Long soap bubbles recipe. Durable soap bubbles at home: cooking secrets

What's the hardest part about making bubble liquid? Choose the right base - it must certainly produce abundant and strong foam. Do you remember how, as a child, you would “snatch” your mother’s shampoo and get beautiful bubbles? But now not every soap is suitable for the solution. The chemical industry is not asleep, and the compositions of modern products are replete with emulsifiers, silicones, thickeners, preservatives - these additives greatly deteriorate the quality of the “foamy” mixture. But you want the bubbles not only to “puff” well, but also to be large and durable.

How to make soap bubbles: 5 rules...

Before you make your own bubble solution, keep these five rules in mind.

  1. Water. Ideally, it will be distilled. It is acceptable to take boiled or filtered. There are many impurities in tap water that make the solution heavier and make the walls of the bubbles brittle. Purified water prolongs the life of soap balls.
  2. Time . A freshly made solution will not give the expected effect. The mixture must be kept for about a day, the minimum time is 12 hours.
  3. The basis . If possible, use a foaming product without dyes, strong fragrances and with a minimal composition as a base. Excess “impurities” reduce the “foaminess” of the solution and the “stability” of bubbles.
  4. "Strengthener". You can make a “simple” mixture of foaming agent and water, or you can strengthen the composition with a “strengthener”. The component that makes the bubbles more durable is pharmaceutical glycerin. If there is none at home, and there is no time to run to the pharmacy, it is replaced with granulated sugar.
  5. "Blowers". They use a “blower” or a gun left over from purchased bubbles. But it's boring. It is better to build homemade structures of different shapes and sizes. Next we will dwell on this point in detail.

... and 5 simple recipes

Below are easy-to-follow and affordable recipes for mixtures that will allow you to blow strong bubbles, like those sold in the store. And even better.

With Fairy

Peculiarities . This is the simplest composition from which “tenacious” bubbles are obtained. If it is a very small child who is blowing, then change the proportions by adding more water. This makes the balls come out easier. Use any detergent other than those designed for dishwashers. But experts say that Fairy is more suitable than others. More specifically, Fairy Lemon, which is somehow thicker and produces more foam.

What do you need:

  • liquid dishwashing detergent - 50 ml;
  • glycerin - 25 ml;
  • water - 150 ml.

Glycerin is replaced with granulated sugar, but then the recipe proportions are different:

  • sugar - one teaspoon;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • dishwashing liquid - 100 ml.

With shampoo

Peculiarities . This method of making soap bubbles with your own hands involves using shampoo. But better - for children. Especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions. And a product with a “no tears” formula will allow you not to worry if the ball gets into your eyes. The water should be warm and the mixture should be stirred until the sugar melts. You can replace sugar with two tablespoons of glycerin, but then the amount of water must be reduced to 100 ml. The recipe with glycerin produces denser bubbles than the recipe with granulated sugar.

What do you need:

  • shampoo - 50 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - one teaspoon.

With soap

Peculiarities . The most common soap bubbles are made from soap and water. You just need to dilute the mixture, and your soap bubbles are ready to “fly”. You can use grated laundry soap as a base. If you don't have it, take liquid soap. But then baby food is better (it contains less dyes and other additives). Please note that you need more liquid - 100 ml. The water should be almost hot. Stir the mixture until the soap dissolves without any residue. Only then add glycerin. The mixture must be kept for a day. However, the recipe with soap gives worse results than the recipe with Fairy.

What do you need:

  • household soap - 20 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - one teaspoon.

With bubble bath

Peculiarities . This product is specially created to form rich foam. Just what you need.

What do you need:

  • bath foam - 200 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - two tablespoons.

With powder

Peculiarities . An excellent base for soap balls is laundry detergent. This composition allows you to make strong soap bubbles. It’s better to take detergent for hand washing, since “automatic machines” add defoamers, but here you need exactly the opposite effect. First, dissolve the powder in water, and then add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. You need to forget about the mixture for at least half a day.

What do you need:

  • powder - 50 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;

Compositions for “large-sized” balls

How to make truly strong and large soap bubbles? The secret is to add several “strengthening” ingredients at once. And if you add food coloring to the main components, the balls will not only be giant, but also colorful.

From a mixture of “strong” ingredients

Peculiarities . It is impossible to make unpopping soap bubbles on your own without glycerin. Therefore, in all “strong” recipes it is a mandatory component. It is difficult to blow bubbles from such a mixture - the composition is “heavy” and viscous. It is better to make a special frame that can be lowered into a basin of liquid and blow bubbles by drawing “lines” in the air.

What do you need:

  • dishwashing detergent - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - four tablespoons.

Syrup based

Peculiarities. Sugar syrup acts as an additional “strengthener”. To prepare it, you need to boil sugar in water in a 1:1 ratio. First you need to completely dissolve the soap, and only after that add other components.

What do you need:

  • grated household soap - 50 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml;
  • sugar syrup - three tablespoons.
  • ammonia - ten drops.

Making “blowers”

Here you can fantasize from the heart. Plus involve children in making. Here are six ideas on what and how to make unusual “blowers”.

