Candied tangerines. Candied orange peels: easy recipes for homemade sweets.


Before preparing candied fruits, we thoroughly wash the tangerine crusts, then cut into small squares or stripes. Then fill them with water room temperature and soak for 3 days. At the same time, the water needs to be changed every day 3 times.

After that, we drain the water in which the crusts settled, and instead add water for syrup at the rate of 100 ml per 250 g of crusts, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The largest citrus producers today are Brazil and Florida. The volume of world trade in citrus products continues to grow, with demand mainly coming from Indonesia and Vietnam. Main suppliers: Turkey, South Africa, USA, China, Argentina.

37% of world imports belong to oranges, 31% to tangerines, 21% to lemons. Grapefruit and other citrus fruits make up 9%. India ranks 5th in the world in terms of citrus production per year, but almost all of its production is for domestic consumption. Today, India is considered one of the largest producing countries in the world.

Now the crusts can be filtered, and add sugar to the liquid and boil until thick, stirring so that the syrup does not burn. Pour the crusts with the resulting mass and leave for 10-12 hours so that they are saturated.

After that, we put them on the fire again and simmer so that they boil down.

Again, we recline the crusts in a colander so that the remaining liquid drains. Received candied tangerine Spread out on a table or baking sheet in an even thin layer to dry.

The sweet orange is the second most important commercial fruit in India. Among the varieties of Indian oranges that have hit the market are Jaffa, Valencia, Hamlin, Puntaba Malta, Sathudi in Andhra Pradesh and Mozambi in Maharashtra. Citrus fruits, their great palatability, beneficial features etc. are the reason for their wide popularity and consumption for thousands of years. Today, many places around the world host annual citrus festivals, the most popular of which takes place in the French city of Menton, located on the French Riviera, on the border with Italy.

Usually in a day the delicacy is ready. It can also be used in pure form and can be used in baking.

Candied tangerine skins - express recipe.

The previous recipe for candied fruits is wonderful, but it takes patience and time. If you want to do everything quickly, then the following recipe is for you.


Every year in March, the famous citrus festival takes place, with a lot of dancing, music, theatrical performances and huge sculptures of citrus fruits. During the holiday in Menton, up to 130 tons of citrus fruits are used. They also contain sugar and organic acids, and essential oils give them an attractive aroma. Lemon and lime are close relatives of citrus fruits, which contain vitamin C, and lime has more than lemon.

Lemons are rich useful substances, contain vitamins A, B, B2, P, C and phytoncides. Yellow grapefruit - juicy but bitter. Grapefruit, paradise apple- a cross of grapefruit and orange and, unlike other relatives, has grape fruits. He needs hot summers and lots of light, even in winter.

  • tangerine skins - 200 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • lemon acid- taste;
  • water;
  • salt.


We put the peel in a saucepan, pour in water (about 1.5 liters), put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes.

We throw the crusts into a colander, rinse them under running water and again fill them with water with the addition of half a teaspoon of salt. Salt is needed in order to remove bitterness from the crusts. Bring to a boil, boil again for 10 minutes, rinse and repeat the procedure for the third time.

Pink grapefruit - sweeter, more pleasant, but more expensive than yellow. The grapefruit's name is actually an unintentional mistake. Centuries ago, an English botanist misclassified it as a variety, and while it became clear over time that the fruit was a citrus fruit, its name had already been imposed, making it impossible and no need to change. For the first time, Europeans find grapefruit on the island of Barbados.

The more acidic taste is due to the high concentration of fruit acids. A good start to the day is a glass warm water with lemon juice, which boosts immunity and removes toxins from the body. To get as much lemon juice as possible, throw it on the table for a few seconds, or dip it for 10 seconds in a pot of hot water. Lime and its valuable ingredients are very valuable for the health of blood vessels. Scientists say there is no plant to compete with lemon for antibacterial properties.

After that, we again throw the crusts into a colander and cut them into not very thin strips, or simply divide them into pieces arbitrarily.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a glass of water, bring to a boil. Now we dip the peel into the syrup and cook until almost completely boiled. Pieces of skins should become almost transparent.

