Storing salmon caviar. How to store red caviar at home: recommendations from experts

Red caviar is a delicacy beloved by many, which is a decoration for the New Year's table or Maslenitsa. In order to save money, many people buy it for future use, because it runs out quickly, and sometimes you want to suddenly please yourself delicious sandwich or salad. For this reason, you need to know how to store red caviar so that it remains just as tasty and does not spoil at home.

How long can the product be stored?

The shelf life of the delicacy depends primarily on the container in which it is packaged. It can be stored in any closed package for no more than a year, provided that the storage location is at low temperatures.

There are two most common packaging options for red caviar - a plastic container and a tin can. After opening, you can store the delicacy in the container for no more than a week, after which time it already loses its taste and begins to deteriorate. If the product was purchased from a bank, then after opening it you need to transfer it to plastic container, otherwise oxidation processes will spoil it even earlier.

The disadvantage of plastic containers is that they are easy to open, so caviar in such packaging should only be purchased from a trusted seller. Otherwise, even under the right storage conditions, you can throw away the delicacy ahead of time if the packaging was opened before you bought it.

Less commonly used as packaging are glass jars with rubberized lids. If you managed to buy a delicacy in such packaging, then this is the most the best option. After opening the jar, there is no need to transfer the caviar anywhere unless you manage to eat it all at once. In the same package you can put it in the refrigerator, the main thing is to press the lid tightly so that no air gets inside. It negatively affects the properties and taste: the product dries out, becomes tasteless and spoils faster.

In addition, several other factors determine shelf life:

  • the time that passed between the extraction of caviar and its packaging;
  • compliance with processing rules;
  • compliance with conservation rules;
  • storage conditions in the warehouse and on the store counter.

To increase shelf life open caviar, it is necessary to first prepare the intended container. To do this, you need to prepare the so-called Tuzluk, it is very simple to do: such an amount of salt is dissolved in boiling water so that the taste resembles brine. With this mixture you need to thoroughly rinse the container in which the delicacy will be stored, then transfer it inside and put the jar in the refrigerator.

Where to store

Proper storage of a granular product requires the presence low temperatures, so there are several options for where to keep it at home.


The ideal temperature for storing grainy products ranges from -4 to -8°C, but in the refrigerator the average temperature in the main compartment is zero. Despite this, it is best to store the delicacy in the refrigerator, since in the freezer the temperature differs even more from the nominal temperature. To ensure better storage, you can put the jar in the refrigerator compartment, where the temperature is slightly lower. Depending on the type of refrigerator, this place can be either below or above, but usually the container is located closer to the freezer.

caviar from open can transfer to a sealable container. This not only protects the product from rapid spoilage, but also protects against the odors of surrounding food in the refrigerator. The delicacy can absorb them, as a result of which its own aroma and even taste changes.


There is a lot of controversy about this storage location, since many believe that there the eggs are frozen to each other and after defrosting they no longer have the original taste and aroma. However, if you need to keep the product safe and sound for a long time, then the freezer is quite suitable.

If you choose this method, you will need to divide the product into several small containers, such as plastic containers or food bags, so that one of them is just enough for one use. Under no circumstances should granular caviar be frozen a second time.

How to store red caviar large quantities It won’t work in the refrigerator; this method is most suitable for loose products. It can be stored in the freezer for up to six months without losing its taste and quality.

Combined method

Since neither in the refrigerator nor in freezer there is no ideal temperature for storing the delicacy, you can create optimal conditions on one's own. This does not require any special skills or equipment. The essence of the method is that the container is placed in a deep plate, and several pieces are laid out around the jar crushed ice. Thus, the caviar receives additional cooling, is not frozen and remains in in its original form, but this does not affect all other products.

As the ice melts, you will need to replace it with new pieces, so prepare it for future use in advance. You won’t have to replace the ice too often; once every 1–2 days will be enough to preserve the delicacy. Using this method, you can increase the shelf life of caviar from one week to several months.

