Review of the kinglet persimmon variety. Where and how persimmon grows - interesting information about the healthy fruit

In autumn, exotic fruits called persimmons appear on the market and on supermarket shelves. different types. They differ from each other in taste, the presence of seeds and other features. Let's try to figure it out, persimmon and kinglet - what is the difference between these two varieties?

Features of persimmon

The shape of persimmon depends on the variety and can be spherical or elongated, angular or flat. The color also varies - from yellow-orange to orange-red. The fruit can be eaten whole without seeds or tail. Unripe fruits taste viscous and tart. Persimmon originally appeared in China, but today it is grown in Spain, Israel, Italy and the Caucasus. Regular persimmon loses viscosity only after ripening, when the pulp becomes jelly-like. It can also be placed in freezer, however beneficial features Persimmons are partially lost when frozen.

Advantages of the king variety

The wren is a specific variety. An ordinary persimmon arises from female blossoms, and the kinglet from male blossoms. The latter usually do not have astringency and are dark orange in color, but light yellow-greenish fruits are also found. With pollination and seed formation, a brown beetle ripens - sweet and tasty, and without pollination a bright orange viscous fruit develops. In the latter case, nothing will make the kinglet tasty and sweet. The astringency will remain even in late-ripening fruits.

The main differences between persimmon and king

Persimmon and kinglet have different differences. First of all, the king has fewer calories and many people buy it for its sweet taste. The king contains the same useful microelements and vitamins, as in ordinary persimmons.

Thus, all the differences between the king and the persimmon are limited to their taste and the color of the pulp. If you like sweeter and juicier fruits, give preference to the king with seeds - it is the most delicious and is especially liked by children.

The so-called chocolate king is considered especially delicious. This name was given to it because of the dark brownish pulp. To select a guaranteed ripe and sweet king, you need to pay attention to the transverse rings in the form of concentric stripes on the surface of the skin. Such stripes are a sure sign of the sweetness and ripeness of the fruit. Source -

It is believed that the birthplace of persimmon was originally China and Japan. In fact, both America and Australia grow their own edible species "orange sun"However, one cannot deny the fact that Japan and China have recognized since ancient times healing properties orange fruits with juicy pulp.

Variety "Korolek"

Its fundamental difference is that it develops from a male flower. There are some differences in both the taste and color of the fruit. If you need a soft, rich taste - take the “korolek”. Persimmons that have a difference in color within the variety are also “crets”.

There are dark orange fruits with brown flesh, and there are bright orange ones. This difference in color is due to pollination of the flower. If this happens, the fruit will be brown, quite strong and sweet. If not, it will be bright orange, and at the same time quite viscous.

Composition and benefits

The persimmon fruit contains up to 25% sucrose and glucose. It contains vitamins A, C, P, citric and malic acid. Also, "Korolek" persimmon contains a lot of iron, copper, manganese, potassium and calcium. In addition, persimmons contain a lot of beta-carotene, a very strong antioxidant that can fight free radicals. Thus, the fruits serve as a preventive measure for skin aging. Persimmon of this variety can reduce the risk of lung cancer. Therefore, smokers also need to know about the benefits of “crown” persimmon. Persimmons contain a lot of pectin. More than in pumpkin, sweet pepper and tomato. Due to pectin, the fruits have an astringent taste. For digestive problems and cases of stomach diseases, this fruit is simply irreplaceable. Persimmon "Korolek" has anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic and astringent effects. Persimmon pulp is useful as a bactericidal agent against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. You also need to know that persimmon also has a diuretic effect. King fruits are used in the treatment of Graves' disease and gum diseases. Persimmon juice is used for vitamin deficiencies.

Who shouldn't overdo it with persimmons?

People suffering from constipation or who have undergone gastric surgery due to ulcers should not get carried away with persimmons. Also, persimmon "king" can be dangerous for people suffering from adhesive disease. It occurs after operations on the intestines, stomach or other abdominal organs. Due to tannin, which has an astringent property, intestinal obstruction may develop.

People with diabetes should be careful when consuming persimmons. It is enough to eat no more than half a persimmon per day to benefit the body. Many diabetics are diagnosed with kidney damage, and persimmon, in turn, stops the progression of kidney disease.

How to use persimmon for the benefit of your health

In order for all the beneficial properties present in persimmon to be absorbed by the body, you should follow a few simple rules:

1. Eat no more than 2 fruits per meal. Although the king persimmon can promote weight loss, but only if the measure is followed. Otherwise, the sugar contained in it will increase the calorie content of dishes and will negate all attempts to lose weight.

