Quick salting of salmon. Salted dry salmon. We will take a kilo of fish.

Salted salmon is, undoubtedly, a classic of ceremonial tables. A sandwich with red fish is also perfect for a daily breakfast. Today, you can easily go to the nearest supermarket and buy there finished fillet salmon. But if it is prepared with your own hands according to your own recipe, then the hostess will definitely not be left without words of admiration and praise. Let's talk about how to pickle salmon at home, we will give recipes for this with suitable ingredients, we will also tell you what special secrets exist when cooking red fish.

A few tricks to know when choosing and salting salmon

Salmon is much more tender in taste than chum salmon or even pink salmon. It is almost impossible to spoil it during salting, because the fish itself “knows” how much salt to absorb. In order for the salmon to acquire an even more delicate taste, you need to choose a fillet with the least amount of white stripes (this is fat).

For salting salmon, it is recommended to use as few spices and seasonings as possible, ideally, do not use any additives other than salt and sugar. This classic way, but it is he who allows you to save all taste qualities fish and does not interrupt her amazing taste.

Many people throw away or simply misuse the bellies that remain after cutting and salting salmon. In fact, it is in the abdomen that contains the most nutrients, healthy fats and amino acids. When salted, they go well with vegetables, potatoes, or simply used to make sandwiches.

To keep salted salmon fresh longer, cook and store it in a glass container. It's even better to use regular jar than plastic containers, despite their practicality.

When choosing fish, be very careful about its quality and freshness. If salmon is sold with its head, we look into its eyes: in fresh fish, they are always not cloudy and transparent. If you are buying fish that is already sold in portion sizes, pay attention to the meat: it should not have a flaky texture and a dull color.

Do not throw away the fins and leftover fish: they are great for soup, and this way you get both a hot dish and delicious snack.

Recipes for salted salmon

It is necessary to salt red fish, having previously cleared it of the skin. When cutting into pieces, it is advisable to remove the bones completely so as not to spoil the enjoyment of fish in sandwiches or in a salad.

Method 1.

The simplest recipe that can only be used for salting salmon involves the use of a minimum of ingredients. It doesn't even have water in it. Mix 6 tablespoons of salt with 3 tablespoons of sugar. In the resulting mixture, dip the pieces of salmon on both sides. You don’t need to rub or press anything into the meat, everything will be saturated to the right level anyway.

We put the fish in a jar or other prepared container, wrap it with a film. If you remove the fish in the cold, it will take more time to salt it than in the heat. So, salmon should be kept in the refrigerator for at least 7 hours. Then take it out, drain all the brine formed during this time from the container, put it in the refrigerator again for 10-12 hours. Then once again drain the remaining liquid and you can serve the fish to the table! As you can see, you can salt salmon without a drop of water: it gives enough juice by itself, it turns out very tender and juicy.

Method 2.

According to this recipe, the fish can be salted directly with the skin. As ingredients you will need:

1 kg fish fillet, not peeled;
- 2 tablespoons of sea salt (you can take the most common table salt);
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar;
- ground black pepper.

Rinse salmon well, soak with paper napkins. Mix salt with sugar and pepper. Pour half of the salty mixture into a tall glass container, lay the salmon on it with the skin, cover with the rest of the seasoning on top. Cover the bowl with cling film, put in the refrigerator. After 12 hours, we free the fish from the brine, remove the remaining salt and pepper from it, put it back in a container and send it to cook for another day on the refrigerator shelf. We get a tender, well-salted fish, which is ideal for a morning sandwich or as an appetizer for sudden guests!

Method 3.

This recipe is the most spicy and delicious. Salmon turns out surprisingly tender, juicy, retains its taste and just melts in your mouth. We will prepare from the following products:

1 kg of skinned and boned fish fillet;
- 4 tablespoons of salt;
- 2 tablespoons of honey;
- 1 lemon.

Cut the salmon into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick, mix salt with honey and coat each part well. Put in a prepared glass plate, evenly pour freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice. We let the fish brew at room temperature for at least 2 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for two days. Before serving, it is better to soak each piece with a paper towel to remove salt and honey residue and give it a more aesthetic and appetizing appearance. Everything can be served with sandwiches, used in salads and as a favorite snack!