In this state, it is better to serve caviar on the table, because at low temperatures its taste is enhanced.

Caviar storage container

As already mentioned, a tightly sealed plastic container can serve as a good container for storing caviar, but there is also a more suitable container - a glass jar. You can leave the caviar in it and simply close it with a lid, or use a more sophisticated method that will allow you to preserve the delicacy for a long time.

To do this, you need to sterilize a glass jar of the required volume; jars from caviar work well as containers for caviar. baby food. Then you need to lubricate the walls with refined oil, and then transfer the caviar inside. You need to pour a couple more tablespoons of oil on top, then close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. This method will allow you to preserve the delicacy for several months.

Red caviar is one of the most delicious delicacies, without which it is impossible to imagine New Year's table or Maslenitsa. Many people buy it for future use - red caviar is eaten quickly, and an extra jar never hurts. It is very important to store caviar correctly. Poor conditions can affect the taste of the product. The simple rules described below will help you maximize the freshness of red caviar.

Interestingly, 100 years ago red caviar was not considered a delicacy. They ate it not only on holidays, but even during Lent - for example, on pancake dough kneaded the eggs. Only in the 2nd half of the last century did red caviar become a symbol of prosperity. Not everyone could afford sandwiches with it.

Nowadays, many different appetizers, tartlets and salads are prepared with red caviar.

Now manufacturers offer a huge selection of caviar. Unfortunately, many jars of the delicacy contain poorly processed caviar good quality. It is very important not only to choose a good product, but also store it correctly.

Where can you store red caviar?

Storing red caviar involves using low temperatures. It is generally accepted that the optimal temperature for storage is from -3 to -8 degrees. Unfortunately, in the refrigerator it ranges from -1 to 0, and in the freezer it reaches -20. The way out of this situation is simple - the caviar is stored in the lower sections, closer to the wall.

Despite the fact that experts believe that it is not worth freezing red caviar, many housewives use this method quite successfully. Chilled caviar can be stored for about a week. Freezing helps preserve it for several months.

Another way to store caviar is to use ice. Place crushed ice in a separate deep plate. The jar of caviar is placed on a plate with it and hidden in the refrigerator. By the way, in this form it can be served to the table. Traditionally, caviar is eaten chilled. Cold improves its taste. To do this, it is served on a beautiful plate with crushed ice.

Some housewives use sterilized jars to store food. To do this, lubricate a clean, sterilized container with a thin layer of odorless oil. Then they put caviar in it and pour another 2 tbsp on top. l. oils The jar is closed with a lid. When sealed, this red caviar can be stored for up to 6 months.

If you bought caviar in cans, then after opening it you need to package it in glass containers. Tin oxidizes and affects the taste of the product, so it spoils faster. In this case, you need to remember the dates that were stamped on the jar and store it in accordance with these deadlines. If caviar begins to taste bitter after storage, it is better not to eat it.

How to store loose red caviar?

Weighed caviar is stored in the same way as caviar in jars. Most often it is sold in large plastic containers. Before storage, it is better to package it - put it into smaller containers so that 1 serving is enough for several times.

There is one little trick that residents of the Far East know. Before laying out the caviar, the containers need to be treated with a special solution that will allow it not to spoil for a long time. Brine, as this solution is called, is very simple to make. Salt is dissolved in boiling water in such an amount that a liquid is obtained that tastes like brine. All caviar containers are thoroughly rinsed with it. Then they put the delicacy in them and store it in any way - in the refrigerator or freezer.

If you decide to freeze caviar, remember that the portion must be completely eaten after defrosting. You cannot freeze it again - the delicacy will turn into mush, and the taste will not be the same. When storing red caviar in the freezer, it is important not only to use glass or plastic containers for storage, but also to seal it hermetically. Otherwise, it will be stored less. Another rule is to remove caviar from the jar only with a clean spoon. Germs on the surface of the appliance you are using can enter the product and spoil it. Also make sure that no water gets into the jar with caviar.

