The best smoothie recipes made in a blender. Berry smoothie from banana, blueberry, lemon, celery on the water

Smoothie recipes from berries and fruits with milk, cocoa, coffee.

Fitonies and healthy eating are now in vogue, which is why a variety of healthy drinks from vegetables and fruits are gaining popularity. With the help of smoothies, you can satisfy your hunger and saturate the body with minerals and vitamins. This is an excellent addition to protein foods to keep the body in good shape.

This is a basic recipe that can be used while on a diet. Despite being high in carbohydrates and sugars, the banana is high in potassium and minerals. It is very useful to drink this drink instead of breakfast.


  • 50 g grated chocolate
  • 2 bananas
  • 230 ml milk
  • 20 ml honey


  • Peel the fruit from the skin and load into the blender bowl. It can be submersible type or with knives inside
  • Turn on the device for 30 seconds and turn exotic fruits into a homogeneous substance
  • Add honey and puree for another 10 seconds. Fill everything with milk, add chocolate chips and turn on the machine for 10 seconds

In adults, the stomach does not a large number of enzymes that break down milk. That is why after taking milkshakes and drinks, bloating and diarrhea can be observed. If you are on a healthy diet, make smoothies without milk.


  • 2 bananas
  • A handful of strawberries
  • 210 ml kefir
  • 10 g flax seed


  • Peel exotic fruits from the skin, and tear off the tails from strawberries
  • Pour the fruit into the blender cup and turn into a homogeneous mixture for 20 seconds
  • Enter kefir without turning off the blender and continue to average 10 s
  • Turn off the machine and pour in the flax seeds. Before serving, turn on the blender so that the seeds are not at the bottom.

This is a great drink that does not contain milk and will help quench your thirst in summer.


  • 1 peach
  • 2 kiwi
  • 2 bananas
  • 100 ml water
  • 50 m apple juice
  • Sugar


  • At high speeds, using sharp knives, smash a handful of ice in a blender
  • Add fruit to the bowl and puree for 30 seconds. Pour in the juice from the apple, add sugar and peeled peach
  • Average in the apparatus for 10 s and pour into glasses

This is a dietary option that can be safely consumed at night. The drink is low in calories and will help you fall asleep.


  • handful of blueberries
  • handful of grapes
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 250 g cherries
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml mineral water
  • Cinnamon


  • Wash the berries, remove the stones from the cherry, and separate the grapes from the branches
  • Load the berries into the bowl of the machine and puree for 10 seconds. Add ice and puree 10 more seconds
  • Enter sugar and cinnamon. Turn into a homogeneous substance again
  • Dilute your drink with mineral water

This is a great option for those who love a healthy lifestyle. Green vegetables contain vitamins. In addition, they are low in calories.


  • bunch of greenery
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 1 avocado


  • Peel and puree avocados and cucumbers
  • Enter a bunch of parsley, after cutting off the tails
  • Puree 10 seconds and pour into glasses

This is one of the options for a milkshake. The difference is that there are more strawberries in this drink.


  • 200 g strawberries
  • 60 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml yogurt


  • Sort the berries and remove the tails. Pour the raw materials into the blender bowl and puree for 10 seconds
  • Add ice cream and sugar. Start the machine again for 15 seconds
  • Add yogurt and beat until smooth

A very unusual recipe that hardly anyone in our country will cook. This is due to the high cost of coconut. But if you are vacationing in exotic countries, use the recipe.


  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 2 bananas
  • 10 g granulated sugar
  • 150 ml kefir


  • Peel the bananas and throw in a blender
  • Puree for 15 seconds and sweeten
  • Enter kefir in a thin stream and pour in coconut milk
  • Whisk a little until smooth.

The drink can be prepared using frozen or fresh berries. The drink contains milk.


  • 250 g berries
  • 150 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 10 g sugar


  • Grind the berries in the cup of the device and add ice cream
  • Pour sugar and average 10 s
  • Pour in sugar and pour in milk, put the device back into operation mode for 15 s
  • Berries do not need to be thawed before dipping in a blender.

