How to decorate yeast buns. How to make beautiful buns: how to form dough

Sometimes you really want to improve your own culinary skills and get unique dish that all family members will enjoy. The housewives place a special emphasis on desserts that both adults and children like. It is much easier to go to the nearest pastry shop and buy a treat for tea. But you can also make beautiful buns on your own.

Baking yeast buns

Wrapping, as well as finishing, require a careful approach. You can not twist strips of text arbitrarily. To decorate them beautifully, you need to be smart. Experienced chef it is possible to give an unusual and attractive shape to products in a matter of seconds.

Not everyone can bake twisted buns with original patterns on their own. But in reality, special skill is not required here. It is enough to follow each step of the recipe to achieve an effect that affects everyone. The shape of the buns will be perfect. The ingredients are as follows:

  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 100 g butter;
  • packaging of vanilla sugar;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 25 g yeast.

Another chicken yolk and 30 ml of milk will be required to lubricate the buns. If you intend to mold curly buns, how to wrap them correctly is a must-learn. The work is done as follows:

This is followed by the molding of buns. The recipe for making dough for buns is the same, but they can be shaped in various ways. Each recipe has its own characteristics, so you should not deviate from the algorithm of actions.

Nothing is more pleasing to the eye than beautiful pastries. Methods for folding dough for pies, bagels with filling are different. Even people who do not have much experience in cooking enjoy sculpting some intricate figure such as a rose, for example.


This form of buns is very popular. Look finished goods very appetizing. How shape up:

The surface of the dough is smeared with a mixture and sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar, poppy seeds. During molding, products are given a clear shape; this can be done using special devices.

Heart and butterfly shaped pastries

Most often, children like buns with jam. Such products will appeal to adults, as well as puff buns. To mold such pastries correctly, you must follow the recommendations for wrapping products.

The dough is divided into parts. Roll out one half in the form of a cake, grease with butter. Sprinkle sugar on top.

Next, you need to roll the cake and connect the edges of the dough. The resulting roll is cut lengthwise so that a heart is obtained. It remains only to straighten it. This scheme is also suitable for all other types of buns that you plan to sculpt.

For a product in the shape of a butterfly, the dough mass is divided into parts. Roll out and sprinkle with sugar. A roll is formed, after which it must be twisted into a bundle. Connect the edges in the central part. Cut the roll 1 cm in the center and unfold the butterfly. Her wings should be turned to the sides. After that, you can consider the bun with sugar ready.

Features of baking beautiful buns

It will not be difficult for both professionals and beginners to make buns with their own hands. How to wrap them will tell you a step-by-step algorithm of actions. Dough products can be wrapped in the shape of a figurine. Such a bun will look beautiful.

After the formation of the rolls is completed, it is necessary to send them for baking in a baking sheet. You need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Baking takes approximately 10 minutes. After that, the temperature mark is reduced to 180 degrees. There is no need to take out the buns after this. You should also hold the products for 20 minutes.

Homemade pastry with filling

Rolls can be made in the form of beautiful roses. You can often see such products sprinkled with poppy seeds in stores. They are prepared as follows:

  • Knead the dough and roll out.
  • After that, it is divided into equal halves.
  • 1 part is rolled out in the shape of a rectangle so that a not too thin cake is obtained.
  • Lubricate it with vegetable oil and pour on top a small amount of poppy.
  • Roll out the dough again.
  • Cut into pieces, the width of which should be 10 cm.

After that, it remains to form roses.

Braids and curls

The dough is placed on the surface of the table, a small amount of flour is poured. Roll out in the form of a rectangular layer. Sprinkle poppy filling on top and fold over. Cut into transverse strips. There should be 12 strips in total.

Twist them in spirals three times. Roll up in the form of rings. Baking with sugar will be ready 20 minutes after it is sent to the oven. The temperature in it should be at the level of 200 degrees.

Stuffed heart

Small cakes are made, smeared with vegetable oil and sprinkled with sugar. Poppy seeds are also sprinkled on top. You can also use cinnamon, it gives not only refined taste but also a good fragrance. Roll the dough into a tube, fold and cut. Form a heart. After that, the buns are sent for baking. The finished result pleases with its originality and beauty.