It's easy, fast, and most importantly - incredibly tasty and healthy! Cooking salmon at home requires a minimum of effort, but allows you to get the maximum benefit and endless enjoyment of the taste of salted red fish! Good appetite.

Lyudmila, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Salted salmon red fish (salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon) - valuable nutritional product, signature dish festive snack table. It is useful, has a pleasant appearance and the most delicate taste. However, the finished salted fish, which can now be bought in any store, cannot be compared with a fish salted at home. The recipe for salting salmon, which I will talk about, is very simple and does not take much time. Be sure to use it - you won't regret it!

You will need:

  • fine salt 1-2 tsp
  • powdered sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp

If you have a large family, then it is most profitable to buy fresh fish weighing 5-6 kg. When cutting, you will get a couple of soup sets from which you can cook delicious, several steaks, which canor cook. Besides, from such a big fish You can cut a great piece for pickling. Part of all this is usually sent to the freezer, in general, despite the large one-time costs, it turns out quite economically and the pleasure can be stretched for a long time. True, you have to “puff” - the smell, scales, gills, ruined manicure, so I usually entrust this work to my husband, he does an excellent job with cutting.

If you are not looking for savings, then for salting it is easier to buy an already cut fish fillet - it is more expensive, but you don’t even need to clean it, just rinse it cold water. Here is such a wonderful fillet weighing 1 kg from a small fish.

Step by step photo recipe:

So, rinse the fillets with cold water, dry with a paper towel, cut off the remaining costal bones.

I have a fillet weighing 1 kg. I divided it into 4 pieces - I will pickle 3, and cook from the tail

Usually one such piece of fish weighing 250 gr take 1 tsp salt but I prefer more salty version and take 2 tsp- experiment and choose what you like best. Powdered sugar will soften lemon juice, and all together: salt, powder and lemon juice are an excellent preservative.

mix salt and powdered sugar . squeeze out lemon juice.

Sprinkle the fish with the mixture. salt and powdered sugar.

Can be lightly rubbed with fingers.

Turn the fish over and sprinkle with salt and powder on the other side. Sprinkle on the cut from the sides.

Place the fish in a glass or enamel container, pour over each piece lemon juice .

Cover the container cling film and take away in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

After 12 hours - if salted in the evening, then in the morning flip the fish, again tightly cover with cling film and refrigerate for another 12 hours. One day is enough for the fish to be salted.

As you can see, it’s quite simple, and the fish turns out just extraordinary!

In this way, you can pickle any fish of the salmon family (salmon, trout, chum salmon, pink salmon). Do not deny yourself this valuable fish, not only in taste. Salmon contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, regular use which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Only 100 grams of this fish provide a person daily allowance vitamin D and melatonin, which is important for skin health and normal sleep.

After the fish has been salted, I cut it all up so that I don’t once again dirty the knife, the board and, of course, my hands - I cut it into thin slices and arrange them in containers that are convenient to store in the refrigerator. Some parts can be frozen. It is better to cut obliquely, then even from a thin fillet you will get wide slices.
Advice:when cutting salted fish, even and thin slices will turn out if you hold it a little in the freezer so that it hardens.

Fish is always a special smell, so use for storage plastic jars from butter, sour cream or cheese, then you can just throw them away .

That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Salt salmon at home!

Bon Appetit!

How to pickle salmon at home. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • salmon (trout, chum salmon, pink salmon) 250 gr
  • fine salt 1-2 tsp
  • powdered sugar 1 tsp
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp

Rinse the fillets with cold water, dry with paper towels, cut off the remaining costal bones.
Mix salt and icing sugar, sprinkle the fish with the mixture.
Place the fish in a glass or enamel container, pour lemon juice over each piece.
Cover the container with cling film and refrigerate for 12 hours.
After 12 hours, turn the fish over, cover tightly again with cling film and refrigerate for another 12 hours. One day is enough for the fish to be salted.

In contact with

There are delicacies that are not subject to fashion or oblivion, without which it is impossible to imagine festive table, which are a sign of the holiday. We are talking about salmon, which embodies an elite treat, and therefore our recipes on how to quickly and tasty pickle salmon at home will allow you to pamper yourself on weekdays. Magnificent, incomparable taste and appearance, universal combination with other products - everything makes this delicacy product royal!