Tangerines contain substances that improve metabolism. Therefore, tangerine drinks will help to lose weight.


  • 2 tangerines
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 5 heel leaves
  • 100 ml apple juice


  • Peel citrus fruits from peels and immerse in the apparatus, sorting into slices
  • Beat for 40 seconds, and then add honey with crushed ice
  • Enter mint leaves and apple juice, turn on the device again for 15 seconds

In addition to apples, the drink contains carrots. It needs to be boiled first.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 boiled carrots
  • 2 apples
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Boil carrots and cut them into pieces
  • Peel the apples, no need to remove the skin
  • Peel grapefruit and divide into slices
  • Immerse fruits and vegetables in a blender and puree for 35 seconds
  • Enter sugar and dilute the drink with mineral water

If it’s winter outside and it’s hard to find fresh berries, you can use frozen ones.


  • 100 g currants, raspberries and strawberries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 10 g sugar
  • 100 ml milk


  • Grind all the berries in a blender without defrosting them
  • Enter milk and sugar as well as crushed ice
  • Puree 30 seconds and pour into glasses

Delicious drink with a spicy taste. The composition contains banana and kefir.


  • 1 banana
  • A handful of currant berries
  • Handful of crushed ice
  • 1 tsp minced ginger root
  • Sugar
  • 100 ml kefir


  • Turn fruits and berries into a homogeneous substance in a blender
  • Enter crushed ice, kefir and sugar, puree again for 10 s
  • Enter crushed ginger and drink immediately

Very thick and satisfying smoothie with cottage cheese.


  • 100 g baby cottage cheese
  • 1 banana
  • 1 persimmon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Turn the ice into a cold crumb and enter the banana
  • Remove the skin from the persimmon and send it after the banana
  • Introduce cottage cheese and turn products into a homogeneous substance
  • Add milk and put the machine back into operation mode for 10 s

A very satisfying drink that can replace one of the meals.


  • 20 g oatmeal
  • 1 banana
  • handful of strawberries
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • 100 ml milk


  • Puree strawberry banana and add cinnamon
  • In a dry blender, turn the flakes into powder and pour milk for 10 minutes
  • Pour the milk mixture over the fruit and average 10 s

This is a light summer drink that perfectly refreshes and saturates with vitamins.


  • 1 orange
  • 100 g fresh or canned pineapple
  • A handful of crushed ice
  • Sugar
  • Mineral water


  • Peel oranges and cut into slices
  • Enter pineapple and puree 15 -35 s
  • Add crushed ice and mineral water

A savory drink that can be used as a snack due to its low calorie content.


  • 2 pears
  • Lemon juice
  • 100 ml thick yogurt
  • Sugar


  • Remove the peel from the pear and squeeze the juice from the lemon
  • Puree pear with lemon and add yogurt
  • Add sugar and turn on the machine for 15 seconds

Cranberries are a very healthy berry for babies. With its help, you can prepare delicious and healthy drinks for children.


  • 1 banana
  • 50 g ice cream
  • handful of cranberries
  • Sugar
  • crushed ice
  • 150 ml yogurt
  • spoon of cocoa


  • Turn a banana with berries into a smooth puree
  • Enter ice cream and crushed ice
  • Pour sugar, pounded with cocoa powder
  • Pour in the yogurt and blend

Milk smoothies are very popular, as the combination of milk and fruit is very successful. Fruit vitamins in combination with milk minerals saturate the body with useful substances.


  • 1 banana
  • half mango
  • 1 peach
  • handful of strawberries
  • 100 ml milk
  • 50 g ice cream
  • Sugar


  • Peel the banana from the skin, and the strawberries from the tails
  • Remove the skin from the peach and put everything into a blender
  • Puree 20 seconds and add sugar, ice cream and milk
  • Add mango pieces and again average 20s

Smoothies are made with freshly brewed coffee. It adds spice to the drink.


  • 150 ml coffee
  • 50 g ice cream
  • 1 banana
  • Cinnamon


  • Peel the banana and toss it into the bowl along with the ice cream
  • Enter honey and cinnamon and puree for 20 seconds
  • Add coffee and blend some more

As you can see, smoothies are a great option to saturate the child's body with vitamins, even if he does not really like to eat fruits. In addition, it is a way to lose weight.

