Peaches in syrup for the winter with a bone. Peaches for the winter: the best recipes with step by step photos

bright, sweet, juicy peaches always popular and desired by all. Closing peach compote for the winter means stocking up on a jar of homemade vitamins without preservatives. After all, peaches are not only attractive in appearance, they contain a lot of beneficial microelements on the body. In winter, there will be an opportunity to enjoy not only sweet compote, but also eat the pulp of peaches. Canned fruits in compote can be consumed whole and used in pies or cakes. There are many recipes with a photo of peach compote for the winter so that novice hostesses understand how to close this excellent drink. Hostesses with experience in conservation will also be able to learn a lot of interesting things from the photo presentation of the process of rolling fruit and berry preparations.

What are the benefits of peach?

peach is useful fruit for a person. It contains: vitamins B, C, T, K, PP, potassium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iron, lemon, apple and tartaric acid. Among the favorable components, pectins and essential oil. Even the peach pit and its leaves have positive properties. The stone is processed into almond oil, which is widely used in cosmetology, and decoctions are made from the leaves of the tree to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Fragrant pulp is easily digested in any form. It can be consumed not only fresh, but also resort to a simple recipe for peach compote for the winter. Whether it's juice, compote or peach flesh, they all equally normalize the secretory activity of the stomach, help digest food, improve appetite, and also treat kidney disease, cardiovascular ailments, rheumatism, gout.

Preserving peach compote

Asking the question: "How to cook compote from peaches?" - there is a simple description of this process. In a pot with cold water stir in the desired amount of pitted peaches, add sugar to taste and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cool and the compote is ready to use. Before serving, you can put a few ice cubes in the glass to make the drink refreshing and cooling. And, here, if you want to preserve peach compote for the winter, then several unsurpassed recipes are provided below. It takes about an hour to make such provisions, but the result is excellent and tasty. The list of main ingredients includes peach, water and sugar. Of the kitchen utensils, only a saucepan is needed. For those who do not want to suffer even with a saucepan, you can get a slow cooker. Compote comes out of it no worse than cooked in a saucepan.

Peach compote without sterilization - video

Pitted peach compote for the winter

Step by step description:

In one 3-liter jar, 0.9-1 kg of medium-sized peaches with pits are placed to the top, and 1-1.2 kg without pits.

A delicious, sweet drink can be closed with more than just peaches. This sweetness can be diluted with another fruit or berry that has a more sour taste. So additional ingredient can become: apple, plum, raspberry, mountain ash,. The cooking steps will not differ much, but to be sure, it is better to introduce a sterilization point for fruit cans. This procedure will allow you to store provisions much longer and prevent from a possible breakdown. Below are a couple of such recipes with delicious results.

Peach compote with and without sugar - video

Compote of apples and peaches

Step by step description:

Clogged and cooled compote should not be immediately moved to a pantry or other poorly ventilated room, because the lid may break. For a couple of weeks, provisions should stand in an open place.

Two similar fruit you just need to combine together: peaches with plums. TO positive properties peach still added useful components of the plum. In addition to what the peach has, the plum contains vitamin A, ascorbic acid, chromium, copper, and fluorine. These components improve vision, strengthen blood vessels, give strength. Be sure to close this vitamin drink.

Peach and blackberry compote - video

Compote of plums and peaches

Step by step description:

According to the latest recipe for making compote from plums and peaches, other fruits can be preserved. Peach can be combined with pear for a nice sweet taste. Berries, blueberries, currants will perfectly dilute the sweetness of the peach with their acid. Handsome and fragrant compote will come out of the fruit in question with the addition of orange slices or lemon slices. There is no limit to the imagination for preserving peach compote for the winter. Most importantly, follow step by step instructions and do not forget the procedure for sterilizing jars with contents before rolling.

Peach compote according to Georgian recipe - video

easy canning and delicious preparations to you!

6 recipes - PEACHES (blanks for the winter). 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert. 2. Peach jam. 3. Peach jam. 4. Peaches in own juice. 5. Peach compote for the winter. 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peach slices in syrup for the winter. 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert.

