How to roll sushi. How to wrap rolls correctly and beautifully?

This is an essential component of almost any kit for making rolls at home. Usually in roll set in addition to makisa, rice, sauces, nori seaweed and chopsticks for sushi. If you are going to cook rolls yourself using makisa, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules from Sushi Shop on how to roll rolls.

How to wrap rolls - Step 1

First, let's prepare the base for our roll. To do this, put a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat and lay it with sushi rice. Then we compact the layer of rice and turn the nori rice down. After that, you can lay out the filling for the roll. It's best to start with cream cheese. We spread the cheese strictly in the center of the nori sheet, as shown in the picture on the right.

How to wrap rolls - Step 2

Now put the rest of the ingredients of your roll in the center of the nori sheet, closer to the edges. If you haven't decided what to cook with yet home roll, the Sushi Shop will help you choose the toppings in the site section from “ Recipes". There you will find various recipes making fillings for rolls, as well as detailed video tutorials on how to make sushi at home.

How to wrap rolls - Step 3

Let's move on to the most difficult stage of the process of making rolls - twisting with the help of makisa. With both hands, we take the edge of the mat, grabbing the nori sheet and wrap it together with the filling. Try to repeat the movement shown in the picture on the right (it is important to leave a slight indent around the edges of the nori so that the roll can be fastened together).

How to wrap rolls - Step 4

Twist the roll gradually, no need to try to make an even roll in one motion. Roll up the roll, pressing the mat tightly. At the stage of rolling the roll, you can give the desired shape to your dish (circle or square). Square rolls are considered more dense, such rolls will not fall apart when consumed.

How to wrap rolls - Step 5

Make the last turn of the roll so that the edge of the nori sheet that you left empty (without filling and rice) is at the bottom. Thus, it will be easier for you to fasten your roll. Put a few grains of rice on the edge and try to crush them, evenly pressing the roll along the entire length. Thanks to the rice, the edges will hold tight, keeping the shape of the roll.

So, friends, today we have a huge (but, I hope, interesting) article with detailed recipe rolls, following which each of you(even someone who was previously seen as hopelessly lacking in culinary talent) will be able to prepare a delicious dish by spending couple of hours and 850 rubles(correction: the price is indicated at the time of writing the post, and that was a long time ago, now the products have of course risen in price by about 1.5–2 times). You will still have some of the products, so the next 2-3 cooking will be significantly cheaper. And here is what you get as a result:

It turns out that culinary journalism is another task. This recipe was polished by me for almost a month (either the photos need to be processed, then the prices for the products must be clarified), so that even such a computer geek like me, following the instructions and looking at the pictures, could buy everything you need and cook delicious rolls. If you have ever fried eggs and boiled potatoes, then you will get rolls. Although, I do not rule out that the second or third time the dish may be tastier than the first time. Experience, you know, matters. But even what you cook for the first time will be edible. I guarantee it.

I will be very glad to any questions, comments, suggestions from your side in the comments (). Feedback, you know, motivates you to new achievements, so say something, don't be silent. My beloved wife helped me prepare the rolls and photograph the process. Thanks her! But, again, the dish will turn out even if you don't have a wife.

I also want to immediately warn true Japanese and other Asians by blood or spirit: in our rolls there are such non-kosher ingredients, such as, for example, mayonnaise. If this offends your Oriental sensibilities, then you should not study the recipe further. Also in this article there will be no beautiful stories about the ceremonies of cooking oriental food. The recipe is deliciously localized for the Slavs, so you can call our dish “rolls in Russian”.

Let's move on to delicious

I hope you liked the rolls visually, but, well, the fact that they are also very tasty - you have to take a word for now. But you have the opportunity to see this for yourself: you just need to run to the store for the ingredients.

The key to a delicious meal is almost always high-quality and well-chosen ingredients. It is also possible to cook rolls “out of anything”, but in addition to losses in taste, expect even more complication of the cooking process. In particular, properly selected and cooked rice will save you from unnecessary torment when folding the roll.

What and how much to buy for making rolls?

Important: guys, this post was written back in 2012, the recipe has not changed, but food prices have grown quite a lot since then. Therefore, below, for posterity, I leave the prices of the ingredients of the rolls that were relevant in 2012, but keep in mind that, for example, in 2015, a set of products will cost no less than 1000 rubles.

For the rolls themselves (about the filling - below and separately) we need:

  • Rice "Mistral Italica" white medium-grain (pack of 1 kg, we need 350-380 grams of it) - 90 rub. in "Utkonos"
  • Rice vinegar "Sen Soi Premium" for sushi - 120 rub.
  • Seaweed dried nori "Sen Soi Premium" (10 sheets of algae in a package, almost all of them are used: 1 sheet = 1 roll) - 120 rub.
  • Bamboo rug (makisu) measuring at least 25x25 cm - approx. 100 rub. or cheaper, you can also safely buy a rug from Sen Soi

Total: 430 rub. for the first dinner and 120 rub. for the second and third (you will have to buy only nori seaweed).

