Homemade cream recipes for sponge cakes. Fruity and berry

Everyone's memories are different. Because the composition of the dough, if it changes, is insignificant, but there can be many variations of the filling. And it is she who will give the “sweet note of celebration” a special zest and originality. Cream recipes for sponge cake at experienced housewife always “on notice” - to surprise friends and family with something new. This is the most commonly used butter, and low-calorie curd, and “whipped cream” that melts in your mouth, and delicate custard or protein fillings - the sponge cake is good because it goes with almost anything. Each type of cream can be further diversified. By adding a little rum or cognac to the oil, we get a noble bitterness.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Vanilla will brightly decorate cottage cheese or custard. Sweetened condensed milk is good to use with sour cream or cream. A spoonful of cocoa can change the taste of your dish beyond recognition. That’s probably why everyone loves making these desserts so much. Uncomplicated in their execution, due to the variety of ingredients they turn out to be completely different from each other. Can be added to a treat fresh fruits. The sourness of kiwi or cherry will complement it favorably taste qualities. Banana, peach, pineapple will complement and reveal the elegance of the delicacy. Walnuts, almonds, coconut flakes will be an amazing highlight. And grated or hot chocolate can be a secret ingredient for any chef who wants to surprise others with a real masterpiece. When preparing a sponge cake, trust your imagination and grateful guests will probably offer up empty plates for more.

Sponge cake cream is the most delicious and everyone’s favorite component of the cake. The cream is capable of imparting a wide variety of flavors to the usual sponge cake, allowing you to prepare completely different confectionery, turn a trivial pie into a masterpiece.

The main advantage of the biscuit is its versatility. WITH biscuit dough Absolutely any type of cream can be combined, so it is impossible to describe how to prepare cream for a sponge cake in one post. The most common are sour cream, which adds sourness, fatty and rich butter, healthy and nutritious curd or yogurt cream, sweet and beloved by everyone without exception, chocolate or caramel cream based on condensed milk.

This or that cream is prepared depending on the desired calorie content of the dish, taste or additional ingredients. It's hard to say which one is better. For example, a cake with berries and fruits goes perfectly with cottage cheese, yogurt or sour cream. Chocolate cake We recommend supplementing with thick butter cream. We recommend making dessert with nuts with caramel cream from boiled condensed milk.

We offer proven cream recipes. Their preparation is not difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Photo of simple sour cream for cake

Sour cream is not as high in calories as butter cream, and less sweet than protein cream. Great for cakes with fresh or canned fruit and berries, has a pleasant sourness and will be appreciated by those who do not like sugary desserts. The most popular sponge cakes are a cake with cherries and sour cream or a cake with fruit and sour cream. The cakes are light, juicy, tender, and do not overload the body with fats and carbohydrates.

Recipe ingredients:

  • fat sour cream (from 30%) 2 glasses
  • sugar 1 cup
  • vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the cooled sour cream with a mixer at medium speed, gradually adding sugar.
  2. At the very end, add vanilla sugar. Use immediately while the cream is fluffy.

Photo of the lung curd cream for cake

Curd cream for sponge cakes is considered one of the most healthy and low-calorie. Pairs well with berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants), fresh and canned fruits (apricots, plums, peaches). To get a thick layer of cream, it is recommended to thicken the cream with gelatin.

Recipe ingredients:

  • cottage cheese 500 g.
  • heavy cream (30%) 250 ml.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • gelatin 20 g.
  • berries (optional) 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 150 grams of gelatin warm water. Leave to swell for 30 minutes. Heat the swollen gelatin, stirring, until completely dissolved. Refrigerate.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to obtain homogeneous mass no lumps.
  3. Beat the cream with a blender into a fluffy mass, gradually adding sugar. Add cottage cheese, stir. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste.
  4. Pour gelatin into the cream in a thin stream. Add washed and dried berries. Stir gently. The cream and cottage cheese is ready.

Photo of thick chocolate cream for cake

Chocolate cream according to this recipe is suitable for white and chocolate sponge cakes. It can also be served as an independent dessert. The cream turns out thick, dense, and goes well with juicy soaked sponge cakes. It's quick and easy to prepare. The calorie content of the cream is high, so enjoy the cake with chocolate cream it is necessary in moderation.

