Apple marshmallow according to GOST USSR. Homemade marshmallow according to GOST

Marshmallow according to GOST

Or, let's say, almost according to GOST, although his taste, of course, is the same. The thing is, I don't have a perfect recipe. The proportions and the cooking process are taken from the industrial technological guide, everything is described in detail there.
Marshmallow is made from applesauce. This puree should be thick and contain a sufficient amount of pectin, baked Antonovka puree perfectly satisfies such conditions. If you don’t have antonovka, take apples that bake well and contain a lot of pectin, that is, the puree gels.
The technology of preparing marshmallows resembles the manufacture of the "Bird's Milk" cake. Applesauce with the addition of sugar and protein is beaten into a fluffy mass and sugar-agar syrup is poured in, beaten until thick, deposited on baking paper. Five hours at room temperature are enough for complete solidification and stabilization. Then marshmallows should be dried at room temperature for about a day to form a thin crust. Finished products are powdered with powdered sugar and glued in pairs.
I want to note that the original uses syrup with molasses, but it can be replaced with sugar. The marshmallow still turns out to be very tender, that is, I personally had no complaints.
But if you have the opportunity - replace a third of the sugar in the syrup with molasses or glucose syrup. So the marshmallow will be stored longer and even when dried, the middle will remain tender.
As for substitutions, pectin can be used instead of agar (perhaps I will write more about this). But is it possible to use gelatin and how the technology will change - I just don’t know, because I haven’t read about it and haven’t tried it myself.

Attention! Two factors influence the shape and density of the future marshmallow - whipping and the presence of agar. In order for the marshmallow to keep its shape and sit well, the mass must be well whipped (say, like a regular protein cream). The agar begins to work after you have deposited marshmallows and they have begun to cool, it fixes the form and makes it resistant to storage. Therefore, in the first place, you should carefully mash the mash with sugar and protein, both before and after adding the agar syrup. And we must realize whether the whipped mass will keep its shape when deposited or will it spread? Have you whipped up the mass enough?

250g applesauce (4 apples)
250g sugar
1 protein
1 sachet of vanilla sugar

475g sugar
160g water
8g agar (4 tsp without a slide)

Powdered sugar for sprinkling

So, first of all, soak the agar in the amount of water indicated in the recipe.
Bake apples. I bake in the microwave - I cut it in half, remove the seeds, put it cut down on a plate, the baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples in pieces.

Now you can scrape the baked pulp out of the skins with a spoon.

The easiest way to get a smooth puree is to use a blender. If this is not possible, wipe the puree through a sieve.

Now add sugar and vanilla sugar to the warm puree and leave for an hour until it cools completely.

Put the soaked agar on fire and bring almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves.

Pour in sugar, it will seem to you that there is too much of it, do not worry. Stir well, bring to a boil while stirring and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until the temperature of the syrup is 110C. A spatula lifted from the syrup will pull a thin thread along with it. Set the syrup aside to cool slightly.

Add half the protein to the cooled puree and beat until light, add the remaining protein and beat until a fluffy thick mass is obtained.

Start pouring in a thin stream of slightly cooled, but still hot syrup. Don't stop beating!

After adding the syrup, beat for a few more minutes, the mass should become like a meringue mass. Take a large bowl, the mass increases in volume !!

Quickly transfer the mass to a pre-prepared cornet with a nozzle and deposit marshmallows on baking paper. There will be about 60 of them, so prepare a lot of space! Remember that products with agar solidify at a temperature of already 40C, so don't wait, plant a rhinestone!

Leave for a day on the table, in a fairly warm place. During this time, the marshmallow stabilizes and a thin sugar crust forms on it. Sprinkle with powder.

Connect marshmallows in pairs. Their bases are sticky, so they will stick together without problems.

Delicate, sweet and light like an apple, marshmallow is a favorite among a wide range of confectionery products. It combines not only excellent taste, but also the benefits of ripe apples.
We are used to buying marshmallows in confectioneries and supermarkets, but you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of such a product. In the distant Soviet years, mothers spoiled us with a delicious and fragrant treat based on applesauce, because then it was made strictly according to GOST. So why not enjoy such a confection prepared with your own hands?