Instead of all the above products, you can buy one ready-made set "Sen Soi Premium for sushi" - 370 rub. in "Utkonos". There will be all of the above, plus any other ginger, sticks and other unnecessary stuff. But there is not enough rice, vinegar is not in a bottle, but in a couple of bags, etc. That is, all that you have left for the future after buying a set is a rug. In general, we strongly support the first option - with the purchase in parts.

To fill the rolls, we need:

  • A pack of fetax cheese "Hochland" 200 grams - 75 rub. in "Utkonos"
  • Two or three fresh cucumbers - 80 rub.(we take the winter price, to the maximum, and now, in the summer, for this amount you will buy a whole kilogram of cucumbers)
  • Fresh green onion, approximately 200 grams - 100 rub.(also winter price)
  • Lightly salted salmon (or other red fish, but preferably something fatter) - 130 rub. or more expensive for ~ 200 grams (in our Raipo we sell “noname” fish for just 130 rubles, but it is very tasty, in Pyaterochka there is also good fish for the same money under their own brand “Red Price” )
  • A pack of mayonnaise "Sloboda" or "Calve" 200-250 grams, you can take "low-calorie" if you like it without any rolls - 30 rub.

Total stuffing: 415 rub.

We are adding more crab sticks"Meridian" or "Vici" chilled ( 40 rub. for a 200 gram package), but you can do without them, especially for the first time. Fetax "Hochland" can be replaced with domestic processed cheese (such as "Friendship"), but it will be less tasty.

In general, for 850 rub. you can buy all the necessary accessories for rolls, and a set of products for delicious toppings. Subsequent dinners will be even cheaper than the original, at least because you do not have to buy a bamboo rug. And, usually, in addition to the rug for reuse rice remains, some nori, rice vinegar, soy sauce etc.

Yes, for the same money you can have lunch somewhere together (although, most likely, you will have to spend at least a thousand rubles if you decide to eat rolls), but home-cooked rolls are enough for two for both dinner and breakfast. The experience and impressions from joint family cooking are generally priceless.

I hope that with my complex calculations I convinced even skeptics that making rolls at home is an inexpensive process.

More about the choice of ingredients and the features of their preparation

We use Mistral "Italica" rice (despite the fact that there is a "Japonica" variety with round kernels, "Italica" - we like it better):

A kilogram of such rice costs approximately 90 rubles. Mistral Italica is sold in many stores (for example, in our small village of Beloozersky near Moscow, rice can be bought in several “pavilions” at the local market and, it seems, in the yellowish Raipo supermarket, which is not far from Pyaterochka). We need 370 grams for the dish. If you are a little more economical (and there is a point in this, as you will see later), then a pack of rice can be stretched over three preparations.

For 6-7 rolls you need 370 grams of rice:

If you do not have a kitchen scale, then measure the rice with a faceted glass. You will need two faceted glasses rice without a slide.

We cook rice. This is done by the wife and this is a responsible process. If the rice is not overcooked, then nothing will stick out of it, and if you overcook it, you will get an unpleasant porridge.

So, take a measured amount of rice and wash cold water. Pour into a saucepan. Pour half a liter of water and put on gas, making a "big" fire. As soon as the rice boils (you need to follow this by slightly opening the lid so as not to release excess steam), you need to reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 12-15 minutes. After that, turn off the fire, but do not open the lid and let the rice stand in the pan under the cooling steam for another 15-20 minutes.

In parallel, prepare the vinegar solution. We take 50 ml rice vinegar, 30 grams of sugar, 10 grams of salt, put everything in one small container and heat at maximum power in the microwave for a minute and a half.

Put the rice that has rested in a saucepan in a glass or ceramic dishes. This is important, if you use something metallic, then the rice will stick to the walls (and most of it will remain on the walls).

Rice in glass container pour rice vinegar solution and mix thoroughly:

We cover the container with rice under vinegar with a lid or plate and send the container to cool to the end at room temperature for another 15-20 minutes.

At this time, we prepare the ingredients for the filling, cut them like this:

The length of the slices of cheese and cucumbers should be about the size of a crab stick or a little shorter. Then exactly three pieces will fit such slices along the width of the nori seaweed sheet, which will facilitate the layout of the roll before twisting it.

We cut the fish and also cut into slices:

Much of what is cut and shown in the pictures above is superfluous, i.e. will remain after the preparation of the rolls and can be eaten directly, or sent to some other dishes. We never manage to stop the right amount, something always remains, and this despite the rather long experience of cooking rolls at home.

I will give a few more photos with packages of used products so that you can buy the same ones.

