What do you need for mulled wine. Dry red wine mulled wine

Walking one of the December evenings somewhere in Germany ... You will definitely be offered a cup of mulled wine right on the street.

This delicious old red wine-based hot drink perfectly warms in cold weather, restores vigor, saturates with concentrated summer warmth and a thick spicy aroma. A cup of mulled wine in the company of old friends - what could be better for a pleasant conversation...

Mulled wine-German Glühwein (gluwine) from glühender Wein is a flaming wine. It is a wine-based hot alcoholic drink.

Traditionally consumed in Austria, Germany, the Scandinavian countries and Canada at Christmas markets and outdoor festivals.

The roots of this drink go back to ancient times, namely, at a time when the ancient Romans began to mix wine with spices to better preserve it and give the wine a "noble" taste.

In a 2,000-year-old cookbook written by a Roman citizen, Alicits, one can find descriptions of making a drink from wine with the addition of cinnamon, cloves, thyme, coriander and bay leaf. At that time, spices were very expensive, and only a few inhabitants of Rome could afford such wine.

In cookbooks of the 16th century, recipes for making mulled wine based on Bordeaux and claret begin to appear. Honey, cinnamon, cardamom and galingal herb are mentioned as the main ingredients. The last component is rather curious for its invigorating properties.

A 1660 book by Robert May suggests mixing a gallon of dry red wine, 3 ounces of cinnamon, 2 ounces of ginger, 14 ounces of cloves, 1 ounce of nutmeg husk, 20 black peppercorns, 3 pounds of sugar, and 2 quarts of cream.

Over time, the basis of the mulled wine recipe crystallized and acquired exactly the framework in which the modern hot drink is being prepared now.

The basis of any mulled wine is dry red wine (preferably ordinary and inexpensive), water, sugar, nutmeg, cloves. Of course, mulled wine masters do not limit the list of spices, and often it includes: lemon, orange or their peel, dried fruits, cinnamon, star anise, pepper, anise, honey, apple slices and various fruit juices.

Mulled wine is prepared very easily, but does not tolerate haste or inattention. Just 10-15 minutes and the drink is ready. You can treat friends or a friend who accidentally came by.

Climb up on the sofa with your feet, cover yourself with a blanket, and slowly sip mulled wine, immerse yourself in pleasant memories.

So how do you make delicious mulled wine?

The simplest table wine is best. If you are bored with its usual taste, try adding a little brandy, cognac or rum, but only a little. Or for a change, you can cook mulled wine with good expensive wine.

Water is also important. It is best if it is spring, but any bottled one will do, as long as it is not “from the tap”. There should be little water - about a glass for every liter of wine.

Spices in each case are selected individually.. There is a certain generally accepted set, without which not a single mulled wine can do. These are sugar, cloves and cinnamon. In addition to them, cardamom, anise, honey, red and black peppercorns, nutmeg, slices of dry orange, lemon or apple can be added to mulled wine (in general, you can add a variety of dried fruits).

Some of these components are interchangeable, for example, the citrus part can be replaced with cardamom, because the aroma of cardamom has a lemon-eucalyptus taste. Ginger has a warming effect, besides, it gives a certain sharpness to the drink. Ginger can be replaced with peppers (in small quantities).

It is allowed to add pieces of fresh fruits and citrus fruits to mulled wine. If you choose to use lime instead of lemon, keep in mind that lime is more nutritious and should be added with care.

If the wine is dry, add sugar or honey. The latter is best mixed into the drink at the very end of preparation.

Spices in mulled wine play the role of substances that complement the aroma of wine, so it is important not to clog the wine aroma, but to supplement it, to create a certain composition from which nothing is knocked out and everything together “sounds” like a good jazz band.

The most important element in the preparation of mulled wine is the heating temperature, or rather cooking temperature. The basic principle is to never let the drink boil and even just warm up above the required temperature. The optimum temperature for mulled wine is 70°C, perhaps a little more. Do not overexpose mulled wine, you should not bring it to a “pre-boil”, it is better to underexpose a little.

Mulled wine recipes are like stars in the sky. I will give a few as guidelines - any of these recipes can be transformed and changed according to your tastes and preferences.

