Komarovsky dried fruit compote. Homemade apple juice

Today on store shelves you can find many different juices for baby food. All of them meet the requirements for products for children; The labels of the jars indicate the recommended age of babies, which makes their choice easier. And yet, many mothers are not lazy to prepare compote for their child - and they are absolutely right. Brewed from dried fruits, apples, pears, prunes or berries, this juice, equally suitable when cold, will be much healthier than store-bought juices. There are definitely no dyes, no preservatives, and sugar is contained in the amount that the baby needs.

Compote for children from natural ingredients will be high in calories and rich in vitamins. It will not only saturate the body required quantity moisture, will quench thirst on hot days, but will also help strengthen the body and increase immunity.

At what age can you start giving your child compote?

Doctors recommend introducing complementary foods into a child’s diet from six months of age – this also applies to compote. Those mothers who are braver or more experienced sometimes give it to their baby earlier: from four to five months. Of course, it is better to follow the doctors’ recommendations, but, in any case, you need to start giving a new product to your child, even compote, very carefully - literally with a few teaspoons.

After a year, you can safely give compote to your baby. The only thing you need to consider is not to overuse ingredients that can cause allergies: strawberries, peaches, grapes, apricots, honey (if you use them to replace sugar in compote). It is best to choose neutral fruits and berries.

Prune compote for children

Decoction of dried plum saturated useful vitamins and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, and fights well. How to cook it correctly?

Take 100 g of prunes and rinse thoroughly under running water. Pour two and a half glasses of water into a saucepan, add 100-120 g of sugar. When the water boils, add prunes to the pan.

This compote for a child is cooked for 15-20 minutes until the dried fruits become soft. If you have time, do not rush to cool the drink; let it brew well.

Dried fruit compote for children

Be sure to check which fruits are included in the mixture: dried apples, prunes, and raisins will be safe.

Rinse well dried fruits under the water. Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour it into three glasses hot water, add 200 g of dried fruits and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat. Then add a handful of raisins and cook for another five minutes. Be sure to let the broth brew for several hours.

Apple compote for children

Wash the apples, peel them, cut them into 6-8 pieces, remove the core. Pour 100g of sugar into a saucepan, pour 2 cups of hot water, add 250g of chopped apples. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. IN apple compote If desired, you can add raisins.

Hawthorn compote

Rinse a glass of ripe berries thoroughly cold water. Then prepare them: cut them and peel them from small grains. Rinse again under cold running water.

Pour 100 g of sugar into a saucepan, pour two glasses of water, bring it to a boil and throw in the berries. After five minutes, turn off the heat and let the compote brew.

When the compote is ready, strain it through a colander. Boiled fruits in small quantities can be given to older children - after one year.

The amount of sugar in our recipes is approximate. Try to prepare compote for children so that it is not too sweet. Sugar can sometimes be replaced with honey, but this should only be done if you are sure that yours is honey.

The compote must be fresh: you should not cook it for two days.

Olga Krus especially for the site

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When choosing a drink for the baby, the mother thinks about the benefits of juices and often gives preference to homemade compote. Is this drink healthy, when can it be introduced into a child’s diet, and what is the best recipe for brewing it for a baby in the first years of life?


  • Due to the content of vitamins and minerals, drinking this drink supports the baby’s health, in particular, helps strengthen the immune system in winter.
  • The child will benefit from its ingredients. For example, at raspberry compote note the ability to lower temperature, lingonberry - help in treating colds, and peach - positive influence on vision.
  • The product is a source of pectin.
  • This drink will help diversify your child’s drinking regime. By including it in the children's diet, the mother will give additional liquid to the baby who refuses clean water.
  • A drink whose recipe contains dried fruits has a positive effect on children’s digestion, as well as on their cardiovascular system.
  • The sweetness of the fruit eliminates the need to add sugar to the drink.


  • Some mineral salts and vitamins are destroyed during cooking.
  • If the recipe contains sugar, it will be a source of extra calories for the baby.

At what age is it best to give?