Now that the candied fruits are almost ready, we throw them in a colander, thereby allowing the remaining syrup to drain. You can roll them in sugar or powdered sugar and dry them. To do this, you can simply leave them open in the air, or you can put candied tangerines on a baking sheet and put in a warm oven for about 30-40 minutes.

As a rich source of vitamin C, lemon is extremely effective for colds and flu. Drink lemon juice with honey and make a gargle with lemon juice mixture, pinch and hot water. Lemons contain a lot of potassium and ascorbic acid, which strengthen and make the walls of small blood vessels elastic. They are also actively involved in redox processes. This is why lemons are often used in prescriptions to treat multiple sclerosis.

A decoction of dried tangerines reduces cough and expects an expectorant effect in bronchitis and tracheitis. This helps lower blood sugar levels. Prepare 3-mandarin bark from the bark and boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water. It does not shrink and is taken every day, be sure to store in the refrigerator. Consumption of tangerines helps reduce and repair damaged liver cells.

Also, candied fruits from tangerines can be prepared for future use: sterilize jars and candied fruits while still hot, put them in them, close the lid and store in the refrigerator. And then use it as you wish. By the way, do not rush to pour the syrup either, it will make an excellent impregnation for cakes.

Candied fruits can only be prepared from tangerine peels, or you can make assorted, and use the peels of any citrus fruits: orange, lemon and grapefruit will do.

Oranges are a means of stopping uterine bleeding - preventing premature birth, abortion or heavy menstrual bleeding. Grapefruit is especially useful for reducing blood pressure and to restore strength during physical activity.

Citrus fruits are a powerful beautifier, and bug bites will get rid of the itching if you smear lemon juice on the area. Lemon juice cleanses the skin of the face from freckles and age spots and visibly rejuvenates it. It is important, however, that you do not go into the sun an hour after the procedure. Ascorbic acid increases the body's resistance to infections, aids in the production of collagen and maintains skin elasticity. Tangerines are also useful for skin diseases - Fresh Juice kills some fungi.

If instead of lunch you managed to accidentally eat one or two kilograms of tangerines, do not throw away the crusts. You can make wonderful candied fruits from them. This is not only a delicious delicacy-jam, but also useful. Why gourmet?

Because oranges are usually used for this, their crust is thicker, and the taste is more restrained. But candied tangerine peel thanks to bitterness is something special ..

To heal affected skin, recut fruit juice or tangerine bark. Grapefruit, like other citrus fruits, is very beneficial for digestion. It is used as a mild diuretic, helps to elevate immune system and body tone. An excellent remedy is that the most valuable part of the fruit in this regard is the zipper between the inner parts.

There is nothing better than a homemade ripe and mature fruit that can be used anytime for cakes or desserts. All you have to do is "save" - The best way to do it is sugar. We advise step by step to prepare delicious fruits in sugar.

As far as healing is concerned, traditional medicine different recipes from tangerine peels are used for colds, diseases respiratory tract, to increase immunity and with poor appetite. These bright orange crusts are a source of vitamin C and beta-carotene, from which vitamin A is produced, and they also contain phytoncides and essential oils. We often chew them just like that.

How to candied fruits step by step?

Fruits in sugar can be prepared from gooseberries, currants, cherries, strawberries, pears, apples, apricots and basically any fruit fruits. For 1 kg of fruit you need 1.5 kg of sugar. Fruits for sweets we wash, we remove, we dry and clean from flower stalks, petioles, etc. fruits with pips should be hollow, apples and pears, cut into halves or quarters and stripped of seed nests.

With 1.25 kg of sugar and 2 cups of water, we prepare syrup - you need to boil it. Then throw in the fruit and fry over low heat for about 30 minutes. We switch off and leave until the next day. On the second day, the fried fruits are fried again until they become glassy.


