Creamy caramel dessert. Cream caramel: recipe

In fact, preparing it is easy. Since there are no complex ingredients in the recipe, the dish will also come out quite easy on the budget.

Recipe #1 Classic


  • 5 eggs
  • 800 ml milk
  • 2 g vanilla
  • 300 g sugar (or powdered sugar)
  • 6 ceramic molds

Start by bringing the milk and vanilla to a boil in a saucepan. Turn off the fire and leave the milk to cool for 15 minutes. While it is cooling, prepare the caramel.

Make sure that there are no children around you, because the slightest drop of hot caramel can harm them. You, too, be careful.

So, mix half the sugar with 2 tablespoons of water in a heavy bottomed saucepan.

After a while, the mixture will begin to boil, the water will evaporate.

Slowly, the sugar begins to melt.

Gradually it acquires a brown tint. Cook over medium heat until browned, stirring all the time to melt any lumps. Watch the caramel so it doesn't burn.

As soon as we have caramel of the color we need, quickly remove the saucepan from the heat.

And while the caramel is hot, quickly pour it into prepared ceramic molds for baking our dessert.

Note! As soon as the caramel hits the mold, it begins to cool. Therefore, quickly turn your hand so that the still liquid caramel spreads over the entire bottom.

So, as I said, pour caramel into the bottom of each mold.

Set the molds aside for the caramel to cool completely. Soak the empty pan in hot water for 4 minutes, and then wash with detergent.

And you can start beating eggs. Beat eggs with remaining sugar. Whisk for 3 minutes.

Then mix the whipped mixture with the cooled milk, stirring well.

Then pour the egg-milk mixture into ceramic molds, filtering it through a strainer.

When all the molds are filled, put them on a baking sheet and pour hot water into the baking sheet so that it covers the molds by three-quarters.

Put in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, and bake for half an hour. Exactly half an hour later, take out the baking sheet, remove the molds from the water and let them cool.

Then cover each mold with cling film and refrigerate for at least 6 hours. I must say that such a dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and only benefits from this. I was in a hurry to try it and tried it warm. I do not recommend. It is said - to cool, so you need to wait. A completely different taste.

And then, after 6 hours (well, you can already after 3-4: o) get the molds from the refrigerator. Place each in a bowl of hot water for 30-60 seconds. And then - carefully separate the dessert from the edges of the mold with a knife. Cover the mold with a plate and turn over. If you feel that nothing is happening: the cream with caramel does not come off, then you need to firmly hold the plate near the mold and shake the mold. It pops off like a cutie!

Do this with the number of molds you need. And voila! Cream caramel is ready.

Recipe number 2 "For two"

Due to the current economic situation in the country in the culinary field, you can’t really go wild. However, this is not a problem. If you have several eggs, sugar, cream and milk on hand, then consider that you have an anti-crisis and simple dessert recipe in stock - caramel cream.


  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Words - 33% 300 ml
  • Vanillin - 0.5 tsp
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Water - 60 ml

So, first you need to make caramel. Mix half of the sugar with 60 ml of water in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Cook over medium heat until browned, stirring all the time. Watch the caramel carefully so it doesn't burn.

Immediately pour the caramel into the molds and cool.

You can start preparing the cream. Place the saucepan over medium heat. Pour in milk, cream, add half of the remaining sugar and bring to a boil.

Using a whisk, mix the remaining sugar with the egg yolks and the egg.

Remove the saucepan with the milk mixture from the heat and start pouring the egg mixture into it, stirring everything vigorously. If lumps form during whipping, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Now take the caramel molds and pour in the creamy mixture. Take a deep mold and put molds in it. Pour room temperature water into a baking dish so that it half covers the egg mixture and caramel tins. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes.

You can check the readiness of caramel cream by lightly shaking the mold. If the dessert in the mold trembles a little, then it can be put in the refrigerator.

So, take the molds out of the water, cool a little at room temperature and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, preferably overnight.

Take the caramel cream out of the refrigerator. Pry gently with a dessert spoon or thin knife, then set the appliance aside and quickly invert the dessert onto a flat plate.

