Cook smoked lard. Cooked-smoked lard. Cooked-smoked lard at home

Salo has long been one of the most popular and favorite products on our menu. It is not only very satisfying, but also rich in vitamins A, F, D, E, fatty acids saturated and unsaturated series and other trace elements. Regular use The product allows you to stimulate brain activity, improve blood circulation, remove excess cholesterol and normalize the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

A delicious and correct recipe for smoked - boiled meat and lard. Home smoking

When it comes to adding flavor and richness to your cooking, it's little better than bacon fat. As a bonus, you have to cook and eat bacon before you get fat, a task we enjoy doing. before you start sizzling, there are a few things you need to know about how to properly make, store, and cook with it.

Click into your nature reserve

We understand the desire to cook your bacon as quickly as possible. But here's a case where a little restraint will serve you well. Not only can the heat potentially burn your bacon, but it will also make it glow crispy before you get all that lovely fat out. This means you won't have any bacon grease to cook with, and the fat left on the bacon will be sticky and chewy.

Salo smoked with liquid smoke

Not everyone has the opportunity to smoke lard the way our ancestors did. After all, this requires a special room, equipment, and skill. But this recipe for smoked lard will be quite within your power thanks to a special component - liquid smoke, which contains real campfire flavors.

Avoid this by cooking your bacon in a cast iron pot or heavy skillet at a very low temperature - 10 to 12 minutes may seem like a long time, but it's absolutely fine for a good rendering. You will be amazed at how much fat you gain if you go slowly. One standard bag of bacon with bacon will come out with ½ ⅔ cup of fat. Want to crack your bacon even further? Ask your butcher about bacon ends that are almost completely greasy. that cooks from them will be essentially bacon.

Maple bacon is delicious. But when you're cooking a batch of greased bacon, it's best to stick with plain old bacon. You can use bacon grease on everything from cornbread to roasted vegetables, and you won't always want a hint of sweetness or other added flavors. Flavored bacon produces a comparable amount of lubrication, so if you like maple flavored broccoli, we'll be on your way.


  • onion peel - 2 handfuls;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • lard - 700 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • hot red pepper, basil, coriander - to taste;
  • liquid smoke- 5-6 tbsp. spoons.


First we make the brine. To get it, boil water and wait for it to cool. After cooling, we dissolve salt and liquid smoke in it, mix everything thoroughly. Immediately fall asleep and spices and stir again. We wash the onion peel and put it in the resulting brine.

Smoked lard in a hot smoked smokehouse

After you've cooked and eaten your delicious bacon, you can visit all this liquid fat you worked so hard to cook out. Strain the fat through a fine sieve into your storage container. Don't use plastic, if the fat is still hot, it may melt the container. I like to use glass jar pint sized with a wide mouth. It is durable, will not introduce lamellar flavors into fat, and a wide opening is convenient to lay out from pieces of fat. As a bacon cook, he will inevitably leave bits of meat behind.

Then we put a piece of bacon in a large saucepan, pour brine, put it on the fire and wait for it to boil. After that, cook the fat for another 40-45 minutes over low heat. At the end, we take out the cooled fat, rub it with pepper and grated garlic with a fine grater, wrap it in napkins and dry it in a dark place in a draft. Probably even experienced chefs I am interested in the question of how to store smoked lard at home. For these purposes, experts recommend a freezer - this will give the product juiciness and a special aroma.

Salo smoked with liquid smoke

You don't want those in your bacon grease, and when you cook with it later, they burn and add a bitter taste to your food. As a bonus, removing solids means it will last almost forever on your fridge. It gets better: you get bacon grease after polishing those sandwiches.

Cooked-smoked lard at home

Because bacon fat is hard room temperature, keep that in mind and be smart about how you use it. It's perfect for sautéing or sautéing vegetables, heat it up first to re-burn it and then top it with vegetables, a generous tablespoon will be enough for a vegetable pan sheet. Or, rub it on the chicken before taking the bird out of the oven. It does not work in the same way as indoor fatty liquids such as oils. There is one exception for fats that set at room temperature: if you are going to dress the greens with a hot vinaigrette and eat it immediately, as in the case of classic salad spinach with warm bacon sauce, you're clean.

Smoked lard in a hot smoked smokehouse

If you have your own yard, you can make smoked lard more the old fashioned way- on the coals. The aroma of a real fire will give a special piquancy to the taste.


  • black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • , anise, basil - 2 g each;
  • lard - 500 g.


Bacon is salted by necessity - it's part of the curing process, so when cooking with fat, adjust the amount of salt you add accordingly. You can always invest more if you need more, but it's hard to set up.

Smoking meat is exactly what the name implies: meat flavoring with smoke. Using any type of makeshift device will do the job as long as the smoker is made from sustainable material. As long as the smoke is in contact with the surface of the meat, it imparts its flavor to the meat. The strength of the flavor depends mainly on the time and density of the smoke. Smoked meat is usually eaten cold later. Many wonderful recipes require smoked foods to hang at a designated time to lose more weight to become drier.

For smoking, alder chips are used, which emit substances with a pleasant smell when burned. Before lighting a fire, soak them for an hour. If you previously had little idea of ​​how to cook smoked bacon at home, keep in mind that the main ingredient should not initially be salty. We cut the fat into large cubes, without removing the skin, and rub it liberally with the mixture. ground pepper and salt.

Only then are they ready for use. Smoking offers many benefits to meat. In addition to improving flavor and appearance, it also increases its longevity and helps preserve meat by slowing down fat spoilage and bacterial growth. Smoking meat longer leads to more water loss and results in a juicier and drier product, which naturally increases its shelf life. Man discovered that in addition to salting and curing meat with nitrates, smoking was a very effective tool in preserving meat.

The benefits of smoking meat are numerous. Changes color; smoked meats are shiny and just look better.

  • Kills certain bacteria and slows down the growth of others.
  • Prevents the development of fats from rancid taste.
  • Prevents the formation of mold on fermented sausages.
  • Increases the shelf life of the product.
  • Improves taste and aroma.
Smoked fish develops a beautiful golden color. The meat on the outside turns light brown, red, or almost black depending on the type of wood used, the heating temperature, and the total smoking time.