Pediatricians advise giving compote to a child older than 6-7 months to try. Until this age, breastfed babies do not need additional fluid at all unless they are in very hot conditions and their body temperature is normal. Artificial babies can prepare it at an earlier age.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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Introduction to the diet

The first sample of compote should be no more than one teaspoon of the drink. If the baby tolerated the new product well, the daily amount is gradually increased to the age recommendations. At 7 months, they recommend 100 ml of compote per day, dividing this amount of drink into two or three times. Children over one year old do not need to be restricted, especially with high activity.

Kompotik is best given warm or room temperature. Note that it can be given to the child both before meals, during meals or immediately after it. The opinion that drinking liquid along with solid food interferes with its digestion is erroneous.

Accustom your baby to new tastes gradually, starting with small doses

How to choose products for compote?

  1. The water should be clean - preferably intended for feeding children or filtered.
  2. The best option is when mom can cook compote from fruits collected in her garden or country house. In this case, in the summer-autumn period, mother should think about preparing berries and fruits for making a drink in winter. It can either dry the summer harvest or freeze it.
  3. It is better to buy dried fruits in packages rather than in bulk. Choose a product that is not brightly colored, as bright colors may indicate added dyes.
  4. When preparing products, they should be thoroughly washed and peeled, and the stems and seeds should be removed. It is also recommended to scald fruits with boiling water to ensure that harmful microorganisms are removed.

Recipes for cooking at home

It is recommended to choose apple compote as the first compote you can prepare for your baby. Over time, you can add pear, prunes, rose hips, different berries, dried fruits.

From apples

After washing and cleaning a small green apple, cut it into small cubes, pour a glass of water and place on low heat. When the liquid boils, turn off the heat, close the container and leave for 1 hour. The infused drink is filtered and given to the baby.

From fruits

For kids who are accustomed to apple compote, you can prepare a drink from a mixture of fruits. First, a fresh pear is added to the apple recipe, and then other fruits, as well as a variety of berries (as in fresh, and from freezer). You can experiment with the amount of water added to the fruit. Its volume will depend on the taste of the raw materials and the infusion time of the drink.

From dried fruits

Dried fruits (you should start getting acquainted with just one, and later you can prepare a compote from their mixture) need to be rinsed well. It is also recommended to steam them with boiling water for several minutes and rinse again. Then 50 grams of dried fruits are poured into 500 ml of warm water, covered with a lid and left for 8 hours. Without draining the water, bring the liquid to a boil over low heat, and then leave for another hour.

Since dried fruits are highly allergenic, at first the drink should be made from only one dried fruit

A special feature of preparing children's compote is minimal boiling of the ingredients. It is best to remove the container with the drink from the heat immediately after boiling. If mom wants to boil the fruit, 5-10 minutes is enough.

  • Children should be introduced to compote, to which no sugar is added. Drinks prepared for children over one year old can be sweetened. At the same time, many parents avoid adding sugar even after one year of age, replacing it with fructose, grape sugar or raisins.
  • Ready drink for children can only be stored for one day. If the drink sits longer, it becomes less healthy. In addition, it can ferment and spoil.
  • Fruits from compote can also be eaten. Give them to children over one year old.

Mother's milk is the most healthy diet for an infant, because it contains all the necessary substances for health and development. It is often believed that breast milk quite enough, but it is not so. It is possible and necessary to give your baby additional water: for example, in the heat, at elevated temperatures or problems with digestion, during artificial or mixed feeding. In addition to water, natural juice and homemade compote for a baby - an excellent solution.

In 1989, the World Health Organization established principles of feeding, one of which is not to give the newborn anything to drink, with the exception of mother's milk. Milk contains 87.5% water, but at the same time it has a high energy value, and for a child it is not a full drink, but rather food, like puree or porridge. As for the “newborn” period, according to WHO, this is the time from birth to 28 days. As soon as this period has passed, you should think about new drinks to replenish your baby’s fluid needs.