Video recipes for dessert "Cream caramel"

Cream caramel - a delicious dessert made from simple products without oil and flour

Step by step recipe for cream caramel

. eggs - 3 pcs.
. yolk - - 2 pcs.
. sugar - - 2 tbsp.
. vanilla pod
. milk - 300 ml
. cream (not less than 20%) -300 ml

For caramel:
. sugar - 3 tbsp.
. 1 st. l. water

Cooking process:
1) Prepare caramel. Pour 3 tablespoons into a saucepan. sugar and pour 1 tbsp. l. cold water. Cook over low heat until the syrup has a light coffee color.
2) Pour the finished caramel into the mold. Make a few circular movements with the mold so that the caramel evenly covers the entire inner surface. Set aside.
3) Bring milk and cream to a boil with vanilla bean pulp or vanilla sugar. Let it brew for 10 min.
4) Mix eggs and yolks with sugar, pour in a thin stream while stirring hot milk with vanilla
5) Strain the cream through a fine sieve into a separate bowl.
6) Pour the cream into a mold with caramel.
7) Put in another larger form. Pour hot water into it so that it reaches the middle of the walls of the mold with caramel. Cook in an oven preheated to 165 ° C-170 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
8) Remove the cream caramel from the oven and cool. Cover the form with a serving dish, turn over and carefully remove from the dessert. Serve warm or chilled.

It is not for nothing that dessert is served last, because this is the most delicate dish that is more pleasant to eat without feeling hungry. The French know a lot about making sweets and tourists from all over the world flock to their treats like moths to a flame. The most popular recipe in the sweet menu is "Cream Caramel". This dessert will do honor to any housewife if she manages to produce it with precision.

This caramel miracle is based on the French dessert Creme Brulee, the variations of which resemble the taste of ice cream known since childhood.

Why do we love sweets?

The question is not as simple as it seems, because many nutritionists unanimously talk about the dangers of sweets, calling sugar a sweet death and claiming that numerous flavorings contribute to the rapid damage to tooth enamel. Aren't young children encouraged to replace desserts with fruit? And the girls who follow the figure prefer a lettuce leaf to a piece of cake. Despite all the excuses, it is incredibly difficult to resist a fresh fragrant dessert. Therefore, people go to all sorts of tricks, compromises with their figure and, going abroad, combine business with pleasure, that is, they get to know another country and enjoy gastronomic delights.

Sweet dishes are universal, because it is desserts that are ordered by friends at a fleeting meeting. Desserts can be eaten during a business meeting or a romantic date. It would be rather strange at a meeting with a lover to gobble up a meatloaf with an appetite or scoop up borscht with a spoon, while sucking on the bone. In addition, doctors all over the world unanimously claim that sweets are a powerful aphrodisiac that pushes for romantic exploits.

french bliss

France… Even the sound of this country is delightful and romantic. After all, this is a whole world of creators, artists and fashion designers, chefs and sommeliers. World connoisseurs of wines and delicious food live here, the most slender women and the most gallant (according to rumors) men. And French desserts just make you dizzy and those who have tasted them once are forever captured by sweet captivity. Many dishes cannot be repeated in your own kitchen, since such ingredients are not produced in our country. Is it really possible to taste gastronomic bliss only in his homeland?

Some desserts are successfully obtained in any part of the world, which cannot but please the world's sweet tooth. For example, cream caramel is a favorite dessert of the French, a delicious cake that delights and inspires romantic feelings.

We cook ourselves

What is the original recipe for "Cream Caramel"? To be honest, there is nothing out of the ordinary in the line-up. A simple housewife with some temporary reserve will be able to please her family with the most delicate dessert prepared in a couple of hours. At home there is an integral form about 7-8 centimeters high? Then it will be easier to cook. In order not to cut yourself in portions, it is better to use a form, moreover, of an impressive diameter. It's so sad to taste an amazing delicacy and realize that you won't be able to take supplements. It is not necessary to lubricate the form. If the Cream Caramel dessert is prepared at home, the recipe is somewhat simplified, but it does not lose its taste.