  1. Plastic bottle. Cut the container in half. For children's "blowers" it is better to cut closer to the neck. Unscrew the lid - it won't be needed. Ready. Dip the wide cut into a container with liquid and blow into the neck - large bubbles are guaranteed.
  2. Gauze. You can simply lower a piece of gauze into the composition and move it through the air with sweeping movements. A whole scattering of small bubbles will immediately fly out of the gauze. You can improve the previous “blower”. Wrap the gauze around the wide edge of the bottle and secure it at the neck with an elastic band or thread. As a result, a thick “flying sausage” of small bubbles will be blown out.
  3. Tubes. Take the cocktail straws and cut off the corrugated section. Secure several tubes together with rubber bands at both ends so that the structure does not fall apart. Dip one end into a soap solution, and blow on the other side. If you don’t have cocktail straws, they can easily be replaced with ballpoint pen bodies. After all, this is exactly how bubbles blew in childhood, remember?
  4. Frame . Needed to create huge balls. The main principle: stretch two ropes between two sticks - they will act as a flexible frame from the center of which a bubble “grows”. You can pull the ropes parallel to each other - the frame will be square. Or you can tie both to the upper edges of the sticks, but make one longer than the other - then the frame will have the shape of a smile.
  5. Beater or net. If you can find a carpet beater or a large net, great. Simply incredible bubble fireworks will fly out of them - children will definitely love it.
  6. Wire. Cut a piece of wire. To make a round blower, wrap the middle part around a medicine bottle. If you want a larger size, find a round mold with a larger diameter. For a triangular or square shape, bend the wire with a ruler in several places. Twist the edges of the wire into a “bundle”, and for safety, bend the ends into “rings”.

The wire can be given absolutely any fantasy shape: from a heart to complex flowers. You can also decorate the handles of the blowers with beads, ribbons, and tie a bow at the end. Another option is to wrap the form itself with a beautiful ribbon, lace or thread. Then the solution will be absorbed into the fibers and one “dipping” will be enough for more bubbles.

A way to hold balls in your hands, and other fun

Did you think you could just blow bubbles? Not at all. Here are just a few ideas on how to diversify children's entertainment and make the game unforgettable.

Soap paintings

You will need paints: watercolors, gouache or food coloring. Just two or three teaspoons of dye and, voila, your creative tool is ready. You can make as many of these color mixtures as you like.

Use a straw to “foam” the colored solution directly in a glass or saucer. Take thick paper and start applying the sheet to the colorful foam caps. From the resulting prints, when they are dry, you can dream up and complete paintings. For example, if you “paint” with shades of blue, you will get the seabed, on which fish, pebbles, corals and algae will then appear.

Volumetric drawings

You can create three-dimensional paintings from multi-colored foam. Remember how to make a “blowout” using gauze? It’s just better not to take a plastic bottle, but something with a smaller diameter, for example, you can cut off a ten-milligram syringe. Wrap the wide end with gauze or a piece of loose material, drop paint onto the fabric and dip into the solution. Multi-colored “foam sausages” will be blown out. It is from them that you can lay out all kinds of figures and landscapes. As an option, invite the children to create a “foamy” rainbow or a seven-flowered flower.

Foam castles

Pour some soap solution onto a wide plate and give your child a thin tube or pen body. Here you can build entire “soap” castles. You can blow bubbles into each other (blow a smaller bubble inside a larger one) and thus create three-dimensional fantasy figures or give the foam cap the shape of a specific object. For example, boys love to “blow” tanks, and girls love flowers and butterflies. You can organize competitions for the best construction, and then together figure out what exactly the author wanted to depict.

Magic gloves

Did you know that you can catch bubbles directly in your palms and they won’t burst? You just need to put gloves on your hands or just wrap your hands in a cloth. Soap and fat are antagonists; when they come into contact with the skin (and there is always a fat layer on it), the soap film is damaged and the bubble bursts. And if the bubble gently falls onto a clean, grease-free surface, then its integrity is not compromised.

Give children clean gloves and have a competition. The winner is the one who builds the largest “pyramid” of captured bubbles in his palms. An option for young football players is to put on a knitted hat and let the one who “collects” the most balls with his head win.

Making bubble liquid is very simple. Even a child can handle this. It is more difficult to turn a banal blowing into an exciting and memorable action. Imagine, and even the most ordinary moment will become a reason for fun and joint activities with your child.

Even during excavations of the well-known Pompeii, archaeologists discovered frescoes depicting children blowing soap bubbles. And today, fun with soap bubbles is held in high esteem by children, and many adults as well.

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy one bottle or another, but it’s better to make them yourself, especially since there are a lot of recipes from which everyone will choose the most optimal option.

Before you start preparing the fun solution, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of high-quality rainbow balls.

  • Tap water is not the best component for preparing the solution; use boiled, or even better, distilled water.
  • The solution will turn out better if there are fewer perfume additives in the soap (other soap product).
  • The approximate ratio of soap and water is 1/10 - this is not strict, but it is better not to go aside so that the quality of the bubbles does not suffer.
  • Do not overdo it with glycerin (sugar), otherwise you may have difficulty blowing bubbles.
  • A less dense solution is suitable for children - the bubbles are easily blown out, although they are not very stable, but it is better that they are not stable than the child will not be able to blow out the ball.
  • Experts in homemade soap bubbles recommend leaving the solution for at least 12 hours (preferably in the refrigerator) before use.
  • There should be no foam in the solution; you won’t be able to get good balls with it; to avoid it, you need to infuse and cool the solution.
  • At high air humidity, bubbles are produced better.
  • Dust in the air and strong wind are no friend to soap bubbles.

