Quick pudding. How to Make Pudding at Home: Best Recipes, Cooking Tips & Reviews

“Meet! Alice, it's pudding. Pudding, this is Alice." Everyone remembers Carroll's fairy tale, but what kind of pudding did the girl meet? There is a version that it was an English plum pudding, which for many centuries adorned the Christmas table of the British. thick oatmeal with prunes, raisins, nuts, honey and bread crumbs, cooked in meat broth, looked beautiful, festive and appetizing. In later centuries, porridge was poured with cognac, set on fire and served on the table. One can only guess how the inhabitants of Great Britain ate such exotic things.

Many travelers wrote that they did not really like plum porridge (plum - plum), and some described another version of the pudding - made from chicken, eggs, bovine tongues, dried fruits, sugar, citrus peel and spices. A very unexpected combination, right? Modern puddings look different and there are many different recipes their preparation. And you, too, can learn how to make pudding with your own hands, using the advice of professional chefs.

Pudding - a mystery dish

Pudding is a dessert or snack that is prepared on the basis of a variety of products, with the addition of beaten eggs with or without sugar, with milk or butter. This dish is somewhat reminiscent of a casserole familiar to us. In classic recipes, the pudding is steamed or cooked in a bain-marie in a saucepan or oven, which gives it a distinct texture that is not like a pastry. Modern housewives prefer to bake this dish in the usual way, cook it in a slow cooker or microwave.

Once upon a time, the English poor used to put together the leftovers of food, and each time they got a new pudding. However, the puddings that were prepared in noble houses were also a mix of different ingredients, only the products were more refined and expensive - for King George V, for example, they made a pudding from 16 components. Pudding can act as independent dish and used to make other desserts.

Classic sweet pudding is made on the basis of rice porridge with egg, milk, berries, fruits and dried fruits. Sometimes alcohol, nuts, chocolate and cottage cheese are added to dessert puddings. Making pudding gives you a lot of creativity as the chef can mix different tastes, adding spices and seasonings, and this dish will never get bored. The English have a proverb: "You can only taste pudding while eating." So in vain they are considered stiff conservatives!

Cooking pudding at home: a few secrets of a successful dessert

Secret 1. Proteins for pudding should be perfectly whipped - to firm peaks, so that the dessert is fluffy and airy.

Secret 2. Do not get carried away with a lot additional ingredients otherwise the dish may not rise.

Secret 3. Pudding should be baked in a buttered pan. Don't pour too much batter into the mold, it should be at most three-quarters full or the pudding will leak out during the baking process and the dish will be hopelessly ruined - at least in terms of aesthetics.

Secret 4. Cook the pudding at a temperature of about 180 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Forget about the dish during cooking, do not look into the oven, and even more so - do not slam the door, otherwise the pudding will settle, lose its shape and turn into an ugly flat cake. You can watch the dish through the glass - if the pudding has risen and the edges are lagging behind the form, pull it out of the oven, after checking the readiness with a dry wooden stick.

How to make rice pudding at home

Try making classic rice pudding, which may become one of your family's favorite desserts. To do this, boil half a glass of rice in water and, when it becomes soft, drain the water, add a glass of milk to the cereal and cook a little more. Towards the end of cooking, sweeten the rice porridge with ⅔ cups of sugar, let it cool, while whisking well 1 cup of powdered sugar with ¼ cup of soft sugar. butter so that the mass becomes lush.

Add 3 raw yolks to the oil in turn and mix it with rice porridge. Separately, beat 3 egg whites and a third cup of sugar into foam. Pour the batter into a greased pan and bake until done. Serve the most delicate rice pudding with sour cream and powdered sugar. It can be eaten both warm and cold - this will not affect the taste of the dessert.

Cottage cheese pudding with oranges

This light and airy cottage cheese pudding will leave no choice for any sweet tooth. It eats up instantly! Cook it for breakfast and see for yourself.

Beat 3 eggs and 100 g of sugar in a blender, add to them the fragrant zest of one orange and juice squeezed from half the fruit, add 100 g of raisins and 100 g of prunes, cut into pieces. Mix the mass with 250 g fresh cottage cheese, put in a mold and bake until cooked. There is one interesting point here - at first the pudding will rise, and then it will begin to gradually fall until it is completely baked. Don't worry - that's how it should be. Serve curd dessert with condensed milk, chocolate syrup or jam.

