Classic cake "Napoleon" from Soviet times. Napoleon cake classic recipe with custard

Who does not remember what the real one looks like, home cake Napoleon and the classic, Soviet-era recipe has been used for many generations. Tasty, big, usually purchased cakes are made strictly, according to shapes and weight, while homemade ones often turn out larger. Hearty, it is really full of calories, you can say "death to the figure", but how much joy!

Usually mom or grandmother specially baked it before her birthday. Cakes were rarely bought, and there is not much choice in the store. It is now possible to order any cake in cooking, of any size and design. But the taste of homemade, real "Napoleon" is still not to be forgotten.

Probably every family has its own, classic recipes, which immediately recall childhood. Grandma's pies, dad's porridge, air pancakes... and on holidays, Napoleon cake is a must, where the recipe is classic, of the Soviet era, without fillers, thickeners and other "chemistry". Only regular ingredients, natural composition.

Option 1 - "Napoleon"

This is a cake made with custard. The ingredients are designed for a large, 2 kg cake. By the way, it is better to make cakes, cream on your own, although they are sold ready-made. Let the Napoleon cake come out homemade, 100% real.

What will be required:

Wheat flour (only the highest grade) 700 g;

Egg - medium;

A pinch of salt;

Butter - 250 g.,

Fatty milk -1 l;

Eggs - 6 pcs;

Sugar (only sand) - 450 g;

Wheat flour (only the highest grade) - 4 table. spoons;

Vanillin 1 g or vanilla sugar 1-2 teaspoons;

Butter - 250 g.


A step-by-step recipe with a photo will help even an inexperienced chef to create a miracle - a delicious, homemade cake, to please loved ones. By the way, there is no need to wait for someone's birthday or other holiday. Why not treat your family to a cake once again. Celebrate the end of Monday or Friday?

First you need to make several identical cakes. Pour the flour into a large bowl, followed by butter cut into large cubes for convenience (similar to margarine). The oil must first be heated to obtain softness. Then, using a large knife, chop it into small crumbs, mixing with flour at the same time.

Take a separate glass, break an egg into it, add salt, then beat them. Add about 250 ml of ordinary, cold water, mix everything until it comes out uniform consistency. Pour the mass into the dough, then knead the dough. First with a spoon, then with your hands. The recipe, inherited from my grandmother, requires a plastic, non-sticky dough.

Wrap the dough in a piece of cling film or a bag, then hide in the refrigerator, let it stand. Step 1 in the preparation of the custard cake is completed. It's time for the cream itself. Take a pot, about 3 liters in volume. Pour all the milk into it, heat it up. Separately, in a cup, break all the eggs, vanillin (analogue of vanilla sugar), flour (set aside for cream) and beat thoroughly, the main thing is not to leave lumps. It is more convenient with a blender, but you can also use a fork (whisk) in the old fashioned way.

Slowly pour a glass of warmed milk into the mass, continuing to whisk. Then pour in the rest. After moving the cream from the bowl to the pan, cook it, stirring, until the concentration increases. The cream thickens in about 20-30 minutes. The readiness of the cream is easy to check - swipe with a spoon, if the path remains, it's ready.

That's it, turn off the fire, let the cream cool down. It is important to wait for complete cooling. Pulling out already chilled dough and divide it equally into 8 parts of the same mass. Turn on the oven, set it to 180 or 200 degrees, let it heat up.

Here you need a sheet of parchment, special, for baking. And a flat, comfortable pallet. Next, leave one piece of the dough, hide the others again in the refrigerator.

Now the task is to roll out an even cake. Method 1 - use a rolling pin. Method 2 - cut off the desired piece from the parchment, lay out the dough and spread it on the parchment with your hands to the desired thickness and size of the cake. Method 3 - put the dough on top of the parchment, flatten it a little, then cover with the second part and go over the top with a rolling pin a couple of times, rolling it out. Then remove the top layer.

When thinking about how to make a beautiful, even cake, choose any method. After all, "Napoleon" made with custard is good for its thin, beautiful cakes. By the way, it is not necessary to make it round. Can be square or rectangular. Choose the shape initially by rolling out the first one more cake. The rest will be customized.

Next, transfer the parchment with the already rolled cake to a flat tray (baking tray). Pierce with a fork in a dozen places, otherwise the dough will puff up. The baking time for each of the cakes is approximately 7-15 full minutes, depending on how powerful the oven is and how warm it is. While one is baking, roll out the other.