So, recipes for soap bubbles for all occasions:

Option #1:
Laundry soap - 1 part (under no circumstances use toilet soap - the solution will not work with it!)
Cold water – 10 parts
Glycerin 1/3-1/5 parts of the volume of the soap mixture (or 1/4 part of soluble sugar with gelatin).
Finely chop the laundry soap (you can grate it), then mix it with water, wait until the soap is completely dissolved in the water, and pass through cheesecloth. Then add glycerin or sugar solution with a small amount of gelatin. Now all that remains is for the solution to infuse.

Option #2:
Any simple dishwashing detergent – ​​100 g.
Water (boiled/distilled) – 300 ml.
Glycerin – 50 ml.

Almost the same, but with sugar.
Dishwashing liquid – 1/2 tbsp.
Water – 2 tbsp.
Sugar – 2 tsp.

In both the first and second versions, simply mix all the ingredients and let it brew - the solution is ready!

Option #3:
Hot water – 300 ml.
Powder detergent – ​​25 g.
Glycerin – 150 ml.
Ammonia – 10 drops
Mix everything and leave the mixture for 2-3 days, then filter through cheesecloth and leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Option #4:
Water – 300 ml.
Shampoo – 100 ml.
Sugar – 1 tsp.
Glycerin – 2 tbsp. l.
Add sugar and glycerin to the mixture of water and shampoo, mix everything well and leave for 12 hours. This solution produces large balls that slowly fall to the surface.

Option #5:
Water – 60 ml.
Transparent shower gel – 50 ml.
Sugar – 0.5 tsp.
Mix everything thoroughly, leave for the prescribed hour and you can create rainbow miracles!

Option #6:
Water – 300 ml.
Glycerin – 100 ml.
Ammonia – 10 drops.
Laundry soap – 50 g.
In one bowl, mix water, glycerin and ammonia. In another container, boil the grated laundry soap over a fire until completely dissolved, then add it to the main solution. Mix everything, let it brew for 2-3 days, filter through cheesecloth and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option #7:
Baby shampoo – 200 ml.
Water – 400 ml.
Glycerin – 3 tbsp. l. or 6 tsp. Sahara.
Mix shampoo with water and leave for 24 hours, then add glycerin (sugar) and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Option #8:
Dishwashing liquid – 2 tbsp.
Water – 2 tbsp.
Corn syrup - 3/4 tbsp.
You just need to take everything and mix it (don’t forget to keep it in the cold before using).

Option #9:
Water – 8 parts.
Glycerin – 4 parts.
Grated household soap – 2 parts.
Sugar syrup (water/sugar in a ratio of 1/5) – 1 part.
Get a homogeneous mixture from these ingredients, filter, and leave in the cold. This solution produces strong balls from which you can build a variety of shapes (you should blow them onto a smooth surface, such as a table).

Option #10:
Water – 300 ml.
Dishwashing liquid – 100 ml.
Glycerin – 50 ml.
Sugar – 4 tsp.
This solution is best made in a large bowl, as it is great for creating giant balls. A gymnastic hoop is lowered into the basin and a huge, strong bubble is slowly drawn out.

By the way, you can get multi-colored bubbles - you need to add 2-3 tsp to the solution. food coloring.

Any product must be of high quality, so you should check the resulting solution for quality, namely:
  • Take a straw and dip it into the solution. A liquid film should form at the end of the straw - carefully blow into the other end. If the bubbles are watery, not long-lived (the “life” of a bubble with a diameter of 3 cm is at least 1/2 a minute) or quickly burst from a light touch of a finger, then a little glycerin and soap (dishwashing liquid) should be added to the solution.
  • The “correct” bubble will remain intact if you pierce it with a finger dipped in a soap solution.
Now all that remains is to choose a tool for blowing rainbow bellies, it could be:

- an ordinary straw, a cocktail tube (the tip of such a tube can be cut into petals that should be bent), a hollow pasta, you can make a tube yourself from thick cardboard.

Various cutters for cutting out dough are also suitable;

Wire variations. The wire can simply be twisted into a loop (by the way, the part that you need to hold on to can be decorated with various beads - you get an original stick-frame for blowing soap bubbles). An interesting option is to make balls from the following tool - the wire is twisted into a spiral so that one end of the wire passes through the axis (like a popsicle stick).

A simple option from a plastic bottle, you just need to cut off the bottom - the device for blowing large bubbles is ready!

For giant bubbles (option No. 10), a gymnastics hoop is great.

Another device for creating large bubbles is to tie elastic bands or silk threads to the ends of two knitting needles (you can take cocktail tubes), you should get a frame that you carefully dip into the solution, pull out and expose to the wind - the result should please you.

You can adapt a funnel (glass, plastic).

If you have thoroughly stocked up on the solution, you can dip a tennis racket into it, all that remains is to swing the racket and admire the extravaganza of soap bubbles.

The least expensive way is to do it yourself. The “okay” gesture is known to everyone. This is how you need to put your fingers together - dip them into the solution - blow into the resulting “window”.

