How to make homemade cheese - recipes and cooking technology. Russian cheese, recipe at home

Russian cheese is very popular not only in Russia, but throughout the post-Soviet space.

Unfortunately, recently some cheese-producing enterprises have violated the technology for making Rossiysky cheese, and therefore it turns out not to be as tasty as before. Therefore, it is worth considering how to cook Russian cheese at home.

Traditionally, Russian cheese includes pasteurized cow's milk, as well as milk-clotting rennet and mesophilic lactic acid bacteria starter.

This cheese is hard. It has a yellow color, and on its cut you can see lace, consisting of small eyes. The taste of Russian hard cheeses is slightly sour. Usually their fat content is about 50% ± 1.5%.


  • 10l milk
  • 100 ml of production starter based on Uglich-S, Uglich-4, Uglich-5A (in winter), MA11, CHN-19
  • ½ tsp (2.5g) liquid rennet
  • ½ tsp (2.5g) calcium chloride solution
  • Brine 20%
  • Yield: 10% - 1kg of cheese

How to prepare a production sourdough:

To prepare industrial sourdough, take 100 ml of pasteurized milk (store-bought drinking milk is also suitable), heat to 36⁰С, add dry sourdough (0.04 g) on ​​the tip of a knife and mix well. Place the container in a yogurt maker or in a warm place for 10-12 hours. A dense yogurt should form. This is the production sourdough.

How to cook Russian cheese:

  1. At the beginning of production, milk with an acidity of 18T and 3.6% fat, we take evening milking milk, pasteurize it for 10 minutes at a temperature of 68-72ºС, cool it to 10ºС, add a little starter Uglich #4 and leave it overnight (8-10 hours) at a temperature 6-8ºС for ripening.
  2. Before directly making cheese, the acidity should be 22T. We heat the milk to 31ºС, add the Uglich #5A production starter (the main thing is that the starter with which the milk ripens differs from the production starter. Take both starter cultures from the list indicated in the ingredients) in an amount of 1% and leave for 30 minutes. We maintain a temperature of 30.7-32ºС.
  3. We add potassium nitrate 10 g per 100 liters of milk) or lysozyme to prevent subsequent fermentation of Escherichia coli and butyric acid fermentation in the late periods of exposure. We mix. The step is optional only if the milk can be heavily contaminated with E. coli and butyric fermentation bacteria.
  4. Dissolve calcium chloride solution in 30 ml of water and add to milk. We mix.
  5. Add the solution and mix well. Leave for the formation of a clot for 30-40 minutes, maintain the temperature of 30-32C.
  6. Check the formation of a clean compartment. If the clot is already dense, we start cutting, if not very dense, leave for another 10 minutes. Cut into cubes 1x1cm. Mix lightly and leave for 10 minutes. At this point, the acidity is 15T. The interval from cutting to the second heating must be at least 30 minutes
  7. Drain 30% whey (3 l) to make it easier to set up the grain (cutting and kneading to get a uniform and finer grain is done with a lyre).
  8. We take the lira and begin to mix the milk, while cutting it, for 5 minutes. At this point, the acidity is 15.5-16T
  9. To reduce acidity, we add 2 liters of water at a temperature of 42ºС to bring the acidity to 13T. Gently and slowly knead for 10 minutes.
  10. We carry out heating and kneading the grain for 30 minutes to a temperature of 42ºС.
  11. We spread the form with gauze or insert a drainage bag.
  12. We scoop up the grain with a wide slotted spoon or a small colander, and shake it a little so that the whey drains and the grain is saturated with air. If there are two of you and you are cooking with a large amount of milk, then you can scoop up the grain with cheesecloth and dry it by rolling the grain in cheesecloth.
  13. Pour the grain into a mold, do not compact, on the contrary, try to crush the pieces and make the mass more airy
  14. Close the ends of the fabric, cover with a lid and leave to self-press for 30 minutes. Once during this time (after 15 minutes) you need to turn the cheese so that it self-presses in the opposite direction.
  15. Put under the press and press for 3 hours: 1 hour 2 kg (two weights of a head of cheese), 1 hour 3 kg (three weights of a head of cheese), 1 hour 4 kg (four weights of a head of cheese). Each time, increasing the weight of the load, you need to re-wrap the cheese, straightening the folds on the fabric.
  16. Salting in 20% brine for the required time (salting time is calculated per head: 0.5 kg per head 3 hours of salting). In our case it is 6 hours. The cheese floats in the brine, so turn the cheese once every three hours for even salting.
  17. Drying of cheese takes place at a temperature of 10-13ºС for 5-6 days. To get a dry crust at home, you can dry the cheese in the refrigerator in the warmest compartment.

