Vanilla marshmallow - video recipe. The perfect homemade vanilla marshmallow.

For cooking we need:

Gelatin - 20 g
Water - 250 g
Vanillin - 1 sachet.
Granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
Citric acid - 1 tsp.
Soda - 1 tsp
Powdered sugar - about 1 tbsp.

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water(150g of total water) for 40 minutes. Cook sugar syrup from 100 g of water and 3 tbsp. Sahara. Cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly, make sure that the sugar does not take on a crust and does not sugar.

Heat the gelatin in the microwave to dissolve (at a power of 300 - 30-45 seconds)

I want to warn you right away that the whipping time is approximate, since the power of each mixer is individual. I used an old Soviet-era mixer, the whipping time tripled.
The container in which the marshmallows will be whipped should be at least 2.5 liters, since the mass will increase significantly in volume.

Pour the boiling syrup into the warmed gelatin in a thin stream and beat with a mixer for 7-10 minutes continuously.

Then add lemon juice and beat for 3-4 minutes.

Then add soda and vanilla and beat again for 3-4 minutes.

Moisten a baking sheet with water and spread the whipped mass with a teaspoon. Leave to dry for 1-1.5 hours.

Then combine marshmallow halves and roll in powdered sugar.

That's it - the delicacy is ready! BON APPETIT!

I suggest trying to cook your favorite delicious treat - vanilla marshmallow. This marshmallow is slightly different from the store-bought marshmallow - it is more tender and softer. My sweet tooth loves this recipe! Try it for sure!

To make vanilla marshmallow you will need:

sugar - 2 cups (capacity - 200 g);

gelatin - 10 g;

vanillin - 1/4 tsp;

soda - 0.5 tsp;

lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;

water - for pouring gelatin - 50 ml, for syrup - 100 ml;

powdered sugar.

Pour water for syrup into a saucepan, bring to a boil, add sugar.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly for 3-4 minutes - until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the swollen gelatin to the finished syrup, mix and remove the pan from the heat. Leave for 2 minutes, then add vanillin and beat the hot mixture with a mixer at high speed for 5 minutes. The mass will thicken, increase in volume and turn white.

Set aside the pan, let the mass "rest" for 5 minutes. Then beat again for another 5 minutes. The mass will become even thicker.

Then add soda and lemon juice. Beat manually with a whisk until the mass increases in volume. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper slightly moistened with water. Pour marshmallows with a culinary syringe with an asterisk nozzle or spread with a spoon.

Enjoy your meal!

Zephyr is a delicate airy delicacy, which is very difficult to refuse. However, you can not do this, since marshmallows are one of the few sweets that are considered healthy. It is given for an afternoon snack even in kindergartens and schools. Adults sometimes also want to indulge in a delicate dessert, the main thing is that it be the “right” marshmallow. The composition of some modern delicacies is far from original recipe- Often, to reduce the cost, dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers and flavors are added to it. They can be considered harmless at a stretch.

Classic recipe

What should be a healthy and tasty marshmallow? According to classic recipe, it should include fruit puree (most often apple), whipped proteins, sugar and a jelly-forming substance (pectin, agar-agar, less often gelatin). Obviously, the taste and color of natural marshmallow will depend entirely on fruit puree. Since apple is most often used, the soufflé turns out to be snow-white. When adding berry puree, the color may turn out to be slightly pinkish, but not hot pink.

It is worth noting that if the marshmallow from the store has a too bright shade or, conversely, a grayish color, then it is made from non-natural ingredients. This can be easily verified by reading the information on the packaging. In addition, the composition of marshmallows according to GOST does not allow the use of impurities, so if the package has the inscription "GOST 6441-96", then this is - healthy treat. True, it is worth paying attention to the fact that natural marshmallows in the package can be stored for no more than 1 month. If the expiration date is longer, it means that preservatives have been added.

Variations on a theme

Of course, over time, the production technology and recipe classic marshmallow changed and became more complex. As a result, a considerable amount of various kinds marshmallows: vanilla, chocolate, creme brulee and others. Unfortunately, the modern buyer is no longer happy with an ordinary white marshmallow. The composition of the "multi-colored" species, as you may have guessed, will not be so natural. But still, you can indulge yourself from time to time. harmful product... But occasionally!

So, any marshmallow with different flavors (vanilla, coffee, creme brulee, cranberry or ice cream) will most likely contain artificial or identical natural flavors and dyes. This is due to the fact that technological process does not allow the addition of natural ingredients. Otherwise, the price of natural raw materials will make the delicacy simply inaccessible to the buyer. So, the composition of vanilla marshmallow very rarely includes natural vanilla, it is usually replaced with cheaper vanillin. But even housewives do this, not just factories.