The number of cakes, too, see for yourself. It says 8, some make 5 or 12. This is the beauty of the idea of ​​making a Napoleon cake at home. You decide the height, size and shape of the cake, as well as the number of ingredients. It's time to take on the cooled custard. Beat it until the yellowness is lightened to a pure, white color. In a separate, small bowl, place the oil and put the cream in parts, 3 full tablespoons each.

You stir everything. Now it's time to assemble the pieces of the cake. Take a convenient, flat plate, put the cakes there one by one, lubricating each with cream. There will be 3 full, tablespoons (per cake). Next, with a knife, carefully trim the protruding edges, cutting off the excess. Fold all the pieces separately, in addition, leave the last of the cakes.

Crush the cake with a pusher, cut off parts to small pieces. Decorate the cake with them. From above, sprinkle the sides. Everything, the most delicious cake known to us from childhood is worth it! True, he will need 6 hours of downtime, because the cakes need to become soft, soaked in cream.

By the way, old recipe can be supplemented with modern delights, especially if the cake is needed for a holiday. It is easy to mold any figures from ready-made (or homemade) mastic. Stick candles for a real birthday. At the same time there is a home made loving hands the cake is much tastier and more expensive.

Option 2 - "Napoleon"

Also with custard, homemade cream, only on yolks.

Would need:

Flour - 2 full glasses;

Butter -350 g;

Lemon juice (dessert spoon);

Cold water - 1/4 of a glass.

For cream:

A liter of milk;

8 yolks (already separated);

Sugar - 2 full glasses;

Butter - 200 g.


Stock up on patience, a positive attitude and plans for sweets, homemade dessert. The procedure begins as expected, with a test. You need a puff, first sift the flour into a convenient, large bowl. Separate ¼, the rest will grind by adding oil.

Transfer about ¼ of the flour immediately separately, into a deep container. Put a slide, making a small hole. Mix separately lemon juice, water, plus a broken egg. Pour this mixture into the hole. Stir until the most homogeneous, ready-made mass comes out. Mix quickly, the main thing is to prevent the elasticity of the dough, it should remain soft, even tender. Roll out a layer of dough and set aside for a while, let it stand.

Next, take ¾ of the remaining flour. The butter needs to be melted, soft. It is better to initially leave it like this, in the room, and when it becomes soft, chop into several approximately the same, large pieces, add to flour. Next, continue to grind the butter, using the knife already in the flour, mixing the ingredients until plastic comes out, soft dough. Roll it out and add to the already prepared layer.

Wrap the layers in an envelope and send to cool in the refrigerator. Let stand for about 30 minutes. Next, take out the layers, roll out to 1.5 cm. Roll again, return to the refrigerator. Wait 5-10 minutes, then pull it out and roll it out again and so on 4-5 full times until you get a visually finished puff pastry. There will be 8-10 identical cakes.

Divide the dough, turn on the oven at the same time, let it heat up by setting 200 degrees. Cakes are baked for 5-7 minutes. Before baking, each one needs to be pierced a dozen more times with a fork so that they do not swell. Finished cakes leave it to cool down on its own. At the same time, estimate the future size, shape of the cake. In principle, this is done even at the time of rolling. "Napoleon" is good both round and square. There are even polygonal options (skillful hands of the hostess).

The main secret of a special taste is thin, identical cakes. Housewives have to mess with them the longest, so probably many people prefer ready-made cakes from the store. Although under the “Napoleon” you won’t get by ready, it’s a special cake. And ready-made ones will not give nostalgia, when everything had to be done independently, the concept of “semi-finished product” did not exist. Sinter the rest of the dough, then add to the powder.

Put the milk to bask until it boils, mix the sugar with the separated yolks, beat them, adding vanillin and flour there. The main thing is to destroy all lumps. Pour 70-100 g of warmed milk into the whipped mixture, this will give it the desired fluidity.

Next, the milk boils, add the fluid mixture to it in the pan, stirring. By the way, so that lumps do not form, stir once, adhering to one chosen direction. As the cream begins to thicken, turn off and wait until it cools down.

Enter everything into a warm cream butter, beat. You can take a mixer or a blender, then the cream will come out tender, airy, although a simple whisk will do. Everything, the parts are ready, it's time to assemble the cake. Do not spare the cream, because the cakes need to be saturated with it to the maximum. Do not forget to leave a small part for greasing then the sides and top. Under the cake, take a comfortable, flat plate. Collect the cake one by one, carefully smearing the top of each. You can press a little on top, evenly distributing the cream layer. Don't go overboard with fat.

