Green tea effect on the body. Possible harm of green tea for the human body

Despite the many beneficial properties listed above, the effect of the drink is a controversial issue.

Not only ordinary doctors, but also scientists studying this topic differ in their opinions on this issue. Before talking about the drink’s ability to influence blood pressure, it is necessary to pay attention to the ingredients included in its composition.

The benefits of this tea are explained by the presence of beneficial microelements and large quantity, which is indispensable for the body healthy person. The main components of tea are theine (almost the same) and catechin.

Green tea It is even ahead of caffeine in terms of the amount of caffeine content; it is contraindicated for people with abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and an abnormal heartbeat rhythm. Caffeine will excite the nervous system, thereby contributing to the aggravation of these problems.

In this case, catechin has the opposite effect.

It thins the blood, improving its fluidity, increases the intensity of blood supply, and also prevents the formation of blood clots.

Therefore, the effect of green tea on the body may be different. As for the effect of green tea on blood pressure, a one-time dose cannot eliminate it.

On the contrary, the active ingredients contained in its composition increase blood pressure immediately after drinking the drink, so people suffering from acute pain are not recommended to drink tea in order to avoid the appearance.

Scientists claim that regular, intensive consumption of the drink (up to 4-5 cups per day) helps stabilize blood pressure levels.

As we said above, tea can affect the body in different ways. Therefore, when drinking green tea for hypertension, you need to monitor your well-being, which will be the main determinant of the further use of the drink.

If after drinking a cup your health does not worsen, your blood pressure drops, and you feel a surge of strength and vigor, then do not deny yourself healthy drink. Just continue to monitor your well-being.

Rules for brewing and drinking the drink

There are two ways to brew green tea:

To increase the intensity of absorption of nutrients, green tea should be drunk 1.5-2 hours or 30 minutes before the start of the meal.

As practice shows, warm tea has a beneficial effect on the body, but not hot tea. Subject to the consumption of such a drink useful material will be absorbed faster.

Accordingly, in a shorter period of time, processes beneficial to the body will occur, contributing to the dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and improving overall well-being.

Daily intake for hypertension

The minimum amount of green tea that can be drunk during the day is 200 ml or one cup. If necessary, you can increase the number to 600-800 mg (this is 3-5 cups per day).

Hypertensive patients should not abuse green teas

It is not recommended to exceed the maximum permissible limit, since in this case the opposite effect may be obtained. Also, hypertensive patients who decide to be treated with green tea are advised to control the daily volume of fluid consumed. Together with the drink, it should not exceed 1.5 liters.

How to take it to lower blood pressure?

A single cup of tea will not have a hypotensive effect.

If you want the drink to start working, you need to drink from 200 ml to 600 ml of green tea daily.

For a hypertensive patient, the above scheme is suitable, according to which he will drink a cup of tea 30 minutes before or 1.5-2 hours after a meal.

How to take it to increase blood pressure?

Despite the fact that green tea contains a sufficient amount of caffeine, the drink increases blood pressure only for a short time.

The effect may be noticeable immediately after administration.

However, the main effect of tea is still hypotensive. Therefore, it is not recommended for hypotensive people to abuse the drink.

To maintain normal well-being and increase vigor, drinking 1-2 cups per day is allowed.


Green tea is not a medicine, but a variety. Its use may cause changes in how you feel.

People suffering from acute forms of hypertension and hypertension should drink tea with extreme caution.

Uncontrolled consumption of green tea can cause a rapid increase or sharp drop in blood pressure levels.

Combination with other folk remedies

The combination of green tea with others can not only have a positive effect on blood pressure, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Read below about the properties of a mixture of tea with individual products:

  • With. Mint has, which is especially useful for hypertensive and hypotensive patients, whose nervous system is subject to constant stress due to poor health caused by high or low blood pressure;
  • with milk. By diluting tea with milk, you can weaken the effect of tannin and caffeine, thereby making the drink practically safe for people suffering from acute hypertension;
  • with lemon. Lemon is a powerful source of vitamin C, which can strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on overall well-being. Drinking tea with lemon will lower blood pressure and increase the patient's resistance to colds;
  • with jasmine. Jasmine tea helps to actively remove bad cholesterol from the body, thereby reducing the risk of cholesterol. The plant can also enhance the hypotensive effect of the drink;
  • With. Chamomile is a natural antiseptic that helps suppress inflammatory processes occurring inside organs;
  • with honey. Honey can be used as a sweetener for green tea. The product will not overwhelm the taste and aroma of the drink, saturating the body with useful microelements. At the same time, honey has a sedative effect on the nervous system;
  • with bergamot. In addition to the fact that bergamot contains more than 300 healthy substances, it can also weaken the tonic effect of the drink. In addition, the spice also has a sedative effect, improves sleep and helps eliminate anxiety and depression, which are frequent companions of hypertensive and hypotensive patients.

