Authentic Hungarian pork goulash. How to cook Hungarian beef goulash.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Hungarian goulash soup classic recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I propose, I learned how to cook from my mother-in-law, she cooks it simply amazingly. And no wonder, because she was born and raised in a town where there are many Hungarians, so their cuisine and culture are closely intertwined with our traditions. When we come to these places, we always enjoy not only nature, but also communication with numerous relatives and friends.
If we set ourselves the goal of visiting all our friends and relatives in those parts, then the vacation will certainly not be enough, so we stop at the closest relatives, and then not for long. I want to see a lot, walk around the mountains, and not sleep off and eat up, especially since my husband's aunt cooks so deliciously that after visiting her she then has to urgently go on a diet.
By the way, she also cooks, but in a slightly different way. Her recipe is good, and I sometimes cook such a dish, but this one is simpler and at the same time correct, one might say classic.
I can not say that cooking such goulash is quite simple and fast. After all, it is mainly prepared using beef, and in order to stew it, you need at least 1-1.5 hours. And you need to add browned vegetables, spices and potato cubes to the meat. At the very end, you can add chopped garlic for spiciness. In principle, everything seems to be all right with goulash, but Hungarian housewives always prepare “chippets” or, as they are also called, “kletski” for such a dish and serve them together with meat stewed with vegetables in a sauce.


- meat beef pulp - 600-700 g,
- potatoes (tubers) - 600 g,
- salad pepper - 1 pc.,
- tomato paste - 1-2 tablespoons,
- turnip onion - 1 pc.,
- garlic - 2 cloves,
- ground paprika - 2 tablespoons,
- sea salt or table salt,
- sunflower oil - 50 ml.

For "chips":

- chicken table egg - 1 pc.,
- wheat flour - 80 g,
- sea salt medium grinding -1 pinch.


First of all, we choose the right dishes in which we will cook goulash. It should be a thick-walled pan or cauldron in which we can first fry and then stew the dish.
We make blanks. We clean the meat from fat and films, wash and cut into cubes.
We clean the onion from the husk and finely cut into cubes.
Cut the lettuce pepper in half and cut out the seeds and stalk, and then cut it into cubes.
Peel the potato tubers and cut into cubes.
Pour oil into the bottom of the pan and heat it over medium heat. Next, put in it the peeled and finely chopped onion and fry it until golden brown.

Remove the dishes from the heat and cool the browned onion a little, and then add the ground paprika and mix.

Then we return the dishes to the fire and put the meat in it, mix it with onions and fry until the meat is browned.

Then pour into it hot water about 1.5-2 cups, add

Hungarian cuisine cannot be called exquisite. Most of her famous recipes came from the people, but this does not deprive the dishes prepared according to them of the richness of taste and variety.

One of these is hungarian goulash or shepherd's soup. It is considered the first course, but due to the thick rich composition with a rich taste and aroma, it resembles something, while the vegetables do not boil soft and remain in large pieces in the soup.

Hungarian goulash is made from different varieties meat, in classical performance beef, with the addition of potatoes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, dough dumplings and spices.

How to cook classic Hungarian beef goulash?


  • beef pulp - 650 g;
  • large onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Hungarian bacon - 65 g;
  • potato tubers - 750 g;
  • fresh tomato - 1 pc.;
  • purified water - 550 ml;
  • ground red paprika - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • flour - 50 g;
  • chicken egg - 0.5 pcs.;
  • cumin - 12 g;
  • hot pepper - 0.5 pod;
  • salt - to taste;
  • parsley - optional and to taste.


Hungarian lard (lard sprinkled with red paprika), chopped small cubes and melt in a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. We remove the roasts, lay onion half rings and fry until golden. Add beef cut into medium-sized square slices and also fry. Add ground paprika and add water. Bring to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes.