In the first month of life, the child is the least protected, his body is not strong enough, so give him only water - pre-filtered and boiled or bottled. Towards the beginning of the second month, try giving chamomile or fennel tea. Juices for children from 3 months - from pears or green apples, from peaches or apricots. From six months old, you can already give your baby homemade compote.

At what age should you start drinking juices and compotes?

When can you give juice to your baby? The Russian Research Institute of Nutrition recommends starting at three months of age. But there are exceptions to every rule. Consult your pediatrician and watch your baby's reaction together.

For two weeks, give juices made from one fruit (for example, only pure apple). If the child’s condition is normal - that is, there are no allergies, stable stool - over the next two weeks, give him juice from some new fruit or vegetable, again, without changing to others.

If you want to know more precisely from how many months you can give juice to your child, here are some general rules depending on the age at which you plan to introduce your child to a new product. Whenever you start, everything should be done gradually.

Table - introduction of juices into meals by month

1 month The juice is introduced gradually (a few drops from a pipette) or dissolved in a large volume of water. Every day the number of drops doubles
3 months You can give your baby 5 drops of natural juice per day, half diluted with water. Every few days, reducing the amount of water, increase the volume of the pure drink to 2 teaspoons. It is given undiluted twice - 1 spoon in the morning, 1 in the evening. By 4 months you can drink up to 5-6 teaspoons per day
4-5 months At this age, a bottle-fed baby can start drinking juices
6-7 months You can give juice to your baby breastfeeding. Nectars - only occasionally (they contain sugar, and the nutritional value lower than natural juices)
2nd year of life Regular juices included in meals industrial production. However, they are considered too concentrated for immature digestive system, the first few times they need to be diluted with water in equal proportions, then add more juice

If you are against early complementary feeding, try this drink from 4-6 months. Moreover, “artificial babies” can be started to drink earlier than infants.

When can you give compote to a baby? Compote is also useful, it contains both vitamins and microelements - perhaps in smaller quantities than in natural juices. Until the child is one year old, it is quite possible to do without it. An exception is if the baby doesn’t like juice or tea too much, and you would like to diversify his diet.

  • After 6 months. Compote of fruits or berries.
  • 1-1.5 years. Compotes made from dried fruits are most relevant in winter, when there is no fresh food. Natural sweetness will save you from the need to add sugar, and the child will not have caries.

At first, just like juice or compote, it is advisable to dilute it with clean water, and then bring the concentration of the drink to normal.

The baby can drink both during feeding and in between - from a bottle with a nipple or from a spoon.

Juices, their features and methods of preparation

You can prepare juice for a child yourself only when you are absolutely sure of the quality of the product. If you buy specially designed children's drinks, rest assured: they undergo quality control and do not contain synthetic substances, stabilizers, flavors, etc. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sugar in the composition.

Let's look at which juices are considered the most healthy, and how to make some of them at home.

Useful for babies

If you have the opportunity to cook at home, this is certainly a good alternative to store-bought options, even specialized ones. Juices from various berries, fruits and vegetables in moderation will never harm your health (unless an individual allergic reaction occurs). Experts also provide clarification on when to start giving your child each of these drinks.

JuicesOf whatBeneficial featuresAt what age to start
FruitGreen appleRegulates digestion and liver function, improves appetite, and prevents constipation. Rich in vitamin C, iodine and iron (and it is completely absorbed). Cleanses tooth enamel, protecting teeth from caries4 months
PearRegulates digestion, metabolism, quenches thirst well, strengthens teeth and bones
BerryCurrantProtects immune system(currants contain more vitamin C than lemon), strengthens blood vessels and heart6-7 months
CherryAnti-inflammatory effect. Cleanses the intestines and regulates its microflora, strengthens the heart and nervous system
VegetablesCarrotPromotes harmonious growth and development, strengthens vision, normalizes digestion. Contains vitamin C5-6 months

It is better to choose local products from our latitudes, with the exception of grapes: they cause fermentation in the intestines. The diet of a baby under one year of age should not contain any “exotics” (mango, passion fruit, pineapple, citrus fruits, etc.)