The contents of a large jar disappear in an instant in winter! So roll more! By the way, you will get not only peaches, but also delicious compote. Ingredients: Peaches - 1.5 Kg Sugar - 450 Grams Water - 2-2.5 Liters three-liter jar. Peaches take dense, medium size. A jar holds an average of 18 peaches. How to cook canned peaches? 1. Wash the peaches thoroughly. You can peel the skin and remove, but not necessary. If you decide that it would be better without the skin, then dip the peaches in boiling water and the skin will come off more easily. We will preserve whole peaches. But, if desired, you can roll up the halves. In this case, cut them in half and remove the bones. 2. Place the peaches in sterilized dry jars. Pour boiling water over and wrap for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pot. 3. Put the drained water on fire. It must be brought to a boil. At this time, pour sugar into jars. 4. When the water boils, pour the peaches with sugar and roll up with sterile lids. Wrap jars of peaches for two days, and then put them in a dark place. Canned peaches are ready! Bon appetit! 2. Peach jam.

Gentle and fragrant jam from peaches this is a great way to prepare peaches for the winter, especially since crushed and overripe fruits can be used for jam. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 1 cup Citric acid - 3 g How to make peach jam: Peel the peaches, but jam can also be made from unpeeled peaches. Bones are removed from the fruit and cut into pieces. Make acidified water - add citric acid. Prepared fruits are boiled in acidified water (1 cup per 1 kg of fruits, 3 g of citric acid) so that they do not darken, 10 minutes. Then sugar is added (at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). Cook peach jam over low heat with constant stirring in one step until tender (30-40 minutes). After cooling, the jam is transferred to jars. Close the peach jam with lids or parchment paper. 3. Peach jam.

chic recipe fragrant jam from peaches. Simple, delicious, fast. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 400 ml Citric acid - 0.5 tsp This amount of products produces 1 liter of jam. How to make peach jam with slices: Sort the peaches, rinse. Can be cleaned upon request. Cut peaches into slices. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water in a bowl. Put on fire, bring it to a boil. Then carefully put the prepared peaches into it. Boil. Cook peach jam over low heat for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Peach jam is ready. Bon appetit! 4. Peaches in their own juice.

Recipe for peaches in their own juice for preservation for the winter. Peaches really float in their own juice, only a few tablespoons of water and a spoonful of sugar are added. Products For 1 jar (1 l): Fresh peach with dense pulp - 5-6 pcs. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon Water - 4 tbsp. spoons Tip: If you can't peel the peaches, submerge them in a colander or wire basket in boiling, acidified water. citric acid and cool quickly in cold water. Peel off the skin easily with your hand. How to cook peaches in your own juice: Rinse the peaches, peel them. Then cut the peaches in half and remove the pits. Rinse the jars with soda, rinse well. Arrange the peaches on tin or glass jars cut side down, sprinkle with sugar. Then pour a spoonful of hot water into each jar (you can taste up to 4 tablespoons). Place the jars in the tank with hot water and sterilize. Sterilization time for peaches in their own juice in 1 liter jars at temperatures up to 90°C - 35 minutes, in 1/2 liter jars - 30 minutes. Close the jars with lids. At the end of sterilization, cool the jars of peaches in their own juice. Peaches in their own juice are ready! 5. Peach compote for the winter.

Many no longer close compotes, but simply freeze berries and fruits, and then cook fresh compotes. But it seems to me that in the compote "from the jar" there is something very homely, cozy, perhaps from childhood ... Products Based on a 1-liter jar: Peach slices - 200 g Sugar - 150 g "from a jar" (as well as plum, apple-pear, cherry) differs from freshly brewed! Therefore, I closed several jars of my favorite compote and will share this simple peach compote recipe. I close jars of 1 and 2 liters. How to prepare peach compote for the winter: Pour boiling water over the lids, wash the jars thoroughly. Wash the peaches, cut into slices. Divide into jars (about 1/3 of a jar) Pour boiling water over the jars, cover with lids, leave to cool for about an hour. After an hour, drain the peach water into a saucepan. Pour in sugar (calculated as 150 g of sugar per liter of water). Bring the syrup to a boil. Reduce heat and, without removing from heat, pour syrup over peaches. Cover hot compote with a lid and roll up. Turn upside down and put peach compote in pre-prepared heat (wrap in a blanket or something similar) for 1-2 days, until completely cooled. Put away on the shelf in anticipation of winter! 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peach slices in syrup for the winter.

23.09.2017 5 294

Peaches in syrup for the winter - the recipe is simple and most delicious!

