The most unusual tea is Egyptian yellow. Red hibiscus tea

I could not even think that such a popular drink as ordinary tea has a competitor. This amazing drink- red hibiscus tea. Previously, I also bought it in our stores, brewed it like a regular tea leaves, but I didn’t find a special taste, I was imbued with it only in Egypt. Its taste is unusual, pleasant, with sourness, a bit like cranberries. You can drink like fruit drink. In the hot summer, hibiscus perfectly saves from thirst and protects against dehydration.

Red hibiscus tea

In Egypt, at least 2 varieties of red tea are sold:

  • from southern Egypt, larger.
  • from Sudan, it is a bit small.

I like the Egyptian variety a little more. So, as you rest in Egypt, be sure to buy yourself one, then try it out. Yes, and your family for a gift is quite suitable.

If you choose more meticulously, then there are two types of Egyptian hibiscus:

  • from Aswan,
  • from Luxor.

Aswan goes with whole flowers and unopened buds. That's exactly what you need to take, because. Luxor comes in loose petals. Well, check that they don’t sell you wet, otherwise the dryness of the raw materials greatly affects the weight.

Read more about the process of choosing and buying hibiscus, as well as some of the nuances when buying, in the article "Teas of Egypt". It also describes green and yellow tea.

Red tea made from hibiscus flowers has been the national drink of Egypt since time immemorial. It is interesting that in the heat more often it is used as a coolant. hot drink, less often - cold with sugar, reminiscent of fruit drink to taste.

healing drink

In Egypt, hibiscus is considered a cure for many diseases. Doctors' studies do not refute this belief, explaining the healing effects of a healing drink with a successful combination of vitamins and organic acids. Here are some quotes:

Thanks to the citric acid contained in the petals, hibiscus has a refreshing effect in the heat and at elevated temperatures, and kills some pathogens. Possessing P - vitamin activity, hibiscus strengthens the walls of blood vessels and affects their permeability, regulating blood pressure, has an antispasmodic effect, acts as a mild diuretic, improves bile production and protects the liver from adverse effects. Hibiscus does not contain oxalic acid, so it is safe for kidney patients.

Used to restore vitality, hibiscus tonic tea improves metabolism in the body, has a calming (sedative) effect, antimicrobial (bactericidal) action, cleanses the liver, cleanses genitourinary system, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the pancreas, stabilizes the work of the stomach, especially with gastritis and colitis, is a prophylactic against influenza. Normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Counteracts high cholesterol levels in the blood. Hibiscus well cleanses the body with alcohol intoxication, acting better than cucumber and cabbage pickles.

How to brew hibiscus

It seems to be easy to do. However, there are little secrets of preparation.

In Egypt, the Turks use hot sand to brew tea.

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of petals into a cezve. Pour hot water. Bringing the mixture to a boil, stand for exactly 4 minutes. With this method, in no case do not make a long boil. Ready tea carefully pour into a cup, through a strainer. Add spices, sugar or honey to taste, whatever you like. You can add cinnamon, ginger, lemon, mint, lemon balm, nutmeg, cloves.

The process of consumption takes place without haste, in special tea rooms. The very environment of which creates a surprisingly favorable atmosphere for communication. At the same time, from a slow stretched intake of the drink in small sips, the blood vessels come to such a normalized state that even the heart begins to beat in a different, smooth rhythm, very evenly and slowly.

Homemade ways to cook hibiscus

A Turk can be at home and not uncommon, but a hearth with hot sand is unlikely to be found. I bring more mundane recipes.

  1. 2 teaspoons to 1 cup of cold water, boil for 3-5 minutes (maximum 10, experiment with taste and color may vary significantly). Already at the beginning of the process, the water turns dark red and gains a refined characteristic sweet and sour taste. Sugar is an amateur, the Arabs recommend adding it when cooking in unmeasured, as for my taste, quantities (3 teaspoons for each glass). Hibiscus petals, softened after cooking, also have original taste, so they are used as a vitamin supplement with high content vitamin C.
  2. Put the hibiscus in a container of boiling water and boil for at least 3 minutes.
  3. Put the hibiscus in a cup of boiling water, cover and leave for at least 10 minutes. This method reveals the taste of hibiscus least of all.

Depending on preference or medical indications, hibiscus can be drunk hot or cold.
Hot drink is consumed immediately after preparation.
Cold is prepared in two ways.

  1. Pour the inflorescences of the Sudanese rose cold water, bring to a boil, add sugar, cool. Drink very cold, preferably with ice.
  2. Flowers soak in water room temperature for 8 hours. Then add honey or sugar and drink through a straw as a soft drink.

