Recipe for delicious salted mackerel slices. Mackerel in homemade brine

Salting mackerel at home is a reliable way to avoid poisoning and other troubles when buying ready-made salted fish in a store.

A variety of recipes for self-salting mackerel allows you to choose the salting method to your taste and capabilities.

How to pickle mackerel at home tasty, important nuances

  1. First of all, the carcass for salting must be chosen correctly. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the carcass, it should be gray, without yellow spots, the eyes should be light, the skin without damage, the smell of fresh sea fish.
  2. It is advisable to take just fresh fish of medium and large sizes, small carcasses are bony and less tasty.
  3. If the product is frozen, then it must be defrosted slowly, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  4. Salt for brine should be used simple, coarse grinding. Iodized salt will spoil appearance finished products.
  5. Enameled, plastic or glass dishes are suitable for salting so that oxidation does not occur.
  6. For cutting, you need to use a well-sharpened knife so that the pieces are cut beautifully.
  7. Stored at home in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

How to pickle mackerel at home delicious, recipes:

A simple recipe for salting mackerel at home

  • Mackerel - 2 pieces of 350 gr.
  • Plain water - 1 liter
  • Mustard powder - 1 tsp
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Black peppercorns - 8-9 pcs.
  • Laurel leaf - 3 pcs.

1. Put the water with spices on the fire, boil and cook for 3 minutes, then cool under the lid to room temperature.

2. Gut the fish, cut off the tail and head, rinse well, dry, cut into pieces 3-4 cm wide and put in a glass container.

3. Pour in chilled marinade, cover and refrigerate for 12 hours, preferably 2 days.

Using the example of this recipe, it can be seen that salting mackerel at home quickly is not difficult.

Salting mackerel in brine slices

  • Mackerel - 1 pc.
  • Plain water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • Allspice peas -2 pcs.
  • Laurel leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  1. Add spices to the water. Boil for 5 minutes, cool, add vinegar, mix.
  2. Gut the fish, wash, dry, cut into pieces 3-4 cm wide, put in a glass container.
  3. Pour the marinade over the pieces and place for a day in a cool place.

As you can see, salting mackerel in brine in pieces is not difficult. The end result is a tender and delicious dish. If sugar is replaced with a sweetener, then this type of salting is ideal for those who are on the Dukan diet. There is more here.

Recipe for spicy salted mackerel at home

  • Fresh mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 6 pcs.
  • Laurel. sheet - 4 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tsp
  • Wine vinegar - ¼ cup.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Carnation - 2 buds.
  • Ground black pepper.

The procedure for cooking mackerel spicy salting:

  1. Remove the skin, remove the bones, cut into small pieces of fillet, salt and set aside.
  2. Onion cut into rings.
  3. Mix vinegar, oil and spices.

Pepper, add onion, pour marinade and mix well and leave for 10-12 hours in room temperature then place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Mackerel of spicy salting is ready! As a side dish, boiled potatoes are well suited to spicy salted mackerel.

How to pickle mackerel in brine with onion husks

  • Frozen mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Plain water - 6 glasses.
  • Black tea - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l. without top.
  • Onion peel - 3 handfuls.
  1. Defrost slowly.
  2. Rinse the onion peel thoroughly, add salt, sugar, tea leaves, water, boil, remove from the stove and cover with a lid.
  3. Rinse the fish, gut, dry, pour strained brine, cover and put in a cold place for 3 days. During this time, turn the carcass several times for better salting and staining in a golden color.

Mackerel salted at home in this way is very tasty, cut into pieces, it goes well with fried potatoes.

How to pickle mackerel in brine with tea

  • Frozen mackerel - 2 fish.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Plain water - 1 liter.
  • Sugar sand - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Black tea - 4 tbsp. l.
  1. Defrost under running water. Gut, cut off heads, rinse, dry.
  2. Brew and cool tea, add sugar, salt to it and dissolve well.
  3. Dip the fish in the tea solution and refrigerate for 4 days.
  4. Hang by the tail over the basin at night, so that the excess liquid is glass.

