Processing cranberries at home. Cranberries under a sugar “plug”

A unique berry that grows in all northern countries is cranberry. She

has a lot of advantages and useful properties. This berry contains a lot of vitamin C, magnesium and iron. The uniqueness of cranberries is that they contain rare substances that are very close to the most important human hormones. This berry has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. They are harvested in the fall and many housewives are faced with the question of how to preserve cranberries for the winter so that they do not lose their vitamins.

Properties of cranberries

This unique sour berry has diuretic, bactericidal and antipyretic properties. It stimulates the pancreas, lowers blood pressure and regulates blood clotting. The rich composition of cranberries makes it indispensable for vitamin deficiencies and decreased immunity. It is used in the form of decoctions and as an additive to many dishes. It gives a special taste to any product and is added when fermenting, cooking compotes and preparing side dishes. Therefore, the question of how to preserve cranberries for the winter is so relevant.

Storing cranberries

1. In the old days, this berry was most often stored like this: it was filled with spring water, sometimes adding cinnamon, cloves or honey. This method is still relevant today. The washed and sorted berries should be placed in sterilized jars and filled with water. Cover with clean lids and refrigerate. This way the cranberry will retain all its vitamins, and the water in which it is stored will also acquire beneficial features.

2. Another way to store this berry is freezing. To do this, you need to dry it and place it on a baking sheet or tray. should be low, because quick freezing preserves vitamins better. pour into bags in small portions so that after

defrost use them all.

3. Many housewives make it from cranberries. The easiest way is to grind it with sugar. It is better to do this using a meat grinder or food processor so that the berries are completely mixed with sugar. You can put the mixture into sterilized jars only after it has completely dissolved.

4. How to preserve cranberries for the winter? You can make jam for five minutes. The berries need to be boiled until softened, rubbed and poured with sugar syrup. It is made from two kilograms of sugar and one and a half glasses of water. After this, all that remains is to mix the jam well, boil a little and put it in jars.

Cranberry recipes

Cranberry syrup is very tasty and healthy. To prepare it, clean dry berries are covered with sugar, the proportions are the same as for jam. The jars are tied with gauze and placed in a cool place. Coming Soon healthy syrup which is stored in the refrigerator.

A healing decoction can be prepared from both fresh and canned cranberries. For this per liter hot water you need to take a glass of berries and 2 tablespoons of honey.

There are many more recipes on how to prepare cranberries for the winter. It makes very delicious jams, juice or marmalade. You can also dry it or make kvass. In any form, it will be very useful and will support your body on winter days when there are not enough vitamins. If you know how to pick this berry correctly, then the question of how to preserve cranberries for the winter will not be difficult - they lie perfectly in a cold place until spring.

Cranberry is an invaluable plant in terms of its benefits. IN winter time it can help with colds, vitamin deficiencies, and simply add some piquant variety to the diet. The scope of its application is very wide, so questions long-term storage berries are relevant for any family.

From fresh berries You can make fruit drinks, compotes, jellies. Dried ones are suitable for hot drinks that warm you up in the winter season.

In earlier times, no special tricks were used to store berries. The berries, collected in September-October, were sorted and scattered in a thin layer somewhere in a dry place. She could ripen on her own.

The ability of cranberries to remain fresh for a long time and not spoil directly depends on the percentage of organic acids it contains. The higher the acidity of the berry, the longer it will be stored.

From this point of view, it seems justified to harvest slightly unripe cranberries in the “white barrel” phase. It contains a lot of acid, it is quite hard and does not wrinkle. In addition, unripe berries are capable of ripening.

In order for the collected cranberries to ripen at home, place a clean towel on the bottom of a wicker basket or cardboard box and carefully transfer the berries. It is important that the berry is only slightly unripe. If the fruits are completely white, there will be no benefit.

If you put a ripe tomato or apple in a container with ripening cranberries, the process will go faster. This is due to the release of ethylene gas by the fruit.

Ways to store cranberries for the winter at home

And yet, as the Russian proverb says: “Every vegetable has its time.” Cranberries picked unripe, even after ripening, do not acquire the characteristic taste, aroma and juiciness. The best quality berries are picked in late autumn, when they have already turned dark red or even purple.

Cranberries harvested in late autumn are softer, so they are more difficult to sort. But its taste is sweeter, the hint of bitterness is smoother, and the vitamin content is maximum. Save this healthy berries for the winter there are several ways.