Several mulled wine recipes

Recipe #1

a bottle of red wine (0.75 l),
400 g water
100 g sugar
5 g cinnamon
10 g cloves,
100 g cognac,
slice of lemon.
Pour wine into fireproof glassware, heat it a little, add sugar. Stir. Add cinnamon and cloves. Bring to a temperature of 70°C. Let stand for a few minutes. Pour in cognac and pour into preheated glasses.

Recipe #2

a bottle of semi-dry red wine,
3 art. l. Sahara,
3 lemon slices
1 st. l. honey,
5-6 cloves,
1/2 cinnamon stick
3-4 peas of allspice,
5-6 spicy red peppers
2/3 tsp nutmeg
1 teaspoon cardamom
1 st. water.
In a fireproof glass dish, heat water, add pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom and cinnamon. Simmer vigorously for 5 minutes, then lower the flame and pour in the wine. Add sugar and stir.

Add chopped orange and lemon. Continue heating the mixture up to 70°C and even a little more. Then take it off the heat and let it brew for a few minutes. Add a spoonful of honey, stir and pour into glasses. Make sure that everyone gets a slice of citrus in the glass.

Recipe #3

1 bottle of semi-sweet red wine,
6-7 carnation flowers
4-5 peas of allspice,
1/2 teaspoon (or 18 whole nuts) nutmeg,
1 cinnamon stick
12 oranges
12 glasses of water.
Pour water over the cloves, nutmeg and pepper, bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for a few minutes. Turn off the flame and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

At this time, pour the wine into the cooking container and gradually heat it up. Then pour in the previously prepared mixture, add sugar, stir and bring to 70°C. Remove from heat and pour into glasses.

Recipe #4

1/2 bottle of red wine
2 cups natural coffee
150 g sugar
100 g of cognac.
Pour the wine into a bowl, heat it up, pour in 2 cups of strong coffee, add sugar, stir, bring the mixture to 70 ° C, pour in the cognac. Let it brew for a couple of minutes. Pour into glasses.

Recipe number 5

1/2 liter dry red wine
80 g raisins,
100 g sugar
10 carnation flowers
4 star anise fruits
1/2 cinnamon stick
1 lemon
1/2 apple.
Heat wine in a glass ovenproof dish, add raisins, cloves, anise and cinnamon. Stir and add sugar. Stir again and add the lemon and apple cut into small slices.

Bring the mixture to 70°C and let it steep for a couple of minutes. Pour into clear glasses, tall glasses or mugs. Don't forget the lemon and apple slices in every glass!

From the mere mention of mulled wine, thoughts of coziness and comfort come to mind, and on the lips there is a desire to feel the tart aftertaste of a delicious drink. Mulled wine is popular among residents of different countries, and curious facts about its origin cannot remain in the shadows. How to cook mulled wine at home and with what to use it?

Origin of the drink

Of German origin, "glühwein" means "hot, flaming wine". Mulled wine is made from wine, and you can use both red and white. Drink warm.

This drink was first mentioned in 1420 and is associated with the county of Katzenelnbogen, located in Germany. Further, a hot alcoholic drink appeared in the Scandinavian countries, and then it was called “glögg” for short. Thus, Germany is considered the homeland, but at the same time, over the centuries, the recipe has been processed and modified, new ingredients and components have been added.

Classic mulled wine recipe

When preparing alcoholic mulled wine according to the classic recipe, no one deviates from the main ingredients. Spices for mulled wine are added in the standard form, but if you want something unusual, then it is possible to deviate. The components include:

  • 700 ml of red wine;
  • 90-100 ml of purified plain water;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg;
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 1 thin cinnamon stick.

This amount of products is enough to brew 4 servings of the drink. As for the cooking technology, first mix the spices in a container and add water. Bring the mass slowly to a boil, but at the same time, make sure that it does not boil. We filter the broth through a strainer, later we add wine, a package of spices and one dessert spoon of granulated sugar to the container.

The final stage of cooking is heating the mass over a fire to 70 degrees, but not to a boil. Cover with a lid and leave for up to 10 minutes, then serve in special glasses. Bon Appetit.

Recipes with ready-made seasoning

If you don’t know how to brew mulled wine from scratch, then it will be much easier to brew a drink with ready-made seasonings. These today can be bought at the grocery store or supermarket. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • one bottle of red wine (0.75 l);
  • 1/3 cup plain water;
  • 1-2 dessert spoons of granulated sugar;
  • set of seasonings for mulled wine.

