Lavash with salmon and cottage cheese. Lavash roll with baked salmon. Juicy roll with fresh tomatoes.

November 12, 2016 3617

cold appetizer it is quite simple to cook from pita bread and red fish. You can do this on the eve of the celebration, so that the pita bread roll with salmon is soaked, or spontaneously, immediately on the table for the guests who have come.

There is no difficulty, the main thing is to have necessary products. It is only worth focusing your attention on the choice of the main component - salmon. After all, the taste of the resulting dish depends on the quality of the fish as a whole.

When buying a fish fillet in a package, pay attention to its color: too scarlet, conspicuous, indicates the presence of dyes. But a too whitish look is also not suitable, which means that the blank was made from frozen raw materials.

The cuts should be even, not torn, this indicates stale salmon or improper salting. Often, behind the beautiful upper layer of the fillet, trimmings from the fins and abdomen are hidden below, it is impossible to check this right away, since the packaging is sealed.

In this case, it is worth remembering the manufacturer and henceforth not buying his products. In the composition indicated on the label, except for fish and salt, there should be nothing else.

The most commonly combined with red fish products are usually added to the composition of the roll - these are cream cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, cottage cheese and various sauces.

Step by step recipe

Bored sandwiches on the ceremonial table can always be replaced with an alternative pita bread with red fish and homemade butter. Especially such simple products easy to find in grocery stores.

  • salmon - 200 g;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • lavash - 1 pc.

Cooking: 20 minutes.

Energy value: 226 Kcal / 100 g.

The advantage of this appetizer is that the fish and oil can be prepared by yourself. Buy a whole fresh salmon, cut it, remove all the bones, put it in a container, sprinkle generously with salt and leave it in a cool place for several days.

With all this, you will save your money, and you can cook an excellent fish soup from the head and offal. But you can go the easier way and buy ready-made lightly salted fillets.

Fully unwind Armenian lavash, plentifully, without sparing we coat it with softened butter. From above, randomly scatter torn pieces of fish. We tightly wrap the workpiece and place it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.

You can start cutting right away, but difficulties will arise, the edges will begin to tear. And if you wait a little, there will be no difficulties, the roll will already be soaked.

Lavash roll with salmon and cream cheese

Apart from great taste this hearty snack looks very nice on buffet table. At the sight of pieces of roll, an appetite immediately arises and a desire to eat it. You can add your favorite fresh herbs to soft cream cheese, this dish will only benefit from this.

  • red fish (salmon) - 300 g;
  • soft cheese - 1 pack;
  • pita bread - 1 pc.;
  • dill - 50 g;
  • cheese - 150 g.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Energy value: 232 Kcal / 100 g.

Rinse greens in cold water. Lay out on a paper towel to dry. We spread the cheese in a small bowl, throw chopped dill on top, mix everything thoroughly.

We take the fish steak out of the package, sharp knife take the edge of the skin and with one quick movement of the hand cut it off the pulp. With tweezers, carefully remove all the bones and cut into small pieces.

We unwind the pita bread, coat with a creamy filling with a spoon.

This is not easy to do: the cheese will roll, you will have to make an effort and be patient.

Spread the salmon on top.

Tightly roll the workpiece, wrap cling film so that there are no cracks and immerse in the freezer for twenty minutes.

Unwind, lay out on a board and cut into portioned slices fifteen millimeters thick. Beautifully distributed on a dish and put on the table.

Lavash roll with fish and cucumber

An appetizer of red fish with soft cheese and fresh cucumber will be a delicious appetizer both on the first day of the celebration and on the second. The only question is whether he will stay for the continuation of the holiday.

  • cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • fish (salmon) - 250 g;
  • pita bread - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 30 g;
  • cheese - 150 g.

Preparation: 25 minutes.

Energy value: 229 kcal / 100 g.

Wash the vegetables, cut off the ends and chop into long thin strips. We wash the parsley, shake it off and chop it on a kitchen board. We cut the fish into layers along, then across into bars and after that into small cubes.

