What is medlar and where does it grow? Taste of fruits and beneficial properties of medlar

Medlar: everything about unusual fruit With pleasant taste and many useful properties.

In the article we will talk about this interesting fruit like medlar. Medlar, according to the definition from Wikipedia, is an evergreen tree that produces fairly large fruits with fleshy pulp (photo). Each fruit contains large seeds. The taste of medlar most resembles apricots and a little strawberries, and in appearance it is very similar to cherry plum.

Medlar, undoubtedly useful plant, because all its parts have found use - they prepare from the fruits various desserts and goodies, drinks made from seeds, leaves are most often used in the process of tanning and dressing leather, and wonderful crafts are made from the wood of the tree. We’ll talk in detail about exactly how medlar is useful for humans in the following sections of the article.

Medlar fruits have a lot of beneficial properties and this is not surprising - they contain a variety of vitamins and elements in abundance: vitamins B, C, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, copper and selenium. The calorie content of medlar is low - one hundred grams of fruit contains only forty-seven kilocalories, so medlar can be safely included in the diet menu.

We will tell you more about the benefits and harms of medlar in the next section of the article.

Medlar is valued for its benefits for many diseases and pathologies. Doctors recommend consuming the fruits of the tree for people suffering from asthma, hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Medlar fruits will help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and even remove kidney stones.

Consuming medlar compotes is useful for cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances, and for preventing the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Expectant mothers can also eat medlar - the vitamins and minerals in its composition will have the most beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

However, it is worth remembering that improper and excessive consumption of medlar can be harmful to health. The fruit must be eaten only when ripe, otherwise an upset stomach cannot be avoided. It is worth considering the possibility of an allergic reaction to medlar, and therefore, if you are eating this fruit for the first time, do not eat much.

There are no diets with medlar, but there are fasting days with these sweet and sour fruits. Eating medlar berries during the day will help cleanse the body of accumulations of harmful and toxic substances, remove salts and excess water. Medlar is quite nutritious and therefore you won’t go hungry on a fasting day with this fruit.

It is important to remember that there can only be one fasting day with medlar per week and also that you cannot consume more than a kilogram of fruit per day.

How to grow medlar at home

Medlar fruits are rarely seen in stores, and therefore many fans of this healthy fruit want to grow a tree at home. The easiest way to do this is from a seed.

Japanese medlar is best suited for home cultivation, but cultivating German medlar can cause a lot of trouble.

To germinate medlar, you should take a fresh seed, which is important to clear of the pulp immediately before planting. To make sprouts appear faster, before planting in the ground, rub the seed with sandpaper and soak it in warm water day. If during the soaking process the seed floats to the surface, it must be thrown away, as it will not sprout.

You can plant the seed in the most ordinary seedling soil, but the container for planting must be equipped with drainage holes. The seed is buried in damp soil, and then the container is covered with polyethylene. Sprouts should appear in about three weeks.

Details of caring for medlar sprouts can be seen in the video that complements the article. The tree will bloom approximately in the third year of growth, and after another two years it bears fruit for the first time. If you are not afraid of such time frames for growing an evergreen tree, then you can safely begin cultivating the fruit, and medlar will delight you with beautiful flowers and tasty and healthy fruits.

Loquat is an evergreen fruit tree whose fruits are appearance resemble an apricot. There are four bones inside. The height of the loquat tree reaches 10 m, the leaves are oblong. The skin of the fruit is quite dense, but the inside is very soft and sour, it is a combination of apple, apricot and strawberry to taste. Medlar has yellow-orange berries. This tree grows mainly in countries where the climate is warm, not lower than 0°C. However, medlar can tolerate temperatures as low as -15°C, but not for long. Southwest Asia is considered to be the homeland of this plant. The usefulness of this fruit knows no bounds.

Types of medlar

There are about 30 varieties of medlar, among which there are 2 main ones:

  1. German medlar (aka Caucasian);
  2. Japanese medlar.

German medlar blooms towards the end of May, and bears fruit after the first frosts in the fall. She has a white flower with red stamens. The fruit of the German medlar is red-brownish in color and has a diameter of up to 5 cm. The taste of ripe German medlar resembles applesauce. Growing this type medlars in Crimea, the Caucasus, and southern Europe.