The first step is to attend to the preparation of the caramel layer. It is possible that salivation will increase during cooking, as aromas appear already in the first minute. You will need sugar, about 5-6 tablespoons. Cream needs about 500 grams of cream, and not the lowest fat content. Let's add another half a glass of sugar, a couple of eggs and Now it's time to think about a cupcake, because without it the Cream Caramel cake will not be complete. Its recipe resembles an ordinary biscuit with the difference that one egg, half a glass of sugar, in equal parts butter and milk is enough. To make the cake airy, add a teaspoon of baking powder.

In addition, they put a glass of flour, a few tablespoons of cocoa, as well as vanillin and salt to taste.

The process has begun

Who didn't make homemade caramel as a child? It turns out exclusively natural and easy to prepare. Over low heat, sugar is brought to a golden color. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise it will give the burnt gourmet dessert "Cream Caramel". The recipe allows you to add a few tablespoons of water to sugar to make the caramel more liquid and viscous. After reaching the desired consistency, the container is removed from the fire and cooled. For creme brulee, all components are whipped at high speed with a mixer. The cake layer is prepared using the same technology. By this time, the caramel solidifies in the pan and creme brulee can be poured on top. And the cupcake base is placed in the center. Do not be afraid to pour it locally into the center, as during the baking process it will be distributed over the entire surface.

The future cake has already passed the first stage and it's time to send it to the steam bath, for which the container with sweetness must be placed in an empty mold with boiling water. There should be enough water so that its level reaches above the middle of the cake pan.

The stove bakes

A complex structure must be sent to the oven, which is already preheated to 180 degrees. The dessert will stay there for about an hour. You need to get the finished dessert, cool it in the refrigerator for 6 hours or even all night. The caramel that makes up the bottom layer will dissolve and give syrup. The excess of the latter must be drained so that the cake does not receive excess liquid, which the recipe does not tolerate. Cream caramel must be turned over and the collected syrup should be poured onto a dish. The most delicate dessert is best tasted cold, but washed down with hot coffee or tea. The dish is very delicate, but very high in calories, so if the eaters worry about the figure, then there will be no proper pleasure. Want to eat without remorse? Then you can slightly alter the recipe! Cream caramel will turn out no worse if you take dry milk instead of liquid milk, and replace a large amount of sugar with condensed milk or even a sweetener. If the recipe contains only egg whites, then there will be less fat, although the taste will change slightly. The cupcake base is prepared depending on the fantasy, so do not strictly adhere to the recommendations. You can make the base zebra or cheese, if you add a little cream cheese or cottage cheese.

Little tricks

The French primarily appreciate the aesthetics and indescribable beauty of the dish. Eating is a real ceremony, during which there is no place for haste, gluttony or carelessness.

At the same time, French women allow themselves almost everything, but in moderate doses, which is why they are famous for their thin waists. The French dessert "Crème Caramel", the recipe of which excites chefs all over the world, is high in calories due to the eggs, flour, butter and sugar used in the cooking process, but at the same time it is completely natural and unusually airy. It cannot be swallowed whole, but must be eaten, enjoying every bite. Then saturation comes faster and one serving is enough for two. The cold dessert melts in your mouth and becomes especially tasty if you hold it longer in the cold. If you hold the caramel on fire until caramel color, then the aroma becomes more saturated and bright, and the excess sweetness goes away. Cooks advise whisking egg whites and yolks separately from each other, as individually they turn out to be more airy and tender. After whipping and combining with milk, the mixture is recommended to be filtered through a sieve. If the oven is too hot, it is not forbidden to grease the molds with butter. By the way, for a piquant taste of caramel, you can add a spoonful of lemon juice to it before removing it from the heat. It is better to close the finished dessert with cling film so that it does not absorb foreign odors and does not become stale, and when removing from the mold, you need to run a wet knife around the edges and turn the cake over.