We unwind the pita bread, generously coat with a mixture of soft processed cheese with parsley, special attention should be paid to the edges so as not to remain dry. On top, randomly impose chopped fish and cucumber strips.

Starting from the edge, so that the filling does not fall out, we form a tight roll. We place in a food bag and put in a cool place for ten minutes. Remove, chop and put on a plate covered with green salad.

Lavash roll with garlic sauce

For spicy lovers, this red fish appetizer with spicy garlic sauce sure to be to your taste. And it diversifies a chic table with an abundance of food.

  • red fish (salmon) - 270 g;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 170 g;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • farm sour cream - 100 g;
  • homemade mayonnaise- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • green salad - 4 pcs.;
  • lavash - 2 pcs.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Energy value: 324 kcal / 100 g.

We chop the washed tomatoes into slices. In a bowl, mix homemade mayonnaise, farm thick sour cream and chopped garlic cloves.

We unfold the first pita bread, put cheese on it with a wide knife, it is more convenient for them to do this than with a spoon. On top we lay out torn pieces of green lettuce, then slices of chopped salmon.

We unwind another sheet of pita bread and put it on the first one with the filling, lightly press down and spread it with garlic sauce, lay the tomatoes on top.

We carefully begin to fold the entire structure, trying not to tear the layers of pita and the filling does not fall out. It will be quite thick in diameter. Wrap with cling film and place in the refrigerator. After half an hour, we take out and cut across into pieces.

Baked lavash roll with red fish and cheese

Roll with red fish is tasty not only in fresh, baked in an electric oven - also great dish for a snack.

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cheese - 220 g;
  • salmon fillet - 300 g;
  • pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking: 35 minutes.

Energy value: 298 Kcal / 100 g.

Freshly salted fish cut into bars. Boil eggs in salted water. We unfold the pita bread, grease with a thick layer of self-made mayonnaise. We put a layer of fish on it, chopped egg cubes and, finally, grated cheese. We wrap a tight long roll so that it does not turn around.

We tear off a long layer of foil, fold it in half for greater tightness, put a semi-finished pita product in the center. We fold it like a candy so that there are no gaps, and send it to bake in a previously heated electric oven for fifteen minutes.

Remove, put on a towel and let cool completely, then tear the foil and cut into medium pieces.

  1. One of the main rules for making pita bread roll with salmon is to let it soak in the refrigerator. Ideally, he should spend the night in a cool place, so all products will combine to taste and soak;
  2. Be sure to wrap the roll in a film, so it will not be saturated with extraneous aromas from the refrigerator and will have the desired shape;
  3. Before cutting the snack, arm yourself with a very sharp knife soaked in water, so there will be a perfect cut, the contents will not fall out;
  4. It is Armenian that is suitable for roll thin lavash;
  5. If your table is set on the street, the pita appetizer will quickly weather and start to crumble, but it is worth sprinkling it lightly warm water- everything will immediately return to normal;
  6. It is not necessary to re-read a bunch of recipes for preparing this dish, in fact, absolutely all the products that you have in the refrigerator will fit into the roll. This is one of the advantages of such a snack;
  7. If you didn’t have cream cheese, you can notice it with fatty homemade cottage cheese, the taste will turn out no worse;
  8. Cheese can be sprinkled with salt, black or red pepper, so it will turn out more piquant;
  9. Salmon can be replaced with any red boneless fish;
  10. In addition to parsley and dill, sprigs of basil, rosemary, green onions or arugula can be put in the filling.

Enjoy your meal!

Lavash roll with salmonalways look beautiful and appetizing on the table.

True, not for long, because they quickly scatter from the plate. Most delicious snacks for the new year, you can cook from pita bread. The combination of tender salmon and cream cheese with fresh herbs just melts in your mouth. We invite you to prepare various snacks for the New Year 2017 with pita bread. How can you stay here? How to cook lavash roll?

And most importantly, such rolls are prepared very simply and quickly.

A set of products for making lavash rolls:

  • lightly salted salmon fillet - 200 g;
  • cream cheese - 200 g;
  • pita bread - 1 pc.;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Lavash roll with salmon"

Let's start by preparing the filling for the pita bread roll with salmon. We wash the dill cold water and dry on a paper towel, finely chop with a knife. In order for the dill to give up its juice and smell, it must be crushed on a cutting board with the blunt side of a knife.

We spread the cheese in a separate bowl and combine with dill, mix thoroughly. You can add a tablespoon of mayonnaise to the filling, but this is not necessary.

We lay out a sheet of pita bread on the surface of the table and carefully grease it with the filling. Do not forget to thoroughly lubricate the pita base on the sides, otherwise then it may happen that the layer simply will not hold in a twisted state.

It is also important that for such a snack it is necessary to pick up fresh Armenian lavash, otherwise the one that has lain at home for several days will begin to break when the roll is rolled up. If this happened, and the pita bread began to break, then you need to leave the greased pita bread for 15 minutes at room temperature. It will become softer and more pliable.

We cut the salmon into small pieces or thin plates, take out all the bones from the fish.

Lay the fish on top of the cream sauce.

The fish does not have to be laid out too tightly, the pieces can be scattered randomly, and the plates can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern.

Lavash roll, the fillings for which can be very different, should be prepared from fish like this. If the salmon is cut into large and thick pieces, then the roll will become larger in size and it will be harder to cut it. If you give preference to thin slices, then their size will allow you to make more salmon rolls in quantity than one. This, of course, will not affect the taste in any way. Salt is not added to the snack because the salmon is salty in nature. To prepare snacks, instead of salmon, they often use any red fish, for example, trout.

After the salmon is placed on the pita bread, we roll the layer into a tight roll.

Roll the roll into polyethylene film or foil and send to the refrigerator for soaking for 1 hour.

Before serving, you can cut off the sides of the roll. As a rule, the stuffing does not get into them, and they turn out to be empty. To beautifully and proportionally cut the roll, it is best to use a large sharp knife. More New Year's snacks with a photo look in the section of New Year's dishes.

We spread the appetizing rolls on a flat, large plate, decorate with herbs and serve.

Enjoy your meal.

simple and delicious roll from pita bread with salmon it can be prepared in advance before the holiday, or maybe ten minutes in advance, when unexpected guests have already settled in the living room.

This is its charm.

In addition, it is so easy to make that even the owner of the house, who has never entered the kitchen before, can cope with the task.

Main cooking principles are extremely simple: the filling is laid out on the pita bread, it is twisted into a tube and cut into portioned pieces. Since all products are ready to eat, there are no particular difficulties.

However, hostesses would not be hostesses if they had not come up with a mass interesting options this dish.

Lavash roll with salmon and butter

Lavash roll with salmon will successfully replace bored sandwiches. From the ingredients we need:

Armenian lavash;

Salmon slightly salted;


We cut the salmon into thin pieces. Ready-made fish from the store can be replaced with self-salted, it will be even tastier.

Lubricate pita bread on one side with oil, do not save, the layer should be thick enough.

Then lay out the pieces of salmon.

We turn the roll. We must try to make it dense, otherwise it will fall apart later. Now it remains only to cut it and enjoy the taste. Rolls can be decorated with thin slices of lemon - it will make the taste more vivid.

Lavash roll with salmon and cream cheese

This roll is a little longer, but also not particularly difficult.

Ingredients for the dish:

Armenian lavash (the recipe is designed to use two sheets);

300 g of slightly salted salmon purchased;

Cream cheese - 250 g;

fresh cucumber;

Parsley greens.

First we prepare the ingredients. We cut the salmon as in the previous recipe. Cucumbers cut into strips - long and thin. If necessary, first remove the peel. Parsley needs to be finely chopped. You can also use dill if you like.