When buying salted salmon in a store, we cannot be sure of the high quality of the product, knowing the tricks of sellers or manufacturers. And why buy finished product if we can learn the principles of salting salmon and salt it at home - in the conditions of our kitchen?

Salt salmon at home

There are two technologies home salting red fish:

  • Dry Ambassador
  • Salting in brine

Let's look at salting recipes and find out how to properly and tasty salt salmon fish. It is simple and fast, especially if you have purchased a high-quality freshly frozen product. Fresh or chilled salmon fish can be seen for sale only in cities and towns on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean or rivers, lakes of this oceanic basin.

Dry salted salmon recipes

Classic dry pickling mix includes equal amount granulated sugar and coarse salt. And already this mixture can be enriched with herbs, spices and spices. Experience comes after 2-3 salmon pickles and consists in compiling own recipe salted fish. On average, a kilogram of fish requires 4 tbsp. spoons of pickling mixture. How much salted salmon in a dry mix? It depends on the recipe, the cut of the fish and temperature regime salting.

How to salt salmon - a recipe for dry salting with dill


  • - 4 things. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 100 g + -


  • We wash the steaks, dip the water with napkins. We cut each steak along the ridge, maintaining the integrity of the skin. We remove the ridge and pull out the bones with culinary tweezers.
  • We prepare the pickling mixture by simply mixing salt and sugar. We carefully rub our steaks with this composition.
  • We cover the bottom of the enameled bowl with dill sprigs (1/3 of the prescription amount), put 2 steaks on the dill, skin side down. We cover them with the next portion of dill (only twigs!). We cover the steaks under the dill with the remaining pieces of fish skin out. We get such a fish sandwich with dill!
  • On top of the “sandwiches”, we again lay the dill, cover with a flat plate of a diameter smaller than that of the bowl and put the load.
  • We salt in the conditions of the kitchen for 6-8 hours, and then we move the salting to the refrigerator for another couple of days.

Dry salting recipe No. 2 - for salmon bellies

Let's look at how to salt salmon bellies at home. There are certain rules for their ambassador:

So, how to salt salmon bellies yourself? We will need about 300 g of bellies, 2 tbsp. coarse salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

We dry the cleaned and washed abdomens on a paper towel, put them in a bowl and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar according to the recipe. Stir, cover with a plate and leave in the kitchen to salt for 2 hours.

If you made salting in the evening and want to leave the bellies in the salt for the whole night, then put 1 tbsp of salt. a spoon so that the product does not oversalt. Use exactly the same recipe for salting salmon ridges - you won't go wrong! Delicious and inexpensive!

Dry salting recipe No. 3 - with spices and lemon


  • Salmon fillet - 600-700 g
  • A mixture of salt and sugar - 2 tbsp each.
  • Lemon - 1 fruit
  • Ground allspice - to taste
  • Bay leaf broken - 2 leaves
  • Dill
  • Parsley


  1. We prepare the pickling mixture: we combine salt, ground allspice, sugar, chopped dill and parsley, broken Bay leaf.
  2. We spread the pickling mixture in a bowl, put the chopped on top large pieces fish fillet and carefully rub the mixture into the fish fibers. Sprinkle lemon juice on all sides. You can also cut the lemon fruit into rings and overlay each fillet.
  3. We close with a flat plate of a smaller diameter and put it under oppression. We place in the cold for a day (or on the balcony or in the refrigerator).
  4. During the day, a brine is formed, which must be drained, and all the spices are scraped off with a knife and wiped with a cooking napkin. Salted salmon ready!

The recipe is good because vodka breaks down fats, making the fibers dense and elastic. In addition, vodka is a reliable disinfectant solution, and the fish is salted quickly and evenly.

For a dry pickling mixture, mix 2 tbsp. coarse salt and 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar. Sprinkle the red fish fillet with the pickling mixture, additionally rubbing it with your hands. In conclusion, sprinkle the fish with vodka (30 ml is enough). After 8-10 hours, light-salted salmon just asks to lie down on a piece of bread!

This way of salting salmon is just as good as dry salting. In general, the required amount of sugar and table salt does not change. The only difference is that the fish pieces are not rubbed with a dry mixture, but are poured with room temperature brine.