VIDEO: The benefits of smoothies

Smoothie is a thick drink made from berries, fruits or vegetables crushed in a blender. As a liquid base, you can use natural, vanilla or fruit yogurt, fermented baked milk, juices, milk, herbal teas, or ice itself. In the blender, the ice is crushed, which gives the drink the right consistency. You can also add crushed ice (or a few cubes) to your smoothie. Smoothies are great for breakfast, snacks and low-calorie dinners. The drink makes up for the lack of vitamins and nutrients in the body, gives energy and just gives a great mood. Smoothies are especially relevant in hot summer weather, when you really want to freshen up and satisfy your hunger without spending a single minute at the stove.

Of the berries for smoothies, strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries and lingonberries are most often used. You can take any fruits you like: bananas, peaches, apricots, mangoes, pineapples, oranges, kiwis, grapefruits, lemons, apples, etc. Vanillin, spices, spices, syrups or herbs can be added to give the smoothie a rich taste and aroma. Smoothies can be turned into a delicious dessert by adding ice cream, cream, chocolate or candied fruits. If desired, the drink can be sweetened with sugar or fructose. But for dietary nutrition, it is preferable to use honey. The finished smoothie is sometimes sprinkled with cashew nuts or any other crushed nuts.

Smoothies have taken a special place in dietary and clinical nutrition. A fruit or vegetable drink can replace a meal without feeling hungry. You can also arrange a fasting day on smoothies alone. To prepare smoothies for weight loss, you should preferably use the following ingredients:

— Vegetables and herbs. Tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, spinach, cilantro, dill, parsley, sorrel, basil, white cabbage, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts, lettuce, onions, etc .;

- Frozen or fresh fruits (citrus fruits, pineapples, apples, limes, kiwi, cherries, apricots, melons, peaches);

- From berries, you can add raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, currants, strawberries, gooseberries;

- Vegetable or fruit juices, green tea without sugar, skim milk, natural yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir are used as the basis for a fat-burning smoothie;

- For an even healthier drink, add flaxseed, sesame or pumpkin seeds, or wheat germ flakes.

In smoothies for weight loss, you can add a powerful natural fat burner: grated ginger root. You can also enrich the drink with cereals or turmeric.

Smoothies - preparing food and dishes

To prepare a smoothie, you will need a minimum of kitchen utensils and utensils: a bowl or bowl for a blender, a blender itself, a knife, a cutting board, vegetable cutters or vegetable peelers (for convenience) and a grater. Smoothies are served in transparent thick-walled glasses with straws. Glasses can be decorated with a piece of berry or a slice of fruit, and you also need to throw a couple of ice cubes into the smoothie.

Preparation of products consists in washing and cleaning fruits, berries and vegetables. It is necessary to remove the seeds, cut the stalks and remove the "tails" (if any). It is also necessary to freeze a sufficient amount of ice in advance. Some recipes use frozen berries and fruits, so you can put them in the freezer for one hour. For convenience, you can cut large fruits into several pieces so that they are easier to grind in a blender. If cauliflower, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts are used in a vegetable smoothie, they need to be boiled a little first, or even better, cooked in a double boiler.

Smoothie Recipes:

Recipe 1: Strawberry Smoothie (option 1)

Strawberry smoothie is great refreshing, satisfies hunger between main meals and gives the body energy. Ideal for breakfast or dinner. Strawberry smoothies are easy to make. All you need is fresh berries and any milk base (kefir, natural yogurt, etc.).

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of natural yogurt;
  • Fresh strawberries - 700-800 g;
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 13-15 ml;
  • Ice cubes.

Cooking method:

Sort the berries, discarding spoiled and overripe ones, rinse, remove the “tails”. Place the strawberries in a bowl and blend with a blender until smooth. Pour in yogurt and lemon juice, add sugar to taste. Mix all ingredients again. Pour over ice and spread evenly with a spoon. Pour into clear glasses, garnish with half a fresh strawberry and a mint leaf.