We make a fire with ordinary firewood, be sure to overlay it with bricks to keep the heat. The fire should almost burn out so that only smoldering coals remain. Pour the chips at the bottom of the smokehouse, spreading them along the bottom with a layer 1-2 cm high. Set the grate at least 5 cm above the level of the chips. Place the salo on a wire rack so that the pieces do not touch each other. We close the smokehouse with a lid and send it to a smoldering fire for half an hour. Then we remove the smokehouse from the coals, remove the lid and leave the fat to stand for a couple of minutes. We return the open smokehouse to the fire for another 5 minutes, until the fat becomes a golden-bronze hue.

The smell in an ethnic meat shop that specializes in smoked foods can be overpowering. This experience is not shared with our supermarkets as their products are rarely properly smoked and they are vacuum sealed to extend their shelf life. Some classic sausages are smoked for up to 3 days, and in the current era, it is hard to imagine a manufacturer that will do so. To survive in today's frenetic market, water is pumped into the meat, chemicals are added for aesthetic and conservation reasons, and smoking is virtually eliminated by the addition of liquid smoke.

Cooked-smoked lard at home

For those who prefer more delicate taste spicy lard, this recipe will appeal to you. However, you will have to tinker a little in the kitchen.


  • ground black pepper, garlic, salt - to taste;
  • fat - 1.5 kg;
  • - 1-2 handfuls;
  • black peppercorns - 5-7 pcs.;
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs.


As long as the ingredients are not on the list of chemicals that pose a danger to us, the Food and Drug Administration does not care what goes into meat. Taste plays a secondary role, as long as the price is good, people will buy the product, and supermarkets will continue to update orders. Smoking to preserve the quality of meat is of less importance today, because we can store the product in the refrigerator or almost indefinitely in freezer. Initially, medication and smoking were used solely for conservation purposes; today it is done for the love of its taste.

If you don't know how to make smoked salo, try this recipe. Put bay leaves, onion peel and black pepper in the form of peas into the water. Put on fire, wait until it boils and put pre-washed lard in boiling water. When the water boils again, boil the product for another hour.

Smoking may or may not be accompanied by cooking. Generally, we can say that smoking consists of two stages. This step determines the design and quality of your smoker, as it requires temperature control, a reliable heat supply, and good insulation to keep it warm in cold weather. If cooking is done outside of the smoker, the device can be incredibly simple, like an empty cardboard box.

  • Smoking.
  • The meat is usually cured before they are smoked.
  • Cooking.
Now we know that smoked meat needs to be cooked, but does that mean it needs to be cooked inside a smoker?

Remove the fat from the pan and cut it across in 3 places. Prepare a mixture of ground black pepper, crushed garlic cloves and salt, mix it well, and rub the product thoroughly. Then roll it into a tight roll, tie it with a thick thread and smoke for half an hour on alder shavings. Place the cooled fat in the refrigerator.

Don't we have wonderfully designed and factory electrical or gas ovens in every kitchen? They are insulated, have built-in temperature control, and are almost begging for those smoked sausages to bake inside. How about putting smoked meat in a pot of hot water and cook these foods on top of the oven?

Traditionally, smoked meat is almost always made from dried parts of pork. most popular large pieces used for smoking are ham, bacon, butt, loins, spinal fat and small parts such as hocks and jaws. Because of their large size, these popular cuts require longer curing times, although these times can be shortened somewhat when pumping the needle precedes the common wet cure method. Hams can be dry or wet, but butts and loins are usually wet, while bacon and spinal fat are usually dried.

The traditional and most common is the smoking of meat and fat. The most delicious and tender smoked bacon is obtained from young pork. All types of meat (pork, beef, lamb, etc.), both young and mature, are suitable for smoking.

If already cut pieces of meat are used for smoking, then the work is simplified, it remains only to process them in an appropriate way before smoking. Otherwise, the carcass with meat requires cutting.

Trimmings end for cooking sausages. For those who smoke non-drug meats, it will be wise to smoke them at temperatures well above the danger zone. Such a product will not be pink, but will show the typical greyish color of cooked meat. Addendum medicinal product in meat to be smoked brings many benefits, one of which prevents the danger of infection food poisoning known as botulism.

These are the prevailing conditions in a small, self-sufficient smoker, where the incoming air is stored at least to keep the sawdust from smoldering and not popping into the fire. A large outdoor smokehouse with a separate fire pit is at less risk as there is sufficient flow fresh air, which enters the smoking chamber along with smoke. Using dry wood increases safety while creating less moisture. Smoking temperature is one of the most important factors in determining quality.

After slaughter, processing of the skin and extraction of the insides of the pork (beef, lamb) carcass, it is best to cut it into three main cuts. The front cut, shoulder part is separated between the fifth and sixth dorsal vertebrae, and the back cut (hip part) is separated between the last and penultimate lumbar vertebrae. Cutting should begin when the meat has cooled.

There is no hard and fast rule that dictates the exact temperature ranges for various kinds smoking. A few degrees to one side or the other should not pose any problem as long as the upper temperature limit of hot smoking is not crossed. Crossing this limit will significantly affect appearance and taste of the product. At this temperature, the fat begins to melt quickly. Once it melts, the sausage will be a mass of breadcrumbs on the inside, greasy on the outside, lose its luster and taste worse.

Tips from an experienced chef

If there is no time at all to cook smoked legs, you can reduce the cooking time to a few hours using an unconventional method of smoking in a high-voltage electrostatic field.

