Easy step by step chocolate cake recipe. Easy Chocolate Cake Recipes with Cocoa Powder

Thanks for the great master class! What was especially interesting for me was to see not how to cook chocolate cake and your extraordinary roses! Such beautiful color transitions, and they look like the real thing! Special thanks for the little secret that the roses need to be slightly frozen in order to easily transfer them to the chocolate cake. I usually make cream shapes directly on the surface of the cake, and it didn’t always work out neatly.

For me, a simple chocolate cake did not seem very simple at first. But when I tried to repeat the exact chocolate cake recipe with the photo, it turned out that making it in reality could not be easier. I don't have a piping bag, so I decorated the top with vanilla powder and berries.

I found here how to make chocolate cake, the recipes on the site are just a godsend! The cake is easy to prepare and the ingredients are available. The cake is simple and very chocolatey. The video explains in full how to bake this cake; I was able to bake such beauty myself.

What a simple but delicious chocolate cream! It never occurred to me: you mix cream and chocolate - and a great cream is ready! I'll take note. I didn't know how to decorate a chocolate cake. Oil roses look very impressive.

Dear Grandma Emma! Heartfelt gratitude to you from a person who cannot imagine life without chocolate! Among all the recipes, I always look for chocolate cake recipes. I was surprised by your offer to decorate the cake with such magnificent roses. It looks very expensive and stylish, as if from a famous cookery. I think such a delicious chocolate cake will be the most... the best decoration festive table.

Revised different recipes chocolate cake. I really liked this one. I made it and didn’t regret it! I prepared it as a gift for my mother-in-law’s anniversary, so I had to bake something very beautiful. I took regular chocolates instead of chocolate - everything worked out. I prepared the roses in advance, as advised in the recipe, so as not to spend a lot of time on it later. Everyone asked where I ordered this cake. We ate it very quickly, the guests and mother-in-law were happy.

Good day! I carefully looked through the chocolate cake recipe with photographs, and noticed that your granddaughter Daniella created such roses. And I wanted to express my admiration for her talent. Your whole family truly has golden hands! Continue to delight us with your simple recipes like these. delicious dishes. And I will definitely take note and review your method of decorating a chocolate cake with roses.

What a miracle that I found your chocolate cake recipe! I was looking for something to please my son for his 10th birthday, and his favorite of all cakes is chocolate cake. Therefore, I often bake cakes with the addition of cocoa, and most often make custard cream, exactly the same as in your other recipes. I'll definitely try the recipe chocolate ganache like in the video. Thank you!

Just yesterday I was looking for chocolate cake recipes, and today I accidentally came across your site and found this miracle! This is simply a masterpiece of culinary skill! Thank you, Grandma Emma!

Gorgeous, but quite simple chocolate cake, the recipe is super! It won’t be difficult to prepare one – and the effect… it will be simply a sensation! Especially if you soak it, it will be simply delicious. Beautiful chocolate cake, recipe with photos, everything is shown step by step - it couldn’t be easier to prepare!

As always everything is wonderful! I never tire of admiring how well your site is designed! Even such a simple chocolate cake recipe, which was difficult for me at first, is available in both a video version and with photographs! What a labor-intensive job... Many thanks to all the developers and your family!

I've been looking for a long time how to make chocolate cake. I looked through a bunch of recipes and then found this one. Recipe with step-by-step photos and videos, which makes the cooking process easier - everything is shown in detail. This is a very simple chocolate cake and is easy to prepare - worthy decoration table for the holiday.

My chocolate cake or cupcake never rises with kefir - the dough turns out kind of raw, but I really want to try making this recipe! Mom’s anniversary is coming soon - I’ll risk it again, I really liked this chocolate cake recipe!

Eh, I wish I had a mixer like this! It’s a little difficult to whip up so many ingredients for a regular one. But it's worth it! I was looking for how to make chocolate cake, a recipe with photos, and I found this miracle. Cool cake, my family will appreciate it! Roses, of course, are amazing. I don’t know if I can do this...