We spread the pita bread and grease it with cheese, paying special attention to the edges, they must also be smeared in order to stick together well.

We cut.

Lavash roll with salmon and garlic sauce

This lavash roll with salmon will appeal to lovers of spicy. We will need:

Armenian lavash;

Curd cheese - about 300 g;

Lightly salted salmon - 300 g;

Green salad - packaging.

For sauce:

Fatty sour cream - a few tablespoons;

Mayonnaise - as much as sour cream;

A few cloves of garlic.

Let's make the sauce first. Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, add crushed or finely chopped garlic.

We spread one sheet of pita bread on the table and grease with cheese. It is convenient to apply it with a long knife.

We place carefully washed and dried lettuce leaves on the cheese, then fish slices.

We put another sheet of pita bread on top and spread it with garlic sauce.

We turn the roll, it will be quite wide, and wrap it with cling film.

Refrigerate for about half an hour.

We cut and try together with the guests.

Lavash roll with canned salmon


One sheet of thin pita bread;

Hard cheese - about 100 g, more can be;

Salmon in oil or own juice- jar;

Black pepper;

Fatty sour cream - a few tablespoons;

Mash the salmon with a fork and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream. Salt and pepper.

In a separate bowl, rub the cheese and add the remaining sour cream and spices to it.

We take a sheet of pita bread and apply a mixture with salmon on one half of it. We cover it with the second half and spread cheese with sour cream on top. We make a roll, put it in a film and send it to the refrigerator.

An hour later, the dish is ready.

Lavash roll with salmon and cold smoked trout

The housewives also add other fish to the lavash roll with salmon, this diversifies the taste, gives unusual notes. Products:

Lavash Armenian;

Salmon - 300 g;

Trout - about 200 g;

Olives - 10 pieces;

Any curd cheese - 250 g;

Bow feathers;


Cottage cheese must be mixed with mayonnaise and finely chopped onions.

On the pita bread spread on the table, lay out the salmon, which must be cut into thin plates.

We put cheese on the salmon, then strips of trout and finely chopped olives.

We twist the roll and pack it in cling film, squeeze it tightly, as far as possible, put it in the cold for the night. The main thing is not to forget to get it out of there about an hour before serving. It will be easier to cut the roll while it is still cold.

Lavash roll with salmon, quail eggs and tarragon

This pita roll with salmon has a very interesting look thanks to quail eggs. Tarragon, aka tarragon, gives a unique flavor. This herb must be present necessarily, you can not replace it with anything.


One sheet of pita bread;

Lightly salted salmon - 200 g;

Processed cheese (or sausage);

Quail eggs - 10 pieces;

Tarragon - 1 bunch.

First of all, smear well. processed cheese by lavash

Then lay out some of the tarragon leaves on top.

We cover the entire pita bread with a thin layer of salmon, leaving its left edge free.

On the right we place a thick layer of tarragon, and lay eggs on it with a strip.

Now you need to very carefully roll the roll. It is important that the eggs remain in place and do not fall apart.

The roll wrapped in film should lie in the refrigerator for several hours.

With a very sharp knife, divide the dish into portions. On the slice in the center should be an egg surrounded by greens.

Lavash roll with salmon and tomato

Highly interesting taste gives not the most familiar combination of salted fish with a tomato. Lavash roll with salmon, made according to this recipe, turns out to be very bright and festive.

List of required products:

Lavash Armenian;

Lightly salted salmon - 300 g;

Any soft cheese - 150 g;

Tomatoes - 5 pieces of medium size;

Garlic - a few cloves, depending on how much you like it;


green onions;

Fresh greens.

First, let's prepare the filling. Peel off the tomatoes. This is very easy to do, just put them in boiling water for just a few seconds. Now they should be finely chopped and mixed with cheese, crushed garlic, herbs and mayonnaise.

Spread the resulting mass in a thick layer on pita bread, place thin slices of salmon on top and sprinkle everything green onion.