Did you know?This fruit tree How the German medlar has been known to people since ancient times, about a thousand years ago. In the old days, medlar fruits were traded in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, this is how this fruit came to Europe. Today, medlar is grown in Asia Minor, Crimea, the Caucasus, Algeria, and Azerbaijan.

As for the Japanese medlar fruit, there are some differences from the German medlar.

The medlar that grows in the warm climate of China and Japan blooms in October and bears fruit in May-June. The flower has a white-cream color with a very fragrant aroma. The fruit of the Japanese medlar is a bright yellow-orange color, shaped like a pear and has a maximum diameter of 10 cm.

Medicinal properties of medlar, its use in medicine

Medlar is a fruit whose benefits and harm to the body are incommensurable. Loquat has incredible benefits. This fruit contains all kinds of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, useful acids. Among them:

  1. Vitamin A;
  2. B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9);
  3. Vitamin C;
  4. Vitamin K;
  5. Vitamin E;
  6. Carotene;
  7. Beta carotene;
  8. Potassium;
  9. Calcium;
  10. Magnesium;
  11. Phosphorus;
  12. Sodium;
  13. Zinc;
  14. Manganese;
  15. Selenium;
  16. Iron;
  17. Fructose;
  18. Sucrose;
  19. Organic acids (malic, citric).
Medlar is an indispensable medicine in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. With its astringent properties, the fruit normalizes intestinal function and reduces pain in the kidneys due to stone deposits. Using unripe fruits, you can relieve inflammation in the intestines. And the ripe fruit acts as a diuretic.

For bronchial asthma, you can make an alcohol tincture by grinding the fruit along with the seeds with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 100 ml of vodka. Afterwards, you need to let this medicine brew for a week in a tightly closed container. Then you should strain the tincture and take 30 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Important!The seeds of this fruit are slightly poisonous, they should be consumed only in processed form - dried, fried, for cooking coffee drinks, but infused ones are for the treatment of the bronchi and gastrointestinal tract.

Not only the medlar fruit itself has medicinal properties, but also the flowers and leaves. medlar leaves, healing properties which are known for diarrhea, can be taken in the form of a solution, or they can be applied for bleeding. For diabetes mellitus, medlar increases the amount of insulin in the blood, thereby improving the patient's condition. Medlar reduces the risk of cancer.

Using medlar in cooking

In cooking, all kinds of jams, preserves, compote, juice, kvass, wine, liqueur are made from medlar, and sweet salads are prepared; You can make jam from loquat and pumpkin seeds directly in the microwave.

To do this, you need to take 1 kg of medlar, 300 g of sugar and 4 tbsp. spoons of pumpkin seeds. Separate the fruit pulp from the seed and mix with sugar and leave for 10 minutes. in the microwave. Then take it out and add pumpkin seeds and finish cooking in a saucepan on a regular stove over low heat. This jam will be doubly useful, thanks to the miraculous properties of not only medlar, but also pumpkin.

Loquat and cosmetology

Medlar is used in cosmetology. A face mask made from medlar will help those who have sensitive skin prone to irritation and redness. This mask has a tonic property, will make the skin more elastic, and give the face a fresh look. Masks can be made from both the fruits themselves and the leaves of the plant. Here is an example of one of the masks. Mix the pulp of 5 fruits with 1 teaspoon lemon juice and a teaspoon olive oil. After 30 min. wash off warm water. This mask is perfect for those with dry skin.

The use of medlar in dietetics

For people who are struggling with overweight, medlar will also come in handy, because... Its main purpose is to remove waste and toxins from the human body. Medlar, along with other fruits, occupies a significant place in any diet. Its calorie content is 52.5 kcal per 100 g of product, proteins 2.1, fats 0.8 and carbohydrates 14 g. As you can see, medlar is a “light” fruit for the body. It helps digest “heavy” foods.