2. It is best to eat persimmons in the afternoon. The diuretic effect of these fruits will remove excess water from the body overnight and in the morning even a pregnant woman will look fit.

3. Excessive consumption of persimmons can lead to intestinal obstruction if a person has a tendency to this.

4. This fruit can cause quite severe allergies, so before you start taking it regularly, you need to check your body for its tolerance.

How to choose persimmon

Among the many varieties, “Korolek” persimmon is considered especially tasty and sweet. How to distinguish it from other varieties?

The “king” has a slightly flattened shape. The fruits are decorated with brown stripes on the skin. The more stripes, the sweeter the fruit, and the softer it is.

Cooking and "wren"

The pulp of ripe fruits of this variety is used in the preparation of marmalade, baked goods, pudding, mousse, jelly, jam, and salads. We must remember that persimmon goes well with chicken breast, vegetables, dairy products. You can also make wine, beer, molasses and cider from persimmons. And in Japan, sake is brewed from unripe fruits.

The use of persimmon "korolek" in cosmetology

Among the beneficial properties of persimmon, one can highlight its use as a component cosmetic masks, creams and shampoos. Masks containing persimmon pulp reduce the number of blackheads on the skin, get rid of acne and enlarged pores, and after their use the skin becomes fresher and healthier. Cosmetologists recommend applying the pulp of a ripe fruit for no more than 15 minutes, then rinsing off warm water. If acne A mask of persimmon and egg yolk will be useful. The components are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio, that is, 1 persimmon and 1 yolk are applied to the damaged skin. The mask lasts for about 30 minutes, then is washed off with warm water. And if a person has a problem such as flaky and rough skin on the elbows, you can simply cut off a small slice of fresh persimmon and rub its juice into the skin on the elbow.

"King" persimmon and the desire to lose weight

This fruit quickly saturates the body, being dietary product. Two eaten fruits of the “orange sun” will give you a feeling of fullness and extra pounds will not be added.

Nutritionists advise consuming “wren”. Persimmon, the benefits of which are significant on so-called fasting days, will help rid the body of toxins and waste. You can alternate replacing breakfast or dinner with this fruit; this technique will allow you to lose about 2 kg in weight per week.

