Marshmallow according to the guest from the chadeyka. Useful properties of marshmallows

Or, let’s say, almost according to GOST, although it, of course, has the same taste. The fact is that I don’t have an exact recipe. The proportions and cooking process were taken from an industrial technological reference book, everything is described in detail there.
Marshmallow is made from applesauce. This puree should be thick and contain a sufficient amount of pectin; baked Antonovka puree perfectly satisfies these conditions. If you don’t have Antonovka, take apples that bake well and contain a lot of pectin, that is, the puree gels.
The technology for making marshmallows is reminiscent of making a cake." bird's milk". Applesauce with the addition of sugar and protein is whipped into a fluffy mass and sugar-agar syrup is poured in, whipped until thick, placed on baking paper. Five hours at a time are enough for complete hardening and stabilization. room temperature. Then the marshmallows need to be dried at room temperature for about another day to form a thin crust. Finished goods powder powdered sugar and glued together in pairs.
I would like to note that the original uses syrup with molasses, but it can be replaced with sugar. The marshmallow still turns out very tender, that is, I personally had no complaints.
But if you have the opportunity, replace a third of the sugar in the syrup with molasses or glucose syrup. This way the marshmallows will last longer and even when they dry out, the center will remain tender.
As for replacements, you can use pectin instead of agar (perhaps I’ll write more about this). But whether it is possible to use gelatin and how the technology will change - I just don’t know, since I haven’t read about it and haven’t tried it myself.

Attention! The shape and density of the future marshmallow is influenced by two factors - whipping and the presence of agar. In order for the marshmallows to keep their shape and settle well, the mass must be well whipped (say, like a regular protein cream). Agar begins to act after you have deposited the marshmallows and they have begun to cool, it fixes the shape and makes it resistant to storage. Therefore, first of all, you must thoroughly beat the puree with sugar and protein, both before and after adding agar syrup. And they must understand whether the whipped mass will hold its shape when deposited or will it spread out? Have you whipped the mixture enough?

250g applesauce (4 apples)
250g sugar
1 protein
1 packet vanilla sugar

475g sugar
160g water
8g agar (4 tsp without a slide)

powdered sugar for sprinkling

So, first of all, soak the agar in the amount of water specified in the recipe.
Bake the apples. I bake in the microwave - cut into halves, remove the seeds, place cut side down on a plate, baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples in pieces.

Now you can scrape out the baked pulp from the skins with a spoon.

The easiest way to get a smooth puree is to use a blender. If this is not possible, rub the puree through a sieve.

Now add sugar to the warm puree and vanilla sugar and leave for an hour until completely cooled.

Place the soaked agar on the fire and bring almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves.

Add sugar, you may think there is too much, don't worry. Stir well, bring to a boil while stirring and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until the temperature of the syrup reaches 110C. A spatula lifted from the syrup will pull a thin thread along with it.
Set the syrup aside to cool slightly.

Add half the egg white to the cooled puree and beat until light, add the remaining egg white and beat until a fluffy, thick mass is obtained.

Begin pouring in a thin stream of slightly cooled but still hot syrup. Don't stop whisking!

After adding the syrup, beat for a few more minutes until the mixture becomes similar to a meringue mixture. Take a large bowl, the mass will increase in volume!!

Quickly transfer the mixture into a pre-prepared cornet with a nozzle and place the marshmallows on baking paper. There will be about 60 of them, so make sure you have plenty of room! Remember that products with agar harden at a temperature of already 40C, so don’t wait, plant them right away!

Leave it on the table in a fairly warm place for a day. During this time, the marshmallow stabilizes and a thin layer forms on it. sugar crust. Sprinkle with powder.

Connect the marshmallows in pairs. Their bases are sticky, so they will stick together without problems.

