How to call a genie: traditions and magic. How to catch or summon a genie to grant wishes

We recommend using the services of entities that come to us from another world and have absolutely extraordinary abilities. In the East, when they wanted the impossible, they resorted to the help of gin. It's perfect

extraordinary creature. It can do everything! The main thing is to agree with him.

How to summon a genie: theory

How to summon a genie: preparation

Since this creature is oriental, then for its appearance, an appropriate environment is needed. To make it easier for the wizard to come to you, you need to create a familiar atmosphere for him. In practice, this is not difficult to do. Throw something bright on the sofa

bedspread (curtain, tulle), lay out small pillows, be sure to put a dish with fruits and sweets - this is preparation. The main thing! Oriental magician lives in a lamp! Well, how to call a genie without having the “abode” familiar to him? You will need an oriental-style vessel. It is better if it is a lamp. Dream up, choose something suitable from the existing house. If nothing at all fits, then you can take an ordinary vase and paint it with bright colors! A magical creature will definitely appreciate such an effort!

How to summon a genie at home

When all the preparatory activities have been completed, turn on soft oriental music. Tune in! Pick up the "lamp" and begin to imagine your desire. Visualization should be clear, bright, rich in details. Imagine that you have already got what you want. May you be filled with delight and joy from possession! When you think you're ready, gently rub the "lamp" and call the genie. He can respond with a small, barely visible smoke emanating from the vessel.

How to summon a genie during the day

This will not work for everyone. During the day, you can only call a familiar genie. That is, you should have already had contact with him. If you performed the first ritual, and you “succeeded”, then your connection with the genie will be carried out through the “lamp”. In order to summon him, now you will only need to touch the vessel. Jin will hear you and help you. There is another way to communicate with magical entities. How? You can summon a genie with a spell. Only it will not suit you much, as it is pronounced in Arabic. Here is the advice of modern "wizards": genies now also live in step with the modern world. Now they hide not in lamps, but in JEANS! In order to convey a request or an order to them, you should rub your jeans and visualize what you want! It's that simple. Try it!

Genie is a magical creature that can grant your every wish. Usually he does not really like to communicate with others, so it is quite difficult to persuade him to make contact and fulfill some kind of request. Although it depends a lot on what kind of genie you are calling. You may be lucky and a kind and sociable genie will come to you. After all, in fact, there are many gins, each of which has its own characteristics.

What is the purpose of summoning a genie? Of course, so that he fulfills his desires. As in the fairy tale about the golden fish, he can fulfill the three most cherished desires. So think in advance what exactly you will ask from this magical creature. You just need to warn right away that summoning a genie is not an easy task, so you will have to work hard on it.

How to summon a wish granting genie?

Each of us always has many wishes in reserve, and we always want them to come true as soon as possible. But if you have already thought about how you can summon a genie, then also think about what kind of desires you will ask him to fulfill. Believe me, choosing the three most important desires is not an easy task, because, as always, we want everything and more.

How to call a genie at home?

If you believe in the existence of magical creatures and their magical power, then quickly read how to summon a genie during the day at home.
There are several ways to do this.

It is much easier to summon a genie if you have a lamp on hand - then you can summon a genie from it. To do this, you will need to rub your hands on the lamp. Instead of a lamp, a lamp or any vessel that will resemble a lamp in its shape is also suitable. While rubbing the lamp, use all your imagination and try to imagine how the genie emerges from the lamp or other similar vessel. After this, you should say your desire out loud so that the genie can hear it. Then it remains to send the genie to fulfill the wish, and you just have to go to sleep.

As soon as you think about the wish you made again, you need to immediately remember the genie and the fact that you entrusted him with the fulfillment of this desire. And then, while you go about your business, the genie will direct all efforts towards the fulfillment of desire. And then your wish will surely come true. In what time frame this will happen is difficult to answer. In many ways, it will depend on which genie you come across, because they are all different, which means they can perform the tasks assigned to them in different ways.

Remember that you are allowed to make only three wishes, so they should be the most important and cherished. But you can also go for the trick, which is that you can then take another lamp, and then it is quite likely that another genie will come to you, who will be able to fulfill three more of your wishes!

There is another more complicated method of how to call a genie during the day. You will need:

  • Vessel made of copper
  • cat tail
  • Resin
  • Indigo paint
  • Lead cover.

It is necessary to place the tail in the vessel and add a few drops of paint. Then concentrate and say your desire out loud 33 times. After that, close the vessel with a lid and warn the genie that if the desire is not fulfilled, you will fill it with resin. Then the genie will get scared and will do whatever you want in the shortest possible time.