Today I have a holiday - my first hard cheese in my life has ripened. As soon as I became interested in cheese making, I even dreamed that someday I could make cheese with holes, which would be 100 times tastier than store-bought! Here comes the moment...

It turns out that it is not so difficult to cook "Russian" cheese, if you have a little aging and know the technology of cheese making. The only difficulty is getting the starters and the enzyme to make the cheese, but even this has become more accessible thanks to the Internet.

In one of the online stores I found starters and enzymes for making cheese. With a little apprehension, I ordered this product, the field of which was immediately emailed to me. Recipe arrived in the mail. I read it. Since I was already familiar with the preparation of other types of cheeses based on rennet, the whole process was quite clear.

I received a parcel with enzymes and starter cultures. Since I did not expect that everything would come so quickly, then, of course, I did not stock up on homemade milk. I had to run to a neighbor to order a bucket of milk (10l). She, of course, was surprised at such a volume, but promised that in two days I could come for my order. Hard cheese is not prepared from shop milk (!).

I bought milk from a neighbor. It is always tasty, high quality and clean. If there is no confidence in the quality of milk, then it must be pasteurized.


To do this, we prepare 2-3 ice baths (a saucepan in a bowl with ice or water and ice). We will pasteurize 3.3 liters of milk (10 liters of milk in 3 doses) so that the milk can be quickly heated and cooled (at the dairy this process takes 24 seconds).

Pour 3.3 liters of milk into a wide saucepan and turn on the largest fire. We heat the milk to a temperature of 70-72 degrees (we check with a kitchen thermometer). Pour the hot milk into ice baths and stir it quickly so that it cools down faster. Pour the cooled milk into a clean, dry jar and send it to the refrigerator. Repeat the procedure with the remaining milk.

Reservation and maturation of milk

We defend pasteurized or fresh milk in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. This should be done to increase the acidity of the product, so that the cheese will be tastier.

Today is a responsible day. I read the instructions for making cheese 5 times so as not to make a mistake anywhere.

For cooking, you must have:

    sachets with sourdough and enzymes

    200 g non-iodized table salt

    50 ml cold boiled water

    3-4 liters of hot boiled water (50 degrees)

    kitchen thermometer

  • pot 11 l

    long knife or perfectly clean skewers

Activation of starter cultures of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria

We heat 250 ml of milk to 35 degrees. Pour the starter for cheese into this milk, mix and cover with a lid. Leave for 40 minutes in a warm place.

Pour 10 liters of milk into a saucepan and send it to heat up to the smallest fire to 32-33 degrees. Immediately after reaching this temperature, turn off the burner.

Curdling of milk

The milk has warmed up. We introduce milk ferment into it, which we poured with warm milk and left to ripen 40 minutes ago.

Dissolve the enzyme in 50 ml of cold boiled water.

As soon as the enzyme dissolves, pour it into the milk.

Stir vigorously for 10 seconds, after which we do not touch the pan with milk for 40-50 minutes. We keep the pan in a warm place so that the milk does not cool down below 32 degrees.

Cutting and curd processing

We are waiting for the moment of formation of a clot, which would be separated by 1-2 mm from the walls of the pan. The cheese clot should be like a dense jelly.

We cut the clot with a long knife or a barbecue skewer into squares of 1.5-2 cm. Do not forget to cut the cubes horizontally, tilting the knife (or skewer) as much as possible. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

The cheese cubes should sink in the whey. Drain 100 ml of the upper whey. We put the pan on a slow fire and, stirring constantly, heat the cheese cubes in whey to a temperature of 36-38 degrees for 10 minutes.

Draining whey and adding water

Cheese grain should be 7-8 ml. Drain 3.5 liters of whey (scooping out). Add 2.6 liters of boiled water 40 degrees to the pan with cheese grains.

Second heating
We heat the cheese grain to a temperature of 38-40 degrees for 12-16 minutes over low heat.

Partial salting in grain

We strain the cheese grain from the whey and add 2 g of fine salt. Stir the cheese so that the salt is well distributed.

Forming and self-pressing
Let the cheese self-press for 30 minutes.

At this stage, today I will finish my story about the preparation of "Russian" cheese. Tomorrow I will tell you about how to press cheese correctly, with what load, how to salt it, dry it, where and how it should ripen and be stored.

