How to cook chicken breast for a diet. Benefits of chicken breast

healthy eating can be very varied and tasty. This is not necessarily a dry piece of chicken and unleavened salad. From the same chicken breast, you can cook a variety of dishes that combine benefits, low calorie content and excellent taste. In this article, we have collected interesting, in our opinion, diet meals from chicken breast. Let's take a look at the recipes.

Tender kebab"May"

First, let's prepare the meat. Chicken breasts need to be separated from the bones, remove the skin. Cut the resulting fillet into pieces about 5 cm in size. The meat must be cut along the fibers so that the pieces do not fall apart later.

As with any barbecue, the meat must be marinated. First, sprinkle it with spices. You can take any, not necessarily Italian herbs. Even a ready-made set of spices for barbecue will do.

But especially paprika, oregano, ginger, all kinds of peppers are combined with chicken breast. Grate the onions or chop with a blender or meat grinder. The method of grinding does not play a role here, the main thing is to get onion gruel. It is she who will make dryish meat tender and soft.

In the finished dish, the taste of onion is not felt at all. Mix the pieces of meat with chopped onions and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

After this time, add kefir (or yogurt, whey) to the meat. It is better to take low-fat dairy products. They will give tenderness to the breasts. Mix everything well and send it back to the refrigerator. Marinating time is at least an hour, but you can leave it for a longer time, for example, overnight.

Salt the meat before roasting. Shish kebab is cooked on coals until crispy (but not overcooked) crust. Ready tender shish kebab can be sprinkled with lemon juice when serving.

Light but hearty soup "Minute"

To prepare the soup "Minute" you will need:

  • water - 1.5 l;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • oat bran (or flakes that require cooking) - 2 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

Calorie content - 72 kcal per 100 g.

This soup is not only dietary. Thanks to oat bran, it is quite satisfying, and it cooks very quickly.

The most time-consuming thing is to cook minced meat. To do this, remove the bones and skin, twist the meat in a meat grinder.

We form small meatballs from minced meat, throw them into boiling salted water.

When the water boils again, the meatballs should be boiled for about 5 minutes and pour oat bran or flakes into the resulting broth. Flakes that do not require cooking will not work. It is better to take flakes "Hercules". Mix everything and close the lid - let it boil.

And at this time we will break into a cup egg, beat it with a fork, whisk or blender. When the soup boils, pour the beaten egg into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly.

Wash greens thoroughly and finely chop. You can take any greens. Standard set - onion, dill, parsley. But it should not be too much, so as not to interrupt delicate taste soup.

Sprinkle the soup with herbs and turn off. Let it brew for a few minutes and you can serve.

Warm chicken salad with oranges "Spicy"

To prepare the Spicy Salad you will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 1 small head;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pod;
  • parsley - a few branches;
  • refined sunflower or olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time - 20 minutes (+ 1 hour for pickling).

Calorie content - 94 kcal per 100 g.

Separate the chicken breast from the bones and skin, cut into small cubes. Peel the orange, divide into slices and cut into pieces of approximately the same size. We clean the garlic, wash the spinach and parsley thoroughly.

The chicken breast for this salad needs to be marinated so that it becomes tender and fragrant. To do this, chop the pepper, garlic and parsley with a blender and mix with olive oil. By the way, you can take less garlic, and the pod hot pepper replace with a few pinches of ground hot pepper - this is for those who do not really like spicy.

Mix meat with marinade and leave for an hour in the refrigerator.

After an hour, fry it on a dry hot pan without oil to golden brown. Chicken breast, especially marinated, cooks very quickly, so it is important not to overcook or overdry it.

When the meat is fried, the salad can be collected. Arrange spinach leaves in a single layer on a plate, slices of orange and golden chicken on top. Then sprinkle the salad with salt and serve.

Incredibly delicious - gourmet dessert with cocoa flavor.

Curd pie with apples - delicious and healthy dessert which you can afford on a diet.

Do you know how to cook delicious potato pancakes with minced meat? Read the cooking recipe.

Fried chicken breasts

To prepare diet fried chicken breasts you will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • spices (hops-suneli) - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • lemon juice - from half a lemon;
  • foil.

