Liquid millet porridge preparation method. How much and how to cook millet porridge in water

Porridge is very healthy and popular dish, but not everyone knows how to cook them correctly. And even if they do know, they often forget the proportions. I will give recipes on how to cook porridge from my own many years of experience.

How to cook buckwheat porridge

Proportions 1:2. This portion is enough for me - one coffee cup of buckwheat and two similar cups of water. Pour buckwheat into a saucepan and pour cold water. Place on the burner, wait until it boils, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Cook for 15 minutes. Add salt at the end of cooking. If you add salt right away, the taste of the porridge will be worse. After cooking is complete, remove the pan from the heat and wrap it in a blanket (blanket) so that the porridge can brew and swell. If you can add it to your porridge butter. then it’s good to add a little a minute or two before the end of cooking, and put the rest of the oil into the porridge when it’s already on the plate. Buckwheat good with olive oil- delicious. And also - with mustard! It's also very tasty.

How to cook rice porridge

Proportion 1:1.5. I take a coffee cup of rice and one and a half cups of water. I pour water into the pan, bring it to a boil, then add rice. Cook over high heat until it boils, then over medium heat for 10 minutes, and then over low heat for three minutes. After finishing cooking, it is also good to “wrap” the rice porridge so that it completely steams. Salt when serving.

How to cook wheat porridge

Proportion 1:3. Wheat coffee cup for three such cups cold water. Pour the cereal into a pan, add water and put it on the fire. When it boils, turn the heat to medium and let it cook. Cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Artek groats are prepared faster and in the proportion of 1 part porridge to two parts water. I find regular wheat cereal healthier than Artek. When there is almost no water left in the porridge, add a little butter (if your diet allows). We also add salt at the end of cooking. “Wrapping up” is recommended.

How to cook millet porridge

Millet porridge is very healthy. No wonder millet is called golden grain. Millet cleanses the body better than any other cereals. And it's full of vitamins. The proportions of millet porridge are 1:2. I fill a cup of millet coffee with two identical cups of cold water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 10-15 minutes. Putting butter (if you can use it) before the end of cooking (a small piece) and “wrapping” any porridge after it is cooked is from grandma's recipes. Tasty. Salt the millet porridge before finishing cooking.

It is very good to add pieces of pumpkin and prunes to millet porridge. Add pumpkin and prunes when the porridge has boiled for about 5 minutes. The rest of the time everything will cook together. It is better to take dried prunes (not smoked) - they are healthier. Before putting prunes into porridge, they should be washed thoroughly, and it is best to grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater.

How to cook barley porridge

Proportions 1:1.5. For a cup of cereal, one and a half cups of cold water. Before cooking, I pour the prepared portion of cereal into a frying pan (without fat) and heat it, fry it - stirring constantly. This is in order to barley porridge It turned out crumbly. I put the fried cereal in a saucepan and fill it with cold water. I cook for 10-15 minutes. Cook uncooked egg also. It won't be as crumbly. but still very tasty.

How to cook semolina porridge

Boil half a liter of liquid (milk or water), then pour semolina into it in a stream while constantly stirring. For half a liter - three quarters of a glass. Cook the semolina for about 5 minutes. Don’t forget to stir. There is no need to wrap semolina. Add salt before finishing cooking, add sugar (optional) to the ready-made porridge.

If you want the semolina to be crumbly, then before cooking the cereal must be fried in a frying pan without fat.

How to cook oatmeal or hercules

You don’t need to boil Hercules, but simply steam it in boiled water. Fill a cup of cereal with a cup of boiling water, cover the dish with a lid and leave overnight. In the morning you can eat it, adding salt, sugar, fresh or dried fruit to taste.

If you need to prepare pureed porridge, then cook the oatmeal in a 1:1 ratio for 10 minutes. and then wipe through a sieve or colander.

Porridges are very useful not only for dietary nutrition. Cereals are full of vitamins, including B vitamins, which the body needs.