Recipe 2: Strawberry Smoothie (Option 2) with Orange Juice

This strawberry smoothie can be made with fresh or frozen berries. Orange juice makes smoothies even tastier, healthier and more aromatic. As a base, you can take natural or fruit yogurt.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh or frozen strawberries - several large berries (7-9 pcs.);
  • Packaging of fruit or natural yoghurt;
  • Orange juice - 70 ml.

Cooking method:

Sort fresh strawberries, wash, remove leaves with "tails". Put in the freezer for 1 hour. If frozen strawberries are used, no preparatory measures are necessary. Put frozen strawberries in a bowl and chop with a blender. Then pour in orange juice and yogurt. Mix the ingredients with a blender again. Pour smoothie into clear glasses and garnish with fresh strawberries. Serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Banana Smoothie

Banana smoothie is very good for bone and teeth health as it is rich in calcium. It can be prepared for breakfasts, afternoon snacks or for a small snack between main meals. Banana smoothie is very satisfying, fragrant and tasty. To reduce calories, you can use fat-free or 1% vanilla yogurt.

Required Ingredients:

  • Bananas - 2 pcs. (from more ripe bananas, smoothies will turn out with a higher glycemic index, which is undesirable for the figure);
  • 60 ml low-fat or vanilla yogurt;
  • 350-400 ml skimmed or 1% milk;
  • Wheat germ flakes - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Wash bananas, peel, cut into several pieces. Put in a bowl, add yogurt, milk and cereal. Grind all ingredients with a blender until smooth. You can sprinkle the smoothie with pine nuts or throw in a couple of ice cubes.

Recipe 4: Fruit Smoothie

Fruit smoothie is very easy to prepare, you can use any fruit for cooking: peaches, apricots, mangoes, apples, oranges, coconuts, bananas, etc. A great option for a hot summer day. Smoothies can also be prepared for breakfast so that the day goes as fruitfully and energetically as possible.

Required Ingredients:

  • Sweet oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • 1 red grapefruit;
  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • A handful of ice.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from oranges and grapefruit. Remove the peel from the skin. Peel bananas, cut into several pieces and put in a blender bowl. Pour citrus juice into bananas and put on ice. Grind all components with a blender until smooth. Sprinkle the finished smoothie with orange and grapefruit zest.

Recipe 5: Smoothies for weight loss (option 1)

To prepare such a smoothie for weight loss, currants, cottage cheese and honey are suitable. The recipe also uses pineapple juice, known for its magical fat-burning properties.

Required Ingredients:

  • Currant - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Liquid honey - 8-10 ml;
  • Cottage cheese - 50 g;
  • Pineapple juice - 180-200 ml.

Cooking method:

Remove the currants from the branches (you can also use frozen), wash and put in a bowl. Add cottage cheese and pour in pineapple juice. Grind the ingredients with a blender, then add liquid honey. Whisk again and serve immediately. Add 1-2 ice cubes if desired.

Recipe 6: Smoothie for weight loss (option 2) with ginger

Such a smoothie not only promotes weight loss, but also gives the body vitamins and nutrients. The recipe uses kiwi, apple, grapefruit and banana. The smoothie also contains ginger, which is a powerful weapon against excess weight. Green hour is used as a base, and liquid honey is used as a sweetener.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1/2 grapefruit;
  • 1/2 kiwi;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • 1/4 ripe banana;
  • 2-3 g of ginger root;
  • A glass of green tea;
  • Liquid honey - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

Wash and peel fruits. Remove the core from the apple. Grate the ginger. Put all the ingredients in a bowl, pour green tea and add honey. Grind the ingredients with a blender until smooth. You can also add crushed ice to smoothies.