How to summon a genie without a lamp?

If you don’t have a lamp in your house at all, a vessel that doesn’t look like it, then you will need a spell to summon a genie, with which you can also achieve your three wishes.

Enjoy your magical rituals and the fulfillment of all your wishes!

To make a wish come true, you can use one of the rituals below and call on a genie at home. It is important to know that these creatures are no less dangerous than other evil forces, and they must be treated with caution. Before proceeding with the beginning of the ritual, it is recommended to prepare: arm yourself with protective pink crystals and determine the place where the magical creature will arrive. Many claim that in real life they actually saw the genie or felt his presence.

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    How to call the executor of desires?

    It is quite simple to truly summon a wish-granting genie at home. To do this, it is necessary to strictly observe the ritual and apply special magical attributes. The use of a lamp is the most common method of summoning a creature that makes dreams come true. To perform the ritual, it is recommended to purchase the following attributes:

      • resin;
      • jar lid;
      • copper lamp;
      • the tail of an animal obtained without the use of violence;
      • indigo paint.

      It is advisable to store a new lamp bought in a souvenir shop without a box, it should be saturated with the energy of the surrounding space. Armed with everything you need, you can begin the ceremony. It is performed at any time of the day: both at night and during the day. The tail is lowered into the selected container, paint is poured on top. The caller then closes his eyes and mentally imagines the genie appearing in the lamp. 33 times the call is pronounced: “Jin, granter of desires, appear! » After the phrase is spoken a specified number of times, a magical creature will necessarily appear. The vessel is sealed tightly with a lid, and desires are loudly pronounced. There should be no more than three. Then the following phrase is pronounced: "If you do not fulfill my desire, I will fill you with boiling resin." Jin will be very frightened by such words, and he will quickly set to work.

      Remember: the vessel must be placed in a circle of five pink crystals. This serves as protection and a talisman against otherworldly forces.

      There is another way. To call the genie at home, you need to find an old vessel that no one has used for a long time. The next thing to do is to materialize a magical creature into it. An experienced magician will cope with this task quickly, and a beginner will have to work a little.

      The vessel is picked up with both hands, if there are traces of dust on it, it is recommended to leave it in this state. It is necessary to imagine the energy penetrating inside with the help of air. The flow should look like a funnel. You need to imagine the color, saturation of the energy flow and density. After the vessel is filled to the top, the following words are pronounced: "Gene, welcome home".

      After that, the lamp is left alone for a while. It takes at least 24 hours for the creature to get used to its new place of residence. At the end of this time, you can call with the words: “Jin, I call you! Fulfill my wish…” (and read no more than three wishes).

      It is necessary to have a firm belief that the dream will certainly come true. There are no exact deadlines for the realization of desires, and after the ceremony it is recommended to wait patiently.

      After the completion of the ritual, it is imperative to release the magical creature into the wild. Only this is the right way. While it is in prison, the dream will not come true. To do this, you need to clasp the lamp with your hands and say: “Now you are free.” Then it is recommended to close your eyes and imagine how the energy flows out of the vessel, and thank the higher powers for the work.

How to summon a genie? The image of a magical character is familiar from cartoons, fairy tales and films, but is it possible to connect with a genie in the real world for real?

In the article:

How to summon a genie at home

Before calling on the executor of desires, it is taken into account that the image of a good-natured spirit from cartoons does not correspond to reality.

Genies are no less dangerous than other evil spirits, they are treated with great care. In Islam, these spirits are analogous to demons in Christianity. According to the legends, genies are cunning and powerful creatures.

Before undertaking rituals, they are armed with protective attributes. The place where the genie arrives is chosen in advance.

Regardless of the chosen ritual, the designated place is surrounded by a barrier of 5 pink crystals, which are placed in a circle. Stones can be of any size and shape, such as a piece of jewelry or stone beads from a craft store. The main thing is the naturalness of the stone (quartz, agate). Thanks to the crystals, the genie will not be able to get out of the circle and deal damage. It is useless to use a protective circle (for yourself) made of salt or chalk against magical creatures.

According to Muslim legends, genies have a choice - to be righteous or serve evil. It is not known which one will come to the challenge. In a critical situation, Muslim prayers and amulets protect against an unfriendly spirit (gins come from countries where they profess Islam). Prayers are written out in advance on a piece of paper or are taught by heart. A crescent moon is suitable as a talisman, the meaning of which is comparable to the cross in Christianity.

