Preparation of cabbage kvass. Drink to restore intestinal microflora


The season of fresh celandine is over, and now it's time for vegetables.
Kvass from beets I put it in Bolotov's way, but it matures for two weeks. But this one is ready! I photographed in a white mug so that its amazing color could be seen.

now how to cook:

Boil and cool the water (to a little warm).

We take glass jar 3 l. Wash and clean two medium burgundy beets. Cut into medium pieces and pour into a jar. AT warm water dilute 2 tablespoons of honey (if there is no honey, then you can use sugar: 3 tablespoons with a top). Pour the honey solution into a jar and top up almost to the top with cooled boiled water. To speed up fermentation, we throw 6-7 raisins. And plus a crust of black bread on top. Cover with a plastic lid or plastic wrap(under the rubber). I pierce the film with a needle. Kvass matures for three days. Then, filtering, pour into glass bottles and put in the refrigerator.

I don't pour into plastic. We drink up to a liter a day, but it is better to stop at 2-3 mugs. Some drink beet kvass, diluting with kefir and adding chopped greens.

This is very healthy kvass, so contains many trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, rubidium, cesium), vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP) and bioflavonoids. It helps cleanse the body, boosts immunity and improves hematopoietic function. use beet kvass for anemia. Such kvass is especially useful for hypertensive patients: its regular use reduces pressure. And even a single dose reduces high blood pressure in half an hour.

Those who want to lose weight should regularly drink such kvass. It has a beneficial effect on and is useful in elevated level cholesterol, and atherosclerosis.

Are there any contraindications? If kvass is made with sugar, then diabetics should take it to a limited extent. But a little bit of honey is possible. Also, those who suffer from colitis need to look at tolerance. Contraindications are urolithiasis disease and a stomach ulcer (and also gastritis).


Cabbage kvass.

output ~ 10 liters of drink.

To your attention - the opening of this season, cabbage kvass! I’ve heard about him for a long time about how useful he is, about how he heals all sores, but somehow it didn’t fit in my head that you can drink the juice left over from sauerkraut, despite the fact that sauerkraut without salt is daily present in our diet. families.
And now, the time has come - I decided to try to cook. I chopped one cabbage, about two kilograms in a combine, poured three liters of water into a large container of 12 liters, put a plate and three liter jar as oppression. This took 15 min.
I waited for 3 days, once a day pressing on the oppression to expel the resulting gas.
By the end of the third day, he poured another 5 liters of water and began to drink, adding water daily - every day it becomes more sour, you need to dilute it)

Incredible! delicious summer drink from natural! Without any sugar and other heresy! You can add beets and / or carrots - you get pink and red shades of flowers and additional beneficial features for a change))
In addition, no one forbids using the cabbage itself for food ...

Oat kvass is a super drink for health!

Kvass from oats is a traditional Russian drink. Found in old recipes a large number of ways to prepare this wonderful drink. modern times kvass from oats lost popularity and gave way to bread kvass. It's a pity, because oatmeal drink not only quenches thirst well and tastes good. Due to the presence of biologically active components, oat kvass is beneficial for the whole organism.
The preparation of this drink does not require much time and special skills. To prepare classic oat kvass, you can take the simplest recipe. Pour 400-500 gr into a 3-liter container. washed oats, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, pour cold purified water, cover the container and leave it for 3-4 days at room temperature for fermenting oats. If you like the sharp taste of kvass, then you can pour out the first portion. In the remaining oats, again add sugar, water and after 4 days drain the liquid - the kvass is ready. Oat sourdough is stored for three months. You can make oat kvass, the recipe of which includes raisins and natural honey. The preparation of kvass is similar to the classic recipe, only 50 g of sugar is replaced. raisins and 1-2 tablespoons of any honey. Raisins make the color of kvass darker and add flavor to the drink.
Kvass from oats, whose beneficial properties have been known for a long time, can be drunk by everyone, and even children. Oatmeal kvass perfectly replaces morning coffee. Thanks to the starch that is part of oats, a person gets energy and vigor without caffeine. Oat kvass is recommended for diabetics to drink, as it lowers blood sugar levels. The protein contained in oats has a beneficial effect on tissue repair, and fiber reduces cholesterol levels. What else is useful for kvass from oats is the ability to improve the metabolic processes of the body, quickly eliminate vitamin deficiency and strengthen tooth enamel.

cabbage kvass

Looking for better nutrition I adhere for a long time to eating thermally unprocessed food, I do not disdain homemade sour milk and beekeeping products.
But for 2 years there have not been particularly new sensations, everything is spinning around the same. The diet is based on green buckwheat with chopped herbs and butter, or just buckwheat in general.