We invite you to try out the recipe for apple marshmallows prepared according to GOST, the delicacy turns out exactly the same as what you tried in childhood. The cooking process is quite simple, marshmallows are prepared on agar-agar and on real applesauce. Strictly measuring the amount of ingredients and following the recommendations given, you get marshmallows made from natural products that are amazing in taste.

Do you have juicy and sweet apples? Set aside some for marshmallows. Do not forget to purchase agar-agar in a specialized spice and seasoning store, we will use it as a gelling component. Believe me, such an amazing homemade sweet will delight children and adults.

Apple marshmallow recipe using agar-agar according to GOST


  • 389 grams of apple puree (made from 0.6 kilograms of apples);
  • 65 grams of chicken egg protein;
  • 324 grams of sugar for puree;
  • 347 grams of sugar for caramel;
  • 139 grams of molasses or honey;
  • 1 gram vanilla essence;
  • 204.9 grams of pure water;
  • 8.54 grams of agar agar.

How to make apple marshmallow:

  1. First, prepare the apples: wash them and dry them. We spread the fruits on a baking sheet, bake until cooked in the oven. You can also bring the apples to softness in the microwave.

  2. A sour variety of apples is suitable for making marshmallows. The light sourness of the finished dessert will make it not so cloying.
  3. Carefully separate the pulp of the finished apple from the peel, getting rid of the core.
  4. Puree the fruit pulp using a blender or a regular sieve.

  5. Add sugar and vanilla essence to warm applesauce, mix everything well.
  6. Dissolve agar-agar in the required amount of clean water.
  7. We bring the water with agar-agar to a boil and boil it for 2 or 3 minutes. Due to the heat treatment of the mixture, the gelling properties of agar-agar are fully revealed.
  8. Add sugar for caramel, as well as honey or molasses to the hot mixture.
  9. Cook everything until the mixture thickens and acquires a caramel hue. This will take approximately 5 minutes at 110 degrees (boiling state). The resulting mixture should be pulled into a "thread".

  10. While the syrup is cooking, prepare the egg whites. Beat them until firm peaks.

  11. In portions, we introduce the protein mass into applesauce, beat again.
  12. Stirring constantly, pour the hot syrup into the protein-apple mass in a thin stream.
  13. Beat everything for a few minutes until a lush and dense mass is obtained.

  14. Stir the marshmallow mass into the middle of the pastry bag. If you do not have such an accessory, you can simply fill a regular food bag and cut off the tip.
  15. On a silicone mat or other surface covered with parchment, we deposit blanks that will be halves of a fragrant treat.

  16. We dry the marshmallows indoors for a day. The surface of the fruit dessert will be covered with a crust, and the middle will be soft.
  17. Sprinkle the halves of the dessert with powdered sugar, remove them from the surface, connect them with each other with a flat part.

  18. Now the homemade apple marshmallow is completely ready.
  19. A light diet treat made from applesauce can be served as a dessert for the festive table. Guests will not immediately guess that the marshmallow was created by you personally. The texture of the dessert is porous and very delicate, the marshmallow just melts in your mouth.

  20. If you do not like too sweet treats, the amount of granulated sugar can be reduced. After trying the dessert, you can easily determine how much sugar to add next time.
  21. Enjoy the amazing taste of homemade treats. Bon appetit and wonderful mood!

Zephyr is loved by both adults and children. Some nutritionists even consider this sweet delicacy useful - the gelling substances that make up its composition are useful for the circulatory system. Below is a recipe for marshmallows at home to your taste - a classic, chocolate or berry version. The main component of this marshmallow is an apple, or rather, applesauce. Then you can fantasize - coloring it with a couple of drops of food coloring, adding a little lemon juice, or experimenting with spices such as ground cinnamon or vanilla.

Classic homemade white marshmallow

Classic homemade marshmallows are made exclusively from applesauce. If desired, spices are added for flavor. For thickening, the apples themselves already contain pectin, but to increase the persistence of the dessert, add a little agar, a substance extracted from some types of seaweed.