Marshmallow according to GOST

Or, let’s say, almost according to GOST, although it, of course, has the same taste. The fact is that I don’t have an exact recipe. The proportions and cooking process were taken from an industrial technological reference book, everything is described in detail there.
Marshmallow is made from applesauce. This puree should be thick and contain a sufficient amount of pectin; baked Antonovka puree perfectly satisfies these conditions. If you don’t have Antonovka, take apples that bake well and contain a lot of pectin, that is, the puree gels.
The technology for making marshmallows is reminiscent of making Bird's Milk cake. Beat applesauce with added sugar and protein into a fluffy mass, pour in sugar-agar syrup, beat until thick, place on baking paper. Five hours at room temperature is enough for complete hardening and stabilization. Then the marshmallows need to be dried at room temperature for about another day to form a thin crust. The finished products are dusted with powdered sugar and glued together in pairs.
I would like to note that the original uses syrup with molasses, but it can be replaced with sugar. The marshmallow still turns out very tender, that is, I personally had no complaints.
But if you have the opportunity, replace a third of the sugar in the syrup with molasses or glucose syrup. This way the marshmallows will last longer and even when they dry out, the center will remain tender.
As for replacements, you can use pectin instead of agar (perhaps I’ll write more about this). But whether it is possible to use gelatin and how the technology will change - I just don’t know, since I haven’t read about it and haven’t tried it myself.

Attention! The shape and density of the future marshmallow is influenced by two factors - whipping and the presence of agar. In order for the marshmallows to keep their shape and settle well, the mass must be well whipped (say, like a regular protein cream). Agar begins to act after you have deposited the marshmallows and they have begun to cool, it fixes the shape and makes it resistant to storage. Therefore, first of all, you must thoroughly beat the puree with sugar and protein, both before and after adding agar syrup. And they must understand whether the whipped mass will hold its shape when deposited or will it spread out? Have you whipped the mixture enough?

250g applesauce (4 apples)
250g sugar
1 protein
1 packet vanilla sugar

475g sugar
160g water
8g agar (4 tsp without a slide)

Powdered sugar for sprinkling

So, first of all, soak the agar in the amount of water specified in the recipe.
Bake the apples. I bake in the microwave - cut into halves, remove the seeds, place cut side down on a plate, baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples in pieces.

Now you can scrape out the baked pulp from the skins with a spoon.

The easiest way to get a smooth puree is to use a blender. If this is not possible, rub the puree through a sieve.

Now add sugar and vanilla sugar to the warm puree and leave for an hour until it cools completely.

Place the soaked agar on the fire and bring almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves.

Add sugar, you may think there is too much, don't worry. Stir well, bring to a boil while stirring and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until the temperature of the syrup reaches 110C. A spatula lifted from the syrup will pull a thin thread along with it. Set the syrup aside to cool slightly.

Add half the egg white to the cooled puree and beat until light, add the remaining egg white and beat until a fluffy, thick mass is obtained.

Begin pouring in a thin stream of slightly cooled but still hot syrup. Don't stop whisking!

After adding the syrup, beat for a few more minutes until the mixture becomes similar to a meringue mixture. Take a large bowl, the mass will increase in volume!!

Quickly transfer the mixture into a pre-prepared cornet with a nozzle and place the marshmallows on baking paper. There will be about 60 of them, so make sure you have plenty of room! Remember that products with agar harden at a temperature of already 40C, so don’t wait, plant them right away!

Leave it on the table in a fairly warm place for a day. During this time, the marshmallow stabilizes and a thin sugar crust forms on it. Sprinkle with powder.

Connect the marshmallows in pairs. Their bases are sticky, so they will stick together without problems.

Apple marshmallow according to GOST

The basis:

Medium-sized apples 3 - 4 pcs.

Depends on the size of the apples, because... at the exit we need exactly 250 grams. thick applesauce without sugar ⬇;

Egg white - 1 pc.,
Sugar - 250 gr.

Water - 160g. or ml. ⬇;

Agar-agar - 8 g (this is ≈ 4 tsp without a slide.)

- I add the contents of two sachets of Agar-agar, this is 12 g., ⬇;

Sugar 475 gr. ;

Vanillin to taste or Vanilla sugar - a bag, or vanilla essence - 1-2 drops. Don't forget that excess vanilla is bitter, so don't overdo it with the additive.

Powdered sugar - 100 g.

First of all, you need to prepare a large container for whipping in advance, since the marshmallow mass will greatly increase in size.
Line a baking tray with foil or parchment paper. (I needed 2 baking sheets)


Wash the apples, cut them in half, remove the core, stem and cup. ⬇;
Bake in microwave until soft, 5 - 6 minutes. (Extra moisture in the puree is not needed). ⬇;
The apples are baked - remove the peel from them, it will come off easily and can be thrown away.

