Benefits of brown rice for human health. Brown rice - the benefits and harms, how to cook

The population of Asian countries is distinguished by a high life potential, a large accumulation of energy and good health. Asians closely monitor their sleep, nutrition, lifestyle. That is why they have been given the status of perennials. The vocation is based on the fact that the people of those countries eat rice as a side dish and include it in their daily diet. Brown grains are especially popular.

Composition of brown rice

Grains are rich in tryptophan and other amino acids that a person cannot produce on their own. These connections in without fail must come from food to ensure the proper functioning of the body.

Brown rice contains a lot of lecithin, vitamin K, vitamins B and H. The product is rich in tocopherol, a natural antioxidant. In rice, an accumulation of vitamin H is noticed, vegetable fibers, biologically active enzymes.

The chemical list is not complete without macro- and microelements. So, brown rice is distinguished by the content of sulfur, zinc, boron, fluorine, nickel, iron, calcium, copper, iodine. The list is not complete without potassium, silicon, chlorine and phosphorus. It is difficult to list all the useful substances.

Brown rice is distinguished by the highest inclusion of fiber compared to its counterparts. About 4.75% of the total volume is concentrated in grains (only 2.5% in white).

Brown rice refers to high starch products, in 100 gr. grains contain at least 54 gr. this substance.

The calorie content of dry cereal culture is 346 Kcal. per 100 gr. For this reason, people who watch their figure should not abuse the product. Experts recommend consuming brown rice no more than 1-2 times a week.

The effect of brown rice on the body

  • struggles with sleep disorders;
  • enhances blood circulation and its enrichment with oxygen;
  • prevents peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • retains water inside the body, removes excess fluid;
  • does not cause intestinal obstruction;
  • suitable for diabetics due to the maintenance of glucose levels;
  • stimulates brain neurons;
  • strengthens the central nervous system, relieves the effects of depression;
  • reduces the number of "tides" during menopause;
  • does not allow DNA changes in the form of pathologies;
  • prevents early aging, protects the heart;
  • increases resistance to viruses;
  • helps to recover from illness and operations;
  • treats anemia and depletion of the body;
  • cleanses the bloodstream, opens the vessels;
  • eliminates stale waste, toxic substances and radionuclides;
  • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • normalizes the acid balance in the stomach;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • controls the level of cholesterol;
  • is responsible for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, increasing metabolism.

The benefits of brown rice

  1. Rice broth has shown itself well as a remedy for seasonal diseases in the form of influenza, tonsillitis and pneumonia. Unique properties the drink will help in a short period of time to alleviate the suffering of the patient.
  2. A decoction based on rice is recommended for intestinal ulcers. The composition can be used as an enema. A valuable mixture contributes to the speedy healing of ulcers.
  3. Rice is recommended to be included in the diet of people involved in heavy physical activity. The product quickly replenishes strength, energy and restores muscle fibers. IN summer time a rice dish suppresses thirst.
  4. Pregnant and lactating girls can safely consume rice dishes. Cereal culture has a positive effect on the intrauterine development of the baby. The baby has a strong immune system.
  5. Brown risk is rich in gamma oryzanol, an enzyme that reduces the body's exposure to harmful fats, thereby purifying the blood. Cereal is one of the most powerful antioxidants and suppresses pernicious influence sunlight.
  6. If you systematically eat rice without adding salt, the body will soon get rid of excess fluid that provokes swelling. Thus, the water balance is stabilized, blood pressure decreases.
  7. Rice saturated with mineral compounds is recommended for weakened people after a recent illness or operation. Cereal culture has a positive effect on the nervous system, improving sleep.
  8. Regular consumption of rice prevents atrophy of muscle fibers. The product is especially useful for the fairer sex. The unique composition will return original appearance and strength of the hair, strengthen the nail plate, give the skin an even tone and velvety.
  9. Enveloping action allows you to use porridge or rice decoction to eliminate inflammation in the digestive organs. For this reason, the product is recommended for ulcers and patients with gastritis.