  • tangerine peels
  • sugar syrup
  • proportions: one to two (0.5 kg of crusts - 1 kg of sugar)

Recipe for candied tangerine peels

The tangerine skin contains a specific bitterness - it must be eliminated. There are two ways to do this:

The fruit should now be removed from the syrup. Spread them on a plate or platter and dry them gradually in the oven. The syrup is no longer needed, but can be used, for example, in compotes or marmalades. When the fruit is well drained on the surface, put it in jars and cover with the remaining sugar.

Homemade confectionery orange peel

Such candied fruits are stored in a dry and cool place. Similarly, you can cook orange peel. Soak them in cold water for 24 hours before frying. When they have thick white underpants, cut them open. After frying, orange peels can be dried before being put into a jar or left in syrup. Orange skin is relatively light compared to fruit, so you need to remember correct proportion Sahara.

  1. Longer - soak the crusts in cold water overnight (and preferably under pressure). In the morning, drain the water, then the bitterness will become thinner and less noticeable.
  2. The second way is very fast - pour crusts cold water, bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 minutes. Drain the water. The bitterness will not disappear completely, but this is just what is interesting - a peculiar bitter aftertaste in combination with sweet syrup is felt very harmoniously.

Therefore, about the second method in more detail:

In most cases, simple sweets are the tastiest. That's how they are, simple and terribly good. Delicious and crispy crust is combined with dried fruit and thin, dense, silky, sweet caramel cream. Yes, caramel comes like a cherry on the cake and rightfully because of its iconic and irresistible taste.

Dough 200 g flour 100 g butter 1 egg yolk 1 salt powder 1 tablespoon powdered sugar 2-3 tablespoons cold water Filling 400 g dried fruit: walnuts, peanuts, cashews, apricots, raisins, almonds. Cut the flour into a free bowl, make a dent in the middle and put the butter into cubes, powdered sugar and salt. Mixing with fingers until we get a sandy dough. Add the yolk and stir until it is homogenized. Put in a tablespoon of water and swirl until we get the desired coinsurance.

So, the water was drained, and then we cook as regular jam, only slightly changing the technology. We take sugar about twice as much by weight as crusts. Pour the crusts with this syrup and cook not very long, just so that they have time to soak, this is about 20 minutes.

Cool, transfer to a glass bowl and put in the refrigerator, not forgetting to please yourself with a spoon or two of this healing delicacy for lunch, breakfast, dinner, and just when you want something tasty..

Cold dough for one hour. In the meantime, prepare 6-8 mini cake pans which we will flatten with butter. After the dough has become cold, we straighten it with a thin sheet measuring 2 mm and cut circles slightly larger than the cake. We arrange beautiful dough in shape, we kick it in place with a fork and above and put pastries and beans. Put the pies with baking paper and beans in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. The oven heats up to 180 degrees.

Bake the tart crust for 15 minutes, then remove the baking paper and beans, then reinsert the patties in the oven for another 5 minutes or until the crust is a nice golden color. Dried fruits we rude them. Sugar put it in an intact pot of water over medium heat. Let's cook until the caramel turns dark golden, then we remove it from the heat and add sour cream. We moved vigorously and were very careful about the couple. Add oil and homogenize it.

If you cook candied fruits from orange peels, then we do everything according to the recipe above, only they do not need to be soaked or boiled first. There is no bitterness in candied oranges, but there is astringency and a strong citrus aroma, and the peels themselves are softer, since the orange skin is thicker and looser in structure than tangerine.

And if you caught fire and decided to cook candied fruits from tangerine peels, but now you don’t know where to put the fruits themselves, you can make them out of them. By the way, in the cake recipe, to which the link leads, you can use only tangerines, without bananas and kiwi. Digging through the vaults of the "Three Minutes", you can find more.

Cedars are one of the oldest types of citrus fruits. They were brought to Europe from Asia thousands of years ago. It is considered one of the three types of citrus fruits that we now know pomelo and mandarin. The name of the cedar comes from the Latin name "Citrus" and coincides with the translation of the famous coniferous species "cedar".

Cedar fruits are very large, they have a very thick and fragrant shell, and the core is not as dense as a lemon. They are used in confectionery: candied fruits, marmalade, liquor, syrup and a drink called cedar. They are very healthy fruits, regulate tension and help with anemia.