Juicy pork with pineapples and cheese. Meat and pineapple are a great combination! Best Recipes

With pineapple and cheese, even the words alone make your mouth water. There are many recipes for preparing such a dish, we have tried and chicken fillet, and beef, but no meat can compare with juicy and tender pork. And pineapple goes best with it, adding some sourness and soothing the stomach. So, we cook meat with pineapple and cheese in the oven.

Ingredients and preparation

This recipe is quite suitable for a dish that will be served on a festive table. In addition, it will not only be very tasty, but beautiful and unusual. Whatever requirements you have for a holiday dish, cheese in the oven fully meets them. To prepare it we will need: pork tenderloin, but you can also use young veal, fresh pineapple - one, hard cheese - 200 grams, onions - three heads, pepper, salt, grated nutmeg - half a teaspoon, garlic - four cloves, cilantro - several sprigs, olives - 8-10 pieces, vegetable oil.

If you want the meat to be more juicy and soft, it is recommended to marinate it first. It’s better to do it a day before cooking or at least two to three hours. We prepare the marinade from pepper, salt, crushed garlic and two or three grated slices of pineapple, as it softens the meat well. We cut the pork itself into slices about one and a half centimeters thick, along the grain, beat it with a wooden mallet and then rub it well with the marinade. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator. When choosing pork, it is advisable to always marinate it at least for a short time.

Process with pineapple

For this, we only need a baking sheet and a frying pan. We clean the pieces of meat from the marinade and dry them with a paper towel. Fry them on both sides in very hot oil until golden crust. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Meanwhile, grease a baking sheet with oil and place pieces of meat.

Season with a little pepper, add some salt and crush nutmeg. Cut several slices - three to five - of pineapple into small cubes and place them on the pork slices. Cut the onion into half rings and also arrange. We grate the cheese and try to cover each piece in an even layer. Finely chop the cilantro and do the same. For a special touch, place a couple of olives on each piece of meat. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake for about half an hour. Then turn it off, but leave the baking sheet inside for 5-10 minutes. The meat with pineapple and cheese is ready in the oven. Serve immediately.

Pay attention to them if you want your dish to surprise everyone. Best used for this recipe fresh pineapple, but in the absence of such, you can use canned. If you are afraid of getting confused during the cooking process, we recommend that you pay attention to the photo recipe. cooked according to it, it will turn out more successful in any case. One more tip. Fry the meat before the guests arrive, prepare the pineapple, cheese and onions. About 45 minutes before serving the roast on the table, turn on the oven, assemble the entire set of products on a baking sheet, send it to the heat and after 30-35 minutes - music in the studio!

Recipe for the same dish, but simpler

Now we’ll tell you how to cook the same dish - meat with pineapple and cheese in the oven, but a little easier and faster. After all, you don’t always have time to marinate, and guests are already on the way. Ingredients: pork - 0.7 kg, canned pineapple rings - one can, one large onion, cheese - 150 grams, olives - five to six pieces, mayonnaise, spices, salt. Now let's present you the recipe itself:

Stew meat with sweet pepper

We decided to change ours a little meat recipes. In the following we offer you an everyday, simple option for preparing a second dish with the same set of ingredients. Today we will make a recipe for meat with pepper. In the process of extinguishing Bell pepper will turn mostly into a sauce, adding its taste and aroma to the tomatoes in own juice.

This roast is best served with young boiled potatoes. So, for six servings we will need: pork - 0.8 kg of shoulder or ham, onions - two medium-sized pieces, sweet pepper - 0.5 kg peeled, tomatoes in their own juice - 0.8 kg, ground black pepper and salt. Pork meat can be easily replaced with beef; only the stewing time will increase.

Cooking process

We offer you detailed step by step recipe with meat, the photo will demonstrate final result. Slicing the pork small pieces, onion - in half rings, and pepper is best in strips. Heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a saucepan with a thick bottom. A few visits before golden brown crust fry all the meat. Then transfer to a plate. Over medium heat, stirring, fry the onion for about five minutes. Add sweet pepper and cook the same amount.