Cooking sweet buns with apples

This recipe requires a slightly different set of ingredients. Have to take:

Flour is combined with dry yeast, sugar, salt and mixed. Add vanilla powder and knead the dough. Heat milk and add dry ingredients. Crack in a chicken egg.

Put in the resulting mixture softened butter. Stir with a spoon and continue kneading the dough by hand. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel. The container is left in a warm place for 1 hour. After that comes the molding of buns. For baking apple buns with jam, you can take fresh apples. To do this, they must first be stewed in a pan for several minutes. It is necessary to remove the core from apples, and then cut them into slices.

Braided fir-trees with jam

The dough is rolled into a cake and cut into medium-sized squares. The central part is filled with jam. Cut the squares into small pieces on the sides, not reaching the core. A space of 5 cm is left in the center, jam is laid out here. Form a braid.

To make a baked Christmas tree, roll out the dough in the form of a cake, cut into triangles. Each product is cut from 2 sides into fragments, a Christmas tree is formed. top baking smeared with a mixture of yolk and milk. Form buns. Bake well in the oven so that they get a golden hue.

Spirals with jam and roses

Roll out the dough into large sheets. Put the stuffing on top. Complements apple jam raisins. The edges are overlapped. The finished roll is cut into strips and across. Their width should be 3 cm. About 12 strips will be enough. Roll them up into a spiral shape. Put them, greased with jam, baked on a baking sheet with vegetable oil.

To make a rose from dough, first cut the apples into slices. Boil in water for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Roll out the dough into a layer and cut into strips. All strips are smeared with apple jam, sugar and cinnamon are poured on top.

The strips are placed in the center, after which apple slices are laid on them. The stripes are folded in the form of a rose with an apple.

Curd products

Few people are able to refuse cottage cheese rolls served with tea. This filling is very popular. You can bake not only sweet rolls. Even salted cottage cheese will be quite appetizing.

Beginners can start with the simplest recipe for cottage cheese envelopes. To do this, the dough is divided into squares. The curd filling is laid out in the center. Fold the corners in the center and bake until done. There are also more intricate options.

To make roses with cottage cheese, roll out dough cakes and cut into three parts, but not completely. Put the stuffing in the center. The edges are wrapped around the filling. Roll up to form roses.

For people who have some experience in baking, we can recommend cottage cheese buns recipe. To do this, roll out the dough into a rectangle. After that, you need to cut it into squares and put the filling in the center. Notches are also formed at the corners. The dough with the filling is folded and the edges are pushed into the holes. The second edge must also be wrapped. You can consider the products finished. It remains only to send them to the oven.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Various forms of buns are known from yeast dough with sugar. Even a child can learn how to make such products. Therefore, prepare the dough and call the kids for help. They will really like the formation process - it is very exciting and interesting. Also see the recipe for the most delicious.

Required products:

- butter dough- 600-800 gr.,
- sugar,
- cinnamon,
- butter,
- jam.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Make your favorite pastry dough recipe. When the dough "fits" (increases in volume), you can begin the process of forming buns.

2. Roll out a piece of dough into an oval cake. Tip: how to decide which piece of dough to take? It is worth noting that the size of the used piece of dough only approximately corresponds to the size of the future bun, because the product increases in volume during baking. Therefore, a piece of dough should be half the size of the desired size of the finished bun.

3. Lubricate the resulting cake with melted butter and sprinkle with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Cut with a knife into strips, one edge, leaving intact.

4. Gently roll into a roll.

5. Then collect into a "bagel". The bun preparation is ready.

6. For another type of bun, also roll out a piece of dough into a layer, brush with butter and sprinkle with a fragrant mixture.

7. Roll up.

8. With a sharp knife, cut through the central part, leaving the edges intact.

9. Unfold the inner layers (obtained by cutting) outward so that they peek out. Then roll the bun into a "bagel".

10. By the same principle, a bun in the form of a pigtail is formed. The layer is being rolled out
smeared with butter and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar (or just sugar).

