Shelf life of opened caviar. Peanut butter shelf life

We are used to eating such delicacies as red caviar in small portions on holidays. But sometimes unheard of luck manifests itself in the form of a parcel with three-liter jar treats from relatives or purchases large quantity at a favorable price, etc. In this case, the question certainly arises of how to store red caviar at home. There are several tips that will help you maintain for a long time pleasant taste and product freshness.

Product selection

The method of storing red caviar largely depends on the quality of the product. At home, it is impossible to replicate factory conditions, and therefore you should be extremely careful when purchasing in order to preserve the properties of this delicacy for as long as possible. So, when buying, pay attention to the following points:

  • when buying caviar in bulk, you should pay attention to the presence of small black dots (future fry), which indicates the naturalness of the product;
  • if you have the opportunity to try the product, pay attention to the fact that the eggs should burst when bitten;
  • when buying a packaged product, pay attention to the composition: ideally there should be only caviar, salt and vegetable oil and no additives with the prefix “E”;
  • pay attention to the address of the production facilities - it should be as close as possible to the fishing grounds;
  • bring the jar to your ear and shake slightly (ideally, no movements should occur inside the container);
  • try to avoid buying caviar in plastic container, since it is quite easy to open.

Shelf life of red caviar

Each product maintains its own physical, taste and beneficial features over a certain period of time. The shelf life of red caviar depends on several factors, namely:

  • the time that passed from the moment the fish was caught until the eggs were removed from it;
  • duration of fish processing;
  • degree of compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • conditions for transportation of the finished product.

Of course, in most cases this information is not available to the end consumer, and therefore you have to trust the manufacturer by default. If we are talking about tin can, then when closed, subject to the correct temperature conditions (4-6 degrees), you can be sure of its safety for 12 months. But after opening the container, the shelf life is sharply reduced to 2-3 days.

Features of storage in a bank

The most popular product on the eve of the New Year and other holidays is red caviar. As a rule, it can be found most often in tin cans on the shelves. If you buy the product in advance, it can be stored for quite a long time within the expiration date. It is recommended to keep caviar in the refrigerator. At the same time, the top shelf is perfect for this (it is better to move the jar closer to the back wall). This storage method is permissible only until the container is opened. After this, with each passing hour, the eggs will lose their beneficial and tasteful qualities due to oxidation. That is why, if you are not going to eat all the caviar at once, you need to transfer it to another container.

Housewives' tricks

Knowing how to store red caviar at home, you can significantly extend the shelf life of this product. So, if you are not able to finish the entire jar at once, you can extend the shelf life of the product for up to a week as follows:

  • a small glass jar needs to be washed and sterilized, then pour salted boiling water over it;
  • transfer the caviar into a container, put a couple of lemon slices on top and screw tightly;
  • Instead of lemon, you can use vegetable oil (preferably olive oil, since it does not have such an intrusive taste and smell as sunflower oil).

Is it possible to freeze red caviar?

If you get your hands on red caviar large quantities, the question arises about the possibility of it long-term storage. So, many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze red caviar. It is worth noting that this is the simplest, but at the same time, the most undesirable way to store the product, since under the influence of low temperature it loses a number of properties. Nevertheless, this option is allowed.

If everything is done correctly, frozen caviar can be stored for about a year. It is important to consider that this product does not tolerate re-freezing, and therefore it must be prepared in portions. Small plastic food trays are best suited for this. Having processed them carefully detergents and salted boiling water, place the caviar in containers. Be sure to close the container with a lid or cover it with cling film.

Subsequent defrosting has some subtleties. So, you should not immediately expose the product to heat. The first stage of defrosting should take place on the refrigerator shelf. And only after this the caviar will be ready to move to room temperature. This will help maintain the maximum properties of the product.

