The benefits of red cabbage. Red cabbage: health benefits and harms, use in cooking and folk medicine

It is difficult to find a person who does not use fresh vegetables, in particular cabbage. This plant product occupies a dominant position in the diet of every second resident of our country. In Russia, the most popular varieties are: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and red cabbage. Their benefits have been carefully studied and tested for centuries.

In today's publication we will talk about which differs from other varieties in its bright color. Not many people are aware of healing properties and the biochemical composition of this We will try to provide as accessible and detailed information as possible about this interesting and extremely useful plant for our body. In addition, we will describe a couple of fortified recipes.

When to harvest and how to choose vegetables at the market?

I would like to clarify that all subspecies of cabbage originated from a wild plant. True, each of them has a slightly different vitamin and mineral complex. Each subspecies is planted at different times of the year. the benefits and harms of which have always interested scientists, tolerates frost well and does not require special care. However, to obtain a high-quality and good harvest, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, water, hill up and feed.

This cabbage is loved by many amateur gardeners. The harvest begins to be harvested as it ripens, depending on the species. Late varieties are harvested in the fall - early October. After which they are removed to the basements. The plant is stored for a long time and is less susceptible to rotting, unlike its relative - white cabbage.

For those who are not involved in gardening and prefer to buy food at the market or in a store, we recommend paying close attention to the external characteristics of this vegetable. Firstly, it should not have mechanical damage, rotten leaves or unpleasant odor. Secondly, fresh cabbage will never be lethargic and faded. A quality plant has leaves that are elastic, shiny and heavy, with a characteristic aroma.

Red cabbage: benefits and healing properties

First of all, let's start discussing the external color. The color of the leaves is due to the presence of a special substance - the flavonoid anthocyanin. Thanks to this pigment, the plant has an unusual color. In addition, anthocyanin has antioxidant properties, affects the activity of enzymes in the body, for this reason it is used in folk and official medicine. The natural substance neutralizes heavy metals, free radicals, harmful waste and toxins.

Red cabbage has been repeatedly proven to improve the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels. Its benefit lies in the ability to protect the structure of cells and tissues from destruction. Recommended for people living in radioactive regions. It has also been established that the vegetable stabilizes blood pressure, cholesterol levels and strengthens immune system.

According to researchers, red cabbage, the benefits of which are undeniable, alleviates symptoms during menopause (hot flashes, irritability, migraines). It is impossible not to note the presence of ascorbic acid and protein compounds in the composition, without which normal development of the body is impossible. The plant contains quite a lot of retinol, a vitamin that is responsible for the normal functioning of the visual, nervous and immune systems.

It is difficult to overestimate the healing power of vegetables. An indispensable plant for the gastrointestinal tract: cleanses, restores digestion, heals small ulcers. Can't be ignored dietary properties. Experts unanimously declare that the vegetable quickly saturates, fills with vitamins, dulls hunger and promotes weight loss. The composition does not contain sucrose and starch, so there will be no harm to the figure. There are only 26 kcal per 100 grams of product.

A little about the harm

Red cabbage, the benefits and contraindications of which must be studied before use, has a small number of limitations. It should be used with caution in case of ulcerative pathology of the duodenum. It is recommended to stew or boil the vegetable. Dosage should be minimized in case of excessive gas formation and colic.

Use in cooking

Many countries around the world use red cabbage. The benefits of the vegetable remain even after heat treatment: stewing, boiling, frying. It is mainly consumed fresh, salted or pickled. It is worth noting that it is better not to eat the top leaves and heads of cabbage, as nitrates accumulate in them. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting options preparations.

Recipe with added cranberries

Ingredients for the dish:

  • Half a glass of filtered water.
  • ½ part red cabbage.
  • Two hundred grams of fresh cranberries.
  • Dessert spoon of grated ginger root.
  • Soy sauce - 20 g.
  • and sugar - a tablespoon.

Crush the washed cranberries in a mortar and pass the resulting juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer. Chop the cabbage into thin strips and pour fruit drink and let it brew for half an hour. Season the pickled vegetable with the remaining ingredients: soy sauce, ginger, butter and granulated sugar.

