Marinate chicken in soy sauce overnight. What to consider when marinating chicken

Recently, Asian cuisine is gaining more and more popularity in our country. This is due to the fact that, using certain ingredients that came to us from the East, experienced chefs and beginners can quickly and tasty make a unique lunch or dinner.

general information

How the chicken is cooked soy sauce, few know. After all, in our country everyone is used to baking or frying such a bird using mayonnaise or honey. However, it should be noted that when using soy sauce, this meat is more tender, tasty and aromatic. In this regard, in the presented article, we decided to tell you about how you can quickly and easily cook marinated meat in a pan, in an oven or on hot coals.

Delicious meat fried in oil in a frying pan

Baking in the oven

Marinated chicken in soy sauce is cooked in the oven for a relatively short time. To do this, the form filled with meat must be placed in a preheated kitchen device and baked at a temperature of 200 degrees for 50 minutes. During this time, the drumsticks should be fully cooked, as well as covered with a fragrant and crispy crust.

Properly serving baked chicken legs to the table

Marinated chicken in soy sauce, cooked in the oven, is not only very tasty, tender and fragrant, but also appetizing in appearance. Such a dish can be served without any hesitation with any festive table. But in order to saturate your guests with it, it is recommended to additionally make a side dish of vegetables or cereals for chicken.

Chicken in soy sauce - barbecue for friends

We talked about how to fry such meat and bake it in the oven. However, the methods for preparing chicken marinated in soy sauce do not end there. After all, tasty and fragrant meat can be fried quite easily on the grill. As a rule, this method of cooking poultry is actively used by those who like to regularly go out into the countryside with their friends or family members.

So how is chicken cooked in soy sauce? Charcoal recipes may include the use of various products. We will present you the simplest and most inexpensive method, which is especially loved by fans of fried meat.

So, we need:

  • chicken thighs maximum freshness - about 13 pieces;
  • table vinegar - about 150 ml;
  • medium-sized salt - use to taste;
  • salad bulbs - several heads;
  • soy sauce - about 150 ml;
  • fresh tomatoes, not very fleshy - a few pieces;
  • ground black pepper - use to taste.

Meat soaking process

Chicken marinade in soy sauce is a must table vinegar. After all, it is this component that is able to give the kebab a special sharpness and incredible aroma.

To prepare the marinade, combine the above two ingredients together, and then proceed to process the meat. Chicken thighs need to be rinsed well under cold water and then split in half too large pieces. Next, the meat purge must be put in a plastic or enameled container and sprinkled with medium-sized salt and black pepper. After that, a mixture of soy sauce and table vinegar should be poured into the same container.

After mixing the ingredients with your hands, they must be closed and left to marinate for several hours. If desired, coarsely chopped onions (in the form of rings) can be added to the meat. You should also wash the tomatoes in advance and chop them into fairly thick circles.

How to put on a skewer?

After a few hours, the chicken thighs should be completely saturated with the marinade, becoming fragrant and juicy. After that, the meat must be carefully put on a skewer, alternating it with onion rings and tomato slices.

Campfire cooking

Pickled chicken thighs should be put on skewers only after ready-made birch coals begin to smolder in the brazier. After placing the meat over them, it should be evenly fried for 30-35 minutes. In this case, the chicken is recommended to be turned regularly. If desired, they can be periodically doused with marinade, which remained in the container.

Properly serving chicken skewers to the table

After the chicken meat is well baked and becomes ruddy, it should be carefully removed from the grill and then from the skewers. The finished dish must be placed on a large plate and immediately presented to friends. So that your guests or family members are well fed, in addition to chicken skewers should be presented fresh bread, vegetables, herbs or hearty side dish in the form of boiled round potatoes.

According to experienced chefs, meat marinated in soy sauce, cooked on coals, turns out to be very tender, juicy and tasty. It should also be noted that not only chicken can be cooked in the same way, but also, for example, pork, veal, and even lamb. With such a marinade, all of the listed varieties of meat are much tastier and more aromatic.