  1. In other words, boiled cargo is effective in weight loss diets, the product satisfies hunger and cleanses the body qualitatively. Rice contains a lot of fiber, while the glycemic index is quite low. Boiled risk in combination with vegetables in a short time will help get rid of excess weight and constipation.
  2. Rich in antioxidants, brown rice frees the body from radionuclides, toxic substances and slag compounds. Regular consumption of rice restores fat and carbohydrate synthesis, normalizes the balance of cholesterol in the blood. The product has a positive effect on the activity of the hormonal system, inhibiting the development diabetes.
  3. It is recommended to start a new day with a breakfast of dark rice, and the product will also be no less effective in the evening meal. Nutritionists have found that the composition is practically harmless to human body. Therefore, the positive impact of rice will be, even if it is consumed after 6 pm.
  4. If you are determined to fight overweight, rice in the daily diet should be included gradually. The finished portion of the cereal crop should not contain impurities, in particular salt. At the beginning of such a diet, rice is recommended to replace only the side dish.
  5. The body will begin to burn extra calories gradually. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods and products to zero. Subsequently, rice portions also need to be reduced. To achieve the maximum effect, nutritionists recommend combining types of rice (wild and brown). Such a mixture is more slowly absorbed by the body, contributing to the melting of extra pounds.
  6. Consider, adhering to the rice diet, you need to drink more clean water and green tea without impurities. The cereal culture goes well with low-fat kefir, white meat, uncooked fish and vegetables. Such diets are carried out in short courses so as not to harm the adult body. The manipulation time should not exceed 2 weeks, for greater efficiency go in for sports.

Harm of brown rice

  1. As described earlier, brown rice is practically harmless and has a minimum of contraindications. The main condition remains that it is important to eat a quality product and not overdo it with a diet.
  2. For normal body activity and gradual weight loss, cereals should be consumed no more than 3 times a week. Abuse of the product leads to bloating and stool retention. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, refrain from dieting.
  3. Overeating brown rice causes the development of atherosclerosis, urolithiasis, hypertension and other cardiovascular pathologies. It is worth remembering about a possible allergy or individual intolerance to brown rice.
  4. Follow the rules for storing cereals, if the rules are not followed, rice will cause significant harm to the body. In addition, improper processing of raw materials adversely affects a person.
  5. The use of chemicals to increase yields has a harmful effect on the body. Such cereals do not bring benefits at all, on the contrary, a person develops urolithiasis and diabetes mellitus.

Without a doubt, high-quality raw materials will bring invaluable benefits to a person. The cereal crop will become great helper in the fight against excess weight. Remember, the abuse of brown rice can lead to sad consequences. When choosing a product, give preference to well-known and trusted manufacturers.

Video: Benefits of Brown Rice


Rice has long been part of our daily diet. But nutritionists advocate rational and healthy eating, therefore, it is recommended to replace ordinary rice with its brown appearance. Groats "cargo" is lightly processed, therefore it has an unusual shade and taste.

Its advantage is in unique composition whose beneficial effects have been known since ancient East. The wise Chinese and Japanese prefer to cook dishes from unpolished rice, respectfully calling it "bread". What is the secret of such popularity of brown rice, why is it so useful?

Useful properties for the body

This type of cereal is minimally processed- the husks are removed from the grains, the bran and the kernel remain intact. Therefore, all the nutrients in the composition of rice remain:

This low-calorie productonly 315 kcal/100 g, but it gives a powerful boost of energy. It does not contain gluten, so it can be included in the diet of people with allergies.

Thanks to useful composition cereal has a healing effect on the body:

Diabetics are advised to replace regular rice with brown rice, as it has a lower glycemic composition. In old age, the use of unpolished cereals - It is an effective prevention of Alzheimer's disease. And powerful antioxidant components will support the cardiovascular system.

The brown variety supports the sexual health of men and women by helping to produce the appropriate hormones. This great way support male potency.

Croup is useful for the child's body. It is suitable for the first feeding, saturates with energy without injuring the delicate mucous membranes. This is a cure for colic.

On the pages of our site you will also learn everything about how to choose and store healthy greens.


This rice should be consumed in moderation - a maximum of 3 times a week. Otherwise there may be delays in stool, bloating therefore, people prone to gastrointestinal problems, this product is contraindicated.

The abuse of dishes from brown cereals also threatens the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, urolithiasis,.

Possible allergic reaction to rice. If there are such suspicions, then an allergen test is performed.

If stored improperly, cereals can be harmful to health. Numerous studies have found that more damage is caused by improper processing of grains.

Especially if chemicals were used in the cultivation of crops that increase yields.

ABOUT useful properties such grains are not discussed at all. This rice is the cause of many diseases - from to.

"Cargo" has no strict contraindications, subject to the rules of a healthy diet and the use of a quality product.

Cooking features

The preservation of vitamins is ensured not only by the method of gentle processing, but also by compliance with the rules of preparation. Properly cooked rice is crumbly and elastic.

Unpolished rice grains are different types – short-grained, medium-grained, long-grained. The first two are good for preparing cold dishes, salads, and the last one is for hot dishes.

The cooking technology is simple:

  • Soak brown groats in water, leave overnight. This will add a subtle nutty flavor to the dish.
  • Change the water in the pan, cook the cereal for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the rice and cook for another 15 minutes.
  • Wrap the pan with a thick towel for 10 minutes, bring to full readiness.