Video on the topic

About how green teas affect blood pressure in the video:

As you can see, drinking green tea with high or low blood pressure can be very beneficial for the body. But in any case, it is necessary to remember that everything is good in moderation, and the effect of the product on the body in each individual case may be different. Therefore, while savoring the taste of your favorite drink, do not forget to control your well-being!

Green tea is included in the list of foods rich in antioxidants - substances that free our bodies from the harmful effects of free radicals, improve immunity, and also slow down the aging process of the body. Thanks to these substances, green tea is very beneficial for our body. He is not only an excellent remedy treatment of many infectious diseases, but also good in the prevention of various diseases, including atherosclerosis and oncology.

Amazing medicinal properties Green tea has long been of interest to people who care about their health. Even in ancient China, such tea was included in the complex treatment of diseases of various etiologies. However, even today green tea is a good helper in treating ulcers, reducing blood pressure, stimulates the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body, etc. Despite the mass useful qualities, green tea is still considered a medicinal plant. And, as you know, any medicinal plant, has a number side effects. In today's article we will talk about the benefits and harms of green tea.

Not everyone knows this, but green tea grows on the same bushes as black, yellow and red tea. They differ only in the way the leaves are processed. Green tea is not subjected to fermentation and withering processes, which are inherent in black tea varieties, as a result of which the maximum beneficial substances in the tea leaves are preserved. In addition, when brewing, it releases only useful elements into the solution, leaving harmful and useless components in an undissolved state.

Composition of green tea.
Green tea is a storehouse of useful substances and vitamins, which determine its medicinal properties. Today, about 300 chemical substances present in this unique plant have been identified. By the way, some connections have not yet been decrypted. It should be noted that the chemical composition of tea can change throughout the growing process of the tea bush, as well as after processing of the tea leaves.

Green tea contains almost all the vitamins necessary for our body (A or carotene, K, B1, B2 or riboflavin, or folic acid, B12, PP or nicotinic acid, C). However, besides them, this miracle plant contains great amount other beneficial substances, thanks to which this drink turns into an effective general tonic. Among them are tannins and essential oils, which are responsible for the quality and aroma of tea. It should be said that in the process of processing tea leaves, more than eighty percent is lost essential oils. Green tea also contains the alkaloid caffeine, which, in combination with tannin, forms the compound caffeine tannate, which has a mild effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulating mental and physical performance. In addition, the caffeine contained in tea, even with excessive consumption, does not accumulate in the human body. Two more alkaloids present in this unique plant, theobromine and theophylline, have a vasodilator and diuretic effect on the body.

In addition, the glutamic acid present in tea stimulates metabolic processes and also leads to recovery nervous system. This miracle plant is also a source of microelements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, calcium, manganese, fluorine, copper.

Thus, green tea is a storehouse of substances vital for a person to normal functioning body.

The benefits of green tea.
Green tea is truly valuable product. Thanks to the unique set of nutrients and vitamins in its composition, green tea has an effective diaphoretic effect. It helps well with fever, fever, and inflammatory processes. Due to the diaphoretic effect, the process of removing toxins and microbes from the body improves. Green tea is especially beneficial for people with illnesses genitourinary system and kidneys.

The use of this product has a beneficial effect on the digestive system as a whole. It improves the functioning of the duodenum, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. In addition, it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the arsenal of beneficial qualities of green tea also includes improving memory and alertness, normalizing metabolism in the body, as well as strengthening and restoring the exhausted nervous system. By the way, green tea (not strongly brewed) is an excellent remedy for depression and increases resistance to stressful situations. This drink has long been taken to increase tone, vigor and good mood. It can be taken for headaches. A cup of the miraculous drink will eliminate it in no time. But this is provided that the cause is fatigue, overexcitation, stress, etc. If the headache does not disappear after a long time, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Because headaches can be caused by serious health problems.

Green tea also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (if consumed regularly), reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, increasing the elasticity of arteries and the strength of capillaries, reducing the risk of internal hemorrhages and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the use of this drink reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and also stimulates the process of ascorbic acid absorption.