First, the fat is cut out - a layer of fat at least 2.5 cm thick. The cervical-dorsal vertebrae, sternum, ribs and intercostal meat are removed from the front of the carcass. If you cut pork with tanks, then you should separate the cervical part (cheek) in a straight line in front of the first cervical vertebra. The legs are cut off along the upper row of metacarpal bones. From the middle part of the carcass, the spine is cut at the base of the ribs. Then, a loin 14-15 cm wide with ribs no more than 8 cm long is cut out along the entire length, as well as a brisket 22-30 cm wide (its lower part runs along the border of the nipples). The back cut is freed from the tail and legs (along the upper part of the hock), sacrum and tail vertebrae.

cutting pork carcass: 1 shank; 2 - ham; 3 - lumbar part; 4 - dorsal part (loin); 5 - brisket; 6 - scapular part; 7 - knuckle; 8 - tanks with a neck notch.

Before smoking, remove the interior fat from the loin and brisket. For smoked meats whole pieces take the pulp of hams, dorsal and scapular parts. It should be borne in mind that the longer you intend to store food, the smaller the pieces must be cut for smoking. It is better to store meat from which the bones are taken out. After cutting, parts of the carcass are given a certain shape, and if necessary, the skin is removed, excess fat and bones.

Only pre-salted meat and lard are subject to smoking. The most common in smoking are three salting technologies - dry, wet and mixed.

Dry salting is advisable after deep pre-cooling of the meat. It consists in carefully rubbing the pieces on all sides with a curing mixture. For 1 kg of pork, about 40-50 g of salt and 10 g of sugar are required. Pounded garlic, black pepper, cloves and other spices and seasonings can be added to this mixture to improve the taste of meat and lard and give it an appetizing aroma. At the same time, try to ensure that a sufficient amount of curing mixture gets on the skin. Possible cuts or notches in the meat are treated most carefully with the mixture, since it is in them that the accumulation of all kinds of harmful bacteria more often occurs.

Russian traditions

Not everyone knows that in Ancient Russia For a long time, people adhered to the tradition of smoking food with thick smoke on Spirit Day, thereby trying to drive all kinds of evil spirits away from their homes. It was possible to achieve the appearance of such smoke by adding damp firewood and wet sawdust to the main ones. In addition, being very superstitious, the Russians threw onion skins and coniferous firewood into the fire, which, in their opinion, could scare away devils, demonic servants and other helpers of black forces for a long time.

It is recommended to rub pieces of meat on a clean (disinfected) desktop in a cool room. After this treatment, the pieces of meat are placed skin down in a salting container, then the container is covered with a clean lid or cloth and placed in a cool dark place. In the process of such salting, the meat is dehydrated and at the same time soaked in the curing mixture. And in the subsequent period, the so-called. "own" brine, covering only the lower pieces of meat. Therefore, it is advisable every three to four days to shift the upper pieces of meat down, and the lower ones up. At the same time, make sure that the pieces of meat lie skin down.

As a rule, 1 week of dry salting is necessary for 1 kg of meat, so three weeks are enough for meat pieces up to 3 kg. When salting meat pieces weighing up to 1 kg, the lower and upper ones should be interchanged in a day or two. After the salting time has elapsed, the brine must be drained, and the pieces of meat should be left for another three to four days for salting. At this time, the concentration of the salt mixture inside the meat is equalized, due to which it becomes soft and tender.

After salting, the container with meat is filled cold water for 12-14 hours. The length of stay in the water has a direct impact on the sharpness of the taste of ham (meat). A 12-hour soak gives the ham spicy taste, and the 14-hour is soft. After soaking, the pieces of meat are thoroughly washed. warm water and hung on hooks or twine for 2-3 days to dry in cold air.

The advantages of dry salting is that, using it, you can get ham long-term storage, and you can smoke it in the warm months, with wet salting - only in cold weather. The disadvantage is that there is a significant reduction in the mass of meat pieces, as well as in long processing large pieces ham.

Another way to process meat and fat before smoking is wet salting, starting with the preparation of brine. For him, clean drinking water, salt and sugar are mixed in certain proportions. It is best to prepare a 12% solution, for which you should dissolve 100 g of salt in 1 liter of water, and add 1 tsp to 1 liter of brine. topless sugar. Usually this strength of the brine is enough. Then well-chilled pieces of meat are placed in clean containers (in this case, the fat part can be both above and below). The prepared brine is poured over the meat so that its level is several centimeters above the upper pieces of meat. As with dry salting, the meat container is covered with a clean lid and placed in a cool place. Usually, after 14 days, the process of salting pieces of meat weighing up to 3 kg ends.

Tips from an experienced chef

After preparing fish for smoking, you need to think about metal knives that retain a fishy smell for a long time. To get rid of this unpleasant smell, we recommend wiping the knives with salt or vegetable oil.

After that, the meat is taken out of the brine and immediately thoroughly washed with warm water so that later a layer of salt does not appear on the finished ham. Pieces of meat are hung on twine or hooks for another 1-2 days for drying and salting in a ventilated room. Soaking in water, as is done with dry salting, in this case no need. But if the salting technology and sanitary and hygienic rules are violated, the brine may deteriorate. This happens when the protein in the meat goes into the brine and is broken down.

Typically, this transformation of the brine is accompanied by the appearance of foam. And in no case should it be reused, especially if it has sour, bad smell, cloudy and resembles mucus. Pieces of meat that were in such a brine should be thoroughly washed in cold water and only then placed in another brine.

With the mixed method, prepared pieces of meat are rubbed well on all sides with a mixture (of the same concentration as with dry salting), sprinkled with layers of salt and placed in a barrel in a cool place - a pantry or basement (desirable temperature 2-7 ° C). After a few days, the meat is poured with brine, which consists of 10 liters of chilled boiled water, 800 g of salt and 100 g of sugar, covered with a clean wooden circle, a load is placed on it and shifted every 5 days, and the brine (of the same recipe) is replaced with a new one. Hams are kept in brine for 10-25 days, and smaller pieces of meat - 5-6 days. Then salted hams and other meat products are washed in water, dried and tied up on hangers for smoking.

These traditional ways meat processing is not at all exceptional, and lovers of smoked meats are not prohibited from using other proven and reliable methods of salting meat and lard.