Plastic containers

Sometimes housewives are faced with the question of how to store red caviar. IN plastic jar this is completely acceptable. Of course, the period will not be as long as in the case of tin or glass, but for up to six months you will be able to enjoy a tasty and fresh product. So, when wondering how to store red caviar in a plastic jar, follow these rules:

  • first of all, the container must be thoroughly washed and doused with brine;
  • when the jar is completely dry, its walls need to be lubricated vegetable oil;
  • then place the caviar in a thick layer in a container;
  • if the jar is filled to the top, the product must be covered with an oiled piece of parchment cut to the shape of the jar;
  • if the caviar does not occupy the entire container, then there is a high probability that it will spoil, and therefore, in order to block the access of air to the product, the jar is filled to the top with vegetable oil;
  • All that remains is to tightly close the container with a lid and leave it in a cool place.


Canning is one of the most popular options for storing various products, including red caviar. Glass jars perfect for this. You should do the following:

  • prepare the jars in advance (they need to be washed, doused with boiling water and the walls greased with vegetable oil);
  • pour water into a saucepan, put a piece in it raw potatoes, and after boiling, start adding salt (after the potatoes float, the brine can be considered ready);
  • transfer the caviar to a gauze bag and place it in cold brine for a couple of minutes;
  • wait until the liquid has drained and start putting it into jars (you need to compact it tightly enough, but do not press);
  • now, so that there is no air left in the caviar, fill it with vegetable oil and close the jar with a lid (nylon or seaming);
  • In a cool place, caviar will last up to six months.


In conclusion, it is worth saying a few words about the benefits of red caviar for the body. In it in huge quantities contains iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron, folic acid, fatty acid, as well as vitamins necessary for humans such as A, E and D. The complex of these substances helps maintain normal metabolism, strengthen bone tissue, strengthen the immune system, preserve vision, and also make skin, hair and nails beautiful. This product is especially useful for pregnant women. However, it is important to know how to store red caviar at home. After all, only a fresh and high-quality product can be truly useful.

Red caviar is a delicacy that takes pride of place on the holiday table. Caviar is not cheap, so the issue of storing it is especially acute. In this article we will tell you how to store red caviar at home so that it remains fresh for a long time and delights with its exquisite taste.


Storage periods and rules

The shelf life of red caviar in hermetically sealed packaging should not exceed 12 months from the date of production. The recommended storage temperature is −4… −6 °C. Achieving such conditions in everyday life is problematic, because the standard temperature in the refrigerator is +2...+4 °C, and in the freezer -20 °C.

On modern fishing vessels, caviar is packaged in sealed plastic containers and placed in blast freezing chambers, where the temperature is maintained at −20 °C. In this form, the product is delivered to production, where it is salted and packaged for further sale. The primary freezing of delicacies is carried out immediately after catching and cutting the fish. Storage requirements for any food products It is strictly forbidden to re-freeze them - it is for this reason that consumers are not recommended to place finished caviar in the freezer.

An unopened jar of red caviar is stored on the coldest shelf in the refrigerator.

However, in fact, there is no guarantee that the caviar went through only one freezing cycle or was stored for the entire period under appropriate conditions. And most residents of the coast of Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Far East have been successfully re-freezing large volumes of the delicacy for many decades. What should the average consumer do? The optimal solution is to store red caviar in an unopened jar on the coldest shelf of the refrigerator, and use freezing only when extreme cases, exclusively for long-term storage.

Storing an opened jar of caviar in the refrigerator

If you open a small jar of caviar and plan to eat it within a few days, there is no point in freezing it. Factory-produced caviar contains sorbic acid, which destroys all bacteria. Therefore, the uncorked container can be kept in the refrigerator for a week.

You can increase the shelf life to several weeks by resorting to a folk method. Fill the container crushed ice, place a jar of caviar in it and put it in the refrigerator. Please note that the ice will melt slowly and you will have to regularly add new pieces, periodically draining the melt water.

We do not recommend storing red caviar in a tin jar. Immediately after uncorking, be sure to transfer the product into a glass container. Wash the new container thoroughly and rinse with a saturated solution. table salt. This solution is called “tuzluk”, and it is prepared from ordinary water And rock salt. To prepare it you need hot water add salt until it stops dissolving. If you have doubts about the concentration of the mixture, this parameter can be easily checked: place fresh, raw egg– in saturated saline solution it will float to the surface. If this does not happen, add a little more salt.