11. The prepared layer is rolled up.

12. Then it is also cut in the central part, leaving only one edge intact.

13. A double braid is woven from the resulting halves, trying to make the layers look out.

14. For a heart-shaped bun, roll a piece of dough into a cake and, similarly to the previous cases, brush with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

15. Roll the resulting workpiece into a roll.

16. Bend the roll in half, with the seam inward.

17. Cut into two pieces from the side of the fold, leaving the opposite edge intact.

18. Unfold both sides to expose the layers of the bun.

19. The simplest bun is the one that resembles a dove. Roll out a piece of dough into a rope.

20. Form a knot from the resulting workpiece. Cut the peeking bottom edge, imitating a tail.

21. It is very interesting to form buns in the form of a flower. It's not difficult at all. Roll out a large layer of dough, 4-6 mm thick. Cut out circles (6-8 cm in diameter) with a cutting (6-8 cm in diameter), 5 pieces for each flower.

22. Each circle bend two, then again - this is a petal.

23. Connect all five petals (layers up) into a flower.

24. Roll a small ball out of a piece of dough and attach it in the middle of a bun - a flower.

25. Rose-shaped buns look no less beautiful. And they also form very quickly. Roll out a piece of dough (the size of a chicken egg) into a layer. With a knife, make 4 cuts (opposite), not reaching the central part of the workpiece. Put a teaspoon of the filling (jam or cottage cheese) in the center.

26. Wrap the filling with the first "petal".

27. Then close the petal on the opposite side.

28. Do the same with the rest of the petals.

29. Another option for forming a bun is a figure-eight cheesecake. For her, also roll out the dough into a large layer and cut out circles (12-14 cm in diameter). Then, with a smaller cut, cut out the central part of the circles to form a "rim".

30. Form a "figure eight" from the "rim".

31. Place the resulting part on the middle part left over from the circle. As a result, a "nest" for the filling is formed.

32. Put the stuffing inside as you wish.

33. Transfer all the buns to a baking sheet and leave for 5-10 minutes to proof. Bake at 1800C until golden brown. To make the finished buns sparkle, brush them warm with syrup (dilute 1-2 tablespoons of sugar in 100 ml of water). See how the world famous will cook.

34. Delicious, varied and fragrant buns ready for tea.
Bon appetit!

If you have already mastered the basic principles of preparing various dough for buns - yeast, puff, unleavened - it's time to learn the secrets of decorating such dough into beautiful products. After all, it often happens that the dough has come up, and everything is in order with the filling, but you don’t know what products can be formed.

Any pastry, including homemade, should not only be tasty and fresh, but also pleasing to the eye. Therefore, today we will share with you the main ways that will help you make beautiful buns with sugar, cinnamon, other fillings, sweet or salty. We will do everything in stages.

From puff or any other dough, you can make a beautiful pigtail that will replace your usual donuts and buns. We will make it with a filling, it must necessarily include pure chocolate or cocoa. Which filling recipe to choose is up to you to crack.

This form is easy to do:

  1. Roll out ready dough layer no more than 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Now evenly, stepping back from the edge by 2 cm, spread it with sugar filling, you can make a sprinkle of coconut flakes or nuts crushed and dried in the oven.

  1. Now roll the layer into a tight roll, carefully pinch the ends so that the filling does not leak out.
  2. Cut the roll down the center into 2 equally sized pieces.
  3. Cut each piece lengthwise.
  4. Now roll the resulting strips of dough with a tight tourniquet, wrap the edges inward, as if pinching. When twisting, try to ensure that the filling is on top, and not inside the tourniquet, peeking out.
  5. So you can make rolls only with a non-liquid filling that will not leak onto a baking sheet, for example, with cinnamon and sugar, nuts, poppy seeds.

Place two bundles on a baking sheet at a distance from each other, brush with egg and bake in accordance with the technology.