I never coat the sides of the cake because the cream spreads, but now I’ll try it. The cream looks quite dense and fits well on the cake. The chocolate cake, completely coated with cream, looks very appetizing!

I don’t like butter flowers, but for the sake of such beauty I’ll definitely try to make them. On festive table Such a delicious chocolate cake will look very beautiful!

Chocolate cake

A simple chocolate cake recipe for the whole family. This dessert will lift your spirits and decorate any tea party. It is very tasty.

1 hour

370 kcal

3/5 (4)

Dear housewives, if you want to amaze your loved ones delicious dessert, prepare this cake. I really want to present easy recipe Chocolate cake. The dough and cream for this cake are very easy to prepare. The result is a delicate and fragrant sponge cake with butter cream. I am attaching a photo to the recipe for the most delicious and light Chocolate Cake.

Of all the variety kitchen appliances , we just need a mixer.

Biscuit ingredients:

Ingredients for cream:

  • Powdered sugar – 200 g.
  • Cream – 600 ml.

Ingredients for glaze:

How to choose ingredients

If you choose the right ingredients, the process of making a cake will give you great pleasure. I'll give you some tips. Stick to them and get great results.

  • The cream for our cake should be fat, at least 30%.
  • Powdered sugar is sometimes sold with added vanilla sugar. This will not harm the cake, but, on the contrary, will add an appetizing aroma to our cream.
  • You need to take wheat flour and only the highest grade, it is suitable for any desserts.
  • Instead of cocoa, you can use dark dark chocolate. We choose it according to the principle, the more cocoa it contains, the better.

Now we know how to choose products for the cake.

History of the cake

The history of chocolate cakes is varied and goes back a long way.

  • In Germany, chocolate cake was served to the table of the emperor himself.
  • The invention of the recipe is also attributed to German confectioners. It is based on chocolate sponge cake, which is soaked in cherry syrup and decorated with cherries.
  • IN Soviet time Many housewives prepared chocolate cake. Its ingredients were easy to obtain, even in times of food shortages.

Step-by-step recipe for Chocolate Cake

  1. Ingredients:
    — Eggs – 4 pieces.
    — Sugar – 225 g.
    Many housewives are concerned about how to prepare chocolate cake at home. Everything is very simple, the main thing is to do everything according to the recipe.
    You need to separate the whites and yolks from each other. Grind the yolks with sugar and beat the whites.

  2. Ingredients:

    — Flour – 225 g.
    — Cocoa – 2.5 tbsp.
    — Vanillin – half a sachet.

    - Soda - 1.5 tsp.
    — Butter – 150 g.

    Mix soda, cocoa powder, flour and vanillin. Add butter. An hour before preparing the cake, remove the butter from the refrigerator. During this time it will become soft. Mix everything until smooth.

  3. Add sugar and yolks to the resulting dough. Mix. Carefully add the whipped whites until stiff foam forms. Mix very carefully so that the whites do not settle.

  4. To make a super chocolate cake, you need to grease a baking pan. You can also cover it with parchment. Place the dough into the mold. Let's bake 35-40 minutes. I heat the oven to 180 degrees. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a match. You need to pierce the dough with it, if it remains dry, then the dough is baked. The biscuit is ready, it needs to cool, but for now let’s make the cream. Everything is very easy.

  5. Ingredients:
    - Powdered sugar - 200 g.
    — Cream – 600 ml.
    Whip the cream together with powdered sugar. Cream must have fat content not less than 30%, otherwise they won’t rise. You can only tell if the cream has whipped by eye. If the cream does not spread and retains the shape you give it, then it is whipped correctly. The cream is ready.

  6. Cut the cooled cake in half. Lubricate both resulting cakes with cream.

  7. Ingredients:
    — Milk chocolate – 1 bar.
    — Butter – 20 g.
    Preparing the glaze. You need to melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath. Then we pour this glaze over the cake. That's all. Now you know a simple recipe for Chocolate Cake at home.