The cooking technology is simple: first, pour the seasoning into the Turk, then fill it with water and cook for one minute. Let the broth stand for ten minutes. Next, pour the wine into a container and heat it, pour the mass from the Turks into the bowl, and at the end add sugar. Serve in tall glasses. Bon Appetit!

A simple recipe for mulled wine with citrus fruits

Citrus fruits: grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime and others will complement the drink well. With fruits, a cold remedy is also prepared. But in the cooking process, you will need other ingredients:

  • 550 ml of white wine;
  • one orange;
  • two lemons;
  • 6 cloves;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

The cooking process is simple. If you have never tried to brew this unsurpassed and fragrant drink, follow a few steps. First, in a saucepan, mix wine, spices, granulated sugar and pre-peeled and diced fruit.

Throw the ingredients into one bowl (not enamel) and put on medium heat. Do not bring to a boil, just look at the sugar (do not remove from heat until it dissolves). Then close the lid and leave for 12-15 minutes to infuse the drink. Mulled wine should be served hot in special transparent glasses. Bon Appetit!

Recipe for homemade mulled wine with nuts

Making an intoxicating drink is a fascinating thing. If you want to try something interesting, you should add nuts. So, the ingredients of the homemade recipe with nuts include:

  • one liter of red wine;
  • 4-5 buds of dried cloves;
  • 2 dessert spoons of granulated sugar;
  • juice from half a ripe lemon;
  • half a teaspoon or a pinch of chopped nutmeg;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Pour the wine into a fireproof vessel, then warm slightly. Add the above ingredients one by one and mix. Heat the container to 70 degrees maximum and soak for fifteen minutes. After that, enjoy a fragrant drink.

How to cook mulled wine with juice

Due to the large part of the juice content, mulled wine has an unsurpassed taste. Note that culinary experts recommend using only orange juice. To prepare this wonderful drink at home in 20 minutes, you need the following components:

  • dry wine (red semi-sweet) - 750 ml;
  • orange juice - 450 ml;
  • 2 large apples, possibly green;
  • cane sugar - 7 dessert spoons;
  • spices and nuts as desired.

Pour the juice into a saucepan, add sugar and spices. Peel the apples in advance and cut into pieces 5-6, removing the core. Throw the apples into the pan, after 15 minutes add the wine. You need to bring the mulled wine to 80 degrees, then strain and pour the drink into glasses. Serve hot only.

Making red wine mulled wine

If you love red wine, then you will need some ingredients to make this treat at home. Mulled wine loves variety, because the recipe has been altered more than once. So, the ingredients are:

  • red wine - one bottle;
  • 7 cloves;
  • 0.5 dessert spoon of ground nuts (nutmeg);
  • 2 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 1/3 of a glass of plain water (boiled).

To make the cooking process enjoyable, prepare a cezve and a fireproof dish. First, pour the cloves and nuts into the Turk, add water and bring the mass to a boil. After that, boil the mixture for about a minute and remove from heat, let it brew for 12-15 minutes.

Then follow a series of actions: pour your favorite wine into the prepared dish and put it on the stove (small fire). After a while, add the contents of the Turks and two dessert spoons of sugar there. As soon as you see the first bubbles, remove from the stove and pour into glasses.

Wine selection

Red wine mulled wine is popular. But the drink is prepared with or without white wine. You can choose according to your preference:

  • dry red;
  • semi-dry red;
  • sweet red;
  • semi-sweet;
  • white of the same species.

Use the wine you like.

How to make a spicy white wine drink

To make mulled wine with a fragrant note, take 500 ml of dry white wine, 2-3 dessert spoons of granulated sugar, 1 vanilla pod or 1 bag of vanilla granulated sugar. The highlight will be fresh-frozen raspberries (200 grams). During the cooking process, repeat the same steps as in the classic cooking version.

Pour wine into a small container, add sugar and raspberries (optional). Cut the vanilla pod in half, scrape and pour into the wine. Then over low heat, without bringing to a boil, heat, let it brew for up to 10 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and pour into cups. Bon Appetit.