Medlar is an evergreen subtropical plant native to the Caucasus and Central Asia. The fruits are round in shape with juicy sweet and sour tender pulp and thin skin. In Arabic they are called “askadinya”, which means “the most delicious in the world” and this seems to be true.

Loquat has been cultivated for more than three thousand years and was popular among the Greek and Roman nobility, served as a delicacy. Today the plant can be found in many botanical gardens around the world or in the gardens of lovers of exotic plants.

Contents of the article:

What are the benefits of medlar?

In addition to its taste, medlar is also useful for various diseases:

  • the fruits are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decoctions, infusions of leaves and bark are used to treat wounds as an antiseptic or to stop bleeding;
  • decoctions for;
  • infusions of leaves with;
  • infusions of leaves with;
  • unripe fruits and seeds are taken with urolithiasis;
  • decoctions of seeds to improve digestion and strengthen the intestines.

Nutritional value and calorie content

The composition of medlar fruits is very variegated and rich. It includes:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectins;
  • tannins.

In addition, medlar contains a large number of vitamins and minerals so necessary for human health.

Composition of medlar in 100 g(according to USDA Nutrient Database):

  • water - 87 g;
  • proteins - 0.45 g;
  • fats - 0.22 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12 g;
  • fiber - 1.7 g.



  • potassium - 265 mg;
  • phosphorus - 25 mg;
  • calcium - 15 mg;
  • sodium - 1 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg.


  • manganese - 150 mcg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg;
  • copper - 41 mcg;
  • selenium - 0.5 mcg;
  • zinc - 51 mcg.

The calorie content of medlar is about 50-60 kcal, which makes it low-calorie product Great for those who have problems with excess weight or are trying to lose it.

Healing properties of lungwort and methods of use in folk medicine


Behind long time Observations of the use of medlar there are no specific contraindications. However, the large amount of acids contained can harm people suffering from increased acidity stomach, gastritis or ulcer. In such cases, it is recommended to use jam or preserves made from fruits, which, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on these diseases.

Medlar spoils quickly and should only be eaten fresh, otherwise poisoning may occur. You should also not drink alcoholic beverages made from the fruits of this plant or stale juices.

Methods of use in folk medicine

Since ancient times, healers noticed and began to use numerous beneficial features medlars, and in completely different areas.


The fruits have a tonic property and perfectly strengthen the skin, nails and hair. As an example you can use japanese recipe cosmetic mask and facial lotion from the fruits of this wonderful plant:

  • To prepare, you will need 100 ml sake (vodka will do) and 250 ml fresh juice with pulp. Thoroughly shake and wipe your face with the resulting medicine twice a day. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for some time.
  • Mix a teaspoon of camellia with cream, 3 tablespoons of juice with fruit pulp and one tablespoon of soy flour and apply the resulting mass on gauze and apply to your face for 15 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face. The effect will be achieved quickly. The skin will become stronger and look healthy and elastic. Repeat regularly.

Dietetics and weight loss

Medlar is excellent as a “unloading” product for removing toxins and feces from the body during a comprehensive diet. To do this, one day a week (no more) you need to eat only medlar fruits.

The fruits contain many useful substances and the body will easily tolerate such a diet, while cleansing and burning of fats will occur. It is recommended to eat no more than a kilogram per day, and if you have stomach pain, reduce the amount or consult a nutritionist.


Prepare a decoction of the leaves: 1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water. The cooled decoction is used to treat bleeding areas.

For diarrhea

A decoction is prepared from seeds or unripe fruits and leaves. The quantity is selected depending on the severity (the more severe the diarrhea, the more saturated the broth). Take until recovery occurs.

Asthma and bronchitis

Necessary: 5 fruits, mashed together with seeds, 2-3 tablespoons of honey and about 100 g of vodka. Stir and leave for several days in a dark place. Use before meals at least three times a day for asthma or bronchitis, which will make breathing easier. The same tincture, when heated, can be drunk slowly when coughing, as well as for heart pain.

Medlar is an exotic product and difficult to obtain. However, if you plant it in your garden or summer cottage, you can grow it yourself.

Although the plant is southern, it is very tolerant of light frosts and proper care will bear fruit.

Medlar has many beneficial properties and the effort spent on growing it will be worth it.

On the slopes of the Caucasus Mountains grows a small evergreen tree native to Asia - medlar - the beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant have long been studied by folk healers. The exotic fruit has a bright, rich aroma and a sweet-sour, juicy, astringent, tart taste. Consumption of medlar has a beneficial effect on human immunity. Berries have antioxidant properties, remove toxins, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and help the body cope with certain diseases faster.

What is medlar

Evergreen thorny tree or shrub with small orange fruits, which are collected in brushes of 10 pieces, is called medlar. The plant belongs to the Rosaceae family. The homeland of the shrub is considered to be China, India, and the Himalayas. In Russia it is grown in Sochi and Crimea. The tree can grow up to 7 meters in height, its bark is covered with thorns. The oval leaves are leathery, large, felt on the shadow side. Small yellow or white flowers grow singly and have a strong scent. The small yellow fruits are covered with edges and have a pear-shaped, oval, or round shape.

The fruit has tender pulp and a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of apple, strawberry and pear. Fruit with unusual name It is tasty and at the same time healthy - it can cure a person of many diseases, saturate the body with essential microelements and vitamins. Unripe medlar contains tannins, so it is often used for leather. And interesting crafts are made from noble and beautiful brown-red wood.

What does medlar look like?

Fleshy, large fruits can be different forms: pear-shaped or spherical. The thin orange or yellow skin peels off easily to reveal a juicy, tender pulp containing one or more brown seeds. Berries grow in clusters of up to 12 pieces each. The most common varieties are:

  • Japanese medlar (loquat, nispero, shesek). The evergreen tree has large leaves and yellow-orange fruits reminiscent of apricots. It begins to bloom from September to November, and the fruits ripen in June. The Japanese variety does not tolerate frost. The fruit has a sour taste, a bit like a pear. It is useful to eat the berries fresh, after peeling them. Photos of ripe fruits can be found on the gardeners' website.
  • Medlar Caucasian (German). A low tree with long large leaves. The pulp is sweet and sour, with a tart taste. The fruits are brown or red in color with small inclusions. True, this is what the fruit becomes if it is frozen. Therefore, the berries are picked at the end of autumn. The German medlar can be seen growing in the Balkans, in Iran, and there is also a tree in the Crimea. Due to its wide distribution on the peninsula, another name for the German variety is often found - Crimean medlar.


The medlar fruit is similar in composition to an apple; it contains vitamins PP, C and P, ascorbic acid, which helps increase protection against viruses. At the same time, the beneficial properties of the fruits of the evergreen tree differ significantly from the healing properties of apples, since the plant has a beneficial effect on digestion. In addition, the calorie content of medlar is only 45 kcal per 100 g of product, so the fruit is often used in diets. The plant also contains:

  • tannins;
  • sugar;
  • fruit acids;
  • phytoncides;
  • provitamin A;
  • aromatics;
  • pectins.

How is loquat used?

The fruits of an evergreen plant can be eaten processed, but it is better in fresh. The fruit is actively used for making juice, delicious jam, compote, jam, oriental sweets, alcoholic drinks(liqueurs, wines). Less commonly, syrup, sherbet, and candy filling are made from berries. They also eat salted and soaked fruits as a snack. Fruit sauces go well with sausages, meat dishes, scrambled eggs, pancakes, puddings. The seeds also have excellent uses - they are used to make high-quality coffee surrogate, which taste quality is not inferior to the original.