If you want to cook a dietary and healthy dish, then don't add salt. Replace it with spices, herbs, dried fruits, vegetables or berries.

Different parts of the world have their own recipes rice dishes. For example, Italians believe that rice should be served undercooked. so that it retains the maximum of useful substances. In the Mediterranean region, cereals are calcined in a pan until white, adding various spices and water to it.

How to choose cereals and store them in the bins

A quality product is a guarantee of health. What to look for when buying:

  • transparent packaging will allow you to evaluate appearance grains;
  • there should not be a lot of “splinters” in the package - these are production waste, which will also spoil the dish, as they will boil before whole grains;
  • the grains must be transparent, of the same size;
  • yellow grains - a sign of improper storage of the product in conditions of high humidity, this is an ideal environment for fungi;
  • white and milk grains are also not suitable, as they did not have time to ripen.

Keep rice away from fragrant products and spices, as the grains absorb odors. The optimal storage place is a refrigerator, since room temperature oxidizes the beneficial substances in the shell of the grains.

High humidity also spoils the taste and quality useful product. Groats should be in sealed packaging.

Let's talk about the benefits of duck eggs - find out what is the value of this product.

Unusual Recipes

Culinary experts all over the world offer their recipes for side dishes.

morning porridge

Porridge for breakfast is the key not only to a cheerful day, but also to health for the whole family.


  • milk - ½ liter;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • brown rice - 150 g;
  • salt and sugar to taste, but it is better to replace them with berries or fruits.


  • Soak the grains overnight.
  • In the morning, boil the rice in water.
  • Add milk and cook, stirring slowly.
  • Wrap the pan with a cloth for an hour.
  • Before serving, add berries or fruits.

Spicy pilaf in a slow cooker

Spices give originality to the dish, lightness - chicken instead traditional meat, usefulness - dietary composition.



  • Rinse the rice well.
  • Finely chop the vegetables, pass the carrots through a grater.
  • We spread the vegetables in the multicooker bowl, select the "Baking" mode with a timer of 5 minutes. You don't need to add oil.
  • We send rice to vegetables, fill it with water, salt, set the “Buckwheat” mode. The appliance will notify you when the dish is ready.

With mushrooms

In this video - another simple, healthy recipe cooking rice.

Approximately half of the world's inhabitants use rice as their main source of food.

Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice. It has a nutty flavor because the bran is "attached" to the grains and contains oils with unsaturated fats.

Brown rice is rich in vitamins and minerals, fiber and protein. It does not contain and does not have many calories. Eating brown rice reduces the risk of developing diabetes and also eliminates heart problems.

The composition and calorie content of brown rice

Brown rice contains many rare trace elements that are important for the normal functioning of the body.

  • phosphorus - 8%;
  • B3 - 8%;
  • B6 - 7%;
  • B1 - 6%;
  • copper - 5%;
  • zinc - 4%.

Calorie content of brown rice - 111 kcal per 100 gr. dry product.

The beneficial properties of brown rice are associated with a decrease in the development of chronic diseases.

Studies show that brown rice has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive, brain and nervous system. It prevents the development of many diseases - from hypertension to cancer and obesity.

For muscles

Studies have shown that brown rice protein increases muscle gain more than white rice or soy protein.

For the heart and blood vessels

Brown rice protects against high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

People who eat brown rice reduce their risk of coronary heart disease by 21%. Brown rice contains lignans, compounds that reduce the risk of vascular and heart disease.

Brown rice protein regulates cholesterol levels. Studies show that it helps the liver produce “good” cholesterol.

Eating sprouted brown rice prevents the accumulation of fats and cholesterol in the blood.

For the brain and nerves

Japan's Meijo University has shown a link between eating brown rice and preventing Alzheimer's disease. Regular use brown rice blocks the action of beta-amyloid protein, which impairs memory and learning ability.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Brown rice has a lot of fiber, so it helps with constipation and activates digestion.

For the pancreas

Brown rice prevents the development of diabetes.

For immunity

Unpolished rice has an antimutagenic effect on the body.

The proteins in rice are powerful antioxidants that exhibit a “hepatoprotective” effect and protect the liver from oxidation.

Brown rice for diabetics

Useful properties of brown rice for diabetics are used in nutrition. The risk of developing the disease is reduced by 11% when using the product more than 2 times a week.

Today, many people buy and eat brown rice, the benefits and harms of which have long been discussed by nutritionists and doctors. The grains of such rice are not subjected to strong processing, they are only removed from the upper peel. The color of this rice varies from light brown to brown. milk chocolate. The presence of bran gives the grain a subtle nutty taste and smell.