Recipe ingredients:

  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • sugar 1.5 cups
  • butter 400 g.
  • cocoa powder 3 tbsp. spoons
  • water 100 ml.
  • cognac (rum, chocolate liqueur) 2 tbsp. spoons

Method for preparing chocolate cream for sponge cake:

  1. Make syrup from sugar and 100 milliliters of water. To do this, mix sugar with water and cook, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Skim off the foam that forms when the syrup boils. Set aside to cool.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the eggs into a fluffy mass. Gradually add cooled sugar syrup.
  3. Beat the softened butter with cocoa powder. Add the egg mixture and cognac. Continue whisking until smooth. Most delicious cream ready.

Photo of fruit yoghurt cream for cake

Cakes with yoghurt cream the best gift for girls who are trying to keep themselves in shape. With their appearance, it became possible to enjoy a delicious cake without harming your figure. Yogurt itself is a valuable fermented milk product containing lactic acid bacteria that are important for the body, so desserts using it are not only tasty, but also healthy. It is preferable to give such cakes to children. They are light, low-calorie, and delicious. Try making fruit yoghurt cream at home. It is possible that it will become a frequent treat for your family.

Recipe ingredients:

  • yogurt 500 ml.
  • cream (30%) 1 cup
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • fruit juice 1 glass
  • gelatin 30 g.

Method for preparing yoghurt cream for sponge cake:

  1. Soak the gelatin in the juice to swell, as directed on the package.
  2. Whip the chilled cream into a foam, gradually adding powdered sugar. If you use juice from packages, keep in mind that it is quite sweet. The amount of powder can be reduced.
  3. Heat the swollen gelatin. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool slightly. Combine yogurt, whipped cream and gelatin. Stir carefully.
  4. If desired, you can add pieces of fruit or whole berries to the yogurt cream - raspberries, strawberries, peaches. The cream hardens, holds its shape well, and can be used under mastic. To get a thick layer of cream, layer it in several stages, waiting for the previous layer to harden a little.

Photo buttercream for biscuit with condensed milk

The most common cream is a cream based on boiled condensed milk. Familiar, known since childhood home taste, delicate creamy consistency, ease of preparation - thanks to these qualities, the cream is most often prepared for layering sponge cakes. Pairs perfectly with white and chocolate biscuit, with cakes soaked in regular syrup or fancy alcohol. Thick buttercream made with boiled condensed milk can be used to decorate desserts; it holds its shape and does not flow at room temperature.

Recipe ingredients:

  • boiled condensed milk 400 g.
  • butter 200 g.
  • cream (30%) 200 g.
  • cognac 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Beat softened butter with boiled condensed milk and cognac.
  2. Separately, whip the cold cream into foam. Carefully combine the masses. The cream is ready.
  3. If you want to use cream to decorate the cake, it is better not to add cream. They make the cream airy and soft, but they hold the pattern worse.
Since the cream for the sponge cake is the main component of the dessert, on which the success of the dish depends, it is worth paying special attention to its preparation. Tips and tricks from experienced confectioners on how to prepare biscuit cream correctly will help you avoid mistakes:
  • To prepare sour cream, you need thick, fatty sour cream, from 30% and above. If you couldn’t find one, you can make regular 20% sour cream thicker. To do this, pour the sour cream into a colander previously lined with gauze or a linen napkin. Leave to stand for 3-4 hours. Excess whey will drain and the sour cream will become thicker.
  • Before whipping sour cream or cream, they need to be well cooled. Warm dairy products will remain liquid and you won’t get a fluffy cream.
  • The butter cream will not be as high in calories if you replace part of the butter in the recipe with thick semolina porridge with milk.
  • If you use cream with gelatin, spread the cakes in the cake pan. The cream will not float, but ready product will retain the correct round shape.
  • Instead of sugar, add powdered sugar to the cream. This will help avoid situations where the sugar has not dissolved and causes an unpleasant crunch on the teeth.
  • Don't be afraid to change the proportions in the above recipes yourself. Quality finished cream Will not change. Only the taste will change slightly.