Freezing ripe berries

This method allows you to avoid the loss of vitamins that is inevitable with other methods of preservation. This is done like this:

  1. A wide cutting board is wrapped in a clean towel and placed in a basin at an angle.
  2. The berries are poured in small portions along the resulting slope. Leaves, twigs and other plant debris remain on the towel and do not fall into the basin.
  3. Spoiled and crushed berries are removed from the pelvis. Then it is washed and placed in a colander.
  4. After the water has drained, the cranberries are scattered on a clean towel and dried. It is important that there is no water left on it, otherwise the berries will stick together when frozen.
  5. Dry and clean cranberries are packaged in bags and placed in freezer. Portions should be small - the berry cannot withstand repeated freezing.

In winter, this berry can be used to prepare jelly, sauces for meat, fillings for pancakes and pies.

How to store cranberries in the refrigerator

This is an old-fashioned way of storing cranberries, despite the fact that refrigerators appeared only in the 20th century. In the old days, a cellar or cold vestibule was used instead.

The sorted and washed berries are poured into glass jars up to the shoulders and poured cold water. It is advisable to use key, but filtered and bottled will do. There is no need to add anything to the water; the berry itself is an excellent preservative. Then the banks close nylon covers and get out into the cold.

In this state, she calmly “survives” until spring. The degree of preservation of vitamins in such a product is very high.

Water from a jar of pickled cranberries has a number of useful qualities. It can be drunk or used for cosmetic purposes.

Cranberries with sugar

Since sugar in a certain concentration becomes a preservative, it makes sense to use it to preserve the beneficial qualities of fresh cranberries. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Sterilize and dry glass jars. Sort the berries, wash and dry well. Pour them into the container, layering with sugar and tapping so that the sugar is well distributed between the berries. Close the jars with sterile nylon lids and refrigerate.
  2. Grind the clean berries in a blender or grind in a meat grinder. Add sugar to the resulting puree at the rate of 1.5 kg per 1 kg of berries. Place the mixture in dry sterilized jars, close the lids and refrigerate. Another storage option is to put the puree into plastic containers, close it and put it in the freezer.

In winter, cranberries prepared in this way can be used to make fruit drinks, desserts, or simply served with tea instead of jam. Since the berry has not been subjected heat treatment, vitamins are preserved well in it.


You can dry cranberries in the oven or electric dryer. Before this, the berries are washed and dried on a towel. A very tasty dried berry is obtained if it is first boiled in syrup.

To do this, the fruits are poured with hot syrup prepared in a 1:1 ratio of sugar and water. After 6 hours, the syrup is drained, boiled and the cranberries are poured again for 6 hours. Bring the mixture to a boil, drain the berries in a colander and place on a baking sheet. After light drying, place in the oven or dryer.

When processing cranberries using an electric dryer, you need to take into account that the process on the upper trays is slower than on the lower ones. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to change their places.

When processing berries in the oven, the temperature is maintained at 50⁰, and the door is opened slightly. A properly dried berry should be elastic, but not sticky. There is no need to overdry it until it becomes brittle.

Dry cranberries are stored in containers for bulk products or linen bags and used to prepare compotes and jelly. Shelf life is up to three years.

Not only fruits, but also cranberry leaves are suitable for drying. This is a valuable medicinal raw material for preparing gargles for throat diseases or diuretic infusions. Tea made from cranberry leaves restores water and electrolyte balance and is very good after a bath.


Methods of preserving cranberries such as making jams, marmalades, and preserves are not bad, but with prolonged temperature treatment, the berry turns from a storehouse of vitamins into an ordinary delicacy. You can try to combine business with pleasure by preparing cranberries with own juice.

Method number 1:

  1. Wash and sort the cranberries, separating large and small ones.
  2. Crush the small ones with a pestle, heat over low heat and squeeze.
  3. Place large ones in a saucepan, pour in the resulting juice, and heat. Do not bring to a boil.
  4. Pour the berry mass into clean, warm jars and place for sterilization. A half-liter jar will last ten minutes. The processing time for a liter should be increased to fifteen minutes.
  5. Seal the jars hermetically.

Method number 2:

  1. Wash the cranberries and immediately place them in a saucepan. No need to sort.
  2. Place the pan on water bath and warm the berries until the juice begins to stand out.
  3. Stirring gently, bring the mixture to the desired consistency.
  4. Pour into clean, warm jars and sterilize in the same way as in the first method.
  5. Seal the jars hermetically.

