What is the difference between pancakes, pancakes and pancakes? How do American pancakes differ from traditional Russian ones?

Hearty and tasty food - pancakes - makes us happy not only on Maslenitsa, but throughout the year. This is one of the most beloved delicacies in Russia. True, it turns out that the word “pancakes,” which some consider a diminutive name for pancakes, actually means a completely independent dish. What is the difference between these two concepts - pancakes and pancakes? Let's try to figure it out.


Pancakesculinary product round shape, baked from liquid, usually yeast, dough, which is poured onto a hot frying pan. Refers to Russian cuisine. Served with a variety of snacks, especially thin pancakes the filling may be wrapped.

Pancakes- a type of pancakes prepared without yeast starter, in milk with the addition of water; a typical dish of European (especially French) cuisine.


The main difference is that pancakes are baked with yeast, but no yeast is added to the pancake dough, which results in very thin products. Therefore, pancakes are less high-calorie dish than pancakes, which are usually served with butter, sour cream, red and black caviar, honey and other hearty additives. Pancakes, flat and almost transparent, are usually enjoyed for dessert, so they are often sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar with vanilla. They go well with sweet sauces, fresh berries, ice cream.

It is believed that the thinner the pancake, the tastier it is. Pancakes baked from yeast dough are thick, dense and very filling. The better the pancake rises in the pan during baking, the better the dough was mixed, which means the pancake will probably be a success. Traditional Russian pancakes are made only using the sponge method, when the dough rises several times. Therefore, they usually have a very special consistency and are distinguished by looseness, airiness, softness, fluffiness and lightness. Real pancakes are spongy, with numerous pores throughout their surface. Hot pancakes instantly melt thick sour cream, butter and absorb them like a sponge. After this, they become even more juicy and tasty, and begin to shine and shine. Pancakes are made from a “quick” dough that does not require standing; it does not have to “rise” for a long time.

Pancakes are usually baked on a heavy, well-heated stove, best cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom, preferable for pancakes thin dishes. When baking pancakes, you shouldn’t skimp on the batter by pouring it into the pan. But for pancakes, excess dough is undesirable, so if you pour it into a frying pan, it is better to immediately pour the excess back so that the pancake turns out really thin. The dough for pancakes is made a little thicker than for pancakes, and should have the thickness of good country sour cream. For pancakes, use approximately three glasses of flour for two glasses of milk; for pancakes, use three glasses of flour for three glasses of liquid.

Russian pancakes are sometimes made “with baking”: in this case, right when baking the pancake, finely chopped boiled eggs, fried onion, pieces of any fish, liver, mushrooms, vegetables, herbs, apples. Pancakes are not prepared this way.

Pancakes are characterized by a slightly sour taste, especially if they are made with the addition of buckwheat flour. The taste of pancakes is delicate and sweet.

Conclusions website

  1. Blinis are considered an original Russian dish; pancakes are popular in Europe, particularly in France.
  2. Pancakes are prepared with yeast, using the sponge method, and the dough (thick, like sour cream) is left to rest before baking. Pancakes are prepared without yeast; you can bake them immediately after preparing the dough (quite liquid).
  3. Pancakes are usually fluffy, thick, loose, spongy, porous. The pancakes are thin, almost transparent.
  4. Pancakes are a high-calorie food, pancakes are lower in calories.
  5. Pancakes can be a complete meal; pancakes are most often served for dessert.
  6. Pancakes have a predominantly sour taste, while pancakes have a sweetish taste.
  7. Pancakes turn out best on heavy cast iron frying pan with a thick bottom, pancakes - on a thin one.
Difference between pancakes, pancakes, crepes, pancakes and pancakes

At the request of our friend, we decided to write an article about the difference between crepes, crepes, crepes, pancakes and pancakes. We all love and prepare these dishes for ourselves and our loved ones, but not everyone understands the differences between one baked product and another.

Hearty and delicious pancakes make us happy not only on Maslenitsa, but throughout the year as delicious breakfasts or dinners and are one of the favorite delicacies. However, it turns out that the diminutive of the word “pancakes” - “pancakes” - is quite a separate dish. The difference between them, of course, is in the recipe and form.

Flour mixture “Boyarskie pancakes “S. Pudov”

If they are baked from yeast dough, the consistency of which resembles sour cream, then the pancakes are made with milk or water, without yeast starter, and the dough is quite liquid. The first ones, accordingly, turn out to be lush, loose and thick; the latter are thin and almost transparent. In addition, it is generally accepted that pancakes are a primordial Russian dish, and pancakes came to us from Europe, in particular from France. For those who are watching their figure, it is advisable to eat pancakes, since they are lower in calories than pancakes. A few more distinctive features between these types of baked goods: pancakes can be a complete meal and have a sour taste; pancakes - more often dessert dish because they are sweetened.