Children's cheesecake

This large cheesecake for little gourmets can be made with cottage cheese, as in the classic recipe, or you can use a different filling. For example, with cinnamon and sugar, apples and honey, such a product will also be very tasty. We will make it from puff pastry or yeast:

  1. Roll out a small circle of dough, grease its surface with beaten yolk, it is fashionable to pour a little milk into it. The round shape of the workpiece is required.
  2. Now we spread the filling, sprinkle with sugar, maybe a little cinnamon, wrap it in a tight roll.
  3. We turn the roll in half, press it a little with our hands.
  4. Now we cut it from the place of the fold, not reaching the top by about 2 cm.
  5. We twist the incised parts outward, we get the shape of a "heart".

Then you need to make a deboning of the bun in sugar, after brushing it with beaten yolk. Such products are baked very quickly, they are obtained, as from puff pastry, due to such an assembly.


This is a very easy way to decorate your baked goods. A spikelet can be made from absolutely any type of dough - puff, yeast, and even on soda. Let's get started:

  1. Roll out the dough into an oval or rectangle. cut it up sharp knife for long longitudinal strips - only 6 pieces.
  2. Now spread three strips to the sides. Pinch the top.
  3. Shift two extreme strips to the center, like a pigtail, forming a beautiful spikelet.
  4. When finished, brush the surface with yolk or syrup, sprinkle with sprinkles or cinnamon, bake in the oven.

The spikelet must be made without filling, it is not provided here. But you can grease the surface of the dough with milk, syrup, or sprinkle a little grated chocolate.


A pretzel is a form of baking that has been used by confectioners for centuries. There are small savory and sweet cookies in this form, but yeast/puff pastry can also be made in the same way:

  1. Roll out a few rolls of dough about 3-4 cm thick, depending on the size of the buns.
  2. Now visually mark the center of the tourniquet, fold its ends inward with curls.
  3. Press down so that the ends stick to the base.
  4. Cover with beaten yolk.
  5. You can make a powder with poppy seeds, cinnamon or nuts.

Pretzels are baked quickly, no more than 15 minutes in a preheated oven. A tourniquet can be made with a filling, only use it in a small amount.


Most fast option slices of dough roll - roses. So, do the following for them:

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer, grease it inside with yolk or milk, sprinkle with something, such as cinnamon, powdered sugar or dry poppy.
  2. Wrap the layer with a roll, cut off the edges.
  3. Cut the remaining roll into 4 cm pieces.
  4. Pinch the edge of each part, turn the bun vertically, bend the rose petals outward.

Such products can also be lubricated with yolk, as well as sprinkled with sprinkles or small crumbs into the petals - it will be held in the center of the rose due to a special design.


A very easy and delicious treat for kids. Made in the form of a regular round bun, but in a special way it is decorated in the form of a real hedgehog:

  1. Form the dough into balls of the same size.
  2. The dough should be quite dense, you can sprinkle a little flour on top of it.

  1. Then, using ordinary sharp scissors, make a few cuts - you will get needles.
  2. You can leave it like that, or you can additionally make a muzzle at the bottom of the roll.
  3. Lubricate with yolk, bake in the oven.

From absolutely any test, you can learn how to cook several options for decorating buns. So they will not become boring to your family and will give special pleasure to the little sweet tooth.

Surely there are no such people who would not love homemade buns. Different forms (how to make pastries, we will tell a little further) not everyone is able to give such products. Therefore, we decided to devote this article to this topic. From it you will learn how to make buns, form curls and classic buns.

Forms are different: how to do it?

As a rule, they are prepared only from a rich yeast base. In other words, yeast, or margarine, as well as granulated sugar should be added to the dough for such products. kneading soft base, it is covered with a towel and left aside for 80-90 minutes. During this time, the dough should rise several times, become as soft and lush as possible.

Since making different It should be noted that most housewives prepare such pastries without relying on any recipes. Therefore, you can give one form or another to the buns at your own discretion.

However, there are also those cooks who prefer to cook only certain pastries of specific sizes and shapes. Let's look at some of these options in more detail.

Classic pieces

How to make buns of different shapes? Before answering this question, we should tell you how classic round products are formed. To do this, a piece the size of a fist is pinched off from a rich yeast base, and then it is lubricated with vegetable oil and rolled into a ball. In this form, the semi-finished product is placed in a deep form, and then all other products are laid out there. At the same time, there is no need to leave one or another distance between them. Indeed, after baking, semi-finished products, flavored with oil, depart from each other very well.