Peaches in syrup for the winter, the recipe of which is known to many housewives, will delight you unsurpassed taste and flavor in winter cold, and you can cook them in your own juice, whole or in slices, in syrup, with or without sugar, the main thing is to stock up on delicious fruits on time ...

Canned peaches in syrup for the winter - a traditional recipe

Perhaps the peach is one of the most summer and sunny fruits. To keep the summer warmth with you all year round, prepare sweet velvet fruits for the future. As a result, you will get not only sweet canned fruits but also compote.

Sweet lovers use the syrup undiluted, others dilute it with water, it is perfect for impregnating cake layers and biscuits. Peaches canned in this way can be used to decorate pastries, add to salads and sweet dishes. To prepare canned peaches for the winter, we need:

  • fresh peaches
  • Pure water
  • Sugar-sand in the proportion of 400 gr per 1 liter of water

For conservation, choose healthy, without damage and rot, fruits, it is better to give preference to small fruits, they will be more compactly located in a jar. In this case, the syrup and fruit will be in the correct proportion.

Peaches should be ripe, but not overripe. Press on the fruit with your fingers - if soft, it is not suitable for harvesting. If for preservation you have chosen a variety in which the stone is easily separated, you can cut the peaches in half.

Prepared fruits must be thoroughly washed - dust firmly settles on the fleecy skin. Place clean and dried fruits tightly in sterilized jars.

Pour the fruit with cold water, which will become the basis for the syrup. Banks must be filled completely, taking into account that when boiling, part of the water will evaporate, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then we pour the water into the pan, where the syrup will be boiled, and add sand to it at the rate of 400 grams per 1 liter. Cook the future syrup until it boils.

Peaches in syrup - pictured

boiling sweet water fill jars with peaches. We leave the jars closed with sterilized lids to cool.

Pour the cooled syrup back into the pan and boil, after which we re-fill the peaches with it, and again wait for it to take room temperature. Then we repeat the procedure a third time. Fruits drenched in syrup three times, roll up iron lids and wrap the jars with a blanket. When the workpiece has completely cooled down, it is necessary to remove it to a cool place where the peaches in syrup will be stored in winter time. Fruits with pits should preferably be consumed a year in advance, but sliced ​​peaches in syrup can be stored for up to 2 years.

How to close fruits in their own juice

Peaches in syrup for the winter, the recipe of which is described above, is undoubtedly the most popular preparation of these fragrant fruits. However, many housewives prefer to prepare peaches in their own juice for the winter - the ingredients for this recipe are the same as in the first case, but the proportions and cooking technology are different:

  • Ripe strong peaches 2 kg
  • Sand - 250 g
  • Purified drinking water without chlorine - 2.2 liters

The fruits, as in the first recipe, must be washed well and sorted out, removing spoiled and overripe ones. Some housewives remove the skin from peaches before preservation. This is done quite simply - you need to cut the skin crosswise and hold it in hot water(not in boiling water!) 2-3 minutes, during which time the skin will peel off the fruit on its own. If you decide to can the peaches with the skin on, choose whole fruits without the slightest damage.

Fill jars with peaches neatly placed in them (it is better to take three-liter ones) with sugar and pour boiling water over. Next, put the future peach blank in large saucepan or a basin of boiling water so that the peaches are sterilized, and boil over low heat for 30 minutes. After that, it remains to remove the jars from the pan, roll up and cover with something warm until completely cooled. Within a week, all the juice will finally come out of the peaches, and they will be ready to serve.

Recipe for canned peaches without sugar

As you can see, in previous recipes, peaches, canned whole or halves, cooked with sugar, however, you can prepare this southern fruit without sweet syrup - in this case, we only need peaches and clean water. Peaches in their own juice without sugar - a preparation that is especially appreciated by people on a diet, no preservatives - sugar, vinegar, etc.

Selected and well-washed fruits are cut into two parts, we take out the bone. The resulting peach halves are carefully placed in jars that have been previously sterilized. The fruits must be folded tightly in a jar, do not stuff. Fill the filled jars with boiling water and cover with iron lids (but do not twist!).

We put banks in enamelware- a saucepan or basin, pour warm water(about 60 degrees) and sterilized. Time in this case will depend on the size of the cans. On the floor- liter jars 9 minutes is enough, liter ones should be held in boiling water for 11-12 minutes.