It is important not only to think about storing red caviar, but also to choose a quality product. This is easiest to do if you buy caviar in transparent glass jars or by weight. You should pay attention to the eggs. Ideally, they should be whole, without crushed peas. The amount of liquid in a jar of high-quality caviar is minimal.

The quality is directly affected by the method of processing caviar and its type. The most popular red caviar is trout, pink salmon and chum salmon. The quality is affected by the delivery time of caught fish to the processing plant. If it was delivered quickly, the caviar will be dry. Usually it is sifted through a special sieve, which actually does not damage the eggs. It happens that it takes several days for fish to be transported to the factory. As a result, the caviar bursts after processing, finished product a lot of liquid.

It is better to choose trout caviar. The fish is grown on special farms and processing workshops are located right there. Therefore, caviar is packaged almost fresh.

When buying caviar, pay attention to where it was produced and what is included in its composition. Unscrupulous manufacturers add to the product vegetable oil, ascorbic beauty and even methenamine. The latter ingredient is especially dangerous and was banned in 2009. This substance is labeled E239.

Urotropine allows you to extend the shelf life of red caviar. At the same time, it breaks down in the human body, forming toxic substances. If you eat red caviar with methenamine in large quantities, then health problems may arise. With a high content of this substance in the body, its breakdown products affect vision, nervous system, kidneys and liver. Very often, red caviar with urotropine tastes bitter.

Many people try to choose caviar from Far Eastern producers. But not much is produced there. If the can indicates that the delicacy is packaged in a place far from the seas, then most likely it is an American product. This red caviar is bought by weight and then put into jars.

The fame of the manufacturer sometimes does not affect quality at all. Even the most popular company can deceive the buyer. Therefore, try to choose your product carefully.

It is better to buy loose caviar in trusted places. These could be processing shops. On the packages you need to check the packing date and the presence of GOST. You can also ask sellers for certificates. Legal shops will provide you with them without any problems, but those who sell caviar in markets cannot always provide documents.

Red caviar is a very healthy delicacy. It can not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the functioning of of cardio-vascular system, stimulate brain activity and even improve vision. The reason is unique composition. The product contains a lot of protein, iodine, phosphorus, folic acid, iron, vitamins A, B and E. But the fact is that all these beneficial properties can be preserved only if you know how to store red caviar.

High-quality eggs have a dense structure and natural shine.

How to distinguish high-quality caviar

Not only its taste, but also how long it can maintain its freshness depends on the quality of red caviar. The main characteristics of the product are influenced by both the preparation recipe and the conditions of transportation and sale.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a delicacy:

  • variety – affects the size, color and taste of the product. This can be the caviar of fish such as pink salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon or sockeye salmon. The packaging must be marked accordingly. Chum salmon caviar, for example, has a dark orange color and is quite large in size. In sockeye salmon it is distinguished by a brighter red hue and a bitter taste;
  • consistency – good caviar should be crumbly. It does not stick together and does not spread. High-quality eggs have a dense structure and natural shine. Unscrupulous manufacturers may dilute the product with vegetable oil in order to deceive the buyer on the weight or hide minor flaws in the product. Therefore, you should be especially careful when handling caviar with a large amount of liquid;
  • product labeling - the packaging must indicate not only the composition of the product, but also its grade. You should also definitely pay attention to the specified shelf life of caviar;
  • appearance – a quality product should have a pleasant natural color. The eggs should not differ greatly in size;
  • taste – if the product does not contain artificial ingredients, its taste is pleasant, fishy, ​​salty. A good delicacy typically bursts on the teeth rather than sticking to them. If there is a chemical taste, this is a sure sign of the use of preservatives in production;
  • conditions of storage and sale - the refrigerator compartment or counter must be clean. Weighed products are packaged exclusively using disposable gloves.