Thank you for your attention!

Cheese "Russian" at home. Part 2

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If you like homemade cheese, then our article will be useful to you. We want to talk about how to cook. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Very often, mothers do not want to give their babies cheeses purchased in supermarkets, because they contain a lot of preservatives. And how can you know for sure what products they are made of?

And therefore, naturally, questions arise about their usefulness. But having prepared hard cheese at home from milk, you will definitely no longer go to the store for it.

Does it make sense to cook cheese at home?

If you are thinking about preparing such a dairy product on your own in order to save money, then it cannot be unequivocally said that it will cost you less than buying a ready-made one in a store. It all depends on what cheeses you buy - cheap or expensive.

The main benefit of self-manufacturing is the exact confidence in its freshness and naturalness of the ingredients. So, it is suitable for children and will only benefit them.

What products are hard cheese made at home

For cooking, you will need completely ordinary products. The process itself takes about half an hour, plus the time during which the cheese will harden in the refrigerator (you can even leave it all night).

For cooking, you need to acquire the following ingredients:

  1. homemade - 0.7 kg.
  2. Homemade milk - 1 liter.
  3. Soda - 1 teaspoon.
  4. Salt - 2 teaspoon.
  5. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  6. Butter - 2 tablespoons.

hard cheese recipe at home

Pour the cottage cheese into a saucepan and knead thoroughly with your hands so that there are no large lumps. Then fill it with milk and put on fire. The mass must be constantly stirred until the whey begins to exfoliate, the curd itself begins to gather into lumps and hardens, as if melting, and the liquid itself becomes colorless. Next, the fire must be turned off and the cottage cheese must be thrown onto gauze so that all the liquid has left it.

Put butter on the bottom of the pan and send it to the fire. It is better to use non-stick dishes, because the cheese can stick to the bottom and burn. Next, add eggs, salt, soda, cottage cheese to the pan. We will mix with a wooden spoon until the mass becomes homogeneous, without any grains. It usually takes about half an hour. It all depends on the quality of the curd. The softer it is, the less time it will take.

When the cheese has acquired a uniform consistency, we take any mold, cover it with food film and put it there, carefully tamping it down. This is done to ensure that the finished product is more uniform. Next, send it to the refrigerator to harden. That's all the preparation of hard cheese at home. As you can see, the recipe is completely simple, and the most common products are taken. Try to cook and you will appreciate the taste of a homemade product.

How many calories are homemade hard cheese?

In general, it is believed that in ordinary hard cheese there are up to two hundred and fifty calories per hundred grams. For home, for some reason, the figure one hundred and thirteen calories is indicated in the literature. In fact, this parameter will depend on what products you initially take.

If you set yourself the goal of making a low-calorie diet cheese, you need to take low-fat cottage cheese and milk. And who prefers to get a hearty product, they can take homemade fatty dairy ingredients. The result will certainly please you.

Homemade marble hard cheese

We want to tell you another hard cheese recipe at home. For cooking, you need to grate the carrots on a very fine grater. Mix milk with cottage cheese in a saucepan and add carrots there. Boil all this on a small fire for about seven minutes.

As a result, we will get a mass that needs to be thrown onto gauze. The liquid must drain. Then add butter, salt, eggs, sour cream, soda and a little garlic (optional, if you like it). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and put the dishes on the fire again, cook for another ten minutes. You will see when the mass hardens.

We transfer the finished product to the dishes, tamp and let it harden. So the marble hard cheese, made at home, is ready.

Historical digression

Once upon a time, making homemade cheese and cottage cheese was common. Now, not every housewife will undertake such a thing. It is not difficult to prepare a solid one, however, it will take time, but the result will please you. You will receive a delicious homemade and healthy product without harmful additives and palm oils.

People have been making cheese since time immemorial: one version says that the first mention of this dates back to the eighth millennium BC. In general, his invention is associated with the domestication of sheep. It is believed that this happened by accident. If at least something is known about the time of the appearance of cheese, then the place of its invention is not known. Presumably this is the Middle East or Central Asia and Europe or the Sahara.

Some researchers claim that cheeses were invented by nomadic Arabs.

The use of spices in the preparation of hard cheese

Currently, in any supermarket there is a considerable amount of hard, soft, smoked, creamy. However, not all of them can be classified in this category of products. Conveyor production has done its job. And we often do not eat a natural product, but a mixture of additives, and sometimes even chemical substitutes for products (like milk-containing inventions), which do not even remotely resemble a natural product.