And finally, several variations of entertainment with soap bubbles:

Soap "matryoshka" On a saucer with a small amount of solution, using a tube (pre-dipped in the solution), a soap bubble in the form of a hemisphere is inflated, then the tube is carefully inserted into the bubble and another smaller bubble is inflated, then the tube is again inserted into the newly obtained bubble and a new one is inflated, etc. d.

Rainbow extravaganza in the bathroom. Fill a full bath of water, lower floating lighted candles into the water, turn off the lights and enjoy the view of the most beautiful spectacle - the rainbow shimmer of soap bubbles and the reflections of water under the light of the candles!

- “soap puzzles”. An excellent opportunity to have fun together. Adults blow bubbles and give the children tasks: “Hit it with your shoulder,” “pop the balloon with your nose,” “catch it in your palms,” etc.

Freezing soap bubbles. First, the solution must be cooled (to about 0 degrees). If you then go out into severe frost and blow out a bubble, then thin needles will form on it, connecting into funny snow figures. If it is not very cold outside, you can still get an ice ball - you just need to carefully blow it onto the snow, after a while a ball of snowflakes will come out (some, in order not to blow in the cold, do this operation in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator).

Soap competitions. To do this, you will need a wool blanket or carpet (with pile). On such a surface, the balls do not burst for a long time and if you blow on them, they roll. Whoever rolls the ball to the opposite side of the carpet faster in this way is the winner. You can also wrap a tennis racket (another suitable item) in a wool scarf. Adults carefully blow the ball onto the racket. And children can carefully toss the ball - it bounces interestingly. In this case, the one with the ball that lasts the longest will win.

Drawing. A small amount of gouache is added to the soap solution (it will be more interesting if the solutions are of different colors - prepare several glasses). You can spread or hang (glue a loop of thread on the back of the paper, from which you can hang the sheet) a sheet of paper. Then blow balls from different cups in the direction of the sheet - upon contact, the ball will burst, leaving a colored mark. Or you can simply blow out a bubble and “catch” it with a sheet of paper (holding it in your hand).

Soap bubbles show. You can arrange it yourself, learning some tricks, or invite specialists. Any celebration will be decorated with such a “soap-bubble” performance.

Bedtime story. Of course, you can re-read Cinderella or another fairy tale for the 100th time. But it’s better to write your own story together with your child. So, “Once upon a time there lived a Soap Bubble, he was kind and kind and loved to fly. One day he flew high to the fluffiest clouds and flew across the fields and meadows. I decided to look into the dense forest. He flies and sees him sitting on a stump...” Let the child himself come up with who the bubble on the stump saw, and then again it’s the “adult storyteller’s” turn, and so, alternately, a new interesting story will turn out.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to prepare a solution for safe soap bubbles and organize “rainbow-air” leisure time. Have a good mood and strong, beautiful soap bubbles!

Soap bubbles are one of the simplest, but at the same time exciting and fun games. It is interesting for children and adults, one person and a large company, at home and outdoors. You can, of course, buy ready-made liquid, but it’s more pleasant to make your own solution for soap balls. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

The main components of the solution are water, soap shavings, glucose and glycerin. But it is important to observe the proportions when preparing and follow some recommendations.

Useful tips for preparing liquid at home

  1. It is recommended to make a solution based on distilled water, although, in extreme cases, boiled water will do. But you should not use ordinary tap water; due to the impurities it contains, the quality of the resulting composition will be significantly lower.
  2. To make the figures as strong as possible, you should add glycerin. Regular sugar will also help increase elasticity.
  3. Detergents should contain as little perfume additives as possible.
  4. Just be sure not to overdo it with the amount of ingredients, otherwise, due to excessive density, it will be difficult to blow out the balls.
  5. If you are making formula for babies, its density should be slightly lower. The balls, of course, will become less durable, but blowing them out will be much easier.
  6. If possible, it is recommended to keep the finished solution for 16-20 hours. And preferably in a cold place. During this period, unnecessary foam will settle, and the toy will become of better quality.
  7. The foam in the composition forms extra balls at the edges of the soap film, which spoil the blowing process.
  8. Wind and dust greatly interfere with strong balls, but high humidity, on the contrary, helps.

Are you puzzled by the question: how to make soap bubbles at home? It's easy! Follow the indicated proportions and everything will work out. After all, the composition of the mixture is very simple, and the main action that needs to be performed is to mix well.

For small children

  • Purified water – 0.2 liters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Baby shampoo 100 milliliters

Thanks to its safe composition, it is ideal for children. Glycerin can be replaced with 75 grams of sugar.

Classic recipe

  • Dishwashing liquid – 70 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Purified water – 0.2 liters

After mixing all the components, leave the mixture in a cold place for 16-20 hours. Detergent can be replaced with 20 grams of grated laundry soap.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, mix purified water and grated laundry soap until completely dissolved. As the process progresses slowly, the mixture can be warmed up a little, just don’t forget to stir it.

Without glycerin

  • Shower gel or shampoo (with a minimum amount of additives) – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 70 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Dish soap – 70 milliliters

Mix sugar with water until it is completely dissolved, then add household chemicals and let it sit for at least one hour.

Mix with syrup

  • Corn syrup – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 0.6 liters
  • Dish detergent – ​​150 milliliters

Fragrant solution

  • Purified water – 0.1 liters
  • Bath foam – 300 milliliters

Thanks to the fragrances in the foam, the liquid turns out to be very aromatic, you can always choose the scent that is attractive to you.


Recipe for giant soap bubbles

There are several such recipes for self-cooking; they differ in the components and time required for preparation.

Method No. 1

  • Granulated sugar – 175 – 200 grams
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 150 milliliters
  • Gelatin – 15 grams

Dissolve sugar in a mixture of gelatin and water, after it has cooled to 30°C, pour in detergent. After mixing, you can use immediately.

Method No. 2

It is similar to the previous one, but it also contains glycerin.

  • Purified water (warm) – 400 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Gelatin – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 50 milliliters
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 100 milliliters

Allow the gelatin to swell, stir the resulting suspension with sugar and add purified water, add the remaining ingredients. The main thing is not to shake the solution so that foam does not form.

Video: making huge soap bubbles with your own hands:

Very strong

In order to make a super-strong composition, there are several methods.

Method No. 1

  • Grated laundry soap – 15 grams
  • Purified water – 0.15 liters
  • Detergent – ​​20 milliliters
  • Highly concentrated sugar syrup - 20 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 60-80 milliliters

Mix all components thoroughly. This product can be used to blow shapes of any shape and size.

Method No. 2

It will take much more time, but the soap bubbles will not burst.

  • Purified water (hot) – 0.3 liters
  • Ammonia – 10 drops
  • Washing powder – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 150 milliliters

After mixing the components, leave them for two to three days. Then filter and put in a cold place for 10-12 hours. A little tedious, but the effect is like that of professional solutions.

Checking the quality of the solution

The check can be carried out using several parameters

  • Blow a bubble through a straw and touch it with a finger previously soaked in the foam; if the ball bursts, the mixture is too watery, there is not enough soap and a few drops of glycerin.
  • If the liquid is difficult to blow out and immediately falls, add a little water to it.
  • Proper bubbles should be easy to inflate, not burst, and be large and colorful.

To prepare multi-colored balls, add food coloring to the resulting liquid, or divide it into parts and add a different color to each of them. And the aroma of strawberry, vanilla or chocolate will give the resulting mixture an appropriate detergent or bubble bath.

A little history

The history of this toy goes back thousands of years. During excavations in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered drawings on the walls depicting small children blowing balloons.

It is unknown who exactly came up with the idea of ​​producing soap solutions. But the first official sales of this liquid are documented in London in the second half of the 19th century. And literally 50 years later, such a mixture could be bought everywhere and at an affordable price.


What are they inflating with?

Now it’s worth considering what they are blown through. Any straw, even an empty reed inside, is considered a classic device for blowing bubbles. It was used several hundred years ago and continues to be widely used today. But what other options are there?

  • A special gun that can be purchased at a toy store
  • Store-bought bottle with stick
  • Ballpoint pen (without refill)
  • Shaped baking molds
  • Funnel, either plastic or rolled paper
  • Cocktail straw cut at the end
  • A do-it-yourself woven wire frame; such a device can be decorated with beads, stones and ribbons. It will look bright and festive
  • For huge figures, a plastic bottle without a bottom is suitable
  • Racket without net
  • Carpet beater

In stores specializing in organizing children's parties, you can find devices of any size and shape for the presented toy. You can blow one large bubble at a time or enjoy the sight of many small balls.

Favorable external factors

If you use the toy outdoors, the main factor influencing the result will be weather conditions. Dry wind, dust, high temperature can spoil the entertainment experience. Higher humidity, on the contrary, will make the quality of the balls higher. The ideal times are considered to be morning and evening after heavy rain.

When playing at home, avoid drafts and operating split systems, dry climates, hot and dusty rooms. And don’t forget, bursting figures leave imprints on surfaces (furniture, wallpaper, suspended ceilings, parquet, etc.).

By the way, at an air temperature below -15°C, bubbles freeze upon contact with the surface of the earth, and at a temperature 10 degrees lower they freeze in the air.


You can blow soap balls not only through a round hole. With the help of the following “tricks” you can diversify your vacation or complement your holiday with unusual surprises.

  1. Technical device for blowing bubbles. A solution is poured into the generator, and the device itself releases strong balls in different directions. Both professional liquids and those prepared independently are suitable for it.
  2. Such entertainment looks very impressive in winter. When frozen, the bubbles turn into a fabulous design of small snowflakes.
  3. You can depict a matryoshka doll. To do this, pour the solution into a saucer, dip the tube and blow out the ball so that it remains in the container. Place the same straw inside it and blow it again. In the middle of the larger bubble, a smaller one will begin to appear. The procedure can be repeated for a very long time.
  4. Blow balls from several containers with multi-colored soap solutions onto a white sheet of paper. This way you can create an amazing and colorful drawing.
  5. And of course, you can just let the balls fly in the bathtub. Run a bath of warm water, light floating candles and blow out soap shapes. In this light they look even more impressive and mesmerizing.

Safety precautions:

  1. Protect your respiratory and vision organs from contact with the solution.
  2. Keep an eye on children: do not taste the resulting soapy water.
  3. Do not blow bubbles towards animals or people
  4. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water.
  5. After using the toy, be sure to wash your hands in clean water.

Video: how to make colored bubbles?