- It is desirable that the smoothie includes at least one ingredient with a dense texture (banana, pear or mango). Of the berries for these purposes, blackcurrant or raspberry is suitable;

- Too thick fruit mass can be diluted with a little water, milk or fruit juice;

- In purely vegetable smoothies (for example, cucumber, green onion and sweet pepper), you can add a little salt and black pepper to taste;

- You can turn a smoothie into a healthy energy drink by adding a few drops of ginseng or lemongrass tincture;

- a few quail eggs (3-4 pcs.) are also sometimes added to breakfast smoothies;

Having decided to include smoothies in your daily diet, you need to choose the right blender - not all devices are suitable for making a fruit drink. You should not buy too bulky models - such blenders are used mainly in cafes and restaurants in order to grind ingredients in large volumes at once. Not quite suitable for making smoothies and immersion blenders. Small bowls are usually included with such models, but it is rather difficult to achieve a uniform consistency with an immersion blender. Therefore, it is best to give preference to a stationary device that has compact dimensions. Complete with a blender, there must be a large hour or

a tall glass in which it would be convenient to mix a cocktail. Also, the blender must have a sufficiently powerful motor that can grind all the ingredients at once. Pay attention to the sharpness of the knives and the ability of the device to operate in several speed modes.

You can make smoothies without a blender: just prepare the berries and fruits, grate them and pass through a meat grinder. Next, the mixture must be transferred to a bowl or any other container and combined with juice, yogurt, kefir or milk. To mix the mass, you can use an ordinary whisk. A delicious and healthy drink is ready!

Smoothies are not only tasty, but also healthy. It turns out that cooking it at home is as easy as shelling pears, and it doesn’t matter if you have a blender or not. See for yourself.

Smoothies are vegetable, fruit, berry, and also mixed. It all depends on your own taste preferences and what benefits you want to get from this drink. Mix with each other any components that you think will go well with each other. So, the first step is to choose the ingredients for the future smoothie. We suggest using the following combinations:
  • banana + glass of strawberries + 1 tbsp. honey + 1.5 cups of milk;
  • banana + a glass of blueberries + a glass of natural yogurt;
  • 2 cups strawberries + 2 cups raspberries + 8 kiwis + 4 tbsp. honey;
  • kiwi + apple + banana + a glass of kefir;
  • 2 cucumbers + 1/2 bell pepper + 2 tomatoes + herbs to taste + a glass of natural yogurt.
Wash the selected foods thoroughly and remove the peel, shell, or any other shell. If you are going to make a drink with a blender, then the ingredients should be cut into cubes. Large or small - it does not matter, the main thing is that they fit in the bowl and lend themselves to grinding with knives.

If you don’t have kitchen appliances at hand, use a regular grater. With berries, everything is much simpler, they can be chopped with a kitchen knife. A little tip: try grating juicy fruits or vegetables on a sieve.

The next step for you will make household appliances. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until fruit and/or vegetables are puréed. You can leave some pieces unbroken, but then look at your taste.

As a substitute for a blender, use a meat grinder - just mix and pass the pulp through it. As a last resort, take a fork or crusher for thorough grinding. Any handy tool for turning dense ingredients into gruel will do. After achieving the desired result, mix everything in a tightly closed container and shake the components.

Add to the resulting mixture any dairy product of your choice: milk, kefir, ice cream or classic yogurt. It is desirable that the fat content of the liquid be low, because the smoothie should be, first of all, light, as it is recognized as a dietary product and is especially suitable for those who lead an active sports lifestyle. Thoroughly mix the ingredients again until the color and consistency of the mixture evens out.

Serve the smoothie cold. Chilling in the refrigerator will take several hours, so if you want to quickly cool the drink, add a few pieces of ice to it.

Now you can enjoy the drink yourself and surprise your loved ones.

Greetings, dear readers!

Many of you love smoothies - a delicious fruit drink with pieces of fresh fruits and vegetables. The name itself, translated from English, means "soft, homogeneous."

The idea of ​​this dish was born in hot Latin American countries, then appeared in California, USA, and from there migrated to cafes and restaurants around the world.

But why spend extra money visiting expensive establishments? Let's learn how to make smoothies at home.

Smoothies are not just a mixture of any products. In order for the taste, color and consistency to please us, you need to mix correctly.