This salad is perfect with meat and fish dishes. It goes harmoniously with carrots, apples, tomatoes, beets, and red cabbage. Benefits (recipes relieve vitamin deficiency) fresh salads doubly great in winter.

With horseradish and pineapple

This is a spicy salad for real gourmets. Interesting combination light sourness and delicate sweetness gives excellent results. The dish includes:

  • 300 grams of red cabbage.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Ripe pineapple (canned) in the amount of 300 grams.
  • Lemon.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Garlic - three cloves.
  • Ready horseradish - dessert spoon.
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g.

Squeeze lemon juice, pour the chopped pineapple over it. Chop the cabbage into strips, mash with your hands, mix with wedges and place in a salad bowl. Add pineapples. Make the dressing: squeeze garlic into mayonnaise, season with horseradish and salt. Combine the finished sauce with the ingredients and garnish the dish with chopped parsley.

As you can see, red cabbage is prepared in different interpretations. The benefit of the plant is to saturate the body with a whole range of minerals and vitamins.

So we have listed all the characteristics and properties of the vegetable product. It is difficult to find equals to this plant, so do not miss the opportunity to enjoy it. Red cabbage has a healing effect on all human organs and tissues. The benefits and harms, as we found out, are incomparable. Of course, cabbage has many more healing qualities than contraindications. Be healthy and happy!

Red cabbage is very similar in shape to the most popular white cabbage. It is distinguished by the bright and rich red-violet color of its leaves. Also, red cabbage differs significantly from other types of this vegetable in its special chemical composition. So, red cabbage: benefits and harms, calorie content, vitamin and mineral composition.


Red cabbage is a complete dietary product that is actively recommended by nutritionists for proper nutrition and as universal basis for fasting days.

It contains only 26 kcal (per 100 g), and this is one of the lowest values ​​among all types of not only cabbage, but also all vegetables.

Cabbage can be eaten raw, and dishes made from it will be most beneficial for the body, and the calorie content will be minimal.
Regular consumption of red cabbage has a beneficial effect on human health:

  • blood vessels are strengthened, their strength and elasticity increase;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • decreases smoothly arterial pressure;
  • blood cholesterol levels are normalized and stabilized;
  • the risk of the appearance and development of leukemia is reduced;
  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is stabilized.

Red cabbage juice has a unique wound-healing property, so it is actively used in the diet of patients with stomach ulcers. It is thanks to the dark shade of the leaves that this variety is famous for its antibacterial effect, and the effectiveness of treatment has been proven even for such complex diseases as tuberculosis.

Red cabbage contains a lot of vitamins C and A, it is rich in amino acids that contribute to the normal growth of the body and its functioning, therefore it is also used in baby food.

Drinking red cabbage juice makes it possible to refresh your complexion and make your skin velvety and soft. Also this drink will strengthen the enamel of teeth and nails. You can rinse dark hair with juice, thanks to which it will acquire a beautiful shine and become softer.


The main caveat is individual intolerance to the product. This variety contains less carbohydrates than white cabbage; it can be used by people with diabetes. It contains less than 1% saturated fat, which is why red cabbage is famous for its popularity in healthy and dietary nutrition.

Red cabbage is not difficult to grow, and it can be stored well and for a long time, so it can be safely classified as a product that is not of interest to unscrupulous breeders: it is not treated with carcinogens for rapid ripening or long-term storage. In most cases, GMOs and other components hazardous to health are absent from this vegetable.

Calorie content


Red cabbage should be included with caution in the diet of people suffering from allergic reactions and those in whom the product in its individual form causes bloating. It is not recommended to eat it for those who suffer from stomach disorders. To digest cabbage, the body spends a lot of strength and energy, for this reason you should not abuse it after operations or during an exacerbation of acute or chronic diseases.

Pregnant women can eat red cabbage if it does not cause individual intolerance. It is not recommended to eat it during lactation, as it can cause colic in the baby. Infants begin to be given cabbage in the form of a puree after 6 months (mainly broccoli), but specifically red cabbage should be introduced into the diet of a child who is already one year old.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

In terms of vitamin and mineral composition, red cabbage is ahead of other varieties of cabbage and other vegetables in a number of positions. It has rightly gained fame as a useful and affordable product.