Semolina pudding: cooking at home

If your children do not like semolina, cook semolina for them, and they will eat it with pleasure, especially if you prepare this dish with fruits, dried fruits and nuts, and serve with sweet sauce. Kids will also ask for more!

So, cook semolina porridge from 2 cups of milk, 150 g of semolina and 50 g of sugar, put 100 g of butter in it and leave it on the stove.

Beat 2 yolks with 50 g of sugar until it is completely dissolved, mix with porridge, and then combine everything with whites whipped into a strong foam.

Cut a banana into circles, carefully mix it into the resulting mass, put it in a mold and bake in the oven for half an hour. When the pudding is browned on top, reduce the heat to a minimum and bake further, and if you do not have time, you can bake a dessert for 15 minutes in the microwave. This amazingly delicious and melt-in-your-mouth pudding will be requested by little ones very often!

Meat pudding for a light dinner

Appetizer puddings are very original and perfect for receiving guests. Meat pudding - hearty, appetizing and at the same time light dish, which will not burden your stomach in the evening and make you forget about food until the morning.

Whisk in a blender 500 g minced chicken, 3 egg yolks, a pinch of salt and any spices you like. Instead of chicken, you can take any other meat, but minced chicken tenderer. Mix meat with chopped and fried onion in vegetable oil and 3 whipped egg whites. Grease the mold with oil, sprinkle breadcrumbs, lay out the dough and bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C, and then another 15 minutes at 180 ° C. Serve with fresh salads and greenery.

Steam fish pudding

Let's try to cook the pudding according to all the rules - in a water bath. It's gentle and nutritious dish perfect for kids and medical nutrition. This pudding is easy to digest, satisfies hunger well and has a very pleasant taste.

Grind in a blender 1 kg of any fish fillet along with 150 g white bread soaked in 150 ml of milk, add 80 g of sour cream and 5 egg yolks, 1 small grated carrot. Salt and pepper the mass, mix it with 5 whipped egg whites and put in a greased form, you can in portioned forms.

Place the mold in a bowl of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Soufflé-like pudding is eaten by children with pleasure, and since seafood is rich in vitamins and minerals, cook this dish more often from different varieties fish. Serve with light sauces, With mashed potatoes and rice.

Diet apple and zucchini pudding

Few people would guess that the basis of a low-calorie and light pudding is ordinary zucchini. This dish will brighten up dietary everyday life and will not let you go astray from the “true path”. By the way, very tasty!

Dice one medium zucchini, pour 150 ml of milk over it and simmer until medium soft. Do not overdo it with milk, otherwise the pudding will turn out too soft. Cut 2 apples into cubes, add to the zucchini and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Mix the zucchini-apple mass with 4 tbsp. l. hercules, simmer for 3 minutes and leave to cool on the stove. And then beat everything with a blender, add 1 egg, beat a little more, season with 1 tbsp. l. honey and cinnamon. Pour "dough" into silicone mold, garnish with raisins and bake for 25 minutes at 200°C. The finished pudding is very tender. It turns out that diet and desserts are quite compatible!

English pudding is called the mystery of Foggy Albion, and, quite possibly, you will be able to solve it. Especially if you often cook puddings - and not only classic, but also unusual. It turns out that they come with buckwheat and millet, with cheese and mushrooms, and even with avocado and coconut. A lot of interesting recipes pudding is collected on the site "Eat at Home!", so you will have to get acquainted not with one pudding, like the heroine in Carroll's fairy tale, but with many delicious desserts. Have a nice trip to the world of English cuisine!

Some people think pudding and casserole are the same thing. Therefore, it is enough to mix all the ingredients, bake or steam and get a pudding.

Most likely, the first puddings were prepared in this way. But cooks are meticulous people. They perfected pudding recipes and proved that pudding is absolutely perfect. special kind culinary skill.

For puddings, almost the same ingredients are used as for casseroles: cottage cheese, semolina, rice, crackers, eggs, sour cream and milk. As well as all kinds of spices, berries and fruits, cocoa and chocolate, rum, cognac, juice and fruit essence.

Puddings are not only sweet, but also from meat, fish and various vegetables.