We form buns

Now you know how classic buns are formed. The forms are different (how to make buns, we will tell right now) you can invent such products yourself. However, in this section of the article, we decided to tell you how to make beautiful and neat buns.

From the approached sweet dough tear off a small piece and roll it into a round cake with a diameter of about 12 centimeters and a thickness of 7-8 millimeters. After that, the products are sprinkled with fine sugar and rolled into a tight roll. In the future, it is folded in half, the middle part is cut, leaving the ends intact. Then the product is laid out on a greased baking sheet, after opening the cut part of the semi-finished product. Lubricated on top chicken egg and sent to the oven.

We form curls

Before you make buns of different shapes, you should decide which products you want to get. If the presence of the filling is not important for you, then for the formation home baking you can use the methods above. Otherwise, it is recommended to pay attention to the following method.

So how do you make homemade buns? different forms(a photo of the products is presented in this article) such pastries can be given very easily. However, we will consider only the fastest and most popular way. To do this, all the pastry is laid out on a board, sprinkled with flour and rolled into a rectangular layer no more than 8 millimeters thick. Then they spread the filling on it (for example, poppy, thick jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, etc.) and tightly wrapped in a roll. After that, the product is cut into pieces. Their thickness should not exceed 4-5 centimeters.

At the end, the formed curls are laid out on a greased sheet or baking sheet and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 200 degrees, they are baked for 52 minutes, and then carefully removed.

It should be noted that the famous cinnabon buns are baked according to this principle.

Summing up

Now you know how to make delicious homemade buns. The forms are different (how to make buns and curls, we examined above) it is quite easy to give them. The main thing at the same time is to use only a rich yeast base and show maximum creative imagination.

By the way, in addition to the options presented, there are many more various ways forming beautiful homemade buns. For example, someone makes them in the form of braids, someone in the form of a sliced ​​loaf, and someone even gives the buns the look of French croissants.

Many recipes have already accumulated on the site, but I have not yet had time to tell you how to cook buns from yeast dough. And by the way, this is the most popular dish for tea in our family. The recipe for dough for buns I use is the same as for baking the rest of the muffin.

Having mastered the preparation of simple pastry dough, you can always prepare excellent air buns- buns with sugar, cinnamon, poppy seeds and other additives. Buns can be in the form of butterflies, snails, curls, hearts.

Bun dough recipe

The number of ingredients is indicated for 8 large buns.

For steam:

  • Yeast - 25 g pressed or 7 g dry;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Warm milk - 250 ml.

For test:

  • Vegetable oil (I use refined sunflower oil) - 0.5 cups;
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • Salt -0.5 tsp;
  • Flour - 3.5 cups (about 400 g);
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Stuffing for buns:

  • Melted butter - 30 g.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Cinnamon - to taste

How to make buns with sugar from yeast dough

I prepare the dough for buns in the sponge method.
So, we measure 250 ml. milk.

Milk is the basis for our dough, it should not be hot (at a temperature of 50 C, the yeast dies, we must not allow this). But in cold milk, the yeast will not start working, so we heat the milk so that it is slightly hotter than room temperature.
Our buns will be prepared with pressed yeast, we break off 25 g.

If desired, raw pressed yeast can be replaced with dry instant, in this case, you need to take 7 g of dry yeast.

Knead the yeast with a fork, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

We send half a teaspoon of salt to the dough for dough. The resulting mixture is crushed with a fork.

Add warm milk to the bowl.

Yeast should disperse well in milk. Mix into a homogeneous liquid mass.

Add flour to the resulting mixture (3 tablespoons).

All flour that will be used for yeast dough must be sifted beforehand. This will saturate the flour with air and make the dough more tender and airy.

So, stir the mixture with flour, we get a blank for dough.

We remove the dough in a warm place without drafts for 20-25 minutes. Can be covered cling film or a clean towel.

How to cook can be found in a separate article.