Many have heard the saying that porridge is the second bread. Delicious millet porridge is a source of important minerals and vitamins for us.

Properly prepared porridge contains a lot of fiber, which can stimulate the digestive system.

We suggest you prepare millet porridge in water, simple recipe which is presented below.

The recipe can be used on fasting days. The proportions of water to millet cereals are 2.5-3 cups to one glass of cereal. It is very important to prepare millet cereals for cooking; if you do not sort them out and wash them thoroughly, the millet will taste a little bitter.

Usually millet porridge is cooked for 25-30 minutes, simmer it over low heat. We will tell you in detail about how to properly cook millet porridge in water in our photo recipe.

How to cook delicious millet porridge with water

Before you start cooking millet porridge in water, the cereal must first be very carefully processed.

First of all, carefully sort out the millet. Remove any debris (if any), place the cereal in a fine sieve, rinse the millet until the water becomes completely clear.

I recommend putting the millet in a small bowl and pour boiling water over the cereal. Let the cereal stand in this position for an hour. This time is enough for the millet to swell slightly. This “water procedure” is necessary not only to reduce the cooking of porridge, but after this the millet will give off its bitter taste in the water.

Advice! Some people, in order to prepare millet for cooking, pre-boil the cereal for 2-3 minutes, and then strain the millet through a sieve. Next, cook the porridge in new water. You can also use this option to get rid of bitterness if you don’t have time to wait.

Place the washed, prepared millet into the pan. By the way, it is better to use dishes with a thick bottom. Using another pan, you risk ending up with burnt millet porridge.

Pour over the cereal required quantity water according to the recipe. This recipe uses a millet to water ratio of 1 to 2.5.

Salt the millet. The amount of salt indicated in the list of ingredients is given conditionally. Use your taste when seasoning your cereal. Mix the ingredients, the salt should dissolve.

Millet porridge can also be made sweet with water. In this case, the amount of salt should be reduced to one pinch and add a tablespoon of sugar. You can use honey instead of sugar, but add it to a slightly cooled dish.

Then place the pan over high heat and wait until the porridge begins to boil. As soon as the water starts to bubble, reduce the heat to low. Cover the pan with a lid, preferably one with a small hole, so that steam can escape during cooking.

Cook the millet porridge until the water has completely evaporated. Don't forget to stir it about every 7 minutes. At low heat, the cooking process will take from 25 to 40 minutes (if you get a little more or less, it’s okay). The cereal must be completely cooked and soft. Ready dish remove from heat.

Place a piece of butter into the porridge. In the recipe optimal quantity, but if you put more, the porridge will be tastier. If your millet porridge is intended for dietary nutrition, then add oil to a minimum.

Cover the prepared and seasoned millet porridge tightly with oil and leave for at least half an hour. Our grandmothers called this process “simmering the porridge” and put the pot of porridge in a warm (100 C) oven. You can simply cover the pan with a blanket and leave it to cool.

Tasty and healthy millet porridge with water, the recipe for which is presented to you, can be served as independent dish or as a side dish (for example, with meat or fish dishes).

Cooking tips:

You need to cook millet porridge in water as often as possible - it is good for both your health and your budget. To make the food different every time, use the following additives:

  • Pumpkin has long been used as an addition to millet porridge. Just add small peeled vegetable cubes to the millet, a little sugar and cook everything together. The pumpkin will boil and you will get a very tasty porridge.
  • Porridge with cabbage turns out delicious, here cabbage and millet are taken in equal proportions, millet porridge with water turns out to be less filling and very healthy. To this option you can add tomato paste and fried onions.
  • Use seeds for flavor: flax, sesame, sunflower. Add them along with oil. It turns out very tasty if you add walnuts and peanuts.
  • Our grandmothers cooked porridge in the oven; now you can replace it with an oven or a slow cooker. In the oven, you can cook porridge with water in ceramic pots or cast iron cauldrons very tasty. In them, the dish will heat up evenly, resulting in a crumbly and tasty porridge. Cook for 30-40 minutes at 200 degrees. You can add fried carrots and onions to the porridge. The proportion of water to millet is 3 to 1.
  • Mushrooms can be added as an unsweetened lean addition. Very tasty and aromatic porridge It will work with dried forest mushrooms, which need to be pre-soaked for 1.5 hours.
  • You can also cook porridge with chicken or turkey, this meat cooks quickly and during the cooking time the millet will cook perfectly, it will turn out hearty dish for lunch or dinner.
  • As a sweet additive, you can add raisins, apple pieces, dried apricots, and frozen berries to millet porridge.
  • If you are not fasting, then an excellent alternative would be to cook millet porridge with milk and water. To do this, take 1 part milk, 2 parts water and 1 part millet cereal. Cook until done.

Millet porridge is a frequent guest on the table. This dish is made from millet, and is inexpensive, so it is often prepared as a side dish for any salads and meat dishes. Anyone who cares about their health and figure can introduce this cereal into their diet. Also, boiled wheat groats, due to their rich yellow color and lack of pungent odor, are excellent as bait for fishing.

The benefits of wheat porridge

Millet is very healthy, as it is rich in iron, vitamin B and other useful microelements. It has more protein than rice and barley porridge, it is rich in phosphorus (at the same level as meat), and its saturation with folic acid exceeds that of corn. Among cereal crops, this particular cereal holds the record for the presence of vitamin B. Millet also contains a lot useful microelements: iodine, potassium, zinc, magnesium.

How and how much to cook millet in water: traditional recipe

To prepare delicious crumbly millet porridge, we need 3 glasses of water per 1 glass of cereal (if necessary, the proportions can, of course, be increased), 50 grams of butter and salt to taste.

Instructions for cooking delicious millet:

  1. Pour a glass of millet into the pan, and then add 2.5-3 glasses of water. If you previously boiled the cereal to remove impurities, then 2 glasses of water will be enough. It is important that the porridge is neither dry nor sticky. Its friability at the end of cooking actually depends on the proportions observed.
  2. Add salt or sugar to the pan to taste. 7-10 minutes after the water boils, you can also add oil.
  3. Cook the porridge until done. This will take 15-20 minutes after the water boils. After cooking, cover the porridge with a lid and then let it brew.

Subtleties of cooking millet: useful secrets

Dust forms in the recesses of each grain, oils collect, all this actually affects not only the taste of the porridge, but also causes it to stick together during cooking. Some housewives use this secret - they pre-boil the cereal. To do this, mix the porridge with water in a 1 to 1 ratio, and then bring this mixture to a boil. When the water boils, immediately remove the pan from the stove. Rinse the cereal thoroughly under cold water. After this, the porridge needs to be cooked according to the usual recipe.

Another interesting secret– adding oil to the porridge 10 minutes after the water boils, i.e. at the moment when the porridge swells so much that it becomes equal to the water. This will allow the grains not to boil over, and the porridge will certainly turn out crumbly and not sticky.

The optimal consistency of the porridge can be achieved by turning it off 15 minutes after the water boils. Cover the pan with a lid to allow the cereal to steep. The grains will absorb excess water, but will not stick to each other. You can open the lid only after 30 minutes.

Millet for fishing: preparing bait for successful fishing

Millet porridge is popular among fishing enthusiasts, as this dish is excellent for complementary feeding different types fish For good fishing, you need to choose the right grain, paying special attention to its size, color, and smell. Rich yellow grits are considered ideal for fishing. It should not have any foreign impurities, and also bad smell mustiness, mold, etc.