  • 6-8 sour apples;
  • a pinch of cinnamon / vanilla;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of protein;
  • 160 ml of distilled water;
  • 8 g of agar;
  • 300 gr sugar.

First of all, you need to prepare the “raw materials” - wash the apples, cut into halves, remove the core and bake for a third of an hour at 180 degrees.

After the fruit, grind through a fine sieve - you get a portion of applesauce.

Using a whisk, combine puree, sugar and protein until smooth.

Separately heat the syrup with water. As soon as it begins to boil, add sugar and heat until the liquid is reduced. This should be done at medium temperature.

Add the sweet syrup to the apple mass and continue to knead until the whole mass thickens. Quickly fold the mass into a pastry bag and drop the marshmallows on a baking sheet with oiled paper. Let stand 10-12 hours - you can leave it overnight.

On a note. The more acidic the apples, the more pectin they will contain - a substance that gives the base a dense and stable texture.

Raspberry Recipe

Berry marshmallows are no less tasty than classic apple marshmallows. We suggest saving the recipe to please your loved ones with an unusual delicacy during the harvest season.

  • raspberry puree - 125 gr;
  • sugar - 100 gr;
  • egg white - 1;
  • agar-agar - 1 gr;
  • water - 75 ml;
  • sugar - 200 gr;
  • powdered sugar.

Beat the protein and berry puree until a fluffy foam forms.

We prepare syrup - agar, knead water and sugar and heat it on the stove until it begins to thicken and reach for a spoon.

Mix the syrup and puree with a mixer until thick. As in the previous recipe, we plant the mass on paper and leave it for several hours to solidify.

When the products are frozen, tear off the halves, put them together and roll in powder.

Delicious apple dessert

Delicious marshmallow from apples is prepared quite quickly. The output is quite a lot of fragrant, soft lumps of goodies for tea, which households will definitely appreciate.

  • applesauce (can be prepared according to the option described in the first recipe);
  • sugar - ½ stack. for puree and the same amount for syrup;
  • egg white;
  • drinking water - ½ cup;
  • agar-agar - 4 tsp

Prepare puree: mix the apple mass with sugar, boil down a little, leave to cool.

In the meantime, prepare a syrup of agar-agar, water and sugar.

Whip puree with protein until stable peaks. Then combine with the cooled syrup.

Plant marshmallow "roses" from the mass, let it harden.

On a note. When preparing the syrup, it is necessary to constantly stir the liquid so that the sugar does not burn to the bottom.

How to cook with gelatin?

Making marshmallows is much easier using gelatin - if agar can be found in large grocery hypermarkets, then gelatin is available in almost every store.

  • 3 apples;
  • egg;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • gelatin.

Pour gelatin with hot water and leave to swell.

Bake apples and mash them by rubbing them through a sieve. It is recommended to remove the peel before grinding. Sprinkle with sugar. Work the mass with a mixer.

Divide the egg into white and yolk. First, add half of the protein to the apple mass, and after a few minutes of beating, add the second half. Continue whisking until the mass becomes fluffy, white and thick.

Add warm syrup and beat for a few more minutes. The consistency will begin to change rapidly.

The mass must be quickly dropped out with a confectionery syringe / bag. The marshmallow blank begins to set very quickly, and if you delay landing, the process can become difficult.

Marshmallow with agar-agar

Agar-agar, no worse than gelatin, makes the mass thicken and subsequently keep its shape.

  • apples - 2 units;
  • sugar - 300 gr;
  • egg white - 1;
  • vanillin;
  • agar-agar - 5 gr;
  • water - 75 ml.

Peel the fruits of apples from the peel and core, cut into cubes and simmer in a pan until soft. Turn into puree. Combine with 100 g of sugar, heat until the latter dissolves, leave to cool.

Mix agar with water and leave for 3 hours. In this recipe, in no case should agar be replaced with gelatin. After boiling, combine with sugar, cook stirring. Cook until the syrup begins to pull together with a thick thread from a spoon.

Beat the applesauce for a few minutes, then add the protein, beat again until the mass clarifies. At this stage, you can begin to gradually pour in the syrup, without stopping whipping. The mass will become lush and thick.