Hello my dear readers. Agree that the chicken baked in the oven is one of the most delicious and fine dining. You can cook it both for a solemn feast, and family dinner. It doesn't have to be a first-class chef. You can easily cook incredibly tasty dish independently at home. I will help you with this - I will tell you how to marinate chicken for the oven.

Rules for marinating chicken

  1. How much to marinate a chicken depends on the weight of the carcass. If the meat in the sauce will be longer than 2 hours, send it to the refrigerator. But small pieces of chicken are fed fragrant spices quite quickly - in 1-1.5 hours.
  2. The easiest way to marinate meat is to send it to a mixture of spices and vegetable oil. Seasonings can be used according to your taste. As for oil, olive, corn or sunflower will do.
  3. Most recipes call for salt in the marinade. But do not rush to add it there. It is better to salt the meat 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Otherwise, the chicken will turn out dry and harsh.

What are the best spices to use

Do you want to cook real cooking masterpiece? Then get serious about the choice of seasonings.

Peppers - chili, allspice or black. The latter is added to many dishes, so its use is, in fact, unremarkable. Another thing is if chili is added along with black pepper. The dish immediately acquires "Mexican" notes. Or try replacing it with fragrant. It turns out very tasty.

Nutmeg. If you cook chicken with cheese or mushrooms, be sure to add this spice.

Curry. This is a great addition to grilled chicken. By the way, my friends, curry is a “team” spice. It consists of several spices: mustard, nutmeg, cumin, coriander and hot pepper.

Turmeric. This spice will give the dish original taste and a beautiful bright crust. Just do not overdo it with the spice - at first add it in a small amount.

Aromatic herbs - mint, sage, thyme, basil, marjoram. You can use them singly or in combination. They will give the chicken a divine taste.

marinade recipes

There are many options: from simple (in mayonnaise or vinegar) to exotic (in orange juice). I will introduce you to some of them today.

I have a huge request to you, friends. Be sure to unsubscribe when you cook chicken according to one of the options below. Express your opinion - the better to pickle. And if you know delicious option please share your recipe.

See chicken marinade recipes with mouth-watering photos. And you can get acquainted with one of the most original in the article - “grilled chicken on beer”.

How to make honey soy marinade

For 800 grams of hips, take:

  • 4 things. potatoes;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 2 tbsp. liquid honey + soy sauce;
  • ground pepper;
  • a pinch of coriander and the same amount of basil.

Mix soy sauce, spices, oil and honey in a bowl. Dip the thighs in this spicy mixture and leave for a couple of hours. Marinated Chicken Acquires honey aroma and a nice brown color.

I put in the sleeve of the thigh. Cut the potatoes into several pieces, season with spices. You can add 4 cups of orange. Pierce the sleeve with a knife a couple of times. Throw everything in a bag and cook at 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Try this chicken recipe - it's quick and easy. And my husband loves this dish.

Cooking meat in orange marinade

This recipe is for whole chicken. For a carcass weighing 1.5 kilos, you need:

  • 6-7 tablespoons soy sauce;
  • big orange;
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey;
  • 1 tsp paprika.

Rub the carcass with a mixture of peppers and leave for 10-15 minutes. Cut the citrus fruit in half and squeeze the juice out of it. Mixing Orange juice with honey, sauce and butter.

Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the carcass on it breast down. Pour the seasoning mixture over the meat. Then we send the chicken to the oven (it does not need to be preheated). Then we turn on the oven. You don't have to marinate the meat. The chicken will have enough time to feed on the spices. While the oven is warming up, and then even during cooking, the meat will be marinated.

During baking, the temperature in the oven should be 180-190 degrees. First, cook it for 35 minutes on one side. Then carefully flip over and bake for another 30 minutes on the other side.

Honey marinade for legs

I bring to your attention a special Asian version of the spicy mixture. It combines the contrast of sweetness and spiciness, plus it will give the chicken an incredible taste. In this way, you can cook chicken legs or drumsticks.

For a kilo of legs you need to take:

  • 6 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 3 tbsp honey;
  • a couple of garlic cloves;
  • 3 tbsp sesame oil;
  • black pepper (chopped);
  • ginger root (about 4 cm).