Immediately, while hot, grind the finished baked apples through a sieve or grind them in a blender to puree. Ready applesauce should be smooth and tender. ⬇;
We measure required amount puree - 250 gr.

Add 250 g to the still warm puree. sugar and vanillin ⬇;

Mix everything thoroughly and set aside until completely cooled. You can place the container with hot puree in a bowl with cold water and cool in this way.
Pour agar-agar - 8 g into a glass of cold water - 160 g, mix, soak, set aside ⬇;

Place cold applesauce with sugar and half the chilled egg white into a prepared mixing bowl. Start beating at medium speed until the mixture turns white.

Then add the second half of the protein and beat everything at high speed for a total of 5-7 minutes. Applesauce with protein will noticeably increase in volume and turn even whiter. The main thing is not to stop whisking until the apple mixture with the protein noticeably increases in volume, turns white and thickens. The result is a lush, dense and dense mass. ⬇;

Now let's do it sugar syrup with agar-agar. Pour the swollen agar-agar into a saucepan with a thick bottom.
Place the agar-agar dissolved in water over medium heat, stirring constantly with a spoon, bring to a boil and let it swell completely (you get a sticky mass) ⬇;

and then add the remaining granulated sugar - 475 g . ⬇;

According to some confectioners, if you pour sugar into cold water, the marshmallows may not harden later.

Reduce the heat to low and cook the syrup for 5-6 minutes, stirring constantly; if you have a candy thermometer, bring the syrup to 110°. The finished syrup is pulled behind the spoon by a thin thread. The sugar and agar syrup is ready - turn off the heat and let it cool slightly.⬇;

Now, constantly stirring with the mixer at low speed, pour the still hot sugar-agar syrup into the whipped apple mixture in a thin stream. After all the syrup is in the container, beat the mixture for a few more minutes. As the agar-agar hardens, you will see that it is time to plant the marshmallows: the whisk has difficulty coming out of the marshmallow base - it is so tight and dense. ⬇;

Now quickly fill the pastry bag with marshmallow mixture and place the marshmallows on the prepared baking sheet.
If you don't have a pastry bag, you can simply spoon out the marshmallow mixture with a tablespoon.
Agar-agar begins to harden already at 40 degrees, so we work quickly with the still warm marshmallow mass.
Let the marshmallows harden at room temperature for a day. (I didn’t need a day - I didn’t have enough patience, after a couple of hours they were already eating frozen marshmallows.) ⬇;

Sprinkle powdered sugar on top of the marshmallow, it is ready and comes off the parchment perfectly, and fasten the marshmallow halves together.
According to GOST, homemade apple marshmallows turn out much tastier and more tender than modern industrial store-bought ones, without unnecessary additives, and completely healthy! Eat and enjoy the marshmallows of our mothers and grandmothers from Soviet times! ⬇;

P.S. It took me an hour and a half to prepare the marshmallows. It took a lot of time to prepare the applesauce by grinding it through a sieve. Maybe if you prepare the puree through a blender, it will probably be faster, but I don’t have an immersion blender, so the preparation of my marshmallows took a while.

Series of messages " ": Part 1 - Apple marshmallow according to GOST USSR

Marshmallow is the most dietary sweet product and is one of the French delicacies. It is airy, light both in consistency and in its calorie content. Inveterate sweet tooths adore this delicate, melt-in-your-mouth dessert. The composition of marshmallows compares favorably with the composition of sweets and cakes, because it contains no fat, but contains pectin, which helps digestion, as well as many useful elements that normalize intestinal function.

This delicacy is easy to prepare at home, the process does not take large quantity time and is distinguished by its simplicity. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make marshmallows at home.

Composition of marshmallows

Many people are interested in what marshmallows are made from.

The most famous and widespread are products that are prepared from the following products:

  • Chicken egg white;
  • Agar-agar or gelatin (thickeners);
  • Pulp from Antonovka apples (it contains a lot of pectin);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Lemon zest or lemon acid.

You can use other berries separately, or mix them with apples as a puree product. With this cooking method, more gelatin is added to the delicacy, so its aroma differs from the classic one. And the color will be the same as the berries from which it is made.

