Diet rice soup. What's hot? Diet Rice Soup - The Best Recipes

Theoretically, a large selection is great. But when ordering lunch in a cafe, the simple question "Soup or salad?" confuses some contemplating a weight loss strategy. At least sometimes choose diet soup, in some countries it is customary to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These recipes are good in winter when fruits are expensive and the choice of available products is not suitable for weight loss. A set of products for vegetable soups is inexpensive, and their recipes guarantee harmony. A serving of soup without meat contains only 35 kcal.

It will be interesting to learn different recipes for making soup for weight loss for those who want to become slim and healthier. You can cook diet soup in a slow cooker, an ideal device for cooking healthy meals, or you can do it the old fashioned way - in a saucepan or saucepan.


For the soup you will need:


The sequence of actions is this.

  1. Peel the roots and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the peeled onion into half rings.
  4. Put vegetables and roots in a multicooker bowl, salt, add required amount water so that its level does not reach the last division. If the soup is cooked with rice, it is laid at the same stage.
  5. Add a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of pepper, other favorite spices. Some ready mixes include parsley, oregano, basil, garlic powder. Spice lovers can add cayenne pepper or curry.
  6. After the multicooker lid is closed, the “Extinguishing” mode is set, the dish will be cooked for 80 minutes.
  7. Frozen cabbage is added to the bowl 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

To increase the calorie content of the menu due to protein when serving, some recipes recommend adding a hard-boiled egg. Sprinkle with finely chopped green onion. Those who do not want to give up meat during the period of weight loss will add 400 g chicken breast without skin. As vegetable mix you can use a package of frozen vegetables for frying from the store, they are available for recipes of various traditional cuisines.

On the stove

If the dish for weight loss is prepared in regular saucepan, peeled and chopped onions, potatoes, along with rice, put in water or broth, bring to a boil, add black pepper and Bay leaf, cook on low heat for twenty minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.

Soup-loving gourmets will certainly be interested in recipes for making soup broth with rice and rabbit meat. The washed rabbit meat is cut into pieces, put in a saucepan, poured with water, black pepper is added, and boiled for forty minutes.

Benefits of Rice Soup

The advantage of rice, one of the most common foods in the world, is the ability to lose weight without giving up nutrients, vitamins, amino acids. It also contains fiber - ballast substances, enzymes that support the health of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps to cleanse the body and break down fats.

We advise you to eat this soup every day for a week for weight loss. Along with this dish, you can add vegetables, fruits, yogurt, stewed beef or chicken. Don't forget to drink water. Such a diet allows you to part with 4 kilograms in a week.

About the benefits of rice

Various rice recipes are popular for weight loss: they are low in calories, effectively cleanse the body and, last but not least, they are very tasty.

One of the types of emergency cleansing of the body is a rice fast. It helps to get rid of several kilograms and cleanse from the inside. This mild form of fasting does not have the extreme symptoms of dehydration, and it gently removes toxins. But you can’t practice a rice fast for a long time, after leaving it, it’s time to remember the recipes for soups. Daily use these dishes allows you to eat vegetables regularly. Well-thought-out recipes can bring three or four types of them into the diet.

In the records on an ancient scroll, whose age is more than 5,000 years, rice soup referred to as a healing and weight loss formula. Rice is the most important product in Chinese medicine, in the Celestial Empire they believe that by giving us this product, God blessed humanity. He not only does harmonious combination acids and alkalis in the gastrointestinal tract, but also has a calming effect on the digestive organs, which is important for people weakened by stress, illness, hard work, lack of sleep.

The advantage of rice is the ability to quickly provide the body with energy, stabilize blood sugar levels, slow down aging, supply vitamin B1. Regular use eating rice makes skin healthier, improves metabolism and digestion, lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, and provides prevention of dysentery, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, rice is a fundamental product of many cuisines of the world.

Since cereal is rich in carbohydrates, it is fuel for the body and helps the brain to function properly. Rice does not contain fat, cholesterol and sodium, which is very useful for losing weight for those who suffer from excess weight. Low content sodium makes rice an indispensable product for hypertensive patients.