It turns out that this cheese is ideal not only for salads and mediterranean dishes(which the manufacturer assures), but also for Japanese cuisine in Russian interpretation.

Nori seaweed from Sen Soi in packaged form looks like this (but you won’t find them in the first supermarket you come across, so, as an option, order at Utkonos or look for a specialized shop):

And, of course, the entire cooking process is supervised by the most demanding expert in delicious food:

But jokes aside, because it's time to move on to the curtailment process, which all novice cooks are very afraid of.

How to roll (twist) a roll at home and with your own hands

First, do not forget that problems can only be avoided if you choose right rice and weld it right.

Secondly, the first roll can be lumpy, but after 3-4 attempts, any living person starts to roll the rolls more or less intelligently.

Thirdly, the less filling you have, the easier it will be for you to learn, so do not put many ingredients at the same time in your first roll: fish, cheese, onion feather, mayonnaise - this is enough for a start.

Now that you know the basic secrets, let's get down to the process. Lay the rug in front of you so that the dangling strings are on top:

Lightly sprinkle water on the mat, but do not be zealous, it is better if many small droplets evenly fall on it. We definitely don’t need puddles on the rug and around.

Then lay a sheet of seaweed nori on the mat so that the bottom edge of the sheet matches the bottom edge of the mat (in short, align them with the bottom edge). The sheet is square, so it doesn’t matter how to orient it (although my wife believes that one of the sides of the sheet is still longer, if you also catch a millimeter difference with your eye, then put the sheet so that it has a landscape orientation).

Spread the filling over the nori sheet

I will describe the process shown in the pictures in steps:

  1. Spread a thin layer of rice on a nori sheet. Start from the bottom edge. They say that according to the mind, the thickness of the layer should be one rice, but I don’t know how and put a thicker layer (this monotonous process generally angers me, but my wife knows how to spread it in one rice, so, lately, we have been preparing rolls on a conveyor belt with two rugs: while she fills one sheet with rice, I roll the other with the filling).
  2. Stop when you fill 2/3 of the sheet area with rice. To prevent rice from sticking to your hands, you can moisten them (in water or even in a light solution of vinegar), but then shake off excess drops from your hands so as not to soak the nori through and through.
  3. Squeeze out the mayonnaise so that it roughly divides your rice paddy in half.
  4. Put the cucumbers and onions so that they are on opposite sides of the mayonnaise.
  5. Put the fish and cheese on top of the mayonnaise, so they stick together better and will not fall off when the roll is twisted.

Here's my wife's neater version of rice on nori (a la "one grain of rice thick layer"):

But you definitely won’t succeed right away, so it’s better to focus on my version of execution.

We roll up the roll

And now the pictures of the process of twisting the roll:

I will try to describe the process shown verbally:

  1. Grasp the bottom edge of the mat and turn away from you so that the spread out filling is completely covered with rice on top. This first step does not (and should not) lead to a finished “sausage”, rather, on the contrary, we should limit ourselves to only its first turn.
  2. We unscrew the mat back and move the semi-twisted roll (from which the part of the nori sheet not covered with rice still sticks out) again move to the lower edge of the mat.
  3. Now we are already wrapping the roll in the rug in a few turns. If you want the roll to turn out with a square section, then after each half-turn of the rug, give it the desired shape with your fingers. Square rolls are easier to store (they don't roll around randomly).
  4. You can unfold the mat, put the finished roll on the bottom edge again and roll it again.
  5. Lay the finished rolls on a cutting board. It is unlikely that you have such a large plate that the roll fits there without bending (if the roll is bent, the nori may break).

After a while, you will have a set of several folded rolls:

Before cutting and eating them, let them lie down in this form for 10-20 minutes, the nori will become more plastic (evenly charged with moisture from rice), after which it will be easier to cut the rolls into wheels.

Slicing twisted rolls

To cut the wheels you will need a large and sharp knife. The sharper the knife, the less the roll will wrinkle when cutting. I sharpen my knife for this occasion. So that rice does not stick to the knife, moisten it before cutting (and remove sticky rice before proceeding to cutting the next roll).

The thickness of the wheels is a personal matter for everyone, I get something in the region of 1–1.5 centimeters. But the thinner you want the wheels, the more difficult it will be to cut them, so don't be too zealous at first.

In addition to the wheels, you will definitely not have the most beautiful and neat ends (for some reason I want to call them tails, as if the roll is such a fish):

I eat those tails too.

Above in the photo you can see that we cut about half of the prepared sausages. And this half is enough to completely cover a large dish with wheels:

Enjoy your meal!

Okay, now you can eat.

Pour the sauce into bowls, dip the wheels in it and eat your own rolls to your health!

I hope that following our recipe, you managed to cook everything in at its best and taste.