After the specified time, we take out the jars from the pan and roll them up hot. Turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket until they are completely cool. Such peaches are perfect for making desserts, as a filling for pies and cakes, you can cook compote and even jam from them. In addition, prepared in this way, they perfectly retain their beneficial features and wonderful aroma.

Now you know how to cook peaches in syrup for the winter, the recipe turned out to be very simple and easy. For those who prefer natural products, the recipe without sugar in own juice is offered. Whichever cooking option you choose, these incredible delicious fruits sure to please you with cold winter evenings, giving your table a drop of sunny summer!

The season of preparations for the winter is in full swing, in addition to pickles and pickles, many housewives traditionally make compotes. And, although supermarkets have a huge selection of juices and fruit drinks, real housewives are sure that it is better homemade compote there is nothing.

Indeed, homemade recipes do without preservatives and stabilizers, which are found in almost all store products, are made only from fresh fruits, unlike juices, mostly reconstituted.

Peaches have amazing flavor. And there are many useful components in fruits. I want to enjoy the southern delicacy all year round, and not just in summer. And this is possible if you prepare peach compote for the winter. It seems to young housewives that the proposed conservation requires special knowledge, adherence to strict technologies.

Nothing like this: simple recipes that do not require much time or a huge list of ingredients. ways home cooking There are quite a lot of peach compote in jars. Small fruits are preserved whole, large ones are best cut into halves or quarters, removing the stone.

You can add other fruits or berries to the jar for taste and beauty. Peaches go well with grapes, apricots, sour apples, plum. Always with a bang, a jar of fruit platter diverges. Below is a selection of peach-based compote recipes, their peculiarity is that the fruits can also be used in baking in winter.

Peach compote for the winter - photo recipe step by step

For starters, it’s better to cook a surprisingly tasty, simple peach compote for the winter according to the recipe, to which photos of each step are added.

Residents of the southern regions roll compote for the winter in 3-liter jars. If fruits are bought, then it is better to take a container of 0.5 or 1 liter.

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Peaches: in any amount
  • Sugar: at the rate of 150 g per 1 liter of preservation

Cooking instructions

A very simple recipe for peach compote for the winter without sterilization

The most disliked action when rolling compotes is sterilization, there is always a danger that the jar will burst, and the precious juice, along with the fruits, will pour into the sterilization container. The following recipe eliminates the need for additional sterilization. The fruits are taken whole, the skin is not removed from them, so they look very attractive in jars.

Ingredients (based on a three-liter jar):

  • Fresh peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid - a little less than a teaspoon.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Select whole, dense beautiful peaches. Long-term storage of peach compote is hindered by the "fluff" that covers the fruit. To get rid of it, wash the peaches thoroughly under running water using a brush. The second option is to soak them in water for 10 minutes, then rinse.
  2. Sterilize glass containers and let dry. Carefully lower the peaches into each (as these are very tender fruits).
  3. Boil water, a little more than normal. Pour into banks. Cover with tin lids, but do not cork.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, start preparing the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with citric acid, pour water from a jar. Bring to a boil, hold for 5 minutes. Pour boiling syrup over fruits.
  5. Immediately cork with tin lids, which covered the containers when pouring boiling water, but additionally sterilize in boiling water.
  6. Flip. Be sure to organize the so-called passive sterilization. Wrap with cotton or woolen blankets. Keep at least a day.

Such compotes require storage in a cool place.

Peach compote with pits for the winter

A very tasty and rich compote of peaches is obtained if the fruits are cut in half and the bones are removed. On the other hand, peach pits add a pleasant touch, and the whole fruit looks very beautiful. Plus, saving time, because you do not need to cut and take out the bones, which are also poorly removed.

Ingredients (for a three liter container):

  • Fresh peaches - 10-15 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water 2-2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. It is important to select the “correct” peaches - dense, beautiful, fragrant, of the same size.
  2. Next, wash the fruits, wash off the peach “fluff” with a brush or hands.
  3. Send containers for sterilization. Then lay out the cooked, washed fruits in them.
  4. Fill each jar with boiling water. Cover with lids. Some advise already at this stage to cover the containers with a warm blanket (plaid).
  5. 20 minutes exposure (or rest for the hostess). You can proceed to the second stage of preparing compote.
  6. Pour the water saturated with juice and peach flavors into enamel pan. Add sugar, stir until dissolved. Send to the stove.
  7. Pour boiling syrup into jars, cover with lids that were boiling at that time, cork.