You should choose this fish delicacy very carefully, because with a low-quality product you can not only lose money, but also cause harm to your health.

Caviar can be stored in a factory-sealed tin for a year.

Storage duration

Red caviar is a product that spoils quickly. Therefore, it is very important to maintain optimal storage conditions. Always and first of all, you need to pay attention to the expiration date.

The duration of storage can be affected by various external factors. For example, if too much time has passed between the catch, cutting of fish and the actual preservation of caviar, or basic sanitary standards have not been observed in production, then such a product can deteriorate much faster than its expiration date.

The duration of storage also depends on the conditions in which the product is located. Regardless of the container, the delicacy must be kept cold. Storage is allowed both in the main compartment of the refrigerator and in the freezer. Heat provokes the accelerated development of bacteria, which leads to spoilage of the delicacy.

How long red caviar can be stored in the refrigerator depends largely on the container in which it is packaged.

In a plastic container, the shelf life of the product is only 6 months from the date of production. While caviar can be stored in a tin jar for a whole year, provided that the packaging is not damaged. After opening any container, the delicacy must be consumed within 24 hours.

You should also store red caviar at home using low temperatures. This product has a shelf life of 6 months in the freezer. After this, it should not be consumed due to loss of quality.

How to store caviar in the refrigerator

You need to figure out how to store red caviar in the refrigerator correctly so as not to spoil the expensive product. Conditions may vary depending on how the product is packaged and how it is prepared.

Basic rules for home storage:

  • temperature control is quite difficult to create at home ideal conditions for storing caviar. It is generally accepted that the optimal temperature is minus 5 degrees. It is in such conditions that she maintains the integrity of her useful properties And taste qualities. If you cannot ensure this temperature in a household refrigerator for a long time, you should not prepare the delicacy for future use. It is better to buy it immediately before use. At a temperature of +2-4 degrees, the shelf life of red caviar is reduced by almost half. This way it will deteriorate much faster. Therefore, you should place it on the coldest shelf closest to the back wall of the refrigerator;
  • choosing the right container - usually tin, glass jars or plastic containers are used to sell caviar. Until the packaging is unsealed, you can store the product as it was packaged by the manufacturer. Do not leave the product in an open tin container. When exposed to air, the metal quickly oxidizes, which negatively affects the quality of the delicacy. For this reason, immediately after printing it is necessary to transfer it to another container. A glass jar with an airtight lid is ideal. Of course, you can use a plastic container for this, but you should make sure that it is odorless.

Although red caviar is a difficult product to store, if you organize the whole process correctly, you can maintain its quality and benefits even at home.

A plastic container with an airtight lid can be used to freeze the product.

Freezing caviar

Freezing is used quite often to store caviar. This method is great when you need to place a large amount of product over a long period of time. Of course, in the freezer the risk of loss of beneficial properties is much higher than when storing caviar in the main section of the refrigerator, but this option is generally possible. Moreover, in this case, the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria is significantly lower.

Storing caviar in the freezer involves exposure to low temperatures. At minus 18 degrees, the product will be suitable for consumption and will remain as tasty for 6 months. If you extend the freezing, the quality of the delicacy will most likely suffer. Its consistency, smell or taste may deteriorate.

Do not freeze large quantities of product in one container. This will make the defrosting process much more difficult. It is better to first divide it into small portions and place it in special containers. You can also store caviar in plastic jar or vacuum bags. The main thing is to ensure the tightness of the container, because penetrating air deteriorates the quality of the product.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to store caviar in the freezer and defrost it every time if necessary. Doing this is strictly prohibited. A product thawed and frozen many times is dangerous to eat. Caviar can be thawed only once, after which it must be consumed immediately.

How to store salted caviar

Some connoisseurs prefer to salt the caviar themselves. Although this method may seem to be the safest, in reality you should be wary of such products. If the recipe and storage rules are not followed, even in the salty delicacy, bacteria develop that can cause severe poisoning.