Chocolate fans will be delighted with ingredients such as cocoa or.

Compound store product very different from home. The purchased version contains many different flavoring substances, dyes, and harmful chemical additives. And at home, a unique and exquisite dessert taste is created using healthy homemade ingredients. To implement the recipe, you do not need to spend a huge amount of money on products and special culinary skills.

Useful properties of the product

The main benefit of marshmallows is the presence of pectin in its composition. This substance helps to significantly reduce cholesterol and helps remove various harmful elements and toxins from the body, and is also directly involved in normalizing the blood circulation process. The delicacy also contains a variety of microelements, including: iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus.

Undoubtedly the biggest advantage of this confectionery miracle– this is its calorie content. On average, it is 300 kcal per 100 g of product. This is achieved due to the absence of fat, so the delicacy is considered dietary. People who carefully watch their figure and want to get rid of it can pamper themselves with it. excess weight. The most favorable time for eating the food is from four to six in the evening. This depends on your blood glucose levels, which drop at the end of the day. This sweet product will help normalize blood sugar. But, of course, there is no need to overeat; this results in weakness and depression.

Simple marshmallow recipe

You can make it based on fruit or cream, but we will take a recipe for homemade marshmallows with sugar and gelatin, so our dish will turn out “weightless.” There is no need to bake it, but you will have to wait a day until you can taste the homemade dish.

Product composition:

  • Granulated sugar – 300 g;
  • Soda and citric acid - one small spoon each;
  • Gelatin – 25 g;
  • Vanillin.

The cooking scheme is as follows:

  1. Pour 1/2 cup gelatin warm water, let it swell;
  2. In a saucepan, mix half a glass of water with sugar and place the mixture on the flame, cook for 9-10 minutes;
  3. Pour the swollen gelatin into the syrup and stir;
  4. Remove the liquid from the heat and beat with a mixer for about 8 minutes. Add citric acid and continue beating for another five minutes;
  5. Next, add soda and vanillin. You can add more of it if you are a fan of bright colors. vanilla flavor. Beat the mixture for about five more minutes;
  6. Take a dish with edges, coat it with oil, and cover it with parchment. If you have a silicone mold, then you can do without baking paper, but you still need to grease it with butter, otherwise you will not be able to remove the products from it without damaging them;
  7. The white thick mass is laid out on a mold and placed in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  8. When this time has passed, take out the treat, cut it into portions with a knife, and roll all the pieces in powdered sugar.

Even very picky gourmets will like this no-bake marshmallow.

Homemade apple marshmallows

This confectionery masterpiece made from apples will be very tender, with the correct shape, if the marshmallows are well baked in the oven.


  • Cream (thick and fatty) – 300 g;
  • Apples (medium) – six pieces;
  • Egg white;
  • Citric acid - a small spoon;
  • Sugar – one and a half glasses.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Wash the fruit well, remove the core and stems, bake in the oven, and cool. Baked apples grind through a sieve;
  2. Beat the egg white (chilled) for six minutes with a pinch of salt, then add sugar, lemon and applesauce to it, beat for another five minutes;
  3. In a separate bowl, stir the cream at medium speed, add it to the apple mixture and mix everything thoroughly;
  4. Place the resulting mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to cool.

Our wonderful dish turned out tasty and tender, like a cloud. Apple marshmallows will really appeal not only to adults, but also to small children.

Homemade marshmallows according to GOST

Without a doubt, one of the most famous sweet desserts is Belevsky marshmallow. Unfortunately, there is no way to prepare it yourself, because its recipe is kept in the strictest confidence. But there is home option, which will taste no worse.


  • Granulated sugar – 700 g;
  • Green hard apples (preferably Antonovka) - four pieces;
  • egg white,
  • Water – 150 ml;
  • Vanillin - a pinch;
  • Agar-agar - four small spoons;
  • Powdered sugar (for sprinkling).