Brewing Secrets

  • Do not brew in iron and aluminum cookware! Use glass, ceramics, porcelain, and best of all a copper cezve. Properly brewed tea will always have a clear ruby ​​hue.
  • Water must be soft, only then the broth will be able to show all variations of taste as much as possible. Hard water will give the drink an unpleasant brown dirty tint.
  • Water from a good filter can not be boiled, the hibiscus brewing process takes place at a lower temperature of 60 degrees and above. Just increase the steeping time under the lid.

Where to buy red tea online

If it was not possible to stock up on high-quality hibiscus in Egypt, then you can order it in the online store Tea Friday - tea shop. Look in the phytotea section. Tea Chinese rose consists of whole buds and the quality is excellent. Just do not brew it like regular tea, even though the recipe is written there: pour 3-4 grams of buds with water at 90-95 degrees for 2-3 minutes. Get an almost transparent infusion with a barely noticeable aftertaste. The Right Recipes see a little higher.

What is useful hibiscus tea

Hibiscus is called - tea from all ailments. The miraculous drink has been known for hundreds of years, in many countries of the world. You can drink it both hot and cold.
Thinking people are increasingly thinking about the causal relationship between nutrition and health and are replacing coffee with healthier drinks.

Looking deeper, ordinary tea is also not a very healthy product, because it contains more caffeine than coffee itself ... But tea from Sudanese rose petals for a healthy lifestyle can be ideal.

Legend has it that Cleopatra loved him very much. As a drink, of course, but she also took hibiscus baths, which, in addition to a general increase in immunity and tone, gave the skin a special copper tint.


Hibiscus tea is a natural regulator, pressure tea. Depending on the required impact, choose the method of application:

  • Cold hibiscus lowers blood pressure
  • When hot, hibiscus increases blood pressure.
  • With prolonged daily use, it reliably stabilizes pressure for a long period.

Therefore, choose an individual cooking method and use it with health benefits.


Hibiscus is a storehouse of natural vitamins, especially vitamin C.
Red tea strengthens blood vessels. Useful in vascular insufficiency.
In addition to the tea itself, tea leaves (boiled petals) containing vitamins, trace elements and amino acids are also useful. In Egypt, these steamed leaves are not thrown away, but they are eaten directly or added to a salad. The first time I tasted those boiled petals, I didn’t even understand what the joke of such adoration was, but the next couple of times I got used to it - you can eat, the main thing is to persuade yourself that it is very useful. 🙂

Medical properties of hibiscus. Benefit and harm

Arabic ethnoscience Hibiscus tea is used as a reliable natural hypotensive, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Regulates and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and regulates their permeability.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Supports the overall tone of the body.
  • Has a powerful antimicrobial, antibacterial action.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Regulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stimulates the production of bile.
  • Can be used as an anthelmintic.
  • Increases the protection of the liver, with excessive doses of food and alcohol, and from other adverse effects.
  • Does not contain oxalic acid, that is, red tea can be used for liver diseases.
  • Relieves spasms of the brain.
  • Contained quercetin relieves eye fatigue and improves vision,
  • Relieves complications from allergies of various kinds.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Removes toxins from the body, including toxic alcohol poisoning.

After reading such an impressive list, it becomes quite clear why, since ancient times, the Arabs called their ruby ​​tea a drink of longevity and vigor. Drink and heal at the same time.


Hibiscus increases the acidity of gastric juice, therefore it is contraindicated in gastritis and stomach ulcers.
Also, despite all the benefits and environmental friendliness pure product, it is not recommended for people with exacerbations of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as with exacerbation of chronic kidney disease.
Anyone who does not suffer from the above complications, hibiscus tea is recommended for any age, except for children under one year old.


Hibiscus can be stored for a very long time, while careful sealing is not necessary, a regular plastic bag is enough. Pay attention to the color of the raw material. The brighter the petal and richer, the tastier the drink will be.

Drink hibiscus and you will be healthy.
And remember this noble drink, which means that the surroundings must be appropriate, like the Egyptian pharaohs.

Creator Egypt web, Oleg.


Red hibiscus tea, Chinese rose, rose of china, hibiscus, Hibiscus sabdariffa, rosella (Egypt).

What you need to know about carcade? Useful tips.

Hibiscus drink of Cleopatra. Sudanese rose, red sorrel, roselle, china rose, red sorrel, sour tea, karkade, shoe flower, sudanese tea, karkedé.