A good way to preserve cranberries is to make compotes. The product has a very pleasant sweet and sour taste and beautiful color.

To prepare it you need to make 50% sugar syrup(ratio of sugar and water 1:1). Pour clean cranberries into jars. Adjust the number of berries in the jar to your taste. If you want to get more concentrated compote, cranberries can be placed up to the “hangers” of the jar. Pour hot syrup over the berries.

Place the jars for sterilization. At 100⁰C, cranberry compote is processed for 10-15 minutes. Then the jars are rolled up and put in a cool place.


In the winter-spring period, cranberries - excellent remedy to improve immunity. For coughs, sore throats, and acute respiratory viral infections, the berry mixed with honey is taken 3-4 times a day. Cranberry juice is useful at high temperatures, having antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, people with hyperacidous gastritis, stomach ulcers and liver disease should exercise caution. The high acidity of swamp berries can provoke exacerbations of these diseases. Before consuming cranberries medicinal purposes, you need to consult a doctor.

Cranberries are small red berries that are widely used in cooking and also in folk medicine. They are used to make compotes, juices, fruit drinks and jam. Eating berries raw is no less tasty and healthy. That's why cranberries for the winter prepared by many housewives and lovers of folk remedies.

Cranberries are very rich in antioxidants - known "protectors" human body from harmful free radicals. It means that regular use Eating berries reduces the risk of many cardiovascular diseases and cancer. The antioxidant effect of berries prolongs youth and prevents premature aging body.

Almost everyone can enjoy cranberries. There are practically no allergic reactions to this berry, and low calorie content allows you to eat it whenever such a desire arises or the need arises. 100 grams of berries contain only 26 kcal, while a similar portion sour apples 35 Kcal.

In addition to a pleasant, sour taste and light aroma, cranberries are a source of many useful vitamins and microelements. They contain vitamins B1, B2, C, E, P and K, biotin and beta-carotene, which is beneficial for vision. These berries also contain vitamin C, which increases the body’s protective properties and allows it to more effectively resist diseases. It is especially important to regularly consume cranberries and dishes made from them in the autumn-winter season, when the peak of colds is expected.

Cranberries are harvested until the first frost, as well as in early spring. In principle, you can even find fruits that have survived the winter on cranberry bushes, but they contain almost no vitamin C, so it is better to prepare the raw materials before frost. Maximum amount useful substances preserves in cranberries when quickly frozen in the freezer.

If the berries are subjected to heat treatment, they will lose almost all of their beneficial properties. In addition, instead of a pleasant, sour taste, you can get a pronounced bitterness. The maximum that can be done is to pour 40-50 degrees water over the berries, crush them with a spoon and add honey to taste - such a drink is not only an excellent means of boosting immunity, but also great helper in the fight against colds, and it also has a detox effect.

Although cranberry jamexquisite delicacy, there is practically no benefit from it. If you want to preserve the valuable vitamin and microelement cranberry set, you need to resort to other methods of preparation.

Preparing cranberries for the winter without cooking, recipes

To prevent the berries from becoming wrinkled and starting to deteriorate, it is best to harvest cranberries immediately after harvesting or as soon as possible after that. Recipes that do not require cooking are especially popular. Firstly, this way the product retains much more useful substances, and secondly, most of these methods of preparing for the winter are simpler and faster than boiling.

Our grandmothers and grandfathers stored red, sour berries in a cool, well-ventilated place. They were simply laid out in a thin layer on any flat surface: on a tray or on a table covered with a clean cloth. From time to time, the raw materials were sorted out, removing dried, rotten or otherwise spoiled fruits.

True, this is hardly possible in an apartment, which is why today such an option for preserving cranberries is rare. Other methods of harvesting cranberries have become more popular.

Freezing cranberries

The best and easiest option for preparing cranberries for the winter is quick freezing. Moreover, in this way it is possible to preserve even raw materials that were “caught” by frost. The collected berries should be sorted, removing rotten, crushed or limp ones. Anything that remains should be thoroughly rinsed with cool water, preferably in 2 stages. Next, the cranberries are laid out on a tray or in a shallow container covered with a cloth. This will help dry the raw materials faster. Periodically, cranberry berries need to be tossed so that the moisture leaves them evenly. Once they are completely dry, you should lay them out plastic bags or special containers for freezing, and then place in the freezer.