Cold smoking

Cold smoked salo

Required: 1 liter of water, 1/2 cup of salt, 5 black peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, 1 g of cloves, head of garlic, 2 kg of lard. Cooking method. Cut the salo into rectangular pieces and place in enamelware. Prepare a brine from water, salt, black pepper, bay leaf and cloves. After boiling, cool it down, place the fat in it and soak it in it for 2 weeks. Next, rinse the fat with water, dry it a little, and then place it in a smokehouse for 4 days. After this period, rub the finished, golden-colored fat with garlic and keep in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours.

Russian traditions

The wedding tradition associated with smoking vegetables and fruits has not been preserved at all to date, although it was this tradition that was followed for a very long time in some regions of Russia. Due to the fact that they started slaughtering poultry and other animals raised for meat only in November, because it was during this period that they fattened up, and weddings began to play much earlier, meat dishes I had to replace vegetables and fruits. In order to somehow make them more satisfying, varied and fragrant, the vegetables were smoked, which made it possible to give them some flavor of meat.

Smoked lard in brine

Required: 1 kg of lard, 1 l of water, 2 heads of garlic, 1/2 tsp. red pepper and cinnamon, 1 cup salt, 3 bay leaves.

Cooking method. Stir the salt in the water, bring it to a boil and season with bay leaf or black pepper. When the brine boils a little, place the pre-cut pieces of bacon in it. Keep everything on fire for another 2 minutes, then set aside until it cools completely. Next, take out the fat and dry it, hanging it in a fabric bag in a draft. Prepared so. rub the lard with garlic and sprinkle with a mixture of red pepper and cinnamon. Then again place the pieces in a bag and hang it in a smokehouse for 2 days.

Smoked bacon

Required: 1 kg of fat, 1/2 liter of water, 1 glass of salt, 2 tbsp. l. red pepper.

Cooking method. Dissolve salt and red pepper in boiling water, pour lard with this brine for 2 days. After this time, drain the brine, and dry the lard slightly and place in a smokehouse for 12 hours.

Wet-salted smoked ham

Required: 4 kg veal ham, 1/2 liter of water, 1 tsp. salt, 10 g sugar.

Cooking method. Prepare a brine by dissolving salt and sugar in water, and place the veal ham in it. Soak it in it for a week, then take it out, dry it and smoke it for 20 hours using the cold smoking method. Cool the finished ham slightly and place in the refrigerator for a day. Serve at the table, cut into portions.

Cold smoked ham

Required: 100 g of salt, 20 g of sugar, 2 liters of water, 5 g of minced garlic, 5 g of juniper seasoning, 3 kg of ham.

Cooking method. Prepare a brine from salt, sugar and water. Season it with spices, put a ham in it and keep it for 7 days. After this time, dry the ham in a well-ventilated area, hang it in a smokehouse and soak it for 12 hours. When the meat becomes golden yellow, remove it and cool it in the fresh air.

Tips from an experienced chef

Smoked duck, chicken or goose can be cut right at the table: break the legs and cut the breast meat into slices. Serve on one big platter with garnish.

Salted and smoked pork

Required: 4 kg pork meat, 5 liters of water, 1 kg of salt, 25 g of sugar, 3 tbsp. l. spices.

Cooking method. Boil water and dissolve salt and sugar in it, boil, strain the brine through two layers of gauze and cool. Put the pork meat in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with spices and pour over the chilled brine. Soak the meat in it for 30-50 days in a cool place. After this time, rinse the corned beef and soak in cold water, changing it several times.

Hang the soaked meat in a cool room to dry for 2-4 days. Then rub with spices, wrap with two-layer gauze and hang in this form in the smokehouse. The smoking time of corned beef should not be less than 72 hours. finished product can be submitted to pasta, as well as an independent dish.

Smoked pork

Required: 1 kg pork, 150 g cheese, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. black ground pepper, 50 g wheat flour, 3 tbsp. l. butter, 2 onions.

Cooking method. Cut the pork into pieces 2 cm thick and carefully beat off. Then put all the slices on the hook so that they do not touch, and place in the smoker for 1-2 days. Keep the finished pieces in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Mix salt, flour and pepper, grate the cheese on coarse grater. Finely chop the onion and sauté butter. With a mixture of flour, salt and pepper, rub the cooled pork slices and fry them on both sides along with the onions. Then sprinkle the slices with grated cheese and lightly melt it in the oven. Serve with mashed potatoes or pasta.

Smoked lamb loin

Required: 2 kg of lamb loin, 300 g of wine, 2 cups of salt, 2 liters of water, 30 g of crushed garlic, 2 tbsp. l. ground black pepper, 2 carrots and onions, 3 tbsp. l. butter, a bunch of parsley, bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns.

Russian traditions

In the coastal regions of Russia, the tradition of serving fish dishes, including smoked ones, to the table on the Neptune holiday is still preserved. And this is not surprising, because no matter how steamed and boiled fish, it is unlikely to be compared with smoked seafood. Here, the aroma is more tender, and the taste is more unusual, and they are stored without losing their characteristics, such products are much longer.

Cooking method. Separate the dorsal part of the lamb carcass from the vertebrae. Mix water with wine, salt, pepper and crushed garlic, boil, then condemn, pour meat over it and marinate for 5 hours. After marinating, dry the loin and smoke it for 80 hours. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and sauté in butter. Parsley and onion finely chop.

Place the finished smoked meat in cold water, add sautéed carrots, chopped parsley, onions, bay leaves, black peppercorns and boil for 2 hours. Then remove from the broth, cut into portions and serve, watering abundantly tomato sauce or onions with mustard. Serve for a side dish stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes or legumes in tomato.

Raw smoked pork belly

Required: 2 kg pork belly, 1/2 cup salt, 2 liters of water, 1/3 cup sugar, 0.05 g sodium nitrate.

Cooking method. Cut the nipples from the pork belly, rinse it thoroughly and dry it. From salt, water, sugar and sodium nitrate, prepare a brine and place the prepared brisket in it. Soak it in this brine for 20 days, and then remove and dry it in limbo during the day.