Cooking time - 45 minutes (+ 2 hours for salting).

Calorie content - 189 kcal per 100 g.

A healthy lifestyle and dietary nutrition is no reason to deny yourself fried chicken. It can also be useful, but very tasty. And besides, the meat according to this recipe will not burn, and after its preparation it will not be necessary to wash the stove and pan from greasy drops.

So, let's prepare the meat: peel the breast, remove the bones. Fillets need to be washed cold water and dry with paper towel. Dry meat will cook better.

Then rub the dried meat with spices and salt. We carefully wrap the prepared pieces in several layers of foil as tightly as possible, without voids.

We heat a dry frying pan and put a bundle of meat on it. Close the lid and leave for 20 minutes. Then fry on the other side for another 15 minutes and also under a closed lid.

Fried chicken is ready! But before you take it out, she needs to be allowed to cool a little so that she is soaked with her juice, and only then open the foil. Drizzle the meat with lemon juice before serving.

Diet dishes from chicken breasts in a slow cooker

Steam chicken meatballs with cauliflower

To prepare meatballs you will need:

  • chicken breast fillet - 400 g;
  • cauliflower - 400 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking time - 45–60 minutes (depending on the multicooker model).

Calorie content - 115 kcal per 100 g.

These meatballs will appeal to those who do not like cauliflower. It will give tenderness to chicken meat, but its taste will not be felt.

So, the cabbage needs to be disassembled into inflorescences and boiled for a couple of minutes in boiling salted water. Drain in a colander and set aside to drain excess water.

At this time, let's take care of the chicken - we twist the fillet in a meat grinder.

Cabbage, which has already flown around and cooled down, is slightly squeezed out with our hands and also passed through a meat grinder.

Mix cabbage and minced chicken, drive in the egg, add salt and spices. They should not be too spicy or spicy. You can take, for example, Italian or Provencal herbs. Or you can just add a pinch of ready-made seasoning for chicken dishes.

We knead the minced meat and form small neat meatballs.

Pour water into the multicooker bowl (its amount depends on the specific model). On top we place a container for steaming (usually it comes with a slow cooker) and transfer our meatballs into it.

Diet pastrami of chicken breasts

To make pastrami you will need:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 3 large cloves;
  • grain mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil refined or olive - 2 tablespoons;
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

Calorie content - 157 kcal per 100 g.

Anyone who finds it difficult to refuse sandwiches with sausage or ham should definitely try this dish. Pastroma is healthy, natural, low-calorie and very, very tasty.

You can cook it in the oven and in the slow cooker. In any case, it cooks very quickly.

We start by brining the breast. This will help get rid of the dryness inherent in white chicken meat and get a tender and juicy product.

Remove the skin, leave the meat with the bones. Dilute salt in water. We prick the breast in several places with a knife, fork or wooden skewer. We soak it in brine for about 2 hours (or more if there is no free time for cooking).

Peel the garlic and cut each clove into several pieces. We take out the fillet from the brine, dry it with paper towels. Next, you need to make several even cuts in it, in which to put pieces of garlic.

Mix mustard with oil and add a couple of pinches of pepper. Rub the breast with this mixture.

Then we put it in the multicooker bowl and set the "baking" mode. The time depends on the specific multicooker, but on average it is 8-10 minutes for one side and the same for the other. If the multicooker has 3D heating, then you do not need to turn the pastrami over.

When the right time has elapsed, the chicken breast cannot be taken out immediately. Let it lie down in a closed slow cooker for 2 hours until it cools down. During this time, meat juices will be evenly distributed in it, it will become tender, but dense, and it can be cut sharp knife into thin pieces.

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken breast in the oven cooks quickly, and the result is always excellent. Children love this meat very much for its delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Chicken breast baked in the oven will decorate any table and satisfy the most demanding tastes of your guests.

This meat allows for many cooking options. different dishes: chicken breast with potatoes in the oven, chicken breast in the oven with cheese, chicken breast with mushrooms in the oven, chicken breast with tomatoes in the oven, chicken breast with pineapples in the oven, chicken breast with vegetables in the oven, chicken breast in sauce in the oven. Some chefs also offer other interesting options: chicken breast in foil in the oven, stuffed chicken breast in the oven.