How to make soap bubbles, recipe for soap bubbles, composition for soap bubbles

Soap bubbles are a symbol of carefree happiness. They bring so much joy to children and invariably cheer up adults. This simple fun dates back to ancient times. It is said that during excavations in ancient Pompeii, images of children blowing into tubes from which bubbles fly out were found. If you want to take a break, give your little fidget a bottle of soapy water and a straw, and you can be sure that he won’t bother you for the next half hour.
When we were kids, we made soap bubbles very simply. A little shampoo was poured into the container, diluted with water, shaken and the balls were blown out of the tube. But, unfortunately, they did not rush upward, but fell to the ground. In addition, the large bubbles did not inflate at all; they burst before they even left the tube. Now in the store you can buy many devices for creating bubbles along with the finished solution.

But for those who want to show their imagination, we offer several ways to make soap bubbles yourself.
For the simplest and most proven recipe, you will need 200 ml of dishwashing liquid, 600 ml of water, and, very importantly, 100 ml of glycerin, which will add strength to the bubble. All you have to do is stir the solution, and the colorful “long-lasting” bubbles are ready.
If you are wondering how to make big soap bubbles, then this recipe is suitable. You need to rub a piece of laundry soap into hot water (400 ml). Heat over low heat until completely dissolved. The result should be left for several days, and then add a couple of spoons of sugar to it. Such bubbles can be inflated to enormous sizes without bursting.

And you can make the bubbles even more colorful. To do this, you need to take half a glass of dish soap (baby shampoo may work), one and a half glasses of water, 2 teaspoons of sugar and a little food coloring.
Why add sugar to the mixture? Oh, it can work wonders in soapy water! Thanks to him, the bubbles are inflated not one at a time, but in large quantities at once, literally shooting out of the tube, like from a machine gun.
Once you have mastered the ways to make soap bubbles yourself, it will be easy to come up with many fun games. For example, you can make several bubbles inflate within each other. To do this, you will need a glass funnel from which a large soap bubble is blown. Next, take the tube, dip it almost entirely into the soap solution and push it with great care through the wall of the first bubble, bringing it to the middle. Then, carefully pulling it back, inflate a second soap bubble inside the first.
This experiment is quite complicated; it is suitable for children over 7 years old, who are no longer so interested in just blowing into a tube and enjoying flying rainbow balls.
So, if you have figured out how to make liquid for soap bubbles, then everything depends on your imagination. You can simply blow bubbles and watch them fly. You can have competitions to see who can blow the most. And you can conduct complex experiments that require accuracy and concentration.
It’s also worth telling how to make soap bubbles around a flower or any other beautiful object. Of course, the resulting composition will not last long, it cannot be given as a gift, but it will provide you with a charge of excellent mood.
Pour the solution prepared according to one of the above recipes into a plate to a depth of 2-3 mm.
Place the flower in the middle and cover it with a glass funnel. Then very carefully begin to lift it, blowing into its narrow opening. You should have a bubble. When it is large enough, carefully tilt the funnel to release it. Now your flower is under a transparent rainbow dome.
Learning how to make soap bubbles is very simple. You will need a little patience, and the main thing in this matter is imagination, which will allow you to come up with new games with soap balls.

Recipe for making a solution for giant soap bubbles(recipe is for 3.5 liters of solution):

  • 2 cups fairy or other dish soap
  • 1 cup corn syrup
  • 1 packet of regular gelatin
Mix all the ingredients, add water to a volume of 3.5 liters, do it slowly so that a lot of foam does not form. Leave the mixture for 24 hours.
To make huge soap bubbles around a child you will need about 10 liters of soap solution. Pour liquid into a large basin or children's inflatable pool, place a hula hoop in the center and carefully place the child (very slippery!), slowly lift the hula hoop and the child is in the bubble!!! Children are usually delighted!

Here's another simple way to make soap bubbles:

  • 200g dishwashing detergent
  • 600ml water
  • 100 ml glycerin (sold in any pharmacy). Glycerin gives the bubble strength
  • You can add a little sugar

Interesting ideas with soap bubbles:

  • Bubble in a bubble. To do this you will need a funnel and a drinking straw. Blow the first bubble through the funnel before it comes off, insert the tube to the center of the first bubble and blow it out.
  • Soap bubbles in the cold. It’s great to blow bubbles in the cold; at a temperature of -5-7 degrees, the bubble can freeze if you put a snowflake on top of it or carefully lower it onto the snow. This is truly a very beautiful sight, the bubble is covered with patterns and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Bubbles by candlelight. You know, there are such special floating candles, and so, if you place them in a bath of water, light and turn off the light and at the same time blow bubbles, there will be a wonderful flickering spectacle.

Inflating devices:

  • Wire loop. Can be made in different diameters.
  • Straw for drinks. Try cutting it into 4 pieces at the end and unfolding them like a flower.
  • Loop for giant bubbles. Thread an elastic band (Hungarian) through two strong straws, the length is 5 times longer than the tubes and tie the ends together. Put the tubes folded together into the solution and slowly spread them, you should get a huge bubble, you can blow it out yourself, or you can put it in the wind.
  • Two sticks with a rope tied between them to form a triangle.
  • In general, there are a lot of ways... experiment...

