Fish and Chips (Fish and Chips) - a recipe from Britain with step by step photos. English Classic: Fish and Chips

Gordon Ramsay can be called a modern promoter of fish and chips. He actively cooks this dish in TV programs, includes the recipe in his books and, of course, in the menu of his star restaurants.

The chef believes that the secret of cooking fish and potatoes lies in the batter. It is prepared from wheat and rice flour, eggs, soda, light beer, baking powder, a pinch of sugar and salt. Gordon Ramsay chooses only cod and double fry the potatoes in the deep fryer to make the fries as crispy as possible. " Dredge cooked potatoes in a mixture of finely chopped parsley, ground paprika and salt”- here is another secret from Ramsay. Homemade mayonnaise, a slice of lemon and green peas toasted with shallots and garlic in butter will decorate the serving of the dish.

Fish and Chips by Gordon Ramsay

Fish and Chips by Nathan Outlaw

Nathan Outlaw's choice is cod, French fries and tartar sauce, which is prepared on the basis of homemade mayonnaise with the addition of finely chopped capers, pickled cucumbers, tarragon and salt. The chef first boils the potatoes, and then deep-fries them and also relies on batter. It is perfect - no lumps, prepared from wheat flour, yeast, beer, freshly ground black pepper and salt. And most importantly - the batter is infused for 10 minutes.

Fish and Chips by Nathan Outlaw

Fish and Chips by Heston Blumenthal

Heston Blumenthal is a true culinary magician. He does not just fry fish, potatoes and prepare batter. He provides a scientific basis for every step he takes.

He has a three-stage process of cooking potatoes: first, the potatoes are boiled for 10-20 minutes, then cooled in the refrigerator, cooked in a deep fryer, laid out in a grid and cooled. This action should be repeated 3 times, except for boiling potatoes.

Blumenthal uses a siphon to make batter. Having mixed wheat flour, honey, vodka and beer, the chef pours the mixture into a siphon and puts it in the refrigerator so that during the frying process the batter becomes airy and bubbly ... And Blumenthal, unlike Ramsay and Outlaw, cooks white halibut, not cod.

Fish and Chips by Heston Blumenthal

Fish and Chips by April Bloomfield

April Bloomfield's fish and chips motto: " Fresh fish and great potatoes!". Bloomfield's culinary technique is simple and thorough, but the dish turns out to be unusually savory and tasty. The chef suggests cutting the potatoes into rather large slices without peeling. Halibut (which was chosen by April) is cut to match the potatoes - large pieces. Unpretentious and batter for fish. In progress are: wheat flour, a couple of yolks, dry yeast and beer.

Fish and Chips by April Bloomfield

By the way, on one of the English sites, another good advice was found that will help you cook fish and chips correctly and in English: cut the cod fillet into small long pieces and immerse it in a brine of water, sugar and salt for 7 minutes to taste like fish became more intense. For 2 liters of water, 200 g of sugar and 300 g of salt will be required. After marinating, dry the fish and cook it according to your recipe.

Classic English fish&chips

And just for you a few great ones fish recipes end chips.

What does a Russian know about English cuisine? Oatmeal, five o'clock tea, roast beef and steak, whiskey and ale, pudding and ... Fish and chips. Everything is simple and everything is very complicated. As is known, simple meals are tasty on one condition - the impeccable quality of the product. What could be easier and tastier Neapolitan pizza or a hot dog in New York's Central Park? The same applies to the famous fish and chips - batter-fried fish with french fries - an old English fast food.

What it is

From the middle of the 19th century in London and the surrounding area, no other dish could compare in popularity with fish and chips (not a word about whiskey!). It was eaten by students and country priests who came to London on business, bohemians and members of parliament, workers and tourists. In Oliver Twist, Dickens writes: "Narrow as Field Lane is, it has its own barber, its own coffee shop, its own pub, and its own fried, tongue-like fish shop."

What distinguishes fish and chips from all other variants of the world's fast food is its commitment to periodicals. By English tradition, fish "n" chips must be wrapped in newsprint or magazine paper (gourmets prefer the Sunday Times - it is believed that it beats off the fishy smell best of all). AT Russian conditions I would recommend Kommersant.

Today, fish "n" chips can be eaten in Moscow and in other cities of Russia - a dish that is royally simple to make. Let's try to make it at home according to the English recipe.

Product Feature

First, the fish. The quality of fish for fish "n" chips should be excellent. None fatty varieties- perfect for cod and sole. Do not use pretentious trout, salmon or salmon. To nothing.

Potato. It should not be small and non-friable varieties. After all, we need to cut it into bars, right? Flour for batter. The highest grade and necessarily sifted.