One of the oldest and most delicious dishes. It has come a long way from ordinary food for peasants to a delicacy for the nobility. And we all know that the main difference between pancakes, pancakes and pancakes is the form of baking. The former are cooked over the entire diameter of the pan, the latter look like small cakes and are much thicker. Also, if the basis of pancakes/pancakes is water or milk mixed with flour and yeast, then other ingredients can be added to the pancakes: raisins, cottage cheese, vanilla sugar, honey, etc.

Flour mixture “Homemade Golden Morning Pancakes”

Pancakes are the American “relatives” of our Russian pancakes, which are most often consumed by US residents for breakfast. You've probably seen them in films. Their size is something between pancakes and pancakes. They are preparing for yeast dough with the addition of milk, kefir or cream. Pancakes are baked in a dry frying pan without fat. The main difference between American baked goods and French pancakes and Russian pancakes and pancakes is the obligatory addition of whipped eggs and baking powder. Thanks to this recipe, the dish turns out fluffy and incredibly tender. In America, they eat pancakes in their own way - with maple syrup, in Russia they add everyone’s favorite sour cream, butter, condensed milk, and jam.

Well, and finally, crepes. These are French thin-pretty and very tender pancakes. There are no “holes” in ready-made crepes - a sign of Russian pastries, but there must be slightly crispy edges. Melted butter must be added to the dough for making crepes and egg whites, whipped into a strong foam and added to the dough at the very end. Next, this entire composition must be kept in the cold for at least 30 minutes, and the French say that the longer the dough is kept, the better. The main and most important thing is that there is no sugar in crepes, since it is believed that it is because of it that baked goods stick to the pan. They are usually served with all sorts of fillings and gravies, both salty and sweet.

However, all these dishes have several factors in common: they are easy and simple to prepare, and delicious to eat!

It is not surprising that when using almost the same ingredients for both Russian and American pancakes, the result is significantly different. How can one explain the fact that dishes prepared according to one recipe have different taste qualities? What can I say - one housewife prepares the same notorious borscht, using similar products, differently each time. Therefore, American pancakes, prepared at first glance in the same way as ours, differ in taste and appearance from those familiar to us. So what's the difference?

Traditional recipe. American style pancakes

  • Flour - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • Butter (melted) or olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Egg - 1 pc.

American pancakes are a dish ideal for breakfast. Their distinctive feature What differs from our usual pancakes is the addition of berries (usually blueberries). For all their tenderness and lightness, nevertheless, they turn out to be denser and more compact than Russian ones.


Powdered sugar, salt and baking powder are added to the sifted flour. Add melted butter to a lightly beaten egg with milk, pour the resulting mixture into flour and stir thoroughly with a fork until homogeneous consistency and softness. Even if there are lumps left, they will quickly dissolve. Then the dough is set aside for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, heat a frying pan and melt the butter. As usual, pour a ladle of dough into a heated frying pan. It is worth noting that they will turn out thicker than what we are used to, but that is how it should be. Turn the pancakes over to the other side after bubbles appear on their surface and bake, alternately turning on both sides, until golden brown.

American pancakes are served with butter or maple syrup.

In addition, which is especially unusual for us, pancakes are served with fried bacon. What seemed unacceptable is actually very tasty! The combination of American pancakes with maple syrup and salty crispy bacon is quite different exquisite taste.

American pancakes or the so-called ones have a denser consistency, which does not spoil them at all, but on the contrary makes them quite original dish, which is successfully served with honey, butter, maple syrup, sour cream or bacon. This is American food. American style pancakes would be a good idea for a Sunday brunch family breakfast, as is customary in the USA. The products that are necessary to prepare this “overseas” dish are sold in our stores and are ideal for it. But at the same time, it is worth noting that those who tried this dish in its historical homeland will not always be able to achieve complete identity. Those who try it for the first time have nothing to compare with and nothing to lose...

Americans love to eat, but they rarely cook homemade food. And so they feed on a quick fix in fast foods, consuming food in huge quantities, for example, a completely acceptable order for the average American may consist of a huge sandwich, three huge portions of French fries and all this washed down with a liter glass of cola! In addition, they are constantly chewing something. This is why so many people of this nationality suffer from excessive weight. But only when prepared at home or in an expensive restaurant is really real American food, everything else is not healthy, quickly prepared and cheap. Eat right and be healthy!

We cook and love to eat pancakes, pancakes, crepes, pancakes and pancakes not only on Maslenitsa. This great option for breakfast, hearty snack And festive table. True, not everyone can understand what the fundamental difference between these dishes is. If with pancakes and pancakes everything is extremely simple: the first are fluffy and the size of a child’s palm, the second are thin and occupy the entire diameter of the frying pan, then “pancakes” are considered by many to be a diminutive word, and “crepes” are simply borrowed. Meanwhile, all these dishes differ as appearance, and the recipe.