We chop the garlic. Grate the ginger. Next, in soy sauce, mix all the components of the marinade. Immerse the chicken in a fragrant mass and leave it here for 1-1.5 hours.

After laying the legs in a baking dish, previously lined with foil. Next, we send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. The meat is baked for about half an hour. Don't forget to flip the chicken a couple of times during cooking.

What flavor will fill your kitchen! I think that even those who live in a neighboring house will smell it & Well, your household will simply not be driven away from the kitchen. They will drop in here every now and then, hoping to hear the words: "Dinner is served."

How to make marinade on kefir

The meat cooked according to this recipe will turn out very tender and juicy. For 1.5 kg of chicken (we will cook the thighs), take:

  • 2 tbsp not too spicy mustard;
  • 500 ml of 1% kefir;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • a little ground hot pepper;
  • a pinch of dried basil

Mince the garlic. Then mix it with the rest of the marinade ingredients. Immerse the meat in this mixture and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

After we shift into a greased form and pour over the top kefir marinade. It is desirable that the thighs are completely covered with this fragrant mixture. To make it softer, cover the top of the form with foil, piercing it in several places with a knife. Next, we send the baking dish to the oven heated to 180 degrees. Set the cooking time to 30-40 minutes.

How to marinate poultry in mayonnaise

This option is very fast and easy. For a kilogram chicken, you will need 120 g of mayonnaise, 3-4 garlic cloves and salt + ground black pepper.

Grind the peeled garlic with a garlic chopper. Mix it with mayonnaise and pepper. Cut the chicken into 10 pieces. Separate the thighs, legs and wings. Next, separate the breast from the back. Then we cut the breast into 2 parts and the back into 2 parts. Immerse the chicken pieces in a fragrant mass for 1-1.5 hours. Then put them in a slightly oiled baking dish and place in a preheated oven.

The temperature in the oven during the roasting of the bird should reach 200 degrees. Cook the chicken for about 20 minutes, then add a little salt and turn over. We continue to bake the meat for another 15 minutes.

Whole Chicken Honey Mustard Marinade

In this way we will cook the whole bird. For a carcass weighing 1.5 kg you will need:

  • 2 tsp liquid honey;
  • 4 tbsp whole grain mustard;
  • 7 cloves of garlic (or a couple of tablespoons of dry);
  • 4 tbsp oils (preferably olive oil);
  • ground black pepper + salt.

Mix honey with 3 crushed garlic cloves, oil and mustard. Season with salt and pepper, then mix well. In this case, I advise you to salt the sauce immediately. I think that evenly salting a whole carcass at the end of cooking is unlikely to work. As a result, one part will come out too salty, and the second - undersalted.

We arrange the bird in a baking dish and thoroughly coat it with the prepared sauce. The remaining unpeeled garlic is washed and placed in the internal cavity of the carcass. We send the chicken to the oven and bake it at a temperature of 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Then carefully flip it over to the other side. And continue to bake at the same heat for another 30 minutes. Before removing the bird from the oven, check the meat for readiness.

Marinade for grilled chicken at home

A bird prepared according to this option will turn out like in a store. No one will suspect that you have made this dish for the first time. For it you will need the following products:

  • chicken (weighing up to 1.5 kg);
  • 2 tbsp grape or apple vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil;
  • fresh ginger root (up to 4 cm);
  • salt;
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds.

Grind the garlic, finely rub the ginger root. Then we combine honey with ginger and garlic gruel. We add vinegar with juice and oil there.

I recommend marinating the chicken in a bag. Pour the fragrant gruel here and place the carcass. Then close the bag and shake it well. This is necessary so that the spicy mass is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bird. Send the meat for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Then take the bird out of the bag, salt evenly and sprinkle sesame seeds. Next, put the carcass on a skewer. Secure the wings and legs with kitchen string. In the oven, place a baking sheet under the skewer - the fat from the chicken will drain there. Otherwise, after cooking the grilled chicken, you, like Cinderella, will be tearing out the oven. And your family at this time will gobble up the whole chicken, leaving you not even a piece &

So that the meat does not turn out to be overdried, I advise you to cook it in two stages. First, bake it for 30-40 minutes in the "grill" mode. Then switch the oven to normal mode. And continue to cook the bird for another 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

I am sure that chicken lovers will appreciate another recipe - “chicken tobacco”. It could very well become your signature dish.

