The benefits and harms of apples, properties and vitamins. The benefits and harms of apple peel and the beneficial substances in its composition

  • - Chips -

    Classic chips are made from thin slices of potato. Alternative variations allow the use of root vegetables, various fruits and peels, for example, the same apples. It's already thinly sliced, so it just needs to be flavored. To do this, the peel is fried butter with the addition of sugar and cinnamon until crispy or placed on a baking sheet and baked in an oven preheated to 200 °C for 10-12 minutes.

  • — Warming apple drink —

    About tea with small pieces Everyone heard the apples. But not less delicious drink can be made from what's left after peeling an apple. To make 3 cups you will need the peel and core of 5 apples, 4 cups water, 2.5 tablespoons brown sugar, 2 cloves and a cinnamon stick. Place all ingredients except cinnamon and cloves in a medium saucepan. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and add the cloves. Leave the drink on low heat for 1 hour. After an hour, turn off the heat, add a cinnamon stick and leave the drink to brew for 45 minutes. Strain the drink through a fine sieve and discard the apple residue. Serve hot.

  • — Smoothie —

    Apple peels contain enough fiber to improve digestion and enhance fat burning. Therefore, it will be much more useful if you do not throw it in the trash can, but add it to the You don’t have to use the peel right away: it can wait a couple of days in a resealable bag in the freezer.

  • — Salads —

    Apple peels are valued not only for their beneficial properties. Beautifully cut pieces of apple peel also have aesthetic value. Decorative shavings from the peels are very appropriate and will look great in salads, especially in salads such as Waldorf, where the apple is given important role in the flavor bouquet of the dish.

  • - Apple vinegar -

    This type of vinegar is made using apple raw materials. The preparation process is not complicated, and if you have apple scraps and a liter jar, you can easily prepare a homemade version.


    Peel and core of 6 large apples
    2-2.5 tbsp. granulated sugar
    2-2.5 cups of water, boil and let cool


    Place leftover apples in a glass jar liter jar, filling it no more than 3/4. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 cups of water (or a little more, but then you need to increase the amount of sugar) so that the apple trimmings are completely immersed in water.

    Mix apples, sugar and water and cover with a coffee filter and secure with a rubber band. Leave the vinegar in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, strain the vinegar, remove the apple trimmings and pour it back into the jar, close with a filter. Place the vinegar in a warm, dark place and continue to infuse, taking a sample about once a week, until the desired taste is obtained. To stop fermentation, you need to replace the coffee filter with a lid on the jar and put it in the refrigerator.

  • - Bakery -

    Apples are one of the most popular pie fillings. Of course, there won’t be enough peel for a pie, and such a dish will have a peculiar taste, but it will work very well as an aromatic additive. Finely chopped peel can be added to pancakes, waffles, and muffins. It will give baked goods a subtle, fresh aroma and will increase the proportion of fiber content. A win-win combo is to use apple peel in combination with cinnamon.

  • — Cleaning dishes —

    Aluminum cookware is durable and does not rust, but over time it often changes color and becomes stained. You can get rid of them without damaging the metal using apple peels. Place the apple peels in a saucepan, covered on the inside with spots, pour water into it and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, reduce the flame and leave the pan on low heat for about 30 minutes, then rub the areas with a soft sponge and rinse the pan well with running water.

Some people don't like to eat apples with the skin on and prefer to peel them. Is it worth doing? Are apple peels healthy or harmful?

Nutritionists are almost unanimous in their opinion on this matter. Don't rush and clean delicious fruit from the peel, because it contains great amount useful substances. There are much more of them there than in the pulp.

The benefits of apple peel

The peel of this fruit contains a significant amount of quercetin, and it, in turn, paired with vitamin C, neutralizes free radicals, preventing them from negatively affecting the body. Scientists have found that apple peels are also useful for protecting yourself from various types of cancer. Studies have found that the fruit itself slows down the growth of malignant cells by only 29%, while apple peels slow down the growth of malignant cells by 43%.

Apple peels effectively cleanse blood vessels, improving blood flow in the body, and also reliably protect cell membranes and small vessels from radicals that tend to destroy the human body. The peel also contains a sufficient amount of fiber for better digestion and normalization of intestinal function; it also promotes fat burning and rapid weight loss.

You should eat at least one unpeeled apple every day.

The benefits of apple peels don’t end there. It contains soluble and insoluble fibers that help remove cholesterol from the blood and liver. The peel contains pectin, which is necessary for normalizing the intestinal flora, and for muscles (for building them and reducing atrophy, which is especially useful for older people), it contains ursolic acid, which accelerates the growth of muscle mass by as much as 45%, and also reduces body fat.

Many people say that apple peel helps fight diabetes, this has been proven by American scientists who advise such people to eat at least two apples daily (fresh or baked, which can be stuffed with cottage cheese).

When is the peel harmful?

But we must not forget that apples sold in stores, brought from other countries, are processed and covered with a protective layer so that they retain their presentation and attract buyers. The peel of such apples can be harmful, so it is better to buy fruit at the market, from grandmothers who grew fruit in their own garden.