Place the meat, tomatoes, mashing them, pepper and salt into the pan. Pour in a glass hot water, boil over high heat, then reduce it to low, cover with a lid and simmer for about 60 minutes until the meat is tender. You can also serve it with a side dish of vegetables. Bon appetit!

The sweetish meat of tender, juicy pork is delicious on its own. But in sweet and sour company it becomes simply incomparable.

That is why the combination of pork and pineapple has long become a classic of everyday and especially holiday tables. How is this dish prepared? experienced housewives!

Most The best way To combine tender pork and cheerful pineapple is to bake them in the oven.

The duet is magnificent, self-sufficient, but easily accepting additional shades of taste.

Mushrooms, cheese, bell pepper, herbs, mustard, tomatoes, potatoes - from a dozen or two variations of the classic recipe, any housewife is sure to choose a few of the very best to please her guests and loved ones.

Pork with pineapple in the oven - general cooking principles

To cook juicy, soft pork with pineapples in the oven you will need a good whole piece pork without bones, veins, fat. The skin should be cut off, the meat should be washed with cool running water, and dried with a cloth or paper napkin.

Cut the pork into medallion pieces no more than a centimeter thick. This is no coincidence: thicker pieces will be less well-fried, poorly marinated, and poorly saturated with juice. additional ingredients.

The chopped pieces need to be beaten so that the already soft fibers cook in the oven as quickly as possible. Beaten meat is most often marinated in an acidic environment. The marinade makes the pork softer, juicier, and more flavorful.

The easiest way to take pineapples is canned – you don’t need to cook them additionally. Syrup mixed with herbs and salt makes an excellent marinade.

The ideal pork with pineapple in the oven is baked on a sheet at a temperature of 180 to 220 degrees. The difference depends only on the characteristics of the oven. The average baking time is forty minutes.

Pork with pineapples in the oven

The classic recipe for pork chop with pineapple in the oven does not require any additional ingredients. You can season the meat with your favorite spices and use mayonnaise as a marinade.


Half a kilo pork meat;

A jar of pineapple rings;

Spices to taste (basil, parsley, garlic, coriander, thyme);

Half a glass of mayonnaise;

One hundred grams of cheese;

Vegetable oil;

Pitted olives.

Cooking method:

Add a little salt to the well-pounded pork meat, pepper to taste, and sprinkle with spices.

Place the meat on a sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Thinly coat the meat with mayonnaise.

Drain the liquid from the pineapple and dry the slices.

Place pineapple rings on meat pieces.

Place an olive in the center of the pineapple.

Grate the cheese.

Cover each piece of meat with pineapple with cheese crumbs.

Bake for thirty minutes.

Pork with pineapples and cashews in the oven with soy sauce

Original, spicy taste pork with pineapple in the oven, this recipe will be appreciated by fans oriental cuisine. Cashew nuts perfectly complement the taste of meat, and white wine adds a refined aroma.


Half a kilo of lean pork;

Half a glass of cashew nuts;

A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;

2 table. spoons of soy sauce;

Can of pineapples;

Two medium carrots;

A quarter glass of dry white wine;

1 table spoon of potato or corn starch;

Pepper, other spices as desired;

A handful of sesame seeds.

Cooking method:

Cut the carrots into very thin, almost transparent circles.

Pineapple - in small cubes.

Chop cashews finely.

Combine vinegar, wine, liquid from canned pineapples with soy sauce and starch.

Cut the pork into slices.

Heat vegetable oil and quickly fry the meat until an appetizing crust appears.

Place the meat on a baking sheet.

Fry the carrots (five minutes), put the pineapple in the pan.

Mix carrot-pineapple frying with nuts.

Pour in the marinade and simmer for ten minutes.

Pour sauce over meat.

Bake for ten minutes in a preheated oven.