Additional Tricks

If you decide to bake chicken in foil, remember that tightness is important in this cooking method. Otherwise, the meat juice will flow out, and the meat will turn out to be rather dry. Therefore, do not save foil - wrap pieces abundantly with it.

For frying in the oven, you can also use the baking sleeve. In this case, be sure to make punctures in the sleeve with a toothpick. This needs to be done in order for the steam to come out. Otherwise, the sleeve will begin to inflate and how it will bang. By the way, with potatoes and other vegetables, you will immediately make ready meal with garnish. I now add another half of the orange, cut into slices. It turns out very tasty.

Do not use fresh herbs to prepare the marinade. In the process of baking, it will turn black and spoil appearance dishes. The best option- replace greens with dried herbs. And if someone does not like the smell of burnt garlic in the oven, replace it with a dry one. It is sold in any store.

I have a lot of interesting things in store for you, so subscribe to updates. And that's all for today: for now.

Asian cuisine is gaining more and more popularity. The reason for this is not only the unique taste and aroma, but also the effect on appetite, digestion, and general health. And various spices, spices, sauces contribute to this.

Soy sauce is very good for many dishes. Consider various options using it for cooking chicken meat. Those who have tried it know how savory and tender the meat marinated in this sauce becomes. And for those who are still unfamiliar with the properties of soy sauce, we advise you to do this using one of the proposed recipes.

Chicken in soy sauce. Best Recipes

Recipe 1. Chicken breast in soy sauce

Chicken breast is very healthy, but a bit dry - everyone knows about it. This quality stops many. But if you try at least once while cooking chicken breast apply soy sauce, then love this category of chicken meat.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken breast (400 g);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- three tablespoons of vegetable oil and potato starch;

- chicken broth (half a glass);

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- sesame seeds (for sprinkling).

Cooking method:

Free the chicken breast from the bones and skin. Cut the fillet into strips.

Sprinkle the meat with soy sauce, leave for ten minutes.

Sprinkle the fillet, soaked in soy sauce the day before, with starch. Mix well.

Cut garlic cloves into cloves.

Heat the oil, put the chicken fillet and garlic in it.

Stirring almost continuously, fry. Spend about five minutes on this process, then pour in the broth.

Bring the ingredients to readiness, the dish - until thickened.

tasty fillet chicken breast is ready, it remains only to sprinkle with fried sesame seeds.

Recipe 2. Chicken thighs in soy sauce

Turn out very tasty chicken thighs marinated in vinegar and soy sauce. Yes, and garlic will make its own, very positive, adjustments to the taste of chicken meat.

If you keep the meat in the marinade longer, the result will be stunning - you will get tender meat that melts in your mouth.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken thighs (about one and a half kilograms);

- half a glass of vinegar and soy sauce;

- garlic (3 cloves);

Bay leaf and black ground pepper.

Cooking method:

Mix vinegar, soy sauce, chopped garlic, pepper, bay leaf.

Pour the washed thighs with this mixture. Soak them in the marinade for at least an hour. During this time, the meat must be turned at least once.

Bake in a preheated oven for about an hour.

Recipe 3. Chicken fillet in soy sauce

The meat will have to be marinated all night, so you will be able to taste this yummy only the next day. But the wait is worth it, you will want to enjoy the unusually soft and fragrant more than once. chicken meat.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken fillet (500 g);

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- sesame (2 tablespoons);

- grated ginger (2 tsp);

- vegetable oil (3 tablespoons).

Cooking method:

Chicken fillet, washed and dried, cut into pieces.

Mix sesame seeds, soy sauce, oil, ginger.

Fold the chicken into this marinade, leave overnight in a cold place.

And fry in the morning chicken fillet in vegetable oil. Let the fire be medium, and the meat should become ruddy.