The powder will be the final act. Trim the edges of the cakes with a knife, cutting off the protruding parts. Collect everything. By the way, you can take the last of the cakes, entirely for powder. Pour everything into a tall, comfortable bowl, chop it with a crush. Then, with the remaining cream, treat the top, sides of the cake, then sprinkle with powder.

The impatient, of course, want to immediately cut off a piece for themselves, but the real “Napoleon” is tastier. Therefore, it’s better to put it in the refrigerator for now, let the cakes get nourished, become soft, at the same time the cake will acquire that sweetness familiar from childhood, when children from neighboring houses came running to the cake. After all, my grandmother cooked a big one, enough for everyone.

Probably, rare birthdays did without homemade, self-cooked cakes. For children, the cooking process was more like magic, when dexterous mother's or grandmother's hands literally fluttered over the table, and a single cake was assembled from incomprehensible parts. Now thanks to detailed recipe all stages are clear.

By the way, real, rustic oil was used before, fat milk. The flour was carefully sifted with a large, old sieve, and the cream was whipped with an ordinary whisk or fork. Now there are blenders, rustic oil, if desired, can be found. Although many consider classic recipe too greasy. This is so, because a lot of butter is used here, milk is also fatty. The cake comes out hearty, but airy.

As you can see, it has simple, affordable ingredients and often “Honey cake” or “Napoleon”, “Turtle” was cooked at home, especially villagers. Sometimes there are no shops there, and you want to treat your children and yourself to something sweet. The cake became an excellent occasion to gather a family, at the same time neighbors, neighborhood children, because they lived calmly, in an open courtyard, together.

Of course, life has changed, the age of technology, high-speed cars, the Internet. But the taste of that real "Napoleon" cannot be forgotten, it remained both in memory and in the heart. After all, with every ingredient, with every stage of cooking, mom, grandmother conveyed their love. Bake at home, bake more often, delight loved ones, yourself, remember old recipes. It's part of the culture, part of the nostalgia.


  • Wheat flour - 850 grams.
  • Eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Butter - 500 grams.
  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Sugar - 450 grams.
  • Vanillin - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt.

popular dessert

Each of us is familiar with the Napoleon cake, a classic recipe from the Soviet era that will certainly evoke nostalgic feelings, memories of important family events and magnificent celebrations. And let it all be in the past, nothing prevents you from cooking classic cake Napoleon today, having pleased his household and guests, creating new touching memories of a family meeting.

Melting in your mouth, light, with delicate custard - the legendary Napoleon cake is especially loved throughout the post-Soviet space. But also in Western countries No pastry shop is complete without this dessert. The Italians and French call it "millefeuille" or a thousand layers, the British use the name "cream slice" or "vanilla slice".

In America, the cake is known under the familiar name Napoleon. In Holland, the Napoleon cake is prepared not with the classic custard, but with whipped cream, and the finished cakes are covered with pink icing, a similar dessert is called Tompouce. But no matter what name this cake is given, it always remains one of the most favorite treats for children and adults.

Interestingly, the appearance of the classic Napoleon cake recipe is sometimes associated with the celebration of the centenary of the victory over the French troops of Napoleon Bonaparte and their expulsion from Russia. In honor of this event, many new drinks and foods were invented, one of which was a triangular puff pastry with delicate cream.

The shape was not chosen by chance, it was associated with the famous cocked hat of the French emperor, and the dessert itself quickly became popular. Today, the Napoleon cake with custard is prepared according to the same recipe, but the shape of the cakes can be rectangular or even round, which does not affect the taste in any way.

By the way, there is another version of the appearance of the name of this cake. According to her, the dessert was invented not by Russians at all, but by Italian confectioners in Naples, giving their masterpiece a name in honor of their native city - Napolitano, and later it was distorted into the familiar "Napoleon".

The recipe for the classic Napoleon cake with custard has come down to us in original form, although modern confectioners like to add something of their own to it.

Step by step following the recipe with a photo, everyone can easily prepare a classic Napoleon cake in their kitchen, and the delight on the faces of loved ones who have tried at least a piece will be a worthy payment for their efforts.


It may seem to many that it is unrealistic to master the recipe for the classic Napoleon cake at home, but this is not at all the case. The biggest problem is to cook and bake the cakes correctly, because mixing the cream is, in principle, not difficult.

A step-by-step recipe with a photo allows you to prepare a classic Napoleon cake weighing about 2 kg from the specified amount of ingredients.