First, let's look at baked goods that are cooked across the entire diameter of the pan - these are pancakes, pancakes and crepes.

Pancakes are considered an original Russian dish. The dough for them is kneaded with yeast, reminiscent of sour cream in its thickness. The pancakes themselves turn out fluffy, thick and with a slight sour taste. Due to their high density, they perfectly hold the filling and do not tear, so they are often filling and served as an appetizer.

Dough for pancakes more liquid. It is prepared on the basis of milk or water, with the addition of vegetable oil and without yeast. Pancakes are a lower calorie product. Thin, almost transparent, they are served both as an appetizer and as a dessert dish - depending on the composition of the filling and the amount of sugar added to the dough.

Only thinner than pancakes crepes, whose homeland is France. For the dough, melted butter and egg whites are used, which must be whipped into a strong foam and added at the final stage. There is no sugar in it at all. A prerequisite is that the dough must stand in the cold for at least half an hour, and preferably all night. Distinctive Features Ready-made crepes are elastic, slightly crispy edges and lack of holes on the surface. They are prepared with with different fillings and sauces – sweet and salty.

Pancakes and pancakes differ from pancakes primarily in the form of baking. These are small flatbreads, into which you can add other ingredients - chocolate, cottage cheese, raisins - during kneading. Both pancakes and pancakes turn out thick and fluffy. Is it true, pancakes fried in vegetable oil, and their American “brothers” pancakes They are baked in a dry frying pan and, as a rule, baking powder is added to the dough, not soda. Often, to make pancakes more tender and airy, eggs are whipped into foam before adding to the dough. The serving is also different: we are used to eating pancakes with jam, honey, condensed milk or sour cream, and pancakes are served with maple syrup.

What all these dishes have in common is their ease of preparation, availability of ingredients and amazing taste!

Author of the publication

Author and founder of the project “Nehudeem.ru” - culinary portal about simple and delicious food. The site brings together all lovers homemade food. Shares with other food bloggers delicious recipes with detailed step by step description. She loves to cook and puts her culinary knowledge into recipes. Every day we try to make this project even more convenient and interesting. Mom of Anya and Kirill.

In honor of the holiday, the editor of the “Food” section, Masha Serdyuk, tells the difference between pancakes and pancakes, and also why they should not be confused with nalistniki and crepes.

Firstly, pancakes are considered to be an original Russian dish. Well, as for the Russians, these flat cakes made from dough have been known since the times of Kievan Rus, and it is not known for certain who exactly invented them - Russians, Ukrainians or someone else. But that's not the point. And the fact is that There are pancakes, and there are pancakes. And these are two completely different things.

Judge for yourself: pancakes are made with yeast dough, which in consistency resembles sour cream, but pancakes are made with milk or water, without yeast, which is why the dough turns out to be quite liquid. Therefore, the pancakes, accordingly, turn out fluffy, loose and thick; but the pancakes come out thin and almost transparent.

In addition, pancakes have a sour taste due to yeast, and they themselves are considered a complete independent dish in combination with unsweetened filling. But pancakes are often a dessert dish, since their dough is sweetish, and they are usually served with sweet cottage cheese, honey, jam or fruits and berries. When serving, pancakes and pancakes are usually folded into a triangle or tube.

With sheets it’s a different story. Firstly, this a traditional dish Ukrainian and Belarusian cuisines. Secondly, the dough for sheet pans is very liquid and very bland. To be precise, the dough for the pancakes is completely tasteless - this is necessary so as not to interrupt the taste of the filling.

The pancakes themselves are very thin and elastic; when served, the filling is placed in the middle of the pancake. Then the filling is covered with the free edges of the dough and rolled into a tight roll. In pancakes, the filling is distributed over the entire surface of the dough, and then, as we have already said, folded into a triangle or rolled into a tube.

Nalistniki. Photo: www.1zoom.ru

And finally, crepes. This French dish, very reminiscent of pancakes - both in appearance, and in recipe, and in cooking technique. The only difference is that while pancakes are often made “lacey”, sort of translucent, then French crepes are smooth and elastic and there are no holes in them.

The main and most important point: there is absolutely no sugar in crepes (those who give up sweets, hello!). The French are sure that it is because of sugar that the dough becomes loose and sticks to the pan during cooking. In addition, there is another one in the crepes important nuance: ready dough You definitely need to keep it in the cold - at least half an hour, or better yet, even longer. Well, it is customary to serve crepes in the same way as pancakes and pancakes: with all kinds of salty and sweet fillings and toppings.

In honor of Maslenitsa, the editors of bit.ua share with you simple recipe French crepes. Don't thank me.