While the meat is cooking, we clean and cut into cubes potato tubers, sweet Bulgarian and hot peppers, peeled, and prepare dumplings, the so-called chips. To do this, add half the egg to the flour and, using a fork, knead the steep dough. Pinching off a little bit from it, we form small peas (chips) with our fingers and put them on a plate or board with flour.

Throw potatoes and Bell pepper meat, season with salt. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the finely chopped, pre-peeled tomato and throw in the chips. Bring to a boil, add cumin and chopped garlic, boil for one minute and remove from heat.

We let the ready goulash brew for ten minutes, and serve hot, seasoning, if desired, with fresh herbs.

Hungarian pork goulash recipe


  • pork pulp - 550 g;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil- 75 ml;
  • sweet bell pepper- 2 pcs.;
  • potato tubers - 850 g;
  • fresh tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • purified water - 550-750 ml;
  • ground red paprika - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • cumin - 12 g;
  • hot pepper (optional) - 0.5 pod;
  • salt - to taste;
  • fresh herbs - at will and taste.


Pour vegetable oil into a deep stewpan, frying pan or cauldron and fry chopped in half rings in it onion until browned. Add the pork cut into slices and also fry. Pour two hundred milliliters of purified water, salt, cover with a lid and simmer for thirty minutes.

In the meantime, peel and cut into large cubes potatoes and bell peppers, carrots in circles, and peeled finely chop hot pepper from seeds. Tomatoes are peeled and rubbed on a grater.

After the time has passed, we throw carrots and potatoes to the meat, add ground paprika and cumin, pour in water so that it completely covers the vegetables, and cook under the lid until the potatoes are half cooked. Then add the mashed tomatoes, sweet Bulgarian and hot peppers, add more salt to taste and cook for ten minutes. At the end of cooking, throw in chopped garlic and, if desired, fresh herbs. Let the Hungarian goulash brew for ten minutes, and serve.

This Hungarian beef goulash recipe is taken from the Small Hungarian Cookbook by K. Gundel, a famous Hungarian chef. If you follow the recipe, it turns out very, very tasty.


How to cook Hungarian beef goulash

The meat for this dish should be juicy, it is better to take the shank, cut, shoulder part. Cut it into small cubes. Fry finely chopped onions in melted fat until golden brown. Then we reduce the heat, spread the paprika, mix quickly, and immediately add the meat, crushed garlic, cumin, a little water. Stir while simmering, the fire should be moderate. If necessary, you need to add water, and then little by little, so that the meat is stewed, and not cooked.

While the beef is stewing, peel and cut into cubes potatoes, peppers, tomatoes.

Let's start making chips. it homemade dough, which is added to soups and other dishes. The name comes from the Hungarian word "chipkedni", which means "to pinch". Knead a stiff dough from flour, salt and eggs (without water). We roll it out with a thickness of 1 mm, then with our hands, sprinkled with flour, we pinch off small shapeless pieces from it. The dough will be ready when it floats to the top of the soup (2-3 minutes). Hungarian beef goulash must be served with chipotle.

Before the end of the stewing of the meat, you need to remove the lid so that excess liquid evaporates. Add potatoes, stir and simmer for a few minutes. Then top up meat broth, spread the tomatoes with pepper.

When the potatoes are almost ready, just before turning off, you need to put the chips in the pan and let them boil for a few minutes. The amount of goulash is regulated by adding water or broth, after which you need to add a little more salt. Hungarian beef goulash is ready. We serve the dish to the table.

In the recipe for Hungarian beef goulash, paprika is almost the main ingredient. This is the national Hungarian spice. Her choice must be approached responsibly. Excellent paprika is sold in Hungary itself, in California and Spain. Good paprika should be a rich red color and should be slightly sticky to the touch. You can also use smoked paprika, it is dried and smoked. It will give the goulash an incredibly pleasant aroma of a fire.

Beef goulash in Czech is prepared in almost the same way as in Hungarian. Only Czechs like to use more meat and serve with a very hot sauce. As a rule, brown-fried flour is added to Czech beef goulash, so this dish is distinguished by its beautiful dark color.