Ambassador of mackerel in tea solution - very original recipe, the fish looks appetizing and aesthetically pleasing. In this case, mashed potatoes are suitable for a side dish.

How to pickle mackerel in brine in 2 hours

  • Mackerel - 1 pc.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Plain water - 350 ml.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 7 pcs.
  • Laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
  1. AT plain water throw all the spices, salt and onion cut into 4 parts. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, let cool.
  2. Gut the fish, cut off the tail and head, rinse well and dry. Then cut into slices 2 cm wide and put in a glass container.
  3. Pour the prepared marinade over and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Fish prepared in this way goes well with boiled potatoes in uniform.

Recipe for marinated frozen mackerel

  • Mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Wine vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Allspice peas - 1 tsp
  • A mixture of different peppers.
  1. Defrost the fish slightly, otherwise the pieces will look unappetizing. Gut, wash, cut off the tails and heads, dry, cut into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and the garlic into slices.
  3. Prepare the marinade - mix with vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, add Bay leaf.
  4. Combine everything and mix gently.
  5. Share in glass jar and leave overnight in the cold.

Pickled mackerel is good in sandwiches, sprinkled with green onions.

How to salt mackerel in lemon juice

  • Mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • A few peas of black pepper.
  • Laurel leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Plain water - 0.5 liters.
  1. Add spices to the water, boil and cook for several minutes, cool the loan to room temperature.
  2. Gut the fish, rinse, dry, cut into small pieces and put in a glass dish.
  3. Pour the squeezed fish lemon juice and prepared brine. Remove to a colder place. You can eat it in a day.

In this way, you can salt the whole fish, but then it will be ready in 3 days.

Ambassador mackerel without water

  • Mackerel - 2 fish.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 4 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Laurel leaf - 2 pcs.
  • 5-6 black peppercorns.
  • Vegetable seasoning - 1 tsp
  1. Clean from the insides, cut off the tail and head, rinse and dry. Cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Prepare a mixture of spices, you can add a couple of teaspoons of mustard.
  3. Coat the pieces ready mix spices and put in suitable dishes, cover and refrigerate for 2 days.

Salted mackerel with liquid smoke

  • Mackerel - 3 fish.
  • Plain water - 1 liter.
  • Black tea - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Coarsely ground salt - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Liquid smoke - 4 tbsp. l.

The liquid smoke in this recipe will give the fish a smoky flavor and a golden color.

  1. Gut the mackerel, cut off the fins, as well as the head and tail, rinse, dry with paper towels.
  2. Prepare a brine with black tea, boil it, cool it.
  3. Add liquid smoke to chilled brine.
  4. Put in a glass dish, cover and refrigerate for 3 days.

So, summing up, we can say that salting mackerel at home is not at all troublesome and not long. The result is incredibly tasty and healthy dish which will appeal to all households, including children.

If you want to eat salted mackerel, and the specimens on the shelves of the nearest supermarket do not inspire confidence, then you should urgently read this article. From it you will learn how to pickle freshly frozen mackerel and cook a wonderful treat for the whole family.

Fish salted at home

Mackerel is an ideal product for salting. This delicious fish does not contain many bones, it is quite fatty in itself and is famous among gourmets due to tender meat. It can be served with potatoes as a main dish or served as an appetizer for strong drinks. Read how to pickle freshly frozen mackerel and follow our instructions:

  • Let stand at room temperature. After that, rinse it in running water, remove the head, tail, fins and entrails.
  • Cut the carcass into portions with a sharp knife.
  • Mix a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar, and then rub the mackerel with the resulting mixture. Remember that this amount is enough for two large fish.
  • Put the processed pieces in a container along with bay leaves and put them in a cool place for a couple of hours. When the mackerel secretes juice, remove it, and leave the fish to marinate overnight (but not less than 12 hours).
  • The next day, rinse the fish pieces with water and, if desired, sprinkle with ground pepper.

How to pickle whole frozen mackerel

  • For one fish weighing 500 grams, take one tablespoon of salt and the same amount of sugar.
  • With the resulting mixture, rub the processed carcass, cleaned of the entrails, skin and fins.
  • Put the fish in a simple place and send it to a dark place to salt at room temperature for a day.