Additional sterilization is obligatory in the form of wrapping with warm clothes (blankets or jackets). During the year, compote should be drunk. This type of compote is not recommended to be stored longer than the specified period, since hydrocyanic acid is formed in the bones, leading to poisoning.

Compote of peaches and plums for the winter

Southern peaches and plums growing in mid-latitudes ripen at the same time. This gave the hostess the opportunity to conduct a culinary experiment: roll up compote, where both fruits are presented. The result is pleasing, since the acid present in the plums contributes to preservation, on the other hand, the plums acquire a pleasant peach aroma, the taste of the fruits is difficult to distinguish. Plus, saving expensive southern peaches and using our own harvest to the fullest.

Ingredients (per 3 liter container):

  • Fresh peaches, large size - 3-4 pcs.
  • Ripe plums - 10-12 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. (with a slide).
  • Citric acid - ½ tsp.
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  • Carry out a strict selection of fruits - whole, dense, with a whole skin, without bruises and rotten areas. Wash thoroughly.
  • Sterilize containers. In each, lay the fruits according to the norm.
  • Boil water. Pour the "company" of peaches and plums. Wait until the water cools down a bit.
  • Mix sugar with citric acid, pour water from jars. Boil the syrup (it cooks very quickly, the main thing is that the sugar and lemon are completely dissolved and the syrup boils).
  • Fill jars with syrup. Seal with tin lids.
  • Send for additional sterilization under the covers.

In winter, the whole family will appreciate such a compote, and they will definitely ask for more!

Peach and apple compote recipe for the winter

Peaches are friends not only with "related" plums, but also with apples too. It is best to take apples with sourness, which will remain in the compote.


  • Fresh peaches - 1 kg.
  • Sour apples - 3-4 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc. (can be replaced with citric acid 1 tsp).
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 2 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Prepare the fruits - wash, cut, remove the bones, ponytails.
  2. Arrange in jars, add lemon zest, removed in the form of a ribbon.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar. Pour water into a container with fruits. Holding time - 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid and send to the fire. After boiling, squeeze the lemon juice (add a lemon).
  5. Fill cans, cover tin lid. Cork.
  6. Be sure to wrap a warm blanket for additional sterilization.

How to close a compote of peaches and grapes for the winter

Another recipe suggests combining peaches and grapes, making this fruit mix, which in winter with its taste and aroma will remind you of a hot summer.

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

  • Peeled peaches - 350 gr.
  • Grapes - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - ¾ tbsp.
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. The first stage is the preparation of fruits that need to be washed thoroughly. Cut large peaches, remove the stone. Small fruits can be preserved whole. Rinse the grapes under running water.
  2. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Sterilize containers. Arrange peaches and grapes.
  4. Pour in hot syrup, cover with lids. Leave overnight in a cool place.
  5. The next day, drain the syrup, boil. Pour fruit again.
  6. This time close with sterilized lids. Cork. Additionally sterilize.

In winter, it remains to enjoy the exotic taste and remember the summer!

Peaches, recipes for the winter: compotes, jams, jellies, whole canning

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The peach blossom in China is a symbol of spring, renewal and longevity. It is considered a healing product because of the organic acids, vitamins, pectin contained in it. Unfortunately, keep the fruit in fresh it doesn’t last long, but canned peaches for the winter will be no less healthy, even more fragrant and tasty thanks to our recipes. Once you have tried this vitamin product in the form of compotes, jams, jams, you will definitely leave these recipes in your culinary notebook.

Peach compote in a three-liter jar

Required ingredients: 1 kg of peaches, 1.5 liters of water, 3-4 clove buds or a sprig of mint, 400 g of sugar.

  1. Prepare fruits: wash, blanch for 2-3 minutes. in boiling water and place in a sterilized jar.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add 400 g of sugar, add cloves and mint, and pour boiling syrup into a jar, put a knife or other metal object under the bottom beforehand.
  3. Roll up with a metal lid, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool.

Peach jam for the winter slices

Aroma and amber color peach jam in the middle of winter - this is the best antidepressant. It can be used with tea, as a filling in a pie and for pies. In all forms, this jam - exquisite product, and cooked at home is also much more economical than bought in a supermarket.

To make jam you will need: 1.3 kg of sugar, 1 kg of peaches, a glass of water, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons of orange zest.