Tea is the most popular drink in the whole world. He is loved by many: both children and adults. Each country has its own traditions regarding tea drinking. The modern market of goods presents a very rich choice different varieties tea. Everyone will find something unique and new for themselves. The main benefit of tea is its health benefits.

Egyptian tea has been very popular lately. It has many varieties:

Each of these drinks has its own characteristics in preparation, which gives a unique taste and improves human health.

Hibiscus tea is especially popular in our regions. It can be purchased at any grocery store.

Because of its unique color, hibiscus is often referred to as red tea. Such a drink is made from hibiscus flowers or, as they say, Sudanese roses. This drink is the king among all teas. In Egypt itself, it is customary to drink such tea hot even in the heat. We usually associate hibiscus with fruit drink, and they drink it cold to quench their thirst.

You can find 2 types of such a drink: from Southern Egypt (large tea leaves) and from Sudan (small leaves).

Most often, the Egyptians give their preference to large tea leaves. The southern variety also has a more expressive taste than the Sudanese variety.

In Egypt itself, there are 2 more types of hibiscus:

  1. Aswan;
  2. Luxor.

Aswan tea is a whole flower that is plucked from an unopened bud. The Luxor variety is the same flowers, but only crushed. At the time of buying Egyptian tea You need to be especially careful not to be deceived. After all, very often such loose tea is sold wet, and this affects the weight, and, accordingly, the price of the goods.

IN last years more and more people are learning about the benefits of hibiscus. The Egyptians believe that such tea can save a person from any disease. The main thing at the same time is to brew it correctly. After all, for example, cold hibiscus lowers pressure, and hot increases it.

Even scientists have established and confirmed the presence of many beneficial properties of this drink. Dried hibiscus petals have citric acid. They perfectly quench thirst and even kill microbes that can cause various diseases in a person. Hibiscus has vitamins that, with the constant use of tea, can strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. In addition, red tea has a good effect on the diuretic system, protects the liver from fatty foods, alcohol, etc. People suffering from kidney failure can safely buy such a drink. Indeed, in its composition it does not have oxalic acid, which is contraindicated for many in our time.

Hibiscus works like a drink that tones and tidies up the mind. Egyptian miracle tea is able to normalize metabolism, calm nervous system, protect the body from viruses during the peak of diseases for SARS and influenza. If you have high cholesterol, then here, too, hibiscus will be an excellent natural medicine for you.

Those who complain of headaches and lethargy after alcohol intoxication may experience beneficial effect red tea. One cup will improve your health much faster than a liter of brine.

Red tea has its own characteristics when brewing. The Egyptians brew a drink in Turks on hot sand. In order to brew tea like in Egypt, it is worth pouring 2 teaspoons of petals into a cezve. Then pour it all over with hot water. The infusion should be boiled for about 4 minutes. In Egypt, it is customary to serve such a drink hot immediately after brewing. Optionally, you can add honey and various spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg) to it.

The home method of making tea is simpler. There is no need to use hot sand. There are 3 popular recipe tea preparation:

  1. Hibiscus should be poured into boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes.
  2. Hibiscus should be put in boiling water and covered with a lid. Tea should be infused for about 5-10 minutes. But it is better not to use this method, because with such brewing, all beneficial features tea.
  3. IN cold water add 2 teaspoons of tea leaves to 1 glass of water. Then we put the hibiscus to boil. You need to cook it for about 5-10 minutes. In Egypt, during cooking, they put more additional ingredients: sugar, honey, spices. All these components must be added exclusively to taste. This recipe is considered the best, because it most of all reveals the healing and gustatory characteristics of the taste.

Those who like to drink hibiscus cold to relieve pressure or thirst, there are 2 cooking recipes:

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of leaves to 1 cup of water. You need to insist 8-10 hours. The water should be cold or at room temperature. After the hibiscus has been infused, add sugar, honey.
  2. Bring the same proportions to a boil and cool. It is recommended to drink with ice.

In order not to spoil the tea, it is worth remembering some secrets about its preparation.

  • Hibiscus is never boiled in an aluminum pan. The best thing for such tea is a copper cezve. If there is no such device, then it can be replaced with glass or ceramics.
  • Red tea should be brewed in soft water. If your water is hard, then the color of the drink will have a dirty tint. It is best to buy water in the store when brewing such tea or pass it through the filter more than once.
  • If your water is not hard, then you should not bring the tea to 100 degrees. Usually it is brewed at 60, but you need to cover it with a lid and let it brew.