Lavash roll with baked salmon

Lavash roll with salmon can also be a delicious hot dish. Here we need raw salmon, but in principle, lightly salted salmon can also be used. In this case, the dish does not need to be additionally salted.


Salmon, fresh fillet - 1 kg;

Two sheets of thin pita bread;

Any hard cheese- 300 g;

Oil (olive or any other);

Several spoons french mustard;

Honey - a teaspoon is enough;

A little lemon juice;

Dry Provence herbs;

Half a bunch of parsley and dill;

Salt, pepper - optional.

Salmon fillet must be prepared - remove the bones and skin. Cut it into thin pieces.

Grate hard cheese. Finely chop the greens.

For dressing, combine two tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice and French mustard with a teaspoon of honey.

On one side, we coat the sheet of pita bread olive oil. A lot of it is not needed, because the fish itself is quite oily.

We spread pieces of salmon on pita bread, while leaving one edge free so that the roll turns out to be neat when it is rolled up.

We put cheese and chopped greens on the fish.

We form a roll and cut it.

Line a baking sheet with foil or grease with oil and lay the pieces of roll on it. Pour them with the dressing prepared in advance and send them to the oven for about half an hour.

We place the finished rolls on a dish, decorate with green lettuce leaves and serve hot to the table.

Lavash roll with salmon baked in foil

This is a very interesting and unusual way to bake fish. In principle, anyone can use it, including whole carcasses, but salmon looks the most festive.


Fresh salmon fillet - 1 kg;

Lavash - one leaf;

Olive oil;

Greens (parsley);

Spices for fish;

The fish must be cleaned, cut into portions. Then sprinkle each piece with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.

Lavash is also divided into pieces. In size, they should be such that you can wrap salmon in them.

Lubricate the pita bread with oil, place the fish in the center, put greens on top (parsley is best), fold the pita bread with an envelope.

We wrap the rolls in foil and send them to the oven (180 degrees). The dish will bake for approximately 20 minutes. Serve it garnished with cherry tomatoes.

Lavash roll with salmon - the secrets and subtleties of cooking

    This dish has its own cooking secrets. Perhaps the most important thing that appears in almost every pita roll recipe is the need to keep the dish in the refrigerator for some time. This is done so that the tastes of the ingredients are combined, and the pita itself is soaked. Ideally, the roll should spend the night in the refrigerator, but if this is not possible, you should leave it there for at least half an hour.

    To prevent the dish from absorbing foreign odors, it is wrapped with cling film. In addition, it allows you to give it the necessary shape and save it.

    In no case should a roll with pita bread be put in the freezer. When thawing, pita bread will spread, it will become unpleasant both in appearance and in taste.

    Cutting a roll is not as easy as it might seem. Since its filling consists of pieces, they can easily crumble, and no beautiful appearance won't work anymore. Therefore, it is necessary to arm yourself with a very sharp knife that will leave a neat cut.

    Found in stores different types pita bread, thin ones are suitable, they are also called Armenian.

    For a roll, it is best to purchase pita bread in a rectangular or square shape. It is convenient to twist such sheets, the roll turns out to be smooth and beautiful. Round ones will have to be cut off.

    In the air, pita bread quickly becomes stale and begins to break. But this can be fought. It is enough to sprinkle it with warm water, and after a few minutes it will become soft again.

    Salmon for roll can be bought immediately chopped. If she represents whole piece, it is necessary to thoroughly clean it, remove all bones (even softened ones) and skin.

Lavash roll is a very convenient thing. In order to cook it, it is absolutely not necessary to study dozens of recipes and look for some special products. In fact, you can wrap absolutely everything that is in refrigerators in it. A proven observation: if guests ignore some salad on the festive table, it is enough to use it as a filling for pita bread for the new dish to make a splash.