Brown rice - calories and nutritional value

Before people learned how to grind grains to a white state, brown rice was their main food. Brown cereal is much more useful than its counterpart, since it retains all useful substances in its original form.

Brown rice contains:

  • a large amount of fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • pectin;
  • vitamins of groups B, A and C;
  • minerals and trace elements.

It should be noted that this cereal does not contain gluten, the use of which causes allergic reactions in many people.

The calorie content of cereal is high - more than 330 kcal. But when it is boiled, this figure drops to 110 kcal, so this product is even used in weight loss diets.

The ratio of BJU and glycemic index

The glycemic index of the product is 50 units, so it can be included in the menu for people with diabetes. Doctors even recommend permanently replacing the high GI white rice with the brown variety, which, among other things, is also very healthy.

This cereal contains a considerable amount complex carbohydrates(more than 75% of the total mass), which saturate and give a long-lasting feeling of satiety. It also contains protein (approximately 7 g per 100 g of product) - a building material for each organism. The amount of fat is minimal - only 1 - 2%.

Benefits of drilled rice for the body

Moderate consumption of brown rice is very beneficial for the body.

He helps:

  • cleanse the entire gastrointestinal tract of toxins and slags accumulated in it;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • reduce the acidity of the stomach;
  • strengthen brain activity (positively affects concentration, thinking and memory);
  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels;
  • improve kidney function;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • improve skin color and hair condition;
  • lose weight;
  • relieve swelling and normalize the water balance in the body.

Is Brown Rice a Worthless Relative or a Superfood?

It turns out that if the rice is underpolished, it retains a lot of nutrients, therapeutic properties and a slight nutty aroma that are absent in the polished version. That is, he wins in all respects. This transitional step between raw grain and white, more familiar to most cereals, is called brown (brown) rice. It is his dietitians recommend to include in the diet of supporters of rational nutrition.

To obtain brown rice, the outer hard shell is removed from the grain. The remaining bran layer gives the grits an unusual brown or brown color, a rough surface and retains a lot of vitamins and nutrients in the product.

Partially preserved amniotic membrane and embryo contain useful substances


Essential amino acids and fiber, unsaturated fatty acid and vitamins A, C and group B, potassium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, calcium, sodium, magnesium and others, and in an amount greater than in white rice. The table provides a comparison of only some components, but this is enough to see how cleaning, grinding and polishing deprive the grain of nutritional value.

Nutritional value and calories in the table

The benefits and harms of unpolished and polished rice (white)

In comparison, any information is easier to perceive and, considering the properties of two types of rice in parallel, it is easier to understand how industrial processing changes the properties of products. Similar properties include:

  • the ability to remove excess salts and fluids;
  • rapid saturation of the body with energy due to high content carbohydrates in the composition;
  • the absence of gluten, which allows the inclusion of cereals in the diet of patients with celiac disease.

In the production of white rice, bran and germ are ground off the grain, from which rice oil is subsequently produced, and oil production waste is used in the manufacture of animal feed. On grains of brown rice, bran and the germ remain intact and all their components are preserved in the composition of the cereal. These are, first of all, fatty acids:

  • oleic (32-38% in composition);
  • linoleic (32-47%);
  • linolenic (1%);
  • palmitic, stearic and others.

Together with 27 phytosterols, this complex regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens cell membranes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves skin regeneration in case of injuries and normalizes its moisture content. Vitamin E present in brown rice, together with squalene, gamma-orysonol and tocotrienol, is involved in blocking free radicals.

The remaining bran-like shell of brown, unpolished rice is fiber. It differs in that it slows down the entry of glucose into the blood and has a mild effect on the intestines that helps peristalsis. Harvard scientists have found that five 150-gram servings of polished (white) rice a week can provoke the development of diabetes. At the same time, it was revealed that brown rice acts in the opposite direction in the diet - it reduces the risk of developing the disease by 10% and can be used in type 2 diabetes.

According to the researchers, you can get rid of the need to buy synthetic vitamins in a pharmacy if you include brown rice in your daily diet. Due to gentle processing, it retains most of the nutrients and the ability to:

  • harmonize the nervous system;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • cleanse the body;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • reduce the risk of diseases associated with malnutrition;
  • help in getting rid of dermatitis, arthritis, arthrosis, eczema;
  • participate in strengthening of cardio-vascular system, elimination of vegetovascular dystonia;
  • support women during PMS, smooth out sudden mood swings;
  • limit fat gain.

There is not much to say about the harm. Side effects either unexplored or non-existent. The only caveat is to use small quantities with problems of the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to constipation.