In order not to turn the pudding into an ordinary casserole, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • To make the pudding fluffy, the proteins are separated from the yolks, beaten separately, sequentially combined with other ingredients. Whipped protein is introduced into the mass at the very last turn being careful not to destroy the bubbles.
  • For baking, a special mold with a hole in the middle is used so that the pudding is well baked. Or use small molds, for example for a cake.
  • Pudding should not be placed in a very hot oven, otherwise it will immediately be covered. golden brown, and inside will remain raw and unbaked. When removed from the oven, such a product quickly falls off.
  • The pudding is first placed in an oven heated to 180°, and then the temperature is gradually increased, bringing it to 200–220°.
  • The pudding is taken out of the oven only after it has cooled slightly.

Cottage cheese pudding with orange


  • soft cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.

Cooking method

  • Heat up the oven to 180°.
  • Eggs, without dividing into whites and yolks, beat with sugar until a light, homogeneous mass.
  • Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve or crushed with an immersion blender.
  • Remove the zest from the orange, peel it, disassemble it into slices and squeeze the juice. Get about half a cup.
  • Mixed in a bowl curd mass, egg mixture, zest and orange juice.
  • The form is generously greased with butter and filled with curd mass.
  • Bake for 30-40 minutes until golden brown. If the top of the pudding begins to brown actively, reduce the temperature slightly.
  • The pudding is allowed to rest in the form, and then laid out in portions on plates.

Cheese pudding in the microwave


  • semolina - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • oil for greasing the mold.

Cooking method

  • In a bowl, grind the egg with sugar, adding vanilla and salt.
  • Cottage cheese is crushed in a blender.
  • Combine with egg mixture.
  • Add semolina and baking powder.
  • Everything is mixed and laid out in a cup, greased with oil.
  • Put in the microwave and cook on high power for 3 minutes. Then wait 2 minutes and turn on for another 1.5 minutes.
  • Served with jam or sweet sauce.

Breadcrumbs pudding with raisins


  • vanilla crackers - 200 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g.

For sauce:

  • dried apricots - 10 pcs.;
  • water - 100 ml.

Cooking method

  • Separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks are rubbed with sugar until white. Combine with milk and put on fire. Stirring, bring to a hot state. They take it off the fire.
  • Crackers are broken into pieces and put into the egg-milk mixture. Mix well, close the lid and leave to swell for 20 minutes.
  • Beat the egg whites to peaks and combine with the breadcrumbs. Washed raisins are also put here.
  • The mass is gently mixed and laid out in a greased form or small molds for muffins. Leave to harden.
  • For the sauce, washed dried apricots are poured with boiling water.
  • When the dried apricots soften, they are crushed in a blender along with water and sugar.
  • Serve the pudding laid out on a plate along with the sauce.

Rice pudding with raisins


  • rice - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • milk - 800 ml;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • raisins - a handful.

Cooking method

  • Rice is washed and boiled in milk until tender.
  • The yolks are separated from the proteins and whipped with sugar.
  • Combine with cooled rice, adding vanillin and washed raisins.
  • Whisk the egg whites to peaks and carefully fold into the rest of the mixture.
  • The round shape is generously lubricated with oil and the resulting mass is laid out in it.
  • Pieces of butter are laid out over the entire surface.
  • Cook the pudding in a water bath for 50 minutes.
  • Cool and serve with fruit or syrup.

English pudding


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • almonds - 140 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • candied orange - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • jam fruit - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • cookies - 80-100 g;
  • rum - 50 g;
  • cognac - 50 g;
  • ground crackers - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • refined sugar - 4 cubes;
  • wine alcohol - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - a drop.

Cooking method

  • Candied fruits and berries (fruits) from jam are poured with cognac and kept for 1 hour.
  • The liquid is poured into a bowl with crushed cookies.
  • The butter is rubbed with yolks and powdered sugar (take 2/3 of the total volume). Combine with cookies, fruit and almonds.
  • Proteins are whipped with the remaining powdered sugar, salt and vinegar to "peaks" and gently mixed with the rest of the mass.
  • Lubricate the round form with plenty of oil and spread the resulting mixture into it.
  • Boil in a water bath for 1 hour.
  • The pudding is cooled and tipped onto a flat dish. Sprinkle with rum, put sugar soaked in alcohol on top and set it on fire. Immediately served to the table.

Semolina pudding with prunes


  • semolina - 150 g;
  • prunes - 250 g;
  • milk - 600 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.