When the mackerel is ready, cut it into portioned pieces, water vegetable oil, sprinkle with onion rings and chopped herbs. Serve with boiled potatoes and rye bread.

This recipe is just as easy to make as the rest. After trying the result of salting, you will most likely refuse to buy salted fish in the store once and for all. How to pickle fresh-frozen such:

  • Defrost a medium carcass in the refrigerator and rinse well under running water.
  • Remove the head, tail, entrails and fins of the fish, and then cut it into equal pieces.
  • Now you can start preparing the brine. To do this, in an enameled bowl, mix one liter of clean water, four tablespoons of salt without a slide (not iodized), two large spoons of sugar (also without a slide), three bay leaves, a few peas of black and allspice.
  • Put the resulting solution on fire, bring it to a boil and cook for a couple of minutes. When the marinade has cooled, add two tablespoons of 9% vinegar to it.
  • Put the pieces of fish in a glass jar and pour the finished solution. Mackerel should stand at room temperature for at least a day. If it seems to you that it is not salted enough, let it stand for some more time.

Put the finished fish on a dish and serve, decorating with onion and lemon half rings.

Mackerel spicy salting

If you need to quickly prepare for a holiday or family celebration, then pay attention to this recipe. With cooking delicious dish even a novice cook can handle it, so do not hesitate and boldly get down to business. How to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel quickly? The recipe is simple:

  • Defrost one fish weighing about 500 grams. Clean it from the insides and films, remove the fins and head, and then cut into pieces of equal size.
  • Peel one small onion from the husk and cut it into thin rings.
  • Mix one and a half teaspoons of salt with half a teaspoon of sugar, ground cloves, a pinch of the mixture and two crushed bay leaves.
  • At the bottom of a glass jar, put a part of the onion, sprinkle it with spices, and then lay the part of the fish. Repeat the procedure two more times, ending with a layer consisting of onions and spices.
  • Close the jar with a lid and leave for a couple of hours. After that, the jar should be turned over and left alone until the next day.

Salted mackerel in mustard solution

The secret of the special taste of this fish lies in the special composition of the spices that we will use to prepare the marinade. If you still don’t know how to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel tasty, then you can use this recipe:

  • Take several fresh-frozen carcasses of fish weighing about a kilogram, defrost them in the refrigerator, clean them from the insides and skin, remove the heads, fins and tails. After processing, cut the mackerel into equal pieces.
  • Pour water into a suitable dish and boil the brine, putting five salts, three tablespoons of granulated sugar, a spoonful of dry mustard, three dried clove flowers, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and six bay leaves there.
  • Put the fish in a glass jar, fill it with cooled brine and leave for three days. You will need to turn the mackerel several times so that each piece is well salted.

Salted mackerel. simple recipe

Fish prepared according to this recipe can be consumed a day after salting. Therefore, you can easily calculate the time and prepare original snack to festive feast. How to pickle freshly frozen mackerel:

  • Take three small fish (one kg). When the mackerel is thawed, remove the tails, heads, entrails and fins. After that, cut the fish into medium-sized rings and rinse each under running water. Make sure that the films from the abdomen are completely removed.
  • Boil a brine of 500 ml of water, two tablespoons of salt, eight black peppercorns and two bay leaves.
  • Spread the pieces of fish on the bottom of a suitable enamelware, squeeze lemon juice (one teaspoon) on them, and then pour the cooled solution. It is important that all mackerel is covered with liquid.

Salted mackerel in tea solution

The original recipe for fish prepared with tea will surely please your loved ones. Pieces of mackerel look like smoked, because at the end of salting they become dark in color. Don't be surprised if your guests mistake your fish for store-bought fish. So, how to pickle freshly frozen mackerel?

  • Defrost two large carcasses, prepare them for salting and cut into pieces of the required size.
  • To prepare the brine, pour four tablespoons of unflavoured black tea with boiling water (one liter). When the tea has cooled, mix it with four tablespoons of salt and four tablespoons of sugar.
  • Pour the brine over the fish pieces and leave at room temperature for three days.

Salted fish in brine with onion peel

Try to cook fish at home for a very interesting recipe. How to pickle fresh-frozen mackerel tasty:

  • Prepare for salting and process three medium carcasses.
  • Pour a liter of water into the pan, add three tablespoons of salt, one and a half tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of dry tea leaves and two handfuls. Bring the solution to a boil, cool and strain with a sieve.
  • Arrange the pieces of fish in a deep tray, pour over the marinade, close the lid and leave for four days in the refrigerator. Do not forget to turn the mackerel several times a day for even salting.

Having learned how to pickle freshly frozen mackerel, you can cook a delicious treat for any holiday yourself.

We hope you enjoy your home fresh frozen mackerel(recipes). You can pickle this wonderful fish different ways. Find the option that you like the most and delight your loved ones with your favorite flavors.

Let's practice salting fish for our household today, and find out how to salt whole mackerel at home deliciously in brine. Of course it's easier to buy salted mackerel in the store and not complicate your life by preparing it. However, the taste of homemade cannot be compared with the purchased one. It turns out lightly salted, fragrant, with an elastic texture and, most importantly, fresh mackerel.

Sometimes store fish falls apart, which clearly indicates the duration of its storage, and not the freshness of frozen individuals. So if you want to enjoy delicious salty mackerel, do not be lazy to cook it at home. How to salt salt whole mackerel in brine? Very simple and with a minimum of ingredients.

Required products:

  • Frozen mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. lies.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. lies.
  • Water -1.5 l
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 leaves
  • Allspice (peas) -6-8 pcs.
  • 4-5 black peppercorns
  • Coriander (seeds) - 0.5 tsp.

How to salt mackerel step by step recipe with photo:

Prepare marinade for mackerel. To do this, dilute sugar with coarse salt in water. Add lavrushka, coriander seeds, black and allspice peas. Put the pot with the ingredients to boil, then let it boil slowly for 3 minutes (so all the ingredients will best give their aromas and tastes). Remove from heat and refrigerate.

Tip: For marinade, always use common salt, not iodized. Otherwise, the fish may "soften". Rock salt, as in the case of pickling vegetables, is the best.

While the marinade is cooling, prepare the fish carcasses. Frozen mackerel should be completely thawed at room temperature. Do not speed up the process by placing the fish in water. Remove the insides, cut off the head and tail, as well as the fins. Rinse carcasses well. You can salt it completely, without removing anything, like a store-bought one, but if you remove the heads and entrails, it will salt faster.

Advice: if you want to get the most salty mackerel as a result, at this stage you can salt the fish outside and inside. Just pat dry with paper towels first to remove excess water. Leave the mackerel with salt at room temperature for 30-40 minutes.

When the marinade has cooled completely, place the mackerel in it. The fish should be completely in the marinade, so initially it can be covered with a plate and pressed. Place in refrigerator. During salting, it is advisable to turn the mackerel over so that it marinates evenly. Depending on the size of the fish, it will be ready in 3 days, in a week it will become even better.

Lightly salted mackerel is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Advice: You can store salted mackerel by cutting it into pieces and transferring it to a glass jar. Also, pour vegetable oil into the jar so that it completely covers the pieces of fish. If desired, you can add a little vinegar or chopped onion rings.

Now you know how to salt mackerel at home in whole brine, but it’s tastier than store-bought, healthier, and there’s not much fuss at all?

Hi all! If you have never made fish yourself, or rather you have not marinated it, then fix it faster. After all, or mackerel is the coolest snack on any table. You can now buy fresh-frozen charm in absolutely any store by weight, and then conjure.

Mackerel, unlike herring, is much more tender and mostly fatter, which everyone likes incomparably. Oh, if you still get a female with caviar, it will be just super in general.

You can make canapes with this fish, and it will also go well with any side dish, for example, with mashed potatoes or

This note will not be very large, but I tried to take the most popular and super-duper delicious and simple recipes so you can choose and make from what you have at home. And in principle, this fish needs seasonings and salt. And if you want something special and unique, then you have to choose a marinade in tea or onion peel. Here, of course, a matter of taste, who likes what more or who is used to cooking.