Green tea infusion effectively reduces blood pressure by initial stage development of hypertension, reduces cholesterol in the blood, which contributes to a significant improvement in the well-being of patients with atherosclerosis. According to studies conducted by Japanese scientists, constant consumption of green tea reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units. But the tea should be brewed in a special way: First, rinse the green tea leaves boiled water. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of caffeine in the plant. Next, you need to brew six grams of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Take this tea after meals three times a day. In this case, you should reduce the amount of liquid consumed during the day to 1.2 liters (including tea). This is necessary in order not to overload the cardiovascular system.

Regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing sclerosis and halves the likelihood of myocardial infarction. It not only prevents the deposition of fats and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, but also promotes the destruction of already deposited fatty layers. In addition, it improves blood composition and stimulates the activity of the liver and spleen, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

Quite a long time ago, green tea was used to treat dysentery. The catechins it contains have antimicrobial properties against dysentery, typhoid and coccal bacteria. The death of dysentery bacilli occurs already on the second or third day of taking the green tea infusion. IN in this case The drink should also be brewed in a special way: pour crushed green tea (50 g) into a liter hot water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the liquid for an hour over low heat, after which the drink should be strained.

For various poisonings (alcohol, drugs, nicotine), it is also recommended to drink green tea with added milk and sugar.

Green tea has anti-cancer effects. This is possible thanks to the polyphenols contained in its composition. They have the property of purifying the blood and removing carcinogens from the body, which strengthens the body’s immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer cells.

In moderate quantities (no more than two cups per day), weakly brewed green tea has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. According to the results of research by Japanese scientists, women who regularly consumed this drink before pregnancy gave birth to stronger (in terms of health) children.

It is worth noting that green tea is considered a drink of youth and longevity. It is not for nothing that most centenarians, who are over ninety years old, give a special place in their diet to this wonderful and aromatic drink.

This tea also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rinsing the mouth with this drink prevents the occurrence of caries and inflammation of the gums. In addition, green tea is considered excellent cosmetic product. In particular, to improve the tone of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, it is useful to wipe it twice a day with ice cubes made from green tea infusion. Also, the infusion of this unique plant can be used to cleanse the skin and be used as a hair rinse for fat type(to increase efficiency you can add lemon juice), prepare various masks for skin (especially for dry and aging skin). With the help of tea baths you can significantly improve the tone of the skin of the whole body. To do this, pour six tablespoons of leafy green tea into half a liter of boiling water, steep and strain. Then pour the resulting tea infusion into a bath with warm water. You can add rose and jasmine petals or their essential oils. This bath stimulates the process of cell renewal. One procedure per week is enough.

According to research conducted by scientists, drinking this drink reduces cravings for alcohol. This explains the fact that in China and Japan, countries where people prefer green tea, there are significantly fewer people who drink excessively, compared to Western countries. To reduce cravings for alcohol, you need to brew green tea in the ratio of one teaspoon of tea leaves per glass of boiling water. The drink must be drunk without added sugar. The leaves that remain after drinking the infusion are not thrown away, but chewed. In this case, the effect does not occur instantly, but after several months of regular use.

In addition, it was recently discovered that green tea has the ability to neutralize the negative effects of radiation from computer monitor screens. It is also an antidote for poisoning the body with the strontium-90 isotope, which poisons the atmosphere as a result of nuclear explosions. This drink helps remove heavy metals from the body, which enter our body along with food, water and air.

Green tea is great for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite, and it also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Besides regular use This healing drink regulates the level of norenaline, which is responsible for the process of fat formation.

Recipes for using green tea for various ailments and diseases.
For stomach upsets, it is recommended to take strongly brewed green tea for two to three days. Due to its bactericidal effect, the drink has a detrimental effect on pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, this tea improves intestinal tone.

For colitis and gastritis with increased acidity It is recommended to drink weakly brewed green tea.

For conjunctivitis and others inflammatory diseases Eyelids should be washed with strong cold brewed green tea.

For colds and illnesses respiratory tract It is recommended to drink an infusion of medium-strength green tea with the addition of lemon and pepper. However, for diseases accompanied by high temperature, it is better to avoid green tea altogether, since the load on the kidneys and heart increases sharply.

Iced green tea helps with sunburn. It is recommended to simply soak a cotton pad in the tea infusion and blot the affected areas of the skin with it. It is also effective as a hemostatic agent when brewed tightly. green tea It is recommended to wash fresh cuts and wounds.

An infusion of this plant can be used as a wash for rhinitis. To do this, brew a teaspoon of crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave for twenty minutes and strain. You can rinse with a syringe, but without a needle. Carry out the procedure six to eight times during the day. Green tea is effective as a gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as inflammatory processes on the gums and tongue (2 teaspoons of the plant per glass of boiling water).