For cream:

  1. butter – 250 g
  2. milk – 150 g
  3. powdered sugar – 200 g
  4. vanillin – 1 sachet

This is my second attempt at baking biscuits and it was very successful. Having read about the incredible difficulties of baking a sponge cake, for the first time I took a “very simple” recipe with the addition of (or soda). He came up, he was tall, but I didn’t like him at all. Made from the failed 1st biscuit.

I decided to make a classic sponge cake.

And I succeeded!!! I am sharing this recipe with you.

What we need: 5 eggs, 1 glass of sugar and 1 glass of flour. A glass for me (and as far as I understand Slavic cooking) is a classic faceted glass for 250 ml of liquid. I have beautiful glasses at home with the same volume (tested).

3 products for sponge cake: eggs, flour, sugar

Start beating the eggs with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. The mass will gradually increase. Beating with a mixer means whisking. I have a powerful mixer and it took 5-7 minutes to beat the eggs with sugar. The mass increases gradually and will eventually be 3-4 times larger than the original volume.

The egg mixture for the biscuit should be viscous and white. Some recipes say that you need to beat for about 30 minutes. If you use your hands, then no less accurately. But if there were no technology, my impulse “let me make a sponge cake” would quickly pass. It's very monotonous and long. But 20 years ago all these wonderful cakes were prepared by hand)))

Now take the sifted and measured flour (1 cup) and carefully mix it into the biscuit mass. Use a spatula to mix gently. Since a real sponge cake is prepared without soda, the dough rises precisely due to well-beaten eggs.

As experts say: a lot of bubbles form in them.

Prepare the baking dish. First, we take the one that has a detachable side.

And second: from parchment paper Cut out a circle the size of the bottom of the mold.

Line the bottom with paper and sprinkle the bottom with flour.

Pour into a baking dish. The flour should mix very well. Therefore, I once again knead it thoroughly with a spatula, right in the mold.

And in order to prevent a “hill” from forming on the sponge cake after baking (an uneven top layer, which is then difficult to place in the cake), we cover the pan with foil. Apparently, when the biscuit starts to rise strongly in the center, the foil prevents it from “coming out” and “sits down”. This is important because the sponge cake is usually cut into cake layers, which must be the same.

You can grease the foil a little with butter so that if the biscuit rises to the foil, it will then come off easily.

By the time you put the biscuit in the oven, it should be well heated. That's why I turn it on before I start whipping the biscuit mixture.

Temperature – 180 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes.

Reduce the temperature to 160-170 and bake for another 30 minutes.


After 1 hour, turn off the oven and let the biscuit cool. You can take it out, or you can let it cool right in the oven.

Remove and place on a towel or flat plate.

The biscuit is ready!!!

Cut into cakes.

I have with diameter molds 26 cm, turned out to be 4.5 cm high. The cake will be large in size. If you want a tall cake, then you need to take the form diameter 21 cm. Then the biscuit will be 6 centimeters high and it can be cut not into 2, but into 3 or 4 layers.

Preparing the cream for the biscuit. The cream is very delicate and tasty.

I took both of these recipes (biscuit and cream) from different forum pages of Anastasia Skripkina’s website.

We take milk room temperature. Softened butter (which has been left out of the refrigerator for several hours).

If I don’t have powder at home, I make it in a coffee grinder from sugar in seconds. Simple, cheap and natural.

Place all ingredients in a mixer bowl. Beat with a whisk at low speed (this cream cannot be whipped with a blender). This procedure will take you about 5 minutes. Look at the photo below. At some point, you may feel like the oil has separated and nothing will work. Everything is fine. Continue whisking.

The cream turns out delicate and holds its shape well on the cakes.

To make this cream beautiful on a sponge cake, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for a while. I filled a pastry syringe with cream and put it in it to “cool” for 20 minutes.

Now spread the cream on the bottom cake layer. We put the 2nd one on it. Spread the cream on the top cake layer. And now for some decorations.

Wonderful sponge cake with delicate cream ready.

In reality, you don’t need much pure time to prepare. More time is spent waiting for it to bake.