To get started, you need to know that the “right” smoothie should have five parts:

The foundation

The basis for this wonderful drink can be milk, iced coffee, fruit juice, iced green tea, or plain plain water. I also forgot about coconut milk, but you don’t often see it in our latitudes.

fruit part

Here your imagination can be limitless. However, I must say that you need to choose at least two fruits. Fruits can be either fresh or frozen. It should also be noted that smoothies can be vegetable. To do this, add greens, spinach, kale.


The thickener is necessary for your cocktail to have a creamy texture. For these purposes, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, ice cream, oatmeal, chia seeds and ice are suitable.

Natural flavor and sugar

What will make your smoothie sweet and flavorful. Let's figure it out. For these purposes, honey, maple syrup, infir, dates are suitable, at worst, sugar is also suitable. But for a pleasant aroma, you will need cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg, mint.

Energy in a drink

Of course, you can say that there are already fruits and berries there, there is enough energy. But nothing will stop you from bringing this drink to perfection. To do this, you should add goji berries, flax seeds, wheat germ, bee pollen, spirulina, cocoa powder, probiotics.

Basic Rules

First you need to decide what kind of smoothie you want to make:

  • fruit;
  • berry;
  • vegetable with herbs.

It is allowed to mix fruits and vegetables, as well as fruits and berries, but adding berries to a vegetable drink is not recommended: the taste and color can be hopelessly spoiled.

Here are a few more rules, following which will allow you to prepare the perfect smoothie:

  • Don't add too much water. The drink should be homogeneous and resemble a thick puree.
  • Achieve a uniform consistency. Remember: you are not making a salad, but a drink. It should not contain pieces of fruit or vegetables. If you have a weak blender, you will have to grind the products until you achieve the desired quality.
  • Greens and berries are incompatible. In general, greens are best mixed exclusively with vegetables. In combination with berries, it gives an unpleasant color and taste, so it is unlikely that anyone will like such a treat.
  • Do not make the drink too cold or too warm. With a weak blender power, the finished smoothie can be put in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour to cool: this will be enough. If you are using frozen food, you can thaw it in half first. Professional blenders heat the food a little, so you don't need to defrost it first.
  • Smoothies should be sweet. Bananas remain the ideal ingredient: they go well with all three types of drink, give it the necessary consistency and sweetish taste. Avocado will add a creamy texture to the dish, but in this case, you will have to add a natural sweetener (honey or syrup) to the smoothie, but in no case sugar. Dried apricots or figs will add a sweetish taste to chocolate cocktails. Mangoes or pears can be added to a fruit drink.
  • If the selected ingredients are too sugary, lemon or lime juice will add sourness.
  • If you want a milky drink, do not add whole cow's milk: you will get a meal that is too heavy for the body to digest. It is best to use yogurt or nut milk (ground almonds or hazelnuts with a little water). Both of these products will form an indispensable basis for the dish.

  • Do not mix more than 5 ingredients. Ideally three or four.

Smoothies are the perfect food for weight loss. Of course, if you exclude high-calorie ingredients from the drink: bananas, chocolate, ice cream, sweeteners. Oatmeal soaked in boiling water is perfect as a base. So you get delicious muesli, which at the same time will not need to be chewed.

Smoothies are a very healthy dish. It has a lot of vitamins, fiber for the work of the stomach and intestines, a minimum of carbohydrates. When adding yogurt or nuts, we include proteins in the composition, thereby bringing it to perfection. When losing weight, you can include mashed soaked wheat, herbal decoctions, kefir, and other cereals in smoothies.

And now a little about the secrets of cooking.

How to do at home?

Making smoothies at home is easy. All you need is a blender and a little patience. Cut the selected ingredients into pieces, add yogurt, water or nut milk and mix thoroughly. You may need to add liquids and grind several times until the consistency suits you.

Before pouring the drink into a glass, be sure to taste it. If there is not enough sweetness or sourness, add honey, syrup or lemon juice and turn the blender back on. Remember: the taste and texture must be uniform.