Check out these recipes and you will definitely get a delicious chicken breast in the oven too. If you exclude any fat and oil from the recipe, and use juicy vegetables, you will get a dietary chicken breast in the oven. This option is described in detail in the recipes. Vegetables and mushrooms will do their job, you will have a juicy chicken breast in the oven.

Chicken breast is a versatile product. Let you have chicken breast, cheese, tomatoes. In the oven, they are perfectly combined, you just need to properly season them with spices. The second option for a set of products: chicken breast, mushrooms, cheese - in the oven you get at least tasty dish.

Have you read the recipes on our website? Let's cook. First, learn the basic recipes for preparing this dish. Chicken breast in the oven - recipes with photos are presented on our website. In addition, photos of finished dishes will help you make right choice. To prepare the dish “chicken breast in the oven”, you should first look at the photo, and then decide which option to choose. Maybe you can invent interesting dish, for example, chicken breast in foil in the oven - we are ready to show its recipe to other housewives. Let it be yours own recipe chicken breast with potatoes in the oven or an exclusive recipe for baked chicken breast in the oven. Novice housewives will be grateful to you if they can cook, for example, chicken breast with cheese in the oven, the recipe of which you sent to our website.

And if you learned how to cook chicken fillet in the oven, or is it possible to bake a chicken breast in foil, take note of a few more tips on this topic:

During the cooking process, the breast meat may become dry, as it contains little fat. To make the breasts more juicy and tasty, put a slice of bacon on top or put a slice of lemon or onion in the cut.

Chicken meat can be given a unique taste by leaving the meat to marinate in sour cream garlic sauce during few hours.

Spices and seasonings will emphasize the great taste of the chicken. In some Asian countries, chicken is richly flavored with cardamom, turmeric, curry, and ginger. Also, chicken is ideally combined with pepper, marjoram, rosemary, coriander.

Many people appreciate chicken fillet primarily for its dietary properties, but at the same time, this is precisely the reason for the low popularity of this meat. If cooked incorrectly, chicken breast will be very dry and not very tasty. Therefore, we want to tell you about how a dietary chicken breast should be baked in the oven in order to remain juicy, fragrant, tasty, but not harm the figure.

Ways to cook chicken breast

How to cook chicken fillet so that it has a rich taste and remains low in calories? Of course, for this you need to avoid frying. In this case, use different sauces and marinades. Of course, in this case We are not talking about store-bought mayonnaise. The most optimal way to cook chicken breast in terms of diet food It's baking in the oven.

Chicken fillet in a crust of parsley and pepper

Required Ingredients:

  • 4 chicken breast(without bone and skin);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a handful of parsley;
  • small red pepper;
  • 2 spoons of olive oil.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Put the breasts in a baking dish, after rubbing it with spices and herbs to taste. Coarsely chop the red pepper and chop it in a blender along with parsley and garlic, then pour it in olive oil and stir.

Grate the chicken with this mixture, add a few tablespoons of water to the baking dish and send it to the oven for about 25 minutes, without covering the dish with anything.

Chicken fillet in a sleeve or bag for baking

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 chicken breasts on the bone;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of hot chili sauce with garlic;
  • a teaspoon of European sweet mustard;
  • a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
  • seasoning for chicken;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Mix mustard with hot sauce, oil, black pepper, rub the chicken fillet with the resulting mixture, adding chopped garlic to it. Let the chicken breasts marinate for a few hours. Then put them in a baking sleeve and place in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees for about 40 minutes. Then increase the temperature, cut the bag and bake for another 10 minutes until the fillet is browned.

Chicken fillet baked in sour cream sauce

Required Ingredients:

  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 8 bay leaves;
  • 5 spoons of sour cream;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • hops-suneli;
  • salt.

Cover the baking dish with foil. Rub the breast with the pepper and seasoning mixture, then stuff with the garlic cloves. Then coat the fillet on all sides with sour cream. Break the bay leaves into pieces, put them around the fillet. Put the mold in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees, for about half an hour. After this time, increase the temperature to 200 degrees and bake until the chicken is ready.