Red cabbage is an important component of a healthy and balanced diet. It is especially valued for a number of specific characteristics:

Purple cabbage heads attract the eye and surprise spicy taste. When this vegetable appears in the kitchen, it is important to know everything about it.

How to cook, how it can be useful and not useful.

Botanical features of red cabbage and its benefits for dietary nutrition

Red cabbage is not far removed from white cabbage - these are related species, similar both in appearance (except for color) and in origin - cabbage varieties were selected somewhere in the Mediterranean already in the 8th century, but purple cabbage is still undeservedly unpopular for all its advantages.

And the first thing that catches your eye is the color of all the variations of shades in the palette of red-violet and bluish-lilac, and white layers are also visible on the cut of the head of cabbage.

From a culinary point of view, one of the main advantages of purple cabbage is its interchangeability with white cabbage in recipes. So they also prepare soups, side dishes, main courses, filling pies with it, marinate it and cut it into salads.

Another plus is the extraordinary color that lasts heat treatment.

But the taste during heat treatment, raw cabbage quite spicy and bitter, but overall very similar to the taste of cabbage, softens. The best taste, aroma and juiciness (90% consists of water) are distinguished by small heads of cabbage, which, by the way, are perfectly stored for many months in fresh.

Purple cabbage juice - coloring for sauces, eggs on salad, mashed potatoes and test - from pasta to bread and sweet pastries.

The color, specific taste and many beneficial properties of red cabbage are due to the content of anthocyanin flavonoids in it.

Being a powerful antioxidant, these substances help remove harmful substances from the body - waste, toxins, heavy metal salts.

And toxic breakdown products of alcohol, which is why it can be recommended to start a feast with an abundance of intoxicating drinks with a red cabbage appetizer, which weakens and delays its inevitable, far from positive effect.

Anthocyanins protect the body from radiation, which causes incomparable harm to it. Red cabbage is also able to regulate the level of white blood cells in the blood, strengthen blood vessels and increase their elasticity. The latter prevents the risks of stroke and heart attack.

Glucosinolates, sulfur-containing substances with anti-carcinogenic properties, also give cabbage a special bitter taste. Capable of suppressing unhealthy cell division activity, they resist the emergence and development of cancer.

Red cabbage is a dietary product in all respects:

  • 100 grams contain only 26 kcal;
  • the proportional content of saturated fat is only 1%;
  • high content coarse fibers fiber allows you to feel full for a long time;
  • fiber helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, which, coupled with increased intestinal motility, helps speed up metabolism;

being involved in the synthesis of the hormones leptin and adiponectin, purple cabbage thus activates the breakdown of fats in the body and, again, reduces the feeling of hunger.

How the composition and benefits of red cabbage are related

Ascorbic acid from purple cabbage is absorbed and distributed by the body according to its needs by almost one hundred percent.

Indispensable for the immune system, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, ascorbic acid is also in demand for the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiencies.

  • folic acid (B9) is involved in the production of serotonin, known as the “hormone of joy”, the deficiency of which is fraught with depressive conditions;
  • riboflavin (B2) supports the absorption of iron, accelerates metabolism and the removal of sugars from the body;
  • pyridoxine (B6) minimizes the symptoms of seasickness, heals the skin in dermatological diseases and helps nerve cells absorb glucose (which again has a positive effect on mood);
  • retinol (A) protects the oral mucosa from the effects of dental diseases;
  • Selenium is responsible for supplying cells with oxygen, supporting the work thyroid gland;
  • zinc increases endurance physical activity, can increase achievements in sports and alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism.

It is also worth noting that this cabbage contains phytoncides - biologically active substances that play the role of antibiotics, as a result of which the human body is not invaded by pathogens various diseases, sometimes very serious. Phytoncides from red cabbage are ways to resist even tuberculosis pathogens.

Red cabbage, and especially its concentrate in the form of juice, is recommended for the dietary table for stomach ulcers, and also as a means of accelerating the regeneration of wounds and various injuries (including bruises and sprains).

These properties are partly explained by the content of rare vitamin U, which, in principle, is not synthesized by the human body.