Recipe for making soap bubbles for the show

  • 15 parts distilled water
  • 0.5 parts glycerin
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1 teaspoon J-Lube (J-lube is a concentrated sexual lubricant in powder form, which consists of 75% sucrose and 25% polymers)

Second recipe

A slightly different proportional composition for soap bubbles:
  • 12 parts distilled water
  • 1 part Fairy ultra liquid detergent
  • 0.5 parts glycerin
  • 0.25 hours Polyvinyl alcohol
  • 2 teaspoons Metylan glue (see photo below)
  • 1 teaspoon J-Lube
The easiest way to prepare the solution is as follows: for 200 gr. For dishwashing detergent (but not for dishwashers), you need to take 600 ml. water and 100 ml. glycerin (sold at any pharmacy). Stir everything well and your solution is ready. Glycerin is precisely the substance that makes the walls of a soap bubble stronger, and the bubble itself, accordingly, more long-lived.

Method number two. This recipe for soap bubbles is more complicated and preparing the solution will take longer. For 600 ml. You need to take 300 ml of HOT water. glycerin, 20 drops of ammonia and 50 gr. any powdered detergent. Mix all the ingredients and leave to brew for 2-3 days. After this, carefully filter the solution and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. And finally, you can start blowing out the rainbow beauties.

The third method, in my opinion, is very dubious. But you can try. Rub a piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater. Dissolve the resulting soap shavings (4 tablespoons) in 400 ml over low heat. hot water. Leave the solution for a week, after which add 2 teaspoons of sugar to it. Leave until the sugar dissolves, stir and you’re done.

Don’t you want to create a festive mood for your children on the most ordinary day? It turns out that it is very easy. There is no need to invent new games or go to the entertainment center. Soap bubbles will definitely lift everyone's spirits. Do you know, how to make homemade soap bubbles? It often happens that a liquid for soap bubbles purchased in a store makes you doubt its quality. Therefore, you can think about how to make homemade soap bubbles that will not only be strong, but also huge.
There are several recipes for soap bubble solution. Depending on which one you choose, the size of the bubbles will vary. There is also a solution that is best used in winter.
To prepare the most common solution for soap bubbles, take 1/4 cup water, 1/3 cup baby shampoo, 2 teaspoons sugar. If you wish, you can add a drop of food coloring, then your bubbles will shimmer beautifully. Instead of sugar, you can take glycerin, which is sold at the pharmacy. Adding sugar or glycerin will make the bubbles stronger.
Blowing soap bubbles is also very fun in the cold, at temperatures below -7° C. Since it is very cold outside, soap bubbles will freeze and become covered with patterns, like frosted glass. In this case, to make homemade soap bubbles, you will need laundry soap. Plane it into warm water in a ratio of 1:10. To make the soap melt faster, you can boil the liquid. Stir the soap solution carefully to avoid getting burned.
You can check the prepared solution like this: try blowing a bubble with a diameter of 10 cm. If you succeed, the solution is ready. If not, you can add more soap. In addition, soap bubbles can be tested for strength. Dip your finger into the soapy water and gently touch the bubble. If it does not burst, the solution is ready. You can add a little more soap to make the bubbles stronger. As a result, you will receive a liquid that will be ideal for playing with soap bubbles in the cold.
Another good recipe for soap bubble solution: Take 2 parts soap, 4 parts glycerin, 8 parts water and 1 part sugar syrup. Be sure to use hot water to prepare the solution.
Would you like to try blowing huge soap bubbles?? To do this, you will need not only a solution, but also a special device. The solution for such soap bubbles is made as follows: take 200 ml of dishwashing detergent, 600 ml of warm water and 100 ml of glycerin. To make the bubbles stronger and not burst so quickly, you need to use soft water. Ordinary tap water is not suitable, because it contains a lot of salts, which makes soap bubbles fragile. To soften the water, just boil it and let it settle.
Now make a special device to blow huge bubbles. Make a loop from a nylon rope that must be tied to two sticks. Tie the loop so that it forms a triangle shape, for which you can use a small weight.
Now you can start blowing bubbles. They are best done outside in calm weather. Pour the solution into a basin and lower the rope loop from your device into it. Pick it up and start moving back. Under the influence of air flow, the bubbles will inflate themselves and can reach up to 1 m in diameter.
You can also make “matryoshka dolls” from soap bubbles. To do this, take any bubble solution and pour it into a flat plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Using a cocktail straw, inflate the bubble so that it lies on the plate. You will get a hemispherical bubble. Carefully insert the straw into the bubble and blow another one, but this time smaller. This way you will get several bubbles located one in one.
As you can see, playing with soap bubbles is a fun hobby.. Both adults and children really enjoy inflating them and watching how they shimmer with rainbow stains. Try this fun and interesting game with your children! After all, now you know how to make homemade soap bubbles.

composition and recipe for soap bubbles - how to make at home attached!
First recipe- the most common soap bubbles.
1/3 cup tear-free baby shampoo, 1/4 cup water, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 drop food coloring.

Sticky soap bubbles
1/4 cup dishwashing liquid, 1/4 cup glycerin (from the drug store), 3/4 cup water, 1 tablespoon sugar.