How to lose weight with it

It is fiber (the preserved shell of the grain) that makes rice attractive from a dietary point of view. Two properties - slowing down the entry of glucose into the blood and improving intestinal motility - will be fundamental to a healthy diet and prevent weight gain, and low calorie brown rice will help you lose weight. Useful material in it are stored almost in full, and this will give a balanced diet to the rice diet.

Since rice removes salt, fluid from the body and promotes constipation, it is not recommended to follow the rice diet for more than a week and during this time you need to drink plenty of water.

Polished rice is stored for a long time and cooks quickly, while brown rice is stored less and cooks much longer. Varieties with short and medium grains are best used for preparing cold dishes and salads, and long-grain varieties for hot dishes. The easiest way is to cook rice in a special rice cooker, but in the absence of this device, it will do. regular saucepan. For cooking, you can choose any of the options:

  1. Rice is poured into boiling water (proportion 1: 2), mixed, boiled with a light boil for 25 minutes with a slightly ajar lid, transferred to a colander and washed boiled water.
  2. Soak the groats in water in the evening room temperature, rinse in the morning, pour new water, cook for 10 minutes, drain in a colander.
  3. Brown rice is tougher than polished rice, so to make it tasty and crumbly, while retaining its usefulness, you need to cook it in several stages. Soak overnight in cold water, in the morning drain the water and pour a new one. Boil the cereal for 10 minutes, rinse, pour new water and cook for another 15 minutes. Drain the water, wrap the pan for half an hour so that the rice “reaches”.

Useful properties of rice during fasting days

It is held no more than once a quarter. In the morning, boil a glass of rice without salt, rinse with boiled water. The resulting volume is divided into 5-6 parts. Portions to eat at regular intervals during unloading day. If you are tormented by a strong feeling of hunger, you can eat half a medium-sized apple. In total, no more than 2 apples per day. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water. The whole rice should be eaten. When rice without salt is unbearable, you can add some spices:

  • ground ginger;
  • ground black or red pepper;
  • rosemary;
  • basil;
  • oregano;
  • dried porcini mushroom powder.

Those who are used to constantly throwing something into themselves need to be patient. You will have to train willpower and control yourself so that you have something to be proud of the next day.

Fasting day on brown rice will help you lose 1-1.5 kg, used as an express method before a party

3 day diet

For three days, the daily diet for weight loss should consist of the following products:

  • 180 g brown rice;
  • 300 g boiled or raw vegetables;
  • 15 g of olive oil;
  • 100 g dried fruits;
  • green or Herb tea without sugar, rosehip infusion, slightly alkaline non-carbonated mineral water.

The main dish of the diet is rice with vegetables. The result can be a loss of up to 2.5 kg

7 day weight loss diet

The table shows the diet for the week. Supplement each meal with a portion of brown rice (60 g).

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 a few drops of lemon juice vegetable broth,

leaf lettuce and celery,

vegetable broth,

raw carrot,


2 a teaspoon of sour cream

a few drops of orange juice

vegetable broth,

steamed or boiled vegetables

vegetable broth,

steam vegetables

3 a pinch of cinnamon,

two small or one large pear

vegetable broth,

1 cucumber salad

vegetable broth,

75 g boiled champignons,

boiled or steamed broccoli

4 seasonal fruit salad vegetable broth,

salad of carrots, radishes and green leaves lettuce

vegetable broth,


5 a few almonds, raisins and grapes vegetable broth,

seasonal vegetables

vegetable broth,

leafy vegetables,

crushed walnuts added to rice

6 2 dates,

4 walnuts

vegetable broth,


bell pepper,

vegetable broth,

0.5 teaspoon honey and grated apple added to rice

7 glass of yogurt,

a teaspoon of honey

vegetable broth,

seasonal vegetables

vegetable broth,

To prepare vegetable broth for this diet, add 150 g of chopped vegetables (celery, carrots, onions, cabbage) and 0.5 teaspoons ground with a blender or in a coffee grinder to 0.5 liters of water oatmeal. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Divide into 2 meals.


A rice diet is not recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, and a tendency to constipation. The next day, you can not pounce on fatty and sweet, trying to catch up. Therefore, if you are not sure that you can hold on, you should not start. You can not use the rice diet and those who drink little water - persistent constipation will be provided.

The benefits of brown rice are undeniable - gentle grain processing leaves almost all the nutrients in the product, and an increased amount of fiber improves intestinal motility and slows down the flow of glucose into the blood. The delayed release of carbohydrates does not force the body to urgently “shove” glucose into all possible bins, including fat depots, but gradually consume this fuel immediately for the needs of the body.