Resistant starch, which is abundant in grains, reaches the intestines in an undigested form. There, it stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria, which is useful for those who suffer from constipation or diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome. This cereal improves the lives of millions of people who consume it.

Rice soup is nutritious and well digestible. Even if your weight is normal, at least once a week take a little time and enjoy this simple and delicious dish. Be creative and come up with your own recipes!

In contact with

Often, when women begin to lose weight, they wonder what foods are right and low in calories. Rice is such a product. Rice groats contain very important and useful vitamins group B, they help maintain nervous system normal, as well as hair, nails and skin. Rice helps strengthen cardiovascular system, improve metabolism and lead to weight loss. 100 grams of rice contains 325 calories, so you should not abuse it when losing weight big amount rice. Rice soup - perfect option satisfying, and most importantly, dietary lunch without harm to the body. It is easy to prepare and requires a minimum of products. There are many options for recipes for dietary rice soups for weight loss.

Diet soup with rice


Take a deep saucepan and pour water into it, put on medium heat until the water boils. Peel and wash onions and carrots. Chop the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a medium-sized grater. Add vegetable cutting into boiling water. Peel potatoes, cut into medium cubes and add after 7 minutes. When the water boils again, add white rice, previously soaked in cold water, and salt to taste, remembering to stir the broth from time to time. Add spices and herbs (fresh or dried, at your own discretion) as desired. When the soup is ready, add the oil, boil for 4 minutes and remove the soup from the heat. It turned out very tasty, and most importantly, dietary rice soup. Serve hot with black bread and garlic.

Soup-puree with rice for weight loss

Puree soup, due to its consistency, has a good effect on the work of the stomach. Also, this soup will help unload the body, adjust the water-salt balance and give strength for the whole day. Low-calorie puree soup is best served fresh, so do not cook it in large portions.

You will need:

Take a deep saucepan, pour water into it and put on medium heat, wait until it boils. Pour white rice into boiling water, previously washed in cold water, not forgetting to stir. Cook until rice grains are cooked. The next step is to prepare the vegetables. Peel carrots and onions. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion small cubes. 7 minutes before removing the soup from the heat, add carrots and chopped onions. Salt and add spices to taste. Potatoes can be added if desired. Mix the finished soup well with a blender and add butter. Diet puree soup ready.

chicken rice soup recipe

This soup is easy to prepare and takes little time. Chicken protein can help improve metabolism and allow you to grow muscle mass.


First you need to defrost the chicken. Rinse well and cut into several pieces. Pour water into a saucepan and cook chicken over medium heat. Salt the broth to taste. Do not forget to remove the foam from the broth.
The next step is to prepare the vegetables. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes. Peel the carrots, grate or cut into cubes. Next, peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
After the meat is cooked, it should be pulled out of the finished broth and put in a separate plate. And add chopped vegetables to the broth itself: onions, carrots and potatoes.
While the vegetables are cooking, you can do the rice. Rice should be washed cold water. After that, we send it to the broth, where the vegetables are already cooked.
After the chicken has cooled, it should be cut into small cubes and added to the broth. Add spices to taste to the soup and cook for another 6 minutes. We take it off the fire. Soup with rice is ready, bon appetit!

Chicken soups with rice groats- the basis diet food with multiple disruptions digestive system, but they are so loved in our country that rarely does any hostess keep a couple of other similar recipes in her “piggy bank”.

Very beneficial if you have to save money, and very good for people leading an active lifestyle.

In chicken soup with rice, especially if you can cook it from poultry and flavor with homemade oil and herbs, almost all the components necessary for good nutrition are enough.

Chicken Rice Soup - General Cooking Principles

Chicken soups with rice are made from chicken broth, and rice is added during the cooking process. For broth, you can use either a whole bird carcass or any part of it, and even meatballs from minced chicken.

The method of preparation of such soups is basically the same. In a hot, better boiling broth, in a certain sequence, cooked foods, fresh or browned vegetables are laid. The order depends on the cooking time of each ingredient.

Vegetables are cut into strips, slices, cubes of various sizes or with a special knife for cutting vegetables into beautiful curly blocks. It all depends on the type of soup.

