How to make cheese cream for cupcakes. Cream cheese cream with cocoa

On the eve of any family celebration or bright holiday with the arrival of long-awaited guests at home, it’s good to prepare a very beautiful, unusual dessert- cupcakes. These small cupcakes are decorated with chocolate, nuts, ripe berries and fruit pieces with a fun or pastel-colored fluffy top.

It is no coincidence that small cakes have gained popularity recently. Lovers homemade baked goods They love to cook them: you can always surprise your loved ones and friends with them.

Cupcakes are also appreciated by those with a sweet tooth - aesthetes; looking at these always exquisitely decorated treats pleases the eye. The cakes have a cake base, and they are decorated with a delicate, literally melting cream, which can be prepared in different ways.

Protein cream for cupcakes that holds its shape

In order for the cupcakes to turn out delicious and their caps to retain their shape for a long time, chefs use products that are difficult to find in the store.

Protein cream is prepared from ingredients that any housewife has. This filling is simple in taste, there is little sophistication or unusualness in it, but despite this, the light airy cream is usually liked by all those who try it.

To prepare it, pour into a small ladle warm water and add sugar. Place the ladle on a well-heated cooking surface and prepare the syrup.

Add citric acid to the sweet water, stir the contents of the ladle constantly, cook for 7 minutes. In a glass container, separate the whites from the yolks.

Using a mixer, beat the whites until an elegant foam forms. Carefully pour into the container with the whipped egg whites. sweet water, combine the resulting components using a mixer.

Beat the mixture for at least 7 minutes.

Cream "Cheese" with cream

  • cream 33% – 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 80 g;
  • curd cheese – 450 g;
  • a pinch of vanilla.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Cream prepared using curd cheese and high-fat cream, does not lose its desired shape over time.

Cupcakes decorated with such cream can lie on beautiful dish at room temperature several days, and at the same time save beautiful shape their hats. The cream should sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before cooking.

First whip the cream, it should become even thicker. Then place the cheese in a glass beating container and sprinkle the ingredients with powder. The ingredients are whisked until completely combined.

Light, slightly salty cheese taste will add an unforgettable flavor to the delicacy. This cream will definitely be appreciated.

Recipe for buttercream with citrus notes

  • sugar – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • orange – 1 piece;
  • butter– 30 g.

Cooking time: 45 min.

This cream can be used to decorate not only cupcakes, but also any other cakes and fruits. Subtle citrus chords will give baked goods a slight sourness, leaving behind a refined aftertaste.

The zest is removed from the lemon and finely chopped. Juice is extracted from orange and lemon pulp.

Beat the eggs with a fork and add citrus juice.

The mixture should sit for 30 minutes. When the specified time has elapsed, it must be strained. Pour the mixture into a small ladle and place on a heated cooking surface.

Add butter to the ingredients, stir the resulting mass constantly and cook for 15 minutes until thickened. Cool the mixture and decorate the baked cupcakes with it.

Recipe for chocolate cream with mascarpone

  • mascarpone cheese – 350 g;
  • cream 33% – 200 ml;
  • chocolate – 1 bar;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Calorie content in one piece: 60 kcal.

To prepare a delicate melting cream with light chocolate good for notes dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

Beat the powdered sugar and cream and pour the resulting mass into the container with the mascarpone. A chocolate bar is broken into slices, which are placed in a ladle and placed on water bath.

The chocolate should not be hot, but only slightly warm. When it starts to melt, pour it into the resulting mass of cream, cheese and powder. Beat the ingredients until completely combined.

Curd cream for cupcakes: recipe step by step

  • powdered sugar – 50 g;
  • low fat cottage cheese – 180 g;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking time: 35 min.

Calorie content in one piece: 70 kcal.

Both children and adults like this cream. Very light, juicy and airy, this amazing delicacy is a real find for a good housewife. The cottage cheese must be cooled in advance and rubbed through a fine sieve. Soften the butter in a water bath and add to the cottage cheese. Beat the ingredients in a deep glass container until smooth. Powder is poured into the mixture and a pinch of vanilla is added. The mixture is whipped to a thick consistency. The cream is ready for decoration.