Let's start with the simplest and tastiest Gost's salting. The secret of this recipe is in the spices, if you don’t like them at all, then you can not add them, but in general, then the fish will not be spicy salted, but will be just lightly salted.

It is these spices that give the very cool and incomparable taste, from which you want to eat and eat mackerel endlessly, but you still won’t be able to eat a lot of it, and you can’t).

We will need:

  • water - 0.5 l
  • mackerel - 1 pc.
  • coarse salt - 2 tbsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • allspice, black peppercorns
  • onion - 1 head
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the head of the fish with a knife. Then cut open the abdomen and remove the intestines and other waste.

Now you will need to rinse the fish under running water, and then cut it into stationary pieces, so it will be salted immediately into pieces, which, in principle, is very convenient for many, everything will be ready right away.

2. Prepare the brine, take a ladle or a small saucepan and pour water, then add allspice and black peas, sugar and salt, stir. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. Turn off and let the brine cool down.

3. While the brine is cooling, put a liter jar of mackerel mixed with onions to be cut into rings.

4. Pour in the marinade and be sure to add the peas from the brine to the jar. close nylon cover and put in a cool place for 12 hours.

5. Well, after the fish is ready and waiting for you to take a sample. Enjoy your meal! It turns out deliciously tasty, everyone will like such mackerel in spicy brine and you will stop buying store-bought.

Salt freshly frozen mackerel in brine

It seems to me that everyone loves to eat tasty and at the same time everyone wants all the products in our diet to be of high quality and not expired. I think that many of you have at least once encountered such a problem as poisoning, so I recommend that you cook for yourself. Moreover, mackerel is one of the available fish that is in any store.

Try to cook it in brine with spices and spices as in this recipe and you will definitely fall in love home cooking, because everything is quite simple, and fast. The spicy salted mackerel will give you a magical and delicate taste. This option is similar to the previous one, but there is no onion in the brine and the spices are slightly different. Try to do both the first and second options, and then write which one you like best.

We will need:

  • mackerel - 3 pcs or 1.2 kg
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • allspice and black peppercorns 6 pcs.
  • cloves - 5 pcs.
  • water - 1 liter

Cooking method:

1. Take the fish and cut off the head and gut the intestines, remove the black films, wash in running water and wipe with a dry paper towel.

2. For delicious marinade you will need the ingredients according to the list, the main thing is that there is black peppercorns and bay leaf.

3. Add spices, salt and sugar to any metal container and let the liquid boil, the kitchen will have an indescribable aroma. And then cool to room temperature.

4. Place the prepared whole fish in a cup, where you will salt it. Do not forget to trim the ponytails, in principle, they are useless.

5. Now fill the whole mackerel with brine. Never fill mackerel with hot brine, this is important, or it will boil. As you can see, in just 5 minutes you did almost all the work.

6. Cover cling film and let it sit for a couple of hours. Waiting time - 2 days. Well, then take it out and cut it into pieces.

Interesting! According to this option, you can salt not only mackerel, but also other fish, such as herring, sprat, etc.

Salted mackerel in tea with an incomparable taste

Yum, well, you definitely haven’t tried such a gourmet, it may seem strange to you, but in tea it turns out incredibly tasty, and even beautiful. Thanks to the one who came up with this option, I also recommend trying and treating everyone with such a fish.

It turns out as if smoked and looks with golden crust overall a beauty. Everything is as always easy and simple, but in the end everyone will want to know your signature author's recipe.

We will need:

  • Mackerel fish - 3 carcasses
  • Water - 1 l
  • Tea 2-3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons

Cooking method:

1. Gut our sea beauties. You will need to initially cut off the heads, remove the intestines and everything that is superfluous in the abdomen of the fish. Tails can be left or cut off.

2. Now let's make a marinade, observe all proportions, remember that these proportions are given specifically for a liter marinade. If you have fewer fish, then make half as many, that is, take 2 times less salt and tea.