Smoke the finished, dried brisket on wood from sea buckthorn, aspen or poplar. Continue smoking for a week, 10 minutes every day. Between each smoking place the meat in a suspended state in the refrigerator. Serve the finished raw smoked brisket to the table as a second course. You can store for 4 days, pre-packed.

Boiled-smoked loin

Required: 1.5 kg pork loin, 3 liters of water, 1 kg of salt, 1 glass of sugar, 0.05 g of sodium nitrate.

Cooking method. Cut the loin from the pork carcass along with the lard. Add salt, sodium nitrate and sugar to the water and boil, then cool and pour the loin with brine for 15-20 days. After this time, remove the meat and keep it in limbo for 24 hours. After that, smoke the loin for 2 days. Boil the finished smoked loin in water for 1 hour, cool and serve, cut into portions. This product has a smoky odor and slightly salty taste.

Tips from an experienced chef

To smoked sausage easier to peel, it must be placed for several minutes in cold water. Neither the taste nor the smell of sausage will change from this.

Pastorma smoked-baked

Required: 2 pastors (500 g each), 2 liters of water, 1 glass of salt, 20 g of ground black pepper, 100 g of crushed garlic, 2 tbsp. l. pork fat.

Cooking method. Cut the pastorma along with the bacon from the neck of the pork carcass and cut it into plates 3 cm thick. Then make diagonal cuts 5 mm deep on each plate diagonally. This procedure is necessary to speed up salting and fix spices. Prepare a brine of salt and water and fill pastorma plates with it for 2 days.

Grate the prepared salted plates with ground black pepper and garlic and hang in a cool place for 2 hours so that their surface dries. Then smoke for 3 days using poplar, alder and aspen wood. Place the finished pastorma on a greased pork fat baking sheet, place in the oven and bake for 1 hour. The finished product should have a dry crust with particles of black pepper and garlic and a pronounced smoking aroma.

Beef smoked-boiled loin

Required: 1 kg beef sirloin, 3 bay leaves, 5 g ground black pepper, 2 g sugar, 3 tbsp. l. salt.

Cooking method. Peel off the fat and film from the surface of the muscles, and then pierce each plate along the entire length with a thick needle every 3 cm. Place the muscles prepared in this way in an enamel bowl and pour warm brine from sugar, salt, black pepper and bay leaves. Soak the fillets in brine for a week, and then dry by hanging in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Prepared so. smoke the product for 5 days on poplar, aspen, linden or sea buckthorn wood. Then cool the fillet a little and boil in boiling water until tender. Serve hot, pre-cut into portioned pieces.

Smoked-boiled carbonade

Required: 2 dorsal muscles (500 g each), 1 liter of water, 10 g of garlic, 2 g of ground black pepper, 4 tbsp. l. salt, 20 g sugar, 3 tbsp. l. spices.

Cooking method. Rinse the muscles, clean the fringes on them and dry them slightly. Then pierce along the entire length, every 2 cm with an awl and pour in a brine of salt, garlic, freshly crushed pepper, sugar and water. Soak the carbonade in this brine for 4 days, and then take it out and dry it in a ventilated room for 2 hours.

Prepared so. Smoke the carbonade for 12 hours using prefabricated cherry, plum and sea buckthorn wood. After smoking, boil the product until tender in boiling water with the addition of spices and cut into portions.

Let's count calories

One of the important and necessary substances for the body are vitamins, including vitamin B1. It needs only 4 mg per day, but it plays a very important role in the functioning nervous system, and with its lack, diseases are possible, including such a terrible one as beriberi. To obtain required amount of this vitamin, you should eat smoked pork and chicken meat once a week, because its content in it is much higher than in all other products.

Pork smoked-boiled ribs

Required: 3 kg pork ribs without skin, 2 liters of water, 100 g of tartaric or malic acid, 2 heads of garlic, bay leaves, 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 glass of salt.

Cooking method. Dissolve tartaric or malic acid in water, add garlic, bay leaf, sugar and salt. Boil the solution, and then filter through gauze and cool. Put in it pork ribs and soak them in it for 3 days. After salting, rinse with warm water and dry by hanging for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Prepared so. place the product in the chamber and smoke for 3 days. In the process of smoking, use wood from fruit trees. Cool the cooked ribs and boil until tender in boiling water. Serve with mashed potatoes or beans.

Smoked-boiled pork neck

Required: 1 kg pork neck, 150 g crushed garlic, 2 g black pepper, 2 liters of water, 1/2 cup salt, 1 g sodium nitrate, 3 tbsp. l. sugar, 3 g citric acid, 2 tbsp. l. crushed juniper leaves.

Cooking method. Remove the fat from the neck, pierce all the muscles on both sides with a thick needle every 2-3 cm. Prepare a brine from salt, sodium nitrite and sugar. Boil a little more, and then add black pepper, crushed garlic, citric acid, dry crushed juniper leaves. Cool the brine and strain through two layers of gauze. Fill the neck for 4 days and place in the refrigerator.

After salting, hang the raw material in a ventilated place to dry the surface, and then smoke it. Smoke for a week, every day for 15-20 minutes, on wood from sea buckthorn, peach, poplar or aspen. Boil the smoked neck for 60-75 minutes until cooked and serve chilled.

Tips from an experienced chef

For perfect smoking of loin (dorsal and lumbar parts of the carcass without vertebrae and with smooth edges of the ribs), wood species such as sea buckthorn, aspen, poplar are recommended. The most acceptable duration of smoking is 15-20 minutes.

Boiled pork in foil

Required: 1 kg pork, 3 tbsp. l. grated carrots, 2 tbsp. l. crushed garlic, mayonnaise and sunflower oil, 4 tbsp. l. grated cheese, salt pepper.

Cooking method. Stuff the pork meat with carrots and garlic, then salt, pepper and massage for 3 minutes so that it is evenly soaked. For sauce, mix mayonnaise with sunflower oil and whip. Pour the meat with this sauce and leave in a cool place for 1 hour. After this time, wrap the soaked meat in foil, place in a cloth bag and hang it in the smoking chamber for 3-4 days. Remove the finished product from the foil, cut into portioned pieces and serve, sprinkled with grated cheese.