English custard

  • sugar – 120 g;
  • milk – 0.4 l;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • starch – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking time: 45 min.

Calorie content in one piece: 70 kcal.

This recipe is considered one of the most difficult to prepare. But the results of your labor will definitely please you: the cream turns out so delicate that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from it.

With this cream you can also make custard eclairs or soak the layers of Napoleon cake with it. To begin with, the yolk is combined with sugar and starch, the components are heated in a water bath.

When heating, they need to be stirred gently. Then milk is poured in little by little; it should be very fresh and cool. If the milk curdles, the cream cannot be prepared.

The mass must be heated to a boil, when the surface is covered with bubbles, the pan must be removed from the water bath. Add soft butter to the mixture, stir all ingredients slowly.

A very tasty oil-based custard filling is ready.

Cheese cream for dessert

  • powdered sugar – 130 g;
  • curd cheese – 340 g;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Cooking time: 40 min.

Calorie content in one piece: 70 kcal.

Cupcake tops made from cheese cream look very appetizing and attractive. Thanks to their creamy cheese base, they retain their given shape well. After buying curd cheese for cream in a store, you need to cool it well for several hours.

It is good to keep the butter needed for the recipe warm so that it acquires the desired softness. If you follow these subtleties of preparation, you can get a soft melting cream structure, exactly the way it should be.

Beat the butter and powder for 5 minutes until a thick consistency is obtained. Vanilla and soft curd cheese are added to the resulting mixture.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and delicious cheese decoration ready for mini cupcakes.

Recipe with bananas

  • condensed milk – 90 g;
  • bananas – 2 pcs;
  • butter – 90 g.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Calorie content in one piece: 75 kcal.

They go very harmoniously with banana cream. chocolate cupcakes. If the housewife decides to make banana cream, she should know that compared to other recipes, this cupcake decoration has a liquid texture.

It is impossible to put such cream in a heap on a cupcake, because it will gradually flow down the sides. They usually grease the tops of the cake, and decorate it with ripe berries on top.

To make the cream thicker, you can replace condensed milk with powder or use fewer bananas. But in this case the taste of the cream will be changed, and it will not be so tender and tasty.

To prepare the banana treat, keep the butter warm for an hour. Then place the condensed milk in a glass container and add soft butter to it.

The mass should become homogeneous after beating, but you need to be careful that it does not start to flake. In a separate container, chop the bananas until they turn into a soft paste.

Mix all ingredients and beat them well using a mixer.

  1. Banana cream is known to hold its shape rather poorly due to its liquid texture. To make the cream denser and thicker, after preparing it, you can place it in the cold for half an hour. It is recommended to stir the mixture lightly every 10 minutes.
  2. When cooking banana cream In advance, the container with the finished mass should be covered with a special film. After all, bananas darken when exposed to air.
  3. Desserts decorated with cheese soaking retain their attractiveness for a very long time. appearance. Such treats are worth preparing for future use, because they will not dry out or spoil within a few days.
  4. To make cheese caps you can use it as cream cheese, and cottage cheese. But it is better to give preference to cottage cheese: its structure is ideal for such sweet decorations.
  5. To get the right “cheese”, you need to use soft butter and well-chilled cheese. Only if these conditions are met, the cream will turn out fluffy and will retain its given shape well.
  6. Use pre-prepared cheese cream quite possible. In a special film, this cream is well stored in the refrigerator. The cheese mass will not deteriorate within 5 days.
  7. If cupcakes are decorated with frozen berries and fruits, then these products must be thawed well in advance. Otherwise, they can ruin both the appearance and taste qualities this beautiful treat.
  8. If the cream is prepared for lovers of sweets, then you should increase the amount of powdered sugar compared to the portion indicated in the recipes.
  9. Almost all recipes are prepared very quickly. Preparation takes 15-20 minutes, so the cream can be made right before serving the treat.

Along with delicious cupcakes, decorated with elegant hats made of delicate air cream, a feeling of celebration appears in every home. Bake cupcakes with your favorite cream, and the happy smiles of your dear people will be the best gratitude.