Recipe 4. Chicken with honey and soy sauce

The most ordinary weekday dinner can suddenly turn into a festive one, all you have to do is add soy sauce, a little white wine and a spoonful of honey to the traditional chicken. Such a small thing, but how the aroma and taste of meat changes. And now you are no longer just chewing a piece in thought, but reaching for a plate with pleasure to take more and more.

Required Ingredients:

- chicken meat (600 g);

- one tablespoon of honey and dry white wine;

- soy sauce (3 tablespoons);

- vegetable oil (for frying);

- ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat and lightly beat off.

Mix honey with soy sauce and wine.

Put the meat into the heated oil, pour it with this delicious mixture.

The fire will need a strong one. Fry the chicken on it, shifting it, pouring it honey soy sauce.

Recipe 5. Chicken in soy sauce with oranges

A recipe for those who love a certain sweet note in meat dish. Chicken meat cooked according to it just melts in your mouth. And its aroma is so pleasant that it immediately causes an appetite.

The recipe calls for a chicken carcass. You can use chicken thighs, wings.

If you want thicker orange sauce, you can add a couple of tablespoons of starch to it.

The experiments don't stop there. Try honey instead of sugar. Add some ginger.

Required Ingredients:

- soy sauce (4 tablespoons);

- the same amount of sugar;

- mustard (2 tablespoons);

- garlic (4 cloves);

- oranges (4 pcs.);

- water (200 ml);

- chicken (about 1.5 kg).

Cooking method:

Boil oranges. To do this, they need to be peeled, cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, pour water. Water - one glass.

Bring to a boil, add sugar. Boil on low heat for no more than five minutes.

Set aside - let cool.

Meanwhile, peel and chop the garlic, mix it with soy sauce and mustard.

Pour this mixture into the almost cooled orange broth.

Cut the chicken into pieces, put in a baking dish. Don't forget to oil it first.

Turn on the oven, let it heat up to 200 degrees.

Pour sauce over chicken pieces from saucepan.

Bake the meat for three quarters of an hour.

Use high quality soy sauce in your kitchen. Only this is good for health. It has no place for flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers. Therefore, when buying a product, study the label - find out from what and how it is prepared. Know what is the most useful way manufacturing - fermentation soybeans.

Buy the sauce that is bottled in transparent glass container.

If you want to cook a very original chicken for the festive table, try, in addition to soy sauce, also use a jar canned pineapple. To 100 ml of syrup drained from a jar of pineapples, add 1/3 cup of soy sauce. Marinate meat in it. And when you put the chicken pieces on a baking sheet, cover each with a pineapple ring, pour over the remaining sauce and bake. At the very end of cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese. Get exotic mixed with the usual - in one dish.

This dish can truly be called special, because it surprisingly easily combines wonderful taste qualities, simplicity and high speed of preparation. Chicken in soy sauce in the oven will be a great treat for dinner, hearty snack to the festive table, and just the dish that you want to cook more than once.

If you stock up on a couple of recipes for its preparation, then you will definitely never “hit your face in the dirt”, because it will become yours. signature dish for all occasions.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce in the oven


  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 3 teeth + -
  • - taste + -
  • - 4 tablespoons + -
  • - taste + -

How to stew chicken marinated in soy sauce

Let's try it first classic recipe marinated chicken baked in the oven. The total cooking time for this recipe is 1 hour 20 minutes. To slightly diversify the taste of chicken hams - we will flavor them a small amount spices.

Special requirements are put forward for spices (they will be discussed in the article a little later), so absolutely any will not work for cooking. So that you do not wonder how and what to add, we advise you to immediately pay attention to the combination of fragrant garlic and ground black pepper.

How to marinate chicken in soy sauce

  • We cut the hams into 2 parts, place them in a deep container with soy sauce, sprinkle the chicken with chopped garlic and ground pepper.

Salt is not worth adding, because the sauce itself is quite salty.

  • Marinate chicken in soy sauce for 15-20 minutes.

Braised chicken with soy sauce in the oven

  • Next, put the pickled hams in a refractory dish, cover it with foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 50 minutes.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the foil so that our chicken can brown and acquire a delicious crisp.