Freezing red caviar

If you do not plan to consume the purchased caviar within the next week, it is better to resort to freezing. This must be done immediately, without waiting for the delicacy to begin to deteriorate. If you notice that caviar has acquired a specific bad smell, there has been a deterioration in its taste properties, then dispose of the product without regret.

In order not to subject red caviar to repeated freezing, distribute the available volume into portions. Be sure to rinse glass or plastic containers for storing the product with brine (read how to prepare this solution above), place the delicacy and seal it with a lid. Make sure that no air gets into the container - otherwise the taste of the caviar will deteriorate significantly.


Defrosting caviar correctly

It is important not only to freeze caviar correctly, but also to defrost it correctly. Warning: o microwave oven should be forgotten! Thawing should occur slowly, at above-zero temperatures. The day before use, place the portion container in the refrigerator. The caviar will thaw without compromising the integrity of the structure and will retain its presentation, taste, nutritional and beneficial properties.

Oil as a preservative: myth or reality?

You can often hear advice on using refined sunflower or olive oil as a preservative for red caviar. However, this statement is more a myth than a reality. Oil does not in any way affect the shelf life of the delicacy, but is used in most cases by sellers to improve the presentation of the product. If you want to give the eggs the ideal shape, you can add a little oil to the product. On taste qualities such an additive will not have any effect, but you should not hope to extend the shelf life of caviar.

“Reanimation” of red caviar that has lost its marketable appearance

Today, many people shop online and have their items delivered by mail. In such a case, there is no way to visually assess the quality of the purchased product, which unscrupulous sellers take advantage of and send caviar with a lot of defects: with wrinkled, torn eggs. It is possible to revive such a product (but part of it will be irretrievably lost). For this:

  1. Prepare the brine (see above), cool it to +20…+ 25 °C.
  2. Place the caviar in small portions in a colander and rinse in saline solution for 5 minutes.
  3. Leave for 4-5 hours to allow excess liquid to drain.
  4. Pack into glass jars.

Carefully monitor the brine concentration: a lack of salt can lead to discoloration of the eggs. The optimal ratio of salt and water is 1:10.

The question of how long to store red caviar cannot be answered unambiguously. It all depends on the quality of the purchased caviar and how correctly you follow the above recommendations. To insure yourself against unpleasant surprises, do not buy too much caviar and do not stock up for future use.

Text: Kovalenko Olga

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Sandwiches or tartlets with red caviar are traditionally decorated festive table many years. This product is not only extremely tasty, but also healthy; it is often purchased for future use. How to properly store red caviar so that it retains its taste and benefits?

How long can red caviar be stored in the refrigerator?

The shelf life of caviar will be influenced not only by the date of its extraction, but also by how competently it was processed. Therefore, you can only purchase this product in trusted stores. At home, the shelf life of this product will also depend on the container in which it is packaged.

1. Tin can. If it is not opened, then you can store the caviar until the date indicated on the jar itself. You just need to put it on the refrigerator shelf. If you have already opened the jar, then you cannot store caviar in it; oxidation processes may begin. In this case, it is better to transfer the caviar to a clean glass container. This delicacy should be consumed within three days.

2. Plastic container. Today, it is increasingly possible to purchase caviar in this type of packaging. The product is stored in it quite well. The container should be thoroughly washed, dried and lubricated with vegetable oil. It must be closed with a tight lid. The delicacy can remain in this state for about a month. But if you open the package, the shelf life is reduced to four days.

An important factor is the temperature at which red caviar is stored. Ideally, it should lie in the range from –3 to –8 degrees. This is not always possible to achieve, so try to remove the jar of caviar closer to the wall of the refrigerator.

Is it possible to store red caviar in the freezer?