We know that hibiscus is simply an indispensable drink for the most common diseases. But, nevertheless, there are some contraindications. Red tea should not be drunk for people who have high acidity, suffer from gastritis or an ulcer. People with cholelithiasis or urolithiasis are very at risk, as well as with chronic disease kidneys.

If you have never heard of such diseases, feel free to enjoy Egyptian tea.

Tea is the most popular drink in many countries, in cold and hot, in snows and in deserts. not included in the exceptions. On the contrary, the local population loves and respects tea, and the richness of the choice of varieties in the shops of Egypt is surprising, they are so diverse. Color gradations: green, black, red, pink and yellow. And yet there are medicinal herbal teas, Bedouin, and even Egyptian teas with spices and fruits ... Expanse for candidates for souvenirs.

Teas from Egypt

Any gourmet will find a drink to their own taste. Such a variety of proposals, of course, surprises only a tourist inexperienced in oriental subtleties. Let's figure out who is who and what are the nuances of each group.

Red Hibiscus Tea

Tea made from petals of hibiscus - the Sudanese rose - is the main attraction among Egyptian drinks. First of all, it is the chilled hibiscus that will be offered to a respected client in an Egyptian travel agency or in the “correct” local shop, and not coffee, and even more so, God forbid, not some kind of chemical Coca-Cola.

It has healing properties, both hot and cold. Saturated passionate bright purple-red or burgundy color cannot be confused with any other. And sour (depending on the concentration it can be very sour, or vice versa, from an excess of sugar it is so sweet that it is impossible to drink), with a slight bitterness, a slightly astringent taste, you will recognize even with your eyes closed.

To be precise, it is incorrect to call the hibiscus tea tea, since it does not belong to any of the tea varieties. This is a flower drink.

Huge plantations of hibiscus are cultivated in Egypt and neighboring Sudan. This is a whole independent branch of agriculture.

Only flowers are used, that is, dark red fleshy petals and unopened buds (rosans).


The price of hibiscus tea in the market or in a normal shop starts from one dollar per hundred grams, while in shops at hotels the cost sometimes differs several times, and the choice of quality there is incomparably poorer. The price strongly depends on the composition of the mixture, $ 2-3 per 100 gr. with excellent quality - it is quite acceptable. Although on the market in Sharm, for example, no matter how super excellent the product is, you can always and should bargain and reduce the request to the same $ 1, or even expand the unit of measurement from 100 to 120-140 grams, but here it all depends on Your ability to communicate in the native language of the seller and on his mood. Learn (at least a few more complex phrases, except for salam alaikum and shukran) and you will be happy. 

When buying, be sure to consider the requirements:

  • Hibiscus petals should be large, whole, one-color (dark purple-burgundy).
  • The tea should not contain any impurities (only a small fraction of the husk from
  • the base of the flower, but it is easy to distinguish by its light beige hue and special shape).
  • The price of tea is formed on the basis of the ratio of the percentage of buds, petals and husks among the petals.

The most expensive hibiscus tea consists exclusively of whole unopened dried buds. For such a carcade, the seller will twist your hands with the price and the process of trading. However, keep in mind that a drink made from such buds will also be more aromatic and concentrated, so the cost of brewing will be correspondingly less (the price / quality ratio is not always more important than the quality itself). In general, see for yourself what you like best.

The main thing is not to be distracted by conversations and watch the process. Vigilance is an important point of Arab trade...

Trading and buying process

We discuss the price before weighing, otherwise it will be considered that the trading process itself is completed and you agree with the proposed conditions. To begin with, say that you would like to experience the quality of the goods, and for this you want to purchase a small bag of one hundred grams. If you like it, you will come again, you will rest here for a long time (you can casually “let slip” that there are 10-14 days of rest left or even declare that you have come to such and such a hotel to work).

  • Weighing is not so important, electronic digital scales are difficult to tighten, and there is no need.
  • Control what is thrown at you.

The main subtlety is not in weighting, but in the ability to load into your bag (kitty in their language) is not quite what they agreed on, and for this you need to unobtrusively distract and “load” the buyer himself. There are many ways to download:

  • Quite "accidentally" the seller may "make a mistake" and start dialing from the wrong tub that you have chosen.
  • If you don't respond, then it will continue.
  • In the tub, only a thin top layer can be selected, under it the quality will be lower.
  • Particularly vigilant buyers are relaxed with questions about the rest, where you live, what you work with, showing a “sincere” interest in your answers. A client who has lost his vigilance is fertile ground for divorce.
  • They are distracted by advertisements of related products and small penny gifts, at this moment the second seller unsupervisedly weighs and packs tea.
  • If you come with your wife, then she can be offered to test aromatic oils for free with a facial massage. Women are led to such an advertising service, at the same time, men are distracted by watching the procedure.