Salted salmon - a quick recipe

An excellent recipe for salting salmon fish in just 2 hours!

Pickle for salmon: 2 tbsp. sea ​​salt, 2 tbsp. granulated sugar and half a liter of water. It is necessary to bring the water to a boil, dissolve salt and sugar in it, wait for the secondary boil and turn it off. After cooling, we filter the brine and fill it with red fish. After 2 hours, put it on a plate, remove the brine with a napkin and cut into thin slices. Beautifully laid out on a dish and served, decorating with suitable vegetables or herbs.

Lightly salted salmon - a recipe for instant salting

The recipe is suitable for fast food snacks when time is on complicated recipe simply no!

Frozen fish (without defrosting) cut into thin slices. Cooking strong brine: 5-6 tbsp salt dissolved in 1 liter of cold boiled water. We get very strong saline solution. You can check its saturation with a piece of raw peeled potato: if it floats to the surface of the brine, then its concentration can quickly salt the fish.

Dip the fish slices in the brine for 10 minutes. Next, take them out and remove the salty moisture from their surface with paper towels. We put it in a plastic food container, pour it with refined sunflower oil and leave it in the cold for 40-50 minutes. Ready! Serve on a platter topped with pickled onions and lemon rings.

Delicious salmon red meat is very tasty, healthy and beautiful.

The fish will decorate the festive table and delight the family.

From it you can make canapes or stuffing for pancakes - in any form you get an amazingly tasty dish.

Knowing how to pickle salmon at home, you can enjoy fresh, melt-in-your-mouth fish delicacy at any time.

How to pickle salmon at home - general principles of cooking

The fillet part of the fish is good for salting, although in principle it is possible to salt the bellies or steaks separately. If a whole uneviscerated carcass is available, it must be cut into pieces very sharp knife. Pre-wash the fish with cold water, blot with a paper towel.

Then you need to separate the head, cut out the gills, make a long deep cut along the ridge, starting from the head. The point is to divide the carcass into two halves: one with the spine and one loin. The spine is carefully removed with a knife. Before salting, you need to cut out the fatty belly, remove the fins, and cut the carcass into pieces.

You can buy a ready-made fillet or steak so as not to bother with cutting. How to salt salmon at home? Using one of three methods.

1. Dry salting. The prepared fillet should be covered to taste with coarse salt (you can take sea salt), wrap it in paper and keep it in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. Remove the rest of the salt with a knife, and send the fish to the table.

2. Quick salting under the yoke. Cut the piece into portioned pieces (you can take fish trimmings), sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar, taken in a ratio of three to one, put it in the refrigerator for six to eight hours under oppression.

3. Salting in brine. Boil a brine of salt and sugar with the addition of your favorite herbs, vinegar and spices. Pour a piece of fish with chilled and strained brine, keep in the refrigerator for one to two days to get lightly salted or well-salted fish.

As additional components when salting fish, you can use lemon, strong alcohol, pepper different types, herbs, spices. For salting, it is better not to take metal utensils so as not to give the meat a characteristic aftertaste. A regular plastic food container and a glass container are also good.

Classically salted salmon

Any housewife should know how to salt salmon at home according to classic recipe. It doesn't require any effort or fancy ingredients at all: just salt and fish, and for a more subtle flavor, dill. The result is amazing, tender, flavorful meat.


Half a kilo of chopped salmon fillet;

An incomplete spoonful of sugar;

Bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

Lay the prepared fish on a wooden cutting board.

Finely chop half a bunch of dill.

Prepare the salt mixture by mixing salt and sugar.

Put whole sprigs of dill on the bottom of the container.

Rub the fish on all sides with salt and place skin side down in a container.

Top with chopped dill.

The second piece of fish is also rubbed with salt and sugar, put on top of the first piece, but with the skin up.

Cover the salmon with a flat plate and set a small oppression.

Marinate the pieces for at least eight hours room temperature.

Remove the oppression, rearrange the fish for a day.

Serve the finished fish with lemon, olives, fresh herbs.

Homemade salmon in brine

How to salt salmon at home in fragrant brine, the most know experienced housewives. Thanks to the brine method, the meat is salted evenly and almost instantly. After two hours, you can sit down with a gourmet snack of lightly salted salmon.