For sauce:

  • dried apricots - 100 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Prunes are washed and boiled until half cooked. Cut into small pieces.
  • Semolina is poured into boiling milk in a thin stream and boiled, stirring, until thickened.
  • The yolks are lightly beaten and combined with porridge. Prunes are also added here.
  • Beat egg whites with a mixer until thick, stable foam and mix with porridge.
  • Forms are lubricated with oil and filled with the resulting mass.
  • Boil in a water bath for 40-50 minutes.
  • Put the pudding on a plate and drizzle with apricot sauce. For the sauce, dried apricots are boiled in a small amount water and grind in a blender along with sugar.

Chocolate pudding


  • cream - 250 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Cooking method

  • The butter is placed in a saucepan and melted on the stove. Pour in the cream and sprinkle in the flour.
  • Mix everything with a whisk and bring to a boil.
  • Continuing to mix, add sugar, vanillin and chocolate.
  • Beat the yolks with a whisk until smooth, and beat the whites with a mixer until “peaks”. Gently combine with the rest of the mass.
  • The form is generously lubricated with oil and filled with the resulting mixture.
  • Put in the oven, heated to 180 °, and bake for 30-40 minutes.
  • Cool and spread on a flat dish.

Apple and pumpkin pudding


  • sour apples - 400 g;
  • pumpkin - 400 g;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 80 g;
  • raisins - a handful;
  • nuts - a handful;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon zest - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  • Semolina is soaked for 20 minutes in a small amount of milk.
  • The pumpkin is cut into small pieces and stewed in milk until half cooked.
  • Apples are chopped, added to the pumpkin and stewed until soft.
  • Add sugar, stir and remove from heat. Cool down.
  • Add semolina, melted butter, raisins, nuts and zest.
  • The yolks are ground with sugar, the whites are whipped into a stable foam. The eggs are combined with the rest of the mass and everything is gently mixed.
  • The form is greased with oil, sprinkled ground breadcrumbs and fill in the test.
  • Put in the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes.
  • Cool and serve with fruit or jam.

milk pudding


  • milk - 300 ml;
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking method

  • Semolina is poured into hot milk in a thin stream and porridge is boiled. Close the lid and leave for 10 minutes on the edge of the stove.
  • Put butter and sugar into the porridge.
  • Separately beaten yolk and protein are added. Mix gently.
  • The molds are greased with oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and filled with pudding dough.
  • Put in a double boiler, close the lid and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Spread on a plate and pour over jam or sweet sauce.

banana pudding


  • milk - 250 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • wine - 50 ml;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • any fruit sauce.

Cooking method

  • Semolina is poured into hot milk with a thin stream and porridge is boiled, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  • Egg yolks are ground with sugar until white and added to the porridge.
  • Bananas are crushed in a blender and mixed with wine, zest and lemon juice.
  • Beat egg whites with a mixer until peaks.
  • Gently mix porridge, bananas and proteins.
  • The mass is laid out in a greased form and put in the oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  • Allow the pudding to cool slightly in the mold, and then spread on a plate. Drizzle with fruit sauce.

Meat pudding in the oven


  • minced beef - 500 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs.

Cooking method

  • Finely chop the onion and sauté in vegetable oil until translucent.
  • Minced meat is passed through a meat grinder twice.
  • Separate the whites from the yolks. The yolks are beaten with salt and combined with minced meat.
  • Chop greens and garlic, add to meat.
  • Beat the meat mass in a blender until fluffy.
  • Proteins are beaten to a strong foam and introduced into the minced meat in small portions.
  • The form is generously greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Spread minced meat and level. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and evenly distribute pieces of butter.
  • Put in the oven and bake at 180 ° for 50 minutes.
  • Serve hot with a side dish or vegetable salad.

Meat pudding in a slow cooker


  • minced chicken - 500 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • white bread (loaf) - 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • butter for greasing the mold.
  • chopped dill greens.

Cooking method

  • The crusts are cut off the bread, and the pulp is soaked in milk.
  • Minced meat, onions and bread are passed through a meat grinder twice. Pour the remaining milk, put pepper and salt.
  • Yolks are added to minced meat.
  • Proteins are whipped until a stable foam and gently combined with minced meat.
  • Lubricate the form with oil and spread the minced meat in it. Smooth out with a spatula.
  • 3 cups of water are poured into the multicooker bowl and a form with minced meat is placed in a steaming container.
  • Lower the lid and set the "Steam" mode. Cook the pudding for 25 minutes.
  • Cool slightly and put on a plate. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Steamed meat and semolina pudding


  • beef - 200 g;
  • semolina - 30 g;
  • milk - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking method

  • The meat is boiled and passed through a meat grinder twice.
  • Carrots are finely chopped and stewed with butter. Then grind in a blender.
  • Semolina porridge is boiled in milk and cooled to a warm state.
  • Minced meat is mixed with carrots, porridge and yolks.
  • Beat the egg whites to peaks, add them to the minced meat and gently knead.
  • The molds are lubricated with oil, the minced meat is laid out in them and placed in a double boiler bowl or in a pressure cooker. Boil 30 minutes.
  • Served hot with butter.