In case of vitamin deficiency, it is also recommended to drink an infusion of green tea, prepared at the rate of 3 g of crushed raw materials per 100 ml of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, then add a teaspoon of rosehip syrup. Drink the infusion warm after meals, 200 ml three times a day.

Green tea with added milk helps strengthen a weakened nervous system. It is also good to take for polyneuritis and as a preventive measure for kidney and heart diseases.

Contraindications and harms of green tea.
As already noted, this miraculous drink, like any other plant, has some contraindications. In general, a careful approach is required to herbal medicine, in particular to the use of green tea. You should not abuse this drink; moderation is necessary in everything.

If you have a particularly sensitive stomach, you should not drink green tea, as it can easily cause stomach upset. It is also not recommended to drink the drink in a strongly brewed version, only in exceptional medicinal purposes. In other cases, with a strong concentration of tea, the drink should be diluted with water.

People suffering from iron deficiency anemia should not drink green tea at all. It impairs the absorption of iron by the body, which causes iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you should not drink green tea with food rich in iron. This drink also reduces the efficiency of folic acid absorption. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

It is also contraindicated for people with increased excitability, since it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, which can cause sleep disturbances and loss of strength for no apparent reason. That is why this drink should not be consumed at night, or for those who suffer from increased excitability and tachycardia.

Women should not overuse green tea during menstruation or pregnancy, and immediately before childbirth and during lactation it should be excluded from the diet altogether.

Also harmful green drink and people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotonics). And if you have acute hypertension, you shouldn’t drink tea at all.

In the presence of any disease in a chronic form, a green drink should be consumed with extreme caution, since it can cause an exacerbation of the disease, as a result of which the patient’s well-being can sharply deteriorate. In particular, with gastric ulcers, green tea helps increase the acidity of gastric juice.

You should not combine alcohol and green tea, as this results in the formation of aldehydes, and this can cause overload for your kidneys, which is absolutely scientifically proven!

You should not take your medications with green tea, as it reduces their effectiveness.

Remember that you should only drink freshly brewed tea, since the amount of purine compounds and caffeine in a drink left for later increases significantly. This drink is dangerous for hypertensive patients, as well as those suffering from gout and glaucoma.

To summarize the above, we can say that the benefits of green tea are undeniable. In moderate quantities and in the absence of contraindications, it has a healing and healing effect.

Popular green tea, whose benefits and harms are described below, has varieties that differ both in the types of leaves and the place of their collection, and in the type of preparation (semi-fermentation or its absence) and the presence of additional components (ginseng, jasmine, mint, lemon balm).

Depending on a person’s taste preferences, tea is consumed with honey, lemon, milk, mint, ginseng, jasmine, hibiscus, hot or cold. This drink is available for sale in different types– in bags or in bulk. There is a widespread belief among buyers that the best tea is loose leaf, and small fragments of leaves, stems and other production waste are packaged in tea bags. loose leaf tea. However, this is not always true, since the quality of the product depends on the variety, additional components (jasmine, hibiscus, rose) and processing, regardless of the form in which it is sold.


Due to its composition, tea is able to normalize blood pressure and has a positive effect on the kidneys. Green tea also contains a complex of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the liver.

  1. B1 (19 mg) is involved in the processing and synthesis of fats, promotes their rapid dissolution and excretion from the liver;
  2. B2 (1) stimulates the production of bile and accelerates its flow, preventing harmful substances from stagnating in the organ;
  3. C (250) normalizes metabolism between liver cells by increasing vascular permeability and promotes restoration of the organ during cholecystitis and hepatitis.

The presence of catechins in the composition can affect the health of this organ negatively. Scientists from the American College of Gastroenterology have found that a safe dosage for the liver is daily consumption of up to 500 mg of catechins for men and 450–470 mg for women. Exceeding this dosage leads to inhibition of liver function.

This is especially dangerous due to the spread of dietary supplements, in which the catechin content exceeds 700 mg. Daily use of this dosage can lead to the destruction of liver tissue.

Renders tea beneficial effect and with high blood pressure (hypertension). Theophylline (3–4%) is an alkaloid that relaxes muscles and eliminates spasms, promotes the expansion of blood vessels by relaxing their walls and increasing the gaps through which blood flows.

As a result, blood circulation is normalized and blood pressure is reduced. The positive effect on blood pressure is felt immediately after drinking the drink, which helps relieve an attack. With him daily use 1-2 cups per day for hypertensive patients, the severity of the disease may decrease, and pressure surges will stop. Tannin also has a positive effect on pressure, which increases vascular tone.

Caffeine has a diuretic effect. This eliminates swelling and removes excess fluid from the body. It also has a positive effect on the kidneys, as it helps to “wash” them of sand (if any) and resists stagnation of urine. But if you abuse this drink (consuming more than 600 ml per day), the content of salts and acids in the kidneys may increase, which provokes the formation of stones. This happens because when you become dehydrated, your urine becomes more concentrated and the salts it contains accumulate and form sediment.

With milk

Maybe, the healthiest drink for tooth enamel, this is green tea with resin, in bags or brewed from leaves. Due to its high calcium content (495 mg), it effectively strengthens tooth enamel and prevents its thinning. In addition, when consumed with milk, tea does not stain teeth (unlike black tea, the pigment of which is not always neutralized even by milk).

Another property that is useful green tea bags with milk – it has an alkaline environment (thanks to milk), which means it can neutralize the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the benefits of green tea and milk in any form are obvious for people suffering from heartburn, gastritis, and high acidity. When ingested, this drink, due to its alkaline environment, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, the severity of attacks of gastritis and heartburn decreases. To improve the taste, it can be consumed with honey, jasmine, mint, lemon balm and other additives.

With lemon

One of the important aspects of why green tea is beneficial is high content it contains vitamin C (250 mg, while vlimone has 40 mg, and black tea does not have it at all), which can increase immunity and the body’s resistance to bacteria, viruses and infections. You can significantly increase the content of this substance if you drink the drink with lemon. On average, 1 cup of tea contains about 10 mg of vitamin C. Adding one slice of lemon, which contains about 4 mg of this vitamin, can increase its content per cup to 14-15 mg. The vitamin goes into tea when brewed correctly (tea leaves should not be poured with water at a temperature above 90 degrees). The drink is also good for the liver due to its vitamin C content, which normalizes intercellular metabolism in it.

Advice! To maximize the benefits of green tea for the body, pour it not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 80–90 degrees and leave for about five minutes. Caffeine from the leaves is extracted into the drink at a water temperature of 85–90 degrees. And at a higher temperature, tannins begin to be extracted into the drink, which give it bitterness.

For one cup you need to use 1 sachet or 1 teaspoon of leaves per 200–300 ml of water. After this, lemon is added. It is better to sweeten this tea with honey rather than sugar, because honey also contains vitamin C. To improve the taste, you can add lemon balm or mint during brewing, which best reveal the taste together with lemon.

With honey

Speaking about the benefits of green tea for the human body, it is worth mentioning the presence of vitamin C (250 mg) in its composition. Thanks to it, the drink helps improve the body's immunity. Imed is also characterized by its vitamin C content (0.5 mg). Regular consumption of a hot drink with honey is suitable for those who need to strengthen their immunity during epidemics of viral infections and cold weather.

Honey is equally effective regardless of whether it is added directly to the drink or consumed simultaneously with it. When adding honey to a drink, it must be dissolved in an amount of at least 1 teaspoon per cup. In this case, 1 tea bag or one teaspoon of leaves is used for 300 ml of water. To improve the taste, honey tea can be consumed with crushed lemon balm, lemon balm. In addition, honey tea is used by women and men for weight loss, as it satisfies the need for sweets and gives a feeling of fullness.

With lemon balm

Mint and lemon balm can only significantly improve the taste, but also enhance beneficial features green tea, regardless of whether it is in bags or in the form of whole leaves. Mint and lemon balm, as well as tea leaves themselves, contain potassium (569, 458 and 6.4 mg, respectively). Potassium has a positive effect on the body, normalizing muscle function and relaxing muscles.

Because the benefits of green tea with lemon balm and mint is obvious for those who need to get rid of cramps and spasms. Drinking one cup of this drink hot has an antispasmodic and relaxing effect. To prepare one cup of lemon balm or mint drink, you will need a spoonful of tea leaves and one medium sprig of the plant. All this needs to be put in a cup and filled with hot, but not boiling water. Leave for 5–7 minutes.

Weight loss

Green tea with lemon, honey, jasmine and mint is an effective way to lose weight for men and women. Tea acts in several ways:

  1. caffeine and catechin in the composition of such a drink with honey significantly speed up metabolism when consumed daily and are responsible for faster burning of fat deposits and cleansing the liver of fats;
  2. catechins also make tea with honey an effective diuretic, as a result, swelling in men and women is reduced, therefore, body weight and volume are reduced (the same property has a positive effect on the condition of the kidney and blood pressure level);
  3. polyphenols in the drink with honey enhance heat exchange, as a result, more energy is spent on warming the body, obtained by burning fat deposits, and weight loss is stimulated;
  4. the presence of honey reduces the need for sweets and saturates with energy.