It is rich in protein and contains virtually no fat. However, it is fat that gives food its taste, and in order to cook chicken breast tasty and dietary, you need to try. Here marinades will help you, various ways cooking, spices and spices.

During weight loss, you can eat not only boiled meat. Losing weight available various ways cooking dietary products like roasting, stewing, grilling, blanching, simmering plastic bag, frying on a non-stick frying pan. Chicken breast can be cooked in the form of chops, diet cutlets, muffins, crumble into a salad or stuff it.

You can start chicken breast with a mixture of, and, fresh or. The taste of the baked breast with fillet will change if you crush it a small amount cheese. Choose low-fat cheese that won't add many extra calories to the dish.

Cutlets and muffins can be cooked according to the same principle by mixing chopped in a blender with, and two teaspoons. You will have enough such cutlets for several days - you do not have to stand at the stove.

Salads with chicken breast are always tastier than without it. It goes well with any vegetable.

Any recipe can be made healthier and more dietary. The most non-dietary is frying in oil. The meat absorbs the oil and becomes more caloric, so you will have to refuse frying in oil. If oil cannot be avoided, then use its minimum amount - one teaspoon.

Always remove skin and visible fat from the breast. Fillet and chicken breast are not the same thing. The calorie content of the breast with skin is greater than that of the fillet.

Cheese should also be chosen with low fat content. A good option- and others diet cheeses. Remember that a serving of cheese is 30 grams, so calculate it for the recipe so that you do not eat more than you need.

Tender chicken fillet is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and dietary. And its delicate taste goes well with many different products. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that there are so many chicken breast recipes.

It can be boiled, dried, fried and baked. In a word, chicken dishes leave a wide scope for imagination. But let's dwell on the preparation of chicken breast baked in foil.

Juicy chicken breast in foil in the oven

For this recipe, you will need food-grade aluminum foil. A dish cooked in foil is protected from the heat of the oven, so it turns out tender and juicy.

  • chicken fillet - 2 pcs. or 800 gr.;
  • onion (Yalta) - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • French mustard - 1 tsp;
  • asparagus - 200 gr.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calories: 1200 kcal.

Ingredients that you do not have can always be easily replaced. For example, instead of sunflower oil, butter or any other is used. And asparagus can be replaced even with canned peas.

Products need to be prepared. Wash the fillet and dry it with a paper towel, wash and peel the onions, peel the carrots.

Next, prepare the sauce. To do this, beat the egg with a whisk, add mustard and oil. In the sauce, add your favorite spices to taste and garlic cloves, passed through a press. Meat can be baked in one dish or in portions.

If preparing individual portions, then you need to cut a sheet of foil into squares. They should be large enough to completely wrap the meat in them.

Cut the fillet into portioned pieces. Place one piece on each square of foil. Either peas or boiled asparagus, onion circles and thin carrot circles are added to the meat.

Top with sauce. We wrap the foil tightly and send all the blanks to the oven.

The dish is cooked at 180°C for about 30 minutes or less. If the meat is not baked in portions, but in one large piece, this time can be extended.

Chicken breast in sour cream

  • breast - 400 gr.;
  • sour cream 25% fat - 5 tablespoons;
  • different peppercorns;
  • dill or parsley - to taste;
  • Bay leaf- 6 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.

Calorie content: 700 kcal.

Let's consider in detail how you can bake chicken breast with sour cream in the oven in foil. Wash the breast well. Grind the pepper, add your favorite spices to it to taste and mix. Now you need to thoroughly rub the meat with the resulting mixture.

With a sharp knife, we make small cuts in the breast and stuff it with garlic cloves. On all sides, you need to coat the meat with sour cream, mixed with finely chopped dill and salt. Leave some of the dill.

It is very important that seasonings and sour cream penetrate all cuts on the meat properly. In order for it to be better saturated with the taste and aroma of seasonings, it can be left for an hour in the refrigerator.

Line a baking dish with foil and lay out the meat. Put a broken bay leaf next to it. Seal the foil tightly. Bake in an oven heated to 180°C for about 45 minutes.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, remove the dish, open the foil and return it to the oven. This is done so that a crispy crust forms on the meat. Ready meal sprinkle with chopped dill.