  1. On initial stage you need to make dough for cakes.
  2. 250 g of butter should be well cooled in advance (you can keep it in the freezer) and chop it into cubes. Oil can be changed if desired. creamy margarine, it will not greatly affect the taste, but it will significantly save the budget.
  3. Sift flour (700 grams) into a deep bowl, add the prepared butter and, using a knife or a special blender nozzle, chop the mass until a homogeneous crumbly state.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the egg with a pinch of salt, whisking lightly. Pour about a glass (250 ml) of ice water there, continuing to beat until smooth.
  5. Add the resulting mass to the butter-flour crumbs, quickly kneading the dough, first stir with a spoon, and then with your hands. Ready dough should be smooth, plastic, not sticky. You need to roll a ball out of it, wrap it with a film and leave it in the refrigerator for a while.
  6. At this stage, you should prepare the classic custard for the Napoleon cake, the recipe is not difficult.
  7. Pour milk into a saucepan with a volume of about 3 liters, put on medium heat. It is best to use full fat milk, at least 3.2%.
  8. In a deep bowl, combine 6 eggs, sugar with vanilla, beat into a homogeneous foam. Gradually add 4 tbsp to the mixture. l. flour, continuing to knead until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  9. Pour a full glass from a container with hot milk, immediately pour the latter into the egg mass, whisking quickly.
  10. ready mix pour into the milk in a saucepan. With constant stirring, cook until thickened over low heat (about 15-20 minutes). Remove saucepan from heat, leaving to cool completely.

Now you can get the dough out of the refrigerator.

  1. The ball should be divided into 8 identical parts, one left, the rest put back in the cold. Roll out 1/8 of the dough into a very thin cake, laying on baking parchment. At this stage, you can give the cake any shape.
  2. Put the paper with the cake on a baking sheet, pierce in several places with a fork so that the dough does not bubble during baking.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180-200 ° (depending on the specific model) and put the cake in it for 7-15 minutes.
  4. While one cake is baking, roll out the next, and then bake in the same way. The result should be 8 cakes.
  5. When the cakes are ready, you can again take up the cream. To do this, beat the remaining butter (250 g) until white, then add 2-3 tablespoons of the cooled cream to it at a time, continuing to beat. It is worth saying that the butter should be unsalted and of very high quality, vegetable impurities will spoil the taste, and in no case should you replace it with margarine.
  6. Spread the cooled cakes one by one on a large flat dish, spreading each with the prepared cream (about 3 tablespoons per layer). During the assembly process, it is worth slightly breaking off the protruding pieces from the edges of the cakes, folding them separately. Do not use one cake.
  7. Grind the set aside cake and fragments into crumbs, then sprinkle the cake with it on all sides.

Place the finished cake in the refrigerator. And after at least 6 hours, you can treat guests.

This recipe with a photo allows you to enjoy original taste classic Napoleon cake. If you want to make it even tastier, you can add lemon juice to the dough, and when spreading with cream, sprinkle the cakes with crushed nuts. The cream itself can also be made brighter by adding berry or fruit puree, sweet syrup.

Cake with an unusual fate. Either it was a favorite dessert of aristocrats, or it was considered the food of the poor. Be that as it may, for most of us, it awakens wonderful memories of childhood, when it seemed the most delicious in the world.

Of course, in childhood, “the trees were taller and the grass greener” (and the products were of better quality), but you can get closer to this taste even now. Choose the best and tastiest country eggs, quality oil and flour, slowly and lovingly prepare the custard - and the classic Napoleon cake will delight you with its tenderness and enveloping taste.
I attach the recipe, as always, step by step, with photos, but if something remains unclear, be sure to ask in the comments.


For test:

  • Butter - 300 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Ice water - 150 ml.
  • Vinegar (6%) or lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1/8 teaspoon
  • Flour - 600/650 g.

For custard:

  • Milk - 800 ml.
  • Sugar sand - 160 g.
  • Vanilla sugar- 2 teaspoons
  • Egg yolks - 8 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 80 g.

How to cook a delicious homemade "Napoleon" (classic recipe)

In very cold water(150 ml) pour lemon juice (2 tablespoons). Water can be held in the freezer for several minutes, let ice begin to form on the surface. This is the kind of water we need for proper homemade test from which "Napoleon" is baked.

In a separate bowl, break two chicken eggs(I have a category of CO, the largest, selected). Eggs must be from the refrigerator. Do you know the secret of delicious homemade dough for "Napoleon"? Very cold foods that will not mix well. Such a dough (it is called chopped) will be crumbly and crumbly, resembling puff pastry. But if you knead with warm ingredients, you will end up with hard cakes that not even the most liquid cream will soak.