Chicken for the broth is taken purchased or homemade. Broths from poultry are more saturated, with fragrant fat and a pleasant yellow color. It is better to remove the skin from the purchased one before cooking, and leave it at home.

Prepared poultry meat must be thoroughly washed several times with running water, removing the remains of feathers from the skin, lungs and kidneys should also be removed from the carcass.

In the choice of rice, it is worth stopping at medium grain. Such rice does not go to side dishes, it gives the dish an unnecessary viscosity, but just right for such soups. Keep in mind that rice becomes snow-white after processing (grinding), after which it has already lost almost all useful components.

Before cooking, rice, especially loose rice, is sorted out, removing everything that is not white - garbage, spoiled grains, accidentally caught husks, are thoroughly washed, draining the water several times until it becomes transparent and soaked. Drain the water after the rice swells, rinse and dry the grains a little. In the process of soaking, rice absorbs moisture, therefore, it will cook faster, and the color of the rice itself also improves.

Simple chicken soup with rice

Basic recipe for diet food. If you exclude greens and reasonably approach the preparation of frying, then it is perfect as a first soup for a baby.


500 grams of chicken (about 1/2 carcass);

Half a glass of rice with round grains;

Onion bulb;

One medium sized carrot;

Greens, salt at the discretion.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken according to the recipe is designed for three liters of water for making broth.

2. Form the onion into cubes, grate the carrots on a grater with small cells.

3. Fry the onion until transparent, add carrots and sauté vegetables until amber. Root vegetables should be fried in vegetable oil.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

5. Remove the chicken from the pan, divide by portioned pieces, if desired, separate the bones from the meat and lower them back.

6. Put the potatoes, prepared rice into the boiling broth.

7. After fifteen minutes, add browned onions and carrots, add some salt and continue to cook with a slight boil until the dish is ready. The soup is ready when the potatoes are soft.

8. Fall asleep finely chopped greens. Cover with a lid and insist for ten minutes.

Chicken soup with rice, sorrel and eggs


1/2 carcass of poultry;

1/3 cup medium grain rice;

5 potatoes;

Onion, medium-sized bulb;

small carrot;

Two bunches of sorrel, small;

4 things. chicken eggs;

Cooking method:

1. Largely three carrots.

2. Put the chicken in the pan whole piece, pour 2–2.5 liters cold water, preferably not from the tap and put on fire. As it boils, remove the foam, lower the onion, add the carrots and cover with a lid to cook the broth at a gentle boil until tender. Poultry meat broth is cooked for 2 to 3 hours.

3. Take out the chicken and take it apart and put it back into the pan.

4. Sort the sorrel, removing debris and excess grass, remove the stems. Rinse the sorrel prepared in this way under the tap, spread it on a towel and let it dry.

5. Cut the dried sorrel leaves across into “straws”.

6. Peel eggs from the shell. Rinse each egg under running water to remove small pieces of eggshell.

7. Eggs can be cut into large pieces or divided lengthwise into two parts.

8. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and put them in a saucepan with hot broth. When it boils, add rice. Mix well and cook on low heat until the potatoes are soft.

9. Salt, fall asleep sorrel and eggs, if they are cut into pieces. Eggs cut into two halves are recommended to be laid out on plates when serving.

10. Boil for five minutes, and cool to an acceptable temperature.

Chicken soup with rice and dried mushrooms

Considered a recipe Chinese food, our hostesses brought to it only the sour cream dressing loved by many.


400-500 grams of chilled chicken, or fresh fillet;

Half a glass of rice;

Five medium sized potatoes;

100 grams of dried, preferably large, mushrooms;

Medium sized carrot;

Small bulb;

Salt, sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Dried, preferably forest, mushrooms are thoroughly washed, put in a small container and pour water so that it completely covers the mushrooms for half an hour. Mushrooms can not be soaked, but then they should be boiled for 20 minutes in water in advance so that they soften.

2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into small strips, and onions into small cubes.

3. Soaked or boiled chilled mushrooms are slightly squeezed by hand and chopped with a knife. If you scroll the mushrooms in a meat grinder, the soup will turn out to be more fragrant.