Let's look at the photo on how to make homemade marshmallows:

  1. Soak the agar-agar in 150 ml of water for one hour. Peel the apples, remove the core and cut them apple pulp into quarters;
  2. Bake the apples in the microwave for 6 minutes (necessarily under the lid, otherwise you will stain your electrical appliance from the inside), then grind them using a blender, add 250 g of sugar (dark cane sugar is also possible) and vanillin, repeat the procedure with the blender, let the mixture cool;
  3. Heat the agar with water to 90 degrees, stir, wait until it dissolves. Add the remaining 450 g of granulated sugar, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes until the syrup becomes “sticky”;
  4. Beat the applesauce with a mixer with 1/2 the egg white for a minute. Add the remaining half of the protein and continue beating until the mass increases in volume. It should become light and fluffy;
  5. Pour not boiling, but hot syrup into the puree in a thin stream, beat everything without stopping and then beat for another seven minutes until the mixture becomes very dense and of the correct shape;
  6. While the mixture has not cooled down, place it in a pastry bag and form marshmallows very quickly, because the agar “sets” instantly. The products should not be touched for a day - let them dry and stabilize. Then sprinkle them with powdered sugar and connect them together in pairs.

White marshmallows are obtained by using regular granulated sugar, and cane sugar marshmallows turn out beige in color with a caramel taste, just like.

Video: A simple recipe for homemade marshmallows

Many of our readers remember the times of Soviet marshmallows. This is a divine substance. Moderately sweet, with a slight sourness. Dense and delicate texture at the same time... Mmm... Do you remember everything? Mothers always brought marshmallows along with sweets to their children in pioneer camps during parents' day. People with a sweet tooth were ready to eat marshmallow for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In the 90s, state standards and technologies changed. Marshmallows with a dull taste, lacking this unique moisture, began to appear on the shelves. Dry and not at all pretty.

Now, if you wish, you can find a quality product. But for the most part, marketing offers us Marshmallow. This sweetness does not at all resemble real marshmallows. And if you have a desire to treat your children and loved ones to real marshmallows, read this article quickly. In it we will look at the option of making real marshmallows at home. And we will take into account all the nuances and subtleties of technology.

Marshmallow classic

The recipe was created in compliance with all USSR GOST standards. The marshmallows prepared according to this recipe will be just the way we love them.

We will need:

  • sour apple puree – 250 g
  • egg white- 1 PC.
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pack.
  • granulated sugar – 250 g
  • pastry bag with toothed tip
  • culinary parchment

For the syrup:

  • water – 160 g
  • agar-agar – 8 g
  • granulated sugar – 475 g


  1. Soak 8 g of agar-agar in 160 g of water in a small bowl for 3-4 hours.
  2. Making applesauce. The apples need to be washed, wiped, cut into 4 parts and the core and seeds removed. Bake apples in the oven or microwave oven. For the required 250 g of puree you need about 400 g of apples.
  3. Using a spoon, scoop out the softened pulp from the baked apples. You don't need a peel to make marshmallows. Place the pulp in a blender or food processor. Turn it into a smooth puree. Important! Achieve perfect smoothness for puree. This is a very important stage of cooking technology.
  4. Add 250 g of sugar to the warm puree, mix well and leave for 1 hour for the ingredients to mutually release to each other.
  5. Agar-agar, soaked for several hours in water, must be put on fire in the same water. Bring the mixture to a boil while constantly stirring. Reduce heat. The binder should completely dissolve and the mixture should take on the consistency of jelly. In time it is about 2-3 minutes.
  6. Pour 475 g of sugar into agar-agar. Cook the syrup over low heat. Boil the syrup to a caramel string that will trail behind a spoon immersed in the syrup. It is important not to overdo it with the temperature. At temperatures above 110 degrees, the astringent properties of agar-agar disappear. Boiling the syrup takes about 6-7 minutes. Remove the finished syrup from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  7. Divide the egg white into 2 parts. Dip one into the applesauce and start blending the mixture with a blender. After a minute, add the second part of the protein. Beat for a few minutes. In the process, the apple mass will acquire a lighter tone and increase in size.
  8. Gently pour the warm sugar syrup into the applesauce in a thin stream. Continuing to beat with a blender or mixer. Ready mixture set aside for 5-6 minutes.
  9. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet. Fill a cooking bag with the mixture and place neat marshmallows on the paper. The finished marshmallows should be left for a day at room temperature. During this time it will be covered with a crispy crust.
  10. After settling, connect the marshmallow halves to each other.

Enjoy your tea!