Put 1/8 teaspoon salt to the eggs. In the photo, my spoon is not a teaspoon, but much smaller in size, so it seems that there is a lot of salt. Actually no, 1/8, as indicated in the cake recipe. Salt brings out the taste of baking, do not neglect it. In addition, in this recipe, salt plays an additional baking powder.

Combine the mixed eggs with water and lemon juice.

Stir the liquid until smooth and while we rub the oil, put the bowl of liquid ingredients in the refrigerator.

Butter must be grated with large cells. It would be superfluous to say that the oil should also be cold. Despite the fact that the butter is stored in the refrigerator, before preparing the cake, I put it in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. When I rub on a grater - I put on gloves, this allows you to create a barrier between the oil and warm hands. And hands don't get dirty. If you are the lucky owner of a powerful food processor, knead the chopped dough in it (minimum contact with your hands).

Wishing for delicious crumbly dough, cutting board, grater, rolling pin and knife, I put in the freezer for half an hour before cooking. Of course, this is an optional step. If there is no room in the freezer - do not bother!

I sift flour (600 g) on ​​a convenient horizontal surface. Remember that in winter time years in apartments and houses, the air is very dry (due to heating), the flour also becomes more crumbly and different in density, so its amount may vary (but it should take 600-650 grams on average).

Now spread the ice-cold butter shavings into the flour.

We pick up the most convenient wide knife and begin to mix the butter with flour with arbitrary movements. The butter should be mixed with flour as best as possible, until small pieces (the size of a fingernail) are formed. Now you understand why the dough is called chopped? We “chop” flour and butter, turning it into crumbs.

We build a hole-well in the flour crumb and pour cold eggs with water. And we begin to collect the dough into a ball. I must say right away that you will not like the process =), since it will be difficult to assemble, the dough strives to crumble again, but just this fact means that everything is going according to plan, the cake layers will turn out to be so layered, crumbly, airy . In principle, the dough is collected within 1-2 minutes, but if it happens to you that it does not stay in a lump in any way, add ice water a teaspoon and collect the dough.

When the dough is gathered into a ball, we need to divide it into several balls, approximately equal in weight. You can get confused and measure on the scales. Can be divided by eye.

I get about 10 balls of dough (divided by eye). Now we put it on a large plate with a flat bottom or leave it on a board, cover with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour. Do not skip this step: if the dough does not lie down in the cold, it will not be able to roll into a cake. During infusion, the components combine with each other and the dough becomes more elastic, but the butter does not melt. We remember that if the butter starts to melt, this automatically means that we will get a hard and tasteless dough crust.

During the preparation of homemade dough for the "Napoleon" for me, a marker that the butter is melting is the shine of the dough. It shouldn't be shiny! See the shine - send it to the refrigerator. And the second marker, the dough should not be sticky. If it starts to stick to your hands, this is also a signal that the oil is melting. We do the same - refrigerate.

15 minutes before the start of rolling the cakes, turn on the oven at 200 C. This is important! The cakes should immediately begin to bake at a high temperature, so preheat the oven well in advance.

After an hour, we take out one ball of dough from the refrigerator and begin to roll it into a thin cake. If it happens that the cake literally breaks, then let it warm up. But usually the dough rolls out perfectly, maybe only the first few seconds are hard, then it becomes more and more pliable from the heat of your hands. We roll out the thickness of a match, very thin, such as an exhaust fan, is not necessary. A thickness of 0.3 cm is sufficient.

After rolling out, I transfer the dough to parchment paper, on which the cake will be baked and then I cut out an even circle. I use a saucepan lid for this, its base is so sharp that even a knife is not required. I attached the lid, pressed down with my whole body, and the cake squeezed out. If you didn’t find such a miracle cover on your farm, it’s okay. Attach a plate of the size you need, cut it along the contour with a knife - and that's it! Do not remove the rest of the cake. Let them bake too, we will need them to sprinkle the cake with crumbs.

AT hot oven The cake is baked for 5-6 minutes. Prick the whole surface with a fork before sending it to the heat, although I will warn you right away: this will not help to completely get rid of the bubbles, but there will be much less of them. We stack the finished cakes on top of each other until all the dough is spent. In the photo I have five cakes, but this is not the final photo, but an intermediate one, in the process.

At the end of baking, I got more than 10 cakes. Despite the fact that there were only 10 balls of dough, by the middle of the process I realized that there were enough scraps for the crumbs, so I started mixing all the scraps into a ball and rolling it out again. You can do that too. Perhaps you will have less cake yield (or even more than mine). We all roll out differently, and the flour is different for everyone, the size of the eggs, too, etc.