The sequence of preparing millet porridge for successful fishing:

  • Rinse the cereal. Go through it carefully to get rid of excess debris.
  • Add water to the container at the rate of approximately 8 liters of water per 1 kg of cereal. This amount of liquid is necessary to obtain the optimal consistency for creating bait.
  • Pour the required amount of millet into boiling water. There it needs to be cooked for about 10-15 minutes. The grains should swell and burst, but it is important to carefully monitor the porridge so as not to overcook it.
  • Form small balls with a diameter of 1.5 cm from the finished cereal, which can be used for complementary feeding.

Remember that burnt porridge simply cannot be used for bait, as the smell will only scare the fish. Boiled peas, halva and other ingredients are often added to the finished dish, which will enhance the aroma and, accordingly, will attract fish more. Also, for flavor, the finished porridge can be mixed with linseed or hemp oil. This is especially true if you are fishing for carp. Sometimes millet for fishing is boiled in milk rather than in water, but most fishermen lean directly towards the latter option.

Original recipes for millet porridge

Ordinary millet porridge with water can quickly get boring. But this is not a problem for those who know how to diversify the taste of this cereal. There are many variations of millet recipes. We will tell you about the extremely popular ones:

  • With pumpkin. The sweet taste of pumpkin will complement millet porridge. Pumpkin is very cheap when it's in season, so you can add variety to your diet inexpensively. For 100 grams of millet you need to take 200-250 grams of pumpkin. You need to cook the porridge with milk; for the proportions described above, take 250-300 ml. In different containers, cook pumpkin and millet in milk for 20 minutes. Puree the boiled pumpkin and then mix it into the porridge.
  • With chicken and mushrooms. This porridge is best cooked in a cauldron or cauldron. Finely chop the mushrooms, chicken, onions and carrots, fry in a greased cauldron vegetable oil, within 15 minutes. Pour millet into the cauldron, and then fill the mixture with water (the proportions should be the same as for standard recipe). The porridge needs to be boiled for another 15-20 minutes.
  • With raisins and apples. For half a glass of cereal you need to take 2 medium apples and about 3 tablespoons of raisins. Pre-soak the raisins for 20-30 minutes. Let the millet porridge cook in milk, adding 3-4 tablespoons of sugar to it. When the porridge is almost ready, peel the apples. Rub them on coarse grater. 5-7 minutes before the porridge is ready, add apples and raisins to the pan. Bring the porridge to readiness.

Wheat porridge is a very healthy and tasty addition your diet. It can be cooked with meat, mushrooms, pumpkin, various fruits, pampering yourself with different tastes.

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It often happens that there is not enough time to prepare your favorite dishes - this is beneficial financially, but it is costly in time and effort.

What to do when you want something tasty, fast, and inexpensive? Many find a way out in semi-finished products, fast food, quickly prepared but unhealthy products. Have pity on your body and the bodies of your loved ones! You won't last long on food like this.

One of the good ways out of the situation is porridge. How to cook millet porridge so that it is tasty?

Millet porridge is especially tasty and unique if you cook it in clay pots in the oven itself or on fire. However, this is not always possible at home, so there are many recipes with which you can prepare delicious porridge at home using a variety of ingredients.

Millet porridge - recipe No. 1

  1. Please note that millet must be washed thoroughly, in several waters, even if it is of the highest quality.
  2. By the way, if you do not want to be afraid of the contents of your millet porridge, you want to be sure of its benefits and not harm, check the cereal when purchasing for signs of quality and non-GMO.
  3. When all preliminary preparations Before cooking millet porridge has been successfully completed, you can proceed directly to the cooking process. Take a saucepan, or any other suitable container in which it will be convenient to cook, your favorite cooking spoon, and carefully fill about a third of the container with cereal. Fill the container with water to cover the edge of the cereal to approximately the same level. Place on the stove and turn the heat to medium. Salt the millet porridge to taste, keeping in mind that the water should seem a little under-salted to you - finally add salt at the end of cooking.
  4. If you are preparing sweet millet porridge, add sugar, but you still need to add a little bit, literally a pinch, of salt.
  5. Wait for the millet porridge to boil, slowly stirring the contents. When you cook millet porridge and foam appears, don’t be alarmed, it’s meant to be! After boiling, reduce the heat and continue cooking under a closed lid for about twenty minutes, stirring occasionally so that the porridge does not burn and cooks evenly.
  6. After this time, add olive oil or butter, although for special delicate taste You can add both, and even without bread! Season with spices - well, absolutely - to taste!

That's all, enjoy, and may Her Majesty Porridge be present on your table more often!

Millet porridge - recipe No. 2

To cook millet porridge according to this recipe you will need following ingredients: the cereal itself, milk or water, sugar, salt, dried fruits, butter, honey, raisins and a clay pot.

  1. We rinse the cereal, soak the millet for about an hour or two, if there is no time for soaking, then you can pour boiling water over the porridge for a couple of minutes.
  2. Next, boil the steamed porridge in water, add salt.
  3. Properly cook millet until half cooked.
  4. At this time, preheat the oven and place all the millet in a clay pot, which we first grease with oil.
  5. We also add steamed raisins, dried apricots, sugar and honey to taste to the pot with millet porridge.
  6. Pour the mixture with hot milk and place in the oven for an hour.

In order to properly cook millet crumbly porridge, you need to take 1.5 cups of the selected liquid per 1 cup of millet cereal.

The recipe for delicious millet porridge can be prepared with both water and milk. Sometimes you can even cook with a mixture of water and milk, which you need to take in equal quantities. And you choose the correct ratio of cereal and liquid depending on what kind of porridge you want to get: viscous, crumbly or liquid.

For example, to cook crumbly porridge for one glass of cereal, it is correct to take one and a half glasses of liquid, for viscous porridge you will need two and a half glasses of liquid, and for thin porridge you will need three and a half glasses of liquid for one glass of selected millet cereal.

Very useful to add to your diet various cereals. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and add various vitamins and minerals to the body.

One of the most useful is millet porridge. Cooked in milk or water, crumbly, tasty millet porridge is suitable for the whole family. How to cook millet porridge in water is quite simple, there are no special secrets.

Millet porridge with water - classic recipe

  • millet – 1 glass;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

How to cook millet porridge in water correctly?

  1. Before cooking millet porridge in water, the millet must be sorted very carefully and washed in several waters. When washing, you need to rub the millet with your hands so that it is washed as best as possible. The last water for millet porridge should become clear. Well-washed cereal is the key to crumbly millet porridge, as the stickiness is removed.
  2. To cook millet porridge, it is better not to add water. If you see that there is not enough water, then it is better to add it later, in the process. And if you pour too much, you won’t be able to remove it later and the porridge won’t turn out crumbly.
  3. In order to cook millet porridge in water, you need to take twice as much water. Place millet in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. Once the water has boiled, reduce the heat to low. Cook the porridge until tender, stirring constantly.
  4. In order to add fluffiness to the porridge, add butter to it halfway through cooking. Mix well. The oil helps coat each grain with a thin film of fat, which prevents them from sticking together.

Advice: for crumbly porridge, you need to choose millet of a rich dark yellow color.

Remove the finished millet porridge from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and wrap it in a warm blanket. Leave for 30 minutes for the porridge to cook.

You can serve the prepared porridge on its own, or as a side dish for meat, liver, etc.

Millet porridge with water - recipe with apple

Crumbly millet porridge can be cooked with fruit. This will make it even tastier.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • millet – 1 glass;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • salt;
  • sugar – 3 – 4 tablespoons;
  • medium apples – 2 pieces.

How to cook crumbly millet porridge in water?

  1. The millet must be washed thoroughly until the water becomes clear. Wash and dry the apples. Remove peel and seeds. Cut the apples into small cubes. Prepare a pan and boil water. Add millet to water, add salt and sugar and apples. Mix everything very well. Add oil to the pan with millet porridge.
  2. Cook for about 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover the pan tightly with a lid and wrap the finished millet porridge in a warm blanket for 45 minutes to let the porridge brew.