Valuable property: a drink from hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa) - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, tones and stabilizes blood pressure. Other names: Chinese rose, rosella, Sudanese rose, hibiscus, red sorrel, red tea, roselle, red sorrel, karkade, rose of china, china rose, sour tea, sudanese tea, shoe flower. In general, there are more than 150 species of hibiscus, shrubby, tree-like, ornamental plants.

I wrote more about the most revered Egyptian drink in the article. « ". You can read recipes there as well.

Green tea

In addition to the classic, Egyptian green teas are herbal teas in a variety of combinations. It is customary to soften the harsh taste of ordinary green tea with herbs, and here the flight of fancy is limited only by the presence of ingredients - lemongrass, mint, hermit, tihafpar (from insomnia).

Medicinal properties

  • large leaf green tea, good for teeth, improves complexion.
  • Removes waste, toxins.
  • Invigorates, providing a life-giving effect at the cellular level.
  • Quenches thirst, regulates perspiration.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Prevention of myocardial infarction.

How to use: Brew like regular tea.

At street vendors and in bazaars, green tea with additional flavors is being sold to tourists as mango. Don't be fooled - it doesn't exist.

rose tea

It's rather women's tea- the most delicate drink made from rose petals. Delicate aroma and light bitterness... Rose tea from Egypt will be a wonderful gift for any woman.

But besides the unusual appearance and a unique smell, it is also healing.

Medicinal properties

Rose tea has a positive effect on the nervous system and on the cardiovascular system.

Rose tea - used for:

  • bronchitis, upper respiratory infections,
  • scarlet fever, tuberculosis, flu, tonsillitis,
  • intestinal inflammation,
  • diseases of the bladder, kidneys, liver, nephrolithiasis,
  • with jaundice, diarrhea, abdominal pain.

How to use: 1 teaspoon of dried rose in 1 cup of boiling water.

yellow tea

Of the drinks that I tried in Egypt, yellow tea is one of the most amazing in terms of properties. In addition, it is absolutely not similar to Chinese yellow tea. What can I say, it is not at all like all the usual teas we are used to.
However, it does have valuable healing properties.

Medicinal abilities of inconspicuous grass are huge:

  • colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis,
  • dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal diseases,
  • pain of various origins,
  • removal of stones from the kidneys and bladder,
  • bronchial asthma.

In addition, helba is perfectly used as a spice.

Yellow tea from Egypt is better known by other names:

  • helba,
  • fenugreek,
  • fenugreek,
  • chaman,
  • abish,
  • camel grass.

How to make yellow tea

The usual process of pouring boiling water will not do here. Do not be too lazy to rinse the helba seeds and boil for a few minutes - you will get not just tea, but a specific hot drink from Egypt, with an exotic fragrant aroma. The Arabs call it "Shambhala". Such a blessed drink restores spent strength, heals the Soul, refreshes perception. It operates on an energetic level. Shambhala goes well with milk, honey, lemon, sugar, ginger.

Application recipes:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and boil for 3-7 minutes (maximum 10).
  2. To reduce weight, yellow tea should be drunk with the addition of milk. 30 ml. milk in a glass of tea.

Medicinal properties

  • Helba yellow tea is indispensable for colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and has a strong expectorant effect.
  • Used to stop stomach cramps and reduce abdominal pain.
  • Reduces blood sugar levels.
  • Activates weight loss processes.
  • Restores the female hormonal background.
  • Useful during pregnancy.
  • Increases lactation, restores a woman after childbirth.

Tamarind tea

In my life I would not have thought that tea could be in such a cool form. Outwardly, this is a block of some incomprehensible concentrate. It is sold in blocks from Egypt. The name is pronounced something like "tambrhindi" (Indian date). It is rare to find it on sale. Even less often, you can buy the tamarind fruit itself, from which the concentrate is made, perhaps a highly seasonal plant. Look at the tables, where freshly squeezed juices are prepared.

The recipe is simple. We cut off a piece of tamarin concentrate, pour boiling water over it and insist for a short time. It turns out a sour drink, in the heat an ideal thing. Can also be poured cold boiled water. The taste is exactly the same, only you have to significantly increase the infusion time.