Smoked pork roll

Required: 1 pork belly (5 kg), 1 kg of salt, 5 g of saltpeter, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. crushed garlic, 1 tsp. ground black pepper.

Cooking method. Rub the pork belly with meat veins on all sides with salt, place in wooden tub and cover with the remaining salt for 4 days. Then prepare the brine. To do this, heat the water and dissolve 1 cup of salt, sugar and saltpeter in it. Rub the salted meat every day with the prepared brine, turning it over if necessary.

When the abdomen is properly salted, hang it for a day in a draft and dry it. Then boil until tender and dry again in a suspended state. Rub the product prepared in this way with garlic and pepper, roll it into a roll and tie it with twine. Place the roll in the smoking chamber and smoke for 70 hours. Serve with boiled potatoes.

Russian traditions

Those who often manage to attend weddings in the countryside are probably familiar with such a tradition as cutting smoked poultry by bridesmaids during a bachelorette party. Gathering together in the evening, the girls arrange gatherings, and before they end, they try to find out which of them will be the first to follow the example of the bride and go to the crown. To determine this, they put on a large tray smoked carcasses any small bird: partridges, teals, chickens, and then proceed to butchering them. It is believed that the girl who can use her hands to divide the carcass into exactly two identical halves will be the next to marry. At the same time, doing preliminary preparations, the girls did not forget that the female should be preferred to the male, and the young bird to the old one.

Smoked ham with juniper (dry salted)

Required: 1 kg of meat, 50 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 40 g of juniper berries, 1 liter of water.

Cooking method. Rinse juniper berries, dry on a cloth and rub. Mix sugar with salt and juniper mass and rub the meat with this mixture on all sides. Prepared so. put the raw materials in a container, close and place in the cellar for 3 weeks. During this time, turn the meat periodically.

After 3 weeks, formed in the container own pickle drain, and leave the meat in the bowl for another 3 days. After that, fill it with cold water and soak for 14 hours. This procedure is necessary to slightly weaken the taste of salt. After soaking, wash the pieces with warm water and dry by hanging on a hook in a well-ventilated area. Smoke the finished product with smoke at a low temperature, using wood and juniper sawdust for this purpose. Smoking time - not less than 78 hours.

Smoked pork with cumin (wet salting)

Required: 1 kg of pork, 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 20 g of cumin.

Cooking method. Heat the water slightly and stir in the salt, sugar and cumin. Pour the meat with this brine and place it in a cold room for 2 weeks. After this time, wash the pork with warm water and dry it in a suspended state during the day. Smoke the product prepared in this way for about a week, sprinkling cumin on sawdust every day, which will give the meat a more delicate and aromatic taste. Serve chilled pork to the table.

Hot smoking

Let's count calories

For normal development and life, each individual necessarily needs various macro- and microelements: potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, sulfur, iron, cobalt, chlorine, iodine, fluorine and others. The content of these substances in different smoked products is not the same, but their largest amount is found in sea ​​fish and in invertebrates such as mussels, oysters, scallops and sea cucumbers. The latter, in terms of the content of these substances, are 10 times more valuable than meat and almost completely satisfy the daily human need for them: half for iodine, 100% for iron and copper, and a third for phosphorus and calcium.

Ham boiled with spices

Required: 1-1.5 kg pork ham, 1 l of water, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 35-40 ml of red wine, juniper berries, 2 cloves, bay leaf, garlic, 5 g of coriander.

Cooking method. For brine, dilute salt, sugar, wine and juniper berries in water. Put the pieces of meat from the shoulder or hip part of the pork in the brine and keep for about a week, and then remove the meat from the brine and dry it in the air for half a day. Roll each piece, tie and boil. Remove the boiled ham from the container every other day, dry it in a suspended state and then smoke it at a temperature of 40-50 ° C for 4 to 5 hours. For smoking, it is best to use hardwoods - to give the ham a delicate aroma.

Smoked veal ham

Required: 1 kg of veal ham, 1.5 l of water, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 4 g of black pepper, 2 g of red pepper.

Cooking method. For brine, dilute salt, sugar, spices in water. Put the pieces of the hip part of the veal carcass into the brine and keep for 7 days. Then take out the carcass, dry it and smoke for 5-7 hours with high temperature smoke. Roll up the ham, tie it up and bring it to readiness in a cooking container. Then cool the container in cold water for several hours and place in the refrigerator for 1 day.

Peasant smoked ham

Required: 1 kg of pork ham, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 5 g of crushed coriander and black pepper, 20 g of dry dill, 15 g liquid seasoning from juniper and garlic.

Cooking method. Place the pieces of ham in a brine of water, salt and sugar, and after 7 days of exposure, dry it in a well-ventilated area, hanging it on a hook. Then rub the meat with a mixture of seasonings and spices and smoke for 20 minutes at a high temperature until a golden yellow color is obtained. After that, place the ham pieces in hot water(80°C) for 1-2 hours, then cool in air.

Tips from an experienced chef

As a side dish for smoked meat and fish, you can use vinaigrette, in which onions should be soft, juicy and not very spicy. Pickled onions are the best for this.

beef ham

Required: 1-1.5 kg of beef (veal) ham, 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of grated garlic, 5 g of dry fennel, 15 g of dry dill, 6 g of ground black pepper, 3 g of cumin.

Cooking method. Dissolve the salt and sugar in the water and place the lower thigh pieces of beef or stuffed pieces of veal into the brine. After 7 days of soaking in brine, dry the meat in a suspended state for about 4-5 hours, then transfer it to hot water (80 ° C), in which dilute seasonings and spices, and soak for 1-2 hours. temperature (40-50°C) until a golden yellow color is obtained.