Another tip:
Bubbles can be blown out with any foaming liquid... but regular laundry soap works best. It needs to be finely chopped, dissolved in hot water (you can even heat it up very strongly for this)
The approximate proportions are 10 parts water to 1 part soap.
The lifespan of the bubble depends on how long it remains wet. Glycerin perfectly slows down the drying time. A solution of sugar and gelatin works the same way. The solution with glycerin is better, but sugar and gelatin are not so expensive and we always have them at home. The proportions are as follows - glycerin is added from 1/5 to 1/3 parts relative to the volume of the soap mixture. Or 1/4 part of a solution of sugar with gelatin. The best mixture for very large bubbles is 2 parts soap, 4 parts glycerin and 1 part syrup, diluted in 8 parts water.
Cocktail straws are suitable for blowing soap bubbles. Make 4 short cuts at one end and spread them in different directions, like the petals of a flower.

It is very interesting to blow soap bubbles outside in winter. At a temperature of -7 degrees the bubble may freeze. To do this, you need to put a snowflake on top of it or carefully lower the bubble onto the snow. A trick like this requires a lot of effort and effort, but it’s worth it, believe me!
How else can you diversify the process of blowing soap bubbles? Take a flat plate with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Pour some bubble solution onto it, take a cocktail straw and blow a large soap bubble so that it lies on the plate in the form of a hemisphere. Then carefully twist the tube so that its end is detached from the wall of the bubble, but remains inside. Blow the second bubble. The number of times you repeat this procedure, the number of bubbles you will have, similar to the “matryoshka doll” principle.

10 compositions for large soap bubbles

In formulation recipes, the word "part" is used. "Part" is any volume, for example:
Composition No. 4:
16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

This means it could be 16 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of detergent, 1 spoon of glycerin or
160 ml water, 30 ml detergent, 10 ml glycerin...

Fairy is used as a detergent; it must be said that it is Fairy that gives the best results.

So, the ingredients:

Composition 1.

50 grams of sugar
10 grams of boiling water
We got syrup.

Mix with detergent in a ratio of 20 syrup and 1 detergent.

Composition 2.

0.5 cups of baby shampoo (I used Dragon Shampoo)
1.5 cups distilled water
2 teaspoons sugar (no heaping)

Mix and add the same amount of glycerin to the resulting mixture.

The word “the same amount” means that you mixed all the components except glycerin, and you got a certain volume of solution, and that’s exactly the same amount, then glycerin is added, the same amount as the volume obtained from the remaining components.

Composition 3.

200 ml baby shampoo (I used “Dragon” shampoo)
400 ml distilled water
3 tablespoons glycerin


Composition 4.

16 parts water
3 parts detergent
1 part glycerin

Composition 5.

100 ml water
2 ml baby shampoo
10 ml. glycerin

Mix and add ammonia until transparent.

Composition 6.

4 parts distilled water
1 part detergent
1 part glycerin
0.1 parts ammonia


Composition 7.

2 parts detergent
6 parts distilled water
1 part glycerin

Composition 8.

600 ml. hot water
300 ml glycerin
20 drops of ammonia
50 grams of powdered detergent

Mix, leave for 2-3 days, filter and refrigerate for another day.
(the condition that requires the product to infuse was not met in the experiment)

Composition 9.

1 liter distilled water
150 ml glycerin
300-400 ml baby shampoo

Composition 10.

1 part dish liquid
5 parts polyvinyl alcohol
7 parts water
0.4 parts glycerin

Some compositions are the same at first glance, but in such a delicate matter as a soap bubble, proportions can play a decisive role.

Today, as promised, we are sharing secrets and recipes for “unpopping” bubbles. The secret ingredient for a quality solution is ordinary. So, we present to your attention a recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin , time-tested recipes.

Recipes for “reliable” soap bubbles

Recipe 1

  • 600 ml distilled water;
  • 200 ml of Ferry detergent;
  • 100 ml glycerin.

Recipe 2

  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • a little baking powder for dough;
  • 25 ml;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 200-300 ml Fairy detergent.

Recipe 3

  • 800 ml distilled water;
  • 200 ml dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 g gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin in water and leave to swell.
  2. Strain and drain excess water.
  3. Add sugar to warm gelatin.
  4. Dilute the resulting mixture with a small amount of distilled water.
  5. Combine all other ingredients and stir.

Recipe 4

  • 600 ml boiled water (hot);
  • 300 ml;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 50 grams of any detergent (powder).

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients and leave for 2-3 days.
  2. Filter the solution and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Bubbles made in this way are strong and large.

Recipe 5

  • 800 ml distilled water (hot);
  • 200 ml thick dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of lubricant gel without impurities;
  • 100 ml glycerin.

A few secrets for making bubbles

Secret 1

You need to use soft water for the solution. Hard water contains a large amount of salts. As a result, the bubbles are fragile and short-lived. To eliminate this drawback, you can boil the water and let it settle, but it is best to use distilled water.

Secret 2

Use warm water for the solution. All ingredients dissolve faster in such water.

Secret 3

Dishwasher detergent is not suitable.

Secret 4

The bubble “lives” while it is wet, so glycerin or sugar with gelatin is added to the solution. This prevents the soap film from drying out longer.

Secret 5

Foam is the main enemy of soap bubbles! It is necessary to prevent foam from appearing on the surface of the solution, so it must be mixed with caution.

Secret 6

To increase the strength of the bubbles, glycerin (or sugar) is added to the composition.

Secret 7

After preparing the solution, we check its quality. To do this, blow out a bubble and touch it with a finger previously soaked in a soap solution. If the bubble does not burst, then we have prepared the correct solution. The bubbles will be the most durable and will even withstand contact with water.