In a slow cooker

Chic restaurants serve their own varieties of the most delicate dessert. But many people order the "Cream Caramel" cake (recipe "Master Chef"), which was made in the final by one of the participants in such a show. Now it has become easier to cook it for those who have the wonders of modern technology at home, namely double boilers and multicookers. These devices allow you to cook quickly and tasty, even if you have no experience in creating this particular dish. It will take only 10 minutes to prepare a dessert using a slow cooker, and the cake will be baked for no more than 40 minutes. The time savings are significant, and this is what is sometimes so lacking in restaurants or even during a home feast. The recipe can even be simplified a little more. You will need milk, eggs, sugar and molasses. The favorite dessert of the French will turn out no worse than from the chef!

From our chef

The popularity of culinary programs is quite understandable, because in the process of looking at the screen, housewives receive a visual master class in cooking gourmet dishes from various parts of the world. For example, the program "Cooking Yourself" on one of the channels became the first morning interlocutor of many people. And the demeanor of the presenter - Yulia Vysotskaya - made it possible to see in her not just a media personality, but a woman, an adviser and even a friend. And somehow the presenter decided to cook cream caramel. Yulia Vysotskaya's recipe could be almost original, since her kitchen has everything, but Yulia decided to get closer to her audience and prepared an exquisite French cake with a focus on our life realities. Used cream 33% fat, vanilla sugar, milk and lemon juice. The fat content of the cream directly affects the taste and richness of the dessert, so there is no need to save on them. For a family breakfast, it is better to prepare dessert in separate molds for easy extraction and eating. Sugar can be used brown, as it is less harmful. You don’t need to keep it in the oven for a long time, 25 minutes at 170 degrees is enough. By the way, you can use buckwheat flour to get an unusual taste of the cake and at the same time teach your family to eat healthier food!

Step 1. Pour milk into a saucepan and add 1/2 vanilla bean. Put on the stove and bring to a boil, then remove from heat and leave to infuse for half an hour. Note: if there are no vanilla pods, then just boil the milk.

Step 2 In a bowl, beat eggs with cream and sugar. Note: if you do not have vanilla pods, then immediately beat our vanilla in a bag).

Step 3 Remove the vanilla bean from the milk and strain it well through a sieve.

Step 4 Mix milk and beaten eggs, slowly pouring in and stirring with a whisk.

Step 5-6. We prepare caramel by melting sugar in a small saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom).

Step 7 Constantly stirring the sugar, bring to a boil and then cook over low heat until it forms a golden color and becomes caramelized (if you want to make the caramel more liquid, you can add 3-4 tablespoons of water with sugar).

Step 8 Once our caramel is cooked, pour it into the chosen form so that it covers the bottom of the form.

Step 10 Preheat the ovens to about 170-180°. Place the molds in the form in which you will bake and pour boiled water into it, approximately cover one third of the form with it.

Step 11 Cook the Creme Caramel in the oven in a water bath for 50 minutes, and when the cream is hardened, remove the molds from the oven and let the Creme Caramel cool at room temperature, and then place them in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Step 12 When serving, the cream caramel must be pulled out of the molds, gently peeling it off with a knife and turning it over onto a plate, let it fall out gently so as not to gut it. Now you can enjoy your prepared dessert!

Caramel cake cream will become one of your favorites, you only need to make it at home once.

The layer is great for a biscuit cake, giving the dessert sophistication and originality.

The taste of the cake will remain in your memory for a long time and you will definitely never want to buy store-bought confectionery again.

In order to please the tastes of all your household members, you should learn how to make a caramel layer for a biscuit dessert.

In just 30 minutes, you can create a real culinary masterpiece if you buy cakes in a nearby supermarket.

The main principles of cooking

You can cook a homemade cake with caramel filling, if you follow special requirements:

  1. The cream should be homogeneous in composition, excluding oil flakes.
  2. The layer should not spread, the correct consistency will correspond to the density of fatty sour cream.
  3. To decorate the cake on top, the cream must perfectly hold the shape set by the pastry chef, even though it is at room temperature.
  4. Whipped cream for biscuit cake will not delaminate even if it is stored in the refrigerator.