The preparation is ready. It is necessary to solidify the products for at least 4 hours.

How to make marshmallows at home?

Modern marshmallows appeared relatively recently in the United States, only in the fifties of the last century. We encourage you to cook them at home.

  • egg white - 2;
  • sugar - 400 gr;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 150 gr;
  • corn starch. - 50 gr;
  • gelatin - 30 gr;
  • berries - 50 gr.

We prepare a syrup from water and sugar - warm it up on the slowest fire for 40 minutes. Pour gelatin with water and leave to soak. Then put on a steam bath.

Heat the berries in a pan until softened.

Beat the whites until a stable fluffy foam is formed, then attach the syrup in a thin stream.

Rub the berries through a sieve to make a puree.

Starch and powder mix together, then pass through a sieve, forming a thin layer on parchment paper.

Divide the protein mass into 2 parts. Drop one strip with a pastry bag, mix the second with berry puree and also make strips. After a couple of hours, cut into pieces and roll in a powdery starch mass.

chocolate treat

Homemade marshmallows can be made not only exclusively from apples or berries - it can also be chocolate, with the aroma of honey.

  • gelatin - 10 gr;
  • apple puree - 200 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr;
  • bitter chocolate - 100 gr;
  • honey - 100 gr;
  • cocoa - 40 gr.

Let's prepare the syrup: let the gelatin swell, then warm it with water and sugar. Let cool.

Melt broken pieces of chocolate using a water bath. Using a mixer, work out the syrup, chocolate mass, puree and honey. Pour into a mold, leave to harden in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Cut into pieces and roll in cocoa.

Apple marshmallow according to GOST

The foundation:

Apples of medium size 3 - 4 pcs.

Depends on the size of the apples, because at the exit we need exactly 250 gr. thick applesauce without sugar ⬇;

Egg white - 1 pc.,
Sugar - 250 gr.

Water - 160gr. or ml. ⬇;

Agar-agar - 8 gr. (This is ≈ 4 tsp without a slide.)

- I pour the contents of two bags of Agar-agar, this is 12 gr., ⬇;

Sugar 475 gr. ;

Vanillin to taste or Vanilla sugar - a bag, or vanilla essence - 1-2 drops. Keep in mind that excess vanilla is bitter, so don't overdo it.

Powdered sugar - 100 g.

First of all, you need to prepare in advance the dishes for whipping - a large volume, since the marshmallow mass will greatly increase in size.
Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. (I needed 2 pans)


My apples, cut in half, remove the core, stalk and calyx hole. ⬇;
Bake in the microwave until soft, 5-6 minutes. (Excess moisture in the puree is not needed). ⬇;
The apples are baked - remove the peel from them, it will easily separate, you can throw it away.

Ready baked apples immediately, directly hot, grind through a sieve or grind with a blender to puree. Ready applesauce should be smooth and tender. ⬇;
We measure the required amount of mashed potatoes - 250 gr.

In a still warm puree, add 250 gr. sugar and vanilla ⬇;

Mix everything thoroughly and set aside until completely cooled. You can place a container of hot puree in a bowl of cold water and cool in this way.
Pour agar-agar - 8 g into a glass of cold water - 160 g, mix, soak, setting aside ⬇;

In a pre-prepared container for whipping, put cold applesauce with sugar and half of the chilled egg white. Start beating at medium speed until the mixture turns white.

Then add the second half of the protein and beat everything already at high speed for a total of 5-7 minutes. Applesauce with protein will noticeably increase in volume, turn even whiter. The main thing is not to stop whipping until the apple mass with protein noticeably increases in volume, turns white and thickens. It turns out a lush, dense and thick mass. ⬇;

Now we make sugar syrup with agar-agar. Pour the swollen agar-agar into saucepan with a thick bottom.
We put agar-agar dissolved in water on medium heat, constantly stirring with a spoon, bring to a boil and let it swell completely (it turns out a sticky mass) ⬇;

and then pour the remaining granulated sugar - 475 gr . ⬇;

According to some confectioners, if you pour sugar into cold water, then the marshmallows may not harden.