Frozen cranberries can be refrigerated for up to 2 years. Moreover, after defrosting, the berries have almost the same long list of useful substances as freshly picked ones. If your freezer has a “quick freezing” function, it must be turned on immediately after placing the containers with berries inside the chamber.

Pickled cranberries

Soaking cranberries is a harvesting method that has come to us since ancient times. It was actively used at a time when housewives did not have freezers in their arsenal. Soaking these berries is still popular today, because preserving them in this way is not difficult, but you can get tasty addition to sauerkraut, Korean carrots and other “winter” salads. There are many who eat pickled cranberries without any additives, enjoying their sour-spicy taste.

The easiest way to soak berries is according to the following recipe:

  • the berries are sorted, rotten, crushed or dry ones are removed. Next, the raw materials are washed and placed in pre-sterilized jars. After this, the berries are filled with clean, boiled and cooled water, covered with a lid and placed in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator or on a balcony. It is necessary that the water in the jars is up to the neck, above the level of the cranberries.

Those who want to get sweet and sour cranberries should use another recipe:

  • as in the previous version, the cranberries are sorted and thoroughly washed with cold water. Then it is placed in jars and filled with solution. It is prepared from 2 glasses of water and 1 tablespoon of sugar along with a pinch of salt. The brine is stirred, boiled and cooled to room temperature. This amount of solution is enough for 1 kilogram of cranberries. You can also add cinnamon, cloves and allspice to taste - this will make the soaked berries more piquant.

Lovers of sweets will probably prefer to grind the cranberries with sugar over all options for cranberry preparations. Moreover, the recipe is very simple and does not require much effort or time. Cranberries will be stored for use for the winter.

Cranberries with sugar

As with other harvesting methods, you must first sort out and rinse the berry raw materials with cold water. After this, the jars are prepared - thoroughly washed and sterilized. Next, layer sugar and cranberries into the jar. The thickness of 1 layer is approximately 1 centimeter. Thus, both ingredients are taken in an approximate ratio of 1:1. The top layer must be sugar. There is no need to compact the components filling the jar; just close it with a lid and place it in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator.

Alternatively, you can puree the cranberries and sugar in a blender. The 1:1 proportion is not necessary; if desired, there can be a little more sugar. Ready mixture You should also put it in jars, you can sprinkle sugar on top and, closing the lid, store it in the cold. To make the cranberry puree as smooth as possible. You can leave it for a day after stirring, and only then send it to be stored in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Alcohol tincture with cranberries

To prepare tasty and healthy drink you need to take 0.5 kilos of sugar and cranberries, grind them by hand, in a mortar, or in a blender. Then the mixture is placed in a jar and filled with 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. Then you need to mix everything and send it to a cool, cool place for 2 weeks. Next, the liquid is filtered and another 1 glass of sugar is added. Everything is infused for a week, after which it is bottled and stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life is no more than 7 months, then fermentation may begin, which will worsen the taste of the tincture.

Cranberries with honey

To make the most healthy cranberry preparations, sugar is better replace with honey. The combination of these two components is a true “storehouse of useful substances” for the human body.

You can make an alcohol-honey tincture. To do this, 1 kilogram of cranberries is ground and poured into 1 liter quality vodka. Everything is infused for 3-4 days, after which 1 glass of liquid or previously melted honey in a water bath is added. After waiting another 4 days, the product can be taken. Cranberries are stored in alcohol in a dark, cool place.

It’s also good to puree the ingredients in a blender. equal proportions cranberries and honey, then transfer everything into sterilized jars and store in the cold. If you don’t have a blender, you will have to first grind the berries in a mortar and then add honey to it to taste.


Cranberries are popular not only for preparing various culinary masterpieces, but also as a means of traditional medicine. You learned that there are many ancient and modern harvesting methods. Despite the fact that the fastest and in a useful way Fast freezing is considered, which method of preparing cranberries to choose is up to you. The main thing is that the prepared product helps you always stay healthy.

Read the article: 847

Nature presents man with many useful gifts. These include cranberries. The berry contains great amount organic acids, vitamins, including vitamin C, and many others. useful microelements. This explains the active use of cranberries in folk medicine. In addition, compotes, fruit drinks, jams are made from it, and added to pies and other baked goods.