How to brew non-alcoholic mulled wine

Mulled wine is a healthy drink if consumed in moderation. You don't have to get drunk on it. You can cheer yourself up without alcohol, and for this you need a little:

  • container (not aluminum);
  • burner with a small fire;
  • a quarter liter of juice (it is better to take grape, but you can also taste it);
  • seasonings;
  • water;

Mix the ingredients in a container and bring to 70 degrees over low heat. At the same time, it is possible to heat all this at once and together, or cook separately, and then only add juice to the volume. Bon Appetit.

Winter version with apples and cinnamon

This winter treat is an alternative for those who want to try something tasty and non-alcoholic. Take natural apple juice, add lemon zest and a few orange slices. This taste cannot be compared with alcoholic mulled wine. The ingredients are simple:

  • liter of apple juice;
  • two tablespoons of lemon zest;
  • one orange;
  • 2-3 cloves;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • a pinch of cardamom;
  • a piece of nutmeg;
  • 80 ml of water.

The cooking process boils down to the fact that we cut the orange into slices, put it in a saucepan and pour apple juice with water. We put the dish on the stove, bring it to 75 degrees, then wait 15 minutes. so that the mass is insisted. Strain through a sieve and serve in cups.

mulled wine recipe for colds

For the recipe to be effective, you can not do without:

  • red wine,
  • 3 dessert spoons of propolis or honey,
  • 1 ripe orange and one thin cinnamon stick;
  • 8-9 dried cloves,
  • a pinch of chopped nutmeg

In the process of cooking, bring 100 ml of water to a boil and add seasonings. After the broth is infused, cut the orange into slices, pour in the wine and add the rest of the ingredients. Bring to 60-70 degrees, add a few peas of black or red pepper. We try to bring it to 80 degrees, after which we wait 15 minutes. Everything is ready and bon appetit.

Medicinal properties of hot drink

Mulled wine will help overcome diseases such as:

  • angina;
  • flu;
  • cough.

At the same time, use in normal dosages, do not abuse.

Mulled wine is a strong alcoholic drink that came to us from Western Europe. Fragrant and warming in cold weather, it fills the whole apartment with a sweet intoxicating smell. And you want quite a bit - to wrap yourself in a warm blanket with your favorite book in your hands and stop time, as you feel its slightly burning wine taste. Or vice versa - to walk and have fun, as they do at European fairs. If you can’t drink alcohol, but you want something equally fragrant and warming, I suggest preparing non-alcoholic mulled wine from hibiscus.


  • 1 bottle (0.7 l) red semi-sweet or sweet wine;
  • 1 st. boiled water;
  • 1 orange or lemon;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • 1 pinch of ground nutmeg;
  • 1 pinch of ground cardamom or anise;
  • 5 cloves;
  • optionally, you can add 0.5 tsp. ground ginger and star anise.

1. We wash the fruits, cut them and put them in a saucepan. Here we fall asleep spices.

2. Add sugar, pour water.

3. Pour out a bottle of wine, mix everything.

4. We put on a slow fire. As soon as you see the first signs of boiling - remove the mulled wine from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. There is no need to boil the drink. Pour into mugs and enjoy! Bon appetit and a warm evening!

Try asking the question, "What does Christmas smell like?"
"Needles and tangerines" - they will answer in Russia.
“Spices and mulled wine” - most likely, this is the answer you will hear from a resident of Europe.

Indeed, if you find yourself at Christmas in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, or in another European country, you can definitely feel this magical and unforgettable spicy aroma - the aroma of mulled wine. It seems that all the air is saturated with them.

According to a long tradition, at Christmas everyone should treat themselves to a mug of mulled wine. And that is why this fragrant drink is brewed everywhere on holidays - at Christmas markets, in numerous cafes, in every home.

A bit of history

The first who began to mix wine with spices were merchants in ancient Rome. The recipe was very simple - honey and herbs were added to sour wine in order to improve the taste and sell low-quality goods. It's funny, but these cunning people, without knowing it, gave life to an amazing and healthy drink. True, in those ancient times, the drink was not heated.

Together with the conquering Roman legionnaires, the drink came to Europe. They already came up with the idea of ​​heating red wine, flavoring it with honey, fruit peel, and medicinal galangal. And so the drink became a real mulled wine ( GluhweinGerman) - hot wine.

Later, spices were added to the red wine mulled wine recipe - nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon. But, since spices were too expensive in Europe, only rich people used “hot wine”. The poor could afford it only once a year - at Christmas. And so the tradition of Christmas mulled wine was born.