Millet porridge is healthy and tasty. It can be cooked different ways: with meat or cracklings, with water or milk, with fruit and pumpkin. There are a lot of recipes for cooking millet porridge with milk. The most important thing in preparing millet porridge with milk is to cook the cereal correctly.

Millet porridge with milk - recipe

Millet porridge can be cooked in milk. Before you cook millet porridge in milk according to this recipe, you need to decide what kind of millet porridge you want to get as a result. This will be affected by the amount of liquid. If you want to get crumbly porridge, then for one glass of cereal, you need to take one and a half glasses of milk, if viscous porridge, then there should be more than 2.5 glasses of milk. If you like millet porridge - a mess, that is, liquid, then you need to take 3 - 3.5 glasses of milk.

How to cook millet porridge with milk correctly?

  1. To do this, you must first prepare the cereal very carefully before cooking millet porridge in milk. You don't have to sort through the cereal. Any debris that may be in it will be easily washed off with water. Rinse the millet cereal in several waters until the last water becomes clear. This will remove excess stickiness from the cereal.
  2. If you have time, it is better to soak the cereal in water for several hours. If there is no such time, then before you start cooking the porridge, you need to pour boiling water over it. This will steam the cereal and its taste will become much better.
  3. After this, the millet cereal should be boiled a little in water, which should be lightly salted. During this time, the oven warms up.
  4. To make millet porridge with milk tasty and crumbly, it is better to cook it in the oven in clay pot. Grease the sides of the pot with a small amount of butter. Then put the cereal cooked until half cooked in it, add hot milk and put the millet porridge in the oven at a temperature of 180 - 190 degrees for an hour.
  5. In an hour the porridge is ready. When serving the porridge, you can add a little more oil to it.
  6. In order to slightly change the taste of millet porridge with milk, you can replace sugar with honey, so the porridge will have not only pleasant taste, but also a wonderful aroma.
  7. It will further improve the taste of millet porridge cooked in milk, not a large number of raisins or, if you prefer, dried apricots. Before adding raisins and dried apricots to the porridge, rinse them well, cut the dried apricots into small pieces and pour boiling water over them for a few minutes.

Dried fruits should be added to millet porridge immediately, along with the cereal, just before putting it in the oven. Millet porridge with milk will be tasty and aromatic. You can serve the finished porridge with milk.

Millet porridge with pumpkin is exactly the dish that is either loved very much, or vice versa. And this dish is prepared in different ways, often with milk. It is worth noting that this porridge has not only a specific taste and aroma. This is a whole vitamin complex that must be present in the diet of children. Although for adults, additional vitamins will never be superfluous, because both millet porridge and pumpkin have a more than beneficial effect on human body. Therefore, if you want to understand how to cook millet porridge with pumpkin, you just need to really want it.

How can you prepare millet porridge with pumpkin?

There are several options for how to prepare millet porridge with pumpkin. And it's not about different ingredients. We are talking more about the methods of preparing this porridge. So, we can consider the two most common and delicious options:

  1. The simplest option, which allows you not only to prepare delicious millet porridge with pumpkin, but also not to dirty the dishes. Depending on how many servings you want to make, use the same amount of pumpkin. The pumpkin should be small, because such a pumpkin is more tasty. It is advisable to find a pumpkin that is large.
  2. Therefore, to prepare millet porridge from a pumpkin, you need to cut off the top, remove the seeds from the insides, and grease the inside of the pumpkin vanilla sugar and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the millet porridge thoroughly several times, place it in a pumpkin and pour milk. Season the potential porridge with sugar. Wrap each one in foil and place in hot oven.
  4. When the millet porridge is almost ready, you need to open the foil and allow the pumpkin to fry a little. The millet cereal in such a pumpkin will be saturated with its taste and aroma, and the pumpkin itself will take on the taste of milk and will be even tastier.