Children need clarified juice (without pulp) and not mixed (i.e. from one type of fruit/berry/vegetable).

Homemade apple juice

Apples do not cause allergies; their benefits are undeniable, which is why doctors recommend them. Often, it is with apple juice that infants begin to get acquainted with new drinks.
What should be done:

  1. Peel the thoroughly washed fruit;
  2. cut the apple into pieces, remove the seeds;
  3. grate;
  4. squeeze the pulp using a spoon into a clean bowl through gauze folded into 4 folds (or you can pass the fruit through a juicer).

Dilute the resulting juice with clean drinking water. Give your child a drink at room temperature.

Homemade carrot juice

Manual spin:

  1. wash the carrots thoroughly - it is better to clean them with a hard sponge or brush;
  2. rinse the carrots again, scald them with boiling water;
  3. grate the vegetable on the finest grater;
  4. Fold the gauze in half, place the carrots in the gauze and squeeze out the juice using a spoon.

Through a juicer:

  1. soak the carrots in water for 20 minutes;
  2. wash the carrots thoroughly;
  3. Peel, wash again and cut into pieces - you can put them in a juicer.

Compotes for infants: preparation methods

If you are making compote for your baby for the first time, it is better to take one type of fruit or dried fruit. Mix different types ingredients or add new ones only when the baby is already accustomed to those that he has already tried, and he does not develop allergies or digestive disorders.

Boil the compote over low heat for 10 minutes if the ingredients are fresh, and 20-30 minutes if dry. It is better not to add sugar. If the drink seems sour, you can add a little fructose (it’s worth getting a pediatrician’s recommendation on this matter).

From dried fruits

Before cooking dried fruits, fill them with cold water and keep them until the specks swell and settle. Features of dried fruit compote for babies - pleasant taste even without sweetening.

  • Classic way. Sort and rinse dried apples thoroughly 5-6 times per warm water. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add dried apples, cook for 20 minutes.
  • Compote “from a thermos”. Several large slices dried apples Place in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, pour in another glass of water, boil, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Cool the drink to room temperature, dilute boiled water(2 parts water to 1 part compote) - and you can treat your baby.

It is better to buy pre-packaged dried fruits rather than loose ones. They should be of a dull color (dye may be added!).

From fresh apples

When you use fresh fruits, you can experiment with their quantity and volume of water, increasing or decreasing the concentration. Much depends on the natural taste of the products, and on the cooking and infusion time. You can prepare apple compote for babies different ways- this is the simplest and fastest one.

Peel a thoroughly washed medium-sized green apple.

  1. Remove the center and cut into slices.
  2. Boil one and a half glasses of water, add apple slices.
  3. Cook the compote for 5 minutes.
  4. Let it brew, cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain the compote.

From prunes

You can give a drink based on prunes from five months. This healthy berry activates digestion and effectively cleanses the intestines, so it is useful for babies suffering from constipation. Before you start preparing prune compote for your baby, consult your doctor.

For compote you will need 200 g of dried fruit per quarter cup of sugar.

  1. Pour over the berries hot water for 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse 3-4 times in warm water.
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a liter of hot water, stir.
  4. Add prunes and boil.
  5. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the berries soften.

Cool the compote to room temperature, strain and feed your baby.
Now you know when to give juices infant, and when are compotes, how are they useful, and how can they be made at home. Introduce everything new into your diet small quantities and only when the child is feeling well, monitor his individual reactions and preferences. Add variety to your baby's diet and introduce him to natural delicious drinks and with their help, improving your health is very simple!


Compote will not only help diversify a child’s diet, but will also become a source of vitamins for the baby’s body.

At what age can an infant be given compote?

A baby's first acquaintance with compote can be made when he reaches six months of age. That is, at the same time when the first complementary foods are introduced.

If the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, you can give him compote diluted with water a little earlier - at five or even four months.

For the first time, let the baby try a teaspoon of compote, then monitor the body’s reaction: are there any allergies, is everything okay with the tummy (is there constipation, diarrhea, bloating, colic).