Medicinal properties of "hot drink"

Red wine mulled wine has warming and healing properties. Drinking this drink at the first sign of a cold helps the body protect itself from the spread of infection, gives strength for recovery and a speedy recovery. This is because red wine, which is the basis of the drink, has bactericidal and antiseptic effects. And spices, herbs, fruits and honey contain useful vitamins, trace elements and essential oils. When combined, all these ingredients acquire incredible healing properties. Further, when mulled wine is heated, essential oils begin to activate, and excess alcohol evaporates. And the cocktail turns into a real life-giving drink.

Rules for making mulled wine

There are many recipes for mulled wine. It will not be difficult to brew this drink at home. But before you start the process of making "hot wine", you need to remember a few important rules:

Recipe for mulled wine with red wine in English

In England, this drink is called Mulled wine. They put a lot of spices in it (most often nutmeg and cloves), do not add fruit at all. Only a slice of lemon - as a decoration. Use brown sugar. Mulled wine is not for sale. It is cooked exclusively at home.

Dissolve sugar in a small amount of water. Then add wine, rum and spices. Heat, strain and serve immediately, garnished with nutmeg.

How to brew red wine mulled wine the French way

In France, the drink is called Vin chaud. They put cardamom in it, and replace sugar with honey.

  • red semi-dry wine - 450 ml
  • fresh grated ginger - 1 tsp
  • honey - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - 1 stick
  • carnation - 3 pcs.
  • cardamom (seeds) - 7 pcs.

Pour wine into a container, add ginger, honey and cardamom. Warm up to seventy degrees. At the very end of cooking, add cloves and cinnamon to the mixture.

How to cook mulled wine at home from red wine in German (classic recipe)

Put all the ingredients into the warmed red wine. Bring to eighty degrees with constant stirring. Serve with cinnamon stick and lemon wedge.

mulled wine recipe for colds

A wonderful remedy for colds can be easily prepared at home.

  • dry red wine - 120 ml
  • green apple, lemon, orange - 3 slices each
  • honey - 4 tsp
  • cinnamon - 1/2 tsp
  • carnation - 5 pcs.

Heat all ingredients, remove from heat. Then let it brew a little, strain. Drink hot before bed.

Recipe for mulled wine "Carolina"

Add all ingredients except vodka and cognac to wine. Heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil. Then add cognac and vodka and continue to warm up to eighty degrees. After that, pour into a thermos and let it brew for one hour.

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Winter is a magical time of the year. When there is a snowstorm outside the window, and the house is warm and cozy - it's time to "conjure" in the kitchen and treat your loved ones hot, fragrant wine. In order to truly enjoy its heady aroma, you need to know how to brew mulled wine at home. right.

Even though he is considered the best winter alcohol, not everyone knows how to cook mulled wine from red wine at home.

Before you start cooking, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules, following which you can surprise guests with the exquisite taste of this unusual winter drink.

The main and main rule - the right choice of wine.

Traditionally, red dry or semi-dry is used in recipes. You can take sweet, but there is a risk of getting too cloying taste. Expensive elite wines are also not suitable. For the simple reason that it is already self-sufficient in itself. His bouquet is completely harmonious and does not require any additions. Best fit mid-range wine or homemade with a strength of 7 to 12 degrees - Cabernet, Cahors, Khvanchkara.

It is advisable to use whole, that is, no powders. Firstly, this will affect the appearance of the wine - it will become cloudy, and no filters will help restore its beautiful transparent color. And secondly, only in this form they are able to fully “open up” and convey their aroma.

There are also certain requirements for dishes, it must be enameled with a thick bottom. This is also very important.

How to make red wine mulled wine at home?

Classic recipe:

  • A bottle of dry red wine;
  • Lemon;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Carnation;
  • Ginger;
  • Black pepper;
  • Nutmeg.

In order for the spices to fully reveal their aroma, they must be poured not large quantity water. And boil together with chopped lemon for a few minutes over medium heat. Let it brew for ten minutes, then pour in the wine and stir until foam appears on the surface. It is important that this mixture never boiled. Otherwise, the taste will be hopelessly spoiled. After the foam has formed, you need to remove the dishes from the heat, and then there are several options. Someone immediately pours it into glasses, someone lets it brew for 15 minutes. If time allows, you can pour it into a thermos and leave for an hour. In any case, the finished drink should be given a small amount of time to “rest”. After that, not forgetting to strain, it is poured into tall glass goblets.