I want the article to be understandable to everyone and useful to many. Therefore, I urge you to ask questions in the comments, clarify, thank, share the article with friends and let us know if you want to know about any more culinary exploits of our family in the future? Although I am sure in advance that I will master no more than one such culinary article per quarter (simple recipes do not count).

Now that's all for sure. Thank you for your attention. Do not forget and do not be too lazy to comment on this post somehow.

Hello dear readers. Today I don't have much regular dish. I want to tell you how to cook rolls at home, step by step recipe with photos. Now probably every second cooks sushi and rolls at home. This dish is very popular with us. A friend of mine gave me the idea of ​​making rolls at home a few years ago. She simply loves sushi and rolls, she reads, studies, experiments with the preparation of this “foreign dish” all the time. You can say my friend knows all the subtleties. I'm not a magician, I'm just learning. Therefore, do not judge strictly, perhaps something is wrong, something is not according to the rules. But maybe my tips will be useful to you and you will use them.

Now you can buy sushi in any "sushi bar", there is even a service "order with home delivery". But the issue is price and quality. We ordered more than once sushi in a sushi bar, I do not argue, delicious and exquisite. After that, I wanted to try making them at home. In fact, everything is very simple, the longest is the preparation of the ingredients.

Not every store sells sushi items. I don’t know about you, you can buy them from us only in supermarkets, and then only in certain ones. In big cities, this is not a problem, but in small ones, it is more difficult here. But if you wish, you can find everything, or you can replace some ingredients with more affordable ones, as my friend does.

How to cook rolls at home. Step by step recipe with photo

Cooking Ingredients:

  • norrie leaves
  • red fish
  • fresh cucumber
  • soft cheese
  • avocado
  • sesame seeds
  • Soy sauce
  • wasabi mustard
  • pickled ginger

I buy sesame seeds in the department where nuts are sold or in the market, at points where nuts, dried fruits and oriental sweets. Sesame seeds are cheap.

At home, I fry sesame seeds in a pan, although raw seeds are healthier, but roasted ones are much tastier. Lightly fry in a hot skillet. Such seeds are suitable not only for rolls, but also for salads and other dishes.

Now for the rice. I experimented a lot, but I came to the conclusion that there is nothing better than ordinary round rice. I buy inexpensive round clean rice. There is special rice in the sushi departments, though the price is completely different there.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls

There are some subtleties in preparing sushi rice. Rice for sushi, I usually take 1 cup (250 grams). Rice should be washed with cold running water. Rinse the rice 7 times until the water runs clear.

Then I pour the rice into a saucepan with a thick bottom. For 1 cup of rice, I add 2 cups of water. When everything boils, you need to mix thoroughly and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook rice until water evaporates. The rice will be firm. Turn off the stove and cover the rice in the pot with a towel. Leave for 15 minutes.

Then prepare the dressing for the rice. We need rice vinegar and sugar. For 3 st. spoons of rice vinegar, I add a spoonful of sugar and heat the mixture so that the sugar dissolves.

Pour dressing into rice in a circle in a thin stream. Mix rice with dressing preferably in a wooden bowl with a wooden spoon. But if not a wooden container, you can use it in a regular bowl.

Thus, the rice becomes shiny, tasty, and very convenient to work with. This rice dressing is a must, but if you don't have rice vinegar, you don't have to dress the rice with anything. It will be sticky, but before preparing the rolls, you wet your hands with water. regular vinegar not suitable for dressing.

Also for cooking we need cucumbers, avocados, cheese, red fish.

I buy fresh fish. I always cut the fish and sprinkle with salt and sugar, pour over lemon juice. simple. The fish turns out very tasty, lightly salted. Our children eat sushi, so we do not risk adding fresh fish.

You can cook sushi with avocado, but you can also without it. Not everyone likes the taste of avocado, despite its benefits. I bought one avocado, but no one liked our avocado sushi.

I cut avocado and fresh cucumber into thin long strips, as well as red fish.

Now for the cheese. You can buy soft Philadelphia cheese, but we can not find it in every store. Philadelphia cheese is very tender, soft and very tasty. Compared to mascarpone cheese, its price is quite acceptable. It costs half the price of mascarpone cheese.

But, through experimentation, I came to the conclusion that cheese can be replaced with cream cheese ok in packs. You just need to buy good cheese, not cheap, with a fat content of at least 55%. You can choose not to and use philadelphia.

I also cut the cheese into cubes.

You also need a mat to make sushi. It is better to buy a rug, you don’t have to invent anything. If you like rolls, then the rug will come in handy, it is more convenient with it, and the rolls are beautiful.

Roll mat wrap cling film. Do not spare the film, wrap it well. Thus, your rug will be clean and rice or sesame seeds will not clog into the cells. In addition, it is very convenient.