Wren persimmon variety: what is the difference between a fruit with a chocolate flavor and a regular one 1. What is a wren 2. What is the difference between a persimmon and a wren 3. How to choose a wren 4. How is a wren useful 5. How many calories are in a persimmon 6. Wren persimmon - health benefits and harms 7. Persimmon king - contraindications 8. Video: What is the difference between persimmon and king 9. Reviews Exotic fruits often decorate the holiday table, and for some people they become a source useful vitamins, minerals. For example, persimmon has a pronounced taste and contains valuable elements. Therefore, such fruits after pollination should prevail in the daily diet. What is kinglet Natural vitamins are always available, strengthen weakened immunity, and enrich organic resources. The persimmon kinglet is an oblong, spherical or spherical tropical fruit that is the size of an apple and yellow-orange in color. The cut is meaty, the taste is chocolate. Such exotic fruit Not for everyone, but we especially love women who decide to go on a diet. What is the difference between a persimmon and a king? Not everyone likes it unusual fruit, and some are simply unlucky with its variety. Persimmon and kinglet are two varieties of the same tropical fruit that ripens in the fall. It is necessary to learn to separate them outwardly, because taste qualities noticeable differences are observed. If persimmon ripens from a female inflorescence, then the wren comes from a male inflorescence. Other characteristic differences: Persimmon has a flattened, oblong shape and several rich shades, while wren is only round and brown in color. The external difference is determined by the color of the pulp. For example, in persimmon it is yellow or orange (closer to a light shade) with a dense consistency, while in the king it is soft, chocolate color. In terms of density, ripe persimmon is harder, while the kinglet is a softer fruit, especially in its ripened state. Persimmons can have many seeds, and they are smaller in size than the two central seeds of the king. Taste tropical fruits persimmons are tart and specific; while the kinglets are sugary, sweet, rich, reminiscent of apples. How to choose a kinglet If the tongue begins to knit, this means that it has been acquired unripe fruit, which still needs to lie down and ripen on the windowsill. Sometimes time is of the essence, but what to do if such a food ingredient is needed immediately? To avoid such an oversight, it is important to study the rules by which experienced housewives commit right choice, buy only ripe fruits. For clarity, it won’t hurt to look at a photo of a ripe fruit; the rest of the recommendations are as follows: First of all, you should pay attention to the leaves. If they are fresh and richly green in color, then the fruit itself is unripe and has insufficient fructose content and astringent properties. Dried leaves that turn brown indicate the ripeness of the fruit. The flattened shape also indicates sufficient ripeness of the fruit, but in addition it is necessary to consider the pattern of the web on the skin, the presence of black dots closer to the stalk (the place where it was plucked from the tree). A hard fruit is clearly unripe, but a fruit with a soft consistency and deep brown color is sure to be sweet. There may be small spots on it, which is normal even with proper storage. Why is kinglet useful? If you include such an ingredient in your food, it has a beneficial effect on the body, helps strengthen the immune system without pills, and saturate it with vitamins, minerals, and microelements. The beneficial properties of the king are known to every housewife, so this valuable fruit is actively used in children's and adult menus. In more detail, the beneficial properties of persimmon are as follows: Iron suppresses pronounced symptoms of anemia, stabilizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood, strengthens heart function and the permeability of vascular walls. The bactericidal effect of vitamin C suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces the activity of pathogenic flora. Tannins rejuvenate the skin, remove free radicals at the cellular level, and prevent dryness of the dermis. Beta-carotene increases visual acuity, improves memory resources, and strengthens the structure of hair and nail plates. The presence of iodine has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland, improves the functioning of the endocrine system. Pectin and tannin stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal motility, treat intestinal obstruction, and stimulate metabolic processes. Potassium and magnesium help get rid of kidney stones and normalize the functioning of the urinary system. Present in natural composition dietary fiber is beneficial for productive weight loss, and it is also low-calorie tropical fruit. The fruit, saturated with organic acids, improves muscle structure, successfully treats vascular diseases, and is considered to prevent atherosclerosis. Phosphorus and calcium are necessary for bones and are effective treatment and prevention of damaged blood vessels and the musculoskeletal system. Phenols prevent the formation of cancer cells, oncological diseases, and benign tumors. This food is useful for pregnant women, as it improves the gastrointestinal tract and prevents oxygen starvation of the fetus in the prenatal period. Dark fruits from the tree are especially useful. How many calories are in persimmon? This southern fruit is low-calorie product, which is actively used for purposes quick correction overweight. The consequences of this delicious diet admire, so there are more and more supporters of such weight loss. The calorie content of a chocolate king is 53 Kcal per 100 grams of fruit from such an exotic tree. The difference from other diets is complete satiety after such a vitamin meal due to the presence in the composition dietary fiber. Persimmon wren - health benefits and harms The benefits of this exotic tree are obvious, but there are also disadvantages when consuming persimmon. Even doctors do not deny harm to the fetus; they even warn some of their patients and recommend excluding the fetus from daily ration. For example, it is better for patients with renal failure to refuse such delicacies, otherwise the chronic disease will be modified from the remission stage into a relapsing form. However, this does not mean that you cannot try the fruit; it is simply recommended to clarify the type of fruit. Persimmon king - contraindications It is not always possible to use this product without restrictions. There are absolute contraindications that doctors recommend not to violate: obesity at one stage; diabetes; tendency to an allergic reaction. Find out more about persimmon - the benefits and harms of the fruit, medicinal properties. Video: What is the difference between persimmon and king Reviews Inga, 39 years old I don’t really distinguish between the types of fruits, but I only like chocolate ones with brown pulp. At our dacha, one tree ripens such fruits every year. great amount. We are reaping a rich harvest. A flower pollinated by bees is a storehouse of vitamins for me. But I don’t trust store-bought fruit at all; they sell only nitrates. Angelina, 36 years old My favorite variety of fruit is the kinglet. He helped me lose 5 kg without dieting or fasting. Previously, I only saw in photos what results other girls had. From now on I am convinced that they are not lying. I constantly take photos with my renewed figure and praise persimmons to everyone. The main thing is that there are no contraindications for use. Ekaterina, 35 years old Previously, I didn’t understand why wren persimmons shouldn’t be frozen, but I saw the result from personal example. Not only does the fetus lose its useful qualities, becomes tasteless. I ruined the salad for the New Year, although initially I thought I would surprise everyone for festive table. So I don’t recommend experimenting even with dry freezing.

Autumn is coming to an end. You can see bright orange fruits on the shelves. Have you thought about tangerines? No, there will be another article about tangerines, but now let’s talk about persimmons. Bright and tasty fruits serve as a harbinger New Year's holidays. One can talk for hours about the usefulness and uniqueness of this berry (yes, persimmon is a berry). It is eaten raw, taken for weight loss, and cooked from. various dishes(sandwiches, salads and even desserts) are used for treatment, improving immunity and in cosmetology. On gray, cold days you can’t live without persimmons!

Persimmon and kinglet: what's the difference?

Why are some fruits called persimmons, and others “kings”? How is one different from the other? Despite the fact that “Korolek” is one of the varieties of persimmon, it is often distinguished among many other varieties.

“Korolek” (or chocolate persimmon) is distinguished from all others by its darker and more saturated color, the flesh of the fruit is dark brown. The “king” fruits are harder than those of other persimmon varieties. When you eat this fruit, it does not make your mouth gag or take your breath away, for which it is highly valued by those with a sweet tooth.

Among the more common varieties of persimmon are Japanese and Caucasian. They are found quite often, their fruits are soft, have a rich orange color and a tart taste. When the fruit is unripe, it is viscous. If you don’t want to spoil your pleasure, choose the right persimmon.

How to choose the right persimmon?

Do you want to enjoy unique taste of this amazing plant, choose only ripe fruits. This is quite easy to do if you remember the little tricks. The “correct” persimmon is round in shape and rich orange in color. Pay attention to the leaves and stem of the berry. They must be dry. Ripe persimmon always soft, its peel should be smooth and shiny. Monitor the integrity of the peel. If you see dark spots or some stripes on it, this means that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. Ripeness chocolate persimmon cannot be determined by the softness of the fruit. Therefore, when choosing a “King”, focus on the color of the peel. If it is dark orange in color, it means the fruit can be eaten, it is already ripe and will be sweet.

What to do if persimmon knits?

If you are given an unripe fruit in a store, do not scold the unscrupulous seller. It can still be fixed. One way is to put the fruit in the freezer. Once thawed, it will become sweet and soft. Or you can put the persimmon in warm water for several hours (10-12). To ensure that persimmons ripen and do not become sticky, you can store them in a bag with other fruits (apples or bananas) or vegetables (tomatoes).

How to store persimmons at home?

What to do if you brought persimmon home and realize that you don’t want to eat it right now? The question is how long are you going to keep it in your home? The fruits can be frozen, canned or dried, but I do not recommend cooking it. This can return the astringent flavor to the persimmon.

Don't want to store the fruit for more than 3 days? Then just put the persimmons in the refrigerator with other foods. If you need to preserve the fruit for longer long term, then store persimmons at 0 degrees (or -1). Humidity should be 85-90%. If this condition is not met, the fruit will lose its presentation or deteriorate. This method allows you to store persimmons for up to 3 months.

If you want to preserve the fruit for a longer period, you need to freeze or dry it. Freezing will not only preserve the beneficial properties of persimmons for up to six months, but will also help rid the fruit of its viscous and tart taste. When you want to eat persimmons, defrost it at room temperature. Remember that after thawing the fruit becomes very soft, it is better to defrost it in a plate and eat it with a spoon.

Persimmon and sharon help strengthen the immune system during the cold season, relieve bad mood, saturate the body with iron and contain more beta-carotene than pumpkin.

How to distinguish sharon from persimmon or king


Ordinary persimmon has an astringent taste, and loses it only after it is fully ripe and acquires a jelly consistency. If you bought an unripe fruit, you can put it in the freezer for a day, and then take it out, defrost and eat it, the astringent property will disappear. This fruit can be used in fresh or use for making jam and pies. You should not add it to the salad, as it will look like an incomprehensible mush.


The persimmon develops from a female flower, and the wren develops from a male flower. The latter has a dark orange color and brown flesh. The difference between this variety is that it does not have an astringent taste and can be consumed like an apple. This variety has been grown for over 2000 years. First, the wren appeared in China, and then in Japan and Korea. Now this species grows in most Mediterranean countries, Central Asia and in the Caucasus.

If you want to prepare an unusual dinner, you can bake chicken with a king. It's delicious and unusual. This fruit also makes delicious mousse and cottage cheese casserole.


Sharon is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon and apple. Sharon is firm, has no astringent acid, is sweet and goes well with salads, can be eaten with cheese, used in making wines and ciders, and can also be dried. In addition, it does not contain seeds and does not spoil for a long time.