4. We prepare frying from carrots and onions by frying chopped root vegetables in butter or any refined vegetable oil. When the carrots and onions turn amber, add chopped mushrooms, simmer with the lid closed for fifteen minutes, not forgetting to stir.

5. Cut the fillet into small portioned pieces, pour water in a saucepan and put on the included stove. Until the moment of boiling, remove the resulting var (foam) from the surface.

6. Pour into a pot of boiled water, potato cubes, prepared rice. Salt, stir the contents of the pan well so that the rice does not stick to its bottom, and cook until the potatoes are ready at the lowest boil.

7. Add the roast with the mushrooms stewed in it, boil the soup for another ten minutes.

8. Fill the soup poured into portioned plates with sour cream, preferably not very greasy.

Chicken soup with rice and meatballs

The peculiarity of this recipe is that it is not prepared with chicken broth, its basis is vegetable broth in which juicy minced chicken meatballs are laid. To make the meatballs more tender and crumbly, boiled rice is added to them.


600-700 grams of chicken trimmings for meatballs (you can fillet breast);

0.5 cups of unpolished rice with round grains;

5–6 potatoes;

Two small bulbs;

Medium, sweet carrot;

Milk for soaking bread;

A small piece of white, dried bread;

One egg;

Salt and ground peppercorns are added at the discretion.

Cooking method:

1. Put the bread in a small bowl, cut the crusts in advance, fill with milk. After ten minutes, take out the bread and squeeze out the excess milk.

2. Chicken meat, squeezed bread, scroll a small onion in a meat grinder.

3. Put the minced meat in a separate container, beat a raw egg and knead, adding salt and pepper until the desired taste is obtained and uniform consistency.

4. Moisten your hands with cold water and use a teaspoon to form small, 3-4 cm in diameter, meatballs.

5. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, a centimeter in size.

6. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrot into medium-sized strips or grate coarsely on a grater.

7. Fry the onion, preferably in butter. When the edges of the onion begin to blush, acquiring an amber hue, add the carrots and continue, stirring, fry for another ten minutes. The main thing is that the roast does not burn.

8. Put a saucepan with 2.5 liters of cold, filtered water on the fire.

9. When the water in the pan boils, add the potato cubes, remove the foam and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat.

10. Pour rice into boiling potato broth, mix and boil for 10 minutes on low heat.

11. Lay the meatballs, salt, cook until the potatoes are ready, removing the foam with a spoon or slotted spoon.

12. Put the vegetables fried in butter in a saucepan, simmer the soup for ten minutes at a minimum temperature, with the lid closed.

Chicken soup with rice and dumplings

The highlight of this soup is potato dumplings. They can be put in chicken soup with or without potatoes. Try not to completely remove the salt in which it was salted from the fat, but reduce its amount in the broth - you get original dish.


800 grams of chicken or soup set;

Half a kilo of potatoes;

Small carrot;

Onion- a head of 80-100 grams;

Washed rice - 5 tbsp. spoons;

One raw egg;

Sifted wheat flour, premium or first grade - 5 tbsp. spoons;

Two tablespoons of semolina;

A bunch of green dill;

Spices, spices are mild, not too spicy.

Cooking method:

1. Cook the broth from the cooked chicken, fill the meat with two liters of water.

2. Cut two potatoes into cubes with a rib size of one and a half centimeters.

3. Pour potatoes into hot chicken broth, prepared rice, bring to a boil, reduce heat and continue cooking until the potatoes are half cooked.

4. Remove the saucepan with separately boiled potatoes from the stove. Drain the broth, knead with a potato masher until homogeneous mass, beat in the egg. Salt a little and pepper a little.

5. Add sifted flour, semolina, chopped dill (half a bunch) and knead the dough for dumplings.

6. With a special figured knife for vegetables, cut the carrots into small cubes, chop the onion into small pieces with an ordinary knife.

7. Fry vegetables in refined vegetable oil for three minutes and pour them into a pan with half-cooked potatoes.

8. Having moistened hands with water, we form from potato dough balls, the size of a cherry plum, and lower them into a pot of soup. A small piece can be placed in each dumpling salty fat.

9. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat. The soup is ready when all the dumplings rise to the top.

10. Serve chicken soup with rice necessarily sprinkled with finely chopped dill.

Chicken soup with rice and dumplings "Poltavchanka"

Stylized as Ukrainian cuisine the recipe is tasty, but quite high in calories.


1/2 carcass domestic chicken;

Half a glass of rice;

1 chicken egg;

5 tablespoons of sifted flour;

Bulb of white onion;

Medium carrot;

fresh greens.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the chicken into small pieces. Put in a saucepan and boil the broth in one and a half liters of water.

2. Pour the cooked rice into a saucepan with ready hot chicken broth, salt, bring to a boil and cook at low heat for ten minutes.

3. Cut carrots and onions into small pieces and sauté until amber.

4. Beat the egg with a whisk or fork, preventing foam from forming. Add salt, constantly whisking, introduce flour in small portions. It should turn out thin and not too batter.

5. Using a teaspoon and a tablespoon, spread the dough into a saucepan with rice, forming dumplings (moisten a tablespoon in water, grab a little dough, and carefully remove the dough with a teaspoon into a saucepan with soup).

6. Boil dumplings for 5–8 minutes on low heat.

7. Serving on the table, you can decorate with parsley, sorted into leaves.

Creamy chicken soup with rice

Dissolved in soup processed cheese gives it a gentle creamy taste. Such a soup does not need to be seasoned with sour cream, it is enough to decorate the plates with finely chopped greens when serving.


700 grams of chicken trimmings, or fillet;

5-6 small potatoes;

1/2 cup round rice;

Processed cheese "Friendship";

One small carrot;

Head of white onion;

Cooking method:

1. Put chicken meat in a two-liter saucepan, pour it over, preferably with filtered water and cook for about half an hour after boiling.

2. Cut the carrots into small strips potatoes into centimeter-sized cubes. Chop the onion into small pieces.

3. Add chopped vegetables to a saucepan with broth simmering at a low boil and let it boil.

4. Pour in the rice, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are cooked.

5. Remove the cooked meat from the pan, cut it into small pieces or strips and return it back.

6. After boiling for 7-8 minutes, put the processed cheese and dissolve it in the soup, stirring with a spoon.

7. Pour into plates, serve to the table, sprinkled with herbs.

Chicken soup with rice and pumpkin

Handsome and unusual soup, very useful for those who aspire to proper nutrition. Select lean chicken, or remove the fat from the carcass before cooking. The combination of ingredients well stimulates the digestive and metabolic processes of the body.


Whole chicken;

1 small onion;

Half a kilo of pumpkin;

Two carrots;

Two celery stalks;

5 aromatic black peppercorns;

Butter and vegetable oil;

Two stems of leeks, white;

Half a liter of milk;

1/3 cup rice;


Freshly ground black pepper;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken into four parts and pour one and a half liters of water.

2. Chop the carrots and celery into very small cubes, remove the husk from the onion and leave it whole. Put all the vegetables prepared in this way to the chicken and cook the broth. The cooking time of the broth is an hour and a half.

3. Remove the chicken from the pan, remove the skin, separate the meat from the bones and cut it into strips.

4. Strain the broth through a sieve to remove spices and vegetables added during cooking.

5. Peel the pumpkin from seeds and internal fibers, cut into cubes with a rib size of two centimeters.

6. Cut the leek into rings two centimeters wide.

7. In a saucepan, heat the mixed butter with vegetable oil well, add the leek and pumpkin. Fry on moderate heat for 5-6 minutes, cover with a lid and simmer at low temperature until the pumpkin begins to soften.

8. Pour 900 ml of cooked broth into a saucepan with pumpkin. Bringing to a boil, lower the temperature and simmer with the lid closed for about ten minutes.

9. Take a measuring container, pour the remaining broth, add water so that there is half a liter of liquid in the container.