Any of these recipes are easy to perform and consist of available ingredients. Knowing the peculiarities of preparing puddings, the hostess can replace one additional product (fruits or spices) with another, resulting in a completely new dish.

Pudding- a traditional English dish, which in Great Britain has been made for many centuries before the Christmas holidays. At the same time, each British family has a personal recipe for this culinary masterpiece, which may differ both in cooking technology and in the list of ingredients.

As the story goes, the first pudding was not a dessert at all. In the 16th century, it was a sausage, which at that time could consist of the most unexpected ingredients, such as meat trimmings, bread crumbs and more. Most historians consider pudding a fruit culinary fantasy prudent hostesses, since it can be made from absolutely any leftover food.

Some sources mention other information about the origin of this dish. They say that the first pudding consisted of oatmeal cooked in meat broth. At the same time, such porridge was necessarily supplemented with various dried fruits, most often prunes.

At the end of the 18th century, sweet versions of the described product began to appear, which are known to the whole world today. Today, the classic pudding consists of flour and eggs, as well as milk, sugar and fruit. These ingredients are usually mixed until smooth and cooked in a water bath until a very beautiful airy treat is obtained (see photo). In addition, there are other varieties of this dish, which we will be happy to talk about in the next section.

types of pudding

Currently, there are a lot of types of pudding, but only a few of them can be attributed to the most popular:

  • cottage cheese;
  • coffee;
  • bread;
  • semolina;
  • fruit;
  • caramel;
  • walnut;
  • jelly;
  • chocolate.

In addition, today vegetable pudding is popular, which can be prepared on a potato basis, as well as on carrots, squash and more. These desserts usually have low calorie, therefore, belong to the category of dietary products.

AT Greek cuisine customary to do custard pudding based rice groats and starch. In Greece, such a dish was called "rizogalo". It can be served both warm and cold. The taste of the dessert does not change from this. Rice pudding is called kheer in Indian cuisine and syutlach in Turkish.

German chefs usually make berry raspberry, currant and cherry fruit pudding. The Germans call this delicacy “rote grutze”. It is a delicate two-layer dessert with a jelly-like consistency.

In addition, very famous Japanese Purin Pudding, which consists of vanilla cream and caramel sauce. This is a very tasty and appetizing dessert. Before serving, it is necessarily decorated with whipped cream, a mint leaf, and a fresh cherry.

As previously mentioned, the described product can be made not only from sweet ingredients. There are puddings that cannot even be called a “dessert”:

  • Yorkshire - baked batter, consisting of flour, eggs, milk and lamb fat;
  • red - meat offal fried in batter;
  • black - a traditional Scottish dish, which is a black pudding;
  • white - Irish "pudding", which, as in the previous case, is a sausage, but in this case it does not include blood.

Real dessert pudding it happens not only in the form of a pie, as many people think. This delicacy can be mousse, soufflé, jelly, as well as cream and more.

Use in cooking

In cooking, any liquid pudding is often used (fruit, chocolate, vanilla, etc.). It is usually added to the dish as an additional ingredient. Using pudding is often prepared:

  • casseroles;
  • cakes;
  • pies;
  • muffins;
  • cottage cheese;
  • rolls;
  • ice cream;
  • cookie;
  • cupcakes.

Some housewives use pudding as a filling for cheesecake, as well as for apple strudel, etc. delicious cream pancakes, cheesecakes and many other ready-made confectionery products are often poured over.

Sweet puddings go well with hot drinks, while meat and fish puddings go well with side dishes and vegetable salads. In the latter case, the dish can replace any cooking masterpiece from meat and fish, and the whole point is its unusualness and originality.

What to replace?

You can replace pudding in recipes with cool custard, and even a store-bought cream from a bag will do. However, in this case, the product will need to be pre-beaten with milk, resulting in a milky mass. uniform consistency, which does not require subsequent cooking or baking.