But a couple of times I came across something called "cabbage kvass" and decided to make it. I remember the feeling the first time I tried it. Salty taste. Nasty smell. But the feeling of satiety after it came somehow unusual, not like always, not like from buckwheat, but from 2 glasses and for 6 hours I didn’t think about food at all. The analysis was carried out later. Different thoughts arise on this matter, perhaps there are some the right salts, or substances necessary for the body, perhaps, as the authors say, there are a lot of necessary bacteria there. In color and consistency, it looks like milk whey, even I would say thicker. But that's how I started drinking it and was happy with the results. Good to drink while exercising. Apparently the salts that come out with sweat are compensated and this is noticeable by the sensations.
I tried to add honey to kvass, the result is not unambiguous. On the one hand, it is drunk well. tasty becomes close to ordinary kvass in taste, but on the other hand, you can’t drink a lot like this. honey is also food for bacteria and they continue to eat it in the body - in short, it wanders. But if you take it moderately - 1 glass, and there will be nothing on an empty stomach. It seems to be able to absorb.
I consider a drink without alcohol. it must be lactic acid fermentation. But if you add honey and leave for a long time, other bacteria seem to predominate and the result may not be checked with a degree. But one has only to put honey, fermentation immediately begins.

1. We take cabbage - 1 kg.
2. Cut it into cubes and throw the blender.
3. Add water and grind, it happens quickly, my old one does it in 20-30 seconds.
4. Drain into a 3 liter jar. We put it in a dark place, it was 20-23 degrees for me.
5. It is important to fill the jar not to the end, leave 5-6 cm, because there will be a reaction and water may flow out.
6. For the first time, it is recommended to keep 1.5 -2 days. Keep in the dark, for fermentation. Instead of a lid, I usually put a napkin and wrap it with an elastic band. The first time when made without the addition of sourdough, it is recommended to keep longer.
7. In subsequent times, 2 tablespoons of the old mixture is added to the new one, mixed and kvass is prepared in a day, it feels like you still need a little more, but you can already choose it to your taste. I try to keep a little more than 24 hours. Now, by the way, the apartment is getting warmer, it can turn out faster.
8. After it has fermented, I put a thin towel in the bowl with a colander. there is no big strong small drushlag. I drain the mass and squeeze. There is so little pulp left. With one tennis ball.

The use of cake I also found. Because got a dehydrator. The wife makes bread. Well, this cake is added in small quantities to them. Gives a spicy sour taste.

I tried to experiment, add in different proportions, turnips, beets, carrots. All for an amateur. Mucus is formed from beets and you don’t want to pour it into yourself. But once I achieved a cool result, it tasted like ordinary kvass. According to my taste, my wife said sour meat, that's all.

I also decided to add.
I usually try to fast for about 32-36 hours on a dry (without water) so-called dry fast SG. - 2 times a month. It helps to nullify tastes, keep on a raw food diet, and generally has an interesting effect on consciousness. But this year I discovered for myself, classes with iron with heavy weights. And such a hunger strike greatly inhibited metabolism. Swing after something is wrong, and I replaced it. At first I replaced it with infusions of herbs with honey and lemon juice. As I opened the cabbage kvass I replaced them. It turned out that I drank it a day 2 liters somewhere and felt good. Yes, I did a couple of times in these hungry days, though at unloading, resting training. True, this did not cancel the 3-kilometer run, with 2 accelerations of 2 minutes each. Even on a dry hunger, I somehow combined a hunger strike with the phases of the moon. Feelings are different on a different moon, as if. I usually try to fast on Ekadash days. And the calendar is always at hand online.

Happy drinking everyone! - Evgeny Eremin.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Delicious at home is easy to prepare, because necessary ingredients always at hand, with grandmothers in the nearest market or in the supermarket. Cabbage kvass is rich in vitamin B, which promotes the speedy healing of wounds, which is why cabbage kvass is recommended for the prevention and treatment of gastritis. In addition, vitamin B is a very important vitamin that helps women maintain their beauty, youthfulness and skin elasticity. I think that your family, regardless of gender and age, will appreciate this light, invigorating, yeast-free kvass. And for greater convenience, we present a recipe for kvass with a photo.

For the recipe you will need:

- cabbage - 1 head.
- carrots - 1 pc.
- salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
- sugar - 2 tbsp. a spoon.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Necessary ingredients for making cabbage kvass.

Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots coarse grater. In general, carrots are not used in many cabbage kvass recipes, but I add them to give a bright color.

Mix everything in one container, add salt and put under the press for a day. Moreover, leave the vegetables with salt at room temperature so that the salt dissolves in the cabbage juice and the fermentation reaction begins.

Leave 4 liters of water to settle for a day in the refrigerator. So all small particles and suspensions will settle to the bottom. It is better to fill kvass with ice-cold well water, but nowadays I would advise using boiled water or water passed through a good cleaning filter. Walking water from a well in cabbage kvass looks much more romantic.
Get the cabbage out from under the yoke, pour four liters ice water(you can add some ice to the water beforehand, especially in the hot season).

Mix with two tablespoons of sugar and leave for a few days in a warm place. I usually wait 7 days, but I think that by trial and error you will choose the period at which the infused kvass will be moderately vigorous.

Strain kvass through cheesecloth, bottle and cool in the refrigerator. Kvass is ready to use!

Enjoy your meal!

Two books "On the Dietary Importance of sour milk"Professor Ilya Mechnikov and" Salt of health in sauerkraut without salt” Bragg’s fields lift the veil of secrecy and shed light on such an old ancient Russian business as sauerkraut. The fact that lactic acid was called lactic acid, in a certain sense, tarnished its reputation. And this amazing substance plays very important role in our metabolism.

It is said that glucose nourishes the brain. So it is. But for its assimilation, insulin produced by the pancreas is needed, which literally “by the handle” drags this very spreading glucose molecule into the cells. But glucose “does not get through” through a special metabolic barrier to the brain and heart, even with insulin. And here it is broken down to lactic acid, which nourishes our brain and heart with energy.

In the process of creating lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria are involved. And the presence of milk here is not at all necessary. These same bacteria are already sitting on cabbage leaves and just waiting ideal conditions for reproduction. Cabbage is a unique vegetable that has a set of useful properties and vitamins, including vitamin B,C and quite outlandish vitamin U.

When we pickle cabbage or making cabbage soup, at all stages of preparation, should come out pleasant, thin and delicate fragrance. If this is not so, then the wrong “bacteria” have bred in our cabbage ... Such sourdough is not suitable for human consumption.

cabbage must be prepared in a glass jar(the volume of the container depends on the amount being prepared), stir or remove the top layer, which reacts with air, with a wooden spoon. No metal or plastic in no case should it come into contact with the kvass. Only glass and wood!

Squeeze the starter through several layers of gauze. sourdough must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature slightly above 0.

We measure the resulting kvass for acidity and concentration. The pH must be strictly less than 4.6. This is a sign that the lactic acid bacteria have completely "taken over" and the pathogens have not survived. If the pH is higher, then kvass is not ready yet and you can’t drink it! Let it stand still. finished product store in the refrigerator.

How to cook cabbage kvass

To do this, we take cabbage, beets, black radish and horseradish, grind everything “to dust”. The smaller, the better. You can use a blender. We grind 10-12 coriander seeds, a little paprika and a few barberries in a mortar. We send everything to a jar, add water and mix with a wooden spoon. It is important to leave an air gap of 1-1.5 centimeters at the neck.

We close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place with a temperature (this is an important point) of 18-22 degrees. The jar must be closed with a lid. The released carbon dioxide creates excess pressure inside - the lid will “sing” and will not let fresh oxygen into the jar. We do not use any salt, yeast, sugar or honey.

If you don't have sourdough, you can make it. You will need to add 1-2 cloves of garlic to the mixture, the whole process will take 3-4 days. With the starter already added, everything will take a little less than a day. And every day you will have delicious, fragrant and mega healthy kvass!

What happened in the end

  • Part of cabbage and beet sugar, bacteria converted into lactic acid. Pleasant warmth spreads in the body after drinking such kvass.
  • All this microflora disassembles cabbage proteins into smaller fragments that are absorbed by the body.
  • Vitamin C is completely preserved, while new B vitamins are created.
  • Propionic acid bacteria feed on lactic acid, they synthesize vitamin B12.
  • Came to the kitchen at night looking for a snack? Drink kvass and go to sleep! It will help to overcome the night hunger!
  • Bicarbonates, reacting with lactic acid, form calcium lactate. It is one of the most easily absorbed organic calcium compounds for the body. By the way, it is specially added to chewing gum without sugar, which contributes to the remineralization of tooth enamel.
  • It is important not to overdo it with kvass, to balance the “yin with yang” you can eat it with greens. To prepare harmonious food, you can pour finely chopped cabbage with this kvass. Let stand for 3-4 days, and when the cabbage becomes dazzlingly transparent (that's right!), You can start eating.