Video recipe for Hungarian beef goulash

The dish that will be discussed is only conventionally called soup. In fact, it is neither the first nor the second. The Hungarians, who invented it back in the 9th century, are still arguing: is it soup or meat in gravy? Goulash soup, or bograch, as the Hungarians call it (from "bogrács" - that is, a bowler hat) is a thick first course made from vegetables, onions, beef and chipetka (plucked dumplings). The fact is that goulash soup according to the recipe of traditional Hungarian cuisine was prepared by ancient shepherds in a pot over an open fire.

The word "goulash" is translated from Hungarian as "shepherd". However, not only shepherds ate soup - goulash was a favorite dish of the Hungarian nobility. The Prince of Transylvania Rakoczy Ferenc II himself was an ardent admirer of this savory dish. The soup is very tasty, and especially good in cold weather, perfectly warms and gives vitality.

  • Recipe posted: Alexander Lozier
  • After cooking you will receive: 6 servings
  • Preparation: 20 minutes
  • Cooking: 1 hour 40 minutes
  • Preparation: 2 hours
  • Calories: 114 kcal per 100 g

Cooking goulash soup according to the Hungarian classic recipe

Hungarian goulash soup is a hearty and spicy dish, so hot summer days will go better. Although, if you love goulash the way the Hungarians love it, you will cook very often, regardless of the time of year. It's nice that the products to him are always at hand.

So, to prepare a spicy crimson-red soup, we need:

  • water or broth - 800 ml
  • beef (shoulder, shank) - 0.6 kg
  • fresh unsalted lard (or lard) - 150 g
  • potatoes - 500 g
  • garlic cloves - 2-3 pcs. major
  • tomatoes (ripe and sweet) - 3-4 pcs.
  • bulbs - 3 turnips
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • hot pepper - ½ pod (or more)
  • ground paprika - 1 tbsp.
  • cumin, aromatic roots, allspice, salt- taste.
for the chipette (dumpling made from plucked dough):
  • wheat flour - 300 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt - a pinch.

The density of Hungarian beef goulash soup can be adjusted by adding more during cooking bone broth, which is better to have in stock 200 - 250 grams.

When cooking Hungarian goulash soup, follow the recipe, which provides for the exact observance of the technology of frying and stewing the ingredients of the dish.

Goulash soup, or Hungarian classic bograch - preparation of components

Goulash is a multi-component dish, so compliance original recipe- a guarantee of authentic taste. However, with such products, it is difficult to spoil the soup, and cooking it is quite simple. To get started, make the following preparations.

1. Cut the beef and lard into small pieces. Finely chop the onion.

Advice. Juicy meat with many tendons is ideal for soup - it will be well stewed and beef goulash soup will turn out remarkably rich. Fillet can also be used, however, it is more tender and more suitable for dishes such as.

2. sweet pepper peel, remove seeds and partitions, chop into large strips. Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin from them and cut into pieces.

Advice. In order to remove the skin, slightly cut the tomatoes crosswise from the bottom, and dip them in boiling water for a minute and a half. After that, the tomatoes must be doused cold water- and the skin will be removed elementarily.

3. Peel the potato tubers and cut them into cubes.

Advice. Potatoes are better to choose those varieties that boil for a long time - it will be more whole in the soup.

5. Finely chop the garlic with a sharp knife. Carrot, peeled, cut into small cubes.

Now all products are ready to bookmark. It is recommended to cook bograch outdoors in a cauldron, if it is available, then the soup is called bograch-goulash. But this is not necessary - you can also cook it in the kitchen in a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom.

Cooking the signature Hungarian dish - laying steps

The next stage is the preparation of beef goulash soup with a tantalizing aroma according to the recipe of true Hungarian culinary specialists.