Tamrin (tamarin) - very useful for children, plus it helps to increase red blood cells.

Medicinal properties

  • Tamarin is a broad-spectrum anti-inflammatory agent,
  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • cleanses the blood
  • increases hemoglobin,
  • lowers the temperature.

Mode of application:

  1. Pour a 1 cm wide plate of concentrate with 1 liter of cold boiled water, leave for at least 3 hours, dilute with water to an acceptable unsaturated taste, add honey or sugar.
  2. When pouring boiling water, it is enough to insist 10 minutes.

Black Egyptian tea

Black tea is used not only to relieve drowsiness, increase vigor and restore the body's working capacity, warm and replenish energy, but also to stabilize normal physiological activity. of cardio-vascular system, immune and digestive. Strongly brewed black tea inhibits harmful intestinal microflora. This antiseptic effect of the drink is used for diarrhea. In addition, black tea removes toxins and quenches thirst well.

Where to buy quality tea online

If you are not satisfied with the meager dubious assortment offered by Russian retail, then buy quality teas you can in the online store. Hundreds of varieties of all 7 tea groups: White tea, black, green, with additives, with jasmine, pu-erh, oolong (oolong), yellow, related, red, Japanese, Ivan-tea, matcha, mate, rooibos (rooibos), exotic, fruity, herbal tea, plus floral and herbal. Great selection and great quality.
Click on the image below to go to the online store.

Medicinal herbal and fruit teas

You may be interested in medicinal teas from Egypt. I spread information about their properties and methods of preparation.


The Egyptians brew anise seeds as a tea, it turns out quite an interesting taste. Local cafes can offer sweet anise tea with lemon. In addition to pleasant palatability this drink is endowed with amazing healing properties. Arabic medicine uses anise for digestive disorders. For a therapeutic effect, brewed anise is drunk up to 5 times a day, without sugar.

Anise (in Egyptian "Yansun" is an excellent antiseptic.

Anise tea is used:

  • to stimulate appetite
  • strengthening the motor and secretory function of the intestine,
  • in the treatment of the digestive system,
  • against flatulence, bloating,
  • with anacid gastritis.

Mode of application:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of seeds per cup of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes and strain.
  2. 3O grams per 1 liter of boiling water. Cool, add honey or sugar to taste.
  3. 2-3 stars of anise in half a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. To increase appetite, take half an hour before meals.


Marjoram tea - helps with:

  • headaches,
  • respiratory infections,
  • diseases of the digestive organs, liver, kidneys, gallbladder,
  • complications in the cardiovascular system.

How to use: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of marjoram.


Doum palm grows in the Nile Valley of Upper Egypt. This plant with a height of 6-9 meters with a branched trunk enjoys special honor among the Egyptians and was depicted in frescoes in ancient times. Even in the tomb of Tutankhamen, archaeologists have found 8 baskets with doom fruits, which are over 3,000 years old.

The edible brown oval fruits of the doom palm are endowed with a sour-sweet aftertaste of gingerbread.
The peel of the dried fruit is used to make molasses, sweets, cakes, and a drink.

Doom is sold in the form of chopped dry fruits, whole fruits and ready-made powder.

Mode of application:

  1. Brewed like regular tea, 30 g per 1 liter of boiling water. Cool, add honey or sugar to taste.
  2. If you use powder, then 1 teaspoon is enough for a glass of boiling water.

Doom is a good remedy for fever and diabetes. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

  • cleanses the stomach of bacteria,
  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • used to prevent prostatitis.


Lemongrass is refreshing and disinfectant. Lemongrass (lemongrass) is used for:

Method of application: 3O gr per 1 liter hot water. Cool, add honey or sugar to taste.

Bedouin tea

Bedouin is called traditional drink, prepared on the basis of black tea with the addition of habak and/or marmarea. These herbs grow only on.


Indigenous people, from time immemorial, enjoy the amazing aroma of this drink, which has a characteristic, slightly minty smell with a cool taste. Habak has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves pain in the throat and stomach, indispensable for coughs and colds. IN medical purposes it is better to brew habak as an independent remedy.

  1. To add to black tea, it is enough to take 1-2 pinches per glass.
  2. To achieve a therapeutic effect - half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Do not add sugar.


Sage relative with a whole set healing properties. Its leaves have the most unique taste and smell. Sweet tea from marmaray - a traditional Bedouin drink, especially after a hearty dinner, because. improves the functions of the digestive system.

Improves blood circulation, lowers sugar content, relieves stomach pain. Local folk medicine uses it to treat gastritis, with absolutely no side effects.