When serving, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Pork with pineapples in the oven with ginger sauce

Fantastic combination juicy meat, spicy ginger and sweet and sour pineapple will delight you with its originality and amazing taste. Very unexpected and very tasty!


Half a kilo of pork meat;

A spoon of grated ginger;

Can of pineapples;

Half a glass of soy sauce;

Two cloves of garlic;

A teaspoon of peanut (or regular vegetable) oil;

Medium bulb;

4 table. spoons of thick tomato paste;

2 table. spoons of sesame oil;

Three spoons of sweet wine;

Dessert spoon of balsamic vinegar;

2 teaspoons sugar;

Ground pepper Chile.

Cooking method:

Prepare the marinade: wine, vinegar, tomato, sugar, soy sauce.

Marinate the chopped meat for half an hour.

Prepare a sauce from grated ginger, garlic, chili, sugar, pureed pineapple and a few tablespoons of water.

Thinly slice the onion into rings.

Fry the onion, sprinkled with a teaspoon of sugar, in sesame oil until golden brown.

Fry the meat in sesame oil. Fry each side for three minutes.

Place the pork on a baking sheet and place the onion on top.

Pour the sauce over the meat.

Place in a preheated oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

Pork with pineapples, tomatoes, onions in the oven with cheese

Very simple but tasty and juicy dish, which is not a shame to offer to guests. Marinade from pineapple syrup, soy sauce, pepper will make the meat very tender.


A kilogram of pork meat;

A jar of pineapples;

Two medium onions;

Three juicy tomatoes;

One hundred grams of cheese;


Cooking method:

Rub the chopped pork with pepper and salt.

Place the meat on a greased sheet.

Chop the onion into transparent rings, which are placed on the meat.

Spread mayonnaise in a thin layer.

Cut the tomato into transparent rings and place on top of the mayonnaise.

Place pineapple slices on the tomatoes.

Grate the cheese finely.

Bake the meat for half an hour, then cover with cheese and keep in the oven for another ten minutes.

Pork with pineapples and vegetables in the oven with sweet and sour sauce

A very simple recipe for excellent pork with pineapples in the oven.


Half a kilogram of lean pork;

A tablespoon of flour;

Half a glass of soy sauce;

A tablespoon of starch;

Juicy tomato;

One bell pepper;

Medium carrot;

A quarter cup of soy sauce;

Canned pineapple;

2 table. spoons of granulated sugar;

2 table. spoons of table vinegar.

Cooking method:

Carefully cut the thawed meat into medallions with a sharp long knife and beat off.

Prepare the marinade: soy sauce, starch, flour (the consistency of sour cream).

Pour the marinade over the meat for half an hour.

Chop the pepper.

Coarsely grate the carrots.

Grind the tomato without the skin.

Fry peppers with carrots and pineapple.

Add pineapple and tomato to the pan. Simmer for five minutes.

Fry the meat on both sides.

Prepare a sauce from sugar, vinegar, ketchup.

Place the meat on a sheet.

Cover with a “coat” of roasted vegetables.

Pour sauce over everything.

Keep the pork and pineapple in the oven for ten minutes.

Pork with pineapples and mustard in the oven with beer

Pork in beer with pineapples is very tasty, tender, piquant. Beer gives pork a special softness and an appetizing bready aroma.


Four hundred grams of pork meat;

Medium bulb;

Half a glass of light beer;

A tablespoon of natural flower honey;

Can of canned pineapples;

Mustard table boat;

Salt pepper;

A little oregano;

Spices, seasonings for meat as desired.

Cooking method:

Rub the chopped meat with pepper, salt, and oregano.

Chop the onion.

Fry the meat on both sides until golden brown.

Fry the onion in the same oil.

Place pork on sheet.

Place a pineapple slice on each piece.

Prepare the sauce: pour beer, a quarter of the pineapple syrup into the onions, add salt, add honey and mustard.

Boil the sauce over low heat for about five minutes.

Pour the sauce over the meat and cook for half an hour in a preheated oven.