Is the world divided into spirit and matter, and if so, what is spirit and what is matter? Is the spirit subject to matter or does it have independent powers? Is the universe evolving towards some goal? ... These and other eternal questions have tormented the great minds of mankind for many hundreds of years. People no less exalted than philosophers, but closer to simple joys - amateurs and professionals confectionery art, are worried about their “eternal questions”. Questions of sweet life. How to assemble a perfectly smooth cake? How to beat egg whites absolutely correctly? How to do perfect cream for cupcakes?
Let’s look at the last important and basic question in more detail.
5 working recipes for perfect creamy hats.

Mascarpone based cream:

  • 200 gr. mascarpone;
  • 70 gr. cream fat content 33-36%;
  • 70 gr. powdered sugar.

An indecently simple cream that can be used independently or as a basis for experiments. All ingredients must be cold. Just mix and beat with a mixer until stable. You can add any extract, flavoring, or dye to this cream. In principle, you can even add berry puree. The only caveat: when adding the latter: the puree should be dense and thick, and you should take a little less cream than in the basic version. Mascarpone cream is great for almost any type of cupcake. Is our perfect combination: vanilla cupcake with cream, to which a few drops of vanilla flavoring have been added.

Cream cheese cream:

  • 70 gr. butter;
  • 200 gr. cream cheese;
  • 70 gr. powdered sugar.

Everything is as simple as in the previous version: mix and beat with a mixer until smooth. The only important point is that the butter should be at room temperature and the cream cheese should be cold. Also, you should not try to replace cream cheese with mascarpone, since mascarpone is absolutely not friendly with butter and your cream will break up into flakes. This cream is very versatile, you can add nut butter or vanilla. Our ideal combination: carrot or lemon cupcake with cream, to which hazelnut paste has been added or (for the second option) a little lemon juice.


Bring the cream to a boil, chop the chocolate small pieces and mix with hot cream. It is important to mix the ganache thoroughly so that all the chocolate pieces are dispersed. The finished ganache should be smooth and shiny. Leave the cream until it hardens, after which you can beat it with a mixer. In principle, ganache can also be used in your in its original form, but whipped - more airy and interesting option for cupcakes. You can also make a ganache based on white or milk chocolate. In this case, the proportion of cream to chocolate changes slightly.

For white ganache, take:

For dairy:
  • 150 gr. milk chocolate;
  • 100 gr. cream fat content 33-36%;
  • 30 gr. butter.
Swiss meringue:

if you love flavor combinations from childhood, or want to try something new, Swiss meringue is the perfect solution. Why Swiss?! Unlike the French one (dry whipped egg white with sugar), this meringue is more stable, unlike the Italian one (brewed egg white sugar syrup) does not require shamanic dances with syrup and a thermometer. Let's take two whites, add sugar, a pinch of citric acid and place it all on steam bath. It is important that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the boiling water. Turn on the heat and start beating at low speed. When the mass reaches 65 degrees and the sugar has dissolved, increase the speed and continue beating until stable, without removing from the heat. After this, remove the bowl from steam bath and beat for about another minute until it cools. An additional advantage of Swiss meringue: you can burn it with a torch and feel a little like the hero of the movie “Toast”.

Swiss meringue cream:

  • 2 squirrels;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 90 gr. butter.

The cooking technology is similar to the standard Swiss meringue from the previous recipe. After the meringue is ready, add small pieces of butter at room temperature and beat thoroughly and vigorously. You really should add the oil in small, tiny portions, otherwise the cream may become runny and not textured. This cream turns out very airy (due to protein) and at the same time creamy (due to butter). It holds its shape well and keeps well for several days in the refrigerator.

Which cream to choose?!

When choosing cream for cupcakes, first of all you should pay attention to taste compatibility. Caesar to Caesar, chocolate to chocolate, cream to cream. A rich chocolate cupcake with cream on top will look extremely strange. Swiss merengue, or lavender with chocolate ganache. On the other hand, no one forbids experimenting. After all, each of basic recipes creams are just a clean slate for the future culinary masterpiece. Perhaps it is you who will discover a new, original combination that will be imitated by all subsequent generations. And it’s not you, but others who will be asking a new eternal question: “What’s added to this perfect creamy cap?!”

With love, Tortomaster team and Maria Sukhomlina.

Cupcakes - individual small cakes designed for one person, appeared in America back in the 18th century. In our country they gained popularity relatively recently, but they fell in love immediately and forever. Recipe This miniature pastry has one indispensable condition: it must be crowned with an intricate cap, which is formed by cupcake cream.

It can be creamy or chocolate, curd or cheese (for example, with Mascarpone or Philadelphia). Flavoring additives can include berries and fruits, nuts and chocolate. Sometimes used as a mandatory decoration French meringues– egg whites thoroughly beaten with sugar in a water bath.

This article will help you find the cream recipe that best suits your tastes and preferences. So, take your pick!

The most delicate creamy mascarpone cheese is a wonderful base for creating an airy cream. The simplest and quick recipe To prepare it, beat 100 grams of condensed milk (or 50 g of powdered sugar) with 250 grams of mascarpone cheese with a mixer at low speed. The result is an amazingly delicate and tasty coating that is easily applied to baked cupcakes using a pastry syringe.

The next option provides a slightly different set of ingredients:

  • 100 ml cream 35% fat;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 200 g mascarpone.

First of all, you need to beat the cream well - what is called “until stable peaks”. Then add powdered sugar and mascarpone to the cream. Mix everything, reducing the mixer speed. There is no need to stir for a long time - the cream may separate. That's all: the surprisingly light and delicate cover for cupcakes is ready.

Inspired by tiramisu

Another recipe will delight fans of the famous dessert “Tiramisu”. The cream prepared using it turns out to be exceptionally tender and aromatic. However, there is one feature worth considering: it is not too thick. In order to create the Italian version of the cream at home, you will need to stock up on:

  • two egg yolks;
  • two tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • a teaspoon of cocoa powder;
  • a tablespoon of coffee liqueur;
  • 200 g mascarpone cheese.

Preparing the Italian version is not difficult at all:

First you need to thoroughly grind the yolks with powdered sugar- achieving white color. Then pour coffee liqueur into them and add cocoa. Mascarpone is added last and the mixture is whipped until smooth. You can slightly improve this version: pour into ready cream a little dark chocolate grated on the finest grater.

Oil version

This recipe suggests lightly “weighting” it with butter. light cheese consistency. This option is thicker and holds its shape better, which is especially valuable when decorating cupcakes. To do it, you will need:

  • 100 g butter (unsalted) – room temperature;
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese;
  • 1 cup powdered sugar;
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract.

Making recipe:

  1. Beat soft butter with a mixer at medium speed. Continuing to beat, gradually add all the powdered sugar.
  2. Before the final phase of cream formation, the recipe recommends reducing the mixer speed to minimum and only then adding mascarpone and vanilla. You should not stir for a long time - to avoid separation of the cream.

Curd option

The cream can be made without mascarpone. Moreover, this cheese, with all its undeniably wonderful qualities, is still quite expensive. Of course, you can always replace it with any other curd cheese. You can also prepare cream based on cottage cheese for cupcakes. It is no less tasty, airy and tender.

The recipe for preparing curd cream requires the presence of:

  • fat cottage cheese – 150 g;
  • cream (33 – 35% fat) – 50 ml;
  • butter – 150 g (of course, at room temperature);
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • a couple of drops of vanilla essence.

Cooking begins with whipping the cottage cheese. It is convenient to make it with a blender. During the process, the recipe recommends adding half the cream to the cottage cheese. Perhaps this amount will be enough: if the mass has become fluffy and homogeneous, there is no need to add more cream. But you need to introduce vanilla essence.

Separately, beat the butter, gradually adding powdered sugar to it. To make the mass fluffy (enrich it with oxygen), you will have to work with the mixer for about five minutes.

Finally, you need to combine the curd and butter mixtures at low mixer speeds. It is recommended to keep the finished curd cream in the refrigerator for 20 minutes before applying.

Now all that remains is to decorate the cupcakes with cream. Berries will help bring the decoration to perfection. The recipe suggests using raspberries, currants, blueberries, cranberries or strawberry pieces for this.

Bon appetit!