We reduce the heat to a minimum and, stirring constantly, cook the syrup for 5-6 minutes, whoever has a confectionery thermometer, bring the syrup to 110 °. Ready syrup reaches for a spoon with a thin thread. Sugar - agar syrup is ready - turn off the fire and let it cool a little.⬇;

Now, constantly stirring with a mixer at low speeds, pour the still hot sugar-agar syrup into the whipped apple mass in a thin stream. After all the syrup is in the container, beat the mass for a few more minutes. As the agar-agar solidifies, you will see that it is already time to plant the marshmallow: the whisk hardly comes out of the marshmallow base - it is so tight and dense. ⬇;

Now quickly fill the pastry bag with the marshmallow mass and place the marshmallows on the prepared baking sheet.
If you do not have a pastry bag, you can simply spread the marshmallow mass with a tablespoon.
Agar-agar begins to solidify already at 40 degrees, so we work quickly with the still warm marshmallow mass.
Leave marshmallows to harden at room temperature for a day. (I didn’t need a day - I didn’t have the patience, after a couple of hours they were already eating a frozen marshmallow.) ⬇;

Sprinkle the marshmallows on top with powdered sugar, it is ready and perfectly departs from the parchment, we fasten the marshmallow halves.
Homemade apple marshmallow according to GOST turns out to be much tastier and more tender than a modern industrial store, without unnecessary additives, completely healthy! Eat and enjoy the marshmallows of our mothers and grandmothers from Soviet times! ⬇;

P.S. It took me an hour and a half to make marshmallows. It took a lot of time to prepare applesauce by grinding it through a sieve. Maybe if you cook puree through a blender, it will probably be faster, but I don’t have an immersion blender, so the preparation of my marshmallow was delayed.

Series of messages " ": Part 1 - Apple marshmallow according to GOST USSR

Cooking instructions

1 hour Print

    1. First of all, soak the agar in the amount of water indicated in the recipe.

    2. Bake apples. I bake in the microwave - I cut it in half, remove the seeds, put it cut down on a plate, the baking time in minutes is equal to the number of apples in pieces. Now you can scrape the baked pulp out of the skins with a spoon. The easiest way to get a smooth puree is to use a blender. If this is not possible, wipe the puree through a sieve. Tool Blender Any blender can handle the transformation of soup into puree. Though Braun, even Bosch, even Kitchen Aid. It's still not crushing ice. The main thing is that the jug should be glass or steel. Hot soup is not for plastic. There are, of course, immersion blenders that can be used to puree right in the pot. But the editors of the Afisha-Food magazine prefer those with jugs. They have better results.

    3. Now add sugar (200-250 g) and vanilla sugar to the warm puree and leave for an hour until it cools completely.

    4. Put the soaked agar on fire and bring it almost to a boil so that the agar dissolves. Pour in sugar (400-450 g), it will seem to you that it is too much, do not worry. Stir well, bring to a boil with stirring and cook over medium heat for 7 minutes until the temperature of the syrup becomes 110 degrees. A spatula lifted from the syrup will pull a thin thread along with it. Set the syrup aside to cool slightly for 3-4 minutes.

    5. Add half of the protein to the cooled puree and beat until light, add the remaining protein and beat until a fluffy thick mass is obtained.
    Crib How to separate whites from yolks

    6. Start pouring in a thin stream of slightly cooled, but still hot syrup. Don't stop beating!
    After adding the syrup, beat for a few more minutes - the mass should become like a meringue mass. Take a large bowl, the mass increases in volume !!

    7. Quickly transfer the mass into a pre-prepared envelope with a nozzle and deposit marshmallows on baking paper. There will be about 60 of them, so prepare a lot of space! Remember that products with agar freeze at a temperature of already 40 degrees, so don't wait, plant a rhinestone!
    Tool Baking paper For even baking, it is better to send open pies and quiches to the oven on a wire rack, and so that the sauce boiling from the heat does not drip between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And more from paper is not required.

    8. Leave for a day on the table, in a fairly warm place. During this time, the marshmallow stabilizes and a thin sugar crust forms on it. Remove from paper, connect the halves and sprinkle with powder.
    Marshmallows can also be made with berries, and berry-50/50 can also be added to applesauce.