The season of fresh celandine is over, and now it's time for vegetables.
Kvass from beets I put it in Bolotov's way, but it matures for two weeks. But this one is ready! I photographed in a white mug so that its amazing color could be seen.

now how to cook:

Boil and cool the water (to a little warm).

We take a glass jar of 3 liters. Wash and clean two medium burgundy beets. Cut into medium pieces and pour into a jar. We dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in warm water (if there is no honey, then you can use sugar: 3 tablespoons with a top). Pour the honey solution into a jar and top up almost to the top with cooled boiled water. To speed up fermentation, we throw 6-7 raisins. And plus a crust of black bread on top. We cover with a plastic lid or plastic wrap (under the elastic band). I pierce the film with a needle. Kvass matures for three days. Then, filtering, pour into glass bottles and put in the refrigerator.

I don't pour into plastic. We drink up to a liter a day, but it is better to stop at 2-3 mugs. Some drink beet kvass, diluted with kefir and adding chopped greens.

This is a very useful kvass, as it contains many trace elements (iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, rubidium, cesium), vitamins (A, E, B, C, PP) and bioflavonoids. It helps cleanse the body, boosts immunity and improves hematopoietic function. use beet kvass for anemia. Such kvass is especially useful for hypertensive patients: its regular use reduces pressure. And even a single dose reduces high blood pressure in half an hour.

Those who want to lose weight should regularly drink such kvass. It has a beneficial effect on metabolism and is useful for high cholesterol levels, as well as for atherosclerosis.

Are there any contraindications? If kvass is made with sugar, then diabetics should take it to a limited extent. But a little bit of honey is possible. Also, those who suffer from colitis need to look at tolerance. Contraindications are urolithiasis and stomach ulcers (and also gastritis).


Cabbage kvass.

output ~ 10 liters of drink.

To your attention - the opening of this season, cabbage kvass! I’ve heard about him for a long time about how useful he is, about how he heals all sores, but somehow it didn’t fit in my head that you can drink the juice left over from sauerkraut, despite the fact that sauerkraut without salt is daily present in our diet. families.
And now, the time has come - I decided to try to cook. I chopped one cabbage, about two kilograms in a combine, filled it with three liters of water in a large container of 12 liters, put a plate and a three-liter jar as oppression. This took 15 min.
I waited for 3 days, once a day pressing on the oppression to expel the resulting gas.
By the end of the third day, he poured another 5 liters of water and began to drink, adding water daily - every day it becomes more sour, you need to dilute it)

Incredible! Delicious natural summer drink! Without any sugar and other heresy! You can add beets and / or carrots - you get pink and red shades of flowers and additional useful properties for a change))
In addition, no one forbids using the cabbage itself for food ...

Oat kvass is a super drink for health!

Kvass from oats is a traditional Russian drink. In old recipes, there are a large number of ways to prepare this wonderful drink. In modern times, oat kvass has lost popularity and has given way to bread. It's a pity, because oatmeal drink not only quenches thirst well and tastes good. Due to the presence of biologically active components, oat kvass is beneficial for the whole organism.
The preparation of this drink does not require much time and special skills. To prepare classic oat kvass, you can take the simplest recipe. Pour 400-500 gr into a 3-liter container. washed oats, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, pour cold purified water, cover the container and leave it for 3-4 days at room temperature to ferment oats. If you like the sharp taste of kvass, then you can pour out the first portion. In the remaining oats, again add sugar, water and after 4 days drain the liquid - the kvass is ready. Oat sourdough is stored for three months. You can make oat kvass, the recipe of which includes raisins and natural honey. The preparation of kvass is similar to the classic recipe, only 50 g of sugar is replaced. raisins and 1-2 tablespoons of any honey. Raisins make the color of kvass darker and add flavor to the drink.
Kvass from oats, whose beneficial properties have been known for a long time, can be drunk by everyone, and even children. Oatmeal kvass perfectly replaces morning coffee. Thanks to the starch that is part of oats, a person gets energy and vigor without caffeine. Oat kvass is recommended for diabetics to drink, as it lowers blood sugar levels. The protein contained in oats has a beneficial effect on tissue repair, and fiber reduces cholesterol levels. What else is useful for kvass from oats is the ability to improve the metabolic processes of the body, quickly eliminate vitamin deficiency and strengthen tooth enamel.