How to make bun dough

While the dough reaches the lush foam we need, we will break the egg.

The remaining sugar (2 tablespoons) is added to the egg, rubbed.

It is not necessary to beat the egg with sugar until fluffy foam, just stir until smooth.

Pour vegetable oil (110 g) into the dough. This is about half of an ordinary faceted glass.

Now we need our dough, which by this time has increased in size.

Note: The dough recipe can be used to make delicious and other pastries.

Mix the dough and start adding flour in parts. A small part was added - stirred. Again added - stirred. In total, you should have 3.5 cups of flour. But, given that everyone's flour is different - you may need a little more or a little less. Focus on the consistency of the test.

At first, the dough for yeast buns will look like this.

Then it will be difficult to knead with a spatula or spoon and you will have to put everything aside, move on to kneading the dough with your hands.

When the dough becomes thick, spread it on a surface sprinkled with flour and start kneading with your hands. You need to knead for about 10-12 minutes, until the dough becomes plastic. The dough will be sticky, this is normal. Even if it sticks to the hands a little, there is nothing to worry about.

Of course, we can achieve a result with the help of flour so that the dough does not stick to our hands at all, but in this case we will get a dense dough clogged with flour, which in ready-made pastries will not be airy, but heavy.

Then put the dough in a bowl, grease it on top with a palm dipped in vegetable oil, cover with a towel and clean in a place without drafts for 1.5 hours.
After the allotted time, the dough will increase in size, you need to knead it and send it to the refrigerator for another 2 hours.

We spread the dough that has risen well on a surface sprinkled with flour (or greased with vegetable oil).

The dough needs to be divided by the number of buns you plan. With this amount, I get 8 large buns. They get big and fluffy. So we first divide the dough into two equal parts, then each of the two parts into two more pieces.

We divide each part by two more, we get 8 blanks for buns.

One part of the dough will be one bun, and the shape can be made very different - in the form of hearts, snails, butterflies.

The most popular and romantic are heart-shaped buns.

Buns with a heart

Heart-shaped buns are very reminiscent of a Soviet-era bun called Moskovskaya bun (by the way, they are still sold in stores).

Making a heart out of dough is easy! Follow my step by step instructions.
So, a piece of dough from our blanks is rolled into a circle. If you don’t get the shape of an even circle, it doesn’t matter, the heart from the dough will still come out wonderful.

Now grease the entire surface of the dough with melted butter with a brush.

Butter can be replaced with vegetable oil according to your taste.

Sprinkle with sugar (you can use cinnamon or brown sugar). I will use regular sugar.
In the photo it may seem that sugar is poured in a pile in one place, in reality the sugar is distributed evenly over the entire surface.
For better indentation of sugar, you can run a rolling pin over the dough.

We begin to roll the cake into a roll.

We pinch the edge of the roll so that the dough does not disperse.

Now fold the roll in half and lightly pinch the edge.

With a sharp knife we ​​cut through the “puffy” part of the roll, not reaching 1.5 cm to the edge.

Now we turn the cut edges inside out, we get a heart.

In finished form, the bun looks like this:

Butterfly buns

Butterfly-shaped buns are very fond of children. You can involve the kids in making them: roll the dough into rolls, grease the surface of the dough with oil with a brush - even a child can do it, and the pleasure will be over the edge!

To make butterfly buns, we do the same steps, roll out the cake, grease with oil, sprinkle with sugar, then roll up the roll, pinch it ..

We turn the edges of the roll “under ourselves” and fasten it, as shown in the photo:

Using a knife, cut the edges of the roll on each side, not reaching the middle of the roll.

We open the wings of a butterfly with the inside facing us.

On the Internet great amount ideas of what shape to make buns and buns. One has only to try once - and a variety of spirals, snails, hearts, butterflies and pigtails will appear on your table. Experiment and delight your loved ones!

Now put the buns on a baking sheet covered with parchment, cover with a towel and let them rest for 15-20 minutes. Before baking, grease with yolk mixed with milk and send to the oven at 180 C.
The oven must be preheated.
After 20 minutes, the buns are ready!

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