The layer for homemade cake does not need the addition of thickeners or stabilizers. If you introduce starch, flour or gelatin, then the calorie content of the dessert will be many times higher.

Homemade cakes should not be stored for a long time, and therefore it is impossible to make the dessert heavier by introducing thick cream into it.

So that the dessert does not cause an increase in the mark on the scales, it is worth using the recipe for preparing a lightweight cream layer. It will be no worse in taste than other options.

Use cream components only at the same temperature, then the composition will be smooth and uniform.

The mixer is best used for cooking protein creams, turn on the device initially at a low speed, gradually increasing the number of revolutions during whipping.

Cream for cake with ingredients I advise you to cook oils using a whisk. In this case, the layer will have the ideal consistency for greasing the cakes.

In the event that the caramel layer is prepared with cream, you need to take a product with a fat content of 33%.

And one more thing: try unusual combinations of products to make an original creamy caramel composition for dessert. I hope that the recipes I have collected below will be useful to you as an example.

Caramel cream for homemade cake

This is a delicate composition, the taste of which is similar to lollipops from childhood. It is thick, beautiful in color, as in the photo, perfectly glues the surface of the cakes and can be used to create decor on the top and sides of the cake.


150 gr. sl. oils; 300 ml cream (fat content from 33%); 200 gr. Sahara; vanillin - at your discretion

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add sugar to a bowl, always with thick walls. I put it on the stove over medium heat, cook until the sugar dissolves. You should get a liquid caramelized mass of pale brown color, as in the photo.
  2. I heat the cream in a bowl, bring it to a boil. I add hot cream to the mass of caramel, mix.
  3. I boil the mass so that it thickens a little. I give the mixture time to cool and start whipping the composition. I introduce soft sl. oil.

The layer is ready, and therefore you can collect the cake, fill the cakes or decorate the desserts. This is a very soft and light composition with caramel notes and a beautiful color.

And most importantly, the recipe is as simple as possible, and therefore even a novice confectioner will be able to cope with its preparation.

Creamy Custard Caramel Cream

A caramel layer based on whipped cream will turn out fragrant, beautiful and dense. All you need is 4 ingredients to make a delicious custard cream.

Components: 400 gr. sugar and high-fat cream; 300 gr. sl. oils; 2 pack. vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add sugar to a bowl with thick walls and send it to the stove so that the grains dissolve. You do not need to interfere, as the mass will stick together.
  2. I warm the cream to 60-80 gr., mix it with caramel, which should already cool down by this moment. I mix and stir to remove lumps, cook the mass until thick from the fire and pour into dishes, which should first be cooled in the freezer.
  3. Sl. I soften the oil. I beat for five minutes with a mixer. I introduce caramel sauce in small portions. Whipping. I introduce a van into the mass. sugar, vanillin, so that the custard is fragrant.

Custard will be ideal for biscuit, sour cream cakes. If the dough is hard, use this cream recipe, just increase the amount of cream and remove a little sl. oil.

The layer will turn out liquid and soft.

Sour cream with caramel

To taste, the composition of the cream will be similar to cream, you can fill it with nuts. The taste will be even better.

If you make cream on cream and caramel, then the taste will have a hint of baked milk. As you noticed, the recipe allows the pastry chef to experiment in the kitchen.


50 gr. sugar or crushed gr. nuts; 100 gr. sl. oils; 1 st. boiled condensed milk; 175 ml of sour cream from 25% fat.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sl. I soften the butter at room temperature, beat it so that the composition becomes lush and dissolves well.
  2. I put condensed milk into it. I shake constantly.
  3. In a bowl, I mix sugar and sour cream, also beat so that the crystals dissolve, the mass becomes soft and shiny.
  4. Mix 2 masses and beat with a mixer.
  5. I take the nuts out of the shell, dry them in a frying pan, grind them to fine crumbs and add them to the cream. I mix by hand so that the composition is well mixed with nuts.