It is very tasty to complement this recipe with mushrooms. Any mushrooms, but best of all champignons, thoroughly wash, peel and cut. Put the mushrooms together with the meat on foil and pour over the sauce. Combination chicken meat, mushrooms and sour cream - a win-win option in order to please both home and guests.

Chicken fillet with tomatoes and zucchini

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • small zucchini - 1-2 pcs.;
  • cherry tomato - 10 pcs.;
  • cheese - 160-200 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • a slice of lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard - 0.5 tsp

Calories: 1500 kcal.

The recipe for chicken breast with zucchini and tomatoes in foil in the oven will really appeal to lovers of vegetables in combination with white meat. Wash the breast under running water and dry with a paper towel. We combine all the ingredients for the marinade and mix thoroughly: add mustard, garlic, passed through a press, and lemon juice into the cream.

The meat must be pierced with a knife in several places along the fibers. After that, generously lubricate the breast with marinade and cling film put in the refrigerator for an hour. During this time, the meat will acquire the desired taste of spices. And the food film will not release a drop of meat juice, and the dish will be very juicy.

Wash and prepare vegetables. Peel and cut the onion the way you like best: rings or half rings. You can cut it very small. It is advisable to take a small and young zucchini. Cut it into slices too. Salt the vegetables.

Line a baking dish with foil. Put the marinated meat on it. Put vegetables on top and around: onions, whole tomatoes and zucchini rings. Sprinkle 100 gr. cheese, grated. Wrap the foil tightly and send the dish to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C for 1 hour. A few minutes before the readiness to open the foil, and pour the rest of the cheese on top. The dish will be fragrant and tasty. It can be served with boiled potatoes, rice or pasta.

Oatmeal cutlets are a healthy and tasty dish. You definitely need to include this dish in your diet.

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recipe delicious cookies on margarine. simple recipes. which even a novice hostess can cook.

Dietary chicken fillet in foil

Chicken meat baked according to this recipe will appeal to those who follow a diet, it will be juicy and fragrant.

  • fillet - 400 gr.;
  • kefir - 5 tablespoons;
  • dill and parsley - to taste;
  • spices: salt, lemon pepper, cinnamon, thyme.

Calories: 500 kcal.

The meat must be washed, dried and cut into 5 pieces. From the rest of the products we prepare the marinade: add finely chopped greens, spices to kefir and knead until the salt is completely dissolved.

Put the meat into the resulting mixture and leave for about 20 minutes. It can be longer. The meat will be saturated with the taste of the marinade and, most importantly, will be juicy. Cover the form with foil. We spread the meat and pour it with the remaining marinade. Seal the foil tightly.

You need to bake the meat at a temperature of 180 ° C for about half an hour. After the dish is ready, you need to get it out of the oven and leave it to rest covered with foil for about ten minutes. So dietary chicken breast in foil will not lose its juiciness.

Interesting Facts About Cooking Chicken Meat

  1. In order for the chicken fillet to retain its juiciness, after it is washed, it must be placed for 15 minutes in a bowl of warm salted water;
  2. In order not to release the water that the meat has been saturated with, you need to grease it with vegetable or melted butter;
  3. Chicken "loves" spices. It must be properly rubbed with any spices you like. Curry, paprika, and turmeric work well;
  4. After cooking, the meat needs a little time to "depart" from cooking. Let lie covered with foil for 10 minutes;
  5. It is best to use chilled meat for roasting, not frozen. In any case, it must be fresh. A dish cannot be tasty if low-quality products are used.

Chicken meat goes well with many vegetables, pineapples, potatoes and mushrooms. It can be cooked with sour cream, mustard sauce, using ready-made soy sauce, just with vegetable oil or baked in wine.

Calorie 100 gr. baked chicken breast in foil in the oven is only 148 kcal. Therefore, chicken fillet is rightfully considered one of the most dietary and, at the same time, affordable meat products.

Cooked chicken meat is stored for about 3 days in the refrigerator and a day at room temperature.