With salmon is one of the most delicious and popular appetizers that will perfectly complement any meal. festive table, decorate and add variety to everyday life. Having prepared such interesting snack for a picnic, you can have an appetizing snack while the barbecue is being prepared.

The filling for the roll along with salmon can be various fresh vegetables and greens boiled eggs, cheeses and other ingredients, and mayonnaise, cream or processed cheese as an impregnating and binding component.

Below in our recipes we will tell you in detail how to cook correct rolls from pita bread with salmon.

Lavash roll with salmon and cucumber



First of all, we will prepare all the necessary components for the roll. Lightly salted salmon and washed fresh cucumber cut into the thinnest possible plates. Grind the leek or green onion, finely chop the greens.

We unfold pita bread on a flat surface and coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise. We evenly distribute lettuce leaves over the entire surface and alternate plates of salmon and cucumber with each other. Evenly lay out the onions, fresh herbs, and form a roll. Leave to soak for one hour, and then cut into sticks, about four centimeters thick, lay out on a dish and serve.

Lavash roll with salmon and cheese


  • thin pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • slightly salted salmon - 250 g;
  • mascarpone cream cheese - 250-350 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • fresh parsley - to taste.


Lightly salted salmon cut into plates of different thicknesses. We clean the cucumber from the skin and cut into strips. Finely chop the parsley.

Now spread the pita bread on a flat surface and coat with cream cheese. We distribute the cucumber straws in a checkerboard pattern, and lay the salmon plates in descending order in size. As a result, on one side there will be the thinnest, and on the other the thickest pieces. We crush parsley over the entire surface and roll up the roll, starting from the edge where the slices are the smallest.

Cut the finished roll into cubes, place on a dish and serve.

Lavash roll with salmon and egg


  • thin pita bread - 2 pcs.;
  • slightly salted salmon - 250 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • green onions - to taste;
  • fresh dill - to taste;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.


Hard-boil eggs, dip in to cool cold water for fifteen minutes, peel and pass through a grater. Cut the salmon into small thin pieces. Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Finely chop fresh dill and green onions. Grated hard cheese.

All the ingredients are ready, we proceed to the formation of the roll. We lay out the pita bread on a flat, clean surface and coat it with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Then we distribute, alternating with each other, slices of salmon, eggs, hard cheese and tomato. Sprinkle with green onions and dill and roll up. We let it soak for an hour, cut it into bars, put it on a dish and serve it to the table.

These are the most common recipes for making this snack. You can add or remove components at your discretion, replace mayonnaise with processed cheese and vice versa, use other fresh vegetables or herbs. You can also successfully adjust the thickness of the intended roll by cutting the pita bread in half or rolling it into a roll with its long side. The number of turns, thus, will be less, and the roll is thinner.

Ingredients: a couple of sheets of pita bread, 250 g of salmon, 450 g of cheese (cottage cheese), a small bunch of dill.

Cut the salmon into slices as thin as possible. Spread a pita leaf on the table and generously grease with cheese. Sprinkle with a layer of greenery and cover it with a second sheet. Put the remaining cheese and fish slices on top.

We roll the roll as tightly as possible on the side that is shorter. Wrap in clingfilm and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. After the allotted time, you can cut rolls no thicker than 3 cm.

Lavash rolls with salmon and curd cheese

Ingredients: 450 g lightly salted salmon, 150 g curd cheese, 5 tomatoes, thin pita bread, herbs, mayonnaise.

Lubricate the pita leaf with mayonnaise, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, spread the tomatoes previously peeled from the skin. We cover with a second pita leaf, grease it with cheese and put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfish on top.

Having rolled the pita bread into a roll and, wrapping it with a film, put it on the shelf of the refrigerator for the night. Just before serving, cut into 1 cm thick slices.

Lavash appetizer with salmon and avocado

Ingredients: 400 g avocado, 250 g salmon fillet, 200 g tomatoes, 150 g cheese, 3 tbsp yogurt, pita bread, 2 tbsp lemon juice.

Article author: Terekhova Elena