Everything - marinated chicken in soy sauce, baked in the oven, is ready. Serve it hot with any side dish (stewed, boiled, fried potatoes; boiled rice; fresh salad, vegetables, etc.).

Chicken stewed in soy sauce: recipe with potatoes

Whole chicken in the oven in soy sauce, cooked with potatoes, is a treat no less refined and tasty than a single-baked chicken fillet or ham. The advantage of this preparation is the fact that the chicken side dish is cooked simultaneously with it.

To diversify the taste of the dish, we will add honey to soy sauce, thereby making one of the most salty sauces in the world, a little sweeter. In a word, be sure to try this recipe, you will not have to regret the efforts expended.


  • Chicken ( whole carcass) - 1 PC.;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Honey - 1 tsp;
  • Black ground pepper - to taste.

How to stew chicken in soy sauce with potatoes

Marinate poultry in soy sauce

  1. We wash the carcass under running cold water.
  2. Cut it in half with sharp knife in the center of the chest. Rub chicken on all sides with salt and pepper.
  3. Mix honey with soy sauce, mix everything thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass.
  4. With the resulting mixture, once again rub the chicken carcass on all sides. Thanks to this, when baking, the chicken will be covered with a ruddy-golden crust and will not lose its juiciness.

We bake marinated chicken in our own juice

  1. Lay the bird on a baking sheet with its back up.
  2. My potatoes, peel. Cut each potato in half and rub the halves (at the cut point) with salt.
  3. Arrange the salty potato halves (cut side down) on a baking sheet right around the chicken.
  4. Lubricate the top of the potato with vegetable oil, this will allow it not to “dry” when stewing.
  5. We heat the oven to 200 degrees, place a baking sheet in it with the future hot snack for 50-60 minutes.

In the process of cooking, the chicken will stand out fragrant juice, it will be possible for them, while the stewing lasts, to water the meat. This will allow you to get an even more reddened and appetizing bird.

10. When you see that the potatoes are softened, check if the chicken is still ready. Checking the readiness of the dish is simple, and you can do this with a knife: pierce the place that is right behind the wing with it, if the meat does not bleed, then it's ready. It is very important not to overdo the chicken in the oven, otherwise it will become "dry".

Before serving, cut the chicken baked in soy sauce into portions and serve them along with the baked potatoes on the table. In addition, it is not necessary to serve any ingredients, the appetizer is quite self-sufficient. Excess products and additives will only spoil its taste.

The only thing that does not hurt is a little finely chopped garlic or herbs, but it is not necessary to add them.

Should You Add Spices to Chicken?

Many chefs argue - are spices really necessary for chicken baked in salty sauce? As a rule, when cooking meat, 1-2 spices are always used, or even a mixture of spices.

  • However, for chicken stew with sauce, ingredients with a pronounced spicy taste better not to take (especially if the recipe includes the addition of honey).

"Strong" spices (such as: ginger, curry, saffron, " Provencal herbs”) interrupt the delicate taste of baked tender chicken.

  • Therefore, if you want to embellish the taste of your treat a little, then take lemon juice, garlic, ground black pepper or any other spices for cooking, the taste and smell of which do not interrupt, but subtly emphasize the main taste of the dish.

With simple yet effective tips and recipes, you can always quickly cook a miracle dish called "chicken in soy sauce in the oven." Incredible taste, heady aroma and crispy crust - this is what will not let you and your tasters forget about the treat for a very long time.

Bon appetit!

How to marinate chicken in soy sauce? Very simple, and most importantly - delicious! This marinade is suitable for both frying and baking, which is why it is versatile!

What parts of the chicken to marinate? But any, absolutely! Now I'll tell you how I did it. I took a whole chicken, cut it into pieces. Separately thighs, separately shins - I removed the skin from them. Separately, the wings, left the skin on them. I prepared these parts for baking in the oven.

I left the back (ridge) for cooking the broth, in terms of baking and frying it is useless, since there is practically no meat there, but soup, cabbage soup or just broth based on the back are good.