Dark ale. Just a little, but it should be included in the list of products without fail.

Oil for frying. There should be a lot of it, so the recipe does not insist on using expensive olive oil. There will be enough corn. The British, it happens, and fry on margarine.

Culinary secrets of fish "n" chips


The main problem awaiting the brave chef who decided on fish "n" chips is batter dough. Everyone agrees that good dough should be light and crisp, which means that there should be bubbles in the mixture. There are two main ways to achieve this: adding baking powder, baking powder, or yeast, or making the dough with a carbonated liquid: water or beer. The batter retains the taste of the fish and makes it soft.

With what they just don’t make this batter! FROM different varieties beer, with baking powder, with vinegars of various origins. Experiment with flour varieties. Moreover, not only chefs from different countries but also English chefs. Rick Stein, owner of two chippies, uses for batter baking powder- 3 ½ teaspoons per 240 g flour and add ice water. The batter turns out beautiful and clear, but quite hard and does not have enough volume. British gastropub legend Trish Hilferty uses fresh brewer's yeast in a batter recipe rather than a half-pint of beer. In this case, the dough must be infused for several hours, for better job yeast.

In fact, the whole secret is in the temperature of the ingredients for the batter. You need to keep the flour in the cold and use ice ale. Plus, you must definitely dry the pieces of fish before lowering them into batter.

The same goes for french fries. Need a crust on a potato bar - fry it dry in in large numbers oils.


Great wars are being fought in Britain between recognized masters of fish "n" chips over the capacity where the actual frying of fish and chips takes place. Someone stands for deep fryers, someone is a staunch supporter of deep cast iron pan. Try it and choose for yourself what you like.

But the main thing in the deep fryer and in the pan is the temperature of the oil. Connoisseurs say that the batter dough must be very cold, say 6C, so that when it hits fat heated to 185C, an excellent result is obtained.

English fish "n" chips recipe

Required for 4 servings

Oil for frying (can be margarine), 400 g wheat flour, put in the freezer for 15 minutes before using 3 tsp. baking powder 0.5 tsp salt 550 ml very cold beer (ale can be used), 4 fish fillets (cod, pollock, sole)

Cooking: Heat the fat in a fryer or skillet to 185C. Mix the baking powder into the cooled flour, along with the salt, and then quickly add the cold beer until the consistency thick paste. This should be done just before frying the fish.

Set the bowl of batter next to the fryer or frying pan. Put the parchment on the dish. Dip the fish into the dough, and then carefully dip it into the hot fat, and after 4-6 minutes put it on parchment. The fat must drain. A piece of fish should have a clear golden color, without burnt. Serve immediately.

Can I not tell you how to fry french fries? Absolutely, you know how.

Fish and Chips, or fish and chips, is the unspoken official dish of England. It arose in the form of street food, which was wrapped in yesterday's newspaper and sold from stalls. Today, fish and chips are not only street food, but also a dish that is often cooked at home, served in eateries and even offered on the menu of famous restaurants.

I want to show you two options at once. I bring street food fish and chips in a paper envelope to Zareme surreal on her FM "World Street Food", and pea mash from the home-restaurant version I will take it to the community abovo to the bean blitz round "Dips, Pastes and Purees" .

It's believed that best fish for fish and chips, it's cod. But pishka, flounder, pollack are also popular. The fish is cut into portions (or one large piece is used), dipped in a batter based on dark English ale, and deep-fried.

Chips, or potatoes, are also deep-fried, pre-cut large slices. And in order to remove excess starch from potatoes, they are soaked in water for a short time before cooking. cold water.

As for serving, fish and chips are served with pea puree, pickled cucumbers, onions and eggs (I was surprised when I saw a pickled egg in English cuisine), as well as stewed in tomato sauce beans.

I took Jamie Oliver's recipe as the base for my fish and chips with pea puree, but made two changes. Beer was replaced with water, and deep fat - for cooking in a multi-oven.

For cooking fish end chips we need:
cod fillet,
green pea,
green onion,

1. Cut the potatoes into large slices.

2. Rinse in cold water until it becomes clear. Dry with a towel.

3. Add a little to the potatoes vegetable oil and freshly ground black pepper. We mix.

4. Cook potatoes in the multi-oven, shaking occasionally. 5 minutes at 150 degrees, then 12 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. For batter, mix water / beer and flour. For 1 cup of flour you need 1 cup of liquid.