Compliance with these simple rules will help avoid subsequent damage to the product:

  • sterility - all utensils and other equipment that are used during the preparation of the delicacy must be thoroughly washed. They also need to be treated with boiling water;
  • recipe – proportions must not be violated. Moreover, if it is not even assumed long-term storage delicacy, you can add a little more salt as a natural preservative;
  • container - do not salt caviar in a plastic jar. For this, it is best to use glass containers. In addition to being safer, it is easier to ensure sterility;
  • shelf life - a self-prepared delicacy is suitable for consumption exactly as long as an open store-bought jar of caviar can be stored. Within a day you will have to dispose of unused product residues;
  • storage temperature – if you pickle caviar yourself, it must be in the refrigerator. The optimal temperature for short-term storage will be the temperature of the main compartment within + 2-4 degrees. Do not leave the product in direct sunlight;
  • tightness - must be taken into account general rules storage and seal the lid tightly.

In general, you should decide where to store red caviar depending on the circumstances and necessity. Compliance with the listed rules will help you get only pleasure from eating the delicacy.

How to choose the right caviar. Video

One of the most healthy delicacies- Red caviar. Products purchased in large quantities are stored following certain rules. The article reveals ways to store everyone’s favorite delicacy, allowing you to preserve its quality to the maximum.

Choosing the right red caviar

Always pay attention to the quality of the delicacy. Only natural fresh caviar subject to long-term storage. When choosing, follow simple rules, and a good product will appear on your table:

  • Take a closer look at the eggs. Each of them should have dark spot(future fry). The size of eggs in one package should not differ significantly.
  • Squeeze one egg with your fingers. When pressed, you will feel its shell burst. The eggs are not glued together and should not spread.
  • Pay attention to the label when the delicacy is in a sealed or tin. The product must contain only salt and vegetable oil, and packaging must be carried out near salmon fishing. Also study information about the variety of product depending on the type of fish. This could be sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon.
  • Shake the jar. Any sound coming from inside is evidence of low-quality or unnatural caviar.
  • Avoid purchasing items in plastic packaging. The plastic jar opens easily, so there is no guarantee that the contents are still sealed.
  • The eggs are cloudy, and there is a slight bitterness in the taste - a reason to refuse the purchase. This is where the oxidation process begins fish oil, due to which the proteins begin to disintegrate and the shell begins to burst. Also avoid a chemical taste: it means the presence of preservatives.

By not paying attention to the quality of red caviar, you can not only lose money, but also risk your own health.

How long should red caviar be consumed?

The period within which you need to eat the delicacy depends on the packaging material. Caviar will be preserved useful qualities:

  • in a tin – up to 1 year;
  • in an airtight container – up to 6 months;
  • in a pre-sterilized container with a tight lid – up to 1 month;
  • in an open metal can – about a day.

To preserve the beneficial qualities of a product purchased by weight, place the container with the delicacy in the freezer. This way you can store it for up to 8 months.

Extending the shelf life of loose red caviar

To loose caviar stored longer, use suitable dishes which will help preserve the quality of the product. It is better to use a container made of food-grade plastic or glass. The volume of the container is small, enough for only one use, the lid is airtight. This will help reduce the level of oxygen access to the product.

Sealed bags for the freezer work well: they are convenient to use and can be easily sealed using a special device. By placing the container with the product on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, you will protect it from the influence of sudden temperature changes.

The main rule for storing loose delicacies is to block the access of oxygen.

Features of storage in a glass jar

Caviar is stored in a glass container if you bought it in bulk or opened the factory tin packaging. To keep the delicacy in the refrigerator for as long as possible, follow these simple tips:

  • Pour boiling water over the eggs and let the water drain.
  • Place in a jar and cover cling film(option - sealed non-metallic lid).
  • Place the container in a cool, dark place.