Norrie is pressed seaweed. Sushi Norries are sold in the sushi and roll departments. They are usually sold in packs of 5 or 10. Lay a sheet of Norrie on the mat with the shiny side down and the rough side up.

It is better to wet your hands with water. But for making sushi and rolls, it is advised to prepare water with lemon slices in a container to wet your hands in it.

After wetting our hands with water, we take a piece of rice the size of a tennis ball, form a bun in our hands. Spread the rice in a thin layer over the surface of the norrie sheet. We fill only half of the sheet. If you distribute rice over the entire sheet, then you will not get a roll, but a snail.

Place the filling in the center of the rice. I spread pieces of red fish, avocado, cucumber and cheese. Now the crucial moment, you need to beautifully roll the roll.

To do this, I tightly roll the sheet of norrie along with the rug. Thus it turns out beautiful roll. It's simple, you just need to practice and you will succeed. You will see that everything is simple and correct.

I moisten the edge of the Norrie sheet with water. The end result is this roll. Inside is stuffing and rice, and on top is a sheet of norri. The main thing is to twist the rolls tightly so that they do not fall apart later when you cut them.

Now I want to offer you the second option for making rolls with sesame seeds. To do this, I carefully cut the sheet of norrie in half.

I place it on the rug. I take a bun of rice in my hands, hands must first be moistened with water. I spread the rice over the entire surface of the sheet.

Sprinkle the top of the rice with toasted sesame seeds. I sprinkle generously so that the entire surface is filled.

Now I turn the sheet of norrie on the reverse side. Perhaps you are doing it wrong, I prefer to do it this way. I place the stuffing. I have red fish, cheese, cucumbers.

Now I twist the roll, twist it very tightly turning the sheet of norrie with the filling inside. I turn slowly and very tightly.

The result is such a roll in sesame seeds. The seeds stick tightly to the rice and do not fall off the pieces of the roll. Rice on top and stuffing inside.

Thus, plump rolls are obtained. Although the rolls are prepared at home, they look quite decent and are very tasty.

True, for their preparation you need to buy everything necessary products. It takes more time to prepare and prepare the ingredients than the cooking process itself.

Now the finished rolls should stand for 10-15 minutes. In the meantime, you can wash the dishes. And then the rolls need to be cut into pieces. The best thing to do is sharp knife.

Moreover, the knife must be moistened with water, and it can be washed periodically. Rolls are usually cut into 6-8 pieces.

Put the finished rolls on a plate. Now you can try. Pickled ginger and wasabi mustard are usually served with rolls and sushi. Ginger can be white and pink.

They eat rolls and sushi with special chopsticks. Sushi and rolls are taken with chopsticks and dipped in soy sauce. These are the rolls we got in sesame.

In the preparation of rolls, you can use red caviar or caviar flying fish. Can be used instead of cucumber sweet and sour apples. We tried with an apple, it turns out very tasty.

Shrimps, smoked eel are suitable for making rolls, and it can also be cooked with an omelette. There are a lot of cooking options. I prefer rolls with cheese, cucumber and red fish, and of course with caviar. Who will refuse red caviar.

You may also need tips for making rolls. Most importantly, I wanted to show you how to roll rolls so that you don’t get “snails”. Also, what can replace expensive products. We ourselves experiment and try. But with a set of high-quality and correct sushi products, they turn out to be very tasty.

Share, below in the comments, how do you cook sushi at home? And did you cook them at all? What do you like to add to sushi toppings? Are you able to roll the roll correctly? I would be glad to hear your tips for making sushi and rolls at home.

Instead of going to the sushi bar again, try making delicious rolls yourself. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. To make homemade rolls, you will need rice, nori sheets and any filling. Rice can be special for sushi or the most ordinary. Washed rice should be boiled in boiling water until cooked, no need to add salt to the water. Hot rice is recommended to be mixed with rice vinegar. Any products are suitable for the filling: red fish, fresh and pickled vegetables, champignons, chicken, creamy or cottage cheese, seafood, etc.

The most important thing in the process of making rolls is the technique of laying out rice and rolling the roll. With the help of a special mat, the rolls are wrapped very easily. Place a sheet of nori on the mat, shiny side down. Spread warm rice on top of the nori and spread evenly with wet hands. The top edge of the sheet should be left 1.5-2 cm free. In the middle or just below, the filling is distributed, which, as a rule, is cut into strips. To make the roll stick together properly, the free edge can be moistened with water or rice vinegar. With the help of a mat, a tight roll is twisted, which is then cut into several parts. Homemade rolls are served with a standard set of spices: soy sauce, pickled ginger and wasabi.

Homemade rolls - preparation of food and dishes

To prepare homemade rolls, you will need a cutting board, a very sharp knife, a special mat for rolling the roll, and a pot for boiling rice. Rice can also be boiled in a slow cooker. Rolls are served on a flat wide dish square shape, and for soy sauce you need to prepare small bowls. Rolls are eaten with bamboo sticks.