1. In a cauldron, we melt fat from fat, remove the cracklings. Reduce the heat and fry the onion in the fat. Add paprika to the onion, mix quickly and vigorously. Then immediately add the meat, add it and simmer, covering the container with a lid.

Important: if the paprika is fried in too hot fat, or done slowly, it will turn brown and start to taste bitter. Paprika is a necessary component in the recipe for beef goulash soup, which cannot be neglected in any way, otherwise it will not be goulash.

2. As soon as the juice that the meat has released has evaporated, add cumin with chopped garlic, a little water or broth to the cauldron, and leave the meat to simmer in a small amount of liquid, adding it if necessary. Water should only cover the beef, which is stewed for an hour and a half.

Advice. While the meat is languishing in a cauldron, knead the dough for the chips. To do this, mix the flour with the egg and salt. The dough should be tough and elastic. So that it does not dry out, put it in cellophane.

3. While the meat is being stewed, carrots should be fried separately in fat. As soon as the meat is ready, let the liquid boil completely, put the potatoes in the cauldron and fry it until it “turns glassy”.

4. Then we put tomatoes, peppers (Bulgarian and hot), fried carrots and aromatic roots (parsley or celery) in a cauldron. After 20 minutes, add potatoes, add liquid and cook until tender. If necessary, beef goulash soup must be salted.

5. 5-7 minutes before the goulash is ready, we send the chips to the goulash: for this, the dough must be rolled into a thin tourniquet. Pinching off the dough with the index and thumb, shapeless pieces the size of a fingernail are sent straight into the cauldron and wait until they are cooked. After that, the goulash must be turned off and let it brew a little.

If desired classic soup goulash before turning off can be seasoned with sour cream, pounded with a small amount flour, and add crushed bacon with garlic. When serving, sprinkle the soup with chopped herbs.

As you can see, the complexity of preparing such a dish is just an illusion. Hungarian beef goulash soup wonderful recipe for holiday menu. If for a picnic you decide to cook soup in a cauldron on a fire, the act of preparing goulash will capture the attention of the guests and give the event a bright zest. And they are great for dessert: if you wish, we will teach you how to cook them.

In order not to forget, save the recipe to your wall.

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We all know a dish called goulash. Probably each of us, at least once in our lives, took in the dining room mashed potatoes with goulash and gravy. And at home we cooked the same dish, with the same name. In one of my notes, I already brought to your attention a recipe for cooking. And it is with this recipe that many people still associate this dish.

And of course, not everyone knows that this dish is famous. national dish Hungarians. It was prepared by Hungarian shepherds long before the founding of the Hungarian state itself. And that this is not meat with gravy at all, but thick rich soup. Which is prepared according to certain rules, and it turns out so tasty that you can easily “eat it with a spoon”!

So today I want to offer you to cook such a Hungarian thick soup. It is called "Gulyash-levesh" (gulysleves), which literally translates as "shepherd's soup." It is not difficult to prepare, but it requires a certain composition of products and spices, without which it will not turn out the way it should be. Of course, in any case, it will be delicious. After all, it is not for nothing that there are many of his recipes in Hungary itself. But if you have never cooked it before, then try to cook it right right away. To enjoy its real taste, and only then knowing its taste firsthand, you can already experiment.

And so, what do we need to stock up on to cook real goulash soup. Well, first of all, it's meat. You need beef, always with a bone. It is recommended to take the shank. I don't always follow this recommendation. If there is no shank in the store, and I decided to cook goulash, I take, for example, as today, a spatula. It has a lot of pulp and has a bone, just what you need.

You also need paprika and bell pepper, the second is a little more. Need cumin. They say that if there is no cumin, then you should not start cooking goulash. You need very ripe red tomatoes. Now the beginning of summer, and the tomatoes are all greenhouse. They are red, but there is no juice and ripeness in them, so it is better to take canned tomatoes in own juice. Of course, the recipe is far from budgetary, but sometimes you can please your loved ones. What's more, it's worth it.

And one more important point, real goulash is cooked with Hungarian folk pasta. They are called "chipette" or "chippetki". This is an approximate analogue of "dumplings". We will make them ourselves. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult... On the contrary, it's very, very easy. Then you will make them for other dishes, so you will like them!

Now that we have everything we need, let's add what is in every kitchen and start cooking.

Hungarian beef goulash, step by step recipe with photo

We will need:

  • meat - 500 gr
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 1 pc (large)
  • Bulgarian pepper -2-3 pcs.
  • potatoes -3-4 pcs.
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 1 can
  • dill, parsley - a good bunch
  • garlic -3 cloves
  • paprika -3 tbsp. a spoon
  • cumin - a pinch
  • spices for beef -1 teaspoon
  • olive oil- 4 -5 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • black allspice peas - 6-7 peas
  • red chili pepper - to taste


1. Wash the meat and dry it with a paper towel. I got about 400 grams of pulp and 150 grams of meat on the bone. You can take 500 grams of pulp and a meat bone, the meat will not be superfluous.

2. Cut the pulp pretty large pieces, about 3x3cm. If you cut it smaller, then in the process of cooking all the juice will come out of it, and it will turn out tough and not tasty. Therefore, we cut larger. The bone must be mandatory. She gives the necessary broth to our dish, without broth it cannot be in any way.

3. Peel the onion, cut into two parts. Rinse with cold water so that it does not make us cry and cut into thin half rings. The thinner you cut it, the better. It is necessary that he gave all his juice to the dish, and he completely dissolved. And for this you need to cut it as thin as possible. take sharp knife, and in a minute the whole onion will be chopped.

4. We need larger carrots, peel them and cut them into cubes of about 1x1 cm. We will subsequently cut all vegetables into cubes of the same size. To make our dish not only tasty, but also beautiful.

5. Cut the bell pepper in the same way. It is believed that the more pepper, the tastier. There are recipes where pepper is taken as much as meat. Goulash turns out very beautiful when peppers of different colors are used. In autumn, when there are a lot of peppers, I try to take it in different colors for goulash. But now it’s the beginning of summer, all the pepper is “overseas”, it costs some crazy money, so we’ll limit ourselves to red.

6. We clean the potatoes in advance. Real goulash soup is always prepared with potatoes. I put it in water. Later, during the cooking process, we will have time to cut it into the same cubes as we cut other vegetables.

7. Peel the garlic, crush with the flat side of the knife and chop finely.

8. Wash the greens and put all the water in the glass. The greens are fresh, fragrant, just from the garden. There will just be a good aroma.

9. Open a jar of tomatoes, take out the tomatoes and if they are with a skin, remove it. She is of no use to us. If you cook from fresh tomatoes, then pour boiling water over them, and remove the skin. Then cut into large pieces. Tomatoes for cooking goulash must be juicy and very red. Color ready meal is also very important, and it will only come from very ripe tomatoes. You can of course "deceive the color" by adding a tablespoon tomato paste. So do it if there was neither the first nor the second option.

10. Prepare all the spices in advance so that everything is at hand and nothing is forgotten.

11. And for cooking we need a thick-walled pan or cauldron, in which we will immediately fry and cook. In such dishes, heat is distributed evenly, and our dish will turn out to be simply incredibly tasty in it.

When you cook goulash for the second and third time, you can do all this preparation, which is called "in the process." But if you are cooking for the first time, then prepare everything in advance so that you do not fuss later. But just keep track of the time, and send all the ingredients to the pan on time.

Any preparation of a delicious dish does not tolerate fuss and haste. When you fuss, one thing will burn, then another. And when you're in a hurry, you might even forget to put something in.

Now that we have everything ready, let's start cooking.

Cooking goulash - "shepherd's soup"

1. We heat olive oil in a saucepan, it is used in traditional recipe. If it is not there, then this is not a reason to refuse cooking. delicious dish. Sunflower oil will also fit.