For brewing alone or as an additive to black, take 1 teaspoon of marmara per teapot.


In our country, dried cinnamon bark is known as a spice or aromatic additive in cooking. However, in Egypt, this excellent spice is brewed and enjoyed with its unusually pleasant, warm and sweet aroma. Such a warming drink treats colds and can lower sugar levels.


In Egypt, ginger for brewing can be bought in the form of powder, dried roots or live. Brewed like regular tea, but the longer you insist, the more spicy and bright taste receive. Additives: lemon, honey, mint. Drink cold and hot. For a glass ginger tea take a few thin slices of live ginger or half a teaspoon of powder.

Ginger drink has antiseptic properties.

  • improves digestion,
  • increases energy tone,
  • helps with motion sickness and seasickness,
  • restores vitality.


The miracle tree moringa oil contains a huge list of nutrients, 36 anti-inflammatory substances, 46 antioxidants, almost all the necessary macro and microelements, and in terms of the composition of vitamins it is generally a champion among plants.
Its magical properties are in the ability to restore youthfulness to the skin, smooth wrinkles and stimulate metabolic processes.

Pour boiling water over moringa, let it brew and the miracle tea is ready. Do not throw away the brewed leaves, they are delicate in taste and there are still many nutrients left.

Moringa has no contraindications. Just in case, you should not use it during pregnancy, as well as when taking drugs that thin the blood.

The list of popular tea plants in Egypt also includes

  • mint,
  • rosehip petals,
  • chamomile,
  • ginseng,
  • cardamom.

Egyptian teas will perfectly add to your list of possible candidates for souvenirs from Egypt, and besides, they will support health and give wonderful memories. Bring unusual Egyptian teas to your loved ones, instead of useless magnets and other nonsense, and this may well be enough to make them feel your love and care.

Creator Egypt web, Oleg.


Tea of ​​a stunning red color with an absolutely amazing aroma and taste is hibiscus. And once you try this amazing drink, and after that you will not be able to refuse the proposed cup of tea.

In addition, this drink leaves a pleasant aftertaste, is completely unpretentious in preparation and can be consumed both cold and hot. Where did this wonderful product come from?

Hibiscus tea actually grows on a common bush called hibiscus or Sudanese rose. And his homeland is warm southern countries. The flowers of the hibiscus shrub are not only distinguished by their amazing taste, they are also considered a symbol of the whole country. Agree - it is very honorable!

The methods of its preparation also differ. Someone likes to drink such tea without sugar, enjoying the amazing, sour taste. And someone drinks it cold and with sugar. In general, this wonderful product can not only please you with an amazing taste, but also quench your thirst even on the hottest summer day.

But, most importantly, to brew this fragrant drink correctly. You should not keep it in boiling water for a long time, as you will only make the tea very strong and sour, which not everyone will like. It is also worth noting that the longer you brew tea, the faster all useful vitamins “erode” from it.

What is useful hibiscus tea? Well, for example, in Egypt, people consider such a drink almost a panacea for many diseases. Of course, we are modern people and we understand that this is hardly possible, but it would be foolish to deny the beneficial properties of this drink.

Of course, it will not cure us of a cold, but it will support the immune system, supply the body with all essential vitamins and he is still capable of minerals. And if you want to sleep, but you still have a lot of work, then just one cup of this amazing seagull will cheer you up and tune in to the working mood.

Recognizes the positive effect on the body of this drink and traditional medicine, because thanks to unique composition, it has absolutely extraordinary protective and antiseptic properties.

It is also important to note that if you went a little too far with alcoholic drinks, then instead of sending someone for a beer, you can just have a cup of freshly brewed hibiscus tea.

It will have an excellent tonic effect on your body, relieve hangover symptoms, and also help to minimize Negative influence stormy weekend on the state of health in general.

Hibiscus tea: benefits and harms

So, we have already analyzed in general the benefits of taking such a wonderful drink.

Let's systematize the knowledge gained, and maybe even add some new beneficial properties of tea, which:

  • Miraculously quenches thirst both after a hangover and on a normal summer day;
  • Removes cholesterol from the body, which can prevent a huge number of diseases;
  • It is an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of colds, as it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin C;
  • Helps with prolonged depression, as well as stress, as it has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • It is an excellent antiseptic;
  • It is considered an excellent tool for normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, so if you have problems in this particular part of the body, then do not be afraid to use this miracle drink. It will not only bring you pleasure, but also alleviate discomfort.