In order for both men and women to actively lose weight, tea with honey must be brewed correctly. It is necessary to fall asleep in teapot leaf at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 200–300 ml of water. Fill the tea leaves with water at a temperature of 80–90 degrees and let it brew. For morning appointment– 5 minutes during this time the caffeine will have time to be extracted into the drink and this tea will give you energy for the whole day. For lunch and evening - 2-3 minutes, but no more, to reduce the excessive invigorating effect of caffeine, which can cause insomnia.

After brewing, pour the tea into a glass and dissolve two spoons of honey in it. Take 200 ml three times a day for women and 250 - 300 ml for men. Continue taking until the desired weight is reached. Sometimes, when losing weight, the drink is drunk with tar and honey once a day in the morning, 250 ml. The calorie content of such a portion is about 90 kcal. At the same time, it gives a fairly long feeling of satiety.


Green tea, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the material, cannot be taken by everyone.

  • There is some harm to green tea when consumed with lemon. Since lemon does not contain organic acids, its addition significantly increases the acidity of the drink. Acids have a negative effect on teeth and destroy the tooth enamel of men, women, especially children, since they have thinner enamel. However, this harm from green tea can be reduced if you rinse your mouth or brush your teeth immediately after drinking it. Same The best way remove acidity - drink milk, as its alkaline environment neutralizes acids;
  • The potential harm of green tea also exists for allergy sufferers. Although green tea is one of the most non-allergic teas, sometimes intolerance is caused by flavors and additives with which it can be enriched (ginseng, hibiscus, jasmine, rose). Quite rarely, a natural flower is used as a flavoring agent, for example, “Jasmine,” because it does not give a strong aroma, and the production of such tea is more expensive, so manufacturers replace it with a chemical analogue. It is to this that the reaction can begin. Regardless of what kind of tea is purchased, in bags or loose leaves, it is important for allergy sufferers to find out what the composition of the product is in order to be sure that it does not contain flavorings;
  • The ability to lower blood pressure explains the contraindications of green tea for use by hypotensive people. It can greatly dilate blood vessels, causing a drop in blood pressure. This may cause dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, and even fainting. If a man or woman is suspected of having a tendency to hypotension (low blood pressure), then it is better to refuse the drink;
  • Consuming milk reduces stomach acidity. Milk has an alkaline reaction, and tea acquires the same reaction when milk is added to it. When it enters the stomach, the drink reduces the acidity of gastric juice, resulting in poor digestion of food. This feature explains why green tea is harmful for gastritis with low acidity;
  • The diuretic effect of the drink is undesirable for kidney stones. Active urine flow can cause stone movement and blockage of ducts in men and women;
  • The choleretic effect, beneficial for the liver, causes the displacement of stones in the ducts and gall bladder (if present). This can lead to blockage of the ducts;
  • Catechins in the composition can provide Negative influence liver;
  • The controversial issue is whether green tea is harmful during pregnancy. Since it relieves swelling, it is useful for expectant mothers. However, potassium and calcium are washed out of the body along with urine. But this happens in small quantities.

If there are no contraindications, the drink can be consumed by men and women in any quantity. But even with contraindications, a person can sometimes treat himself to one cup of this drink.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad smell from mouth;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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In fact, black and green teas are obtained from the leaves of the same bush - only the method of processing them differs. The process of fermentation and withering gives the raw material a dark shade and destroys some substances. To preserve fragile organic compounds, these heat treatment steps are skipped. Surprisingly, when green tea is brewed, only components beneficial to the body are released, while the “ballast” of harmful elements remains undissolved.

The tender upper leaves of the tea tree are used to make the product. They are steamed for two minutes to stop the oxidation process. Next, excess moisture should be removed from the raw material, for which the leaves are crushed and twisted into balls and spirals. The final stage is drying, during which the taste and aroma of green tea is stabilized.

Gentle harvesting method ensures maximum benefits are retained tea plant. Green tea has long been recommended to drink at the most various diseases and just to maintain health. But like many plants that have medicinal properties, it has a number of contraindications, and for some people it will do more harm than good.