To make homemade rolls tasty and not fall apart, it is important to boil the rice correctly. There are several ways to cook rice, but in most cases, housewives cook it in the usual way or in a multicooker. The main thing is that the rice turns out to be moderately sticky, but not like porridge. Rice should be rinsed several times before cooking. cold water until it becomes transparent.

Recipes for homemade rolls:

Recipe 1: Homemade Chicken Rolls

Homemade chicken rolls will appeal even to those who are not particularly fond of Japanese cuisine, because there are no specific products like raw fish. combination of rice and chicken fillet many people like it, but tastier dish will turn out with spicy pickled cucumbers and mustard.

Required Ingredients:

  • 4-5 nori sheets;
  • 2 cups of rice;
  • rice vinegar;
  • Three eggs;
  • Small chicken breast;
  • Pickles;
  • A few tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Mustard;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Wasabi.

Cooking method:

Rice can be boiled in the most ordinary way, but whoever has a slow cooker can do this: pour 2 multi-cooker glasses of rice into the bowl of the appliance and pour 4 multi-cooker glasses of water. Turn on the "pilaf" mode, cook until the signal. Boil the breast, cool a little, cut into strips. Cucumbers are also cut into strips. Add vinegar to cooked rice and stir. Rolls are cooked with cooled, slightly warm rice. From eggs we make a light omelette, cut into strips.

We lay out the mat on the table, place the nori on top with the shiny side down. We spread the rice on the nori and smooth it with our hands dipped in rice vinegar. We leave the upper edge free by 1.5 cm. Just below the middle, lay out the filling: a strip of chicken, cucumbers and scrambled eggs. Lightly coat with mayonnaise and mustard on top. Wet the free edge with a little vinegar. Now we begin to carefully wrap the roll, tightly pressing the mat. Ready roll cut into several pieces. Serve homemade rolls with wasabi, soy sauce and ginger.

Recipe 2: Homemade Red Fish Rolls

A classic and so beloved by all admirers of rolls recipe. Homemade rolls with red fish are prepared quite simply, the most important thing is to follow the cooking technique. Pickled cucumbers are also used for the filling.

Required Ingredients:

  • nori sheets;
  • Two glasses of rice;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • Any salted red fish (pink salmon, chum salmon, trout, etc.) - half the package;
  • Pickles;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

We boil the rice in the usual way, but so that it does not turn out to be too tough or, conversely, overcooked. Drain the rice in a colander, then put it in a bowl and mix with a little rice vinegar. We cut the red fish into strips, cut the cucumbers into strips. Lay the nori sheet on the mat, shiny side down. We spread the rice in an even layer, smooth the surface with our hands dipped in water or vinegar, leave the upper edge a little free, moisten it with water or soy sauce (or vinegar). In the middle we lay out the filling of fish and cucumbers. We wrap a tight roll with the help of a mat. Cut the sausage into several pieces. Serve with a standard set: soy sauce, wasabi and ginger.

Recipe 3: Homemade rolls with crab sticks and cream cheese

If you want to cook delicious homemade rolls, but you don’t feel like bothering with a complex filling, this recipe will be the way out. It uses the most affordable ingredients: crab sticks and soft cream cheese. For piquancy, you can also add pickled cucumbers.

Required Ingredients:

  • nori sheets;
  • Rice - 1.5-2 cups;
  • Crab sticks - 6-7 pcs.;
  • Cream cheese without flavorings;
  • Pickled cucumbers - optional;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • Soy sauce.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice, drain the water, leave to cool slightly. Cut crab sticks into strips, cucumbers (if used) in the same way. We lay out a sheet of nori (shiny side down) on the mats, spread the rice on it. We coat the middle with cream cheese, then spread the crab sticks cucumbers. We wrap a tight roll with a mat, cut it into several parts. Serve with wasabi, soy sauce and ginger.

Recipe 4: Homemade Cucumber and Sesame Rolls

Perhaps the simplest and affordable recipe rolls. Perfect option for light snack or for all those who do not eat fish and meat.

Required Ingredients:

  • Several sheets of nori;
  • Rice - a glass - one and a half;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Sesame;
  • Mustard - to taste;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

Mix warm boiled rice with a little rice vinegar. My cucumber, peel off the skin. Cut the cucumber into strips. We put a sheet of nori on the mat, spread warm rice on top, leave the top edge 1-1.5 cm free. The edge is lightly smeared with water or rice vinegar. We coat the middle with a small amount of mustard (or wasabi). Sprinkle this strip with sesame seeds, then lay out the cucumber strips. We turn the roll with the help of a mat, cut it into 5-6 parts. Serve homemade cucumber rolls with soy sauce, pickled ginger and wasabi.