See also cupcake recipes.

Video recipe for making buttercream for cupcakes

Cupcakes are small-sized cakes. Recently they have gained great popularity in the confectionery world. Most often they are based on biscuit dough, to which vanilla, cocoa, ground almonds, pieces of fruit or marmalade are added to taste . The top of the mini-cake is beautifully decorated with cream using a special pastry syringe. Cream for cupcakes can be different. The main thing is that it goes well with the biscuit itself.

Cupcakes with cream. Swiss butter meringue

This famous cream can be prepared at home. Roses from it turn out beautiful and retain their shape remarkably well. long time. It requires the simplest products.

Required ingredients:

  • proteins (chicken) – 3 pieces;
  • butter (butter, soft) – 250 g;
  • regular sugar – 85 g;
  • salt (table salt) – a pinch.


Lightly beat chicken whites and regular sugar in a water bath. As soon as the sugar dissolves and the mass becomes homogeneous, remove from the stove. Add salt and beat well with a mixer. Whipped whites should be stiff. In a separate bowl, beat soft butter until fluffy. Add vanilla sugar, beat again. Then literally add the whipped butter one teaspoon at a time to the egg mixture, beating each time with a mixer. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 72 hours.

Citrus curd

Citrus curd is excellent for any cake, this onerecipenot only forcupcakes with cream. At first glance, it seems that it is difficult to cook, but it is not so. The basis of Kurd is citrus juice, most often lemon. Less commonly used are oranges, tangerines or grapefruits. Thanks to the acid contained in citrus fruits, eggs do not curdle. The amount of sugar must be adjusted based on the acidity level of the fruit. The recipe also contains butter, it must be of excellent quality, without a margarine aftertaste.

Required ingredients:

  • lemons (medium size) – 2 pieces;
  • eggs (chicken) – 2 pieces;
  • sugar (regular white) – 100 g;
  • butter (butter) – 1 full tablespoon.


Carefully remove the zest from one lemon. Squeeze both fruits lemon juice. Mix zest, juice and sugar. Separately, beat the eggs using a regular fork.

Mix beaten eggs and lemon juice, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Add butter to the resulting mixture and place on the stove. Cook over low heat until the curd thickens, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula.

Simple recipes for cupcake creams

Oil cream

The simplest and fastest recipe. This cupcake cream holds its shape perfectly and produces beautiful and neat roses. But there are also disadvantages - he loves the cold, so the finished cakes must be stored in the refrigerator.

Required ingredients:

  • butter (butter) – 150 g;
  • powdered sugar - 6 tablespoons.

For this recipe you definitely need to use butter. good quality. Otherwise, the taste of margarine may ruin the taste of the cakes. You can make your own powdered sugar by grinding regular granulated sugar in a coffee grinder.


Beat soft butter with a mixer with a small amount of powdered sugar. Then, without stopping whisking, gradually add the remaining powdered sugar. After this, beat with a mixer for 5-10 minutes until an air mass forms. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator.

Curd cream cheese

Making your own cream cheese is easy and quite quick. This cupcake recipe will appeal to all cream cheese lovers. The cream turns out thick. It is ideal for decorating pastries and cakes.

Required ingredients:

  • curd cheese (chilled) – 500 g;
  • powdered sugar – 150 g;
  • butter (butter, room temperature) – 180 g.


Using a mixer, beat the butter and powdered sugar. Then add curd cheese and beat again. The cream should be homogeneous.

If you don't have cream cheese, you can also use cream cheese.


Traditional recipe, which is prepared from eggs, milk and without wheat flour. It is easy to prepare, the cakes with it turn out very tasty, with a pleasant aroma of vanilla.

Required ingredients:

  • milk (fat content 2.5%) – 150 ml;
  • butter (butter) – 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • regular sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • eggs (chicken) – 2 pieces.


Pour the milk into a bowl, put it on the stove, and bring to a boil. Add regular sugar to the milk and mix. In another bowl, beat chicken eggs using a whisk. Pour hot milk into the egg mixture in a thin stream, whisking continuously. Place the egg-milk mixture on the stove, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula, and bring to a boil. Immediately turn off the stove and cool the mixture slightly. Beat soft butter with a mixer, add vanilla sugar at the end. Then pour in the slightly cooled milk mixture and beat again with a mixer until a thick cream is obtained.

Recipes for making cupcake cream was last modified: May 19th, 2016 by MaximB

I can’t believe it, but I finally did it: I collected all my favorite recipes for cupcake creams in one place. Cupcakes turn out neat and beautiful if the cream holds its shape well. Another condition for beautiful caps on cakes is good skill in working with a pastry bag. It takes practice, a lot of practice.

You can fill the bag with cream, place a free bowl next to it and start training. Pipe onto cupcake a small amount of cream, then remove the cream into a bowl using a spatula and squeeze a new portion onto the same cake. And so on until the result suits you. The deposited cream can be put back into a pastry bag and the decorating experiment can be repeated.

It may not be possible to get neat hats right away, this is a matter of practice, don’t worry. Despite the awkward hats, the cakes are delicious, homemade, and made with ingredients you know.

1.Curd with butter

  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g
  • Butter - 150-200 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 -150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp. (optional)

How to cook:

The cream is very easy to prepare, even a beginner can handle it. Allow the butter to warm up and the mascarpone to cool (it’s best to keep the cheese in the refrigerator until you add it to the cream).

Using a mixer, beat the butter and powder until fluffy and light in color. Cold cheese add to the cream only after the powder and butter are well beaten, so that later you don’t have the feeling that the powder is squeaking on your teeth. Using a hand mixer, it will take 8-10 minutes to beat, if you have a planetary (stationary mixer) - 5-6 minutes, no more.

The powder will quickly dissolve in the warm oil, then carefully stir the mascarpone into the creamy mixture and beat a little more until smooth.

This cream can be stored in a pastry bag for 5 days, while all its properties and structure are preserved. Too much delicate cream You can’t call it either - after all, curd cheese and powder in combination keep their shape very well. Even at room temperature (about 17-20 degrees), the cake or cupcakes will be able to stand for a couple of days without losing their shape.

This cream can be made chocolate by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of quality cocoa. To get a colored cream, for example pink, you can mix in a little raspberry puree.

To prepare the puree, defrost the berries (you can use fresh ones) and grind them in a blender. Add two tablespoons of berry puree to the cream and stir.

2.Curd cheese and cream

A variation of the previous cream, only whipped cream is used instead of butter.

  • Heavy cream (no more than 33%) - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 70 g
  • Cream cheese - 500 g

First, whip the chilled cream (100 g). Cream with less than 33% fat content is not suitable for this recipe.

Before whipping the cream, cool not only the cream itself, but also the bowl in which you will whip, as well as the mixer beaters. I put the mixer beaters and a packet of cream in a bowl and put everything away freezer for 10 minutes.

So, beat the cream at maximum speed, even if it seems like nothing is happening and it remains liquid, still beat it. Starting from the fifth minute, stop more and more often to lift the cream on the whisk and check if it holds its shape. Otherwise the cream will turn into butter.

If you accidentally over-whip the cream, this is not a tragedy on a universal scale. Just add 1 tbsp. spoon of cold cream and stir again. The cream will return to its previous structure.

The website has step by step recipe butter cream with condensed milk, you can see the detailed description.

This cream is made in a similar way, but cocoa powder is added at the end of the process. The photo shows the cream after cooling in the refrigerator.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Condensed milk - 200 g
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.

How to prepare:

  1. First, beat the soft butter until fluffy and light in color.
  2. Pour in the condensed milk with a spoon, whisking until smooth each time.
  3. When the condensed milk is used up, add cocoa powder a tablespoon at a time, whisking thoroughly each time.
  4. We use the finished cream to decorate cupcakes.
  5. If the cream does not hold its shape well, refrigerate.

4.Butter cream with boiled condensed milk

We will need:

  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 320 g

How to cook:

Beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy and creamy (takes about 5 minutes).

Add condensed milk one spoon at a time, whisking until smooth each time.

The finished cream needs to be cooled and then you can decorate cupcakes or a cake.