Cranberries with sugar for the winter: recipe

One of the most popular ways to prepare cranberries for the winter is to grind the berries with sugar.


  1. Cranberries – 1 kg
  2. Sugar – 1 kg


  • Blanch clean cranberries. To do this, bring a pan of water to a boil and lower the cranberries into it for 5-7 minutes. Dry the berries and grind through a sieve. Mix the finished puree with sugar, place in clean jars, cover with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator.
  • This method can be simplified. Place the cranberries in a bowl and crush them with a masher. It is better to use wood rather than metal. Otherwise, a chemical reaction may occur between the acids in the berries and the metal. The crushed berries are sprinkled with sugar, mixed thoroughly and placed in jars.

Cranberries in sugar: how to cook?


  1. Cranberries – 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 1.5 kg


  • This method requires good large berries. They are washed, dried and placed in a clean jar. Sprinkle each layer of cranberries with a layer of sugar.
  • Jars of sugar cranberries should be covered with lids and placed in the refrigerator for storage.

How to preserve cranberries for the winter?

Exist different ways storage of cranberries. They partly depend on the timing of berry picking. So cranberries collected in September can also be stored in fresh. This method has been around for quite a long time. Previously, cranberries were peeled, sorted, poured into wooden tubs and filled with clean water. In this form, barrels of berries were stored at low temperatures in cellars all winter. This method can be adapted to modern realities. Just fill the cranberries with water and place them in the refrigerator. A minimum of one month of storage is provided for the berries.

Dried cranberries: preparation method

Drying cranberries at home is easy. To do this, you need to take a pan of water and bring it to a boil. Place peeled whole berries into boiling water for 1-2 minutes. After this, the liquid is drained and the cranberries are dried. The oven is heated to 70 degrees. Pour the cranberries onto a baking sheet and level them. The layer should not be very thick. Place the baking sheet with berries in the oven for 5 hours. Every 30 minutes. The cranberries need to be stirred for even baking. Ready dried cranberries leave for several hours room temperature. After this, pour the berries into glass jars or any other containers that need to be hermetically sealed.

Cranberries can be soaked. Ready berries They are stored for a long time, they are used in salads and when serving meat.

Pickled cranberries with apples


  1. Cranberries – 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 50 gr.
  3. Antonovka - 200 gr.
  4. Pepper, Bay leaf, salt - to taste


  • The cranberries are sorted and the whole berries are left. Fill with clean cold water. Apples are chopped and added to cranberries. Add spices and salt.
  • The berries are kept at room temperature for 7 days. During this time, fermentation should begin and end.
  • After this time, the berry mass is placed together with the brine in a jar, covered with a lid and stored in the cold.

How to freeze cranberries?

As for other types of cranberries harvested after frost or in the spring, it is better to freeze such berries. This way they will retain all their beneficial properties. How to preserve cranberries for the winter in this way? The berries are sorted, sorted, discarded and washed with water. Next, the cranberries are dried. Berries are poured evenly into bags or containers. It is preferable to use flat, low containers. Under this condition, the cranberries will not freeze and the berries will be intact. A small layer of berries is poured into containers and sent to the freezer. Next, the cranberries are frozen. Then it is scattered into bags. When freezing in bags without other containers, cranberries are poured into them immediately. Then tie it tightly and release the air.

Cranberry compote for the winter: a classic recipe


  1. Cranberries – 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 600 gr.
  3. Water – 1l


  • Sort cranberries: remove crushed and spoiled berries. Rinse under running water. The easiest way is to put it in a colander.
  • Pour clean berries into a saucepan along with sugar. Let it sit for a while and then turn on the heat.
  • Cook until sugar dissolves. Pour water into the pan and boil the compote for 5 minutes.

Cranberry preparations for the winter may be useful for treating colds and for use in cooking. Based on the berries with sugar, you can make fruit drinks that are excellent against colds, tonic drinks, and add it to pies and pies. The easiest way to store cranberries is frozen and dried. Making such preparations is not very difficult, and the result will please you and your loved ones.

In the article we discuss cranberries for the winter, recipes for cooking with and without cooking, for serving with sweet and meat dishes. You will learn how to make delicious homemade jam and jam, cranberry compote, sauce and marmalade, and what to consider when making sauerkraut with cranberries.