  1. Wash fruits well.
  2. Prepare 2 pots of water, put one on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Dip each fruit in boiling water for 10 seconds, then in cold water.
  4. Drain the water, peel the fruit, cut into slices, remove the seeds.
  5. Make syrup from 1 cup water and sugar.
  6. When the sugar is completely dissolved, gently lower the slices into the syrup, bring to a boil and set aside for 6 hours so that the fruits are saturated with syrup.
  7. Then cook over low heat for another 30 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice and orange zest.

Let the jam cool down a little and put it in a sterilized dish, roll it up with metal lids. To store in the refrigerator, cool the jam and close with plastic lids.

Jam with almonds

Few people know that it is undesirable to cook jam in a copper vessel - vitamin C leaks.

Ingredients: 1 kg of pitted peaches; 1.2 kg of sugar; 70 g walnuts or almonds.

  1. Prepare the syrup, dip the fruit into it, bring to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for six hours.
  2. Peel the nuts from the skin, after scalding them with boiling water.
  3. Put the jam back on the fire, bring to a boil, pour the almonds, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Peaches in syrup

Required: 3.5 kg of peaches, 700 g of sugar, 1.2 liters of water, a small lemon.

For this recipe, it is desirable to choose firm fruits, without cracks and damage.

  1. Bring 4-5 liters of water to a boil, fruit for 2 minutes, then pour over with cold water and peel, first dividing them into and removing the stone.
  2. So that in the future the fruits do not lose their shape, they must be soaked in a solution: 5 l cold water 3 teaspoons of soda, hold for 5 minutes, drain the water. The pulp became more elastic to the touch after such a procedure.
  3. To prepare the syrup, boil water, add sugar, lemon juice and zest (do not add lemon pomace, otherwise the syrup will be bitter). Cook for 5-7 minutes and pour over the fruit.
  4. 10 minutes of slow boiling and can be poured into sterilized dishes. Seal tightly, turn over and let cool.

Peaches in own juice without sugar

Wash and clean the peaches from tails and stones, cut into halves and place in sterile jars.

Pour boiling water to completely cover the fruit, roll up with metal lids and place in a container with water heated to 55-60 degrees. Remember to line the bottom of the pot with a towel so that the jars do not touch the bottom of the pot during the sterilization process.

Boil jars: 0.5 l - 9 minutes; 1 liter - 10 minutes.

Be sure to wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely. Peaches are ready for winter!

Confiture with gelatin

To prepare it, you need: 600 g of peaches, 300 g of sugar, juice of 1 small lemon, several sprigs of rosemary, 10 g of gelatin.

Peach Jam with Gelfix

Soft, overripe peaches can be used for this preservation. In addition, if you pass them through a juicer, you get excellent juice with pulp, and the so-called cake is an excellent preparation for jam. The quality will not suffer from this, on the contrary, the jam will be tender and thick.

If you don’t know what to replace gelfix with, try pectin, because this is its main ingredient.

Required products: 2.5 kg of peaches (weight with a stone), 1 kg of sugar, 2 packets of gelfix.

  1. Grind the pulp of fruits in a blender, having previously cleared the skin and seeds.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of gelfix sugar to the puree, mix well.
  3. Boil 3 minutes. over medium heat, stirring constantly. Then pour the rest of the sugar, bring to a boil and cook for another 3 minutes.

Pour the jam into dry, sterile jars, roll up hermetically, store in a dark, cool place.

Canning Whole Peaches

This is the easiest way to cook flavored drink and a beautiful berry, tasty, retaining all the vitamins for consumption in the winter.

Prepare 1 kg of fruits, 800 g of sugar, add spices to taste: cinnamon, vanillin, nasturtium flower petals.

Pierce the fruits in several places with a fork so that they do not crack and are well fed with syrup.

Cut the stalk and put the fruit in a sterile jar.

syrup cook in the usual way, but be sure to collect the foam. The syrup should be viscous, but not very thick, easy to pour out.

Pour syrup over peaches and pasteurize for 30 minutes. in boiling water (do not forget to cover the bottom of the dish in which you put the jar). Roll up hot. Store in a cool place.

The peach is a southern fruit. Fortunately, it is not exotic, since for many years it has been grown not only in the south, but also in the eastern and even northern regions. Therefore, harvesting compotes of jams and preserves will be inexpensive, but the benefits of them in winter are truly invaluable.