How to decorate a chocolate cake?

The most logical thing to do is decorate the cake with chocolate details. Chocolate roses or chocolate icing. You can make chocolate figures yourself.

  1. Melt the chocolate in the microwave and place it in a pastry bag.
  2. Then apply a pattern of this chocolate onto the parchment and wait until it hardens again. You can put the figures in the refrigerator.
  3. Remove the finished products from the parchment and place on the cake.
  4. Jewelry from white chocolate will contrast favorably against the background of dark glaze. Conversely, if the frosting is white chocolate, decorate the cake with black chocolate details.

Of course, we must not forget about fruit decorations. If you are using strawberries to decorate, add a sprig of mint. Making and decorating a Chocolate Cake at home is very simple. You need to add a little imagination and love, and then everything will work out.

Today we will bake a chocolate cake. This delicacy will please all those with a sweet tooth. The chocolate cake turns out incredibly delicious: chocolate cake, chocolate cream and chocolate glaze– what could be tastier? One of the advantages of this cake is its very simple preparation process, which does not take much time. The cake turns out very tender and the taste is rich.

Please your loved ones with this delicacy as often as possible, because chocolate contains great amount antioxidants that prevent the development of cancer, prevent heart disease vascular system and have a rejuvenating effect on the body, and chocolate also has the ability to lift your spirits.

Surprise and delight your loved ones with delicious food chocolate dessert. It's just easier to do.

It will take us 50 minutes to prepare the chocolate cake. We will get 8 servings. A step by step photos They will help you quickly navigate an already simple recipe.

Ingredients for chocolate cake

For the test:
Sour cream – 220 grams
Sugar – 250 grams
Condensed milk – 200 grams

Chicken egg – 3 pieces
Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet
Soda – 1 teaspoon
Vinegar – 1 tablespoon
Flour – 2.5 cups (250 milliliter glass)

For cream:
Butter – 250 grams
Cocoa powder – 4 tablespoons
Condensed milk - 200 grams

For chocolate glaze:
Sour cream – 1 tablespoon
Butter – 40 grams
Sugar – 2 tablespoons
Cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons.

Simple recipe with photo

Making the cakes:

To do this we need to knead the dough. Beat 3 eggs into an empty container, pour in sour cream, add sugar, vanilla sugar, flour, soda and extinguish it with vinegar.

Now add condensed milk and cocoa powder.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough is ready.

For baking, I use a springform round pan. Before placing the dough in the mold, you need to grease its bottom and sides. butter. Pour half the dough into the mold, distributing it evenly over the surface.
Place the crust in the preheated oven. Bake for 10 - 15 minutes at a temperature of 150 degrees. We determine the readiness of the cake using a wooden toothpick: we pierce the cake; if there is dough left on the toothpick, the cake is not ready yet. You should keep it in the oven a little longer.

Posting ready-made cake onto a dish, bake the second one in the same way. The cakes turn out porous and soft.

Now prepare the cream:

The butter should first be removed from the refrigerator; it should be soft.
Place the oil in an empty container.

Add condensed milk and cocoa powder. Or you can take a jar of ready-made condensed milk with cocoa. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The cream is ready.

Spread the cream over the already cooled cakes and grease the sides.

Now prepare the chocolate glaze:

Melt the butter over low heat, add sour cream, sugar, and cocoa powder. Filling the cake hot glaze until she froze.

If necessary, decorate the cake with cream and fresh berries. Our amazing chocolate cake is ready! simple recipe with photo. Call everyone to the table as soon as possible! If you prefer with cakes that are loose with cream, let your dessert sit for 12 hours. And bon appetit!