5.Curd soufflé

  • Unsweetened curd mass or cottage cheese - 500 g
  • Granulated sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Gelatin - 25 g
  • Butter - 125 g

Cooking method

  1. Beat the yolks (2 pcs) with 0.5 tbsp. sugar and vanilla extract.
  2. Add softened butter. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  3. Pour gelatin hot water(almost boiling water), soak for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Beat egg whites with sugar until stiff peaks form. If you are using in a recipe homemade cottage cheese, rub it through a metal sieve so that there are no grains. IN curd mass add the yolk-butter mixture, beat well.

After this, pour warm gelatin into the cottage cheese, continuously whisking with a mixer.

Then add the whipped whites in small portions and mix gently. If you want a colored cream, add a small amount of berry or cherry puree.

Since the cream thickens very quickly, spread it onto the cake without delay.

6.Cream cheese with white chocolate

A wonderful combination of white chocolate and cream cheese flavors.

  • White chocolate - 200 g
  • Softened butter - 200 g
  • Powdered sugar -150 g
  • Curd cream cheese - 250 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.

Cooking process

Melt the chocolate in your usual way. I do this in a water bath, I describe it in detail here:

Beat the soft butter for 5 minutes with a mixer until fluffy, then add the remaining ingredients (after cooling the chocolate to room temperature), beat until smooth.

To ensure that the cream holds its shape better on the cupcakes, it is recommended to refrigerate it.

7.Chocolate ganache

The silky texture of the cream is perfect for delicate cupcakes. The cream needs to be cooled well and allowed to brew, so prepare it in advance. I usually make it in the evening, leave it at room temperature overnight, and decorate the cupcakes in the morning.

  • Cream with fat content from 33% -250 ml
  • Liquid honey - 50 g (if yours is thick or candied, melt it in microwave oven or in a water bath).
  • Instant coffee - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Dark chocolate (cocoa content at least 60%) - 200 g
  • Butter - 75 g

Step-by-step cooking process

Bring honey to a boil over low heat. instant coffee and cream (no need to boil).

Chop the chocolate into a bowl, cut the butter into cubes, pour in hot cream in two steps: first pour half, mix with a whisk, then pour in the second half - mix again until smooth.

Tighten the bowl cling film, leave it to steep overnight (no need to put it in the refrigerator).

The next day, you can use the ganache to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

8.Protein cream (on Swiss meringue)

Many people are afraid to use protein cream due to the risk of contracting salmonellosis. In this recipe, the proteins are brewed in a water bath, so the risk of infection is virtually eliminated.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Food coloring - optional

How to make protein cream for cupcakes:

In a heat-resistant bowl, combine the whites, sugar, and vanilla extract. Place in a water bath so that the bottom of the cup does not touch the boiling water.

Constantly working with a whisk, bring the whites to such a state that the sugar is completely dissolved. You can take a small amount of the protein mass and rub it between your fingers - the grains should not be felt.

After the sugar has completely dissolved, remove the protein mixture from the water bath and pick up an electric mixer. Beat into a stiff meringue until the bowl cools to room temperature.

The finished cream can be immediately used to decorate cupcakes and cakes.

9.Fruit cream mousse

This cream can be used not only to decorate cupcakes, but also as an independent dessert. Choose the berries you like - and get to work!

  • Fruit puree - 250 g (can be prepared from fresh or frozen berries)
  • Leaf gelatin - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Egg whites - 3 pcs.
  • Cream - 33% and above - 250 g

What do we have to do:

  1. Soak gelatin leaves cold water and let it swell. If you don’t have gelatin in plates on hand, you can use powdered one, but choose a high-quality one, for example, from Dr. Oetker, it dissolves very well, you don’t need to wait two hours.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the whites into a fluffy foam, gradually adding granulated sugar.
  3. Whip the cream into a fluffy mass.
  4. Heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved.
  5. Gently fold in the whipped egg whites, cream and fruit puree.
  6. Add gelatin to the general mixture, pouring in a thin stream, without stopping stirring.

This cream should be allowed to sit properly in the refrigerator (at least 3 hours).
I wish you wonderful desserts, be sure to write what cakes and pastries you made using creams, which one did you like best!

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