6. Add the egg yolk to the batter. We mix.

7. Egg white whisk into a stable foam.

8. In parts, we introduce the whipped protein into the batter.

9. Cut the cod into pieces.

10. Dip the pieces of fish in batter and spread on the non-stick coating of the multi-oven. Cook for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

11. Mint and onions (1 bunch for every 500 g of peas) are cut arbitrarily.

12. Fry them in butter or vegetable oil for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.

13. Add peas to the greens and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for 7-10 minutes.

14. Punch hot peas with a generous portion of butter with a blender in mashed potatoes.

For the takeaway option, put the fish and chips in a paper envelope.

Fried-free crispy fish and chips are ready!

To serve, put the fish and chips on a plate. Serve with pea puree.

Enjoy your meal!


  • Cod fillet - 500 gr
  • Potatoes for frying - 3-5 pcs. (800 gr)
  • Flour - 100 gr
  • Oil for frying - 500 ml
  • Salt pepper

    For batter:

  • Flour - 200 gr
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - 1/2 tsp
  • Red pepper - 1/4 tsp
  • Beer - 300 ml
  • Salt pepper

    For the tartar sauce:

  • Mayonnaise -100 gr
  • Capers - 5 gr
  • Pickled cucumbers - 10 gr
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
  • Worcestershire sauce (optional) - a couple drops
  • Tabasco (optional) - a couple of drops
  • Salt pepper

    For pea puree:

  • Ice cream peas - 400 gr
  • Mint - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp
  • Butter - 30 gr
  • Salt pepper
  • Fish and chips is a traditional dish English cuisine: fried in beer batter pieces of tender cod with crispy french fries. It is usually served with tartar sauce and peas, which are fried with mint and then simply crushed with a fork. Potatoes and chips wrapped in newspaper are the most popular street food in Britain, but they are also served in expensive restaurants. This dish is not very common in our country, so it would be useful to learn how to cook it at home.

    If you skim through my recipe, it will seem big and complex, but it is not. Looking for the perfect french fries, I made four different ways. So most of the text describes options for cooking potatoes. You can safely skip all this and cook the fries as you like - for example, just throw the slices into the oil heated to 180 degrees and fry until crispy. Well, if you are wondering how to get the perfect french fries, then I advise you to read the recipe in its entirety.

    For batter, we need an ice-cold beer, so put it in the refrigerator, and preferably in the freezer for 20 minutes. Salt the fish and set it aside for a while. The salt will help draw out excess moisture. In the meantime, we will prepare the sauce, peas and potatoes.

    Tartar sauce

    Making tartar sauce is very easy. Chop the capers, chop the gherkins small cube and mix with mayonnaise. Add salt, pepper and some lemon juice.

    Pea puree (Mushy Peas)

    Traditionally, fish and chips are served with tartar sauce and crushed peas. Heat up a frying pan and fry butter peas until soft.

    Add chopped mint, fry for another minute and turn off the heat.

    Sprinkle the peas with lemon juice.

    And put a good piece of butter in the pan.

    We wait until the butter melts, take a fork in our hand and crush the peas.

    We do not need to achieve a state of puree - just such a rough texture is enough. Very tasty.

    Lyrical digression about potatoes

    There are many recipes for french fries, in my opinion, the Heston Blumenthal method gives the best result, but it requires much more time, patience and direct hands. But in the end, you can get tender crumbly potatoes inside and a very crisp outside, which remains so for a very long time.

    So we have 4 options:

    1. Boil potatoes and fry them 2 times (at low and high temperature)
    2. Do not boil potatoes, wash them and fry them 2 times
    3. Do not boil potatoes, do not wash them and fry 2 times
    4. Do not boil, do not wash and fry once

    I must say right away that potatoes 2 and 3 are not very different from each other. What is the difference? Heston says to rinse the potatoes to get rid of the starch. Gordon Ramsay, on the contrary, advises not to wash off the starch, as it adds crunchiness. Whatever the case, both of these options seemed to me quite similar in taste and texture, so I think it may or may not be rinsed. As you wish. Oh yes, for the first three ways you will need a thermometer to measure the temperature of the oil.

    Potato number 4 is the easiest to prepare, but also the saddest option. The crust is thin, without a pronounced texture and becomes soft very quickly. If you are going to eat potatoes immediately after cooking and you do not have extra time, then this method has a place.

    As for method 1, as I said, it gives a really amazing result. But it also takes a lot more time. After cooking, the potatoes need to be cooled in the refrigerator and dried. Then fry in oil at low temperature. Then cool and dry again. Then fry again at high temperature.

    Transfer the potatoes from the pot to a plate, from the plate to the pan, etc. need to be very careful. During cooking, there is always a chance not to keep track and digest the potatoes, then when shifting it can fall apart. In general, use this method if you are confident in your abilities and really want to get the perfect french fries.