10. Bring to a boil in a separate bowl, add the prepared rice and cook for fifteen minutes.

11. Grind the soup with a blender or in another way convenient for you and pour it into the pan.

12. After adding chicken meat, milk, unwashed cooked rice, stir and let the broth boil.

13. The soup is ready, pour into bowls and serve.

Improve taste and give a rich aroma chicken soup, you can put when cooking the broth toasted in boiling oil chicken bones.

If the soup is cooked in a smaller container, it will turn out much better.

Poultry meat in the soup will become much softer if, after boiling it for twenty minutes, remove it from the broth and lower it into the chilled one for five minutes, boiled water. Then put back into the boiling broth.

Rice soup will be transparent if the rice is poured with boiling water for five minutes before laying and put on a sieve so that excess water is glassed.

Already read: 4320 times

When following a diet for weight loss, do not forget about soups. Rice diet soup is quite satisfying and at the same time helps to fight against overweight.How to cook diet soup with rice read and see further.

Diet soups with rice: recipes

The secret of rice soup for weight loss is in large numbers vegetables and herbs.

Recipe Vegetable soup with rice


  • 0.5 st. rice
  • 2 l per ode
  • carrot
  • onion
  • parsley or celery root
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil
  • greenery
  • salt

Cooking method:

1. Wash and peel the carrots, cut into slices.

2. Peel and chop the onion into a small cube.

3. Grate the parsley root.

4. Put the prepared vegetables and roots into the pan. Pour in water and put on medium heat.

5. Boil the vegetable broth until the carrots are cooked. Then drain the broth and strain.

6. Boil rice in strained broth.

7. Add boiled vegetables and roots to the broth. Boil.

8. Salt the soup, season with vegetable oil.

9. Finely chop the greens.

Serve soup with fresh herbs.

Rice can be delicious spring soup with sorrel and greens.

Recipe Diet soup with rice and herbs


  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 0.5 st. rice
  • 1 bunch. sorrel
  • parsley and dill
  • onion
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Boil rice in salted water.
  2. Sorrel cut into large strips and lay in boiling rice broth.
  3. Onion cut into strips and fry in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. Chop greens.
  5. Season the finished soup with fried onions and fresh herbs.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste. You can add zucchini or celery to the soup.

For lovers of milk soups with rice, I suggest watching a video recipe.

video recipe diet recipe « Milk rice soup»

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

If you want to eat something, on the one hand, dietary, and on the other hand, nutritious, then opt for rice soup with vegetables.

It is not only useful, but also very tasty. In addition, such a vegetable soup very easy, so even those housewives who do not like to mess around in the kitchen will not get tired. How to cook diet rice vegetable soup?

Ingredients for cooking diet soup with rice and vegetables

1) Potatoes - 2-4 pcs. (depending on size).

2) Carrot - 1 pc.

3) Onion - 1 pc.

4) Beijing cabbage - 3-4 circles.

5) Tomatoes - 4-5 pcs. (depending on size).

5) Dill - 1 bunch.

6) Eggs - 1-2 pcs.

7) Rice - 50-70 grams.

8) Salt and seasonings - to your taste.

Recipe for diet soup with rice and vegetables

Put a pot of water on the fire. Salt the water well and add the right spices. While the water boils, chop the vegetables. Onions and fresh carrots should be peeled, washed well under running water and cut into squares. Carrots can be cut and not long strips. According to your taste. If the water is already boiling, then put the carrots and onions in the pan.

Peel fresh potatoes with a knife and wash under running water. Then cut it into small cubes. Put in a pot of soup.

Take chinese cabbage and remove the top layer if it is dirty. Then cut three or four circles. Also spread to the rest of the vegetables in the pan.

Dill should be finely chopped. You can use other greens of your choice. It can be basil, parsley, celery. Greens can be thrown immediately, or you can already before turning off the fire.

Tomatoes or finely chop or rub on a grater.

Rice should be washed well so that the water is clean. Then add the rice to the soup.

All vegetables are already cooked. Wait another ten minutes for the soup to simmer a little. Now take a mashed spoon and remember the potatoes in the soup.

Now you can pour eggs into our diet soup with rice and vegetables. To do this, break the egg in a saucer, shake well, and then carefully pour the egg into the pan with a fork.