How to cook string beans. Roasted asparagus beans

Asparagus beans are rich in various vitamins, such as vitamin A, C, E, B, in addition to this, it has great amount minerals (such as magnesium, folic acid, calcium, chromium and iron). Often asparagus beans recommended during diets, because thanks to high content fiber in this bean improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, toxins are removed from the body.

In this article, we would like to introduce you different recipes cooking asparagus. All of them are not particularly complicated and even a novice hostess can do it, however, after spending a little time, you will get a tasty and healthy dish.

Asparagus beans - a recipe for making salad from asparagus beans with potatoes

Boil potatoes in their skins. Clean and cut into cubes. Rinse the asparagus beans, cut off the ends. Dip in boiling water, add a little salt and sugar. Boil for 15 minutes. Cut boiled green beans into pieces. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl according to the recipe, season with mayonnaise.

You can simply boiled asparagus beans mixed with chopped onion vinegar. Get easy diet dish. So that the asparagus beans do not lose their green saturated color, after cooking it must be lowered into ice water for a few minutes. It can be combined with cheese, mushrooms, meat, and other vegetables.

How to cook Greek green beans - recipe

Preparation of asparagus beans:

Cut potatoes into cubes. Peel the carrots and cut into strips. Cut the asparagus beans into pieces, rinse and boil for five minutes. On prescription, fresh tomatoes Pour boiling water over, remove the skin and chop very finely. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Pass the garlic through the garlic press.

Heat in a deep broiler or pot olive oil. Pour finely chopped onion fry until translucent. Add garlic. Then potatoes, asparagus beans, carrots. Dissolve the tomato paste in water and add to the pan. Then put the tomatoes, sugar and herbs.

Cover all vegetables warm water and simmer for an hour. Keep an eye on the amount of water, it should always cover the ingredients. Serve with grated cheese, such as feta, sprinkled on top. Put a piece on the dish white bread so that you can dip into the prepared sauce.

Recipe for asparagus with mushrooms

Preparation of asparagus beans:

Cut the mushrooms, if they are small, then you can not cut. Saute the mushrooms vegetable oil. Then add chopped onion and thawed green beans. Simmer covered for 15 minutes. If there is little liquid, then pour in a little boiled water.

Then, according to the recipe, add to the pan canned beans along with juice. Squeeze the garlic, add salt and black ground pepper. Simmer for 10 minutes. Ready meal Serve hot with fresh herbs sprinkled on top.

Can be used fresh mushrooms, only they need to be boiled first, and then fried. Beans can be used dry, before cooking it must be soaked overnight and boiled for 1.5 hours. You can use beans in tomato. It's a matter of taste!

How to cook asparagus beans - asparagus salad recipe with cheese

Preparation of asparagus beans:

To do this, boil the beans, and cut into small pieces (about 3 cm). Note that we take hard cheese and rub it on coarse grater. Then we make a dressing, for this, add lemon juice to the olive oil and mix. Put a little boiled asparagus beans on a plate, put a part on top grated cheese, pour dressing. And so we repeat the layers until we use all the beans and cheese. At the end, if desired, sprinkle with crushed nuts.

How to cook a side dish of asparagus beans - recipe

Preparation of asparagus beans:

For a side dish of asparagus beans, first wash the beans and then boil them. After that salt cooked beans to taste, if desired, you can pepper. Then add lemon juice and stir. After that, roll the asparagus beans in breadcrumbs. It should be noted that you can take dry crackers any, for example, mixed with your favorite spices. In a frying pan with a little oil, put on medium heat, and fry the beans for 2-3 minutes according to the recipe.

Asparagus bean salad recipe with mushrooms

Preparation of asparagus beans:

Boil the beans or cook in a double boiler, fry the mushrooms, and then add the mushrooms and chopped small cubes tomatoes. Dress the salad with olive oil, add chopped garlic and herbs. We put the washed lettuce leaves in a plate, put our salad of beans and mushrooms there.

How to cook a salad with asparagus beans and pears - recipe

Preparation of asparagus beans:

The beans are boiled, cooled, spread on a towel and dried. Pears are cut into thin slices or small pieces. The bottom of the salad bowl is laid out with lettuce leaves (at your discretion: the leaves can be laid out whole or torn into pieces). Top with pears and beans. Sesame and Brazil nuts are dried in a pan, the nuts are crushed. Sesame and nuts are added to vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. Add to vegetables a small amount of lemon juice, dressing vegetable fat with sesame and nuts. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes and the salad is ready!

How to cook asparagus beans fried in an egg - recipe

Preparation of asparagus beans:

Beans are boiled in salted water, cooled and dried a little. The yolk is ground, finely chopped dill and parsley are added, mixed. The protein is whipped in a blender. Protein and yolk with greens are mixed, salted. Fold carefully several pods, dip them in an egg and fry in vegetable oil. Ready beans are served warm.

How to cook canned green beans - recipe

Preparation of asparagus beans:

Pour beans with water, bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for another 5 minutes after boiling. Lay the beans in jars and fill with brine. Moreover, the brine with beans should be in the ratio of 70% to 30%. Banks are rolled up and left upside down until they cool.

Vegetables are tasty and healthy, and for those who follow the figure they become simply irreplaceable. But what if traditional vegetables Already tired and want to cook something unusual? Then dishes from asparagus beans will help you.

asparagus, or green beans- a green plant that is increasingly gaining popularity among vegetable lovers. Still, her bright green color will not leave indifferent even a stubborn child with a sweet tooth, and the ease of preparation will please more than one hostess.

If you are just getting acquainted with asparagus beans, please note that you need to eat it whole - both the pod and the small grains inside

Vegetable stew

Ingredients for 6 servings: - 500 g green beans; - 1 zucchini; - 2 eggplants; - 4-6 tomatoes; - 1-2 carrots; - 1 head of onion; - vegetable oil for frying; - salt and spices to taste. Raw asparagus beans have a fairly tough shell, so the pods must first be boiled. Throw the beans into boiling lightly salted water and cook over medium heat for about 7-10 minutes, then drain them in a colander, drain the water and let cool slightly. At this time, you can start cooking the rest of the vegetables.

Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and finely chop the onion. Pour a little vegetable oil into a slightly heated frying pan, heat it up and start frying the onions and carrots. Add a little ground coriander to the vegetables and bring to a golden color, stirring constantly. If the vegetables began to dry out in a hot frying pan, it's time to add thinly sliced ​​tomatoes to them. Red vegetables add color and savory flavor to the dish.

Wash and dice the zucchini and eggplant. Add vegetables to the pan and fry with carrots. Soon the zucchini will give juice and the vegetables will be slowly stewed. Lower the fire slightly.

If you bought unprocessed, whole string beans, they need to be shelled. This is done very easily, you just need to cut off the small ponytails. If the bean pods are too long, cut them into 2-3 pieces and add to the skillet. You need to cook vegetables on fire until they become soft and pleasant to the taste.

In order for the food to remain tasty and healthy, you need to salt it just before cooking or directly in a portioned plate. Don't forget your favorite spices!

Green beans boiled and lightly fried with spices - excellent independent dish suitable as an appetizer or dietary side dish

Step 1: Prepare the string beans.

Wash fresh green beans thoroughly. To do this, put it in a colander and rinse several times with warm running water. After washing, shake the beans, thereby getting rid of excess moisture.
Put the clean pods on a cutting board and cut off the ends from them on both sides. Particularly long ones can be divided into two or three parts, depending on your desire, of course, you can leave the bean pods whole if the size of the pan allows you.

Step 2: Preparing the Chunk.

Separate the garlic cloves from the head and press down on them with the flat side of the blade of a kitchen knife. After that, clean these ingredients from the husk. Peeled garlic should be crushed using a special press, but if you do not have such an intricate item on the farm, then use a regular grater.

Step 3: Roast the string beans.

Heat a frying pan over high heat and add vegetable oil in it. When the butter starts to bubble, melt the butter as well.

Put the beans in a pan with a heated mixture of vegetable and cow's oil. Fry while stirring constantly 5-7 minutes. Shake the pan occasionally as well.

At the end of the specified time, reduce the fire. Add salt and black pepper to taste, as well as chopped garlic to the beans. Mix all the ingredients well inside the pan and cover them with a lid. Stew the beans in a sealed container 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. After the remaining time, the dish will be completely ready and you can proceed to the next step, that is, to serve.

Step 4: Serve the fried green beans.

Roasted green beans, or as it is sometimes called, asparagus beans are served hot as a side dish. This dish goes very well with stew or chicken, emphasizing the taste of hot and pleasantly complementing it. The bean garnish is very light, so you don’t have to worry about your figure or the fact that after eating you have an unpleasant heaviness in your stomach. Eat with pleasure yourself and treat others.
Bon appetit!

According to this recipe, you can cook both fresh green beans and frozen. It is not necessary to defrost the latter first.

If you pour almost finished beans with beaten eggs, you get a very interesting and tasty omelet.

If you are preparing this dish with the expectation that children will eat it, then you need to reduce the amount of garlic and pepper, as well as cut the bean pods into smaller pieces.

It differs from other legumes in that the pods of the plant are also used, and not just the seeds. And with asparagus, this bean has so many differences (both in botanical classification and in taste) that it becomes unclear why it was called that. But one way or another, this product is useful, one might say, dietary. The protein found in asparagus beans will keep you feeling full for many hours and at the same time help you lose weight. excess weight. These pods are also rich in vitamins: A, C, B 1, B 2 and B 9. From useful minerals green beans contain iron, manganese and phosphorus, potassium, fiber and magnesium that prevent strokes. Anyone who regularly uses this product does not suffer from constipation, has healthy skin without acne, and is not afraid of Alzheimer's disease. Here are best recipes dishes with asparagus beans. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and fried. It is suitable for salads, soups, side dishes and independent dishes.

Preliminary actions

Which asparagus beans to choose in the market? It does not matter what color the pods will be - light yellow, all shades of green, purple - the main thing is that they are fresh. Asparagus bean dishes taste best when they use the crop that arrived to you from the garden within three days. Freshly picked pods are distinguished by their density, rough surface, and the absence of dark spots. It is best to use young beans - they are easy to prepare and have more delicate taste. These are small, thin pods of dark green color. Ripe beans need pretreatment. With a knife, it is necessary to cut off the edges of the pods, preferably prying and pulling the vein behind them. If this is not done, "threads" will be felt in the dish. Particularly large pods can be cut. Cooking young asparagus beans should be no longer than six minutes, and the old - ten. Before cooking the pods must be thoroughly washed.

Summer salad

Cooking dishes from asparagus beans does not involve any large energy costs. Most often, the pods are boiled in salted water until tender and thrown into a colander. Thus, we get two semi-finished products: vegetable broth- an excellent basis for soup, - and the asparagus itself. When the pods have cooled, we will prepare a tasty treat out of them. summer salad with pears. For 400 grams of beans, you need to take two large fruits, preferably not very juicy varieties. We cut the pears into thin slices, and the pods into sticks 2-3 centimeters long. We cover the bottom of the dish with lettuce leaves. You can lay them whole or tear them into pieces with your hands. On lettuce leaves put pears and green beans. Sprinkle lemon juice. Now it's up to refueling. Put on a heated pan sesame seeds and brazil nuts. Slightly fry without adding oil. We chop the nut. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a jar. Add pepper, salt, sesame seeds, crushed nuts. Screw the lid on the jar and shake it. Pour this salad dressing, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Dishes of asparagus beans for garnish

These tender pods are in perfect harmony with meat or fish. Garnished with asparagus beans is lighter than those made from cereals or potatoes. We'll put out the pods. Therefore, stock up on a deep frying pan. Peel a large onion, chop finely, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Wash a pound of beans, if necessary, cut off the ends and chop into smaller pieces. Add the pods (raw) to the onion. We fill cold water so that it covers the contents of the pan. Salt and pepper the dish according to our taste. Cover lightly with a lid and simmer over medium heat for half an hour, stirring occasionally. When the water has evaporated by half, and the beans become soft, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer under a half-covered lid for another twenty minutes. Beat two eggs in a bowl, pour the beans over them, stirring constantly. Simmer another five minutes. Asparagus bean dishes should be served hot as a side dish, so make sure that the meat or fish is ready by then.

Extraordinary scrambled eggs

If we have a little (literally 100 grams) of boiled asparagus beans left in the evening, in the morning we can make the original scrambled eggs. Separate the protein from the yolk. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Grind the greens with the yolk, and beat the protein in a mixer. We combine both masses, salt. First dip the pods in egg sauce, and then roll in flour. Fry in a hot pan with vegetable oil. Asparagus dishes with raw eggs should be mixed well so that the rapidly curdling protein is distributed evenly throughout all the pods.

Cooking with the main course

Cooking a side dish first, and then frying meat or fish is a rather troublesome task. But you can cook variety of dishes with asparagus beans along with " highlight of the program". Here interesting recipe Chicken. First, let's prepare the bird. Fry the pieces of meat in vegetable oil until golden brown, transfer them to a bowl. Place the chopped vegetables in the pan. First onions and carrots, then Bell pepper followed by tomatoes. We shift the vegetables to the chicken. Pour some water into a saucepan and put it on to simmer. After half an hour, add the asparagus boiled separately. If the pods are very young, you can throw them raw. Simmer everything together for twenty minutes. After that, squeeze a couple of garlic cloves into the pan, add a few peppercorns. Turn off the fire, let it brew for about a quarter of an hour.

Baked asparagus dishes

Oven recipes allow us to cook Tasty dinner in half an hour. Here is one of them. To cook it tasty dish, you need to purchase a kilogram of young (green and thin) green beans. Grease the bottom and sides of the baking sheet with vegetable oil. We lay out the raw pods. Top with rings of one large onion. Cut eight cloves of garlic in half. Lay them on top of the onion. Pour the contents of the pan with two tablespoons of olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour. Stir every ten minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Such asparagus beans are delicious not only when hot. When it cools down, cover the dish. cling film and refrigerate overnight. Makes a great winter salad!

Asparagus (green) beans - low-calorie, tasty and healthy vegetable thanks to the vitamins, minerals and fiber it contains. It is indispensable in the dietary diet, it is quickly prepared, while all the beneficial properties are preserved in it.

This product goes well with meat, fish and vegetables: potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, eggplant and others.

Pediatricians recommend feeding asparagus beans to children from the age of 8 months, but a little bit.

Green beans stewed with meat

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg chicken meat(fillet)
  • 400 g asparagus beans
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 st. a spoonful of tomato paste
  • 1 st. a spoonful of soy sauce
  • 1 st. spoon collapse is small
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 3-4 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt to taste.

How to cook:

Wash, peel and coarsely chop the vegetables. Cut off the ends of the green beans and dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Cut the meat, lightly fry in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan and set aside on a plate. In the same oil, fry vegetables for 5 minutes: onions, carrots, bell peppers.

Prepare the sauce. mix soy sauce, tomato paste, chopped garlic, starch, sugar, salt, pepper and half a glass of water.

Put meat, tomatoes, asparagus beans and fried vegetables in a saucepan. Pour in the sauce and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Serve as an independent dish or with rice garnish.

Asparagus with mushrooms

You will need:

  • 800 g green beans
  • 200 g champignons
  • 2 onions
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • salt and pepper

How to cook:

Lightly boil green beans for about 5 minutes in salted water. Chop the onion, finely chop the mushrooms.

On butter fry the onion until transparent, add the mushrooms to it, fry for a few minutes. Then add the beans and fry for a couple more minutes.

Simple green bean salad

You will need:

  • 500 g fresh green beans
  • 2 tbsp green onion
  • 2 tbsp chopped garlic
  • 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 2 - 4 tablespoons olive oil

How to cook:

Boil the beans for 10 minutes after boiling. Drain the water and let cool. In a bowl, mix together the onion, garlic, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Pour bean mixture over. Cover and place in refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Bon appetit!

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