The benefits of red cabbage are also great as a source of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting, the formation and restoration of bone tissue, and functioning at the optimal limits of the biological capabilities of the kidneys.

What other benefits can you get from red cabbage?

Regular consumption of red cabbage evens out and refreshes the complexion, gives the skin velvety softness, smoothes out wrinkles, and also strengthens teeth and nails, adds shine to hair and eliminates yellowness and redness from the whites of the eyes.

The benefits of purple cabbage are also great for many other areas:

  • normalization and maintenance of stable blood cholesterol levels;
  • cleansing the bile ducts and liver;
  • kidney treatment when a mild diuretic effect is required;
  • treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, from coughs with colds to chronic bronchitis and asthma.

Due to its minimal carbohydrate content and pronounced ability to improve the condition of blood vessels, red cabbage is recommended to be added to diet table at diabetes mellitus first and second types.

What harm can there be from red cabbage?

Since the leaves of the vegetable are quite hard, red cabbage is clearly harmful for diseases of the stomach and duodenum. But only if you eat it raw. Heat treatment solves the problem. It is not advisable to include purple cabbage in your diet after food poisoning and with pancreatitis.

Despite the fact that this cabbage is definitely useful for pregnant women, during lactation, dishes with it should be included in the diet very sparingly, in order to avoid colic in a baby who is sensitive to the mother’s nutrition.

Harm from red cabbage may also occur when taken medicines, prescribed to thin the blood - there is evidence that it reduces their effectiveness.

You should not eat the top (outer) leaves and stalks of a cabbage head - both are a concentration of nitrates, which somehow end up in the vegetable, unless it is grown exclusively on an eco-farm.

Otherwise, red cabbage is one of the most harmless vegetables in the world.

Red cabbage is considered no less popular than white cabbage. The benefits and harms of this type of vegetable have been studied by specialists for a long time, but not every average person knows this. But there are many red cabbage lovers among us. Let's talk about this topic today.

Chemical composition

We often purchase red cabbage for making salads or soups. But in addition to gastronomic properties, this vegetable also has enormous benefits, which are associated with an amazing chemical composition.

Why do you think red cabbage is so valued by folk healers, supporters of traditional medicine and gourmets? Its health benefits and harms are of unprecedented interest, and in order to evaluate them objectively, you should study the composition of the vegetable.


  • retinol;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin B2;
  • phosphorus;
  • vitamin H;
  • sodium;
  • tocopherol;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin C;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamin B9;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamin B1.

On a note! The purple cabbage leaf has an amazing composition. Benefits and harms are inextricably linked with vitamins, micro- and macroelements contained in red cabbage. Just imagine that a 200 g serving of cabbage will allow you to almost completely satisfy your body’s daily requirement for ascorbic acid.

This is not the only reason why red cabbage is valued. The benefits and harms to the body are of interest to people trying to get rid of excess weight. Red cabbage - dietary vegetable, the nutritional value which barely reaches 20 kilocalories. You can safely include this product in your diet.

Red cabbage: benefits and harm, recipes

The luminaries of world medicine and traditional healers have long been convinced of the benefits of red cabbage. This vegetable is available to everyone without exception and has an amazing composition. This is precisely the reason for the benefits of purple cabbage.

Useful properties of the vegetable:

  • hair strengthening;
  • giving the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • strengthening nail plates;
  • helping to smooth out small wrinkles;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of mineral and vitamin balance;
  • removal of toxins, toxic compounds and salts from the body;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • prevention of tuberculosis;
  • lowering harmful cholesterol levels;
  • helping to restore blood pressure levels;
  • treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • normalization of digestive processes.

Red cabbage contains fiber and alimentary fiber. Their presence helps improve intestinal motility. But it is strictly contraindicated to abuse this vegetable, otherwise side symptoms in the form of diarrhea may develop. It is not recommended to eat this type of cabbage for people suffering from gastric ulcers during a relapse.

Important! Red cabbage is strictly contraindicated in case of allergic reactions and individual intolerance. There is no need to introduce such a vegetable into the diet of small children, as this can cause the development of diathesis.

Otherwise, purple cabbage is very healthy, and it should definitely appear periodically in our everyday menu.