But even from this situation there is a way out: you can cook hard cheese at home. The recipe is not complicated at all, and the products used are quite ordinary. By cooking at home, you can diversify the resulting cheeses. For this, various spices and spices are used. During cooking, you can add garlic, pepper, paprika, dill, cumin, mustard seeds. It all depends on your taste and what kind of product you want to get. If you like spicy cheeses, add something to spice it up. In general, there is where to roam the imagination.

The subtleties of making homemade cheeses

Speaking about how to cook hard cheese at home, you need to know some of the nuances that will help you.

Instead of an afterword

In our article, we talked about how to make hard cheese at home. After all, many simply cannot imagine their lives without it. In fact, we widely use this product in the manufacture of various dishes. Most varieties can be prepared at home without much effort. So try it! And you will be pleased with the result. Believe me, you will never go to the store for cheese again. After all, the homemade product is much tastier, and healthier, which is important. Yes, and you will always be sure of the freshness of the product, since cheeses from the supermarket are far from ideal and moldy very quickly, after which they can simply be thrown away. We wish you good luck with your preparation. Enjoy your meal!

"Russian" is a cheese that is very popular in our country. The mentioned brand has no copyright. That is why such a dairy product is produced by several enterprises in Russia, as well as in Belarus, Ukraine and Latvia.

General Information about Solid Milk Ingredient

What is the difference between ordinary cheese and Russian cheese? The composition of the latter product includes pasteurized cow's milk, as well as milk-clotting rennet and mesophilic starter culture of lactic acid bacteria. This cheese is hard. It has a yellow color, and on its cut you can see lace, consisting of small eyes. The taste of Russian hard cheeses is slightly sour. Usually their fat content is about 50% ± 1.5%.

We make hard Russian cheese on our own

When purchasing such a product in a store, each of us wondered about its production. At first glance, it seems that this is a very complex and time-consuming process. However, in reality, everything is much simpler.

To make real Russian cheese, you need a lot of milk. If it's a little sour, then it's okay. In any case, the final product should be very tasty and nutritious.

So, to make Russian hard cheese, we need the following ingredients:

Preparation of the milk base

Before we make Russian cheese at home, we need to prepare a viscous base. To do this, you need to pour cow's milk into a large saucepan, and then add rustic cottage cheese to it and mix everything well. By the way, in order to make homemade cheese homogeneous, it is recommended to pre-beat the last product in a blender at high speed.

After all the ingredients are in a common container, they must be put on low heat and cooked until the contents of the pan begin to stretch like rubber. At the same time, it is recommended to stir the dairy components regularly so that they do not burn.

After heat treatment, the resulting whey should be discarded in a colander with thick gauze and wait until all excess liquid has drained.

The second stage of making hard cheese

Russian cheese at home should be prepared in stages. After the milk base is made, it is necessary to start processing the remaining ingredients. To do this, melt natural butter in a bowl, and then add the previously prepared mass to it, as well as a raw country egg, baking soda and fine salt. These components must be heated very carefully so that they do not burn. To do this, they need to be stirred regularly with a large spoon.

The final step in making homemade cheese

After boiling the components for some time, you should get a yellowish mass of whipped cream consistency. After it thickens, the dishes should be immediately removed from the stove. In this state, it is necessary to wait until the mass cools down a little. Next, you need to put it on the table and knead a little.

Having given the product the desired shape, homemade cheese should be wrapped in cling film, and then sent to the refrigerator until completely solidified.

How should it be properly presented to family members?

Cheese "Russian", the composition of which was presented above, is quite hard. After it has completely hardened in the refrigerator, it must be removed and cut into thin slices. Such a product can be presented to the table along with sausage and bread, or it can be used to prepare various hot dishes and salads.

We make Russian cheese

Homemade cheese differs from store-bought cheese in that it is made only from natural ingredients. That is why it is recommended to make such a product only on your own. For this we may need:

We make the basis

To make the basis for hard homemade cheese, fresh cow's milk must be poured into a clean enameled container and heated to a temperature of 35 degrees. Next, add sour cream with a high percentage of fat to it and mix well using a whisk.

After the base is ready, you need to take the Meito milk-clotting enzyme and dissolve it in half a glass of cold boiled water. The resulting mixture must be poured into milk and continue to stir for another 1 minute.