If you want to call a genie at home, it is determined whether the call will be made with or without a lamp. The strength of the ritual does not depend on the presence of this artifact, but only on your inner power. But the presence of the lamp will be quite symbolic. In addition, the lamp, as a sacred object for all genies, has a certain influence on them.

Remember, a genie can be asked to grant a wish, but there are a few rules:

  • it is necessary to write it before you begin to conduct the ceremony;
  • a desire is read from a piece of paper (so that you do not stumble, do not think, do not confuse words);
  • the desire should be written in a clear, understandable language;
  • do not ask for supernatural, magical abilities (for this there are mermaids and fairies of desires), power over the whole world (otherwise, the genie will either fulfill the desire incorrectly, or get angry that you bothered him in vain);
  • do not use double phrases, they will confuse the genie and give him the opportunity to fulfill the desire in a completely different way than you would like;
  • be sure to thank the magical assistant for fulfilling your request and send it back.

It is necessary to know the words used in the rituals by heart.

Magic Ritual of Summoning

This is one of the most common ways to summon this magical creature using a lamp. To carry out the ritual, you need to arm yourself with some things:

  • a copper lamp (can be found in a gift shop, the lamp does not have to be old);
  • the tail of any animal obtained without the help of violence (can be bought or found);
  • lid, you can from a regular can;
  • resin;
  • indigo paint.

paint copper lamp tail cap

You should dip the tail into the container of your choice and pour some paint on top. If the tail is still useful to you, take paint that can be washed off, for example, watercolor or gouache. Then close your eyes, imagine a genie in front of you, which will appear in the lamp.

Remember, the vessel must be placed in a protective circle of crystals. As already described above, there should be five of them. To call, you need to say exactly 33 times:

Wishmaster Jin, appear!

At 33 times, the creature will definitely appear in front of you. Now you need to cover the vessel with a lid and read your desire out loud (from 1 to 3). After you say your desire, say:

And if you do not fulfill my wish, then I will fill you with boiling tar!

When the genie hears this phrase, he will be frightened and will not want to argue, but will simply quickly do whatever you want. If finding a lamp is not possible, below you will find the rites for summoning a genie without a lamp.

How can you summon a good genie?

To use his lamp house, you will need an old vessel that has not been used by anyone for a long time. Do not forget about crystals for protection, the importance of which is described above.

First of all, it is necessary to materialize the genie in this vessel. This can be done with the help of thought. An experienced magician will be able to do this in one go, and a beginner will have to try hard.

To begin with, take the lamp with both hands (if it is dusty, then you don’t need to clean it) and imagine that energy begins to ooze into it from the air in a thin stream.

The energy flow should look like a funnel (narrow at the point of contact with the lamp and gradually expand towards the top). You can even imagine the color, density and saturation of the energy flow.

You need to imagine that this energy is the genie. When the lamp is filled to the top, say:

Here, genie, this is your home now.

When these words have been said, leave the lamp alone. Give the genie at least one day to get used to the new home. Then you can start summoning the creature.

You should put your hand on the lamp, think about what you would like and say:

Jin, I call you! Fulfill my desire (now clearly read your desire from a piece of paper. From one to three).

Be sure it will come true. No one can say exactly when you will get what you want. It depends on your own strength and which genie is caught. Remember, if you need to make more than three requests, then you will have to turn to two genies.

When you exhaust your three desires, be sure to send the magical assistant back. Don't hold it. Take the lamp with both hands and say:

Now you are free.

Imagine that energy is again moving like a thin stream. Only now not into the lamp, but out of it. After that, thank the genie for the work and wait for the fulfillment of desires.

How to summon a genie without a lamp?

How to summon an entity using a magical house is understandable. But what if it is not at hand? You can use in this case or. Or seek help from any other evil spirits.

But if this alignment does not suit you, and you want to turn to the genie, then perform such a ceremony. You should arrange the crystals prepared in advance and say over them:

Don't let anyone in and don't let anyone out. May what is in front of me not be able to escape into the human world.

After that, stand at a distance of one meter from the place where the genie is summoned and say:

Genie, powerful spirit, granter of desires and helper, come to me!

Say the phrase five times. On the fifth time, you will feel that there is someone else in the room besides you. If by the time the spirit calls you have already learned to distinguish and define energy flows, you will see that an energy ball begins to form in front of you.

In order to make contact with him, you will have to wait until he reaches an impressive size. Then refer to the entity:

Jin, I called you. Fulfill my wish! (Now you need to voice everything that you want to get from this magical creature.)