Put water in a saucepan and boil it, pour tea, mix, and send salt and sugar. After that, put it back on the fire and boil again so that all the dry ingredients dissolve. And only after that, let the marinade cool, and then fill it with fish.

Important! Strain the marinade through a sieve. And one more condition, the brine must completely cover the fish.

3. In such a cool tea brine fish should stand for 3-4 days. Then cut the mackerel into pieces and eat for health, even with, even with any Look at how golden and beautiful it has.

Video on how to pickle mackerel quickly and tasty whole in 2 hours

All you need is good fresh fish, and of course your desire, all the other ingredients in question, you will learn in this video:

Marinating fish in onion skins

Another fairly popular and proven recipe, it is also considered one of the original. I'm up today I didn’t know about such a recipe, it turns out that for many it has become not only proven, but also loved.

It is the onion peel that gives this unusual color, you probably already guessed it yourself. In this version, there are no spices at all, only two ingredients are used, salt and water.

We will need:

  • husk - from 5 onions
  • mackerel - 2-3 pcs.
  • water - 1 l
  • salt - 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

1. Place the onion peel in a saucepan, fill with water and rinse very well with your hands, then drain the water and pour in clean 1 liter. Leave it to stand in water for about 10-20 minutes.

Cut off the head of the mackerel, then remove all unnecessary insides. Be sure to remove the black film on the abdomen, or it will be bitter later. Rinse the fish and pat dry with paper towels. After that, cut into pieces, although if there is no special desire, you can salt it whole.

2. Add salt to the onion peel and water and mix. Turn on the gas and let this broth boil, then boil for another 3 minutes.

Now put the fish in pieces or whole in the pan and cook for 3 minutes in hot brine. And then drain all the water and remove the husk.

3. Put on a plate and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Garnish with herbs and dill. Enjoy your meal!

Mackerel with liquid smoke in a bottle

For those who love smoked meats, I suggest that you immediately switch to this simple option, which you can do right at home.

Have you ever heard of such liquid smoke salting, I think that you have definitely tried it before, but did not suspect that this is exactly this option.

We will need:

  • water - 3 l
  • mackerel - 3 pcs.
  • liquid smoke - 1/3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 3 tbsp
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • black tea - 1 tbsp.
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.
  • cloves - 6 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • red chili pepper - 1 pod

Cooking method:

1. Take a deep container, like a saucepan and add 3 tablespoons of sugar to boiling water (3 liters). And leave to boil for 1 minute, and then pour 1 cup of tea. Cover the pot and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

Then this mixture needs to be cooled, you can put the pan so that it cools faster in a basin of cold water.

Cut off the heads of the fish and remove all the insides. Rinse and pat dry with paper towel.

2. Next, place the fish in a jar or bottle with a large neck, pour out all the spices and squeeze the garlic through the garlic press. Pour one third into a glass liquid smoke and deposit in the bank. Pour in the marinade and cover with a nylon lid.

3. Put such a glass vessel or bottle, jar in the refrigerator or a cool place for 3 days.

4. Then remove from the jar and sharp knife chop into small neat pieces.

5. Here is such a characteristic yellowish color of the skin, inside it is very tasty and juicy fish. Enjoy your meal!

Amazing recipe for lightly salted mackerel with mustard

Now I propose another fancy option, which is likely to shock some, but what, I think that all of you have ever tried herring in mustard marinade, then why not make such a liquid for mackerel, it will also turn out to be certainly tasty and with a spicy mustard aroma. Of course, all those who do not like mustard should move away from this recipe.

You can serve such a dish both on a festive and on an everyday table, you must admit that everyone loves salinity, though we don’t make them every day, but sometimes you can make and treat everyone with such a fish delicacy.

We will need:

  • salt - 50-100 g
  • mackerel - 0.5 kg
  • sugar - 3 g
  • nutmeg-3 g
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. cut into small pieces
  • onion- 1 PC.