So you can often pamper your household with such a biscuit. A piece of biscuit is a tender cake.

Bon appetit from the Tastier at Home website.

simple sponge cake with cream

Some novice cooks often ask themselves this question: “What kind of cream would be best to use for this?” And to avoid this question, I decided to write this article, where, based on my past experience, I will say right away: in terms of its consistency, it must be quite stable in order for it to confidently stay inside.

Take, for example: the cream is too liquid, in which case it will flow under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy and thoroughly soaked. Also, the cream for the layer should not be too thick, because it will be dry and not gentle enough.

So, in today’s article we will analyze the recipes for the most delicious creams for sponge cake, which have been personally tested by me and my friends more than once. Of course, the taste qualities of all recipes will be different, but for this I will try to explain as clearly as possible what the end result will be and you can choose the one you like best. I also recommend studying.

If you follow all the recommendations listed above, you will succeed tender mass, which can be supplemented with sour cream or butter. I would like to note that this filling turns out to be very light. And besides, it can be used not only for making cakes, but also for cookies, waffles and pastries.


  • Butter 82.5% - 180 g
  • condensed milk - 120 g
  • cognac - 1 tsp
  • vanillin optional.

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare everything necessary products, after which we start cooking. Place the softened butter in a deep bowl and beat it with a mixer for 4-5 minutes.

Then add condensed milk, vanilla if desired and one teaspoon of cognac. Then we bring it to a homogeneous state.

Cognac not only imparts a subtle and pleasant aroma, but the taste is simply amazing.

Then we put this wonderful cream in the refrigerator for 10-12 minutes, and then use it for its intended purpose.

How to make cream from sour cream

There are several good ways How to make sour cream filling for a cake at home. One of them will be presented in this article.


  • Sour cream 20% – 680 g
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • butter - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

In order for all excess liquid to escape, preferably overnight or for 5-7 hours, hang the sour cream in gauze. We transfer it to a small saucepan and add sugar here (the amount is indicated above).

In the meantime, we need to cut the softened butter and beat it with a mixer or in a food processor.

Now add the cooled sour cream mixture in small portions to the whipped butter and bring until smooth.

This is such a soft and elastic cream.

Chocolate fudge with cream

Recently I suddenly wanted to bake sponge cake. The fudge had to be prepared for him from the ingredients that were in the refrigerator - whipping cream and dark chocolate. It was decided to make the filling from these components.


  • Dark chocolate – 400 gr
  • cream - 400 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour the cream into a saucepan and place it over medium heat. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

While the cream is still hot, combine it with the prepared chocolate and mix thoroughly until smooth.

After all the chocolate has dissolved, we place this mass in the refrigerator, but not in a set-and-forget-it way, but be sure to take it out every 10-15 minutes and stir it. This procedure took me about 1 hour. Then we take a mixer and bring our mixture to a thickness, where we beat for the first 1-2 minutes at low speed, and then at full power we bring it to a thicker consistency.

This is such a wonderful chocolate cream.

Recipe with mascarpone

This is the recipe I most often use to make this dessert. Because it is suitable not only for sponge cakes and cupcakes, but also for eclairs, which generally turn out amazing!


  • Mascarpone cheese – 300 gr
  • sugar - 150 gr
  • vanilla – 10 g
  • heavy cream - 600 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Place the prepared ingredients listed above in a deep bowl and begin to beat at low speed for 1.5 minutes.

2. Then gradually increase the speed and bring it to a fluffy, smooth and very tasty cream.

3. This is a real lifesaver when your guests are already on the doorstep. You can make cakes with it or put it in bowls and serve with your favorite berries or cookies.

Preparing cream from boiled condensed milk


  • Butter - 400 gr
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 g
  • regular condensed milk - 400 g
  • orange extract - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

Using a mixer, beat the softened butter in small portions until it turns slightly white.

Now we also add in parts boiled condensed milk and mix thoroughly.

Next, add regular condensed milk, one teaspoon of orange extract, or a few teaspoons of finely grated orange zest and beat again.

The finished filling is quite stable, suitable for both layering cakes and forming roses.