2. Fry the onion in oil over high heat. Periodically stir it with a convenient “mixer” for this matter.

3. As soon as the onion is slightly "golden", add the meat and bone. Fry it over high heat until the meat turns white. A large fire is important as this will allow the meat to be tender. It will quickly "grab", and all the juice will remain inside. The meat will be juicy and chewy well.

While frying the meat with onions, it is necessary to stir the contents more often so that nothing burns. We don't have much oil, but the fire is big. Therefore, you almost follow, and then you will scrape the meat with onions from the bottom. And ruin the taste. And we don't need it? We do not move away from the stove, and stir, scooping up everything from all ends and edges.

4. Now add carrots. We mix. In the fall, when celery root appears on sale, add it. He will fill the goulash good combination and extra flavor. Today I was specifically looking for it, I went around all the shops, I didn’t find it ... It’s a pity. Well, what are we going to cook without him. Well, if you are more fortunate, then take it about the same as carrots. And add to the dish along with it.

5. Fry carrots for 5 minutes and add paprika. Stir and add immediately tomato sauce from tomatoes. If you have tomatoes and tomato paste, then dilute a spoonful of tomato paste in water, and add it. Paprika can not be kept on high heat and in oil for a long time. It is quickly fried and gives the dish a bitter taste. Therefore, they just poured it in, mixed it right there, and immediately added the liquid.

6. Once the tomato sauce has boiled, add the whole tomatoes. They are plum-shaped, medium-sized, and already peeled. If yours are larger, cut them into large pieces.

7. Again we wait until it boils. Now it's time to reduce the heat to medium, or even small. Until that time, we did everything on a big fire. Our soup should boil slightly, but not much. Only to "gurgle" and that's it. If the boil is strong, the color will go away and the taste will suffer. If it doesn't boil, then nothing will cook. Overdo it in such a broth vegetables and meat, and they will become tasteless and tough. So, as in many ways, we choose the "golden mean".

8. Once you have reached the desired boil, close the lid and leave the dish for 20 minutes to “gurgle” quietly.

9. During this time, cut the potatoes into cubes. And knead the dough for the "chips". The recipe will be below.

10. After 20 minutes, add chopped garlic and bell pepper.

11. Stir and pour boiled water. I poured a little less than a liter, about 850 ml. Do not forget that our soup should turn out thick. Therefore, when we mix, we imagine how much volume it will turn out when we add more potatoes and chips.

Content can be added to any vegetable broth. If it is prepared in advance, and most importantly - fresh, then add it. But there is no need to prepare. Vegetables and meat are enough to make a good rich soup.

12. Without waiting for boiling, put allspice, a pinch of cumin and a piece of red pepper into the soup. hot pepper. Highly spicy soup we will not cook, but if you want to be spicier, add more pepper. Be careful with the addition of cumin - just a small pinch and that's it! This odorous seasoning can add additional aroma and taste to the dish, or you can spoil it, and with ease.

13. Add fire and wait until the broth boils. Immediately add potatoes, beef spices and salt to taste. I added a little less than half a tablespoon of salt. I didn't need more because my tomatoes were salty.

14. As it boils, reduce the fire again. Simmer until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. During this time, chop the greens quite coarsely.

15. When the potatoes are ready, we determine this by tasting it, it remains to add greens and a little black pepper.

16. Then turn off the gas, cover with a lid. You don't need to boil greens. Leave the goulash to infuse for 25-30 minutes. For fidelity, you can cover it tightly with a towel. It is an essential part of making goulash. Don't neglect it! During this time, all the ingredients are slowly cooling down, exchanging their juices and tastes with each other. After that, the taste of the soup will be homogeneous, harmonious and very tasty.

It is this stage that will make goulash so that you can inadvertently “eat a spoon” without noticing.

17. Before you pour the soup, fish out all the peppercorns and a piece of red capsicum. If one or the other falls on the tooth, it will spoil the feeling of harmony. You also need to get the bone, remove the meat from it. Cut up the meat and put it back into the soup.

18. When serving, put a few “chips” and pour everything on top with broth with vegetables and meat. Eat without mayonnaise and even without sour cream. There and without moreover, just enough. There is no need to change the taste of a natural dish with any additives.

Well, in the meantime, the soup - goulash is infused, boil the "chippets". By the way, what is this word in general?

What are “chippets”, what they are eaten with, and how they are prepared

Everything is very simple, “chippets”, or “chippets” would be more correct - these are essentially small pieces regular test, which simply “pinched off” from the main piece. Or you can also call them - dumplings in Hungarian. The word, simply put, comes from the word "pinching". That is, this is such a simple folk way of cooking pasta. That's right, but where were the shepherds to roll noodles? Therefore, they came up with this method, pinched the dough and boiled it.

With what they eat - it's clear. Of course with goulash! Moreover, goulash and “chipette” are inextricably linked. Goulash with “chipette” is considered folk and traditional dish Hungarian cuisine. It is in this combination that it is served, whether in a restaurant or at home.

And finally, how to cook them? They are prepared from a very cool dough. You can cook just from eggs and flour, or you can use various additives. To do this, add greens or garlic to the dough.

A distinctive feature is that they are not dried like others pasta. And cooked raw. If you cook goulash at a time, then the “chipette” is immediately added to the soup. And if you eat it for the second time, it is better to boil them separately. And then, lying in the soup, they will begin to spread. And the second time the dish will not look so appetizing.

How to make "chips"

We will need:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch
  • flour - 100 gr (a little more than half a glass)


1. Crack an egg into a bowl. Mix it with salt using a fork.

2. Add flour. You don't need to pour it all in at once. Pour a little more than half, mix with a spoon. When the flour is mixed with the egg, start kneading the dough right in the bowl. Then sprinkle some flour on the table, transfer the dough there. And knead a thick dough, gradually adding required amount flour. The dough should turn out approximately like dumplings.

3. As well as for dumplings, cover the dough with a plastic bag or cling film. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes so that it "distances".

4. Then take it out, rinse well again. Get your board ready.

5. Pinching off small pieces about 1.5x1.5 cm in size, lay them out on the board.

6. Leave for a short time until "winding".

7. Put a pot of water on gas, bring the water to a boil. Salt. We throw the "chippets" into boiling water. Stir so they don't stick together.

8. We wait until they all come up. Then cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then we recline in a colander and wait until all the water drains.

9. Overlay finished goods into a bowl and top with goulash.

This amount of ingredients is for 2 servings. I cooked for three, and therefore kneaded the dough on 2 eggs. Everything is the same, only the glass left my flour.

And yet, I cooked goulash twice. Therefore, the “chipettes” were cooked separately. If you cook at once, then they need to be laid immediately in the soup. At the stage when the potatoes were put, let it boil for 10 minutes, and lay the “chips”. They will cook in soup for a little longer than separately. Approximately 10-12 minutes, apparently because of the tomatoes, they give acid and with tomatoes everything is cooked a little longer than usual!

For next time, I'll make fresh chips. Make them fast and not tiring. Rolling noodles, or making them for a lagman is much more difficult. By the way, my husband believes that goulash and (we already cooked it) have the same roots. There are of course small differences, but maybe that's the way it is.

That's the whole process of making real Hungarian thick soup under the name "goulash-levesh". It is impossible to describe in words how tasty and fragrant it turns out. And probably not necessary. And you just need to get together and cook, and then you yourself will enjoy its unique taste. And then, as in the well-known saying "no matter how much you say halva, it will not become sweeter in your mouth ..."

And do not look that much has been written. Everything is extremely simple! I have written everything in detail, so that everything will certainly work out for you. Yes, and when the soul lies to something, I want to talk and talk about it.

Well, for those who have already prepared ...

Enjoy your meal!

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