Half a kilo of salmon fillet;

Two tablespoons of salt;

Two tablespoons of sugar;

Half a liter of water.

Cooking method:

Carefully remove all the bones from the fillet, do not remove the peel.

Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar, boil for three minutes to dissolve completely.

Let the brine cool down.

Put the fish in a container for salting and pour the cooled brine.

After two hours, salted fish is ready. A piece can be removed from the brine, dried with a paper towel and used for treats.

Homemade salted salmon in honey

Honey salmon is not only unusual, original, but also very tasty. How to salt salmon at home using honey? Very simple. A bee treat will replace regular sugar and give the fish light summer aroma.


A kilogram of red fish fillet;

Three tablespoons of salt;

A tablespoon of flower honey.

Cooking method:

Prepare a piece of fish.

In a cup, carefully grind coarse salt and honey.

Coat the fish piece with the mixture on all sides, trying to soak the meat as best as possible.

Roll up the fish and place in a glass dish with a lid.

Keep the container in the refrigerator for at least a day.

Then the fish roll must be turned over so as to be immersed in the resulting brine on the other side.

Put the salmon back in the refrigerator.

Repeat the procedure one more time.

After three days, the fish is ready to eat.

Homemade spicy salted salmon

A quick recipe for salting salmon at home from those that are carefully stored in family cookbooks. Delightful spicy aroma and spicy taste This fish is remembered for a lifetime.


Kilogram piece of salmon;

Three tablespoons of coarse salt;

Ten peas of black pepper;

Three bay leaves;

A tablespoon of ordinary nine percent vinegar;

Medium bulb;

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Half a liter of water.

Cooking method:

Cut the fish into fillets and cut into several large pieces.

Put the fish in a container for salting.

Boil water, dissolve salt in it and cool.

Pour the brine over the fish, cover with a plate and put a light oppression.

Leave the fish under load for two hours.

Drain the brine.

Separately, prepare the vinegar solution by stirring a spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water.

Pour the vinegar water over the fish for five minutes.

Cut the onion into rings.

Pour the fish with onions, pour in the oil, add peppercorns, mix everything and leave it alone for half an hour.

After half an hour, lightly salted fish can be eaten.

Home-style salmon in allspice

white pepper, sea ​​salt, sweet peas are a great company for pale pink salmon. It turns out perfectly tasty, fragrant, tender. Such a fish is good both on a sandwich and in pancakes.


A kilogram of fillet;

Six tablespoons of coarse salt;

Ten peas of allspice;

a tablespoon of white ground pepper;

Five bay leaves.

Cooking method:

Spread a large piece of cling film on the table.

Pour a layer of salt, two bay leaves, five peppercorns on it.

Put the prepared piece of fish on a spread cling film skin down.

Pour the fish with the rest of the salt, put the third bay leaf on top, the remaining peppercorns.

Wrap the piece tightly in cling film, put in a container and salt in the refrigerator for a day.

After a day, take out, thinly slice, sprinkle with white pepper and serve.

Home style salmon in vodka

Dense, fragrant, tasty meat is a gourmet's dream. strong vodka gives red meat a special taste. Salmon salting at home in this way occurs in less than a day.


Half a kilo of salmon fillet;

Two tablespoons of salt;

One and a half table boats of sugar;

30 ml of good vodka.

Cooking method:

Prepare salmon.

Take out all the bones.

Mix salt with sugar.

Grate the piece on both sides with the salting mixture.

Place in a container.

Sprinkle meat with water.

Remove to the top shelf of the refrigerator for 12v hours.

Homemade salmon in lemon juice

Lemon perfectly sets off the aroma of fish and removes its excessive fat content. Very delicious recipe salting salmon at home.


A kilogram of salmon;

Two tablespoons of lemon juice;

Six peas of allspice;

Two peas of black pepper;

Two bay leaves;

Litere of water.

Cooking method:

Wash the fish, pat dry with paper towels.

Cut the piece into very thin slices (do not cut off the skin).

Boil water with pepper and bay leaf.

Cool and strain.

Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon and add to the cooled brine.

Place fish slices in any plastic container or glass jar, completely fill with prepared brine.

Salt overnight in the refrigerator.