As with any product that has some medicinal properties, red hibiscus tea has a number of contraindications. For example, you should forget about its existence if you have high acidity, peptic ulcer, gastritis or gout. In any other case, you can safely use such tea, at least every hour.

So, as you can see, the beneficial properties of hibiscus tea are an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. So do not forget about such a delicious home doctor!

Hibiscus tea for weight loss

There is nothing surprising in the fact that many nutritionists advise given tea for weight loss. Not only is the calorie content of such a drink negligible, but it also has an absolutely amazing chemical composition which helps to cleanse the body. And what will help you lose weight better than cleansing the body?

You can’t even imagine how much slag clogs your insides. And all of them, accumulating, make up a fairly significant mass.

Concerning practical advice, then for weight loss, experts advise completely replacing regular tea with red. And so you need to drink it for two to three weeks. And do not sneer arrogantly, thinking that if you love this drink, then drinking it for three weeks will not be difficult for you. You are wrong!

It's now, you like it so much because you drink it occasionally. But if you need to drink it several times a day in without fail, then after a short amount of time, you will notice that your feelings for this drink have cooled down, and now you want the usual black tea.

And once again we repeat about the calorie content of hibiscus tea - there are practically none there. One more thing! If you drink a cup of tea not after, but before eating, then the number of calories from other foods will automatically decrease by half.

Hibiscus tea during pregnancy

This question is of interest to many expectant mothers, because during pregnancy it is often drawn to sour, and in some cases this is exactly what is needed to satisfy such whims. Of course, you can drink such tea. But! It is worth knowing the measure, since any product in huge quantities can be harmful to health. And not only yours, but also the health of your unborn baby.

But in moderation, such a drink can become an indispensable source of vitamin C, which is so lacking for expectant mothers. Immune-supporting properties also do not interfere, since none of the pregnant women wants to catch any infection in public places, which can then adversely affect the child. So, if you really want, then a little bit is possible.

How to brew hibiscus tea

In order to fully enjoy the amazing taste of this wonderful tea, you first need to learn how to brew it correctly. If you have previously brewed black and red tea in the same way, then we hasten to upset you: you drank the wrong hibiscus. Because the cooking procedure is slightly different.

For proper cooking it is best to boil the leaves in a small amount water, at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 200 ml of water. Yes, yes, boil it! Then you need to cool the resulting tea leaves and put it in a dark, cool place. And now you will just add a little of the resulting broth to the tea.

Centuries ago, the Egyptians called a drink made from the red petals of the hibiscus flower the drink of the pharaohs. And now we just call him hibiscus. In Russia, this exotic Egyptian red tea appeared not so long ago, however, has already become popular due to its bright, specific taste and usefulness.

Egyptian red tea

It is not for nothing that Arab healers in ancient times used hibiscus infusion as a medicine. Hibiscus has, for example, antimicrobial properties, and, therefore, can help with colds. And this drink is an excellent “anti-hangover” remedy, it copes well with alcohol intoxication.

Egyptian red tea people drink both hot and cold. Moreover, in the first case, hibiscus increases in people arterial pressure, and in the second - contributes to its decrease. That is, tea is perfect for both hypotensive and hypertensive patients.

Hibiscus is not quite an ordinary tea (some people even think that it is wrong to call hibiscus tea), because it should not be brewed, but boiled. Dried hibiscus petals require just that. There are several recipes for cooking hibiscus. Each of them has its own charm, its own zest.

Let's say you want to eat hot hibiscus. Then you need to throw the hibiscus petals into a container of water that is in the boiling stage. Proceed from the following proportions: two teaspoons of petals per glass of water.

Petals should boil no more than 5 minutes. Then pour the resulting ruby-colored liquid into a mug and add honey or sugar to taste. By the way, the petals left at the bottom can be eaten, they are also tasty. Note that it is better to use glass or porcelain dishes under hibiscus. Metal, unfortunately, spoils the taste and aroma of the drink.

There are also several "cold" cooking options. Egyptian red tea .

The first one is pretty simple. First, cook as described above, then let it cool, throw in pieces of ice - and drink. Such a hibiscus perfectly kills thirst, which is especially important in the summer heat.

The second "cold" recipe involves no cooking. Hibiscus petals just need to be put in cold water for eight hours. Before use, you can also put a little sugar or honey there.

In fact, you can make more than just drinks from hibiscus petals. Fresh petals can play important role in design holiday table. If you grind them together with salt, you end up with a fantastic pink salt. It will be beautiful and will surprise any guests.