You can check the peel for the presence of a coating quite simply: you just need to run the blade of a knife along the skin. If any plaque appears, then the apple is processed.

Apples are often eaten without the peel. When peeling them, one forgets that the skin is endowed with mass beneficial properties. It is the peel that contains most of the essential vitamins. It is often used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. Kidneys are no exception. Apple peel helps fight diseases such as stones.

Many people know that apples contain many vitamins - B1, B2, C, E, P, as well as microelements - Mg, K, iron. Fruits are used both for colds and for the treatment of malignant tumors. Potassium is useful for stabilizing blood pressure, and calcium is useful for bones and teeth. Apples are hypoallergenic, so they can be eaten by almost anyone. Green apples are rich in fiber, which takes a long time to digest. Thanks to this, the body remains “full” longer. The pectin contained in green apples is beneficial for facial skin, its color, youth and freshness. The beneficial properties are not lost during heat treatment; they are just as useful as raw ones.

What are the benefits of apple peel?

Apple peels contain quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, relieves the body of harmful influence free radicals. Scientists consider apple peels useful for protecting yourself from various types cancer. During scientific research, it was found that apple reduces the formation of cancer cells by 29%, and apple peel - by 43%.

To prevent the formation of stones and sand, it is necessary to replace regular food with vegetables and fruits with a high water content (apples, cucumbers, watermelons).

The benefits of apple peel are great: blood circulation in the body improves, a barrier against radicals is created for small vessels and cell membranes. The fiber contained in the peel improves digestion and normalizes intestinal function, helps burn fat and lose weight faster. You need to eat one apple with the peel a day. It also activates the kidneys well, cleanses all ducts, improves genitourinary system; helps fight kidney stones.

But that's not all. It contains fibers that help “free” the liver and blood from cholesterol. Pectin is necessary for normal intestinal function; ursolic acid is important to increase muscle mass by 45% and reduce muscle atrophy in older people. All this is in the peel of apples. Scientists from the USA have proven that the peel helps fight diabetes. They recommend that patients with this disease eat 2 apples (raw or baked, or with cottage cheese) every day.

You've probably already heard that the lion's share of the vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances of an apple comes from the peel. Fear of poisoning by pesticides and other chemicals forces modern man to peel the skins of healthy fruits.

But if we are talking about organic fruits, for example grown in own garden, no need to worry. Peeling such apples is completely safe and very healthy.

Calorie content of the peel of one raw apple the average size is 18 units, or 1% daily value calories. Fruit peels are extremely rich in nutrients. It contains carbohydrates (3.5 g), up to half ascorbic acid and 2/3 of the insoluble fiber contained in a whole apple, vitamin A, trace amounts of protein and fat. Mineral components: calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron.

Apple peelings contain special anti-inflammatory substances - triterpenoids, which can prevent cancer of the liver, duodenum and breast, according to Rui Lui Hei, MD, Cornell University.

The skins of Fuji, Crispin, and Red Delicious apples have been reported to contain high levels of antioxidants.

Beneficial features

  1. Apple peel, among other biologically active substances, contains rutin and quercetin - strong plant antioxidants that protect the body from cellular damage, inflammation and circulatory problems. According to Jinell Boyer, an employee at Cornell University, regular consumption of the product reduces the risk of developing asthma, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Scientists from Canada have included apple peels in the list of “superfoods” with a high concentration of flavonoids and antioxidants that can seriously fight potentially life-threatening diseases. This list also included green tea and blueberries.
  3. Phytochemicals, vitamin C and insoluble fiber help the body eliminate toxins and excess fats. It is no coincidence that lovers of fatty meat are often drawn to fresh apples- this is how the body signals high level cholesterol in the blood and the need to eliminate it.
  4. Eating apple peelings is beneficial for the health of the digestive tract, because they are a type of indigestible fiber necessary for the health of the intestinal microflora. Good doses of pectin, entering the intestines, create a favorable environment for the activity of probiotics, which, in turn, increase immunity, normalize digestion and improve the health of the body as a whole.
  5. American scientists have established that the antioxidants contained in the peel (especially triterpenoids) reduce the growth of cancer cells in the liver and duodenum.

For muscle atrophy

A new study from researchers at the University of Iowa focused on a special waxy substance found in apple skins—ursolic acid—that reduces muscle wasting and helps build muscle mass. muscle mass. A series of laboratory experiments was led by endocrinologist Christopher Adams, who subsequently published the results in the journal Cellular Metabolism.

The beneficial properties of ursolic acid are explained by its interaction with hormones involved in building muscle tissue: insulin and its related growth factor 1 (IGF1). Acid makes receptors more receptive to these hormones, promoting muscle development in healthy people and preventing muscle atrophy in patients genetically predisposed to the disease.

Associated medicinal properties Ursolic Acid: Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduces body fat. In other words, no one has yet canceled the use of apples for weight loss.