Pork with pineapples and mushrooms under a cheese crust in the oven

Pineapples and mushrooms go well with juicy pork. The onion “coat” gives the dish a slightly sweet, spicy tint. The number of ingredients is indicated arbitrarily: you can focus on your own taste.


Six hundred grams of pork neck;

A jar of canned pineapple rings;

Large onion;

Four hundred grams fresh champignons;

Pepper and salt;

Oil for a frying pan (a quarter cup);

Two hundred grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

Add a little salt to the chopped pork slices and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers.

Take some liquid from the jar of pineapples and marinate the meat in it for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

Cut the onion into half rings.

Heat oil in a frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown, place in a plate.

Cut the champignons into thin slices, fry in the same frying pan, adding a little oil.

Place pork in a suitable ovenproof dish.

Place mushrooms on top of the pork, then onions.

Preheat the oven.

Bake pork with pineapples in the oven for forty minutes.

Grate the cheese.

Seven minutes before it’s ready, sprinkle the meat with grated cheese.

Pork with pineapples and white potatoes in the oven

Full-fledged festive dinner made from pork meat and potatoes will delight you with its ease of preparation and affordable ingredients. Juicy, tender, tasty pork with pineapples in the oven will be ready within an hour.


Polkino pork loin;

Half a kilo of white potatoes;

A jar of pineapple rings;

Salt pepper;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Four to five cloves of garlic;

Herbs optional;

Half a glass of mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Beat the pork, rub with salt, seasonings, and pepper.

Grate the cheese finely.

Cut the potatoes into very thin slices.

Chop the peeled garlic and mix with mayonnaise.

Line a baking sheet with foil and lightly grease it with oil.

Arrange the meat slices.

Grease the pork garlic mayonnaise.

Place a pineapple slice on each piece.

Cover with cheese crumbs.

Cover with foil on top.

Bake in a preheated oven for thirty-five minutes.

Then remove the top sheet of foil and keep the pork and pineapple in the oven for about ten minutes until the cheese is browned.

Pork with pineapples and onions in the oven “Paradise”

Special recipe for those who are afraid to eat mayonnaise heated to high temperatures. The combination of fried onions with sour cream and pineapple can be no less tasty.


One and a half kilograms of pork pulp (it is advisable to use pork neck);

Two large onions;

Three hundred grams of cheese;

A glass of any (store-bought, homemade) sour cream;

A spoonful of mustard and vinegar;

Favorite spices, seasonings;

A jar of pineapple slices.

Cooking method:

Add a little salt to the chopped meat, coat it with mustard, and sprinkle with table vinegar.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Grate the cheese.

Cut the pineapples into very small pieces.

Finely chop the onions.

Place the meat carefully on a sheet lightly greased with oil.

In a large container, mix pineapples, cheese, onions, sour cream, mix everything well.

Place the pineapple cheese coating in an even layer on top of the pork.

Bake the pork with pineapples in the oven for about half an hour.

To serve, cut into portioned pieces.

Pork with pineapples in the oven - tricks and useful tips

  • Loin, ham, brisket, and shoulder blades are very tasty when baked. All these parts are the highest grade of meat.
  • Fresh, unfrozen meat is ideal for baking. When choosing a cut, pay attention to the color: the best pork has a delicate, velvety pink hue.
  • If you use frozen meat, you need to thaw it properly (best on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, not in a warm place), and then cut it properly. After thawing, the meat needs to be kept in the open air for about twenty minutes so that the meat juice is distributed evenly. This technique will soften the fibers, the meat will be tender and soft.
  • Slices for beating are cut across the grain. The meat will become softer and cook faster.
  • To prevent pieces of meat from flying apart when beating, you can cover the slices with film or beat them through a regular food bag.
  • To juice when frying chop does not leak and it does not become dry, it is important to place completely dry meat on a hot (not warm) frying pan. Due to the high temperature, a crust immediately forms on the slice, which retains the juice.
  • You cannot salt the meat before frying - the juice will leak out!