In this case, the caviar should be placed in small plastic containers or bags. Before this, it is recommended to lubricate the container with vegetable oil. Calculate so that one package is enough only for one time. Re-freezing is prohibited.

Red caviar has long been considered a delicacy and is bought mainly for various celebrations. It is precisely because of the infrequent purchase of this product and its fairly high price that the question of how to store red caviar at home in a plastic jar is relevant for many housewives. The shelf life and rules for storing this delicacy depend on whether the jar of caviar is closed or open, whether it is in the factory packaging or whether the product has been transferred to another container.

Store in the refrigerator or freezer?

Freeze this one is useful and delicious product manufacturers do not recommend, since at the same time it loses its graininess and becomes similar to homogeneous mass. However, if you shift it in plastic containers greased with vegetable oil, the delicacy will not lose its graininess. An important condition is for the bank to be dry and tightly closed. If you follow all the above rules, you can store red caviar in a plastic jar in the freezer a few months.

The shelf life of treats in the refrigerator also depends on whether the package is opened or not. If the package has already been opened, then it is recommended to transfer the remains into a dry plastic container and keep no more than a week. The jar of caviar must be tightly closed.

At what temperature should it be stored?

The ideal storage option is to store the product in the refrigerator. When containing caviar in original packaging You must follow the expiration dates and temperature conditions specified by the manufacturer.

If the jar has been opened or the product was purchased by weight, it is recommended to store it at a temperature of -2 to -6 degrees.

However, the refrigerator maintains a temperature of 1-6 degrees above zero. Therefore it is very important choose the right location treats inside. There are several recommendations for this:

  • Must select coldest storage area(this place is next to the freezer);
  • Preferably put the jar with content into a container filled with ice– this will significantly increase the shelf life of the product (the main thing is not to forget to periodically refresh the ice in the container);
  • Jar of caviar necessary pre-lubricate with oil and don't forget to close it tightly.

What affects the shelf life of caviar

Whatever container the caviar is stored in, it is perishable product. Therefore, storing it for a long time is not recommended. However, different manufacturers have different expiration dates. It depends on presence of certain preservatives in the composition.

If the product is produced for sale on the domestic market of the country and they are not planning to transport it over long distances, then there will be fewer preservatives in its composition. Accordingly, the shelf life of these products is significantly lower.

Therefore, when buying caviar for future use best choice there will be a product from a foreign manufacturer. Western factories focused on export, take into account during production both the possibility of long-term transportation and compliance with storage standards different countries, therefore in such products more preservatives. It can also be stored significantly longer.

Most minimum shelf life in caviar, which is sold by weight.

Many people have red caviar on their tables – it’s an infrequent guest. After all, because of the rather high price, they buy it either for a holiday, or when they really want to feel like a completely wealthy person.

But many, trying to prolong the pleasure, forget that caviar is a perishable product. And as a result, it ends up in the trash bin, since its further use becomes hazardous to health. But this would not have happened if people knew the rules for storing this delicacy.

But first you need to choose it correctly.

How to choose high-quality red caviar

This question is very relevant, because now on store shelves not only real red caviar is sold, but also artificial - algin, which is obtained by processing brown algae kelp. Moreover, it is so skillfully made that it can easily be confused with the real thing.

  • But if you look closely at natural caviar, then you can notice that each of its eggs has black dots - the eyes of future fry.
  • If caviar is sold by weight, you should definitely try it. Firstly, this way you can determine its taste, and secondly, real eggs burst when bitten. WITH algin caviar this does not happen, since its “eggs” are filled with gelatinous mass.
  • If the caviar is sealed, then you need to study the information on the label. It must indicate the address of the manufacturer, the composition of the caviar and the production date.
  • It is desirable that the composition of caviar be minimal - caviar, salt. And without dyes or any E. But it depends on your luck.
  • The manufacturer's address is of great importance. After all, if caviar is packaged far from the sea, this means that it was brought there from somewhere. And it is still unknown how many days and under what conditions it took her to reach her destination. And the more time it was in transit, the less it will be stored.
  • The label must indicate both the date of packaging and the shelf life.
  • If some information is not on the label, then you should refuse to purchase such caviar.

