minutes each (for 0.5-1 liter jars). Just boil the lids for about five minutes. Place a couple of allspice peas at the bottom of the jars and pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

After this comes the next layer - sweet pepper. For beauty and contrast, I advise you to take yellow pepper, although this is not at all important. We wash the pepper, remove the seeds and tails, and then cut the pulp into thin strips.

And finally, let’s dilute this whole extravaganza of color with juicy ripe tomatoes. Large tomatoes should be cut into 6-8 slices, and smaller ones can be cut into quarters. Don't forget to cut out the stems.

At the end, pour 2 teaspoons into jars table vinegar, which, if desired, can be replaced with apple or wine (then 3 spoons each). In addition, add salt (1 teaspoon per jar) with granulated sugar (half a teaspoon per jar).

An assortment of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers for the winter is an excellent way to recycle vegetables on the one hand, and a snack that will decorate any table on the other. In addition, the assortment is perfectly stored and will delight you all year long. The taste of vegetables in this form is revealed differently. It all depends on what ingredients are chosen for the preparation. Each of them has its own taste. Well, besides, it looks very festive and bright dish. As for cooking, this recipe is not at all complicated. This wonderful thing is done using the so-called double filling. With this recipe you will prepare delicious cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter

For 3 liters we need:
- dense tomatoes,
- cucumbers (small whole, large ones can be cut),
- sweet pepper is best,
- 1 onion,
- garlic - from 4 to 8 cloves,
- a few sprigs of dill,
- black pepper - 5 peas,

For the marinade:
- 2 tbsp. spoons of salt,
- 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar,
- 2 teaspoons of vinegar essence,
- 1.5 l. water.

We take vegetables in the ratio that you like.

First of all, we prepare the jars - wash them well, and sterilize them if desired. You definitely need to do the same with the lids. Place dill and chopped onion on the bottom of the jars.

We cut off the ends of small cucumbers, cut them into large ones. We pierce the tomatoes in the place where the stalk is attached with a toothpick. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut them into several parts. The next stage is to place all the vegetables mixed or in layers (at your discretion). Fill the jar tightly.

Fill the jars with boiling water to the very top and, to begin with, simply cover them with lids. They should stand like this for at least 30 minutes. But, if time permits, this procedure can be extended to 1-2 hours.

Take a saucepan and pour water from the jars into it, add sugar and salt, and then bring it to a boil. For 1.5 liters of marinade we need sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons and salt - 2 tbsp. spoons. Before the marinade is poured into the jars, you need to add spices to the marinade. The water should boil for at least 5 minutes, after which we remove the marinade from the stove and add vinegar essence. If you like it spicier and plan to store the assortment in the cellar, then add at least one teaspoon of essence to 1.5 liters of marinade.

After this, you need to mix it and pour it over the vegetables. This needs to be done very quickly. The jars must be filled to the top. We also add peeled garlic cloves to the jars.

Immediately after this they must be rolled up and turned over. It also wouldn’t hurt to cover the jars with something warm and wait until they cool down. Next, our snack should be put away in some dark, not too warm place. I advise you to prepare and, the menu for your table will only benefit from this.

After a few weeks you can start tasting vegetables.

Starinskaya Lesya