But she acted differently with the breast - she removed the skin and bone, and cut the fillet into several pieces and marinated in order to cook it later in a pan ... As you can see, the chicken can be very successfully divided into three different and full meals. But best marinade for chicken in the oven and in the pan, I used in two versions of the dishes, and we will talk about them.

In general, the topic of marinades is so wide and multifaceted, and now it is also popular, that many articles can be devoted to it. Not so long ago I prepared for you a selection for different meat- pork, chicken, beef, lamb. These recipes can also be used for further baking meat in the oven, and for frying in a pan, and for cooking on the grill. I hope you enjoy this collection of recipes too 😉

Well, now let's get back to the topic of how to marinate chicken in soy sauce, and take a closer look at all the cooking steps with step-by-step photos!


  • chicken - 1 piece (1400 g)
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • any vinegar 6-9% - 3 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil- 3 tablespoons
  • universal seasoning - 1 tsp
  • salt - to taste

To prepare the marinade base, I combined the three main ingredients in equal proportions - soy sauce, vinegar and sunflower oil. Now a little more about each of them.
There are a lot of varieties of soy sauce, especially with regard to Japanese. However, we often sell fakes in supermarkets. The production of soy sauce is not so easy and fast process, therefore, its cost cannot be low. If half a liter of soy sauce costs 50 rubles, you should not take it ... The composition should not contain any E (including E200 and E220). There should be no sediment! Otherwise, the product is more than dubious. In general, the best and most proven soy sauce is Kikkoman.
Now for the vinegar. This time I used apple, but rice, balsamic, wine or regular table is also suitable. The main thing is not to confuse it with 70% acetic acid;)
Well, and oil ... I always use fragrant for such a marinade unrefined oil. But if you do not like its taste, then you can take the peeled one. Its function in this case is to make the meat softer.

So, further spices were added to the marinade for chicken with soy sauce. I took an all-purpose seasoning that includes curry, paprika, red pepper, as well as dried onions, carrots, celery and parsley. You can use any spices to your taste, including the ready-made chicken seasoning package.
At this stage, I did not add salt to the marinade, since soy sauce already contains it. I salted it, and then a little bit, already during frying and baking.

Well mixed the resulting mass.

Prepared chicken parts, which I will bake in the future. I removed the skin from the shins and thighs, and left the wings as they are.

I laid out these parts of the chicken in the prepared delicious marinade for chicken in the oven. Mixed so that all the pieces were involved.

She removed the skin from the breast, separated the meat from the bone. The resulting fillet was cut into several parts.

I sent the breast to the rest of the chicken parts.

Mix well again so that all the meat is in the marinade.
The breast was left to marinate in it for 1 hour (if desired, the time can be increased), and the remaining parts - for 12 hours (if desired, you can adjust the time both up and down).
Here, in fact, is everything you need to know about how to marinate chicken in soy sauce.

Breast cooked in a pan:

After an hour of pickling, the breast was removed from the marinade and cut into more small pieces. However, everything is individual here - you can choose any convenient size and cutting format.

She laid out the pieces of breast on a heated dry frying pan, added 2 tablespoons of marinade. Fry for 5 minutes until the color changes over medium (or a little more) heat. did slow fire covered with a lid and simmered for 10 minutes. Then she removed the lid, increased the heat to high, salted it a little and fried it until the liquid evaporated. It took me literally two or three minutes to do this.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce, vinegar and oil is ready! You can serve it with any side dish. I have this rice. We also love it in this version with pasta. And you can cook potatoes (no matter how) or something from legumes, cereals.

Chicken marinated in soy sauce in the oven:

Well, now back to other parts of the chicken, which I marinated for half a day. I put them in a baking dish, poured all the marinade here. Salted a little. And sent to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

That's it, another chicken yummy is ready! You can serve any baked chicken parts both as a dish on its own and with a side dish. In any case, fresh herbs will not hurt here! ;)

I really like this simple and delicious recipe marinade: soy sauce + vinegar + sunflower oil. And it is very easy to remember, since all three liquid ingredients are taken in the same amount, which can be varied if desired. I hope this recipe works for you too. Yummy chicken! ;)

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