Often used in medicine Japanese medlar– the beneficial properties of the plant help normalize digestion. Fully ripe fruits perfectly cleanse the body of waste and toxins. The plant in the form of tinctures is used to treat asthma and colds. A decoction of the leaves is used for bleeding or diarrhea. The fruits are effective in cosmetology in the form of lotions, masks, extracts and as an anti-inflammatory, emollient, and tonic. Wood is also valuable, and tannins found in leaves and bark are indispensable in the manufacture of outerwear.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its balanced unique composition, medlar is very healing - it has beneficial properties for people who suffer from diseases such as hypertension, asthma, bronchitis. The leaves of the bush help with diabetes. Unripe fruits provide invaluable assistance for kidney diseases. The Japanese medlar plant is useful during pregnancy; the fruit strengthens the woman’s body and supplies the body with the vitamins necessary for the full development of the child. What are the benefits of medlar? Regular consumption of fruit strengthens the immune system and promotes:

  • saturating the body with microelements;
  • stabilization of the digestive system, cleansing blood vessels and liver of toxins;
  • relief from colic in the intestines;
  • removal of kidney stones;
  • strengthening with diarrhea (unripe fruits) or relaxing with constipation;
  • removal of sputum in diseases of the respiratory system;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • increasing the body's resistance to viral infections;
  • pressure stabilization;
  • blood clotting;
  • reducing sugar;
  • prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Healing properties of leaves

There are beneficial substances both in the fruits of the medlar and in the leaves of the plant. As a rule, decoctions and infusions are made from them, which are taken to treat bronchitis, asthma, inflammation respiratory tract. Leaf extract helps cope with skin rashes and inflammations. Loquat is of great benefit for diabetes mellitus, because... the plant helps increase the amount of insulin, which has a positive effect on the patient’s well-being. In addition, the leaves:

  • help with diarrhea;
  • hinder premature aging;
  • prevent the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks;
  • reduce “bad” cholesterol;
  • remove salt from the body;
  • normalize arterial pressure;
  • used to treat cough.


The seeds from the fruits of the plant also have beneficial properties. If the seeds are first dried and then ground, you will get a surrogate that tastes like coffee. At the same time, the drink has a tonic property. A tincture of seeds, honey and alcohol quickly relieves pain and helps with asthma. Due to the fact that the seeds contain a small number of toxic substances, they can only be consumed in processed form: fried, dried, ground.

Loquat to maintain a slim figure

All recipes for weight loss, as a rule, are aimed at stabilizing the gastrointestinal tract and removing water. Medlar fully meets these goals. Eating fruits from this tree strengthens the intestines, cleanses the body well and saturates it. useful substances. Biochemical composition Eating fruit will help you not feel hungry. It is useful to use fruits on fasting days, because... The fruit is low in calories and rich in fiber. The diet with medlar should be only one day a week. It is not recommended to consume more than one kilogram of fruit.

Medlar in cosmetology

Exotic fruit often used in for cosmetic purposes. The juicy pulp of the fruit helps fight acne and various rashes, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and lightens pigmentation. A cream based on medlar extract can increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. A tonic made from leaves is good at combating irritation on the face and other parts of the body.

A mask made from evergreen berries will make your skin smooth. A toning lotion based on fruits helps fight acne, acne, and inflammation on the face. To prepare it, you only need to mix 250 grams of fruit with a glass (100 ml) of vodka. You should wipe your face with this mixture. The lotion should be stored in a cool, dark place or refrigerator.

Loquat in folk medicine

The beneficial properties of the evergreen plant have been known for a long time. You can find many recipes with medlar in folk medicine. For example, a decoction prepared from unripe fruits is used to treat urolithiasis. If you make a decoction of the leaves, you can drink it as a fixative, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antioxidant agent. Some healers recommend eating the fruit to alleviate kidney disease. To cleanse your body of toxins, you can use the following recipe:

  1. You need to take a large spoon of dried leaves and place them in a thermos.
  2. Next, pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water.
  3. After three hours, the liquid should be filtered.
  4. Received healing decoction You should take 50 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  5. The cleansing course should be carried out once every four months for two weeks.

For stomach diseases, you can make a decoction from dried seeds. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of ground seeds and 500 ml of water. Everything must be placed in a saucepan and placed on slow fire for 20 minutes, cool slightly and drink half a glass on an empty stomach. Loquat can also stop internal bleeding. To do this, you should consume 50 ml of the decoction during each meal.