Video on how to make fruit cream

Banana fudge is incredibly tasty and aromatic. A win-win option that will appeal not only to little sweet lovers, but also to adults.

Bon appetit!!!

Anyone who wants to bake a sponge cake will need a good dough recipe and original ideas in order to assemble a beautiful and tasty treat worthy of a festive feast. Such delicacies will decorate and children's party, and an adult table.

To bake delicious sponge cake layers, the recipe described below will help you cope with the task perfectly; it is important to follow clear recommendations, verified experienced chefs. Classic sponge cake It is baked without baking powder, but you can add it to be sure of a magnificent result.


  • eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar – 200 g;
  • flour – 250 g;
  • baking powder and vanillin.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and place the first ones in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Mix flour with baking powder.
  3. Beat the yolks until foamy.
  4. Beat the whites until stiff peaks form, gradually adding powder.
  5. Add the yolks and mix with a spatula.
  6. Add flour in portions, kneading the batter.
  7. Pour the dough into the mold and bake in the oven for 60-70 minutes at 170 degrees.

To bake a sponge cake crust without any hassle, a simple recipe can be implemented using a multicooker. This device has proven itself well in the preparation of biscuits, pies and other baked goods. The cake comes out dense, fluffy, finely porous; after complete cooling, it easily separates into thin layers and you can confidently assemble a birthday cake from it.


  • eggs – 6 pcs.;
  • sugar and flour - 250 g each;
  • vanilla and baking powder.


  1. Beat the eggs into a fluffy foam, adding sugar. Continue running the mixer for 10 minutes.
  2. Add flour, baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Pour into a bowl, bake for 1 hour in the “Baking” mode.
  4. Once cooled, the delicious sponge cake layers can be cut.

Homemade sponge cake can be prepared without using an oven or multicooker, just a frying pan and good recipe, which will help realize the idea in at its best. Cook over low heat, cover with a lid. The base for the cake is prepared in several stages, the result should be 3-4 cake layers.


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • flour and sugar - 200 g each;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy.
  2. Add sour cream, baking powder and vanillin.
  3. Stir in flour with a spatula.
  4. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls, pour 1/4 of the dough, cover with a lid.
  5. Bake 4 layers, so thick pancakes on both sides.
  6. The preparation of sponge cake layers is completed by completely cooling them and soaking them in cream.

Cream for a cake with sponge cakes is an integral part in the process of creating a delicacy. Not only does its quality depend on appearance treats, but also its final taste.

  1. An important point in the process of preparing delicacies is the impregnation of the base. A cake made from ready-made sponge cakes needs to be thoroughly soaked in syrup. It is prepared from water and sugar: 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar are mixed with 6 tbsp. spoons of water and cook until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Aromatic impregnations are prepared on the basis of classic syrup, supplementing the composition with cognac, rum, and liqueur.
  3. Non-alcoholic impregnations can be prepared by adding syrup citrus zest, espresso or fruit juice concentrates.
  4. The next step in assembling the treat is choosing the cream. It all depends on the imagination of the cook or the chosen recipe; a cake made from sponge cakes goes well with custard, cream, sour cream, citrus curd, and cream cheese.

The original one will help transform a boring delicacy into a festive treat that can surprise even sophisticated guests. Taking into account the taste preferences of those with a sweet tooth, you can adjust the final result of the cake.

  1. The most common filling option is fruits and berries. They can be used in fresh or frozen.
  2. A good filling would be berry confiture with pieces of fruit; this filling is combined with light butter cream.
  3. Often, as an additional layer, a jelly layer with chopped fruits or berries is used.
  4. A crumbly meringue filling will transform the most boring recipe; for this option, use condensed milk cream.

Prepares quickly and with almost no hassle a delicious cake from ready-made sponge cakes, it will take no more than half an hour to create and one hour to soak. Any cream will do, for which there is food in the refrigerator, and the cakes themselves can be baked in advance, because prepared according to the classic recipe, they can be stored for several weeks without going stale.


  • sponge cake – 1 piece;
  • sugar syrup - ½ tbsp.;
  • cream 33% - 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • berries - 1 handful.