Boiled semolina is also a good alternative to pudding. If necessary, it can be supplemented with fruit or berry puree. In addition to semolina, instead of pudding, it is allowed to use ready-made jelly or whipped cream.

If you mix milk, starch, granulated sugar and vanilla in one bowl, you will get a quick pudding that is perfect for making various pastries and more.

How to make pudding at home?

To make a real pudding at home, you do not need to be an experienced chef. It is enough to know the basic and at the same time very important rules for preparing this dessert, which we will discuss below.

  • To obtain an airy pudding, it is recommended to beat the whites separately from the yolks. In this case, the whipped protein mass should be added to the pudding mixture only last.
  • It is always best to use milk as a liquid base., since pudding cooked with water always rises very poorly.
  • For even baking of treats, it is better to use a form with a hole in the middle. This famous dessert can also be baked in small cupcake tins.
  • If the prepared pudding blank is immediately placed in a very hot oven, then only the surface of the product will be baked, while the inside will remain raw. To avoid this, it is recommended to increase the oven temperature gradually.
  • The finished pudding should remain in the oven until completely cooled. Otherwise homemade dessert will lose its lush and airy texture.

Now let's take a look at the table below. In it we will share the most popular recipes pudding, which are very easy to implement at home. We also recommend watching the video below, in which we will talk in more detail about creating this incomparable delicacy with our own hands.

Cooking method

cottage cheese and orange pudding in the oven

First of all, preheat the oven to a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees. While the oven is heating, thoroughly beat three eggs with granulated sugar (100 g), then combine the egg mixture with cottage cheese (250 g) rubbed through a sieve. Next, add the mass with the juice of one orange and raisins (to taste), then mix everything well. ready mix fill the baking dish, pre-greased with butter. Bake the dessert for forty minutes. If the surface of the pudding begins to brown prematurely, then lower the oven temperature to one hundred and fifty degrees. In the same way, you can prepare a lemon delicacy, as well as grapefruit, etc.

cottage cheese and semolina pudding in the microwave

Beat one chicken egg with sugar (25 g), salt and vanilla (a pinch each). In the resulting composition, add cottage cheese chopped with a blender (100 g), as well as raw semolina(1 tablespoon) and baking powder(0.5 tsp). Mix everything well and pour into an ordinary clay mug, pre-lubricated with oil. After that, send the workpiece to the microwave and cook at full power for three minutes. After this time, let the pudding "rest" for two minutes, and then turn on the oven again for a minute and a half. ready light dessert is served to the table immediately after preparation. If necessary, it can be supplemented with some kind of jam or jam.

simple apple pudding in a slow cooker

First of all, cook semolina in milk (1 cup and 450 ml, respectively). In the process of cooking cereals, do not forget to salt and sugar. When semolina is ready, add cinnamon (to taste) and a piece of butter to it, then let it cool. In the meantime, cut the apple into slices and also prepare four eggs. Separate the squirrels from the yolks and put in a cool place, and send the remaining yolks to the boiled semolina along with the fruit. After that, beat the chilled proteins until fluffy and also add to the semolina mixture. Place the resulting composition in the capacity of the multicooker and cook for an hour in the "Baking" mode. This recipe can also be used to make banana pudding, as well as strawberry, coconut, plum, pumpkin, etc.

cheese pudding in a water bath

Take seven chicken eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the first egg components with a mixer until air foam is obtained, and mix the second with salt (1 tsp), as well as with sour cream (0.5 kg) and sifted flour (350 g). Next, mix the sour cream mass, add grated cheese (250 g) and a protein mixture. Pour the resulting composition into a deep form, which is pre-greased with oil and lightly sprinkled with flour. You need to cook the pudding in a water bath for sixty minutes. The fire on the stove should be minimal.

meat pudding in a steamer

To prepare this dish at home, you need to prepare one hundred grams of any boiled meat(beef, pork, chicken) or offal (liver, lung, etc.). meat ingredient finely chop, top with milk (1/3 cup), white bread (20 g), egg yolk, salt (to taste) and spices (optional). Grind the resulting mixture with a blender, and then combine with pre-whipped egg white. Next, distribute the mass into molds and send to a double boiler for half an hour. Steamed pudding comes out very tender, juicy and tasty. Enjoy your meal!