For spicy salting

  • Allspice 1 gram
  • Black pepper 1 gram
  • Nutmeg 1 gram
  • Coriander 1 gram
  • Cloves 2-3 pieces
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.

mustard filling

  • Spicy broth - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mustard - 50 g
  • Vegetable oil - 65 g
  • Sugar - 35 g
  • Salt - 8 g
  • Acetic acid - 4 g

Cooking method:

1. Rub the fish with curing mixture, defrost the fish first and cut off the head, fins and remove the intestine. For this salting, you need to mix together salt, sugar, nutmeg and chopped small pieces Bay leaf.

If you still have a curing mixture, then you still sprinkle the fish with it, cover it with a lid and leave it to stand in this form for 2-3 days. Such a dry salting turned out, as you can see, without marinade and without any liquid.

2. Now rinse the mackerel in running water and let the water drain. You can already use it, or smoke it or make a filling of mustard and spicy salting.

3. For spicy salting, you will need allspice, black pepper, nutmeg, coriander and cloves. Crush all these ingredients in a mortar. Then take a bucket and pour everything into it. And then pour water and boil the mixture, let stand and brew for 25 minutes.

4. While cooking spicy pickle cut the finished mackerel, cut it into pieces, and cut the onion into the bottom of the glass container, such an onion pillow.

5. Now take and pour vegetable oil and mustard into a glass, plus add sugar and salt, then stir and pour in the finished cooled spicy mixture, stir and add vinegar.

6. Pour the fish with this marinade.

7. And here it is mustard-oil, or you can say a spicy filling turned out, leave it for 1 day in the refrigerator.

Deliciously tasty and easy to prepare, bon appetit!

The most successful recipe for salted mackerel in husks and tea

Now I propose to turn on this video and take note of the recipe in which mackerel is marinated in both onion peel and tea, such a fish disappears on the table first:

We make mackerel dry salting without brine

Well, there was one more option left, so to speak, if you don’t want to bother, you can easily rub the fish with salt and not add water at all, and thus it will also become lightly salted, the main thing is to correctly observe all proportions.

Such fish will certainly differ from the store-bought one because it is without any chemical additives, which means you don’t have to worry about your health, this is one of the best recipes.

We will need:

  • mackerel - 5 pcs.
  • salt - 160 g
  • sugar - 80 g
  • peppercorns - 7 pcs.
  • cloves - 4-5 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs. or 2 pcs. taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the tail and head of the fish. Remove all innards from the carcass. Rinse under running water and dry with paper towels.

2. Prepare a mixture for salting, take and put sugar and salt in one bowl. Next, mix peas, cloves and a couple of leaves of parsley, grind it all into powder.

3. The fish will need to be filleted, remove the ridges with a knife. Place the fillet in a container in which the mackerel will be salted. Mix spices and salt with sugar and you get a mixture for salting, there will be a lot of it and perhaps even remain superfluous, leave it for future use, it will not disappear.

Now salt the container in which you will salt the mackerel with this dry mixture, then wipe all the fish with it on both sides, there is an opinion that the fish will take as much salt as it needs itself.

4. Lay the fillets on top of each other, and then cover with a lid or cling film.

5. Refrigerate for 24 hours, and then eat with onions and vegetable oil, of course, cut the fish into slices. Such a delightful soft treat fast food turned out! Note she is without vinegar and without brine. Enjoy your meal!

Advice! If you cannot eat all the fish at once, then you can freeze it in freezer, and then get it at any time and taste it.

It turned out at home and so that you lick your fingers!

That's all for me, as always. I wish you that everything works out for you and that you taste salted fish with great appetite and joy. All the best and all the best! Bye! See you!

Mackerel is a fish from the mackerel family. Her body resembles a spindle, it is covered with small, barely noticeable scales. The meat of this fish is an excellent product for people who have an exhaustion of the body and reduced immunity. With its constant use, the body's defenses increase, and resistance to infections increases markedly.

Due to the fact that fish protein is digested easily and quickly, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children, the elderly and sick people. Due to the fact that the meat is completely digested, the human body is not clogged with toxins and toxins. On the contrary, they are independently excreted, and the body is cleansed and noticeably healthier.

With constant addition to the diet, a person noticeably increases the efficiency of the brain and improves memory. The body begins to quickly rehabilitate from past diseases, physical and mental performance increases significantly.