The result should be the same: you have a stack of thin crispy cakes from homemade dough. What aroma fills the apartment during baking! My family is already starting to run into the kitchen and ask for a piece of shortbread. Hold fast: do not give the cakes to be eaten. You can try the baked crumble scraps. We want high beautiful cake? So everyone is patient and waiting.

The classic Napoleon cake is prepared with custard, I described how to cook it in a separate article. Cream on yolks, very tasty, follow the link to see step by step how to make it. I gave all the proportions exactly so that the cream was enough for a large cake.

The most delicious custard

I always cook custard in sufficient quantities, according to the principle (it is better to remain superfluous than not enough). Agree, you don’t want to be distracted while assembling the cake in order to cook (and most importantly, cool!) A new portion of the cream. In a separate recipe, I described in detail, (follow the link, there is step by step photos process).

Cream of butter and condensed milk is also excellent for the Napoleon cake. To prepare it, you need to beat 200 grams of butter into a light mass, and then, continuing to beat, add 1.5-2 cans of condensed milk (the amount of condensed milk depends on how thick the cream you plan to get).

What cream "Napoleon" is tastier? This is individual. In our family, both cakes are loved, but with custard they are asked to cook more often. Probably, classic taste defines everything

Assembling the cake

To distribute equal amount cream for all the cakes, I put them on the table and divide the cream so that everyone gets it. Only then do I collect them together, into one cake. So there will be no misses with the amount of cream.

The custard must be well chilled. Spread with a spatula over the entire surface of the cake, stack them on top of each other.

Coat the cake on all sides, including the top and sides.

Grind the rest of the cakes in a blender or put in a bag, tie it and beat it with a rolling pin.

Sprinkle the resulting crumb on all sides.

Let the cake soak in the refrigerator (at least 4 hours, but best left overnight). Many put the cake under weighting in order to soak it as best as possible. I don't do that. I like it when in some places (where there were bubbles) the cakes crunch.

But if you want a completely wet cake, do not cover the top with cream, but build a “oppression”. To do this, place a cutting board on top of the treat, and on it a two-liter jar of jam, for example. Of course, this whole structure should be in the refrigerator (you may have to remove one shelf).

Homemade cake "Napoleon" will turn out soaked, tender, very tasty!

If you post a photo of a cake according to this recipe on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can see photos of your masterpieces. I will be very pleased!

Hello dear readers of my culinary blog! Today I want to please you with a dessert and offer a classic recipe for the Napoleon cake of the Soviet era, which our mothers often used. My version with a photo will simplify the process as much as possible and make it understandable.

Such a cake will be a worthy end to dinner and will compete with purchased ones. For its production, natural, tasty ingredients are used. Your guests will appreciate the dessert and will certainly ask for more.

Dough Ingredients:

1. Butter - 260 gr.

2. Flour - 460 gr.

3. Salt - 1/3 teaspoon

4. Cold water - 160 gr.

5. Vinegar - 15 gr.

Cream Ingredients:

1. Egg - 3 pcs.

2. Sugar - 200 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

4. Starch - 30 gr.

5. Milk - 700 gr.

6. Butter - 150 gr.

Step by step cooking method:

1. First, I take the butter out of the refrigerator and cut it into small cubes. I put them in a mixing bowl. To make the pastries softer, you can replace the butter with margarine.

2. I only buy flour, which is more useful. Before cooking, I always sift it. I add flour to butter. I add salt to it. Ask why salt is in sweet pastries? Without it, the taste will be cloying, it is salt that sets off the sweetness and gives the dish harmony.

3. Now I grind the contents of the bowl to fine crumbs. This can be done by hand or with a regular fork.

4. In a separate glass I mix water with vinegar. It is best to use very cold water. To do this, I put it in the refrigerator before cooking.

I mix the creamy crumb with the vinegar solution and knead the dough. It must be brought to a state where it does not stick to the hands.

6. I roll each piece into a ball and put all the parts in a container, also sprinkled with flour. I put them in freezer for 30 minutes.

7. While my dough is cooling, I start preparing the cream. Classic variant performed with . If you do not feel like cooking it, you can make a cake with condensed milk, but it will turn out to be less tasty and juicy. In a separate bowl, I pour sugar to them.

9. Pour starch into the mixture and mix again until smooth.

10. Next, I put a saucepan of milk on a strong fire and watch it carefully until it boils. Pour hot milk very slowly, in a thin stream, into the egg mixture. To avoid the formation of lumps, it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture.

11. Now I pour everything from the bowl into a saucepan and again put it on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil, remembering to stir constantly.