Following these tips will preserve the quality of caviar for up to a month.

Plastic containers

You can transfer the product to a plastic container. It will keep caviar fresh for about 4-6 months if you prepare the container correctly. Wash and dry the container thoroughly. Treat the inner surface with vegetable oil or concentrated salt solution. After filling the container, cover the eggs with oiled paper and cover with a tight lid. Make sure there are no gaps between the lid and the container.


The shelf life of caviar in glass containers can be extended to six months by preserving the product. Pre-sterilize the jar and lid. After drying, brush with vegetable oil and place the delicacy in a container. Pour vegetable oil on top and close with an airtight lid. The jar is placed in the refrigerator on the coolest shelf.

How to prepare containers for storing caviar

Most often used glass containers. It needs to be washed with soda solution, rinsed and sterilized. Sterilization is carried out using:

  • Pair. Hold the jar over a pan of boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then dry on a towel, placing the jar upside down.
  • Microwaves. Fill the containers a small amount water, place in the microwave at the highest power and wait until the water has completely evaporated.
  • Ovens. Heat the containers at 150 °C for 4–5 minutes.
  • Steamer or sterilizer.

Be sure to wait until the condensation has evaporated and the jar has cooled completely, and only then place the product there. Before placing caviar in containers made of other materials, they need to be prepared using one of the suggested methods:

  • Douse saline solution. Pour 4-5 tbsp. spoons of salt with 1 liter of water and boil. Pour the resulting solution over the jars. Dry and place the delicacy.
  • Edible alcohol. Wipe the inside of the container with vodka or food grade alcohol and wait for it to dry. Alcohol will disinfect the container from harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Sterilize the vegetable oil by heating until smoking, cool to 50 °C and lubricate the container. Fill the folded caviar with the remaining oil that has cooled to room temperature.
  • If you have a vacuum sealer, place the delicacy in food bags and vacuum seal them. If not, use the traditional vacuum method by lowering the bag of caviar into a container of water. When all the air has escaped, the bag must be sealed and sent to the cold.

Secrets of storing red caviar (opened and in bulk) in the refrigerator

Storage conditions depend on the container. For example, an opened tin can is stored for a maximum of 24 hours; it is better to transfer the delicacy into glass or plastic immediately after opening. The optimal temperature for storage is -5 °C. At home, it is difficult to ensure the required temperature, so place the container with the product in the farthest corner of the refrigerator, close to the back wall. If the container is properly prepared, opened or weighed caviar can remain in the refrigerator for about 3 weeks.

Shelf life of red caviar

The maximum time during which caviar can lie depends on the conditions and method of storage.

How long to store in a tin can

On the label tin can Recommendations for storing the product must be indicated. The delicacy can be stored no longer than the indicated expiration date and only when you have purchased a high-quality natural product.

How long to store in a plastic container

In an airtight plastic container, pre-sterilized, the product will be stored for about 4 months.

How long to store in the refrigerator

Depending on the quality of the packaging, caviar can last in the refrigerator for up to 12 months. This applies to sealed cans. The delicacy can be stored in a plastic or glass container for no more than 4 months. Opened glass or plastic packaging can preserve the quality of the product for no more than 3–5 days.

How long to store in the freezer

A radical storage measure is to place the container with the delicacy in the freezer. This storage method is recommended to be used only if there are no other options. During freezing, eggs may burst and lose some useful qualities. Thawing caviar and freezing it again is strictly not recommended. If you still have to place the product in the freezer, consider some recommendations:

  • freeze the delicacy, first dividing it into several packages so that each is enough for one serving;
  • use special food bags for freezing;
  • To prevent the caviar from turning into a piece of ice, first remove excess moisture with a kitchen towel.

If you follow the recommendations, you can store the product in the freezer for no more than 12 months.