Do you want to surprise your guests or simply diversify your menu? interesting dish.

Take a loin cut of any meat - be it chicken, pork, beef, lamb or rabbit - and cook it with canned or fresh pineapple.

Find out from our original recipes!

Meat with pineapples in the oven - general cooking principles

The main ingredients are meat pulp and pineapples. The meat is usually cut into portioned flat pieces and beaten. The chops are placed on a baking dish, and vegetables and pineapples are placed on top in layers. All this is generously greased with mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to the oven. In some recipes meat fillet cut into small rectangular pieces. First, fry with onions in a frying pan until half cooked, and only then bake in the oven. Meat baked with pineapples has an exquisite sweet and sour taste.

Meat with pineapples in the oven “At home”


Pork pulp – half a kilogram;

Two tables. l. apple cider vinegar;

One table. l. soy sauce;

Half a can of pineapple (canned);

Spices – curry, ground pepper;

Cheese (semi-hard).

Cooking method:

The meat pulp is cut into portions (across the grain). Beat with a kitchen hammer on both sides. Pieces of pork are placed in deep containers and poured apple cider vinegar, soy sauce, add curry and pepper.

Leave to marinate for an hour.

Semi-hard cheese is finely grated or finely chopped.

Place the marinated pork on a greased baking sheet. Pour over pineapple juice. Place one pineapple ring on top of each piece of meat.

Sprinkle generously with cheese. You can also grease with mayonnaise. Bake in the oven at optimal temperature.

Meat with pineapples in the oven “In the House”


Pork meat – four hundred grams;

One fresh pineapple;

Garlic - two feathers;

Semi-hard cheese – one hundred grams;

Mayonnaise - four tables. l.;

Fresh parsley;

Salt pepper;

Cooking method:

The meat is cut into small rectangular pieces. Melt fat or heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the pieces of meat, sprinkling them with spices and salt.

The pulp is removed from the pineapple and cut into squares.

The cheese is grated, the garlic is put through a crusher, and mixed with mayonnaise.

The remaining parts of the pineapple without pulp are stuffed with meat, sliced ​​pineapple slices are placed on top, and greased with a mayonnaise mixture with cheese and garlic. You can sprinkle fresh parsley on top.

Bake in the oven for about fifteen minutes. Bon appetit!

Pork meat with pineapples and cheese (in the oven)


Pork pulp - seven hundred grams;

Two glasses of sour cream;

Semi-hard cheese - one hundred and fifty grams;

Canned pineapple rings;

Salt, pepper, garlic.

Cooking method:

Pork meat is cut into flat pieces. Beat with a kitchen hammer on both sides, salt and sprinkle with pepper.

Baking dishes are greased with oil or fat. Place pieces of pork over the entire area of ​​the baking sheet. Garlic is passed through a press and greased with meat. Place pineapple rings on top, generously sprinkle with cheese shavings and brush with sour cream.

Place in a preheated oven. Bake for about thirty to forty minutes. Juicy meat is ready!

Baked (in the oven) pork meat with pineapples


Pork – half a kilogram;

Two glasses of mayonnaise;

Suluguni cheese – four hundred grams;

Onion – 2;

Can of canned pineapples;

Salt pepper;

Cooking method:

The onion is peeled, cut into half rings, and fried in oil until golden brown.

Meanwhile, the pork is cut into rectangular small pieces.

Place sautéed onions in a heat-resistant baking dish as the first layer, and cover with a layer of meat on top. Pineapples are cut into squares and sprinkled over the pork layer. The next step is to coat everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese.

Place in a well-heated oven and bake. Serve hot. You can sprinkle with herbs.

Chicken meat with pineapples and cheese in the oven


Chicken fillet – six hundred grams;

Two hundred grams of mayonnaise;

One bulb;

Potatoes – seven hundred grams;

Smoked cheese (sausage) – half a kilogram;

Canned pineapples - one can.

Cooking method:

Chicken fillet is cut into flat, medium-sized portions. The onion is finely chopped and sprinkled on the meat, salt and pepper.

Place on a baking dish greased or oiled.

Potatoes are peeled, cut into rings and laid out over the entire surface chicken fillet. Coat the top with mayonnaise so that the dish does not turn out dry.

The juice is drained from the pineapples, cut into squares and sprinkled on a layer of mayonnaise.

Sausage cheese crush and sprinkle it with the next layer. Coat the top with mayonnaise again.

Bake over low heat until an appetizing golden crust and fragrant aroma appear. ready-made dish.

Meat with pineapples and mushrooms “Under the nuts” (in the oven)


One kilogram of fresh pulp of any meat (rabbit, chicken, pork or beef);

Canned pineapple rings - one jar;

One can of mushrooms (canned);

One hundred grams of cheese (semi-hard);

Soy sauce - four tablespoons. l.;

Nuts – almonds or hazelnuts (one hundred grams);

Onion - one;

Oil, pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

The meat is first cut into large flat pieces, beaten with a kitchen hammer and fried in a frying pan on both sides. Allow to cool and cut into squares.

Pineapples are cut into small rectangular pieces and poured with soy sauce. Leave to marinate for twenty-five minutes.

The onion is peeled, chopped and fried in a frying pan together with mushrooms. Place pickled pineapples there and pour in Pineapple juice. Leave to simmer on low gas.

Place the meat in a heat-resistant baking dish as the bottom layer, followed by onions and pineapples. Then generously sprinkle with cheese and almond shavings.

Bake in the oven and serve as a separate dish.

French-style meat with pineapples (in the oven)


Pork (pulp) – one kilogram;

Garlic - three feathers;

Pineapples - one can (canned);

One hundred grams of mayonnaise;

Onion – 2;

Cheese - one hundred and fifty grams;

Half a glass of milk;

Seasonings, oil, salt.

Cooking method:

The pork flesh is washed and the water is allowed to drain. Cut across the fibers into portions and beat with a kitchen hammer. Salt and sprinkle with seasoning.

Milk is poured into a deep plate, garlic is crushed there, and pieces of meat are dipped into this mixture. Leave to soak in the refrigerator for two hours.

Meanwhile, chop the onion into half rings and place it on a greased baking dish. The next layer is marinated meat. It is smeared with mayonnaise. Then place a pineapple ring on each piece. Sprinkle cheese shavings on top, the more, the tastier. Bake in the oven for about half an hour.

Meat with pineapples in the oven “Royally”


Three hundred grams of pork loin;

Onion - one;

Tomato – 1;

Pineapple (canned) - one can;

Cheese (semi-hard) – one hundred grams;

Mayonnaise - one hundred grams;

Salt pepper;


Cooking method:

The pork is washed, the water is allowed to drain, and blotted with a napkin. Then cut into flat portions. Covering cling film and beat it with a hammer. The film is removed, the pork is salted, sprinkled with pepper, and left to soak.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables. The tomato is cut into rings.

The onion is cut into half rings.

The baking dish is greased. Prepared meat is laid out over the entire area. Onions and tomatoes are placed on top. Lubricate well with mayonnaise.

The next layer is sliced ​​pineapple slices and coated with mayonnaise again.

Sprinkle thickly with cheese crumbles. Place an olive in the center of each piece of meat.

Bake in a preheated oven until browned.

Meat with pineapples and olives in the oven


Pork meat – half a kilogram;

Carrots – two hundred grams;

Pineapples in their own juice;

Soy sauce – one hundred grams;

Mayonnaise, spices, olives.

Cooking method:

The meat is washed and dried with a napkin. Then cut into small portions.

The frying pan is heated on gas and lubricated with oil. Fry the meat. The carrots are peeled, cut into strips or passed through a grater. Add to the pan. Then add soy sauce and continue frying on low gas until half cooked.

Then the entire contents of the frying pan are transferred to a greased baking sheet. Spread mayonnaise on top and place pineapple slices over the entire surface. Once again pour mayonnaise and add olives. Sprinkle with spices and place in the oven. Bake for half an hour.

Lamb meat with pineapples in the oven


One kilogram of lamb (neck);

Cottage cheese - one hundred grams;

Crushed crackers;

One tea l. lavender or rosemary;

One can of pineapple.

Cooking method:

Lavender or rosemary is finely chopped until crumbly.

The garlic is passed through a crusher and mixed with cottage cheese, crushed breadcrumbs and rosemary crumbs.

This mixture is coated with chopped pieces of lamb. Place in a heat-resistant dish, greased, and place in the oven. Bake for about an hour.

A few minutes before cooking, sprinkle the meat with chopped pineapple pieces. Serve hot with potatoes or rice.

Meat with pineapples “Golden” in the oven


Three hundred grams of pork (fillet);

One hundred grams of canned pineapples;

Cheese (eighty grams);

Mustard, salt.

Cooking method:

The pork is cut into portions and beaten.

The chops are soaked in the juice of canned pineapples for half an hour and then placed in a heated frying pan. The pieces of meat are pressed down with a spatula and covered with a lid smaller than the frying pan. Lightly fry on both sides until golden brown.

Then the chops are transferred to a baking sheet, pineapple slices are placed on each piece, salted and sprinkled with grated cheese. Dilute one teaspoon of mustard in ½ cup, pour it over the meat and put it in the oven for thirty minutes until the cheese turns golden brown.

Meat with pineapples in the oven - tricks and useful tips

The meat is cut across the grain, not lengthwise.

To make the meat cook faster and become more tender, it is beaten with a mallet. As a result, the muscle fibers of the meat become less rigid. In this case, the meat is placed on a wooden kitchen board, which is pre-moistened so that it does not absorb the juice of the meat, and then is better cleaned.

To avoid splashes when beating the meat, cover it with cling film.

Do not leave meat on the board for a long time, as the wood will absorb the juice.

To prevent the cheese sprinkled on the meat from becoming dry, sour cream or mayonnaise is spread on top.

Do you want to pamper your household or surprise your guests? Prepare gourmet dish– meat with pineapples in the oven. You can use any type of sirloin meat and fresh or canned pineapples. The meat will turn out incredibly tasty, juicy, aromatic, and the slight sourness will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cooking a romantic dinner

Meat with pineapple and cheese in the oven is always a win-win option for an everyday or holiday table. You don't need to spend a lot of money to purchase gourmet products, and the meat cooks quickly. As culinary practice shows, most often housewives choose pork pulp to prepare this dish. You can take chicken fillet, beef, veal, turkey at your discretion.

To ensure that the meat cooks evenly, pound it. Sour cream or mayonnaise sauce. It is also important to decorate the dish in an original and beautiful way, so sprinkle the meat with cheese on top durum.


  • 1 kg pork loin;
  • ground allspice and salt to taste;
  • 1 can of canned pineapple;
  • 0.2 kg of hard cheese.


French-style meat in a new way

French-style meat with pineapples is a culinary know-how. Traditionally, meat according to this recipe is prepared with the addition of hard cheese, onion rings and tomatoes. To make the dish juicy, you need to add sour cream or mayonnaise sauce. TO festive table cook the meat in French style with the addition of pineapple slices. Such exotic fruit will give the dish a unique taste.


  • 1 kg pork tenderloin;
  • 4 onions;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • 6 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • 0.3 l mayonnaise;
  • 2-3 pcs. ripe tomatoes;
  • 400 g hard cheese;
  • a can of canned pineapple;
  • refined sunflower seed oil.


East is a delicate matter

Chinese-style meat with pineapple will appeal to those who crave everything refined, unusual, and unknown. You can take absolutely any type of meat, but to fully and satisfyingly feed your household, still use pork. Although taste qualities Chicken fillet with pineapples is in no way inferior to pork tenderloin.


  • onions – 150 g;
  • pork tenderloin – 700 g;
  • canned pineapple – 300 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l. potato starch;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste– 3 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar – 2/3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and soy sauce to taste.


  1. Sift through a fine sieve wheat flour and potato starch.
  2. Combine the dry ingredients and mix.
  3. We wash the pork tenderloin with purified water and remove any remaining moisture with paper napkins.
  4. Cut the meat into portions.
  5. Place the pork in a deep bowl and sprinkle with flour and starch.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Pour soy sauce over the meat, mix again and leave to marinate for a while.
  8. Place the canned pineapple in a colander and drain the juice.
  9. Grind it into cubes.
  10. Heat the refined sunflower seed oil in a frying pan.
  11. Add pineapple slices and sauté for about two minutes.
  12. Transfer the fried pineapples to a plate and add the marinated meat to the frying pan.
  13. While the meat is fried until golden, chop the onion.
  14. Add chopped onion to the meat and mix.
  15. After a few minutes, add the pineapples.
  16. Simmer over low heat, and in the meantime prepare the sauce.
  17. Combine pineapple juice with tomato paste. You will need approximately 150 ml of syrup.
  18. Add the sauce to the pan.
  19. Simmer the meat until the sauce begins to evaporate.

Let's cook holiday dish- pork with pineapple and cheese in the oven, its taste is so refined and unusual that the female sex will definitely appreciate it. After all, the combination of meat with sweet and sour pineapple is always delicious. The final note in this dish is the baked cheese crust, which stretches so appetizingly and gives an unforgettable taste.

This dish is prepared mainly for holidays, because the price of the pineapple itself is a bit steep, but sometimes you can just treat yourself. Everything is prepared very quickly and simply, and as a result you get a masterpiece. You can also experiment with the ingredients: put thin onion rings, slices of tomato or eggplant on the meat. Some people also add potatoes or rice to make a hearty second course.


  • Pork – 300 g.
  • Canned pineapples - 3 rings
  • Sour cream (mayonnaise) – 3 tbsp
  • Hard cheese – 100 g.
  • Salt, spices - a pinch

How to cook pork with pineapples in the oven

Cut a piece of pork approximately 1-1.5 cm wide. Beat the meat a little with a hammer, but not too much; it’s not chops. If you beat the meat too thin, it will turn out dry. Season the meat with salt and spices on both sides; do not skimp on the spices, otherwise it will turn out tasteless. Place the pork in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil.

Place pineapple rings on top.

Lubricate the pineapples with a thick layer of sour cream or mayonnaise, I chose sour cream. Just make sure that it is not too sour.

Grate the cheese coarse grater and sprinkle it on top. Don't skimp on the cheese. Then you will have a very tasty cheese crust. Place in a preheated oven to bake for 20 minutes at 200C.

Remove the dish from the oven and serve hot. You can decorate with leaves of fresh herbs or put olives in the middle of the rings. Can be served as a side dish mashed potatoes or there is nothing to serve at all, as it turns out very satisfying. Bon appetit!

1. If you want to make the taste of meat original, you can marinate it before cooking: in spices, soy sauce, honey, tomato paste. Marinating time 30 minutes at room temperature.

2. If you like it spicy: add onion, red garlic hot pepper, mustard.

3. You can grease the chops with: sour cream, sour cream-mustard sauce, mayonnaise.

4. It is better not to use ketchup or tomato paste, it will interrupt the taste of pineapple.

5. Better to use canned pineapple than fresh, it will give the desired sweetness.

6. Do not bake for a long time so that the pork does not turn out tough.

7. You can use any cheese: mozzarella, Russian, Dutch or a mixture of cheeses.

8. The preparations can be made before the holiday and stored in the refrigerator, but they need to be baked before serving.

9. Some people use chicken, but I don’t really recommend it; pork and pineapples go better.

This perfect dish for the holiday - pork with pineapple and cheese in the oven!

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