Apart from conventional ways, some housewives make pudding in a yogurt maker and a thermomix. Both methods are very simple, the main thing is to strictly follow technological map while making the dessert.

Store homemade pudding only in the refrigerator. At a temperature of two to six degrees, it can be stored for up to seven days.

Benefit and harm

You can talk about the specific benefits of pudding only if you know what ingredients it is made from, because, as you already understood, this kind of dessert can have different composition. The only thing that can be accurately distinguished is the rich content of proteins and carbohydrates. Also, almost every type of pudding (except meat) has a low calorie content, which allows it to be included not only in the usual menu, but also in the diet.

Thanks to the fact that this healthy treat has a delicate and soft texture, it can be included in the children's diet, as well as in the diet of the elderly and people with poor digestion.

To date, it is known for certain that pudding has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This delicious dessert very useful for gastritis, as well as for peptic ulcers.

As for the negative side of this dessert, it also completely depends on its composition. For example, the classic pudding contains only one component that can harm the body - sugar. Today, however, there are pudding varieties made without this ingredient. They are usually specially designed for diabetics.

Despite the fact that the pudding has many varieties, each of them has a unique taste and aroma, and is also very attractive. appearance. Even the meat "dessert" looks so appetizing that it's hard to resist even while dieting. Properly prepared pudding can surprise and at the same time please even the most capricious sweet tooth.

The word pudding comes to mind the most delicate pastries melting in the mouth. This is partly true. But how to cook pudding so that it becomes like that? This is traditional for the British - christmas dish- a dessert baked in a water bath. Sweeteners are required in its composition: sugar, honey, as well as milk, flour and vanillin. Initially, pudding was called porridge with meat and plum sauce. Added to the composition fat tail fat, and before serving, soaked with cognac or brandy and set on fire. And now varieties of meat puddings have been preserved in English cooking.

How to cook pudding: you can't do without milk ...


chicken eggs 3 pieces) Vanillin 1 gram Cottage cheese 1 package

  • Servings: 2
  • Time for preparing: 1 minute

Cooking pudding

Dish features:

  • The main ingredient is not only flour, but also semolina, rice - dessert sometimes resembles porridge.
  • We cook pudding not only in a water bath, but also in a slow cooker, in an oven, microwave oven.
  • It is enough to use puddings in bags - you need to dilute according to the instructions with milk.

But the main difference is that the dish is eaten fresh, and does not ripen for several weeks, like the ancient Angles.

The recipe will benefit from the addition of dried fruits, bananas, berries. Kissels, custard or cream are served with the finished pudding, sour creams and sauces.

How to cook pudding at home: a curd story

A healthy and tender dessert turns out to be curd base. Lined with parchment or greased vegetable oil frying pan and put the dough in it. Before cooking, grind the cottage cheese - use a sieve or blender.

  1. Beat 3 eggs, add 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, send vanillin on the tip of a knife or a small bag of vanilla sugar to the mass.
  2. Enter 3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina - replace flour. Then it's the turn of the curd. Everything is mixed until smooth. Transfer the dough to the pan.
  3. Sent to the oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 160 - 180 degrees.

A dish is baked in a microwave oven for up to 10 minutes, iron containers, containers with gilded and metal ornaments are not used!

Meet Alice, this is pudding: how to cook it?

The classic recipe for an "angelic" dessert also does not require flour. But it looks like a cake. Need regular products, which are in almost every kitchen: 0.1 kg of rice; 400 ml of milk; a handful of raisins; zest from half a lemon; a couple of st. l. Sahara; 4 eggs and 2 tbsp. l. butter.

  1. Put a piece of oil on the bottom of a heated frying pan, put rice washed under running water to it, pour hot boiled milk and send the zest there. Everything is languishing under a closed lid until the cereal is half cooked.
  2. The yolks are beaten separately with sugar, vanilla, salt, raisins are also mixed in. The mixture is combined with rice "porridge", set aside from the stove.
  3. Separately, beat the whites until a thick fluffy "cap". All connect. Lay out in a baking dish.

Dessert is prepared for 40 - 50 minutes at a standard temperature - 160-180 gr. When laid out on portioned plates, it is easy to notice that this dessert resembles a biscuit on the cut, so you should not be afraid of falling off.

The main thing is that there is nothing easier than making pudding at home, even a teenager who is allowed to use the stove will master the recipe. And even if something doesn’t work out, sauce or fragrant brewed tea will always help fix everything. This is how the atmosphere of a home holiday is created.