Imagine my delight when I realized that you can easily bake a gorgeous chocolate cake at home that tastes indistinguishable from the factory-made one! Even tastier :)

The recipe for cakes is simply a miracle, it is universal, you can make chocolate, coffee, they are obtained like at the Roshen factory, famous for its “Kyiv” and “Prague” ones. Well, how to do it different creams, we already know (if, of course, you regularly read my website). By combining different cake layers and creams, we will surprise our family and guests with a new homemade cake every time!

And now I will tell and show you basic recipe cake layers for homemade chocolate cake.


Cake layers:

  • flour - I take one and a half glasses (the volume of the glass is 200 g, it holds 130 (level) or 140-150 g (with top) of flour). When I cook again, I’ll weigh it on an electronic scale for accuracy.
    I weighed it. It turned out 200 g of flour.
  • sugar - half a glass (200 grams);
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • margarine or butter – 150 g;
  • cocoa powder – 50-70 g;
  • baking powder for dough – 2 teaspoons;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 1 glass (250ml);
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.


  • rum, or wine, or tea with lemon, or cherry jam syrup - in general, something liquid and sweet!


  • a can of condensed milk;
  • a stick of butter.


  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons milk;
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa.

How to make cake layers:

Mix all dry ingredients except sugar in a bowl:

  • flour;
  • baking powder;
  • baking soda (no need to quench with vinegar in this recipe!);
  • cocoa - the more, the chocolateier the cake.

In another bowl, beat sugar and softened butter with a mixer. There is no need to melt it, just let it sit out of the refrigerator for a while.

Add 1 egg to the sugar-butter mixture and beat with a mixer. Then add the second egg and beat as well.

Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into a glass of milk and wait with interest. After a couple of minutes, the milk is urgently fermented, turning into buttermilk. The milk can be warm - then it will ferment faster, but not hot! Otherwise it will turn into cottage cheese and whey, and then the cake will not be so fluffy.

We combine all the dough components.

Mix the dry mixture with the oil mixture.

Pour buttermilk into the dough and mix again. That's why there was no need to extinguish the soda.

The result is chocolate dough, moderately thick, like sour cream, very aromatic and so appetizing that you want to try it right now!

But still, we will wait until the cake is baked! Pour the dough into springform, the bottom of which is covered with confectionery parchment. The paper and sides of the mold should be greased with vegetable oil so that the cake comes out easily.

Using a spoon, level the dough into shape, and you can make a depression in the middle to make the cake even.

Place the pan in an oven preheated to 180-200C and bake at 200-220C for about half an hour. About 10 minutes after we put it in the oven, we look in and see how the cake rises. If it’s slow, reluctantly, we turn up the heat slightly; if it’s coming up quickly, but the inside remains raw, we turn it down a little.

Test for doneness with a wooden stick. If it is dry, the cake is ready! We take out the mold, wait until it cools down a little so that it does not crumble, then using a knife we ​​carefully trim the edges of the cake, open and remove the sides of the mold.

When the cake has cooled, cut it wide sharp knife by two. This is so fluffy, chocolatey and delicious!

We impregnate both cake layers - the bottom and the top - with the selected impregnation. If the tea party is for adults, you can soak it in rum, and if you are preparing for children, syrup is better from jam, diluted with water, or sweet tea!

Grease the bottom cake with cream.

Place the top one on it.

Prepare homemade chocolate glaze: melt a piece of butter over low heat, add sugar, milk, cook until the sugar dissolves, pour a teaspoon of cocoa through a strainer, stir and, after bringing to a boil, turn off. The chocolate glaze prepared according to this recipe turns out shiny, very beautiful, and does not become sugary even for tomorrow (unless, of course, the cake is eaten earlier so that you can check it!)

When the glaze has cooled a little, pour it over the cake.

You can additionally decorate it according to your desire and taste - with patterns of cream, grated chocolate, but we couldn’t resist and let’s try it quickly! So if you also make your own homemade chocolate cake, share your design methods in the comments!

Enjoy your tea!

This cake is very tasty with prunes. You can also make it not just chocolate, but chocolate-coffee! Well, if you don’t add cocoa to the dough at all, you’ll get a white and fluffy “Snowball” cake.