Heat treatment

Leaving the resulting mass aside for 1-2 hours, you should eventually get a clot in the form of a dense and elastic jelly. After cutting it with a knife into small squares, you should wait until the base begins to secrete serum.

After the described actions, the dishes must be placed in a water bath and slowly heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. In this case, the mass should be stirred regularly with a large spoon. This process can take you about 45-60 minutes. During this time, the cheese grain should boil down a little and decrease in volume.

The readiness of the product can be determined as follows: the flakes settle to the bottom of the pan, and when used, they creak on the teeth.

Formation process

After the heat treatment is completed, all whey should be drained from the pan. To do this, you can use a colander with gauze. Next, the product needs to be salted and put in a round shape with holes at the bottom (to remove excess liquid). Having closed the cheese with a saucer, it must be pressed with a press, using any heavy object for this.

It is desirable to keep the milk ingredient in this state for 3-4 hours. After the specified time, the cheese must be carefully removed from the dish and wiped dry with paper towels. Next, the product should be placed in a dry cotton cloth and sent to the refrigerator. Hard cheese in this form should ripen for about 3 weeks. At the same time, every 3-4 days it must be turned over and the fabric wrapper changed to a dry one.

During this time, the cheese will become yellowish in color, acquire a dry crust, a sour taste and the correct structure.

You can use a ready-made dairy product made at home just like that or using it to create sandwiches. Also, this ingredient is allowed to be used for the preparation of salads and second hot dishes, sauces.

From high-quality natural milk, you can cook many healthy and tasty products yourself: yogurt, homemade sour cream and cottage cheese.

And armed with knowledge, the necessary ingredients and perseverance, you can open a home-made cheese factory and make hard Russian cheese with your own hands! And, although the process of its preparation may seem long and laborious, the result will certainly please you: you will get a delicious natural homemade product.

There are over 400 varieties of cheese in the world! The range of domestic cheeses is limited to a hundred varieties, but the most famous and in demand are still hard cheeses - Dutch and Russian.

Moreover, the quality and taste of these cheeses are very different from different manufacturers. How to make Russian cheese at home - this question is asked by many housewives who are disappointed with the quality of store products.

Home-made soft cheeses are made from cottage cheese, milk and fermented milk products without the use of special starter cultures.

To prepare hard Russian cheese at home, it is necessary to ferment milk with the help of lactic acid bacteria from ready-made dry starter cultures (factory) and enzymes. It is not difficult to buy these ingredients today: they can be bought at pharmacies or ordered online.

In industrial conditions, hard cheeses are made in several stages, subject to strict temperature regimes and acidity (pH) levels. The last stage, maturation, can last from one to several months.

It is almost impossible to reproduce all the stages of the technological process, but if you have a good recipe and a positive attitude, Russian cheese at home is a very real idea!

Cooking Russian cheese at home

So, to get 1 kilogram of Russian cheese, we need 10 liters of homemade milk, as well as a bag of enzyme and sourdough. It is the presence of these components that determine the acidity and contribute to the maturation of hard cheeses.

Starter cultures are pure cultures of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria that accelerate the curdling of milk and increase its acidity.


  • Homemade milk - 10 l;
  • Sourdough - 100-200 mg (1/10-1/5 of a gram sachet);
  • Rennet (liquid) - ½ teaspoon;
  • Salt (not iodized) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Boiled water - 50 ml.

We will also need:

  • Kitchen thermometer;
  • Large capacity (pan) for 11 liters;
  • two cups;
  • Long knife or barbecue skewer;
  • Form for cheese weighing 1 kg;
  • Thermal pack for maturing hard cheese.

Since the process of making Russian cheese at home is quite long and laborious, we will break it down into several stages:

Stage 1. Pasteurization and maturation of milk

Milk bought on the market must be pasteurized at a temperature of 70 to 72 ° C (using a kitchen thermometer). Then the milk must be quickly cooled and kept at 10-12 ° C for about a day. This process is called milk reservation.

Stage 2. Preparation of starter culture and fermentation of milk

  1. In a glass of warm milk (250 ml, 35°C) we dissolve the required amount of starter culture (from 0.1 to 0.5 mg). Mix gently, cover and leave for forty minutes in a warm place.
  2. Pour milk into a large saucepan and heat over low heat to 30-33 ° C. We introduce into it the sourdough prepared in milk.
  3. Dissolve the required amount of enzyme (½ teaspoon) in 50 ml of cold boiled water.
  4. Pour the enzyme solution into the milk and mix.
  5. We leave the milk in a warm place for 40 minutes, without letting it cool down - it is advisable to maintain the temperature at 30-32 ° C.