12. I cook the cream until it thickens completely, after which I pour it into a large bowl and cool it to 30 degrees.

13. I add high-quality butter to the cooled mixture and stir with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency.

14. Now I leave ready cream and back to the test.

15. I move the container with pieces of dough to the refrigerator and take one piece at a time as the cakes are cooked.

Each round I roll into a layer, 1-2 mm thick.

16. The easiest way to make identical cakes is to use a template. For this I take the bottom from detachable form. But a regular plate can also work. The edges should protrude 1-2 cm.

I transfer the rolled layer onto baking paper by winding it on a rolling pin. At home, you can roll out the dough immediately on the back of the baking sheet. Before placing the dough in the oven, I prick it all over with a fork.

17. I put the cake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake it until golden brown. For this, 7-10 minutes are enough. If the cakes are thin, then the baking process will be faster.

I lay out the finished cake on a cutting board and immediately cut it according to the template. There is another option, you can cut it out before the oven and after taking it out, just separate the cake and the edges.

18. I leave the edges in a separate bowl for sprinkling. The rest of the cakes are baked in the same way.

19. To form a cake, I take a flat plate. I put a tablespoon of custard on its bottom and put the first cake. On top of it I put 3 tablespoons of cream and put the cake again.

20. So I collect the whole cake.

21. I distribute the remaining cream on the top and sides.

22. The sides need to be coated well. Better prepare more cream, but cook the cake properly.

23. The best way get small crumbs from the rest of the cakes, I put them in plastic bag, tie and roll out with a rolling pin. I sprinkle this crumb on the top and sides of the cake. For better distribution, I use a small spatula.

Most a tasty cake It turns out when he has enough time for impregnation. I make it ahead of time the night before and put it in the fridge overnight. It takes 8-10 hours to get a soft, juicy dessert.

24. The old, proven version of "Napoleon" is ready, you can serve it to the table, after cutting it into small pieces. Enjoy your meal.

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Posted on June 17, 2017

Napoleon cake is so delicious and desirable in almost every home. Still far away Soviet times many housewives shared their recipe for this cake with their girlfriends. Each family had its own recipe for cake and cream, which passed from mother to daughter from grandmother to granddaughter. But probably not everyone knows why this cake was called Napoleon.

There are several versions of the appearance of this particular name. Legend one. The name for this treat first “stuck” in 1912, when the hundred-year-old exile of Boanaparte from Russia was celebrated on a grand scale at the court. And they served a treat in the form of a triangle, which symbolized the cocked hat worn by Napoleon. This treat quickly gained recognition and was named Napoleon. So the name has survived to this day, although it has lost its original form.

It used to be that it was very difficult to cook a real Napoleon. That those chefs who cook Napoleon are simply top-class cooks. It is possible that such a belief developed due to the fact that in those days it was difficult and expensive to get all the ingredients for Napoleon.

Basically, butter was expensive and the hostesses prepared a cake on margarine, which is very indecent for this cake. And those who cooked in butter said that the cake was so delicious because of my secret recipe. So there was an opinion that somewhere there is the most real recipe Napoleon cake. That only according to this recipe you need to cook and then everything will turn out great.

Cake Napoleon step by step cooking recipe


  • 5 glasses of premium flour.
  • 300 grams of butter.
  • 1 fresh egg.
  • Half glass natural sour cream not a sour cream product, namely sour cream.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • 2 tablespoons of vodka.
  • Salt on the tip of a teaspoon.


☑ Before starting to prepare the dough, the flour must be sifted. Even if it is pure and of the highest grade, this sifting oxygenates the flour, which allows you to make more airy cakes.

☑ Only use frozen butter. We cut it into pieces. Of course, frozen butter is unpleasant to cut, but this is required by the recipe.

☑ Grind the pieces of butter with flour until crumbs appear. We do this with our hands and as quickly as possible so that the oil does not have time to melt.

☑ Break an egg into a cup, add salt and shake it with a fork or whisk until the salt dissolves.

☑ Pour the resulting mixture into the flour and knead the dough. It is also not worth fiddling with the dough for a long time, it is important to knead it before the butter melts. But it is also important to knead the dough so that all the ingredients make friends with each other. The dough should not stick to your hands. From the resulting dough we form a ball.

☑ It turned out such a bun that you need to leave for 30-40 minutes. Cover it with a bowl or towel and let it sit.

☑ After the allotted time, wrap the dough in cling film and send it to the refrigerator where it will stay exactly 60 minutes.