Culinary secrets

As already mentioned, red cabbage can be used to make many amazing dishes. When fresh, it is added to salads and snacks. Also, cabbage of this variety is subjected to heat treatment in the form of frying and stewing.

Quick salad

Guests are on the doorstep and you don’t know what to cook? Make a red cabbage salad. Literally 10 minutes - and delicious dish ready to eat. The perfect complement it will go with seafood and sour cream.

On a note! Refuel vegetable salads with purple cabbage natural yoghurt, cream or mayonnaise. Just keep in mind that when you add such ingredients, the calorie content of the treat will increase proportionally.


  • red cabbage – 250 g;
  • boiled squid – 300 g;
  • canned dessert corn – 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • greens - half a bunch;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 piece;
  • mayonnaise.


For those on a diet

Red cabbage is a dietary vegetable whose calorie content is negligible. Moreover, consuming this vegetable also brings enormous health benefits. You can cook simple diet salad with amazing taste.


  • red cabbage - half a fork;
  • sour cream with a fat concentration of 15% - 100 ml;
  • soy sauce – 1-2 table. spoons;
  • sweet bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • pitted olives – ½ can;
  • curd cheese – 70-100 g.


Red or lilac cabbage is one of the types of regular cabbage. Some people tend to think that this type cabbage is inferior in taste qualities. However, she has much more useful properties, which we will talk about in this article.


This one came to the territory of our country at the end of the 17th century. Its homeland is considered to be the coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Tunisia, Greece, Turkey). Lilac cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family and, according to its botanical description, is very similar to regular cabbage. However purple cruciferous plant is less susceptible to and better tolerates winter frosts. But these factors have not become the main ones for our summer residents, who consider this variety less tasty than white cabbage.
The lilac plant has very dense heads, violet-red leaves, sometimes with lilac-blue or purple hues. A special pigment, anthocyanin, gives the plant its special color. The color of red cabbage depends on the soil type and variety. If you plant the plant in acidic soils, it will acquire a reddish tint. And if on alkaline ones - purple-blue.

Did you know? IN cabbage leaves Lilac vegetable contains a little rare vitamin U, which helps heal stomach and duodenal ulcers.

The anthocyanin pigment, in addition to color, also gives specific pungent taste plant. red cabbage averages 160 days. There are early, middle and late varieties. This vegetable can be stored in a cool place all winter without losing its beneficial properties.

Composition and calorie content

This vegetable contains a lot useful vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements. Scientists conducted research and found out how many different substances are included in 100 g of product; it turned out that it contains about 90 g of water, 1.4 g of proteins, 5.2 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of fiber and 0.15 g of fat.
The amount of vitamins and macro- and microelements per 100 g of product: B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine and riboflavin) occupy a total of 0.35%, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) occupies 5.7%, tocopherol or vitamin E - 0, 11%, vitamin A (beta-carotene) - 0.05%, vitamin K (phylloquinone) - 3.8%, iron - 0.8%, sodium and phosphorus are included in approximately the same amount - 2.8% each, potassium - 24.3%, zinc - 0.22%, magnesium - 1.6%, the remaining percentage is occupied by some other useful substances.

Great amount useful substances This vegetable is visible to the naked eye. And even if you still didn’t know what red cabbage is called, now, because of its enormous benefits, you will probably remember all the missed facts about this plant.

Important! Due to the large set of macro- and microelements, lilac vegetables do not lower or increase blood pressure, as many believe, but rather stabilize it.

By the way, red cabbage is considered dietary product. Only 310 kcal is contained in 1 kg of this product.

Beneficial features

The benefits of purple cabbage are very great for both children and adults. Moreover, the leaves and juice of the vegetable bring benefits.


Red cabbage leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, twice as much as its white form. And as you know, vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, fights bacteria and viruses and maintains normal mental processes. This vitamin is very useful for children, whose immunity is not as strong as that of adults.

The benefits of red cabbage largely depend on the presence in its composition of such biologically active substances as phytoncides and anthocyanins. Phytoncides are capable of suppressing the growth and development of various pathological microorganisms (microscopic fungi, bacteria, viruses and even cancerous tumors).