Unripe fruits of the plant are contraindicated for people who suffer from peptic ulcers, inflammation of the pancreas, and gastritis with high acidity. We must remember that with such diseases it is not even recommended to drink Fresh Juice from medlar, but jam and preserves made from the fruit, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect on the stomach. It is necessary to introduce fruits into the diet of children with caution, because... they can provoke an allergic reaction. In addition, berries cannot be used:

  • with open wounds;
  • people with individual intolerance to the product;
  • for rosacea and eczema;
  • with inflammation of the skin;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • with cholecystitis.

When to pick fruits

Exotic fruits, growing in Russia, are usually harvested in late autumn. This is especially true for the Caucasian variety, because sour taste After frost, the fruit changes to sweet, they become soft. You should choose ripe fruits of medium size, not hard and not completely soft, without dark spots. Medlar has a short shelf life and is practically not transportable.

How to eat correctly

In order for beneficial nutrients to enter the body faster, the berries should be eaten fresh, and do not forget to remove the seeds. The most delicious fruits are those that have hung on the tree for a long time, are bright, medium in size, without spots. Small ones are often sour. You can peel the peel or eat it with it. Marmalade is made from the berries, jam is made, compotes are prepared and alcohol tinctures, dried, used in desserts. Even after being processed, the fruit does not lose its beneficial properties, and dishes made from it restore microflora and improve digestion.


Medlar is a Japanese relative of our hawthorn, quince, and also pear. Externally it looks like a plum or peach. It tastes like something between a pear and quince. It has the same juicy, crispy flesh with 3 or 4 seeds. If you eat carelessly, you can even splash yourself with ripe pulp.

Medlar is a fruit that came to Europe from China. But before Europe, he managed to visit Japan. Therefore, the full biological name is Japanese medlar. In the Caucasus it is simply called “cones”.

The fruit is bright orange. Ripe fruits peel easily. Medlar is very meaty, juicy, sweet and sour, but low in calories and high in fiber and potassium. The fruit is very popular in Italy. There, medlar is eaten raw, and also made into jam, marmalade, and added to various culinary products. Yogurt with its flavor is very popular among Italians.

Even when it’s hot, the medlar juice inside the fruit remains pleasantly cool. On hot days they are cooling. And if you eat 1 - 2 fruits before the beach, you will be provided with an even tan.

The fruits have always been very popular, but previously they were eaten mainly with medical purpose. Medlar is very rich and diverse in beneficial properties. The fruit was used to improve the health of the whole body, but especially for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

A long time ago, people began to eat medlar to keep their bodies in shape. This fruit did not bypass men either, everyone knows it positive influence on masculine strength.

The trees are excellent honey plants. The flowers are fragrant, their smell reminiscent of bitter almonds.

Loquat beneficial properties: chemical composition

This fruit, exotic in appearance, according to chemistry. The composition is similar to the usual apple. Most of it is apple and lemon acid- up to 70%. As well as sugar, vitamin C, aromatics, phytoncides, etc.

The uniqueness of medlar is its high content of beta-carotene. By breaking down, one molecule of beta-carotene turns into two molecules of vitamin A. And this is our good vision. Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of rhodopsin, and it is thanks to it that we can see. Vitamin A is especially important for twilight (night) vision. The vitamin A content in medlar is simply huge - 1.5 mg per 100 grams. For example, carrots contain 0.9 mg per 100 grams.

Medlar contains fiber. It improves food digestion. Promotes proper absorption of food. Reduces the feeling of hunger due to swelling in the stomach.

Medlar fruits contain almost all B vitamins. These are water-soluble vitamins that are not synthesized by the body itself. Their daily norm needs to be obtained from outside. By and large, they all take part in cellular metabolism. Medlar contains thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, nicotinic and folic acids. And this is the correct growth and development of red blood cells, normal work nervous system, good metabolism, or rather the synthesis of proteins and fats.

In the medlar high content Potassium. And this is the contraction of muscles, including the heart, as well as the transmission of nerve impulses. Regulates acid-base balance.

To eliminate diarrhea, green medlar fruits are suitable. The unripe product has an astringent taste, but at the same time holds feces together well.

For prolonged constipation, colitis, bloating, gas formation, on the contrary, ripe medlar is suitable. In addition, it improves liver function and helps eliminate bad cholesterol.