You can store cranberries for the winter frozen or in the form delicious preparations If you want to keep cranberries fresh for the winter, freeze them. Use berries picked in early fall or after the first frost. In the first case, the cranberries are still unripe, but strong, and it is convenient to sort them out. Before harvesting the berries, they are left to ripen in a bright room with good ventilation. In the second case, the cranberries are tasty and sweet. But before storing cranberries for the winter, they need to be quickly processed and frozen, as they may bruise.

Basic rules for freezing cranberries:

  • Sort through the berries, remove damaged and spoiled ones.
  • Wash in plenty of cool water, wait until it drains, scatter the cranberries on a towel and dry.
  • If the berries are already ripe, place them in plastic containers.
  • If you are freezing unripe fruits, place them in small portions in plastic bags and wrap it with a flat briquette.
  • Place the bags in the freezer and select the fast freeze setting.
  • The temperature when storing cranberries for the winter should not rise above -18°C.
  • If the berries are defrosted, they must be processed immediately.

Soaked cranberries for the winter

To prepare soaked cranberries for the winter, use unripe berries collected in early autumn and berries slightly frozen. Make the preparation in a glass or enamel bowl.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 2.5 l.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the berries with cold water, add to the pan and shake.
  2. Pour water into a separate bowl, add sugar and salt and boil.
  3. Cool the resulting syrup and add to the berries.
  4. Place the cranberries in the refrigerator.
  5. 2 hours before serving, sprinkle the dish with granulated sugar.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 20.3 Kcal.

Cranberries for the winter in their own juice

If you are looking for a way to make cranberries for the winter without heat treating them, try a recipe for berries in their own juice. Only fruits collected after the first frost are suitable for this recipe. They are juicy, ripe, and easy to juice. Store cranberries in sterilized jars. The sterilization time depends on their volume - 10 minutes for ½ liter dishes and 15 minutes for 1 liter dishes.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 2.65 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Mash 1.5 kg of berries with a masher or grind in a blender.
  2. Heat the mixture over low heat and strain through several layers of gauze.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into enamel pan.
  4. Add the remaining berries to the juice and heat, but do not boil.
  5. Place the workpiece in hot sterile jars, place them in a water bath and cover with boiled lids.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, wrap the jars in a warm cloth.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 21.2 Kcal.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Puree cranberries retain their beneficial properties for the winter because they are not subjected to heat treatment.. However, due to the lack of cooking, its shelf life is reduced. To extend the shelf life of pureed cranberries with sugar for the winter, follow the recipe unchanged and consider the following recommendations:

  • Always sort through the berries, removing spoiled and rotten fruits.
  • Rinse the cranberries thoroughly.
  • Before processing, dry the berries so that not a drop of moisture remains. Otherwise, you will create an environment in the jar that is favorable for the proliferation of microorganisms.
  • Jars must be dry and sterilized.
  • Store the product in the refrigerator or other cool place.

Before preparing cranberries for the winter with sugar, classic recipe, keep in mind that the taste of the dish is sweet and sour. If you have a “sweet tooth,” increase the amount of granulated sugar by 30-50%. Its quantity cannot be reduced.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the cranberries, rinse and place on a cotton cloth so that the water completely drains from the berries and they dry.
  2. Grind the fruits using a meat grinder or blender until pureed. To get more tender puree, use a sieve.
  3. Add sugar to the cranberry mixture, cover the container with a warm cloth and leave in a cool place for 8-12 hours.
  4. Place the pureed cranberries in sterilized jars, close with airtight lids and store in the refrigerator.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 208.6 Kcal.

Homemade cranberry jam

Cranberry jam can be made in less than 30 minutes. Cranberry jam is a popular way to preserve cranberries for the winter without freezing. To prevent the dish from losing its presentable appearance, put homemade jam into jars only after it has cooled completely. When rolling the hot mass, the syrup remains at the bottom of the dish, and the berries rise up.

If you want to experiment with cranberry jam for the winter, supplement the simple recipe with apples or walnuts. You can also add vanilla sugar.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, pour the washed berries into a colander and blanch them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.
  2. When the cranberries are soft, transfer them to another pan.
  3. Add sugar to the blanching water and boil the syrup.
  4. Pour the bubbling syrup over the cranberries, bring to a boil and cook over high heat for 10 minutes until the mixture thickens. Skim off any foam that forms.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer the jam for 10-20 minutes. The dessert is ready if you drop it on a saucer, and after cooling it does not spread.
  6. Leave the jam to cool so that the berries are saturated with syrup, and only the next day pour it into jars.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 212.1 Kcal.