Anthocyanins have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, strengthening them, thus reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. They are also great for treating leukemia and have antioxidant properties.

Lilac cabbage has a characteristic bitter taste due to the presence of natural anti-carcinogenic substances - glucosinolates. They are able to suppress improper and uncontrolled cell division in the human body, thus reducing the risk of developing cancer.

This useful plant has so many proteins that neither, nor turnips, nor any other plant can be compared with it. Protein has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, so eating purple cabbage is useful for endemic goiter. In addition, protein is very beneficial for the kidneys and hematopoietic system of the body.

The red cabbage plant of the cruciferous genus has a small content of very rare vitamins K and U. Vitamin K is able to reduce the deposition of salts on the walls of blood vessels and maintain the proper functioning of cartilage tissue. But its deficiency in children can lead to deformation of developing bones.

Did you know?Danish scientists conducted studies that showed that consumption of this vegetable by women reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by half.

Purple cabbage It does not contain sucrose and starch, but it is rich in fiber, so it is successfully consumed by diabetics and overweight people. Fiber, in turn, is able to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and normalize intestinal microflora.

Lactic acid, which is also contained in this plant, is very important for metabolic processes, nervous system, muscle and brain function. The myocardium needs lactic acid, which is unable to function normally without it.
How is purple cabbage beneficial for metabolic processes in cells? human body? This benefit is manifested in the presence of selenium, which is necessary to enrich cells with oxygen. In addition, selenium supports the body's protective functions, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, removes toxins and heavy metals, and supports the proper functioning of the thymus and thyroid glands.

Vitamin PP, which is small quantities identified in red cabbage, it is able to transform and release cellular energy, as well as improve metabolism. Vitamin B9 improves intestinal motility, promotes improved hematopoiesis and relieves constipation. Zinc has a beneficial effect on the active and proper functioning of the brain. And also There is a popular belief that this vegetable can increase the size of the mammary glands in women.


The juice of the purple vegetable, due to its unique wound-healing properties, is used in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers. In addition, this juice has antiviral and antibacterial properties, so it has long been used to treat various viral diseases and tuberculosis. Due to the presence of vitamins A and C in the drink, it is used in baby food.
When drinking juice, the condition of the facial skin improves, it becomes more delicate and acquires new shades of youth. This product can strengthen tooth enamel and nails. And when you rinse your hair with juice, it becomes less brittle and softer.

Bioflavonoids contained in cabbage juice can stop bleeding and strengthen capillaries. IN folk medicine Since ancient times, it was believed that the juice of a lilac vegetable with the addition of wine saves from the bite of rabid animals. If you add it to cabbage juice, it will work excellent remedy against cough

This product also has a diuretic, so it is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension. If you rinse your mouth with the juice of the purple plant, you can get rid of bleeding gums. And when you add a decoction of cabbage seeds to this drink, you can get rid of insomnia.

Important!Lilac vegetable helps maintain mental clarity during large feasts.

Also in Ancient Rus' They drank cabbage juice to remove warts. Besides, cabbage drink It is recommended to use it as a remedy against various types of worms.

What can you cook from red cabbage?

There are dozens of ways to prepare this vegetable. Many people like to experiment with various dishes. We will tell you about several main types of purple cabbage dishes:

Red cabbage salad. To prepare this dish you will need: a medium head of lilac cabbage, a little, one onion, vinegar, vegetable oil, salt and various spices to taste. The onion must first be marinated in vinegar. To do this, it is cut into half rings, salted and sprinkled with spices, and then dipped in vinegar. You need to chop the cabbage and add a little salt. Then it is mixed with, seasoned with oil and served. Cabbage soup. It is cooked with meat (chicken, beef or pork). For 5-6 servings you need 300-500 g of chicken, which should yield about two liters of broth. In addition to half a head of purple vegetable, the following are added to the soup: onions, herbs and various spices. First, for 15 minutes, you need to cook the lilac vegetable, then add the pre-diced potatoes and cook for 20 minutes. Next, you can add fried with onions and cook for another 15-20 minutes. The result is a delicious and vitamin-rich soup.
Braised red cabbage with