  1. Beat the cream and sugar until fluffy.
  2. Cut the cake in half, soak in syrup.
  3. Grease one cake with cream, cover with the second, spread the remaining cream, decorate with berries.
  4. The sponge cake is soaked for an hour.

Very original and unusual cake made from broken sponge cakes will remind all those with a sweet tooth classic tiramisu, because the delicacy is prepared according to a similar recipe, only instead of savoiardi a soft sponge cake is used. You can arrange the treat in a large form, pre-lined with film, or in portioned glasses.


  • biscuit – 1 pc.;
  • coffee – 150 ml;
  • Baileys – 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • mascarpone – 500 g;
  • cream 33% - 400 ml;
  • grated chocolate for decoration.


  1. Break or cut the cake.
  2. Mix coffee with liqueur.
  3. Whip the cream with powder and add the mascarpone.
  4. Each piece of sponge cake is dipped in coffee-liqueur syrup, placed in a mold, generously layered with cream.
  5. Sprinkle the broken sponge cake with chocolate and cool for 2 hours.

Sponge cake with sour cream

Even a beginner in cooking can make a cake from ready-made sponge cakes with sour cream, because to create an excellent delicacy you will need products that are widely available and sold in every store. You need to choose sour cream that is fatty, at least 25%; to obtain a dense consistency, use a special thickener.


  • sponge cake – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 25% - 400 ml;
  • thickener for sour cream – 1 sachet;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • sugar syrup – ½ tbsp.


  1. Cut the sponge cake into 3 thin layers.
  2. Soak each with syrup.
  3. Beat sour cream with sugar, add thickener, mix.
  4. Grease the cakes with cream and assemble the cake.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Sponge cake with condensed milk - recipe

A cake made from sponge cakes with condensed milk is the easiest way to treat your family with an excellent dessert for tea. This delicacy does not require long-term soaking; as a rule, boiled condensed milk is used, supplemented with crushed nuts, and bananas can be used as filling; they go well with this cream.


  • biscuit – 1 pc.;
  • boiled condensed milk – 1 b.;
  • mix of crushed nuts - 1 tbsp.;
  • bananas – 2 pcs.;
  • cognac syrup – ½ tbsp.


  1. Cut the biscuit into 2-3 layers.
  2. Soak in syrup.
  3. Mix condensed milk with nuts, grease the cake.
  4. Place the banana slices and cover with the second cake layer.
  5. Decorate ready cake cream, sprinkle with nuts and place banana slices on top.

The choice of biscuit cakes is determined based on your own preferences. Choose fresh seasonal fruits or frozen preparations, soak them in light butter or sour cream; syrup can be omitted, given the juiciness of the fruits. The biscuit must be completely cooled; it must be divided into thin cakes.


  • biscuit – 1 pc.;
  • strawberries – 200 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • pear – 1 pc.;
  • crushed nuts - ½ tbsp.;
  • cream 33% - 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g.


  1. Whip cold cream with powder into a thick cream.
  2. Cut the biscuit into 3 layers.
  3. Soak each cake with cream, lay out plates of fruits and berries.
  4. Decorate with cream and remaining fruit, sprinkle with nuts.
  5. Refrigerate for 2 hours.

For the cake you can buy it in the confectionery department of almost any market, if you want to bake the base yourself, use classic recipe, replacing an equal part of the flour with cocoa powder. Soak the treat in alcohol or coffee syrup; ganache is ideal as a filling.


  • chocolate biscuit – 1 pc.;
  • coffee – 150 ml;
  • cream – 400 ml;
  • dark chocolate – 200 g;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g.


  1. Heat the cream with powdered sugar without allowing it to boil.
  2. Throw in the broken chocolate, melt it in hot cream, stirring and warming for about 5 minutes.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Cut the sponge cake into 3 layers, soak in coffee and ganache.
  5. Decorate with chocolate cream on top and leave to soak for 2-4 hours.

It’s not at all difficult to make, for making bright delicacy it is better to use special gel food colorings, the amount used is very small, so the treat is not harmful. If you want to make a natural treat, use fruit or vegetable juices.