How to cook millet porridge with pumpkin in milk?

You can also separately prepare millet porridge with pumpkin in milk, adding sugar and vanillin first. The porridge will turn out aromatic and tasty. Naturally, before preparing porridge, the cereal must be thoroughly rinsed several times in water. Bake the pumpkin in the oven; it must first be cleaned and divided into several parts. As soon as the pumpkin has cooled, grate it or pass it through a meat grinder. Add pumpkin to hot millet porridge and the porridge is ready.

Porridge has long been considered best breakfast for adults and children. Porridge is incredibly nutritious, perfectly satiating, has a very good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and is perfectly digestible. It takes very little time to prepare. There are a lot various recipes. So, how to cook millet milk porridge? Fast, and most importantly delicious.

Millet milk porridge recipe No. 1

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • one glass of millet;
  • two glasses of water;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • sugar, salt to taste;
  • butter - three tablespoons for dressing;
  • spoon;
  • container for washing millet;
  • bowl for heating milk.
  1. Millet milk porridge can be cooked on the stove or in the oven. The first method is to cook millet milk porridge faster, however, in the oven the porridge becomes refined taste and aroma.
  2. Milk millet porridge is prepared using this method on the stove. First, sort out the millet. Next, rinse it well six to seven times, preferably with boiling water, until the water becomes clear.
  3. Heat the water. Pour boiling water over the millet, then put it on the fire, add salt, add sugar, and be sure to skim off the foam.
  4. There is no need to cover the pan with milk millet porridge with a lid so that the liquid has time to evaporate before the millet is boiled.
  5. Heat the milk. Pour the hot milk into the pan with the porridge, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook until thickened.
  6. You can add butter to the finished porridge and stir.
  7. You can also add pumpkin to millet milk porridge. To do this, peel one kilogram of pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into small cubes and add to the porridge at the first stage of cooking.
  8. To cook millet milk porridge in the oven, use the following method. After you have washed the millet, boil water, add salt and sugar to it, and add the millet. Remember that when using this method of cooking millet milk porridge, the cooking water should be 5-6 times more than the millet itself.
  9. Cook the millet for milk porridge in boiling water for five minutes, then drain the water and transfer the cereal to a ceramic dish. Add milk and butter to the mold, then stir and close with a lid. Place the mold in an oven heated to 180 0 C. Simmer for an hour. Then remove from the oven and leave for ten minutes.

The dish can be served directly in ceramic pots.

Millet milk porridge recipe No. 2

To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • millet – 1 glass;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • butter - three tablespoons;
  • pan or ceramic mold;
  • large spoon;
  • container for washing millet;
  • pan for heating milk for millet porridge.

How to cook millet milk porridge correctly?

  1. Millet porridge can be cooked on the stove, or in the oven. The first recipe is to prepare milk millet porridge a little faster, however, in the oven the porridge acquires a special taste and unforgettable aroma.
  2. Millet porridge is prepared this way on the stove. Sort through the millet and wash it well, preferably with boiling water, until the water after washing is completely clear.
  3. Next, heat the water and pour in the millet hot water. Then put it on the fire, add salt and granulated sugar, be sure to skim off the foam.
  4. To prepare milk millet porridge, do not cover the pan with a lid so that the water has time to evaporate before the millet is cooked.
  5. Heat milk for porridge. Pour the hot milk into the pan with the porridge, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook until thickened. Add butter to the prepared porridge and mix well.
  6. You can also add pumpkin to millet milk porridge. To do this, peel one kilogram of pumpkin from the skin and seeds, cut into small cubes and place in the porridge before starting cooking.
  7. In order to cook millet milk porridge in the oven, you must follow these recommendations. After washing the millet, boil water, put salt and sugar in it, and then add the millet. It is very important that when using this method of preparing water, you need 5-6 times more water than millet.
  8. Cook the millet for porridge in boiling water for five minutes, then drain the water and transfer the cereal to a ceramic dish. Pour milk and butter into the mold, then stir and cover with a lid. Place the mold in a room heated to 1800C. Simmer the millet milk porridge for an hour. Next, remove from the oven and leave for ten minutes. Porridge can be served in a ceramic bowl.