Cranberry compote

To prepare cranberry compote for the winter, choose fresh cranberries. The berries must be whole and unspoiled. Before cooking compote, be sure to wash the fruits. Leave them in warm water for 5 minutes, and then “bathe” in cold water. Boil the berries in a 4-liter saucepan.

Since cranberries give the drink a sour taste, you can make it sweeter with apples. Serve chilled apple and cranberry compote for the winter.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 300 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 3 l;
  • orange zest - 1 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
  2. Wash the apples and cut into small pieces.
  3. When the water boils, add the cranberries, apples and zest.
  4. Brew the drink for 10-15 minutes.
  5. When the apples are soft, turn off the heat.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 16 Kcal.

Homemade cranberry syrup for the winter

Cranberry syrup with sugar for the winter complements desserts, berry-fruit cocktails and fruit salads. The recipe includes sugar, cranberries and water. Berries can be either fresh or frozen. If you want to make original cranberry syrup for the winter, recipes may include cinnamon, vanilla sugar, ground nutmeg and other spices.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Place the berries in a saucepan and fill them with water so that it covers the cranberries.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  3. Reduce heat and cook berries for 10-15 minutes. Stir them occasionally so that the cranberries begin to burst and release juice.
  4. Squeeze the berry mass through cheesecloth. Mix juice and cranberry compote.
  5. Pour into a saucepan, add sugar and cook until thickened over low heat.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 139.1 Kcal.

Cranberries with ginger and honey

Cranberries for the winter with honey and ginger complement each other in taste and healing effect. To preserve the beneficial properties of products, make cold jam from them without cooking. Take berries fresh or frozen. It is better to take bee rapeseed or sunflower honey, since it does not have bright aroma, and it crystallizes evenly. Ginger root must be fresh.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 500 g;
  • liquid honey - 600 g;
  • ginger root - 70 g.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the cranberries under cool water and dry on a paper towel.
  2. Peel the ginger. Grate or chop into small cubes.
  3. Grind the cranberries in a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Add cranberry puree, honey and ginger to a deep bowl and stir to combine.
  5. Leave the cold jam in a warm place for 2-3 hours so that the honey is completely dissolved in the mixture. Then stir the mixture again.
  6. Wait until the jam thickens and becomes jelly-like. Place it in sterile jars and cover with nylon lids.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 195.3 Kcal.

Cranberry with orange and lemon

Cranberries with orange and lemon will help increase immunity. Puree cranberries with orange and lemon are suitable for the winter. berry dessert or sauce for sweet milk porridge.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 2.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • orange - 4 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse berries, lemons and oranges in cold water.
  2. Cut the citrus fruits into 4 parts and remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces, leaving the peel, then pass through a meat grinder or blender.
  3. Pat the cranberries dry with a paper towel and add to the citrus puree.
  4. Pass the workpiece through a meat grinder twice, add sugar and mix.
  5. Place pureed cranberries, orange and lemon into sterile jars.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 202.3 Kcal.

Homemade cranberry marmalade

Surprise your guests with cranberry marmalade Homemade marmalade from cranberries for the winter - a preparation for the winter that can be served with buns, pie, ice cream or eaten with tea. If you don't love sour taste cranberries, dilute it with the sweetness of bananas or strawberries.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600−700 g.

How to cook:

  1. Place the washed berries in a saucepan and mix with 1 cup granulated sugar, pressing lightly until the skin bursts and juice appears.
  2. Place the pan over low heat, wait until the mixture boils, and cook for 5 minutes. Stir all the time, otherwise the cranberries will burn.
  3. Place the berries in a fine sieve and grind them.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar into the released juice and cook over low heat until completely dissolved.
  5. Dilute gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package, strain through several layers of gauze and pour into hot cranberry juice.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove and stir the liquid thoroughly. Pour it into jars, close with airtight lids and leave to cool.
  7. After cooling, remove the jars to a cool, dark place.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 175.5 Kcal.

Cranberry jam

Cranberry jam - delicious and healthy treat To ensure that cranberry jam has a balanced sweet and sour taste for the winter, use equal amounts of sugar and berries. Since the jam in this recipe cooks very quickly, it is similar to a cranberry jelly recipe for the winter. However, unlike jelly, the dish turns out to be denser and contains crushed pieces of berries.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 2 glasses.