Stage 3. Formation and processing of the curd

  1. After 40-50 minutes, a dense curd clot should form in the container: it separates from the walls of the pan and has a jelly-like consistency.
  2. Using a long knife or a barbecue skewer, cut the curd clot into small squares - 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Cover the pot with a lid and wait another 10 minutes.
  4. We drain the top layer of whey - the curd cubes should begin to sink to the bottom - and put the pan on a slow fire. With constant stirring, heat the whey with cheese to 37-38 degrees (about 10 minutes). When heated, the pieces of cheese shrink - this is the curd stage.
  5. Carefully drain the whey and fill the cheese grain with three liters of hot boiled water (40 ° C). Again, heat the cheese grain over low heat for 10-15 minutes to 40-42 ° C.
  6. Strain the cheese grain through a sieve, add 0.5 teaspoon of salt and mix well. Let it drain for half an hour.

Stage 4. Forming, pressing and salting

  1. After 30 minutes, we put our cheese under a press weighing 0.5 kg. After 20 minutes, turn the cheese over and put a load of 2-3 kg on top for three hours (you can gradually increase the weight from 0.5 to 3 kg).
  2. We make a brine for cheese: for this, we dissolve three tablespoons of salt in 1 liter of hot water, bring the water to a boil and filter through gauze folded four times.
  3. We lower the cheese head into the brine and leave it to salt under the lid for 12 hours, periodically turning over.

Stage 5. Ripening

We take out the cheese from the brine, let the excess liquid drain and dry. We place the head of cheese on the lower grill of the refrigerator (10-12 ° C) and leave the cheese to ripen for 2-3 days. During this time, turn the cheese several times.

The crust must be dry.

  1. We put the cheese in a thermal bag for maturation, tighten it tightly and tie it.
  2. We lower the thermal bag with cheese for a few seconds in hot water (about 1.5 liters, 90 ° C) so that the film fits tightly around the head.
  3. Again we send the cheese to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for maturation. The maturation process takes about three weeks. Once a day, do not forget to turn the cheese over (set a reminder in your mobile).
  4. We store the cheese at a temperature of 0 to 8 ° C in the refrigerator.

Russian cheese should have a yellowish color and a dense openwork texture, medium fat content (about 50%) and a slightly sour taste. Proper maturation and storage of cheese preserves all the taste and useful properties of this wonderful product.

Russian cheese: recipe with sour cream and Meito enzyme


  • - 12 liters + -
  • Enzyme "Meito" - 0.4 grams + -
  • - 200 grams + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -

How to make Russian cheese at home

"Meito" (Meito) is a vegetable milk-clotting enzyme, it is produced from wheat bran using Japanese technology.

  • Milk is heated to 30-32 ° C.
  • Add sour cream and mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  • We prepare a liquid solution of the enzyme: add the enzyme from the package to a glass of boiled water at room temperature. If you have a one-gram bag - half the contents, if you have a 100-gram bag, then pour out about 1/5 of the bag. If the enzyme is not enough, the milk may not curdle.
  • Pour the liquid enzyme into warm milk, stir for one minute.
  • After 1.5-2 hours, a curd clot forms in the pan, and the whey begins to separate at the edges. At this stage, cut the cheese with a long knife or skewer into small squares (2-3 cm). Let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  • We put the pan on a slow fire and bring the curd mass to a temperature of 40-42 degrees, gently mixing the contents. If the whey overheats, turn off the fire, then heat again and stir. We should form a small dense cheese grain.

This stage lasts 30-40 minutes. The degree of readiness is determined by taste: the cheese grain should creak a little on the teeth.

  • When the whey has cooled slightly, carefully drain it through a colander.
  • We proceed to the salting: add 3 salt spoons of salt to the cheese and mix gently.
  • Transfer the cheese mass to the cheese mold. We put the load on top and leave it for three hours. Turn the cheese over and leave for another two hours.
  • We wipe the squeezed cheese dry, put it on a dry, clean cloth and put it in the refrigerator for ripening. Ripening lasts at least three weeks. Every two or three days, turn the cheese over and change the cloth to dry.
  • Ready cheese becomes lacy, covered with a crust, acquires sharpness and golden color.

Now you know how to make Russian cheese at home, and you can enjoy a delicious fresh and completely natural product.