How to quickly and deliciously make homemade chocolate cake: five simple step-by-step recipes

2018-05-22 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

6 gr.

20 gr.


33 gr.

334 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Homemade Chocolate Cake

Delicate and delicious homemade chocolate cake made from porous sponge cake with cocoa and tender buttercream. Delicious dessert for holidays and everyday life. Only used for cream heavy cream, you will also need some condensed milk. Cocoa powder also goes into the layer, but you can omit it if you wish. This quantity of products is calculated for a large mold with a diameter of 26 cm.


  • 0.18 kg flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 0.22 kg sugar;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 0.5 l cream 33%;
  • 200 g condensed milk;
  • 70 g cocoa;
  • vanilla, salt.
  • 4 yolks;

Step-by-step recipe for a classic homemade cake

Making a dry mixture. Combine cocoa and flour and sift. If you want to add vanillin, add it at this stage. Immediately melt the butter. Leave to cool.

Let's do water bath, heat the water. In a bowl or saucepan, mix whole eggs with yolks, add sugar. Place the saucepan in the bathhouse. While stirring, heat the mixture to approximately 45 degrees.

Remove the eggs from the stove and beat the biscuit mixture until the volume increases at least three times. Add flour and cocoa, stir, and add melted butter at the very end. Ready dough send it to the form. We bake the base for homemade chocolate cake at 180 degrees. Let cool, then cut into three slices with a long knife.

We take the cream chilled, otherwise the cream will not whip to a fluffy mass. Immerse the mixer, beat, add condensed milk and sifted cocoa powder.

Place one layer of dough on a plate and grease it with cream. Cover with the middle crust and repeat. We hide it all with the top. Coat and level the cake. Decorate with the remaining cream or sprinkle with almond petals, shavings, and a grated chocolate bar.

Lovers of moist and wet cakes can soak the sponge layers. To do this, use syrups, sweet tea, you can brew or boil cocoa, coffee. It is only important to cool the impregnation before use.

Option 2: Quick recipe for chocolate cake at home

For a quick homemade cake, you don't even need to turn on the oven, but you will need a stove and refrigerator. This version of a cookie dessert. It is better to place it in silicone mold or a bowl shot with film. We take any shortbread cookies, maybe with the addition of cocoa.


  • 650 grams of cookies;
  • 0.5 cups of nuts;
  • 120 grams of butter;
  • 50 grams of cocoa;
  • 220 ml milk (or water);
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • a glass of sugar.

How to cook quickly

Add cocoa to milk or water along with sugar and butter. Place this mixture in a saucepan on the stove and simply cook until all the grains have dissolved. Then bring to a boil and simmer for three minutes. You will get a rich chocolate syrup. Remove it from the stove and cool it.

Break the cookies and pour chocolate mass, stir and place in the mold. Be sure to compact it. Place in the refrigerator for an hour or at least 30 minutes so that the cake sets a little. Then turn it over onto a plate and remove the pan.

Chop the nuts and grate the chocolate. Sprinkle the top of the entire chocolate cake. You can serve it immediately or let it soak and harden in the refrigerator.

Chocolate cake at home is decorated not only with nuts. You can melt a whole chocolate bar with a piece of butter and coat the top and sides with glaze.

Option 3: Homemade chocolate cake for one-two-three

This recipe produces a very tasty and porous chocolate sponge cake for homemade cake. It bakes perfectly in a slow cooker and in the oven. You can coat it with any cream, here boiled condensed milk with butter, which needs to be kept for a couple of hours room temperature.


  • 55 g cocoa;
  • 0.3 kg sugar;
  • can of condensed milk;
  • 1.5 tsp. soda;
  • 0.28 liters of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • 260 g butter;
  • 60 ml lean oil;
  • 0.25 kg flour.

How to cook

Sift the flour and add a pinch of salt and cocoa powder to it. It is also advisable to sift it, especially if there are hard lumps. Add sugar and soda here, mix it all with a spoon.

Break the eggs directly into the dry mixture, pour in the milk, add vegetable oil. Separate 60 grams of butter and also add it to the total mass. If it has not softened, you can melt it. Beat all these ingredients with a whisk or mixer until you get a dough. After a minute, add a spoonful of vinegar. Beat until the dough from the loose mass is smooth, flowing, and looks like a biscuit mass.

Pour into the mold and bake at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. Or cook on baking mode in a multicooker for exactly one hour. Cool the chocolate sponge cake and cut it into three thin layers.

Beat butter and condensed milk. If desired, you can add a spoonful of cocoa. Coat loose ones sponge cakes With this cream, let the homemade chocolate cake soak.

Any biscuit will taste better if you let it mature. To do this, after baking and cooling, the cake is wrapped in film and left for several hours.

Option 4: Homemade chocolate cake with sour cream

Chocolate sour cream is another wonderful cake that can be easily made at home. The dough is made very quickly, so immediately turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. You can even use not very fatty sour cream for it, but for the cream we take at least 25%.


  • 240 grams of sour cream 15%;
  • 500 g sour cream 25-30%;
  • 90 g powdered sugar;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • 125 g flour;
  • 2 spoons of cocoa;
  • 12 g baking powder.


  • 70 g butter;
  • 3 spoons of milk;
  • 3 spoons of cocoa;
  • 5 spoons of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Take low-fat sour cream and place it in a bowl. Add a couple of eggs to it, add sugar (not powder), beat for a couple of minutes with a whisk. It is advisable to dissolve all the sand. Then add flour and cocoa with baking powder, mix.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment, pour in the dough and bake for about half an hour. Leave the sour cream until it cools completely.

Mix fat sour cream with powder. Place the cream in the refrigerator and wait for the cakes to cool. Then cut them into four parts and coat the cake. Place layers of sour cream on top of each other.

Mix cocoa and remaining glaze ingredients. You can melt them in a water bath or simply place the saucepan on the burner and heat until smooth. Cool, pour over the cake, spread the drippings on the sides. Let's soak.

No need to cook homemade frosting from milk with cocoa. You can cover the cake with regular melted chocolate, add a piece of butter to it for plasticity, or simply grate the tile and sprinkle the sides along with the top.

Option 5: Homemade chocolate cake “Drunk Cherry”

One of the most famous chocolate cakes. We will intoxicate the cherries with cognac. It is advisable to pour the berries in the evening or let them sit for at least an hour. By the way, you can use cherries frozen or in your own juice, but strain off all the liquid.


  • 200 g flour;
  • 4 spoons of cocoa;
  • 300 g condensed milk;
  • 300 g cherries;
  • 0.3 tbsp. cognac;
  • 220 g butter;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 290 g sugar (40 for glaze);
  • 150 g chocolate;
  • 180 ml cream 20%;
  • 25 g butter for glaze.

How to cook

Remove the pits from the cherries, pour cognac over the berries, stir and leave to soak.

You can add baking powder to the biscuit, but this is optional. Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Add flour and cocoa, stir. Pour into a round lined pan and bake at 180 degrees until done. We send it to cool down.

Cut the butter into pieces, soften, beat. Add condensed milk to it and make regular cream. Set aside three spoons to decorate the cake. Place the cherries in a sieve and let the liquid drain. Add berries to the main cream and stir.

Cut off the top of the biscuit and carefully remove. Take out the crumb from the inside, chop it finely and mix with butter cream and berries. We return it all inside the cake. Cover with the previously cut top.

Mix the cream with chocolate and the remaining granulated sugar. Dissolve on the stove. Remove the saucepan and cool the chocolate, but do not let it harden. Grease the cake. Decorate the top with butter cream with condensed milk, which we saved earlier. You can use special cherries.

It is not necessary to make just such a chocolate sponge cake for this cake; you can bake any other option.