Everyone Bon appetit!

The benefits of millet porridge

Millet porridge has long been considered delicious and healthy dish Russian cuisine. This porridge contains a large amount of fiber, and it, in turn, has a very good effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and this porridge also helps to quickly eliminate all toxins.

Millet porridge contains a large amount of vitamins B and P, and this porridge is also rich in gold, iron, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, zinc and many other useful and necessary minerals for the body. There are a lot of recipes for how to cook millet porridge, but not in all cases it is possible to preserve everything useful qualities porridge.

And even at home, many young housewives do not know how to cook millet. Meanwhile, its inclusion in the children’s diet is mandatory. And if you figure out how to cook millet porridge tasty and quickly, without spending a lot of time, then your breakfasts will be satisfying and healthy.

Before cooking millet porridge, you need to prepare the ingredients:

  • choose transparent packaging where the bright yellow rich color of the grains is visible. It’s good if they are already without a shell, that is, polished;
  • rinse the cereal several times with cold and hot water;
  • For cooking, choose dishes with a thick bottom, but you can also cook in a slow cooker.

Culinary tips on how to cook delicious millet porridge:

  • Depending on the desired consistency, take 1.5 cups of liquid per 1 cup of millet for crumbly, 2 for thick, and 3 for viscous.
  • when washing millet, be sure to carry out the procedure with hot water, it will remove the bitterness from it and steam it a little;
  • delicious porridge is made with milk or at least a mixture of milk and water;
  • you can flavor it with butter, nuts, fruits and berries;
  • It must be eaten hot; when heated, it loses its taste.

How to cook millet porridge

You can prepare millet porridge in different ways:

  • pour the prepared washed cereal the right amount water (see above) and cook over medium heat until half cooked. Drain the water and add milk, add salt and sugar, reduce the heat and bring to readiness;
  • Also, pour pre-processed pure millet with water or milk, add salt and sugar to taste. When boiling, reduce the temperature and simmer for an hour, covering with a lid;
  • you can cook it first small quantity water, when it evaporates, add milk, simmer for at least half an hour.

Millet porridge, recipe for multicooker

When using a multicooker, keep in mind that you need less liquid and time for cooking than on the stove. This is very convenient as you save more than 30 minutes.


  • cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • milk – 1 tbsp.
  • water – ½ tbsp.
  • sugar
  • butter.

Method of preparation: the simplest and most convenient method is prepared millet, salt, sugar, pour milk and water, mix everything, turn on at full power for 40 minutes. Simmer for another 10 minutes on heating mode. Serve the finished dish with butter.

How to deliciously cook millet porridge with dried fruits

If you and your children don’t like breakfasts without something tasty, then porridge with dried fruits is an excellent solution. It's not just healthy, but also very tasty. And for children, you can decorate a plate by laying out various faces and designs from fruits and berries.


  • millet – 1 tbsp.
  • milk - 1 tbsp.
  • water – 500 ml
  • dried apricots, raisins – 100 g
  • sugar
  • butter.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the dried apricots with raisins and pour boiling water over them.
  • Wash the millet, add water, and place on high heat.
  • When it is almost boiled, drain the remaining water and pour in milk.
  • Add dry fruits, sugar, salt. Cook until fully cooked.
  • Simmer for another quarter of an hour on the stove turned off.
  • Serve with butter.

Thanks to such simple and quick recipes you can rightfully be proud of the title of unsurpassed craftswoman and the best mother!