If the baby’s body accepts the drink normally, you can gradually increase the portion to 30-60 ml at a time.

What is the best way to make compote for babies?

The first compote in a baby's life is best made from apples. To do this, you need to choose green varieties - they pose the least threat of allergies.

Later you can add a pear to the compote.

You can also make compote from dried apples. In the future, the compote can be diversified with other dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, prunes.

You should avoid red fruits and berries (especially strawberries), as they are considered foods with a high likelihood of developing allergies.
For the same reason, you should not experiment with exotic fruits, especially with citrus fruits.

Compote for babies, recipe

The best option for preparing the first compote for a baby would be a green apple.

Choose quality fruit that is large in size. Wash the apple thoroughly under running water.

Remove the core and cut the apple into slices or cubes - whatever you like.

Some experts also advise peeling the fruit, but in some recipes it is retained.

Place the chopped fruit in a saucepan, add 250 ml of clean water, put on fire, cover with a lid.

After the water boils, wait five, maximum ten minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and, without removing the lid, leave the drink to infuse and cool.

Strain the cooled compote, after which you can safely give it to your baby.

After a couple of weeks, you can add, for example, a pear to the compote. In this case, take half a liter of water for one apple and pear.

Compote for a six-month-old baby does not need to be sweetened with sugar. For this purpose, you can add raisins to the drink. To do this, first wash it and then soak it in water for a while. You need to add it to boiling water.

IN winter time You can cook compote from dried apples. Wash them first and soak them in water until they soften and swell. You need to throw dried fruits into boiling water, and cook this compote for at least 20 minutes, then leave to cool and infuse.

After a successful experience with dried apple compote, you can add the same raisins and dried apricots to the recipe.

If your child suffers from constipation, you can prepare compote with prunes. But don't overdo your concentration.

Drinking liquids other than milk or formula is mandatory for a six-month-old child. At this age, the baby’s need for additional microelements and vitamins increases, which means it’s time to offer apple compote, cooked for babies, according to a simple recipe.

Why apples, you ask? Just these fruits children's body digests best and happens to them less often

How to properly cook apple compote for babies?

If you still don’t know how to cook a simple apple compote for a baby, then we will teach you this simple task. It is advisable to buy ordinary, nondescript apples grown somewhere nearby, but not imported ones that fill supermarket shelves.

There are many recipes for preparing the first compote for a baby, which is easy to cook from fresh apples, and from dried fruits. A little later, when the child gets used to the new taste, it will be possible to add vitamin drink other fruits and berries.

The answer to the question of how long to cook apple compote for a baby also depends on the choice of raw materials. So, fresh fruits are boiled for no more than one minute, because otherwise all the vitamins will simply disappear under prolonged exposure to temperature. Dried apples will cook a little longer - about 10-15 minutes.

Recipe for fresh apple compote for babies

Very easy and quick to cook vitamin compote from fresh apples, which are on sale at any time of the year, although closer to spring the amount of vitamins in them decreases significantly, and then other types of compotes should be prepared for the baby.

  • apple – 1 piece;
  • water – 250 ml.

The apple should be washed thoroughly, and after cutting into slices, remove the core; it is not necessary to peel the skin. After pouring a glass of clean, cool water over the cut apple, bring it to a boil under a closed lid, boiling for about half a minute.

After that apple slices infuse and release their beneficial components into the drink. Sugar should not be added to compote for children under one year old. If you grind the cooled slices with a blender, you will get an excellent compote with pulp, which will be useful for children suffering from constipation.

Dried apple compote

Dried fruits, including apples, are very rich in various microelements. During periods of spring and winter vitamin deficiency, compotes made from it will be useful for the smallest children.

Ingredients: Preparation

To cook a compote of dried apples for a baby, you will need about a handful of dried apples. It must be rinsed thoroughly under running water, and then poured in for 15-20 minutes to swell. Pour water into a saucepan and add prepared apple slices, which should be cooked for 15 minutes, and then allowed to brew for at least half an hour.

We also suggest you prepare this healthy drink like for a child.