Pudding was first invented in England. There it was customary to serve festive table on Christmas Eve, which is why this wonderful dessert got its second name - Christmas. To date, there are many recipes for such dishes that differ from each other in their recipe and composition, however, the traditional English pudding dessert was prepared exclusively according to one recipe, where and how it was invented will be described below.

This delicacy is considered a classic English dish. The first pudding desserts were prepared by the British quite hearty. It is interesting that food leftovers were used for their preparation, which were diluted with pieces of sweet flour and second treats, fat, eggs and flour.

To make this delicacy, all the ingredients had to be placed in a special bag or napkin, and then placed in a water bath. Today, this process has been somewhat simplified by developing special forms for this treat. It is interesting that other ingredients are now used to prepare the dish, among which are flour, fat, cream, bread crumbs, eggs, spices.

There is one controversial opinion regarding the origin of the name of the dish. So, some researchers are sure that the English word "pudding" got its roots from the French language, namely from the similar word "boudin", which is considered consonant with "botellus", meaning "little sausage". Such a linguistic analysis allowed the researchers to suggest that earlier meat was included in the composition of the pudding delicacy.

So how was pudding dessert invented? According to one of the versions of the British, initially such a treat was considered very thick porridge, welded from oatmeal based beef broth. Bread crumbs, chopped nuts, dried fruits, honey were poured into this porridge. Interestingly, prunes were most often used from dried fruits. This option for preparing delicacies was developed in the 17th century.

There is a second version of the origin of this dish, according to which the pudding dessert was just a way to store food, namely, a replacement for canning. This recipe was mainly used for meat food. In its composition, one could also find various seasonings, salt, prunes, meat broth. This dish was like palatability no longer a second course or appetizer, but not a sweet dessert.

In some cases, cooks in the process of cooking added to the mass various cereals and granulated sugar. Gradually, cooks truly appreciated the role of the sugar ingredient in the pudding mass that many of them simply abandoned the use of meat.
Recipe changes in delicacy acquired a more familiar look to modern man only in the 19th century in England. It is at this time that the treat becomes sweet in taste and begins to relate to desserts.
After some time, this dish becomes a symbol of the British Empire, despite its ease of preparation. Interestingly, according to tradition classic recipe is based on the use of 16 components that could be obtained in various colonies of England.

A treat similar to the modern recipe acquired in 1927, when it was served to royal table George V.

This video shows the recipe for making a classic English pudding.

  1. It is customary for the British to divide the pudding treat into Christmas and traditional. So, Christmas pudding has its own distinctive features.
  2. This delicacy is made on the 25th Sunday after Trinity. The call to prepare this dessert for housewives is a special prayer that begins to sound on this day in churches in England.
  3. Sunday, on which it is customary to prepare such a delicacy, is called pudding or kneading. Conventionally, this Sunday can be called Christmas Eve, it begins 3 weeks before Christmas Eve.
  4. The prepared dessert is left in a dark, cool place where it ripens to its full readiness.
  5. Many chefs claim that a pudding dish prepared according to all traditions and customs is not exposed to mold and does not get stale for several months.

The main distinguishing point of the traditional treat is that it must be consumed immediately after preparation, as this product quickly deteriorates.

Pudding: who came up with the rules for serving?

At the beginning of the 20th century, English cooks invented the best way to serve this product. Usually, a variety of sauces were used for decoration, among which one could choose custard, lemon cream, as well as rum or cognac oil. The prepared dessert, served by candlelight, is garnished with a holly branch, garnished with cognac and granulated sugar topping, and then set on fire.

The delicacy burns with a dull flame that has a blue tint. This is what creates the unique Christmas atmosphere and mood. When serving, it is not necessary to expose the product to open fire, however, according to most gourmets, it is with this serving that the dish reveals its taste to the maximum.

I wonder what is connected with this dessert a large number of signs and rituals. One of them is that on Christmas Eve every member of the family contributes to the creation of this product. When kneading the dough, only the east-west direction should be chosen. In the process of cooking, a button, ring or sixpence is thrown into the mass. The one who found the ring in his portion was waiting for a quick wedding, the button - the life of a bachelor, and the sixpence - was accompanied by good luck in business and travel.

This video describes the recipe for making Christmas pudding. Don't forget to share your cooking recipes interesting dishes leaving their