How to prepare mackerel for salting?

Preparing the product for salting is easy. For this you need to purchase right amount fish (fortunately, you can buy it everywhere: in stores, fish markets, wholesale warehouses).

  • Let it thaw, it is better to do it so that it thaws itself, without the intervention of warm water and various temperature sources.
  • Depending on how and according to what recipe the fish will be salted, clean it.
  • Open the belly, remove the insides.
  • Cut off the head, fins and tail.
  • If necessary, cut.
  • If a large-scale ambassador is planned, then it is not necessary to cut off the head and fins, the insides are also not removed.
  • Just wash well with cool water.

Preparing brine for fish

There are a huge number of varieties of brines for mackerel (equivalently, as well as for other types of fish).
For cooking classic composition a minimum set of spices is required. Take water, salt (preferably sea), a little sugar (for meat strength), bay leaf, peppercorns or sweet peas.

  • Water is poured into a saucepan and sent to the stove, brought to 100 0 C, boiled for several minutes.
  • Add all the listed ingredients and boil for another five minutes.
  • Cool and fill them with prepared fish.
  • The product is very original taste if salting will be done in the cold.


  • Calculation for 1 piece weighing 400 grams:
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Sugar - 25 gr. (incomplete tablespoon)
  • Salt - 55 gr. (1.5 tablespoons)
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Coriander - 10 pcs.
  • Optionally, you can add lemon juice, basil.

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Of course, there are no specific requirements for the list of spices. Spices are added by anyone who loves what: bay leaf, cloves, black peppercorns, sweet peas. Fish will go well with slices of lemon or orange.

In this case, it is necessary to cut the fish, sprinkle with salt and sugar, lay out in layers, and put slices of lemon (orange) and onion rings on each layer. It will also give a wonderful taste, added garlic (optional), dill, parsley, basil, celery.

Cooking process

The procedure for cooking in brine is very simple and even a person who practically does not know how to cook can handle it. The main thing in salting: preparation (defrosting, cleansing, removal of the head, innards, fin and tail) and correct ratio salt with sugar and spices.

When salting, you need to follow some requirements to get the best result:

  • Having boiled the liquid, you need to cool it and only after that pour the fish.
  • If it is salted with whole carcasses, the brine should completely cover it completely.
  • If necessary, urgently get salted fish, add salt more than the prescribed norm, only after
  • cooking, it should be rinsed well under a cold tap.
  • If it is salted in pieces, then very little brine will be required.

Salt mackerel in brine

It turns out very tasty fish in the usual and simple pickle.

For its preparation you will need:

  • Mackerel - 2 pcs.
  • Large onion - 1 pc.
  • Allspice peas - 4 pcs.
  • Chopped bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml.
  • Sea salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
  • Carnation - 2-3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Coriander - optional.
  • Cut the fish into even pieces.
  • Onions - half rings.
  • Boil one liter of water, adding salt, sugar and spices to it, cool.
  • After that, pour the vinegar, mix.
  • Mix again, put in a prepared container with prepared products and refrigerate for one day.
  • During this time, shake the container with the contents several times so that everything is salted evenly.

Salting in brine whole fish

Another pretty easy recipe. Fish prepared for salting should be washed well under cold water.

For 1 kilogram you need to prepare:

  • Water - 0.5 l.
  • Coarse salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Peppercorns - 4 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Put all the ingredients in water, mix, boil and cool. Put the fish in a container, pour in chilled brine and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

Dry salted mackerel (without brine)

Before proceeding to dry, the seafood must first be cleaned: remove the entrails, head and fins. Do not forget about the black film, it must also be removed. Wash the fish in cold water and dry with paper towel.

Would need:

  • Mackerel - 300 gr. (1 PC.)
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp. l.
  • Laurel. sheet - 1 pc.
  • Ground black pepper - a pinch
  • Dry mustard powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Ground coriander - a pinch.
  • In a container, mix all the listed ingredients and coat the prepared fish well with them. Then put her in plastic bag Wrap tightly and refrigerate for 2 days.

What is useful salted mackerel?