Smoked brisket

Required: for 1 kg of brisket - 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, garlic, 40 g of juniper berries, 15 g of coriander, 5 g of ground black pepper.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients into the curing mixture. Carefully rub the pre-chilled pieces of brisket with it on all sides (especially on the side of the skin) and put the pieces in a container with the skin down, close the lid and place in a cool cellar. Brisket salting time - 14 days. Every three days, shift the pieces, but be sure to skin down. After the time has elapsed, drain your own brine. Leave the brisket pieces for another 3-4 days in a dry form in the same container, and then fill with cold water and keep the brisket in it for 10-12 hours. Remove the brisket, wash with warm water and dry in a suspended state. A day later, smoke it at a temperature of 80-90 ° C, using juniper branches as firewood, until a rich dark color is obtained. During smoking, 1-2 juniper cones are placed on the sawdust.

Smoked brisket can also be cooked using the wet method. In this case, the duration of the salting is 1 week.

Russian traditions

In many old Russian recipes, smoked goose breast is called the most refined and delicious dish. And this is not an exaggeration, because at the beginning of the 17th century. in Russia, this dish was considered the most royal, and mere mortals did not have to taste it. In connection with the acquisition of such a “status” by this dish, the wealthier classes forced the peasants to give them the breast of each goose. After some time, among the common people, a tradition was formed and strengthened to bow, presenting a goose breast as a gift to their owners, which they certainly gave to the cook for smoking. A reflection of this tradition can be seen in some folk tales, where a peasant and a king share a goose carcass.

Ham with juniper in own brine

Required: for 1 kg of meat - 50 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 40 g of juniper berries, 5 g of ground black pepper.

Cooking method. Mix the crushed juniper berries with sugar and salt and carefully rub the pieces of meat with this mixture on all sides. Put them in a container with the skin down, close, place in a cool cellar and hold for 3 weeks. During this time, every 3-4 days, shift the pieces of ham with the skin down, and after 3 weeks, drain your own brine and leave the pieces of ham for another 3-4 days in a container, then pour cold water and soak for 14 hours to weaken the taste of salt . Next, wash the ham with lukewarm water and dry it during the day by hanging it on a hook in a well-ventilated area. Smoke the ham at 60-80°C. Sprinkle juniper berries on sawdust while smoking.

Smoked veal ham with spices

Required: 1 kg of veal tenderloin, 1 liter of water, 120 g of salt, 10 g of sugar and cumin, 5 g of ground black pepper, 6 g of cardamom, 3 g of dry cilantro.

Cooking method. Put the pieces of ham in a container for salting. Dissolve salt and sugar in water, add cumin, pepper to the brine and pour the ham so that it is completely immersed in it. Cover the container with a cloth or a clean lid and place in a cool place. After 14 days, remove the ham from the brine and wash it with lukewarm water, then rub with the mixture herbs, hang on a hook and dry during the day in a well-ventilated area.

When wet salting the ham in water, do not soak. Smoke it on juniper smoke at a temperature of 70-80°C. Sprinkle juniper berries on sawdust while smoking.

Tips from an experienced chef

If urgent matters suddenly appear during the preparation of minced meat, you can safely leave it in the refrigerator. It will be stored for a long time if you add sautéed onions to it first.

Pork ham with garlic

Required: for 1 kg of meat - 50 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, 15 g of garlic, 30 g of mustard, 2 cups of water.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients and carefully rub the chilled pieces of ham on all sides. Place the ham in a bowl, skin side down, close and place in a cool place. Change pieces of ham every 3-4 days (skin side down). After 3 weeks, drain the brine and leave the ham dry for 4 days. Then fill the ham with cold water and soak for 14 hours. After that, wash it with lukewarm water and rub with a mixture of crushed garlic and mustard, hang to dry in a cool place.

After a day, start smoking. When smoking on sawdust, put a few sprigs of pine or dry spruce or pine cones. Smoke until desired color is obtained. Garlic ham can also be cooked using the wet method. In this case, the salting time is reduced to 14 days.

spicy ham

Required: for 1 kg of meat - 50 g of salt, 15 g of sugar, garlic, 10 g of ground black and white pepper, 5 g of ground red pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients, rub the pieces of ham evenly on all sides with the mixture, put the fat side down in a container, close and place in a cool place. The duration of the salting is 3 weeks, every 3-4 days the pieces are shifted (upper - down, lower - up). Then drain the brine and leave the ham dry for 3-4 days, then pour cold water for 14 hours, then wash with lukewarm water, wipe with a clean cloth, sprinkle with a mixture of ground white and black pepper. After a mandatory one-day drying, start smoking the ham with smoke at a temperature of 40-50 ° C.

Let's count calories

It is widely believed that a dish made from smoked sea ​​kale meat or fish. At the same time, with finished product the leaves are not removed, but served as the most basic of the ingredients. Processed t. cabbage contains about 12% protein, 70% carbohydrates and 25% minerals and vitamins C, A, D and B and has the ability to remove all kinds of harmful substances from the body.

Lamb ham "Fragrant"

Required: for 1 kg of meat - 50 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, cumin and adjika, 5 g of ground black and red pepper, 4 g of coriander, 3 g of sesame.

Cooking method. Mix sugar, salt, cumin and other spices and rub the chilled lamb pieces well with the mixture. Put the meat in a container with the skin down, close and leave in a cool place. Change the pieces of ham every 3-4 days, skin side down. Drain your own brine after 3 weeks, and leave the meat in the container for a few more days. Then fill the container with water and soak the meat in it for 14 hours. After that, remove it, wash it with warm water, hang it and dry it. Smoke the meat once a day at a low temperature.

Fragrant boiled pork

Required: 1 kg pork tenderloin, 50 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, cumin and adjika, 4 g of coriander, 3 g of sesame, 5 g of dry fennel, dill and basil.

Cooking method. Cut the pork into long pieces 3 cm thick, remove the fat. Then mix salt and sugar and rub the meat with the mixture, placing it tightly in a wooden tub, sprinkling with spices and herbs. Salt boiled pork for 10-12 days, then soak in cold water to remove excess salt. Strain the water, dry the meat with a towel and, hanging it, smoke it at a high temperature during the day. Soak the smoked meat for 24 hours between two boards under load. After that, spread it with a mixture of crushed garlic and hot red pepper and hang it in a cool place.