Composition of the drink

Scientists have found that the drink may contain more than 300 unique compounds; their benefits and harm to the human body have not been fully studied. Here is a list of substances that will certainly end up in a cup of aromatic infusion if brewed correctly:

  • Thein. A substance comparable to caffeine. There is more of it in green tea than in coffee beans, so the energy comes from tea infusion lasts longer. And most importantly, such caffeine does not accumulate in the body;
  • Tannin. Tannic acid, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Gives the drink a characteristic bitterness. Removes excess fluid from the body, helps absorb vitamin C;
  • Amino acids. Necessary for the synthesis of proteins and the proper absorption of certain elements; their deficiency acutely affects the general condition of the body;
  • Microelements(iron, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, );
  • Vitamins several groups at once. Vitamin A (carotene), B2 (), PP (nicotinic acid), as well as K, B1, B12 are present in significant quantities;
  • . Give the drink aroma and strengthen the body as a whole;
  • Alkaloids theobromine and theophylline. They dilate blood vessels and have a diuretic effect;
  • Glutamic acid. Accelerates metabolism, stabilizes the nervous system.

A person who starts drinking green tea regularly will definitely notice an increase in performance and an improvement in mood. If a cup of invigorating infusion becomes a habit, the aging process will slow down and the risk of cardiovascular diseases and oncology will decrease.

Benefits of green tea

It is difficult to overestimate the positive effect of green tea on the human body - this product has a whole range of beneficial properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism, improves the digestion process, supports intestinal microflora. No wonder it is considered the best assistant in the fight for harmony;
  • Interferes with education caries;
  • Helps the body fight oncological diseases;
  • Strengthens hair and nails, improves skin condition - for which it is especially appreciated by the fair sex;
  • Acts as a natural stimulator of brain activity, helps to focus on, improves memory;
  • Reduces the likelihood of diseases thyroid gland;
  • Increases. The body's protective properties are strengthened due to the timely elimination of toxins;
  • Relieves puffiness;
  • Normalizes work nervous system. Not too strong green tea is guaranteed to lift your spirits;
  • Reduces risk cardiovascular diseases, but only with daily use.

As a means to lower blood pressure. There is important nuance- the drink must be prepared using a special method. The leaves should first be washed with clean water, and then poured with hot boiling water. This measure will reduce the caffeine content in the infusion. There will not be an immediate effect, but if green tea is included in the daily diet of a person with hypertension, his condition will improve.

Green tea extract is included in many anti-aging creams, as restores skin elasticity. It is recommended to take baths with the addition of fresh infusion to strengthen the body and slow down aging.

One of the most underrated benefits of green tea is reducing cravings for alcohol. It is not for nothing that there are so few alcoholics in China and Japan. In the fight for sobriety, this recipe will come in handy: 1 tsp. Pour the tea leaves into a glass of hot water (85-90 degrees), drink without adding sugar. The effect occurs after several weeks of regular use. If the infusion is sweetened and slightly diluted with milk, it will help with poisoning - alcoholic, narcotic.

Green tea has long been known as a drink of health and longevity. Proof of its benefits for the human body can be the number of centenarians in the countries where it is produced - the Chinese and Japanese most often celebrate their 90th birthday, living up to it in a clear mind and in normal physical shape.

Possible harm

Despite obvious benefit green tea for the human body, sometimes it is contraindicated.

Remember a simple rule - you need to drink the drink immediately after brewing: within half an hour an impressive number of purines (harmful substances that synthesize urea) are formed in it.

The habit of drinking tea very hot can cause burns internal organs- you may not feel it, but cracks form on the mucous tissues. Such injuries increase the risk of developing cancer. And in general, brewing green tea with 100-degree boiling water almost completely deprives it of its benefits.

Drinking tea is always appropriate; it warms well in the cold season and perfectly quenches thirst in the heat. A properly prepared drink can fight ailments. You should know what effect green tea has on the body - the benefits and harms of the substances included in the product, when it is necessary to consume aromatic drink, and under what circumstances it is advisable to refuse it and how to brew tea leaves correctly.

What is green tea

The product is the dried leaves of an evergreen shrub, which is grown for industrial needs in China, Japan, India, and on the island of Java. Fresh leaves are oval in shape. To produce green and black tea, the same raw materials are used, but there are differences in their production technology. Dried black leaves are obtained after deep fermentation (oxidation).

The green tea production process uses gentle technology. Steam, which is treated for 2-3 minutes, helps to stop oxidative processes fresh leaves. Then the moisture is removed - crushed and twisted into scales, balls (pearls) or spirals, and then dried until ready to stabilize the aroma, taste qualities and beneficial properties of the product. For elite varieties, the first harvest is used.


The use of special technology allows us to obtain a high-quality tea product that is distinguished by a wide variety of chemical composition:

  1. Among the organic compounds, tannins are released, which affect the taste of the drink. The aroma bouquet is provided by a combination of essential oils. Alkaloids (theine), catechins (tannin), and amino acids have a beneficial effect on health.
  2. Positive influence life processes are influenced by the constituents useful microelements: calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, iodine, copper.
  3. Tea leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, P, which improve metabolic processes.