Recipe 5: Homemade Shrimp and Avocado Rolls

Such rolls are found on the menu of almost every sushi bar. Sometimes they do without avocados, but in classic version shrimp rolls this fruit is always used.

Required Ingredients:

  • nori sheets;
  • A glass of rice (if not enough, you can still boil it);
  • 140 g small shrimps;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Avocado;
  • Soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt and sugar;
  • A spoonful of vinegar.

Cooking method:

Wash the rice several times in cold water, boil until tender. Mix salt and sugar in vinegar. Cook small peeled shrimp for a couple of minutes in boiling water. For taste, you can drop a little lemon juice into the pan. Put nori on the mat, spread the rice. Lightly sprinkle the rice with a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt. Leave a small indent from the top edge. Just below the middle, lay out the filling of shrimp, avocado strips and cucumber. We wrap a dense sausage, cut it into 5-6 rolls. Serve with a standard set of spices.

Recipe 6: Homemade California Rolls

Rolls "California" are known to lovers of Japanese cuisine as "turned inside out" rolls. Their difference from classic rolls is that the nori sheet is inside, and the bulk of the rice is outside. Homemade California rolls require a little more skill, but in general there is nothing complicated in their preparation.

Required Ingredients:

  • nori sheets;
  • Rice - two glasses;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Crab meat;
  • Avocado;
  • Sesame;
  • Wasabi;
  • Soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger;
  • rice vinegar;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Curd cheese.

Cooking method:

We wash the rice several times, boil it in a slow cooker (two glasses of water for two glasses of rice) in the “pilaf” mode until a beep sounds. We clean the cucumber, we clean the seeds that are too large with a spoon. Cut the cucumber into strips. We clean the avocado, remove the stone, cut the pulp into strips. Crab meat (or sticks) cut into strips. We mix the cooked rice with rice vinegar with dissolved sugar, let it cool a little.

We place the nori on the mat, spread the rice in an even layer, leave the edge free, and lay the rice on the other edge so that it protrudes by 2 cm. Cover the rice with cellophane or a second rug, turn it over to the other side, and remove the kiss. Lubricate the smooth side of the nori with mayonnaise, spread the filling from crab meat, cucumber and avocado. Roll the roll with the rice out. In order for the rice to be sticky and keep its shape, it must be mixed with vinegar. Toast the sesame seeds lightly in a dry frying pan. Roll the sausages in sesame seeds and put them in the refrigerator for half an hour. We cut the blanks into several parts with a sharp knife, periodically dipping it in cold water. Homemade California rolls are served with wasabi, soy sauce and ginger.

Recipe 7: Homemade rolls with champignons and cucumber

Homemade mushroom rolls are a real find for vegetarians. In addition to mushrooms, cucumbers, celery root and ginger root are also used in the recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • Nori;
  • Soy sauce;
  • rice vinegar;
  • Wasabi;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Some fresh champignons;
  • Celery and ginger roots;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Parsley;
  • Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice until tender, drain the water, mix the rice with rice vinegar. Let the rice cool down a bit. Grind the mushrooms, fry until tender. Grind celery and ginger roots, sprinkle with vinegar. Mix champignons with chopped parsley and black ground pepper. Peel the cucumber and cut into strips. We spread the nori on the mat, evenly distribute the warm rice. In the middle lay out the roots, then the mushrooms. Lay cucumber strips next to it. We twist a tight roll, cut into several rolls. We serve vegetarian homemade rolls with a full range of spices.

Recipe 8: Homemade Tuna Rolls

In the menu of sushi bars, such rolls are called "teka-maki". The appetizer is no more difficult to prepare than any other homemade rolls. The principle is the same, only the filling is different.

Required Ingredients:

  • 55 g tuna;
  • nori sheets;
  • Rice 150 g;
  • rice vinegar;
  • Soy sauce;
  • pickled ginger;
  • Wasabi;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • Lemon.

Cooking method:

We wash the rice several times, set to boil. In rice vinegar, dilute a little sugar, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, stir thoroughly. Mix cooked rice with rice vinegar, let cool slightly. Cut the tuna into strips. We place the nori on the mat, spread an even layer of rice, leave 1.5 cm of the free edge on top. We coat the edge with water or rice vinegar. In the middle of the sheet, apply a little wasabi, lay out strips of tuna. We wrap a tight roll, cut into several parts. We do the same with the rest of the sheets. Serve homemade tuna rolls with pickled ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Recipe 9: Homemade Squid Rolls

Another option for filling rolls. Here we use squid and seaweed konbu.

Required Ingredients:

  • 60 g fresh squid;
  • nori sheets;
  • A glass of rice;
  • rice vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons mirin sauce;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Seaweed konbu - 14 g.

Cooking method:

We wash the rice several times, set to cook until tender. Mix half a cup of rice vinegar with sugar, lemon juice, mirin sauce and seaweed. We put on a small fire and heat for about 15 minutes, without bringing to a boil. boiled rice Stir in the hot mixture and leave to cool slightly. Boil the squid for 2 minutes and cut into strips. We place a sheet of nori on the mat, spread the rice on top, leave a little space from the top edge. Spread squid strips on rice and roll with a mat. Let's cut it into several parts. Serve with a standard set of spices.

Recipe 10: Homemade Keta Rolls

Such rolls are considered low-calorie, because there is nothing here but rice, chum salmon and fresh cucumber. Despite this, homemade rolls are very tasty and satisfying.

Required Ingredients:

  • Several sheets of nori;
  • Rice - 110 g;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • Keta.

Cooking method:

Rice is thoroughly washed in cold water and boiled until tender in water without salt. Let it cool down a bit and start making rolls. Lay a sheet of nori on the mat, spread the rice in an even layer on top. Leave the top edge a little loose. We cut the fish into strips, clean the cucumber and cut it in the same way as chum salmon. We spread the stuffing of fish and cucumber on the rice. Lubricate the edge for better stickiness with water. We wrap a tight roll and cut into 5-6 pieces. Serve with soy sauce and ginger.

The knife for cutting the workpiece must be very sharp! Periodically, it should be dipped in a container of cold water. The workpiece will form much better and it will be easier to cut if, after twisting, place it in the refrigerator for half an hour;

Instead of rice vinegar, you can take ordinary vinegar mixed with water. Dissolve in vinegar a small amount of salt and sugar;

To prevent homemade rolls from getting too “twisted”, nori sheets can be cut into 2 parts;

You should not cut all the workpieces at once. If they are wrapped in cling film, they can be safely stored in the refrigerator for several days.

Rolls are a variation of traditional Japanese sushi rolls. This dish is prepared according to a certain technology. The main ingredients are nori sheets, rice, vegetables or fish and soy sauce. It is very important to know how to wrap rolls correctly. After all, the taste and visual appeal of the dish depends on it.

Roll types:

Kapamaki. So called Usually this dish is served after spicy dishes;

Maki sushi. These rolls are rolled into a cylinder using makisu (a special bamboo mat). The filling is wrapped in nori, and the food is cut into six circles;

Hosomaki - thin rolls. The thickness of the circles does not exceed three centimeters. Only one component is placed in the filling;

Temaki. Nori sheets are rolled into a cone shape and filled with stuffing;

Negitoromaki. They are thinly sliced Japanese rolls. The stuffing for this dish is onion bliss and chopped belly of tuna;

Futomaki. This type The rolls are cylindrical in shape and about four centimeters high. At least five components are placed in the futomaki filling;

Uramaki is cooked in such a way that the rice is on the outside. Surely you will be interested in how to wrap rolls of this type? Rice is placed on the mat, then the filling and nori sheet. Everything is well pressed and rolled up. This way the nori stays inside and the rice stays outside.

How to wrap rolls?

This is perhaps the most difficult and crucial stage in the preparation of Japanese rolls. To do this as accurately as possible, you need some experience. Try making rolls using the following ingredients: sushi vinegar, special rice, nori, stuffing (slightly salted fish). You will also need a bamboo mat for twisting.

So, how to wrap rolls? Put a bamboo mat on the table, on it - half of the nori (longitudinal side towards you). Dip your fingers in the vinegar solution and spread the rice evenly. At the same time, 1.5 centimeters of free space should remain at the transverse edges and the longitudinal edge opposite to you. Place the filling in the center. Use your thumbs to pry the mat up (away from you). Bend the edge of the mat and make one turn. Lightly press the filling and roll up a full roll. Moisten the remaining nori with vinegar solution. Carefully wrap the roll into it. With a knife, cut the rolls in half, and then into thirds. The dish is served for dinner along with ginger, soy sauce or wasabi.

Making rolls at home

Pieces can be used for stuffing. fish fillet in any form: smoked, salted or pickled. You can also add fresh and spicy vegetables, shrimp, crab sticks, etc. Try making hosomaki rolls. Required Ingredients: nori, special vinegar, rice (300 g), wasabi, marinated ginger, sugar, fish, salt, soy sauce. You will also need a mat.


Add salt, sugar to warm vinegar and mix everything well. When the rice is ready, add sauce to it (100 ml per 1 kg of cereal) and leave the filling to cool. Cut the nori sheet into two pieces. Place one half on the mat. Spread the rice evenly on top. Place fish pieces in the middle. Carefully roll the sheet into a tube, lubricating the bottom of the nori with water. Cut off the uneven edges and divide the roll into six parts. For dinner, serve rolls with wasabi.