Smoked lard

Required: 1 kg of lard, 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of cumin and black pepper, 5 g of dry fennel and dill, bay leaf, cloves, garlic.

Cooking method. Cut the lard into rectangular or square pieces and place in a deep enameled or wooden bowl. Boil the brine separately, adding black pepper, 1-2 bay leaves, 3-4 cloves and half a head of crushed garlic to it. Pour the lard with chilled brine and soak in it for 16-18 days. Then take out the fat, rinse with warm water, tie the pieces with twine and hang for 1-2 days for pumping. Next, smoke it until a dark golden color is formed. Spread hot lard with red pepper and crushed garlic, place in thin cloth bags and hang in a cool place to dry.

Tips from an experienced chef

You can cook all kinds of salads as a side dish for smoked meats. If mayonnaise is not at hand, feel free to replace it with sour cream with mashed yolk of a hard-boiled egg, adding a teaspoon of mustard.

Berlin beef in foil

Required: 1-1.5 kg of beef, 1-1.5 liters of water, 80 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, cumin and black pepper, 5 g of dry parsley, ground red pepper and dill, bay leaf.

Cooking method. Dip the beef in boiling water, let it boil, take it out, dry it on a sieve, rub it with a mixture of salt and sugar and hang it in a cool place to dry for 12 hours. Then boil the meat in 1 liter of water, in which stir the spices and seasonings, then dry it again . Then wrap the pieces of beef in foil and smoke for 1 day in a smokehouse at a temperature of 50-60°C.

Veal loin

Required: 1-1.5 kg of veal, 100 g of salt, 20 g of sugar, 2 liters of water, 5 g of dry dill and white ground pepper, 4 g of dry parsley, mint, 10 g of black ground pepper and cumin, bay leaf.

Cooking method. Mix salt, sugar, pepper and rub the veal with the resulting mixture. Place the pieces of meat in boiled water, sprinkled with dry herbs, and put a wooden board and a load on top, keep warm for a day, and then 2 weeks in a cold place, turning the pieces over after 2-3 days. After this time, take out the salted veal, dry it, rub it with the mixture and smoke it during the day at a high temperature. Then let the veal hang in the cold pantry and cook it like a ham.

Lamb ham

Required: 1.5 kg of lamb, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar, cumin and dry dill, 5 g of black and red ground pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method. Mix salt, sugar and black pepper. Rub the mutton with this mixture on all sides, put it in a container and cover with dry dill and bay leaf, let stand for 4 days. Turn the meat every day and rub with the resulting brine. If the ham is large, salt it for up to 10 days. After salting, remove from the brine, hang for a day in a draft. Before smoking, you can boil the ham, as you cook ham. Smoke on juniper branches at a temperature of 50-60 ° C for 1 day.

Russian traditions

Some time ago, in Russia, the feast of Sylvester Pechorsky was celebrated annually. It fell on January 2, and this date was considered by the people as one of the unfortunate days, similar to which in each month there were from one to two. The saint himself was considered the patron of the feathered economy, and therefore on this day it was customary to smoke chicken coops with smoke in order to protect the bird living in them from illness and the evil eye, and then they killed its fattest inhabitant and smoked it first with weak, and then thick smoke. The density of the smoke was increased, and the flame itself was reduced by adding wet sawdust to the firebox.

The peasants believed that with the help of smoke they expelled all the ailment from the birds into one, the most capacious, i.e. fat, which was then also treated with smoke and eaten so that misfortunes would never befall them again.

Pork loin

Required: 1.5 kg of pork tenderloin, 1 liter of water, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar and dry dill, 5 g of black and red ground pepper, 3 g of garlic, bay leaf, onion peel.

Cooking method. Put 2-3 handfuls on the bottom of the pan onion peel, and on them - a piece of pork (you can just lard), fill with water so that the pork is completely covered, put salt, spices to taste and cook for 40-50 minutes. Then take out the pork, dry it on a towel or in a suspended state. Grate boiled boiled pork with garlic, red pepper and smoke at a temperature of 50 ° C on juniper or alder smoke. The ham will acquire a beautiful golden hue and a fragrant smell.

beef ham

Required: 1.5 kg beef tenderloin, 1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. l. vinegar, 100 g of salt, 10 g of sugar and garlic, 5 g of black and red ground pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking method. Rub beef with garlic, salt and pepper. Make a vinegar solution, place the beef in it. Soak for a week, then dry the meat in a suspended state and smoke at a temperature of 50-60 ° C during the day.

Smoked-boiled pork roll

Required: 1.5 kg pork tenderloin with thin layers of fat, 2 liters of water, 100 g of salt, 5 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 4 g black ground pepper, 5 g red ground pepper, bay leaf, 10 g coriander and dry dill.

Cooking method. Cut a piece of pork thinly and beat it off, then salt, pepper and soak in vinegar solution (3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Soak the pork for a week, then wrap it in a roll (you can stuff the roll and wrap it in foil so that it does not unwind) and cook in water with the addition of spices (bay leaf, dry dill) for 2-3 hours. boiled roll dry on a cloth in a cool place, and then smoke at a temperature of 30 ° C for 5-6 hours.

Tips from an experienced chef

Before smoking, it is best to defrost the meat not in water, as is usually the case, but in the air. This will greatly improve taste qualities product.

Smoked pork ribs

Required: 1 kg of pork ribs with meat, 2 liters of water, 80 g of salt, 15 g of sugar, 4 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 10 g of ground black pepper, coriander and garlic, 5 g of ground red pepper and adjika, bay leaf, 30 g of dry dill and parsley.

Cooking method. Pork ribs rinse, dry and soak in a vinegar mixture, for which dilute vinegar in 1 liter of water, add salt and sugar. Place the container with the soaked ribs in a cool place for 6-7 days. Then take the ribs out of the solution and hang them to dry or lay them out on a cloth in a cool place. Rub the dried ribs with a mixture of seasonings and spices and smoke on alder smoke for 2 days at a high temperature.