If there is no blender at home, this is not a problem. A fine grater or meat grinder with a fine mesh will help you. To make a drink without a blender, finely grind fruits and vegetables, add the base. Then take a whisk and mix well. Finally, to get a truly homogeneous drink, you can put all the ingredients in a jar, cover with a lid and shake thoroughly. You will get something like a neck.

Not difficult? Then enjoy the amazing taste of smoothies! Children especially love it. Why not prepare an unforgettably delicious dish for your child?

Multiple Recipes

Smoothie recipes are very simple. This is just a list of ingredients that need to be mixed together in certain proportions - and the dish is ready.

To lose weight

For those who monitor their weight, the following recipes are suitable:

  • 2 persimmons, an incomplete glass of fat-free yogurt, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes.
  • 300 g of pumpkin, 2 cups of milk, a couple of spoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes. After mixing the ingredients, you can add a pinch of cinnamon.
  • 4 apples, a bunch of lettuce, half a lime or a slice of lemon, cucumber.
  • 100 g apricot pulp, 20 g raspberries, some ice. Mix everything in a blender and add a few drops of lemon juice.
  • One fruit of an apple, pear and kiwi, a little dill, two celery stalks. As a base - a glass of water or green tea.


These recipes are great for kids:

  • Banana, a couple of kiwis, half a glass of frozen raspberries and black currants, a tablespoon of honey, 5 pieces of almonds and hazelnuts. Nuts must first be ground in a coffee grinder.
  • 0.7 l of milk, a bar of milk chocolate, 3 bananas, some mint leaves and cinnamon.
  • 0.5 liters of almond milk, half a glass of dried apricots and raisins, a quarter cup of prunes, 2 tablespoons of honey, 5 tablespoons of oatmeal flakes.

Voila, the recipe is ready! Now you know exactly how to make smoothies at home.

Smoothies are amazing. It can be a dessert, replace breakfast and dinner, or it can become a quick treat for guests. The main thing is fantasy!

If you like my recipes, share them with your friends and acquaintances in the social. networks.

See you soon, dear readers!

Ekaterina Chesnakova was with you with smoothies, bananas, mangoes and chia berries.

A huge number of people have repeatedly drank smoothies, not suspecting that this is the name of the drink they drink. It is often called mousse, juice, fresh juice, and at the same time they are deeply mistaken. From ignorance of the difference between smoothies and others, errors in its preparation also occur. And this is very sad, since making a smoothie at home is not difficult at all, and the benefits of using it are much greater than using other derivative gifts of nature.

Benefits of smoothies

This drink is made from all parts of vegetables and fruits that are included in its composition. Everything is squeezed out: the peel, the seeds, and the pulp itself. In this regard, the smoothie is saturated with fiber, all the vitamins and microelements that were in the original products pass into it - and at the same time, the beneficial substances are in the most favorable state for absorption. Therefore, smoothies are much healthier than juices, even freshly squeezed ones.

This drink is also good for its cheapness, since you can make smoothies at home from high-quality, but not quite presentable products. They have already lost their appearance, but the useful substances remain. At the same time, they are sold much cheaper than beautiful looking ones.

The way to make a smoothie is also attractive: you grind the ingredients - and you can use it. The drink does not require any complex culinary skills; it does not need additional and lengthy manipulations.


Considering that smoothie is very close to puree in structure, it is quite possible to use it instead of food. Especially if the composition includes milk and nuts - quickly and quite satisfying. Many ladies who take care of their figure replace smoothies for breakfast and dinner. True, cream and nuts are considered too high-calorie for dietary use.

How smoothies can hurt

The drink cannot cause any damage to health, unless, of course, you eat only it. Still, the fiber in it is not enough for the normal functioning of the stomach, so in the absence of other food, digestive problems (in particular, constipation) can begin. Yes, and your teeth still need to chew something, if you do not want to become a regular client of the dentist. Another drawback of the drink is the partial loss of vitamins. Since it is easiest to make smoothies at home in a blender or mixer, fruits, vegetables and berries are forced to crush them with knives, which is why the beneficial substances are partially lost. But such a loss is not too significant - it is much less than during heat treatment. The main thing is not to prepare a smoothie, but to drink it right away. Otherwise, vitamin losses will become much more noticeable.