Remember that a genie is not a ghost. He cannot refuse, but he cannot fulfill absolutely any desire either. Therefore, if you set an incorrect target for him, he will get angry and will try to attack, because if you are dead, then your desire will no longer be binding on him. The methods of protection against this entity have already been described above, do not forget about security measures.

After you voice your desire, you need to thank the genie and let him go. To do this, you should say:

Leave in peace.

And move one of the magic circle crystals.

An easy way to fulfill your wishes

In order to quickly fulfill your desires, you need to call on the genie and ask him to fulfill whatever you want. To do this, you can conduct the ceremony on the street.

You must first find a clearing in a park or forest where you will perform the ritual. You need to take with you:

  • copper pot;
  • magic crystals;
  • bell.

copper utensils crystal

Come to the designated place, put a bowler hat in the middle of the clearing and surround it with magic crystals. You should say:

Jin for the execution of the plan I call. Don't let him in, protect me, keep him.

Then throw a bell into the copper pot and say:

Once you hear this ringing, then come to me!

You need to repeat the phrase five times. Now be sure that if the bell rings when falling into the pot, then the genie will definitely come. After the magical essence is in front of you, you need to clearly and quickly read all three desires that are written on a piece of paper.

After that, roll it up several times, set it on fire and throw it into the bowler hat. As soon as the leaf burns out, you can thank the genie and complete the ritual. Be sure that your wish will come true within 3 days.

Campfire Challenge

You can summon a genie using fire magic. You will need to build a large fire. For him, it is desirable to use branches from trees that were hit by lightning. But if you do not have the opportunity to find such a tree, then you can use the usual dry material.

It is difficult to meet a person who would not dream of something. Unfortunately, for many, desires remain unfulfilled. To prevent this from happening, you can call a genie, since the spirit has the ability to bring even the most incredible dreams to life. It is worth starting such magical rituals only for those who believe that everything will certainly work out. In general, genies are loners and difficult to get in touch with.

Before calling a genie for real, you should figure out who they are and what they are capable of. These magical creatures are created from flame and smoke. They are mentioned in the Qur'an, where it is indicated that Allah created genies along with angels and people. Some sources say that genies can turn into various animals and people. They mostly live in lamps. In other sources, genies are called spirits living in a parallel world. There they find friends, create a family, in general, do everything that an ordinary person does. The famous scientist E. Lane, who is fond of studying other worlds, claims that genies can be both good and evil.

In order to call a good genie, he must be attracted, because just like that he will not make contact. The only thing that may interest the spirit is human, since it cannot produce them on its own. Before the ritual, promise that you will share happiness after the cherished desire comes true. It is recommended to create a familiar environment for the genie in the room: throw on a bright blanket, lay out small pillows, put treats and fruits.

How can you summon a genie with a lamp?

This option is considered the simplest and most common. If there is no antique lamp, then you can use a grandmother's lamp or, in extreme cases, an ordinary vase. Close your eyes and mentally imagine that there is a genie in the lamp. Then concentrate on your own desire and rub the lamp. Don't wait for the spirit to appear. Having made the right message, you can go to bed. An important recommendation - no need to think about the dream anymore, as such thoughts will distract the genie. The time for the fulfillment of a desire depends on the strength of faith and on the type of genie who made contact. When the plan comes true, be sure to thank the genie and ask for the wish to come true. The maximum number of requests is 3.

How to summon a genie without a lamp?

There is a magical way that will allow you to get in touch with the spirit. To do this, you must have a bottle or vessel made of copper, a cat's tail, a lead cap, resin and indigo paint. Take a vessel and put the tail and a few drops of paint in it. Close your eyes, mentally think about the desire and invite the genie into the prepared vessel. Repeat the request 33 times. Then close the vessel. Having called the genie of desires, say that you will fill it with boiling resin, as this will frighten him, which means that the request will be fulfilled quickly.

How easy is it to summon a genie during the day?

Before you start the ritual, think about the desire and clearly formulate it. Then go to the store and buy jeans that you really like. When you get home, put them on, think about your desire and rub your left knee 3 times. Thus, a signal is transmitted for help to the genie. It is recommended to spend the rest of the day in these jeans.

All rituals aimed at summoning the performing genie are mostly comic, since the most important thing is visualization and faith that everything will work out. In fact, a person himself can work miracles if he realizes that he is capable of it. If the desire and message are strong, then the Universe will certainly help in the realization of the cherished dream.