    Recipe continuation

    In this recipe, I'll show you how to cook potatoes using the Heston Blumenthal method. You can ignore this and make french fries in your own recipe or one of alternative ways proposed above.

    Peel the potatoes, cut them into large slices of the same thickness and send them to boiling water. We need to boil the potatoes to such a state that cracks appear on the surface of the slices. When we fry the potatoes, it is these cracks that will give it extra crunchiness and texture.

    Watch carefully, it is important for us not to overcook the potatoes so that they do not fall apart during subsequent frying. All varieties are different, so they need to be cooked at different times. I boiled my potatoes for 14 minutes, you may need less or more time.

    Take a slotted spoon and carefully transfer the potatoes to a plate or cutting board. We put it in the refrigerator and wait until it cools and dries.

    When the potatoes are dry, take a ladle or pan (or a deep fryer, if you have one), pour vegetable oil and heat it to a temperature of 130 degrees. Carefully transfer the potatoes to the pan and fry for 5 minutes until lightly browned.

    We shift the slices to a paper towel and wait again until the potatoes cool.

    And we ourselves heat the oil to 180 degrees. Now it's time to fry the fish, and then re-fry the potatoes. While the oil is warming up, let's make a simple, but very delicious batter. Mix flour, honey, spices and ice beer well in a large bowl.

    The consistency should be like this - thick, but fluid.

    Remove excess moisture from the fish with a paper towel.

    Dip fillets in flour and shake off excess.

    Dip the fish in the batter.

    Take the fillet by the end, dip the other end into the oil, hold for a couple of seconds so that the batter grabs, and carefully lower the entire fillet. Fry 2-3 fillets at the same time, depending on the width of the pan.

    Move the fish with a fork to make sure that it does not stick to the bottom and to each other and fry until golden brown golden brown(3-5 minutes).

    Transfer the fish to paper towels and fry the next batch.

    When the fish is fried, it's time to fry the potatoes a second time. We shift it into oil heated to 180 degrees and fry until golden brown (3 minutes).

    Take out and transfer to paper towels.

    Like this wonderful potato Our fries are super crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Sprinkle it with salt and you are ready to serve. Traditionally, potatoes for this dish are served in a newspaper bag.

    It's time to sit down at the table. We put on a plate a piece of fillet, potatoes in a bag, tartar sauce, a good spoonful of crushed peas, a slice of lemon and a couple pickles. Enjoy your meal!

    Enjoy and don't feel guilty!

    Judging by the name alone, fish and chips are just fish fried in batter and served with french fries. But in fact it is something more. In fact, fish and chips are the pillar of English cuisine, its pride and shame, one of those markers that allow you to determine the social, cultural and national affiliation of a person, to separate friends from strangers. How many times fish and chips have been mentioned in popular culture - do not count. Often it was irony, even more often it was self-irony, and despite the plaintive sobs of nutritionists and supporters healthy eating, the inhabitants of foggy Albion continue to proudly confess their love for their national treasure. Of course, you and I do not have to include fish and chips in our daily diet, but sometimes try this delicious, junk food can.

    Fish and chips

    4 servings

    800 g cod or haddock fillets
    1 kg. frying potatoes

    for batter:
    150 g flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    0.33 l. light beer

    1 l. vegetable oil for frying

    Cut the potatoes into cubes, soak for some time in cold water, and then fry in parts in a large amount of oil in two steps - first warming up to 160 degrees, and after a while, just before serving - at 190 degrees until golden brown. The same, but in more detail is written in, and it is worth reading, because in fact we are preparing two dishes at the same time, and we need to synchronize our actions.

    Remove bones that may have been left in fish fillet, and cut it into large strips (if you spread the fillet on the table, you will see that it is not solid, so cut based on this anatomy). Let each serving be 3-4 strips of fish. Season the fish with salt and pepper and set aside. Just before cooking, mix flour, baking powder and cold, freshly opened beer until more or less homogeneous - do not be afraid of the lumps that may have remained in the batter.

    Dip the fish in flour, shake off excess and roll in batter, then send it straight to oil heated to 180 degrees. After frying until golden on one side, turn the fish over and fry on the other - no more than 3-4 minutes in total on each side. Serve the finished fish with fries and - and for extra authenticity, when serving, you can roll the bags from the morning edition of the Times.

    PS: So that nothing gets cold, fish and potatoes should be cooked in parallel, but if you still decide to cook them together, for obvious reasons, you must first fry and catch the potatoes, and only then put the battered fish in the oil.