Well, the last possible damage is if you are allergic to any components of the drink. However, problems can be easily avoided if you make delicious smoothies from other foods that you do not have a negative reaction to.

Cooking Basics

Naturally, before making smoothies at home, all the fruits must be carefully washed. Remember that heat treatment is not expected, which means that washing should be especially thorough in order to avoid indigestion. If you're adding non-juicy fruit to your smoothie, dilute it with cream, yogurt, milk, water, or juice (it's best to use hand-pressed fruit). Hard vegetables (for example, beets or carrots) will be wisely chopped before putting them in a blender. The most successful smoothies at home are obtained from a combination of vegetables and fruits with dense pulp and especially juicy fruits and berries.

Varieties of smoothies

The first one is refreshing drinks. They are always made without sugar, and in order not to get too sour drink, sweet ingredients are combined with sour ones. For example, a banana with juicy blackcurrant. It makes a very light smoothie. How to make it less sweet if you got a very sugary currant? Add orange or lemon juice.

The next type is saturating. Such smoothies should be extremely thick, almost reaching the consistency of mashed potatoes. You can add eggs and some satisfying ingredients to them - the same nuts or muesli.

Dessert smoothies are naturally sweet. To increase the sweetness, chocolate, sugar, honey, peanut butter are added to them.

The next subspecies is vegetable. They are in particular demand among vegetarians and supporters of a raw food diet. These are unsweetened smoothies similar to conventional cuisine. How to make them? An example is gazpacho, a famous Spanish soup.

Smoothies for breakfast

If you have something substantial at least for lunch, a puree drink may well replace the first meal. The question remains how to make a smoothie that is nutritionally suitable for breakfast. As an option, you can consider "pureshka" with hercules and mango. For her, you need to take 150 ml of yogurt (necessarily natural, and choose the fat content and taste yourself), 1 mango fruit and 2 large spoons of oatmeal (or other instant oatmeal). Then everything is simple: flakes are poured with yogurt, infused for about half an hour until softened and whipped with a blender along with mango, cut into pieces and pitted. If the weather is hot, you can add ice.

Good for breakfast and muesli smoothies. The latter, in fact, are already eaten by many in the morning. We just offer a tastier option. Smoothie preparation is similar to the previous recipe: a glass of yogurt (low-fat for this dish) is whipped with half a glass of strawberries and the same volume of milk. Muesli, preferably with nuts and raisins, is poured with a mixture - and you are welcome to eat.

green smoothie

You will need: half a banana, one peach, one mango, a handful of spinach, half a glass of water. We remove the stones from the peach and mango, peel the banana, wash the spinach. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well.

With milk

Smoothies with milk have a unique taste! They can be made both sweet and neutral, both hearty and light. With milk, this blessed drink used as a base, you can truly work wonders. Also, yoghurts of all kinds, and matsoni, and other dairy products can be used with might and main to make smoothies. The only thing to keep in mind when making drinks with a milk base is that milk usually curdles when combined with acidic ingredients. Therefore, sweet or neutral ingredients should be used.

Invigorating coffee and chocolate

We will need: one banana, a cup of strong coffee, 50 grams of dark chocolate, a teaspoon of sugar, half a glass of milk, cardamom and nutmeg - to taste. Three chocolate on a grater, peel and cut a banana. Put everything in a blender, add the rest of the ingredients, beat.

With egg, apple and carrot

Raw eggs are a good source of energy for the whole day. Most importantly, make sure they are fresh. It is also recommended to thoroughly wash the top of the shell before breaking the egg into a blender. This will protect against pathogenic microbes that may be on fresh eggs. Some use quail. They are even healthier and tastier. But they need more to make a drink. We will need: two apples, one chicken or three quail eggs, three carrots, 0.5 cups of unsalted mineral water, two oranges. Peel oranges, cut apples. We clean the carrots and cut them as small as possible. We mix all the ingredients in a blender, drive in the eggs there. If necessary (for liquefaction), add mineral water. We beat. A wonderful and healthy drink is ready!