I advise you to take fat sour cream so that the mass is not liquid, use a cream thickener. 1 sachet will be enough, and only then you can beat the custard with a mixer.

Custard with caramel

This creamy composition is ideal for layering cakes, making desserts and pastries, filling cupcakes and muffins.

Components: 60 gr. flour; 300 gr. simple condensed milk, etc. oils; 1.5 st. milk; 20 gr. sugar and 1 pack. vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I warm the milk, I introduce seeded flour and sugar. I beat the products with a whisk in order to eliminate all lumps.
  2. I send it to the fire and heat it at medium power for 20 minutes. Constantly need to stir the composition until it thickens.
  3. I remove it from the stove and let it cool to room temperature, add condensed milk and stir. I let it cool.
  4. In a bowl, I whisk. butter until fluffy, be sure to soften it in advance. I introduce into the caramel mass and beat. At the end of the operation, I add a couple of vanillin sachets and mix for 1 minute.

That's all, I layer the dessert with cream. By consistency, it will be similar to a classic custard, but a rich caramel shade will appear, it will become denser in structure and this is a very tasty cream.

Chocolate Custard Caramel Cream

Components: 1 tbsp. Sahara; 2.5 tbsp flour; 180 gr. chocolate with caramel additives; 250 ml of milk; 200 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour the milk into a bowl, I introduce the seeded flour. I mix and add sugar. Cook on fire until boiling.
  2. The mass will become thick, but it must be constantly stirred. I take it off the stove and add chopped chocolate. I stir until it is completely dissolved. I let the cream cool down. 15 minutes in the refrigerator will be enough.
  3. I beat white. oil, working with a mixer. I add the mixture to the chocolate cream and beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I add vanillin or other flavors if desired. If the cream is liquid and starts to flow, put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour, and only then use it for a layer of cakes.

This is the end of the recipe, I wish you successful experiments in the kitchen!

My video recipe

cook caramel.
Pour water into a thick-bottomed pan and pour sugar (you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice so that the sugar does not crystallize).

Bring to a boil over medium heat and sugar dissolves.
Periodically wipe the sides of the pan with a brush dipped in water to prevent splashes of sugar syrup from caramelizing on the sides.

Boil syrup until caramelized (brown).

During cooking, as soon as the syrup begins to turn brown, keep an eye on it very carefully. Because the syrup caramelizes quickly, if necessary, remove the saucepan from the heat to stop the caramelization process and not burn the syrup. The digested syrup is dark brown in color, with a bitter taste. Such a syrup will give an unpleasant aftertaste to the dessert.

Remove syrup from heat, quickly pour into prepared ceramic molds (ramekins) and set aside.

Pour milk and cream into a clean saucepan.
Add half the sugar, stir and place over medium heat.
Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, with a wooden spoon.

Milk can be flavored with orange zest, then caramel cream will acquire a pleasant orange note. To do this, add the zest of half an orange to the milk, bring to a boil and leave to brew for 30 minutes. Then strain the zest and bring back to a boil.

The classic cream caramel recipe is prepared on the basis of milk (without cream). In my opinion, the taste of such a dessert loses its creamy version. Cream makes the dessert both in structure and in taste more tender. Nevertheless, I think that the version of cream caramel cooked in milk will find its admirers. It is prepared similarly to the creamy version, and baked for about an hour.
milk - 350 ml,
sugar - 85 g,
2 eggs,
2 egg yolks,
vanilla sugar (or vanilla essence) - 1 teaspoon

Break the egg into a bowl, add the yolks, add the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar (or vanilla extract).

Mix everything well with a whisk (do not beat).

Pour boiling milk and cream into a bowl with eggs in a thin stream, stirring vigorously with a whisk.

Strain the egg-milk mixture through a sieve to get rid of air bubbles formed during mixing.
If there are still air bubbles in the strained mixture, scoop them up from the surface with a spoon.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into molds with caramel, filling the molds 3/4 (pierce the remaining large air bubbles with a needle).

Put the molds in a deep pan and pour boiling water into the pan.
The water should reach about half way up the molds.