How to cook:

  1. Place the cranberries in a saucepan, add water and cook until the berries burst.
  2. Use a slotted spoon to collect the uncooked cranberries, crush them and add them to the rest. Add granulated sugar and stir.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and rub the berry mixture through a sieve. There should be no seeds or skin left in the dessert so that the jam is transparent and homogeneous.
  4. Return the pureed cranberries to the pan and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Place the boiling jam into sterile jars, roll up and turn over.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 170.3 Kcal.

Cranberry sauce

Make a cranberry sauce that goes great with meat and poultry. Sweet and sour sauce cranberries for the winter fully reveals the taste of meat and fish dishes. To make the dish tasty, follow the rules:

  • Use berries collected after frost for winter cranberry sauce recipes. Unripe fruits add bitterness to the dressing.
  • Prepare the sauce only in enamel non-metallic containers.
  • Store the dressing in a glass container in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 weeks.

American cranberry sauce is suitable for chicken, duck and turkey dishes.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 1 pinch;
  • clove buds - 3 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch.

How to cook:

  1. Mix sugar and cranberries, place in an enamel pan and cook until the berries begin to burst.
  2. Wash the citrus fruits and remove the zest with a knife. Squeeze the juice from ½ orange and a small slice of lemon and stir.
  3. Add zest, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg to cranberry syrup.
  4. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes, pour in the citrus juice and keep on the fire for another 5-10 minutes. Cooking time depends on how much thick sauce You want.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 68.2 Kcal.

Sauerkraut with cranberries

Delicious snack— sauerkraut with cranberries Sauerkraut with cranberries for the winter is a popular preparation for serving with meat and poultry dishes. You can use it to make vinaigrette, salad, filling for pies and pies. Before salting cabbage with cranberries for the winter and then fermenting it for 2-3 days, carefully measure all the ingredients according to the recipe. Excessive amounts of salt will inhibit the fermentation process during preservation.

Exists a large number of recipes for pickling cabbage for the winter with cranberries, including pickled cabbage with cranberries for the winter. For any of these, use only late-ripening varieties of cabbage, since these heads are dense, hard, and have enough acid and sugar to ferment.

Also follow these tips when pickling cabbage with cranberries for the winter:

  • Monitor the process of fermentation of products and pierce the cabbage in time to release gases. Otherwise, the dish will sour and acquire an unpleasant taste.
  • Do not add a lot of cranberries to the dish so that the preparation does not turn out sour.
  • Before fermentation begins, cover the jars with a lid and a clean cloth.
  • Determine the taste of a dish by the foam that is released during the fermentation process. The taste should be sweet and sour.

The classic recipe for sauerkraut for the winter with cranberries consists of cabbage, carrots, sugar, cranberries and seasonings for aroma and taste.

You will need:

  • cranberries - 150 g;
  • granulated sugar - 50 g;
  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 90 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the cabbage from the top leaves, wash, cut in half and remove the stalk. Chop the product into strips.
  2. Grate the peeled carrots. Wash and sort the cranberries.
  3. Mix carrots and cabbage in a container, sprinkle with salt and sugar and grind until the vegetables release juice.
  4. Place a bay leaf on the bottom of the pan.
  5. Layer cabbage, cranberries and bay leaves.
  6. Compact the workpiece so that the cabbage and cranberries release their juice.
  7. Cover the pan with a flat object and place pressure on top.
  8. Keep the sauerkraut for 2-3 days in a warm place.
  9. As soon as you see foam on the surface of the cabbage, make a couple of punctures with the long handle of a wooden spoon. Leave the cabbage for another 1 day.
  10. When the fermentation process is over, transfer the product into jars, cover with lids and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Calorie content:

Calorie content per 100 g. product 34.9 Kcal.

For more information on how to prepare cranberries for the winter, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Regardless of the recipe you choose, before preparing cranberries for the winter, carefully sort the berries and remove spoiled fruits.
  2. Popular recipes for cranberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - freezing fresh berries, cranberries in water for the winter, cranberries in their own juice, cranberries with ginger and honey, cranberries with orange and lemon and sauerkraut with cranberries.
  3. Use jam, homemade preserves, homemade syrup and cranberry marmalade as a sauce for sweet cereals, pies and scones.
  4. For meat, fish and poultry dishes, serve cranberry sauce.