The container in which the caviar is packaged also matters. After all, now it can be placed not only in glass jars with an airtight lid, but also in tin and plastic containers.

By the way, It is not advisable to buy caviar in plastic containers for the simple reason that it very often opens easily. And it is still unknown whether anyone opened it before the potential buyer.

Very often, red caviar is sold by weight. In this case, you should not buy caviar from an unfamiliar seller or in spontaneous trading places. They can often slip in low-quality goods or even mix them up real caviar with artificial

It is advisable to buy caviar in places where they process fish. They definitely won’t sell bad goods there. The advantage of buying caviar in such a place is that they can show both a certificate and a trading permit upon request. By the way, this condition must be observed at any point of sale of red caviar (and not only it).

If everything went well with the purchase of caviar, you also need to be able to preserve it.

How to store red caviar in a closed jar

If you don’t intend to open a jar of caviar right away, but want to keep it for an indefinite period of time, then, as a rule, there are no problems with storage.

After all, the jar gives clear instructions on what temperature the caviar should be stored at and for how long. But the shelf life usually ranges from six months to a year.

How to store red caviar in an open jar

If a jar of caviar has been opened, but after the meal there is some caviar left in it, proceed as follows:

  • If caviar was sold in a tin can, it must be transferred to another container to prevent oxidation of the product. Firstly, it is harmful, secondly, the shelf life is reduced, and thirdly, it is simply tasteless if the caviar takes on the taste of iron.
  • Take a small glass jar. After all, if you put caviar in a large jar and there is still some space left unfilled with caviar, then the same thing happens that happens with canned vegetables when they are left in the jar at the bottom - they turn sour. This is due to the large accumulation of air in the jar, which promotes fermentation.
  • Therefore, the main condition is to block the access of air to the caviar. This can be done using vegetable oil, or even better, olive oil. A clean and dried jar is greased from the inside with oil. Then the caviar is carefully transferred into it, trying not to crush the eggs, because the shapeless caviar mass is stored worse. When the jar is filled with caviar, pour oil on top. This oil film will serve as a protective barrier between the caviar and the air.
  • Close the jar tightly. It is not recommended to use tin lids for this (due to oxidation). Therefore, it can be covered with plastic, glass, nylon cover or seal well with cling film.

Where to store red caviar

Red caviar is stored only in the refrigerator. Temperature delicacy storage – from -2 to -6°.

In the refrigerator, the temperature ranges from 0° to +6° in the plus compartment and -12-20° in the freezer.

This means you need to find the optimal place to store the delicacy. It is not recommended to store caviar in the freezer, because then the eggs freeze to each other and the caviar turns into one continuous frozen mass.

After defrosting, caviar loses its original appearance, and its taste deteriorates. But it doesn’t spoil. And that’s why many housewives still resort to this storage method. And as you know, if there is demand, there will be supply.

Therefore, if you still want to freeze caviar, then it is packaged in small sealable containers so that you can take a single portion. Since caviar cannot be re-frozen.

If you still decide to place red caviar in the plus compartment of the refrigerator, then choose the coldest place. It depends on the type of refrigerator and its location in it. freezer, which can be either at the top or at the bottom.

The jar of caviar is placed on the shelf closest to the freezer and pushed towards the wall. In this position, caviar can be stored for one week. This is provided that all rules for product processing, transportation and storage have been followed prior to purchase.

But you can slightly extend the shelf life of caviar if you place the jar in a container filled with ice. But in the plus compartment of the refrigerator the ice melts and it will need to be replaced with new one all the time.

There is information floating around on the Internet that open jar, filled with oil, can be stored for up to 6 months. But still, you shouldn’t experiment with your health. After all, if you eat spoiled caviar, you can get severe poisoning. That's why the best option- do not stock up for future use. But if you do open a jar of caviar, you need to eat it within five to seven days.