Medlar has strong bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and antipyretic properties. Ripe berries are very useful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems. Medlar improves heart function, lowers blood pressure, and cleanses blood vessels. It also helps remove salts, sand or stones from the kidneys.

Loquat leaves are very valuable. They contain a natural adsorbent - amygdoline. This substance cleanses the body of harmful substances: toxins, heavy metals, waste. Pectins contained in medlar remove radionuclides. A decoction of dry bark is an excellent antibacterial agent for treating the oral cavity. A decoction is indicated for gumboils, bleeding, paradentosis, and sore throat.

Like any berry or fruit, medlar is dietary product nutrition. 100 grams contains 44 kcal, but thanks to the fiber, the feeling of hunger does not occur for a long time.

Thanks to vitamin C, medlar helps improve immunity. Fruit shown in autumn - winter period to fight colds. Ripe pulp removes phlegm from the lungs, soothes a lingering cough, and reduces shortness of breath. The fruit is useful for bronchial asthma.

The most effective way to treat colds is an alcohol infusion made from medlar.

To prepare you will need:

  • 7 - 8 ripe fruits
  • 100 gr. vodka

Remove the seeds from the fruit and cut into slices. Break the seeds and place them together with the pulp in a glass jar. Pour the contents with vodka and leave in a dark place for 3 days. Store in the refrigerator with the lid closed. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

Especially useful for bronchitis, asthma, cough, etc. Combine internal reception with rubbing.

Medlar is a powerful natural antioxidant. All thanks to vitamin A, C, as well as the flavonoids contained in it. Excessive oxidation of the body is a big problem. An acidic environment is the basis for the development of various foci of inflammation, a paradise for the development of diaphoretic microorganisms.

In addition to all of the above, medlar is rich in minerals: calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper.

Daily consumption of juicy fruit protects us from a serious disease - diabetes. Because it stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin.

Loquat pulp is very useful for facial skin, for maintaining its youth and elasticity. It’s not for nothing that vitamin A is called the beauty vitamin. And medlar is the record holder for its content.

Fresh pulp is a natural face cream. Loquat gruel will moisturize the face, remove dryness, nourish, relieve puffiness, improve the passage of oxygen, and rejuvenate the cells.

  • Contraindications:
  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • An allergic reaction is possible.

Properties of medlar: useful leaves and bark

Leaf tea is very popular in Japan and China. This is all due to the fact that this tea is a good antiviral agent. It is a good expectorant and treats coughs, and helps with sore throats.

Preparing tea from medlar leaves is as easy as shelling pears. As usual, they are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for a while. If desired, you can add honey.

Therefore, if you are lucky enough to find yourself near a medlar tree, do not be lazy to pick the leaves and dry them for the winter. This is an amazing cold remedy.

Medlar leaves can be brewed in a mix with other ingredients, for example, ginger root, licorice root, mint, basil, raspberry leaf, etc.

The fact is that the phytoncides contained in medlar leaves promote the production of antibodies. Therefore, the body heals itself.

Tea from the leaves also cleanses the blood of sugar and cholesterol. Improves its composition and liquefies the structure. Loquat leaves help preserve minerals. This is very important in the summer. If you have “soft” bones or a lack of minerals, tea from medlar leaves is what you need. In addition, it relieves inflammation in the joints.

If you are lucky enough to get your hands on medlar bark, don’t be lazy and make a decoction. This is an excellent oral care product.

Medlar compote: recipe

  • 4 ripe fruits.
  • 1 l. water.
  • 1/3 lemon.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • mint.

Bring water to a boil. Add 150 gr. Sahara. Meanwhile, cut the medlar in half. We do not remove the bones. Add fruits to boiling water sweet water. After boiling, squeeze out the lemon juice. Boil for 5 - 10 minutes and turn off. After this, transfer the medlar fruits into a prepared jar and fill them with syrup. Place 3 - 4 mint leaves with a stem on top. Cover the container with a lid.

After cooling, you can drink. And if you use a sterile jar, you can prepare it for the winter. Then the mint is thrown into boiling compote for a couple of minutes to sterilize.