How to pickle salmon at home - tricks and tips

    To salt salmon at home, it is recommended to take a chilled carcass or a finished fillet. If not possible, frozen fish will do. It will turn out no less tasty, tender, fragrant meat. It must be defrosted at room temperature, without the use of water, away from heat sources.

    Salmon is very fatty, so oversalting it is unrealistic. The fish will absorb exactly as much salt as it needs, and will be evenly saturated with juice and brine.

    If there is still a lot of salt, its excess can be easily washed off with running cold water. You can soak salted pieces in cold water, Bay fish for fifteen minutes. Washed meat must be blotted with a paper or regular towel.

    For salting salmon at home, those spices that you like are suitable. Pairs especially well with red meat. fresh dill, lemon, cumin, bay leaf, cloves.

    If the pieces are cut thin enough, they will be salted in just two hours. This is very convenient if you learn about the arrival of unexpected guests shortly before their arrival. In any case, you can treat them to canapes or sandwiches with little salt.

    When salting red fish, all of its useful qualities, substances, amino acids. Slightly salted salmon is useful no less than fresh, cooked on time or in the oven. It contains a lot of useful trace elements.

    You need to know not only how to salt salmon at home, but also how to properly store the product. In the refrigerator, salting can be stored for up to ten days, tightly packed. A piece of salted fish should be laid on a linen or cotton cloth soaked in a weak solution of vinegar, wrapped tightly, put in polyethylene film or a bag so that air does not penetrate there. The fish is perfectly stored in such a package and in the freezer.

    Salted fish can be kept for more long time, up to a month. A piece needs to be cut into thin slices, fill a glass jar with them, laying them in layers. Sprinkle each layer with pepper or other spices to taste. Pour olive or sunflower oil, put in the refrigerator. In this form, the fish will stand for at least a month.

    An even longer shelf life is for frozen salted salmon. Cut the finished pickling into medium pieces, blot thoroughly with a paper or woven towel so that excess moisture is absorbed. Pack the fish pieces in a film, place in plastic bag and then into the freezer. The fish is stored without loss nutritional value and taste up to four to five months.

Salted red fish has long ceased to be a delicacy, and all because you can easily buy it in stores now. In addition, many housewives began to salt salmon themselves at home. Using this recipe as an example, MirSovet.ru will demonstrate what to cook slightly salted salmon simple and within the power even for those who have never dealt with fish.

All other lovers of seafood and red fish in particular can complicate it additional ingredients or your favorite spices. Experiment and enjoy new flavors of your favorite fish.

More suitable for pickling fatty varieties fish such as salmon, trout and salmon, but no less tasty are tuna, char and pink salmon. In order for the salmon to be lightly salted, you need to set correct proportions salt and sugar. MirSovet.ru recommends using a ratio of 3:2. The fish will be strong and moderately salty. For those who like even more lightly salted fish or make preparations for making rolls, it is better to take salt and sugar in equal proportions.

So, let's start cooking slightly salted salmon according to the recipe from the site.

Ingredients for pickling salmon

It is necessary to prepare:

  • Salmon or other representative of fatty fish of the salmon family -1000 gr.
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking time: 22 hours.

Servings: 5

Cooking lightly salted salmon

For cooking salted salmon you will need: salmon fillet, salt and sugar.

If you have a carcass of fish, you need to cut it into fillets.

To do this, with a sharp knife, you need to cut the meat as close as possible to the ridge and costal bones. Using kitchen scissors or tweezers, remove the bones from the back. The skin does not need to be removed, after cutting the finished fish, its skin will not be needed. So, from a piece of carcass, you should get two identical pieces of fillet.

3 tbsp salt and 2 tbsp. Mix sugar well in a small bowl.

Put the salmon fillet skin side down and sprinkle well with a mixture of salt and sugar on all sides. Don't forget the side cuts.

Pour a little salt and sugar on the bottom into an enameled or glass dish, put the fillet with the skin down, put the second piece on top, but already with the skin up, also sprinkle with the remaining salt.

We cover the fish with a plate of smaller diameter or a lid from the pan, and put something heavy on top (a mortar or a jar of cereal). Under pressure, the fish should be salted in 20-22 hours (the more salt, the faster). We remove it for this time in the refrigerator.

After a day, we take out the fish, we get it wet from the brine.

Now she is ready to use. Cut into pieces and serve.

Store it in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Larina Sonya

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