How to cook macaroni and cheese in a saucepan. American Macaroni and Cheese: A Step-by-Step Recipe

I have loved pasta since childhood. Probably, this is inherited, because my son, a schoolboy, bursts them without measure. But most often he likes them with sugar or asks to cook milk soup with vermicelli. But for a change, I cook macaroni and cheese for my husband.

When you need to quickly cook dinner, but there is not enough time, I advise you to cook and pamper your family with this simple recipe. How to make macaroni and cheese in just 20 minutes and get hearty side dish, I will tell below.

American Macaroni and Cheese Recipe with Photo

  • You will need the simplest set of products and a little time. I think that pasta can be found in every family.
  • And in order to give them unusual taste and a beautiful view, enough cheese and milk, from which I will make a sauce.
  • No wonder Americans love this dish, although they season pasta with various flavor enhancers. I also get high-quality and healthy food from natural products.
  • For the recipe, I used pasta horns. hard varieties, fresh milk and two kinds of cheese. What are two for? And in order for the dish to have different shades of taste. I had a piece of edam (semi-hard cheese) and hard maasdam.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pasta. They must be of high quality, preferably hard varieties, otherwise they will boil and lose their shape.

If the ingredients are ready, let's start cooking.

Kitchenware: pot; grater; heat-resistant dishes for making sauce.


Cooking steps

You can eat American pasta with or without a side dish.

video recipe

What does it look like ready meal, as well as all the stages of preparation, the video demonstrates well.

Can be added to sauce nutmeg, black pepper. If you want to bake the pasta in the oven, then after mixing the horns with the sauce, put them in a baking dish. Preheat the oven and bake until the dish is browned. In time, this will notice about 30 minutes, and a crust will form on top.

Pasta is a versatile product. From them you can cook sweet casserole The kids will love this dish. And in order to cook full meal, you can make “navy-style pasta with minced meat”, which are prepared just as simply and do not require special culinary skills. If there is no minced meat, replace it with stew and cook - pasta with stew - it's even faster.

Macaroni with cheese and bacon in the oven

Any student can cook pasta. Even if you do not know how to cook, follow my recommendations, and you will definitely succeed. Add overcooked bacon to the dish, and it will get completely new taste. And the cheddar cheese sauce will add brightness to the dish. It's fast, simple and satisfying.

Time for preparing: 40 minutes.
Servings: 4.
Kitchenware: plank and knife; pan; pot.


  • I put in the dish smoked bacon and a little garlic, they give an incredible flavor to the finished dish.
  • And to make the sauce rich and bright, I used cheddar cheese. It will add nutty notes and color the sauce yellowish.

Cooking steps

  1. I fill the pot with water, salt to taste. When it boils, I throw in 500 g of pasta. I cook 6 minutes.
  2. At this time, I cut 150 g of bacon into small strips. I chop up one onion.

  3. I put the bacon in a heated pan and fry it until cooked. As soon as it is well fried and becomes crispy, I spread it with a slotted spoon on a napkin.

  4. Immediately I throw 2 whole cloves of garlic and chopped onion into the pan. Stirring constantly, I bring it to a golden color.
  5. I remove the onion and garlic with a slotted spoon and transfer to the bacon. I drain the excess oil.

  6. I heat the milk without bringing it to a boil.
  7. I put the pan on the stove, when it warms up well, I spread 80 g butter.

  8. The butter is slightly melted, pour 2 tbsp. l. flour. Constantly stir with a spatula so that the lumps dissolve and the mass acquires a light creamy shade.

  9. Gradually, in parts, I introduce milk (1 liter). When the sauce has thickened a little, salt to taste and grate in 200 g of cheddar cheese. I mix and add 100 g of parmesan cheese and a pinch of fresh nutmeg.

  10. Once again, mix everything well and turn off the fire.
  11. I send the finished pasta to a sieve and wash it. I turn on the oven to heat up.
  12. I put the pasta in a baking dish, sprinkle with bacon and onions, mix all the ingredients.

  13. Pour the prepared sauce and put in hot oven(200°C) for 20 minutes.

  14. To create a beautiful crust, you can take out the dish 10 minutes before the end and sprinkle with cheese, then bake for another 10 minutes.

I divide the finished casserole into portions and serve it on the table, sprinkling with fresh green onions.

video recipe

Take a look and see how incredible this recipe is! delicious casserole not difficult at all.

If you don't have cheddar cheese, use any hard cheese with rich color and flavor. Good instead of bacon smoked brisket, loin or smoked sausage. Everyone will like this dish. If the recipe was useful to you, I think it will be interesting to learn how to cook - pasta nests with minced meat -.

Macaroni and Cheese and Egg Recipe

Time for preparing: 25 minutes.
Servings: 2.
Kitchenware: pot.


It's very easy to prepare. It is enough to fry pasta and pour eggs with cheese. I had “bows” available, but pasta of any shape will do. Cheese, too, take any, it is better if it is fatter.

Cooking steps

video recipe

Look at the finished dish, very simple, tasty, and also beautiful.

  • Sprinkle with chopped fresh onions, optionally add sour cream or garlic Sause. Enjoy as a side dish or use as a side dish. This recipe is probably the easiest of all that I know.
  • And it turns out quite tasty and the dish looks appetizing. If you wish, you can fry separately chopped meat and add it to the pasta boiled in this way. How to cook - pasta with minced meat in a pan - I told here. And for all pasta lovers, I offer a recipe for stuffed pasta.
  • Using different stuffing, you can get a simple and at the same time rich dish.
  • The macaroni and cheese recipe is one of the most popular in the kitchen, and every housewife can cook this dish.

Tell me if you liked my recipe? Perhaps you added to the dish and used new ingredients? Share your experience.

I offer from pasta and hard cheese cook a very tasty and satisfying everyday dish in a pan. And believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you. Pasta will be tender, with the most pleasant creamy taste. Having prepared once, you will return to this recipe repeatedly.


To cook macaroni and cheese in a pan, you will need:

pasta - 300 g;

hard cheese - 150 g;

butter - 30 g;

water - 400 ml;

salt - to taste;

spices ( dried garlic, coriander, oregano, rosemary, paprika) - to taste.

Cooking steps

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Add pasta and stir-fry for 3-5 minutes.

Pour in salt and spices. Pour in cold water and mix.

The pasta should be soft and absorb all the liquid. There is no need to stir them. The cooking time will depend on the type of pasta, and on their type. In general, they cook for 7-15 minutes. You need to carefully read the packaging, the time is always indicated there.

When the liquid in the pasta pan has evaporated, add the cheese.

Fragrant, tasty, tender macaroni and cheese, cooked in a pan, serve hot on the table.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with love!

I learned to cook pasta very early. Again, this is due to the ease of preparation. At the same time, there are secrets and subtleties. Now I will tell them. I will talk about how I cook macaroni and cheese and the classic, Italian way cooking pasta, so you can appreciate all the delights of this dish.


pasta 200 g

cheese100 g

butter 20 g

Servings: 4

Recipe calories
"Macaroni with cheese" per 100 g


  • Carbohydrates

Cooking Macaroni and Cheese:

As a rule, I cook spaghetti (this recipe is suitable for any pasta). It's just that kids love it more. long pasta”, and they cook faster (spaghetti cooking time is indicated on the package). I will open the first secret. Italian pasta is the best. They call it "pasta". Try and compare. Personally, I completely switched to Pasta.

To cook pasta, boil water in a large saucepan. Pour enough water: a liter per hundred grams of pasta is the golden rule of cooking. When the water boils, immediately add salt. Here the rule is - a teaspoon of salt without a slide per liter of water.

Dip the pasta in the water (in our case, spaghetti). If you cook spaghetti like I do, they don't need to be broken. Look at the photo. They become soft very quickly and sink completely into the water, as shown in the photo.

Cooking time for pasta is indicated on the package. At the same time, the taste of the pasta itself is strongly curled from the duration of cooking. Let's say the longer, the brighter the taste. Readiness of pasta can be tasted. While the spaghetti is cooking, grate the cheese. I prefer "Lamber" milky or creamy. Pick the cheese you like best.

When the pasta is cooked, drain the water from it with a colander. Next is a very subtle point. Italian pasta no need to rinse cold water! Just put the drained pasta in a saucepan and add cream or olive oil.

Stir a little, let the oil disperse.

Put pasta on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese. I like the pasta to cool down a bit so the cheese doesn't melt. There are options here.

classic spaghetti recipe

I will only pay attention to the subtleties. First, spaghetti is never broken. Be sure to cook it whole. To preserve the taste of pasta, they are slightly undercooked. You need to practice to "catch" the degree of undercooking. Italians don't eat dry pasta.

And a very subtle one. AT classic version only Parmesan cheese is used, the choice of which is also a difficult matter. "Parmesan" is made only in Italy and only in the regions of the cities of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Mantua and Bologna. Cheese produced elsewhere cannot be called Parmesan. The cost of one kilogram of Parmesan cheese is 8-20 Euro in Italy (depending on the exposure time). You can estimate how much it will cost us.

From classic recipe I myself try not to overcook the pasta a little. Haven't tried Parmesan yet. When I try, I'll leave my comments here.

Macaroni is used on its own, and is also an integral part of side dishes. Delicious with pasta and sauces. Enjoy your meal!

Pasta with cheese (or, as we say, macaroni and cheese) - very appetizing hearty meal. delicious pasta with cheese, as a rule, both adults and children love it. Of course, people who are inclined to be overweight, and those who protect their slim figure, you should not get carried away with this dish, at least it is better to eat macaroni and cheese in the morning and carefully monitor the number of calories absorbed. One medium serving can contain up to 450 kilocalories.

Cook right

How to cook macaroni and cheese correctly? To get started, choose good pasta in the shop. Currently, trade enterprises offer us many types of pasta of various grades and qualities. How to choose the best? Well, first of all, appearance, and secondly, the packaging should say: “the product is made from durum wheat”, or “group A”. The choice of cheese depends on individual preferences: you can, for example, cook very gourmet dish- pasta with blue cheese (Roquefort, Camembert, Gorgonzola, Cambozola, Dorblu and others) or even cook pasta with melted cheese.

Cooking pasta

Pasta (of any kind) should be cooked properly, that is, placed in boiling water and boiled until aldente (it can be translated as “by the tooth”, ital.). To clarify, if the package says “cook from 5 to 15 minutes”, then ideally cook for 5-8 minutes, no more. After that, the pasta is thrown into a colander and, when the water drains, they are quickly laid out on plates and seasoned. High-quality, properly cooked pasta does not need to be washed. Now you can put a small piece of natural butter in them in Russian or add some kind of sauce (for example, Bechamel or another not tomato sauce with a relatively neutral taste). It is quite harmonious to use sauces based on olive oil. Then, the pasta is abundantly sprinkled with grated cheese, mixed and - you can serve it to the table. A few sprigs of fresh herbs (basil, rosemary, parsley, coriander) will perfectly complement this wonderful dish, but bread, of course, should not be served with it.

There is never too much cheese

Recently, the four-cheese pasta recipe, which is a classic, has been very popular. Italian cuisine. It will also be appreciated by those who do not eat the meat of living beings, but do not mind the use of various dairy products. In this recipe, it is best to use penne pasta (short pasta in the form of feather tubes with a diameter of no more than 10 mm and a length of no more than 40 mm with diagonal cut edges), although this is not essential.


  • 300g pennerigate (or any other short grooved pasta)
  • 50 g Fontina cheese;
  • 50 g of Gorgonzola cheese;
  • 50 g Stracchino cheese (stracchino is a white soft alpine cheese);
  • 1-2 tablespoons grated cheese"Parmesan";
  • 10-20 grams of natural butter;
  • 5-8 tablespoons of milk;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • a few basil leaves


Boil about 3 liters of lightly salted water in a saucepan. We load penne products into boiling water, mix lightly with a spatula and boil until aldente (read the maximum cooking time on the package and divide this number by 2, for example, 15:2 = 7.5).

cooking sauce

While the pasta is cooking, cut each of the pieces of cheeses used (except Parmesan) small cubes. Pour milk into a wet saucepan, add cheese and begin to heat, stirring. That is, melt the cheese in a dairy environment. The sauce should be relatively smooth. Now add butter and stir.

Putting together a dish

Throw the finished pasta into a colander, arrange on plates, pour the cooked cheese sauce and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper. Add grated Parmesan, mix and decorate with herbs. Serve immediately with light light table wine. You can, of course, experiment with domestic cheeses.

This simple but amazing delicious recipe came to us from England. You can serve macaroni and cheese to the table and as self-dish, and as a hearty side dish. And various sauces will make the dish more appetizing.

Macaroni and cheese - the easiest recipe

Ingredients: half a standard pack of any pasta, 110-130 g of hard cheese, rock salt, a slice of butter or ghee.

  1. Selected pasta is boiled until tender in a salty liquid. The main thing is not to overdo them.
  2. Ready-made pasta is not washed, but placed hot in a frying pan. Butter and finely grated cheese are added to them.
  3. Mix the ingredients until the cheese is well melted.

To taste, any seasonings are added to the treat.

How to cook American style?

Ingredients: 230 g spaghetti, half a glass is very heavy cream, 130 g hard cheese, 2 teaspoons table salt, a mixture of peppers, 60 g butter.

  1. Spaghetti is boiled in salted water for 6-8 minutes. They should turn out a little harsh so that the product is finally cooked already in a hot sauce.
  2. The cheese is grated with the smallest divisions. Parmesan is the best.
  3. The remaining components are sent to the saucepan. The mass is cooked until the oil is completely dissolved, but it should not be brought to a boil.
  4. Spaghetti is poured with sauce and left for a couple of minutes.

American-style pasta is served to the table as an independent dish.

Option with minced meat and cheese

Ingredients: 360 g pasta, 2 l filtered water, 35 g butter, salt, 230 g minced pork, a clove of garlic, 70 g of hard cheese, any spices for meat.

  1. Boil pasta in salted boiling water until tender.
  2. At this time, minced meat is fried in a frying pan. Salt and selected spices are immediately added to it. You can take a special fragrant mixture designed specifically for pork.
  3. First in ready-made pasta a piece of butter is sent. This ingredient will prevent them from sticking together.
  4. Next to the saucepan pasta fried meat is laid out. The components mix well.