Benefits of green tea

What properties does green tea have - the benefits and harms of the chemical composition of the product for the body? Thanks to the content of useful components unique drink characterized by the ability:

  1. Stimulate the digestion process.
  2. Act as a preventive agent in the fight against the formation of dental caries due to its fluoride content.
  3. Have an effect medicine– fight cancer, as it is an excellent antioxidant due to the presence of tannins, catechins and tannins. They bind third-party proteins, heavy metals, free radicals and remove them from the body without damaging healthy cells. Vitamin C and zinc reduce the risk of cancer.
  4. Improve the condition of nails and hair, accelerate the healing process of wounds due to the presence of zinc.
  5. Stimulate the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin P, calcium, phosphorus are necessary for normal brain activity, theine plays the role of a stimulant.
  6. Increase human performance – the product contains caffeine (theine). The caffeine alkaloid is bound to tea tannin, therefore it has an stimulating effect on the body, but it is milder than caffeine.
  7. Reduce the risk of disease thyroid gland due to the presence of iodine.
  8. Provide an antimicrobial effect. This property is provided by the catechins contained. Tannin promotes the healing of ulcers, but the tea should be brewed weakly.
  9. Remove toxins. Thanks to its cleansing properties, the product increases the body's immunity and reduces the risk of any diseases.
  10. Have a diuretic effect, reduce tissue swelling.
  11. Reduce the risk of developing eye disease due to the content of vitamin A and C.
  12. Maintain smooth muscles in normal condition. This property is ensured by the presence of zinc.
  13. Facilitate the treatment of inflammatory processes due to its copper content.
  14. Help with toxicosis and seasickness. In these cases, it is recommended to chew dry leaves.
  15. Increase stomach acidity, stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

For women

The product is considered a longevity drink. The benefits of green tea for women are as follows:

  1. Prepared masks based on tea leaves or frozen green tea extract perfectly tone the facial skin, increase its elasticity, tighten and even out the contour.
  2. As a means of stimulating metabolic processes and cleansing the body, improving the functioning of the digestive tract, the aromatic drink promotes weight loss.
  3. The drink can improve the general condition of a woman during menopause; it is recommended to be used as a prophylactic in the fight against breast cancer.

For men

What are the benefits of green tea for men? The drink contains manganese, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive system and musculoskeletal system, with its participation the hormone testosterone is produced. The stimulating effects of caffeine when consumed strong tea helps increase the body's performance and resistance to stress. The presence of antioxidants turns green tea into a valuable remedy for normalizing blood pressure and preventing prostate cancer.

For the liver

The cleansing properties of the drink, when consumed in moderation, have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder; vitamins P and C help improve their activity. It should be taken into account that the product contains polyphenols. With excessive consumption of the drink, significant amounts of these substances can have a destructive effect on the liver.

For the kidneys

The benefits of green tea for the body are achieved by properly brewing the leaves and consuming the drink. It acts as an adsorbent of toxins - removes them from the body and helps cleanse the kidneys. At the same time, polyphenols contained in tea leaves can harm the kidneys. They promote the formation of purines. This leads to kidney stones if green tea is consumed in excess.

For vessels

Correct usage drink can improve the condition of cardio-vascular system. These beneficial properties of green tea are achieved through the following processes:

  1. Vitamin C thins the blood, facilitates its movement through the vessels and reduces blood pressure.
  2. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle.
  3. Vitamin P increases vascular tone, and tannins strengthen them. Antioxidants stimulate metabolic processes and prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in capillaries. All these processes normalize blood pressure, so a cup of tea is useful for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension.

Is green tea with milk healthy?

Opinions about the health benefits of milk tea are contradictory. It is believed that with this combination, tea helps the body absorb the beneficial substances of milk. It is recommended to drink the drink: for depletion of the central nervous system, for nursing women to increase lactation. There is an opposing opinion that milk neutralizes useful action tea antioxidants (catechins).

How often can you drink green tea?

The benefits and harms of green tea for the body depend on the quality of the product, the brewing method and the frequency of use. To obtain the effect of drinking the drink, the following conditions must be met:

  • buy fresh and high-quality products;
  • you need to brew tea leaves with clean water heated to 60-90 degrees;
  • do not drink a cup of tea on an empty stomach or in the evening;
  • Do not combine drinking and alcohol;
  • do not take medications;
  • Do not drink too strong or hot drinks.

Harm of green tea

Should you drink green tea often? What benefits and harms will regular consumption bring? strong drink? The product becomes useful only with moderate use. Things to remember:
