Quick desserts for tea: the best recipes. Recipe for sugar candies: do-it-yourself for a sweet tooth

Surely, many people associate cotton candy with childhood, trips to the park or square, which were necessarily accompanied by eating it. Sometimes you want to remember this taste, but a family trip for a walk is not planned yet. In this case, you can do cotton candy at home with your own hands, using a simple set of ingredients. Without a special apparatus, the process, of course, will be difficult, but if desired, it is quite possible to master it.

If you plan to cook this delicacy often, pampering children and yourself, it makes sense to purchase the necessary device. Its cost is relatively small, it is easy to use and completely safe.

If you decide to purchase a device for cotton candy, or rather, for its preparation, you need to know how to use it correctly:

  • Wash the new device thoroughly using detergent(or soap) and warm water;
  • Let the equipment dry;
  • It is necessary to let the device warm up for 5-10 minutes.

The process of making cotton candy on special equipment is carried out in several stages. The appliance is warming up. Pour sugar onto the disc in the amount of 1-2 tsp. Melting, the product turns into crunchy sweet threads. Now they need to be transferred to a stick.

You can use bamboo or sushi sticks. They are placed vertically in a bowl. When rotating, the threads themselves are wound around it, forming a fluffy ball. If fibers remain on the walls of the container, they can also be picked up with a stick for cotton candy.

If there is a need to prepare a colored treat, you can use dyes by adding them to sugar.

This equipment allows you to quickly cook delicious sweetness, but it also has its drawbacks:

  • The device is quite bulky. Its dimensions are similar to those of a food processor or slow cooker;
  • Inexpensive equipment representatives heat up very quickly, so when cotton candy is being prepared, they need to be turned off periodically. If this is not done, the device will soon fail.

Do not forget to clean the bowl of the apparatus, otherwise, over time, it will completely become covered with a sugar layer.

Having such a device, you can organize a permanent production of cotton candy. Some even think that this is a great idea for creating and growing their business.

The principle of operation of the device is simple, which encourages many to independently create it. To do this, you need a simple set of materials that can be found, perhaps, in every home, and skillful hands.

Here's how you can build this device with your own hands. Clean with a file or sandpaper 2 tin lids(for example, bottled). Make a large hole in one of them and several small ones in the second cover, connect them with a wire.

Now you need to attach a motor from some home electronic device (for example, from a hair dryer) to them. Wrap the entire structure with a wire to the board, which will become the base of the device. Using the terminals, attach the motor with the battery (you can use a crown battery).

Install thick cardboard on one side to create a partition. The device in which you can make cotton candy at home is ready and can be used as ordinary equipment. You can heat the rotating drum with a candle or a lighter.

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is not safe, so it is better to get original equipment or do without it at all. A do-it-yourself gourmet will turn out no worse than one made with the help of an apparatus.

To get started, practice cooking with a small amount ingredients. The process will require skill. In this regard, it is possible that the first couple of times you just have to practice.

We start making cotton candy by installing holders. To do this, put the sticks in the glass so that they are in a vertical position.

Now you can do the syrup. We combine all the ingredients in one container, put on a small fire and bring to a boil, without ceasing to stir the mixture. As soon as it boils, set aside the syrup and let it cool. This is necessary so that the syrup does not acquire a dark brown hue. We repeat the procedure 5 times until the mixture acquires a thick consistency and a golden color.

The final step in making the tastiest cotton candy at home is very important. Immerse the fork in the mass while it is still hot, and then move it around the sticks so that the sugar fibers remain on them. The thinner they get, the better. Wind the threads in such an amount that you get a fluffy head.

That's the whole principle of cooking. Don't forget about safety. Hot sugar syrup can leave a burn if you are not careful when handling it.

If the first time the wool turned out not the way you expected, you don’t need to be upset - next time it will be better.

Colored cotton candy is especially loved by children and adults, but how to make it at home? It's absolutely not difficult. Available for sale today great amount various dyes and food additives that will allow the treat to acquire a new taste.

The most popular of the dyes: yellow curcumin, red betanin, yellow saffron, purple anthocyanin, fiery red paprika. True, when studying their composition, it becomes clear that there are very few natural ingredients - solid chemicals. When preparing a treat for children, you should not use such components.

You can make colored cotton wool using the juice of fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries, lemons, oranges, mint syrup, etc.). It diversifies the taste and gives a beautiful color. The technology for preparing treats will not change at the same time - just add juice to the rest of the ingredients.

If you are cooking in a frying pan (or in a saucepan), use less water - the required amount of liquid will be replenished with juice. Having prepared several syrups with various additives, you can connect their threads, then the sweetness will turn out to be multi-colored.

When preparing the ingredients, it is important to consider that the sugar for making cotton candy must be of the highest quality. Do not use dyed raw materials - most likely, chemicals were used to give color, so just use natural dyes.

Now you know how to make your own cotton candy. And when you want to remember your childhood or pamper the kids, you can cook it at home!


Homemade cotton candy - a return to childhood

There is hardly a person who has not tried cotton candy. Now it is sold everywhere - in parks, at various mass events. You can even find it in stores. But the modern taste of this delicacy cannot be compared with what it used to be.

Many still cannot understand the principle of preparing this delicacy. In fact, everything is quite simple. Great option, which will allow you to pamper not only children, but also help adults remember moments of childhood, will be homemade cotton candy.

Making cotton candy at home is easiest with the help of a special apparatus. But you can do without it. But for this you will have to make an effort and spend more time. Let's take a step-by-step photo of the cooking instructions for this wonderful everyone's favorite dessert.

The easiest way to make cotton candy is to use a device specially designed for this purpose. It can be ordered online or found in hardware stores.

He produces a large number of product in a short time, which is great for people who often host, or for organizers of children's events or theme parties.

The device for cotton candy has a rather unpretentious design: on a stable basis there is a thicket with a metal disk that heats up during operation.

The principle of operation of the unit is very simple, which allows you to easily and quickly create your favorite sweet dish:

  1. Gently rinse your new car hot water, rinse with detergent, wipe dry and leave to dry completely;
  2. Connect the device to the network and let it run for 5 minutes to warm up;
  3. Pour two large spoons of sugar onto a metal disk. From heating, it will begin to melt and begin to turn into threads;
  4. Immerse the stick into the bowl and collect ready-made threads on it. Collect the mixture that sticks to the side walls, but do not throw it away. It can make delicious lollipops. That's all. Our delicacy is ready.

The unit is very convenient, compact dimensions make it easy to wash and store it. But everything has its downsides. This device is no exception:

  • Constant overheating. Because of this, you need to regularly turn off and cool the device;
  • You can stain the surrounding area when working;
  • Constant cleaning of the bowl and other parts is required, otherwise failure may occur.

There is another way to make cotton candy:

  • It is necessary to prepare the sugar-based syrup in advance, then pour it on top of the disk;
  • From the rotation of the heated disk, the syrup turns into threads that are distributed along the walls of the bowl;
  • The finished product is collected and wound on sticks.

The device allows you to experiment with additives and syrups, which will make your cotton wool original and bright. Walnut-caramel, mint-lemon, strawberry-vanilla - these are just a small part of the new syrups that can be included in the dish.

It happens that there is no money to buy new equipment. Do not despair. A machine for preparing your favorite treat can be designed independently. This is especially easy for people who have at least some skills in electrical engineering. The assembly scheme is as follows:

  1. Prepare two tin caps (can be used from baby food in jars);
  2. Wash them thoroughly, then remove all paint with sandpaper or a file. This must be taken very carefully to prevent the ingress of paint residues into the finished product;
  3. Create many small holes in the first lid. The resulting threads will come out of them. Provide the second cap with one large hole in the center. Sugar will be poured here;
  4. Combine the covers so that there is a cavity between them. Strengthen the structure with wire;
  5. Attach a motor from any small household appliances (for example, a hair dryer or a mixer) to the covers with nuts;
  6. Now you need to create a solid foundation for attaching the resulting mechanism. To do this, you can use a piece of plywood;
  7. Align the motor with the terminals of the battery or batteries of the "Krona" type, be sure to observe the polarity. On one side, place a semicircular partition made of a cardboard sheet folded in half;
  8. Pour 40 g of sugar into the hole, heat the rotating lid using matches or a lighter;
  9. When melting, threads will begin to appear and settle on the partition;
  10. The finished product must be wound on a stick.

You will get not quite airy cotton candy, but a little dense. To make it look more like a purchased one, sugar should be replaced with isomalt, a powder analogue of granulated sugar.

The preparation of cotton candy can be carried out without the apparatus. The process will be a little more complicated and longer, but the sweetness will turn out delicious and airy. First you need to prepare:

  • Corolla;
  • A saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom;
  • ceramic bowl;
  • Winding frames finished products. You can use cocktail tubes, chopsticks. Cutlery is also suitable.

The ingredients needed are the following:

  • Sugar (white or cane) - 2-5 large spoons. Calculate by serving size;
  • Water - in a ratio of 1: 3 to sugar. For example, 150 g of sugar accounts for 50 ml of water;
  • Vinegar solution (no more than 6%) - 5-7 ml. Prepare it ahead of time.

Now consider the recipe itself, according to which cotton candy is prepared at home:

  1. Mix sugar and water together, then rub the composition with a fork;
  2. Add vinegar, stir thoroughly and transfer the mixture to the selected container (saucepan or pan) for heating over a small flame;
  3. We heat the composition and mix regularly. We collect the remains from the walls, excluding burning;
  4. When the consistency of the mixture becomes homogeneous, turn off the flame, cool the product to 30-35 degrees, stirring constantly so as not to sugar. Our syrup is ready;
  5. After cooling, we again set the container to a slow flame, boil the contents, then turn off the fire again and cool;
  6. We repeat the process about five times until the syrup stretches and acquires a golden hue;
  7. AT finished product lower the edge of the spoon, then lift it up. The mixture should be viscous and not tear;
  8. We create a kind of frame of sticks, putting them in a vertical position and carefully fixing them;
  9. Immerse the whisk in the syrup, then circle it around the frame;
  10. We repeat the manipulations until we wind required amount threads. They should be thin so don't take too much syrup.

To give a new color and taste, you can add food coloring, which are sold everywhere. But it is not safe for children. Therefore, you can use natural ingredients such as raspberry, lemon or beetroot juice. Get a bright fruit cotton wool. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, as it will be replenished with juice.

The consistency of the product allows you to create various crafts from it. The kids will love it.

Finally, a few more tips to help simplify the cooking process;

  • It is necessary to use only dry bulk sugar. Refined or wet product is categorically not suitable;
  • Before cooking, it is better to protect the table and other nearby parts of the room with plastic wrap, because dried drops of syrup are very difficult to remove from surfaces;
  • Be careful when handling hot syrup. It is better to take the children out of the kitchen so that they do not burn themselves;
  • The finished product is best consumed immediately. After a while, the delicacy becomes dense and not so tasty.

As you can see, cotton candy at home is quite easy to prepare. You just need to stock up on time and patience. Then you can please your loved ones with this amazing delicacy.

Video: Cooking cotton candy at home using a special machine

How to make cotton candy at home? Making Cotton Candy - Recipe

What child, going to the park with his parents for a holiday, does not ask for cotton wool? This white air mass of sugar is liked by many kids. And so that the feeling of fun and good mood always accompanies our kids, parents can cook such a delicacy on their own. How to make cotton candy at home is described in this article.

Making cotton candy using improvised means

1. Prepare the syrup, and for this you will need: sugar (300 g), water (100 g) and half a teaspoon of vinegar. Mix all the ingredients, pour the mixture into a small saucepan and put it on slow fire. To make cotton wool bright, you can add natural dye, for example, beetroot juice or raspberry jam.

2. Be sure to stir the contents so that the sugar does not burn. When the syrup boils, remove the pan from the heat and wait 5 minutes for it to cool. Repeat this procedure 4 times. The syrup will be ready when it begins to stretch and turns golden brown.

If the mass is undercooked, then as a result, the cotton wool will turn out to be not airy, it will be heavy and wet, it will begin to stick to the teeth.

And if the syrup is digested, then the delicacy can eventually turn out to be tough, even a little prickly.

3. Let's move on to the formation of a familiar figure: take the usual forks in the amount of 3 pieces. Place two of them in glasses at a distance of about 5 cm from each other. And dip the third fork in hot syrup and start driving around the other two cutlery so that the sugar cobweb is wound around them. Be careful not to get the hot solution on your hands and burn them. Do-it-yourself cotton candy is ready, and now you can enjoy this delicate and pleasant delicacy.

Dessert preparation with a special device

A device for cotton candy can be bought at a hardware store, however, not everyone can afford such a unit. Its price ranges from 10,000-20,000 rubles. But if you are lucky, and you have purchased such a device, then preparing cotton candy with it will not be difficult. This delicacy is made as follows:

1. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of sugar into the center of the rotating bowl, and then plug the appliance into the mains.

2. After a minute, white sweet threads will begin to form inside the bowl, so you need to catch them. To do this, take a stick on which you will wind the cotton wool, determine it vertically above the container and wait until the threads begin to cling to it. Then, in a horizontal position, continue winding the sweetness around the holder.

One serving of cotton wool with this method of preparation takes only 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. If you want to make a treat for two sweet teeth (or even more), then you need to clean the bowl so that subsequently the syrup does not stick to it.

Now you know how to make cotton candy at home using a special device for making dessert. Now find out how you can make such a treat without using a special unit. Rather, the device will still be, but you will make it yourself.

List of elements for making a homemade device

If you can’t afford a special device for making sweets, then you can make it yourself, armed with the following materials:

1. Plastic vessel with a volume of 5 liters.

2. Engine (no need to bother, a regular motor from any children's toy will do).

3. A metal lid from a can (its size should be slightly larger than the neck of the bottle).

4. Cell phone power supply. The power of the charger should be in the range of 12-20 V.

5. Cardboard box. It should fit a bottle.

How to make cotton candy at home using such a homemade device? Detailed instructions are provided in the next section.

1. Connect the plastic and metal covers and make a hole in each of them, and then insert the motor so that its sharp end comes out through the hole. The plastic cap must be at the bottom so that the bottle can be screwed on.

2. Connect the power supply to the motor.

3. Place the machine in the box.

A homemade device for cotton candy is ready. It remains to learn how to get sweetness.

Cooking treats with a homemade machine

1. Lubricate the metal cover sunflower oil. This is necessary so that the mixture does not stick to the cap.

2. Take out a steel mug and pour 4 teaspoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of water into it. Optionally you can add food coloring.

3. Put the cup on the fire and constantly mix its contents. You need to keep the dishes on the burner until the sugar in the mug is completely dissolved. The mass should acquire a brown tint and ductility.

4. You need to cook quickly so that the caramel does not have time to harden. Quickly start the unit and start pouring the mass in a small stream onto the metal cover. Caramel will scatter in different directions and start cobwebs.

Now you can easily answer the question: “How to make cotton candy at home without a special apparatus?”

1. You need to use cotton candy immediately, because after a while it becomes dense and not so tasty.

2. In order for this delicacy to turn out not only tasty, but also bright, you can add food coloring.

3. For the preparation of such yummy, it is necessary to use only loose dry sugar, but refined sugar or a wet product is not suitable.

4. Hardened syrup residues should not be thrown away - they make delicious golden sugar candies.

5. Before starting the process, it is advisable to cover the floor and table in the kitchen with cellophane. Because drops of syrup will scatter, and removing them from the surface is not so easy.

6. During cooking, you need to take the children out of the kitchen so that they are not burned by drops of syrup that accidentally fall on their skin.

7. Forks, whisks, Chinese sticks can be used as a cotton wool holder.

Making cotton candy is not an easy process, but if you strictly follow all the recommendations, then you will get a wonderful dessert. And with the presence of a special device, without any problems, you can make this delicacy at least every day.

Since early childhood I have been a passionate lover of sugar candies. So many great memories associated with them! Childhood is gone, but love remains. I still can’t imagine my life without sugar candy with a mug of unsweetened black tea while watching movies :)

But constantly buying them in the store is a complete ruin. In addition, store-bought "roosters" taste less and less like candy from childhood ...

In this regard, I learned how to make lollipops at home. There are many ways to do this, but I suggest you the simplest and quick recipe sugar candy!

Difficulty level: simple

Time for preparing: 35-40 minutes

So, we need:

    table vinegar

    sunflower oil

Let's start cooking!

We put the container on the stove, on a low fire. Pour sugar into a bowl.

We add water.

Now add a teaspoon table vinegar. I use a bottle cap to keep the vinegar from overflowing. At first, the mass will not smell very appetizing, but the vinegar will quickly evaporate - do not worry!

How do you know that caramel is ready? Very simple! It takes on an amber hue. Attention! Don't overcook until brown!

When the caramel becomes homogeneous - pour it into molds. This must be done very quickly - the caramel hardens quickly!


Homemade lollipops- a sweet delicacy loved by everyone, without exception, from early childhood. Usually they are made in the form of cockerels, but at home you can make candies of any shape.

In our today step by step recipe with a photo, we propose to give homemade candies the shape of hearts, because St. Valentine's Day is coming soon, and the heart is its main symbol. For the preparation of this themed dessert no special effort or complex products. The ingredients in it are the simplest, and the cooking process is simple. You just need to carefully monitor the caramel so that it does not burn and does not get on your hand (melted sugar burns very strongly). The rest you should be able to handle without difficulty.

We believe that these sweet hearts on a stick will soon become a romantic component of any celebration for you.

Let's start cooking!


  • (250 g)

  • (100 g)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (of necessity)

Cooking steps

    We measure and put on the table all the necessary ingredients.

    Pour water into a saucepan or saucepan and add granulated sugar. We warm the resulting mixture to 130 degrees. We check the temperature with a food thermometer, but if it is not there, we take a little syrup and drip it into a container with cold water: the resulting droplet should be formed, but soft.

    We put natural flavoring (in our case it is raspberries in syrup) and red food coloring. We mix everything well and heat it up to 150 (maybe a little more) degrees (this time a drop of syrup in cold water should be solid). Mixing citric acid with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and add to the syrup. We mix again.

    On a silicone mat or baking parchment (flatten the latter so that it does not roll up and spread lightly with vegetable oil), spread the caramel with a large spoon first in a circle, but when it begins to harden, give it a heart shape. If the caramel begins to thicken quickly in the saucepan, put it back on the fire for a few seconds - and it will melt (this can be done a couple of times).

    Do not lay out the caramel mass on the parchment all at once. It will be enough for two rounds, to each of which a wooden skewer should be attached.

    Keep in mind that just attaching a skewer is not enough. You also need to rotate it around the axis by 360 degrees so that the stick gently sinks into the caramel (this is very important, almost the main secret!).

    Leave the finished lollipops to harden. And do not forget in the process to give them the desired shape.

    Bon appetit and sweet Valentine's Day!

Well, who doesn't like to spend evenings with their family over a cup of tea after a hard day's work? And if your loved ones prefer to supplement the drink with something sweet? It is not always possible to buy pastries in the store. Yes, and in taste it is much inferior to homemade sweets.

What if you don't have the time or energy to make treats? Drink tea without sweets? Of course no. There is an excellent way out in the form of a very simple recipes home baking. What can be prepared for tea quickly and tasty to please the whole family or friends?

Delicious cheesecakes for tea: fast and tasty

Syrniki - favorite treat to tea not only in children, but also in adults. For many, this is a pleasant childhood memory of delicious breakfasts cooked with love by mom or grandma. But these delicious treats are also perfect as an addition to an evening or afternoon tea. In addition, you can diversify their taste by serving with sour cream, jam, condensed milk or honey.

What you need to make cheesecakes for tea:

  • cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 50 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • flour - 200 gr;
  • vanilla sugar- taste.

First of all, grind the cottage cheese. This is necessary so that the cheesecakes are airy. After that, the cottage cheese can be mixed with the egg, sugar and flour. It is recommended to sift the flour to avoid the formation of lumps. Vanilla sugar is also added here if desired. If it is not there, it does not matter, but with it the delicacy will be even more fragrant.

It is important! All ingredients must be mixed well. The result should be not too thick or batter. Make sure it doesn't stick to your hands. If the mass is too liquid, add a little flour.

Roll the dough into a sausage and cut into small pieces. This ensures that all cheesecakes are neat and the same size. Form round cakes from the resulting pieces. See that they are not too thick or thin. The optimal thickness is about 5-7 mm. If you wish, you can improvise and make cheesecakes for tea in a square, oval or triangular shape.

Before frying, heat the pan well so that the cheesecakes do not burn. Oil should not be too much. Carefully place the cheesecakes in the pan and fry. A sign of readiness - appetizing golden crust from one side and the other.

Aromatic mannik for tea: fast and tasty

Any housewife at least once in her life should cook such a type of baking as mannik. What’s more, it’s very easy to bake. Even if this is your first time deciding to make something out of baking, mannik for tea will certainly not cause trouble and it will turn out incredibly tasty. As the name implies, the basis of this pie is semolina available in every home.

What you need to prepare:

  • semolina - 250 gr;
  • sugar - 250 gr;
  • kefir - 250 gr;
  • flour - 250 gr;
  • soda - 5 gr;
  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • butter- half a pack.

Before cooking, semolina must be poured with kefir so that it swells enough and becomes soft. While this process is going on, take care of the rest of the components.

Break the eggs into the sugar and stir well so that it dissolves faster. You can do this by using the mixer turned on at the lowest speed.

If the semolina is swollen enough, pour eggs and sugar into the semolina-kefir mixture and stir. Melt the butter so that it becomes liquid, add to the rest of the dough and mix. It is advisable to sift the flour through a sieve so that the manna is tender.

Set the oven to preheat. You will need a temperature of 200°C. It is advisable to grease the baking dish with oil or cover with special paper. Pour out the dough and put it in the oven. After 25-30 minutes, you can check the manna for readiness wooden skewer. If there is no sticky dough on the stick, the cake is ready.

It is important! The best part is that you can diversify the taste of manna for tea by adding various ingredients. At your request, it can be cinnamon, cocoa, lemon peel, nuts, poppy seeds, etc. Any of these components is placed after the flour.

Sweet buns for tea: fast and tasty

Buns are a versatile and beloved treat for tea, especially if they are sweet. It is believed that the dough for buns is not very easy to knead, but this is not true. In fact, anyone can make this pastry. Surprise your family - bake quick buns. The dough for them is kneaded in 6-7 minutes, and sweets are baked for about 30 minutes. During this time, you can safely dine with family or friends.

Required Ingredients:

  • flour - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 150 gr;
  • kefir - 300 gr. If necessary, you can replace it with the same amount of sour cream;
  • eggs - 1 pc;
  • baking powder - 10 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • salt - 7.5 gr.

Sift the flour through a sieve to make the buns fluffy. Pour salt, baking powder and about 100 grams of sugar here. Stir well.

Pour kefir into a separate bowl. Add vegetable oil and stir. Gradually add the flour mixture to the container with kefir, stirring constantly and rubbing lumps if they form. You should get a fairly thick mass.

From ready dough convenient to form a sausage and cut into identical pieces. Make a bun out of each piece. The form can be any of your choice. Break the egg into a separate container - it will come in handy for lubrication. Brush each bun with an egg for a delicious touch. ready-made pastries. Sprinkle the top of the dough with sugar.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a baking sheet with parchment or oil, place the buns on it and put it in the oven. These incredibly sweet and delicious treats for tea will be ready in about half an hour.

It is important! To make the dough even more fragrant, add a little vanilla or vanilla sugar. You can use sesame or poppy seeds, cinnamon or poppy seeds instead of sugar when sprinkling. Choose what you like.

Traditional pancakes for tea: quick and tasty

This recipe is notable for the fact that there is no such family where it would not be used at least once. We all remember Sunday breakfasts with the family, when in the center of the table stood big dish with ruddy pancakes for tea. Bake them for your family, bringing back the childhood of adults and giving the children a reason to remember in the future.

What you need:

  • flour - 350 gr;
  • sugar - 25 gr;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • soda - 2.5 gr;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

Break eggs into a cup, add sugar and salt. Whisk thoroughly with a whisk. Mix this mixture with kefir. If desired, you can replace it with regular yogurt in the same amount.

Gently sift the flour into the batter, add soda, and mix thoroughly until no lumps remain. Rub the remaining lumps with a fork - they spoil the taste of pancakes. The dough should be quite thick, resembling good sour cream in consistency.

Heat up a frying pan, add some vegetable oil. Spread the dough little by little and fry until golden brown. When the underside turns appetizingly golden, turn the pancakes over and fry again.

It is important! Like other pastries fried in oil, tea pancakes are too fatty. Therefore, after frying, they need to be thrown back on a paper towel so that excess oil drains.

Serve pancakes for tea with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, syrup or honey - as you like.

Chocolate cake for tea: quick and tasty

A pie with an incredible amount of chocolate is the dream of not only all children, but also most adult sweet teeth. Why not treat yourself to a super chocolate cake? This is not only a very tasty delicacy, but also a great anti-stress, as well as a good reason to invite friends whom you have not seen for a long time for a cup of tea.

Do you think that baking a chocolate cake for tea quickly and tasty can only experienced hostess, and it will take a lot of time and effort? In some cases, this is exactly the case. But the suggested recipe chocolate pie very simple and it will turn out great even for someone who is baking for the first time.


  • flour - 250-300 gr;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • chocolate - 2 tiles (one milk and one dark);
  • butter - 50 gr;
  • baking powder - 5 gr;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. Melt the butter separately. Break the eggs into another cup and beat them with a mixer. Add chocolate, butter, condensed milk to the eggs and mix thoroughly.

Separately, sift the flour to make the cake more airy, and add the baking powder. All this must be added to the liquid part of the dough and mixed until uniform consistency. Ideally, beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed.

Turn on the oven in advance so that it warms up to a temperature of 200 ° C. Line a pie dish with parchment paper or grease with oil to prevent the dough from burning. The delicacy will bake for about 45 minutes. After this time, check the cake for readiness with a toothpick.

It is important! Chocolate lovers and just a sweet tooth can buy a bag in the store chocolate icing and cover the pie with it - this is also quite fast and tasty. As a substitute, melted chocolate or plain chocolate is perfect. powdered sugar. Complete the dessert with tea by adding ground nuts or zest to the dough, if desired.

Simple muffins for tea: quick and tasty

Many have heard about this delicacy, which came to us from the UK. But not everyone knows that you can cook it at home without spending a lot of time. Muffins for tea are not only very tasty, but also quickly baked. Have a traditional English tea party at home with muffins, or just treat your family and friends.

What you need:

  • custard - 2 sachets (can be bought at the store);
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • flour - 200 gr;
  • soda - 3 gr;
  • vanillin;
  • raisin.

Open the bags with custard and pour this powder into a bowl. Add vanilla and soda to this. Sift the flour so that the muffins for tea are tender and light, and then mix with the cream. Add kefir to the dry part of the mixture, and carefully move using a mixer. It is advisable to set low speed and interfere no longer than 30 seconds.

Rinse the raisins and add to the batter. If you are not a fan of raisins, you can replace it with finely chopped dried apricots or prunes, chopped lemon and orange peel, nuts or chocolate chips.

Turn on the oven. You will need an operating temperature of around 200°C. While the oven is preheating, prepare your muffin tins. Place paper liners for these treats at the bottom of each mold, and fill them with dough by about 70%.

It is important! Muffins are baked very quickly - 20-25 minutes. Their readiness can be checked with any wooden stick. For tea, they are best served slightly warm or cooled.

You no longer need to rack your brains over what to cook for tea quickly and tasty. Use these simple ones, delight your loved ones and friends. Show how much you love and care for them by baking delicious delicacies. Happy tea!

Sweets- this is a temptation, pleasure, temptation, something that improves our mood and makes us a little happier, something that pleases and inspires. Of course, if you are worried about your health and figure, you need to be careful with them, but sometimes you need to allow yourself this little weakness! In addition, modern cooking has come up with so many of the most a variety of recipes diet and low-calorie sweets, where you will certainly be able to find your favorite.

In more scientific terms, sweets are confectionery or high-calorie foods foods that contain a lot of sugar. They differ pleasant taste and a scent that is hard to resist.

Absolutely everyone loves them - from the smallest to the oldest. Sweets are easily digested by our body, are stored for a long time and well, contain a lot of carbohydrates that provide us with a lot of energy.

Sweets are often served for dessert - along with a cup fragrant coffee or tea. At celebrations, weddings, corporate parties, certain types of sweets are served on separate tables, being an ornament and an obligatory component of the holiday.

Depending on the ingredients used in the cooking process, sweets can be sugary and floury. The basis for sugary sweets is sugar, honey and various syrups. The basis of flour sweets is flour with all kinds of spices and fillers.

Sweets are, first of all, a variety of sweets home cooking. There are a lot of varieties of sweets - these are bars, sweets, caramels and lollipops, sweets with different fillings, truffles, toffee, grillage, wafer, chocolate, milk and fruit sweets and many, many others.

As a rule, the main component of all sweets are carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc.), quite a few proteins, fats, a drop of vitamins and minerals. Although, this applies to most candies. However, if you and I prepare homemade sweets from dried fruits, honey and nuts, then, of course, they will the nutritional value will be completely different.

Recipes for original and amazing sweets, which are updated daily with new products on the website, are a wonderful alternative to sweets from supermarket shelves. And what is very important - in homemade sweets you will certainly not find any additives, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes that are harmful to our health.

Handmade sweets are best gift for any occasion, an excellent decoration of the festive table and an indispensable delicacy for children of all times and peoples.

How to make sweets on your own - beautiful, natural, tasty, not inferior in taste, or outwardly to their similar counterparts? It's so easy! In addition, the process of making homemade sweets is so exciting that for many hostesses, making sweets becomes a real hobby, which allows you to always have a sweet treat on hand for relatives, friends, children and work colleagues.

We want to bring to your attention only the most delicious and interesting recipes cooking homemade sweets that can turn even the most ordinary tea party into a real holiday - Truffle sweets, sweet sausage, homemade caramel, homemade marmalade, Raffaello at home, homemade sweets Toffee, candied oranges, cranberries in sugar, kozinaki, homemade toffee, lard in chocolate, homemade marshmallow, sweets with prunes, soufflé, marshmallow, Grillage and many, many other recipes with photos and step-by-step photo recipes.

Sweets prepared with your own hands, moreover, with love, have a special, unique taste and will undoubtedly appeal to everyone - a sweet tooth, a chocoholic, and even those who follow a diet and watch their figure.

Useful low-calorie sweets made from dried fruits, nuts, with pieces of carrots, pumpkins, with all kinds of spices and honey do not contradict the main principles of healthy and proper nutrition.