Harm from pesticides

Modern methods of growing apples involve extensive use of herbicides and pesticides. In addition, wax-like substances and oils are sprayed onto the fruits to make the apples as shiny as possible and attract the attention of customers in stores. Peels from such fruits will do more harm to your body than good.

Add apple peel to jam, watermelon and apple jelly, in smoothies to increase the dose of pectin, in oatmeal along with raisins and cinnamon. Finally, prepare homemade apple cider vinegar from the peelings.

Older people, wise with experience, often say that If you eat an apple a day, you won't need to go to the doctor. This statement is largely justified, since these the healthiest fruits They contain a number of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements that support the health of the entire body. The whole world loves apples not only for their pleasant sweet and sour taste, but also for their nutritional value. Apples are used by chefs from many countries to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

Read also: What are the benefits of apples? 20 scientific facts. The article lists the 20 most beneficial properties for human health. For what diseases is it especially recommended to consume these fruits? The benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use?

Important, that the product is hypoallergenic, thanks to which it can be given even to small children. Many people eat fruits after peeling them, but is it worth it? Since the peel contains more benefits than the pulp itself. There is such a dish as stuffed apples. Eating this dish not only has a positive effect on the health of the body as a whole, but also improves the condition of the skin and slows down its aging. The presence of pectin has a positive effect on the skin. Many scientists claim that baked apples retain absolutely all beneficial properties after heat treatment. This is distinctive feature fruit from others.

At long-term storage they also practically do not lose their benefits. It is also an ideal food for those who want to get rid of excess weight. The substances contained in the fruit are able to bind and remove accumulated toxins, which makes them invaluable for the digestive and excretory systems. Few people know that the peel of an apple - it is a storehouse of nutrients. After learning more about this, you will never peel apples before eating them.

Nutrients in apple peel

A person peeling an apple deprives himself of the lion's share of the entire value of these fruits. Let's consider which ones useful material contained in the peel of this amazing fruit. If we take the crust of one medium apple as a basis, we will get the following data.

Energy value - 18 kcal. Suitable for those who are on a diet. In addition, in the zest contains virtually no fat. Not available here saturated fats, trans fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Cholesterol and sodium content was 0 mg. But potassium in the zest is 1%. This is 25 mg in the peel of one medium fruit. There is a small amount of carbohydrates - about 1 g. There is even less protein. Dietary fiber contains about 4%, and vitamins C and A - 1% each. IN small quantities others were discovered useful minerals and vitamins.

Five Health Benefits of Apple Peel

It is known that apples contain almost all the vitamins important for humans. But their largest accumulation is located in the peel of the fruit. It contains the most vitamins A and C. American scientists conducted studies that showed that Of all the vitamin C found in apples, half of them are contained in the peel.

  1. Rich vitamin composition

    Vitamin A is very important for maintaining visual acuity, as well as for healthy skin. And vitamin C is essential for maintaining immune system in good condition. It is he who helps fight many ailments, especially colds during the cold season. This vitamin also brings many benefits for skin health. Vitamin K and folate are present in apple peels. And a substance such as choline promotes cell regeneration.

  2. Minerals

    The zest of this fruit is also rich in minerals that are essential for the human body. It contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. In addition, there is sodium, magnesium and zinc. For those with anemia, eating apples with the peel will be especially important, since this fruit contains iron. The element is in a form that allows it to be almost completely absorbed by the body. Thanks to high content This microelement, as well as folic acid, is recommended for pregnant women to regularly consume apples. Iron and calcium are also very important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.

  3. Source of dietary fiber

    In addition, apple peel contains a lot dietary fiber. They are present here in both soluble and insoluble forms. The peel contains about 2/3 of the dietary fiber of the total content in the entire apple. The presence of fiber makes the fruit indispensable for those who strive to lose weight. This fiber takes a long time to digest, which helps dieters maintain a feeling of fullness for a longer time. There is little fiber in the diet of modern people, which causes a lot of harm to health. Digestion is not efficient enough; food residues accumulate in the intestines, which subsequently rot and are absorbed by the intestines. This effect has a very negative impact on health. And consuming fiber in sufficient quantities helps cleanse the intestines of such deposits. In addition, the action of fiber is aimed at destroying fatty tissue and strengthening the immune system. If you eat peeled apples regularly, bowel movements will be more comfortable. This action helps prevent organ diseases digestive system, as well as the heart and blood vessels.

  4. Apple peel is an excellent source of essential antioxidants. If you are looking for products that will supply your body with flavonoids and phenolic acids, then feel free to opt for apples. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from pollution. They neutralize destructive molecules called free radicals. The accumulation of such radicals in the body threatens major health problems. Regular use Eating apples will help prevent dangerous diseases such as heart attack and diabetes. The substances contained in this fruit make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

  5. Apple peel and cancer prevention

    Illinois State scientists conducted studies that revealed triterpenoid content in apple peelings. This compound is indispensable in the fight against the formation of cancer cells. Eating apples reduces the risk of developing colon, liver and breast cancer.

What else is useful?