☑ After an hour, take out the dough, knead a little, roll it into a sausage and pour it into equal parts. From this amount of ingredients, on average, 13-15 equal pieces should be obtained. We form balls from them, transfer them with a film to avoid sticking together and again send them to the refrigerator.

☑ While the dough is cooling in the refrigerator, we will prepare a warm welcome for it, namely, we will heat the oven to 200 degrees.

☑ As soon as the thermometer approaches the mark, you can take one ball of dough and start processing it. Namely, we will roll out a ball of dough into a thin cake.

A small life hack so that the dough does not stick to the table, cover the table with baking paper. And roll out the dough right on the paper. And even when the cake is thin, it is very inconvenient to transfer it to a baking sheet. And with paper, it will be easier for you to cope with this.

☑ When the dough is rolled out to the desired thickness, put a plate on top of it and cut off the uneven edges. We transfer a beautiful and even cake to the oven, but before that you need to poke it with a fork so that the cake does not bubble in the oven.

The cooking time of the cake is 3-4 minutes. Don't keep it in the oven for too long. Cakes should be baked but not burnt. The color of the cakes should remain light.

Well, in general, the algorithm of actions is as follows. One cake is baked, the other is rolled out and so on until the victorious last cake.

When baking cakes, bumps or bubbles may appear on them, this is not scary and do not be upset if your cakes are all bubbling. It's not scary, it's the way it should be.

But what to do with those scraps from the cakes? We collect the remains in a lump, knead a little so that all the pieces are combined into one and rolled into a thin cake (possibly of irregular shape), we throw it into the oven. Bake until done.

This cake will go to decorate the cake. You can bake the leftovers immediately with the cake. They cut off the cake and, together with the remnants, threw it into the oven. You can also bake the cakes without cutting them, and then cut them off after baking, but it is so likely that the cakes will simply crack or break. So it's best to trim the cakes before they go into the oven.

Cakes are ready now you can start preparing the cream. Although this can be done while the dough is being prepared. Remember that we sent it to the refrigerator for an hour, during this time, while the dough cools and soaks, you can prepare the cream for the Napoleon cake. You can read more about custard on my friend's blog by clicking on this link. How to make custard.


  • 3 fresh eggs.
  • 1 liter of milk.
  • 4 tablespoons of flour.
  • 1 heaping glass of sugar.
  • 180 grams of butter.
  • 2 tablespoons brandy.
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla.
  • Salt a pinch.


In a deep bowl, beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt, and sugar. Using a blender or mixer, beat the eggs until foamy. But not too thick mass should remain liquid.

Add flour, cognac to eggs and mix well. Mix until it comes out homogeneous mass without flour lumps.

Add milk to room temperature and stir.

We transfer the bowl of creams to the stove with low heat. And we start heating the mass. It is important to constantly stir the cream, otherwise it may burn and all your efforts will be in vain.

Bring the cream to a low boil and cook it a little. The longer the cream boils, the thicker it will turn out.

The cream is almost ready, it remains to add butter to it.

Beat the butter with a mixer until creamy and add it to our custard. Constantly mixing with a mixer. When all the ingredients are mixed, let the cream cool a little in the refrigerator.


The cream has cooled down, the cakes have also cooled down, now it's time to start forming the cake.You can mold the cake on a tray if the cakes are of sufficient size or on a beautiful dish.

We put the cake on a dish and thoroughly coat it with custard.

We put the second cake on the first cake and grease it with cream in the same way. And so on until the last cake is missed.

Do not rush to smear the topmost cake with cream, let it remain without cream, as in the future it will interfere with us a little.

We do not regret the cream. When the last cake is smeared, the cake will need to be left for impregnation. This takes 40 minutes to an hour. The longer it sits, the better the cakes will soak.

After soaking the cakes, you need to press down the cake a little from top to bottom. We take something flat and large, preferably something that is larger than the cake and press the cake on top. But don't overdo it.

After this procedure, the cream will certainly come out between the cakes. If there is too much of it, then a part can be transferred to the top cake, and if not too much, then evenly distribute the rest of the cream on the sides of the cake.

From the remains of the cakes we make crumbs. Just breaking the cake with cookies. With this crumb we decorate the Napoleon cake from all sides. So crumble everywhere.

In this form, we leave the cake for another 5-6 hours for further impregnation. Then another 5-6 hours the cake should stand in the refrigerator. And only after 12-15 hours the cake is completely ready for use. The cakes were soaked infused and absorbed the taste and aroma of the cream.

Now you can serve the cake on the table and treat the guests.

Enjoy your meal.

Napoleon recipe video

Enjoy your meal.