How long to store at room temperature

At room temperature caviar is stored for no more than 24 hours. This is especially true for open containers, where immediately after opening the process of oxidation and proliferation of harmful bacteria begins. Do not eat food that is more than 1 day old, as this may negatively affect your health.

Parameters for proper content

The correct content of caviar is determined by several factors: optimal temperature conditions, shelf life indicated on the packaging, and the quality of the storage container.

Maximum shelf life Temperature Characteristics of containers and conditions for oxygen access to eggs
Up to 24 hours From -5 to +4 °C In an open tin can
No more than 5 days Up to 25 °C In a plastic container, glass jar
Up to 7 days From -5 to +4 °C The product is transferred from a tin can to another container with a lid.
Up to 30 days From -5 to +4 °C In a sterile container with an airtight lid
Up to 6 months From -5 to +4 °C In vacuum bags, plastic containers without air
No more than 12 months From -24 to -14 °C In the freezer
About 12 months From -5 to +4 °C In a sealed tin can

How to extend the shelf life of caviar (how to preserve caviar until the New Year)

If you managed to make a profitable purchase of red caviar long before New Year's holidays and you want to extend the shelf life so you can enjoy the delicacy directly on New Year, try some tricks:

  • use saline solution, sterilization or alcohol to disinfect containers;
  • use for long storage preservation method;
  • Cover the jar with the product with ice cubes and change them as they melt.

No matter how you store the delicacy, never eat spoiled product. Poor quality caviar will be cloudy and have bad smell and bitter taste. If you are not sure that the delicacy will retain its beneficial qualities until the desired date, do not buy it in advance.

Red caviar is healthy and delicious product, which since the middle of the last century has become a delicacy. Until this time, in Russia, red caviar was consumed in large quantities, it affordable price allowed to eat caviar every day, it was consumed both in pure form, spread on sandwiches, and in the form of ingredients for various salads and cold snacks.

Today, the cost of red caviar is quite high, so not everyone can afford a sandwich with red caviar for breakfast every day. However, despite the high cost, red caviar has not ceased to be a desirable dish in the world. festive table. It’s hard to imagine New Year or Maslenitsa without this delicacy. Many prepare for these holidays in advance, purchasing products, especially expensive ones, long before the celebration. To do this, ensure that they are stored correctly.

At the same time, not everyone knows how to properly store red caviar.

At what temperature should red caviar be stored?

To preserve the freshness of this product and its taste, you should know how to properly store red caviar. The fact is that red caviar belongs to the category perishable products. To store it you need to provide the right conditions, and this is, first of all, compliance temperature regime. Red caviar should be stored at a temperature of -2 to -8 degrees. Household refrigerators do not provide this level of temperature; in the refrigerator compartment it ranges from -1 to 0, and in the freezer it reaches -20 degrees.

How should you store red caviar?

In addition to observing the temperature regime, you should also know in what conditions to store red caviar after opening the package in which it is sold.

After opening the tin, caviar deteriorates much faster, and the oxidized metal leads not only to spoilage of the product, but also to a change in its taste. Therefore, caviar from a tin can should be transferred to a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

To extend the shelf life of caviar, you can use a storage method known to the peoples of the Far East, which involves treating caviar storage containers with a salty solution boiled water. You can also use vegetable oil as a preservative.

If you purchased the delicacy by weight, then plastic containers should also be replaced with glass ones.

How to store red caviar in the freezer?

To store in the freezer, you will need to place the caviar in small containers with a tight lid. After defrosting, the contents of the container will need to be used completely, since secondary freezing will affect the quality of the caviar.

Tasty and healthy black caviar is divided into the following types: Beluga (the most valuable. The eggs have a light, weightless taste, they do not have a fishy smell, they are large in size). Sturgeon (distinguished by its dark gray color, delicate taste, medium-sized grains). Sevruga (it has a characteristic smell, it is black in color, the grains are harsh, hard and small). Another classification: granular (the eggs are selected the same. The product […]