Marshmallows in chocolate are worth noting separately - one of the most popular desserts. Of course, the presence of glaze makes it tasty, but less useful. Moreover, it often contains not natural cocoa butter, but its equivalent, for example, lecithin. Obviously, the calorie content of marshmallows in chocolate will be much higher than usual. However, even ladies who watch their figure can afford such a delicacy for breakfast.

Marshmallow "Sharmel"

Marshmallows in chocolate and just marshmallows are sold under this trademark. The composition in both cases is almost the same: sugar, applesauce, molasses, dried egg white, lactic acid, apple powder and nature identical flavor. "Almost" a classic recipe, isn't it? Unglazed marshmallow "Sharmel", the composition of which is given above, is produced in three types: apple, ice cream flavored and vanilla flavored.

Marshmallow in chocolate "Sharmel", as we have already learned, has a complex composition. So, the glaze includes cocoa powder, cocoa butter or its equivalent, lecithin, flavor and milk sugar. The marshmallow itself has the same composition as the usual one. Here the manufacturer decided not to change the already proven recipe. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that not only marshmallows of the usual size are produced, but also small marshmallows "for one bite". True, the assortment consists of only 3 varieties: classic, coffee and with the taste of ice cream.

Zephyr "Neva"

The composition of this delicacy is as close as possible to the classic recipe. It is the use of natural raw materials and minimum quantity artificial additives (usually only flavors and colors) makes it popular with consumers. In addition, the factory "Neva" under the brand name "Lanezh" produces more than 10 different types of marshmallows. On the shelves of shops you can find marshmallow "Neva" white, white-pink, vanilla, creme brulee, cranberries, in dark and white glaze.

Of course, such an assortment will satisfy the most demanding customer. And given that the price of this marshmallow is somewhat lower than that of its closest competitors, it simply has no equal. In addition, the Neva factory took care of the sick diabetes and released a series of marshmallows on fructose.

Benefit and harm

So why is marshmallow so useful? The applesauce and pectin included in its composition improve digestion, remove harmful substances and toxins from the body, strengthen immune system. It is easily and quickly absorbed by the body due to the presence of light carbohydrates. True, because of them, people who are prone to obesity should not lean on marshmallows. Its calorie content per 100 g of the product is 321 kcal. If we consider that this is usually 3-4 pieces, then it turns out slight sweetness. The most important thing is that marshmallows contain only natural ingredients, then you can be sure of its benefits.

Homemade marshmallow

The composition of the delicacy prepared with my own hands, completely natural. With modern technology, you can easily cook healthy marshmallow at home, and strictly observing the GOST recipe.

Soak 4 teaspoons of agar in 160 ml cold water and leave. Bake 4 large apples in the oven until tender, rub them through a sieve to make a puree. In total, 250 g will be needed. If desired, vanilla sugar can be added to it and cooled completely. Bring the agar almost to a boil over a fire so that it dissolves in the water. Add 490 g of sugar, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until thick syrup. Remove, cool a little.

During this time, applesauce just came up. Add 1/2 to it egg white and whisk until the mass turns white. Then send the rest of the protein and beat into a fluffy mass. Add agar: pour it in carefully, in a thin stream, without stopping beating. Quickly, using a pastry syringe, pour the marshmallow onto the parchment. Leave to dry for 4 hours, then blind in pairs and sprinkle powdered sugar. Homemade marshmallow is ready!

I never expected that I could make vanilla marshmallows at home. After reading recipes on the Internet, I decided to try it, and what do you think, I was very pleased with the result. Now I only eat homemade vanilla marshmallows. For cooking, we need a simple set of products.

First of all, we need to prepare the apples. Better take apples Green colour with sourness. Rinse and dry with a napkin. Cut in half and remove the core. Place cut side down in a baking dish. Ship to hot oven. Bake at 200 degrees for 50-60 minutes.

Remove the skin from the hot apples, and transfer the pulp to the blender bowl and grind to a puree consistency.

Immediately, while the puree is hot, add vanilla and simple sugar and stir until dissolved.

Add chicken protein to the cooled puree, about half of the large protein, and continue to beat until the mass increases and brightens.

While the applesauce is whipping, prepare the syrup. Pour water into a saucepan and add agar. Bring to a boil while stirring constantly and immediately remove from heat.

We pour sugar. We send to medium fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool to 80-85 degrees.

Pour the syrup into the apple mass in a thin stream. At the same time, we do not stop whipping. Continue beating until firm peaks.

Marshmallow mass is ready.

Transfer to a pastry bag fitted with a star tip.

Prepare a board with parchment in advance. Plant marshmallows of the desired diameter. Leave to dry for 24-26 hours at room temperature.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and combine in pairs. Homemade vanilla marshmallow is ready.

Happy tea!