For those who like to drink something hot, there is a recipe with the addition of cognac:

To do this, mix star anise (4 pcs.), A few stars of cloves, raisins, cinnamon, orange zest in a saucepan, pour it all over with wine, heat until bubbles appear. And only after that pour in 40 ml. good cognac.

Brown sugar, according to experts, sets off the taste of this drink much better and even gives it a special spicy aroma. In addition, he is in order healthier than white.

Sometimes the idea to cook something warm comes spontaneously, and you don’t want to spend time looking for the necessary ingredients in the store. Just for such lazy lovers of this drink, manufacturers have already created pre-mixed spices thereby eliminating unnecessary hassle. In order not to think for a long time how to cook mulled wine at home, you can simply buy your favorite package with spices in the store, pour it into hot wine and let it brew. The compositions of these seasonings are very diverse, but in general, they do not differ much from the classical norm. Often, one bag of seasoning weighing 35-40g is designed for one bottle of wine.

Naturally, the purchased mixture should be High Quality. The taste of the future drink directly depends on this. What to look for when buying a prepackaged formula:

How to cook mulled wine at home using ready-made seasoning:

  • Pour the wine into a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • Pour the contents of the package;
  • Add sugar or honey;
  • Heat up to 70-80 degrees;
  • Leave for at least 20 min.

By the way, if suddenly for some reason the wine has cooled slightly, you can safely warm it up. But still recommended use it right away.

This type of mulled wine, although not so popular, still has a number of advantages. Firstly, they can be treated to children, and secondly, after it you can safely drive a car. In addition, he is mega useful and great boosts immunity. It is prepared in the same way as alcoholic, but instead of alcohol, you need to take fruit juice (preferably dark in color). As a rule, grape, pomegranate or cherry juice is used for its preparation. The spices in this case are the same as for the alcoholic version. How to cook mulled wine at home?

The cooking technology does not contain any secrets. The main rule is all ingredients must be of the highest quality.

How to cook:

  1. Pour a liter of fruit juice into a medium-sized enamel saucepan.
  2. Add sliced ​​lemon and apple to it.
  3. Turn on slow fire.
  4. Add your favorite spices.
  5. Heat everything up to 75 degrees, turn off.
  6. Leave for 30 minutes, strain.
  7. Pour into comfortable cups or glasses with handles.

Very common in recipes other than juice use tea- black, hibiscus or green. The result is an unusual, slightly tart taste with a fruity note. Prepare it as follows.

Medium strength black tea is brewed. In a deep bowl, tea is mixed with any juice in a one-to-one ratio. A few pieces of fresh ginger, cinnamon stick, cloves, star anise, orange zest are added.

All this fragrant mixture should be heated, then strained and drunk, enjoying the amazing aroma.

There is one little trick: in order not to bother with straining for a long time, all spices must be wrapped in a gauze bag before being sent to the dishes. And after they "do their job", just remove them from the dishes.

Different recipes call for different proportions of spices. It's a matter of taste for everyone. You can mix not only all kinds of seasonings, but also different types of juice. This is exactly the case when you can experiment to eventually create your own unique recipe for non-alcoholic mulled wine.

This type of warming drink has long gained popularity among visitors to cafes and restaurants. With the addition of juice becomes less strong and takes on a completely different flavor. It is believed that they harmonize best with hot wine - cherry, cranberry, apple and pomegranate juice.

How to cook mulled wine at home: heat 0.5 l of currant or any other juice over low heat with the addition of classic spices. You can also add lemon zest if you wish. Then slowly pour in the wine (0.75) and wait until the surface small bubbles will form. Remove from heat, cover tightly with a lid and let stand for half an hour. After that, it must be filtered, if necessary, sweetened and poured into glasses. The taller the glass, the slower it will cool down.

More interesting recipes can be found by watching the video.

As a result, having spent a little time and a drop of your good mood, you can easily create an amazingly tasty drink in your kitchen. Which charges with positive energy and helps to fight against the first signs of a cold.

Do you now understand how to cook mulled wine at home? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum.