What can be cooked from blackberries. What are the ways to make thick blackberry jam

It is unlikely that there will be a garden plot where raspberries will not be grown, or rather not "grown", but grow, because this is the most unpretentious berry bush (more precisely, a semi-shrub). All raspberry care can be minimized to one operation: in the spring, cut out last year's dry shoots. Care for blackberries is not at all more difficult, and the question is which of these sisters is more useful. But for some reason, blackberries are planted much less often, maybe due to the fact that blackberry bushes are very prickly.
However, there is one more small minus, berries are very fond of wasps, which hardly anyone loves and is not afraid of their bites.
In my garden, there is a small plot (a couple of square meters) of blackberries, bringing every year from 5 kg of wonderful berries. We eat a couple of kilos "alive", the rest I process for the winter.
First of all, I freeze, both with whole berries, and in the form of mashed potatoes without sugar or with a little addition of it.

If the year is fruitful and you managed to collect more than a bucket of this wonderful berry, you can prepare pureed blackberries without boiling and without seeds.

Several variations of the recipe for mashed blackberries:



notes, explanations

Blackberry1 kg
Granulated sugar0.6 kgif mashed blackberries are sterilized and jarred
1 kg if the blackberry is not subjected to heat treatment, but will be stored in the refrigerator - the best option if you need to save the maximum amount of vitamins
1.5 kgfor storage without twisting at room temperature. It seems to me that this is the most unfortunate option - it turns out not to be harvesting blackberries for the winter, but a supply of sugar flavored with blackberries.
Lemon acida quarter teaspoonthis will prevent the mashed berry from being candied in the first place, and secondarily add sourness to this unleavened berry.
Cooking time: from 2 hours

How to prepare mashed blackberries for the winter:

Photo 1.

Wash the berries. Even assembled with clean hands on own site blackberries can be dirty. Dust, wasps, flies...
It would be nice to dry, or at least let the water drain. Pour half the sugar, mash a little, put in a dark place (ultraviolet destroys vitamins).
After half an hour, grind with a submersible blender - this is the fastest and easiest way, crushed in this way, the berries are rubbed well.

Photo 2.

You can even rub it through a small kitchen sieve with a not very fine mesh. The photo shows what happened in 5 minutes of rubbing 1 kg of ripe blackberries. Whole blackberry pits are only 120 grams (i.e. 12%). In addition, they can be used, for example, to cook a very tasty blackberry jelly.

Photo 3.

Add the remaining sugar.
The next step depends on how much granulated sugar is put in:
If 0.6 kg: heat to a boil, put in sterile jars, roll up.

If 1 kg - cover, put in a dark place, often take it out and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. We transfer it to sterile dry jars, close it with ordinary lids, send it for storage in a refrigerator or a good cool cellar.
If sugar is 1.5 kg, we proceed in the same way as in the previous case, but such a pureed berry will also be stored at room temperature.
August 24, 2016.

» Blackberry

Blackberries are forest and garden in the same way as raspberries, to which they are similar in appearance and in the way they grow. The difference is blue sour taste, weaker aroma and smooth skin. The berry is unpretentious, ripens from the end of June. The last berries on the bushes can be found at the end of September. Thanks to such long fruiting, blackberries can be prepared for the winter with strawberries, gooseberries, and even Antonov apples. In this article, we will take a closer look at what can be done with blackberries.

Like all berries, blackberries are more useful in fresh. Any heat treatment reduces the content of vitamins and minerals. Berries prepared for future use in the form of jams, jams, compotes can be used just like fresh berries to prepare a variety of desserts.

There are many different dishes you can cook from blackberries:

  • Preserves, jams, jams;
  • Drinks - fruit drinks, compotes, cocktails, kissels:
  • Desserts - mousses, yogurts, sorbets, jelly sweets, pastries;
  • Sauces for meat and fish.

The berry has a sour taste, so it can be used not only for cooking sweet dishes, but also to give meat and fish a unique taste.

Jam from whole, freshly picked berries

  1. Berries need to be picked, peel off the stalks, select the worms.
  2. Rinse the berries better by dipping a colander with berries into a bowl or large pot of water. Under the pressure of running water, the berries will be crushed, and part of the juice will be washed off with water.
  3. Washed berries are laid out in enamel or copper utensils.
  4. Sugar sprinkled on top at the rate of 800 gr. per 1 kg. Berries.
  5. If the berry is not overripe, then you can add a couple tablespoons of water so that the berry does not burn, it releases juice faster.
  6. The pot is sent to a strong fire. The sugar should darken from the juice of the berries. You can mix it with berries only after the jam boils from the edges.
  7. Uniform boiling of the entire berry mass- a signal to reduce the fire to a minimum.
  8. With occasional stirring berries are brought to a strong thickening within 3-4 hours.

To make the jam fragrant, 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, add 5-6 cherry leaves to it. They are taken out of ready jam before putting it into banks.

Five Minute

Blackberry jam Pyatiminutka
  • washed berries laid out in an enameled large bowl, pan or copper container.
  • Until the berries boil, as they release juice, granulated sugar is added to the jam. The approximate ratio for 1 kg of berries is 700 gr. sand.
  • Boiled jam is left on gas for another 5 minutes and turn off the gas.
  • The cooled mass is again sent to the fire and boiled for another 5 minutes.. This procedure is repeated three times.
  • After the third boil, hot jam is laid out in jars and hermetically sealed with polyethylene lids or rolled up with metal ones.

Berry acid is incompatible with aluminum and steel, so we use a wooden (not painted) spoon or spatula to stir the berry mixture.


Jams are prepared on the basis of applesauce. Considering that most of the berries are harvested in the summer, you will have to use summer varieties of apples to make blackberry jam. They are sweet, which means that less sand is required - ≈ 500-600 gr. per 1 kg of fruit and berry mixture.

  1. For 3 kg of apples would need 1 kg of berries blackberries.
  2. Apples are peeled, rubbed into a container for cooking on a coarse grater. So that the apples do not brown quickly, they must be sprinkled with granulated sugar. By the time all the apples are mashed, there will already be juice in the pan.
  3. Berries are preferably passed through a manual juicer. so that there are no blackberry pits in the jam.
  4. All ingredients in a pot you can send it to gas.
  5. After boiling jam, the gas is reduced.
  6. Periodic Stirring keep the jam from burning. You need to simmer it until it thickens.

How to check the readiness of jam? After stirring, syrup remains on the spoon. If you drop it on a metal spoon or table surface, you can determine the readiness of jam, jam. The drop does not spread - the jam is ready!


The peculiarity of confiture in adding to it:

  • gelatin;
  • liquor;
  • Vanillin;
  • Cinnamon.

Except gelatin, all ingredients are optional. You may not add them at all.

  1. To prepare 1 kg of blackberries, you will need 1 kg of sugar and 3 tablespoons of gelatin.
  2. Whole berries or squeezed from them juice is sent to the pan. All the sand is added immediately.
  3. While the mixture boils over the fire, gelatin soaked in a glass of water.
  4. The berries boiled, the sand completely dissolved - it's time to add gelatin to the mixture.
  5. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off. If desired, add 50 ml of liquor or spices.
  6. We lay out the confiture in containers for storage, hermetically sealed.


Blackberry compote

The peculiarity of making blackberry compote is that it does not need to be boiled. The most acceptable way to fill the berries with sugar syrup. This allows you to keep the shape of the berry. When cooking, it will simply fall apart, the bones will settle at the bottom of the pan, and the pulp will turn into an incomprehensible shapeless mass. We'll have to filter the compote.

Preparation of compote in a jar does not require additional manipulations - the berries will not lose their shape. An additional advantage of this preparation is that compote closed with a lid will be stored longer. So, you can prepare it for the future. For long-term storage sand will need a little more.

Summer compote

Calculation of products for a 3-liter jar

  • Blackberries - 2 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Water - 3 liters.

Berries are poured into a jar. Filling is prepared from water with sugar. A jar is filled with boiled syrup, covered with a lid. During cooling, the compote will acquire a uniform color and taste.

Pure blackberry compote has a pleasant aroma, the taste requires the addition of raspberries and red currants. The flavor bouquet will become much richer.

Blackberry juice

The berry practically does not lose any taste or vitamins during shock freezing. There is less vitamin C in it than in cranberries, but with a severe cold, fruit juice from this berry also helps. It is better to freeze berries in special bags with small perforations on one side.. Washed and dried berries are laid out in containers or bags, sent to freezer. If it is not possible to dry the berries, then they can be sprinkled with sugar. Depending on how the berries were frozen, the method of their further use depends.

Morse from berries without sugar is prepared as follows:

  • Sand is poured into boiling water at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water.
  • After complete dissolution of sugar, a colander or sieve is placed on the pan so that water gets inside it.
  • Berries are poured into a colander. They should warm up and give juice. For fast food they can be stirred with a wooden spoon. Blackberries in boiling water quickly release juice, but you can also crush the berries a little while stirring.
  • The colander has wide openings, so juice should be filtered. When using a sieve, this cooking step is eliminated.

Berries frozen with sugar will have to be boiled in a saucepan. Then strain through a sieve, or through gauze laid in a colander in 2 layers.


The most pleasant drink for the gastric mucosa. In diseases of the digestive system, doctors often recommend it.. There are two main ways to prepare this dish.

Kissel on oatmeal

Kissel of this type refers to desserts rather than drinks.

  • 1 cup oatmeal or oatmeal;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100-150 gr. blackberries.
  • 2 -3 tbsp. sugar or honey
  • A pinch of salt.

Preparation of medicinal jelly begins in advance.

  1. Soak oatmeal for 6-8 hours in full water.
  2. The resulting liquid is poured into a saucepan.. The remaining grain can be squeezed out through a strainer, but its hard parts should not fall into the bucket.
  3. The jelly base heats up. It blooms with honey. If sugar is chosen for preparation, then it and salt can be added at any stage of preparation.
  4. In a boiled oatmeal broth crushed berries are added or juice squeezed out of them.
  5. The mixture is brought to a boil, the gas is reduced to a minimum. You can move the saucepan to the sauce burner for languishing. The purpose of languishing is to evaporate excess moisture, to allow the dish to thicken.
  6. This jelly will have to be eaten with spoons, so to cool, it is better to pour it into plates immediately divided into small portions.

Quick kissel

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 art. l. potato starch;
  • 250-300 gr. blackberries;
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In warm, not boiling water, through a sieve, starch is added in small portions. It is necessary to bring the water to a boil with constant stirring so that the starch does not settle to the bottom of the pan and does not form clots.
  2. Sugar and berries should be at hand so that during the cooking process, not for a second keep stirring.
  3. Berries are added to the boiling starch base. It is better to rub them into jelly through a sieve or replace them with freshly squeezed blackberry juice.
  4. Sugar is added along with berry raw materials. After boiling, the jelly must be removed from the heat. Long boiling will only worsen the taste.

Desserts with blackberries

Drinks, cocktails, yoghurts with the addition of blackberries tone up no worse than those containing lemon balm. But these two components are well combined with each other.


  • 0.5 liters of kefir;
  • 7.5 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 0.5 cups of blackberries;
  • A pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • Melissa sprig.

Bananas are broken into pieces and laid out on the bottom of the container for whipping. The rest of the ingredients are added. Before receiving homogeneous mass the mixer starts at the first speed, only after that the whipping function starts.


Traditionally, mousse is made from strawberries or raspberries. Blackberry mousse will turn out more sour with a mild taste. The berry harmonizes well with both strawberries and raspberries. When using all three ingredients the dessert will turn out more tasty and fragrant. To prepare the mousse you will need:

  • 3 egg whites;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of berries.

In a whisking glass, separate the proteins, add a little sugar and start beating. The rest of the sugar is added gradually. The result should be a thick mass, as for baking "meringue". Add the berry mixture in small portions and beat, bringing the mass to a homogeneous state. Although, small pieces of berries will not spoil the dessert. Before serving, the mousse must be cooled by putting it in bowls or tall glasses, garnish with whole berries and a sprig of mint.


Sorbet is a dietary, lean ice cream, it does not contain animal fats, and the amount of sugar is minimized. To prepare it you will need:

  • 3 cups blackberries;
  • Juice of one orange;
  • 100 gr. honey.

All ingredients are rubbed in a blender until smooth, which is sent to the freezer until completely frozen. Before serving, from the mass, by means of a heated tablespoon, balls are formed, laid out in a bowl.

As a decoration, you can use almond or Walnut, grated chocolate. Usage fruit syrup overkill for this type of ice cream, and whipped cream perfectly complements the delicacy.

Alcoholic sorbet

Alcohol does not freeze well, so to prepare sorbet it will need to be diluted with water. Blackberries harmonize well with almonds and cherries. Based on this, we choose a liquor. Proportions:

  • 300 gr. blackberries;
  • 30 ml of liquor;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 100 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of lime juice.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour berries and sugar into a saucepan. Cook until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Strain the berry mixture through a sieve so that the seeds do not get into the ice cream.
  3. Chilled berry puree mixed with the remaining ingredients, send to the freezer.

Alcoholic sorbet will not be hard. You don't need to heat the spoon to spread it over the bowls. For decoration, you can take chopped nuts, chocolate or cherries, which will help emphasize the taste of the liquor chosen for the dessert.

Quince is required to prepare this delicacy.. She will play the role of a gelling agent. This will give a longer shelf life than when preparing a dessert based on gelatin. In this recipe, 1 kg of berries and quince will require 600 gr. sand.

Cooking method:

  • We clean the quince from the peel, rub the pulp on a grater.
  • Adding berries. Quince 1/3, berries 2/3. Pour the mixture with sugar, leave for several hours to extract the juice.
  • Bring to a boil, cook until the quince pieces begin to disintegrate.
  • We wipe the puree through a sieve.
  • We heat the oven to 170 °. Reduce the gas to a minimum.
  • We line the baking sheet foil.
  • On the foil in an even layer 1.5-2 cm spread the puree.
  • We put in the oven. Cooking can take from 8 to 16 hours. The bottom line is to evaporate excess moisture.
  • The finished layer is sprinkled with a thin layer of potato starch, turns over, processed from the second side.
  • Cut into slices, placed in a plastic container and stored in the refrigerator.

In the absence of quince, it can be replaced with apples. The amount of sand in a dish is determined by the acidity of berries and apples. By using sweet apples, the amount of sugar can be reduced.

Baking with blackberries

On the yeast dough can bake open pie with blackberries. When using jam, there are no special problems, and jam or raw berries rubbed with granulated sugar will surely boil and flow. Therefore, we choose a deep form so that sugar syrup did not burn in the oven. After baking, the mold must be pulled out and the cake allowed to cool so that the jam thickens again. Only then can the cake be taken out of the mold.

Making a pie with berry filling is also inconvenient because the dough itself, when wet, does not bake and does not increase in volume. To reduce wetting under jam or berries, a layer of potato starch is applied. This method of cooking baking is common, but very long. Yeast-free treats cook faster.

For the test you will need:

  • 300 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 glasses wheat flour top grade;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • Dough baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Cottage cheese, eggs and sugar are ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Flour mixed with baking powder and added to the mass.
  3. Flour is poured on the table. The dough is laid out on it.
  4. In several stages roll out the dough to a thickness of 5-7 mm.
  5. The dough can be cut with a knife into squares or a glass into mugs.
  6. For filling it is better to take jam or confiture.
  7. In the middle of each circle put half a teaspoon of blackberries.
  8. Fold the circle in half and in half again- you should get a triangle.
  9. On a warm, greased baking sheet lay out the resulting cookies. We send them to the oven, heated to 220 ° C, for 10-15 minutes.
  10. To brown the cookies, a couple of minutes before the end of baking, they can be spread with butter margarine.

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 200 gr. creamy margarine;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Mix sand and flour.
  2. We make a recess.
  3. We drive in an egg and lay out a pack of softened margarine.
  4. Knead the flour into the margarine with your hands.. The process continues until a homogeneous lump of dough is obtained.
  5. Even though an egg is added to the dough, it will not be bound. So, divide the dough into two parts, one of which is twice as large as the other.
  6. We warm up the oven and a baking dish.
  7. We get form, lubricate her vegetable oil.
  8. Big part of the dough is evenly distributed over the bottom of the form. Having slightly pressed down the middle with fists, we get the dough to come out to the edges of the form - this is ideal so that the jam does not flow out.
  9. Pour the filling with a thickness of ≈1cm.
  10. We take dough leftovers, coarse grater and evenly cover the berries with a loose layer.
  11. Sending the cake 20-25 min into a preheated oven.
  12. Ready sand cake gotta cool down to thicken the jam. After cooling, it can be removed from the mold as a whole, or cut into pieces.

Berry sauce for meat

Meat goes well not only with vegetables, berries and fruits are also used in its preparation. Prunes and apples are suitable for duck, cherry plum (“tkemali” sauce) is suitable for beef and lamb, pork is often served under “Krasnodar” sauce, where, in addition to tomatoes, there is applesauce. Blackberries are suitable for any grilled meat.

For the sauce you will need:

  • A glass of blackberry;
  • Half a glass of dry red wine;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • A pinch of salt or a tablespoon soy sauce(optional);
  • A mixture of peppers on the tip of a knife;
  • A few zira (cumin) seeds;
  • Table vinegar to taste.

Step by step instructions:

  • Washed berries are boiled in wine. Three minutes is enough for the blackberries to give juice.
  • The mixture must be strained to make the sauce nice.
  • Spices are added, except for garlic and honey. The sauce must be simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes, until thickened.
  • Garlic and honey are added 1-2 minutes before turning off. This will make the sauce more flavorful.

If you replace red wine with dry white and use a mixture herbs for cooking fish, then this sauce will complement the salad from crab sticks, shrimp and other seafood.

Blackberries are also used in the preparation of first courses. It will be a great substitute for vinegar when cooking borscht. An excellent solution would be when preparing borscht dressing for the winter, put a piece of sour berries instead of vinegar. Already in a couple of weeks canned dressing, if you do it with cabbage, it will give a pleasant jelly. Vinegar is simply not required.

Blackberry is not the most seductive and expressive berry in taste. But having tried pastries, fruit drinks, and desserts made from it at least once, it’s hard to resist preparing a few jars of jam for pancakes for Shrovetide. Frozen berries will help to give the taste of summer to dishes.. And in the summer you can combine blackberries not only with fruits and other varieties of berries, but also with vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes.

August and September are truly a generous season. Indeed, during these months, the famous relative of raspberries ripens, the black-purple berries of which are fraught with a whole pharmacy. Surprisingly tasty blackberries are good not only in treatment, but also in culinary experiments. The berry is added to treats, sauces and meat dishes, bake and make drinks. Housewives try to have time to stock up on blackberries for the future, making jams, compotes and preserves out of it; simply frozen or twisted with sugar. Blackberry blanks made at home delight with ease of preparation and a storehouse of vitamins. Making blackberry preparations for the winter is a great opportunity to diversify the menu and rejuvenate while enjoying tea with blackberry jam.

If both raspberries and blackberries grow on your site, then you can prepare this wonderful raspberry jam with blackberries for the winter. You probably already know how good all the blanks with these berries are.

Juice jelly: a variety of cooking options - how to make fruit and berry juice jelly for the winter

Today we bring you a selection of recipes for cooking fruit and berry jelly from juices. The main difference between jelly and jam is its transparency. Such a dish is used as an independent dessert, as well as for decorating confectionery masterpieces. Also, cranberry and lingonberry juice jelly is ideal for meat and game dishes. The transparent delicate texture of the dessert does not leave children indifferent. They are happy to eat jelly, spreading it on toast or cookies.

Blackberry Jam: Easy Recipes to Make Delicious Blackberry Jam

This is not to say that blackberries can be found in gardens everywhere. The lucky owners of blackberry bushes on their site can only be envied. Fortunately, during the season, blackberries can be purchased at local markets or in stores, and frozen berries can be purchased at any time of the year. If you become the owner of a certain amount of blackberries, we advise you to certainly make jam from it. jar fragrant treats during the winter months will be able to warm you and your guests with summer warmth.

How to Make Blackberry Syrup - Delicious Blackberry Syrup Recipe

Is there anything better than wild berries in winter? They always smell fresh and forest. From their aroma warm summer days and funny stories are remembered. From this, the mood improves, and so that this mood lasts all winter, prepare blackberry syrup. Blackberry syrup is a treat and medicine in one bottle. They can flavor and tint the most different desserts. Bright, natural color and aroma of blackberries will decorate any dessert.

Blackberry marmalade: how to make blackberry marmalade at home - a simple recipe

The garden blackberry does not differ from its forest sister in useful qualities. In addition, it is larger and more productive, thanks to selection and care. At an hour, gardeners simply do not know what to do with such a rich harvest. Children and adults do not really like blackberry jam. It is delicious, you can’t say anything here, but small and hard seeds spoil the whole mood. Therefore, when preparing blackberry marmalade, this must be taken into account and not be lazy.

Drying berries and leaves of blackberries, as well as marshmallows and figs from blackberries

It is easy to dry blackberries, it is much more difficult to bring them home from the forest, or whole from the market. After all, blackberries are very tender, and easily crumpled, release juice, and drying such blackberries does not make sense. But we will not throw anything away, but we will see what can be done from it.

Freezing blackberries for the winter in the freezer: the main methods of freezing

What a beautiful blackberry! And the benefits in it are no less than, for example, in raspberries. The only pity is that the season of its ripening is not long - only a few weeks at the end of July and until the beginning of August. How to keep the fragrant harvest of this berry fresh for as long as possible? A freezer will help with this task. For information on how to freeze blackberries at home, read this article.

Blackberry confiture jam - how to make blackberry confiture at home.

An excellent recipe for making blackberry confiture jam. A delicious treat for kids and adults.

Blackberries with sugar. A useful recipe for the winter that preserves the healing properties of blackberries.

Natural blackberries with sugar in their own juice: minimum cooking, maximum useful properties.

A simple and easy-to-make blackberry recipe own juice. The finished product is most reminiscent of the taste fresh berries.

Delicious blackberry puree - how to prepare puree properly for the winter.

The composition of blackberries contains a full range of nutrients and healing substances. Blackberry puree is very healthy. With its use, sleep normalizes, excitability decreases. It will be useful in high fever and dysentery. See below for how to make delicious blackberry puree.

Fragrant and healthy blackberry jam - how to make at home.

Very healthy blackberry jam, rich in vitamins, trace elements, minerals and other useful substances. V winter timethe best way to maintain immunity! Find out how to do fragrant jam from blackberries at home is easy and simple.

Homemade blackberry jam is delicious and healthy. An easy winter recipe.

This simple recipe will tell you how to make blackberry jam for the winter at home on your own. homemade jam from blackberries it will turn out quite thick and sweet.

Blackberry - wild berry: description, medicinal and beneficial properties of blackberries.

Blackberry is quite a rare wild plant. In our country, it is not grown very much. a large number of amateur gardeners. Therefore, we can safely say that blackberries are wild berry.

Red currant jam (porichka), no-boil recipe or cold red currant jam

Maximum useful blanks berries for the winter are obtained if you cook them without losing vitamins and other useful substances, i.e. without cooking. Therefore, we give a recipe for cold currant jam. How to make jam without cooking?

There are several options for preparing blackberry jam - the berries are harvested whole or crushed into puree, fruits and even citruses are added. Cooled blackberry jam resembles jelly and turns purple. Roll up a vitamin delicacy in jars and enjoy jam in the winter cold.

According to this recipe, the jam is prepared without water, which is why it is called thick. The blackberry stays whole and the delicacy looks appetizing. Berries should be ripe and firm, not soft or spoiled.

Cooking time - 20 minutes.


  • two kg of berries;
  • two kg of sugar.


  1. Pour the berries with sugar, let them release juice.
  2. After two hours, put on a small fire to boil so that the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. Put the cooled jam back to boil for 20 minutes, the fire should be strong. Stir the berries so they don't burn.
  4. When the drop on the plate does not spread, the delicacy is ready.
  5. Roll blackberry jam with whole berries into jars.

Blackberry jam five minutes

According to this recipe, jam is prepared quickly and does not take much time.

Cooking time - 6 minutes.


  • 3 gr. lemon. acids;
  • 900 gr. Sahara;
  • 900 gr. blackberries.


  1. Lay the berries in layers in a wide bowl, sprinkle each with sugar.
  2. After 6 hours, when the berries start to juice, start cooking the jam until it boils.
  3. After five minutes, add acid, after 1 minute, remove from heat.

Five-minute blackberry jam is stored in a cold place, the jars are closed with plastic lids.

Blackberry jam with bananas

This original recipe combines bananas and blackberries.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.


  • 0.5 kg of bananas;
  • 450 gr. berries;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.


  1. Sprinkle blackberries with sugar in layers and leave overnight.
  2. Cut peeled bananas into small cubes.
  3. Boil the jam until it boils, then cook for another 30 minutes, add bananas and boil for six minutes.
  4. Pour treats into jars while still hot.


  • water - 320 ml;
  • liquor - 120 ml;
  • drain. oil - one tbsp. a spoon;
  • lemon;
  • cardamom;
  • sour apples - 900 gr.;
  • one and a half kg of sugar;
  • blackberry - 900 gr.


  1. Cut peeled apples into slices, cover with water and cook for 10 minutes, add lemon juice.
  2. Put the berries to the fruit and cook for ten minutes, stirring and removing the foam.
  3. Put the cardamom with liqueur, keep on the stove for another three minutes, add the oil and stir.
  4. Roll blackberry jam for the winter in jars.

Blackberry jam with oranges

This recipe pairs blackberries with citrus.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.


  • two lemons;
  • 4 oranges;
  • two kg of sugar;
  • 1.8 kg of berries.


  1. Grind the citrus zest, squeeze the juice into a large container.
  2. Pour sugar, put the zest, cook until it boils, do not forget to stir.
  3. Add berries to the cooled syrup, leave for two hours.
  4. Boil the jam for half an hour, add lemon juice 5 minutes before the readiness.

The finished delicacy is thick with a citrus aroma and is suitable for delicious tea party or breakfast.

For this jam, raw fresh berries are mashed.

Cooking time - 90 minutes.


  • berries - 900 gr;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • sugar - 900 gr.


  1. Soak berries for 3 minutes hot water 90°C.
  2. Drain the liquid and grind the blackberries using a sieve.
  3. Mix the puree with sugar and cook until thick, over low heat in a non-stick pan.

There are many options - from classic jam to unusual mixes with other berries and fruits.

Selection and preparation of berries

Before making any blackberry jam, you need to stock up on knowledge about the selection and harvesting of berries. The blackberry harvesting season in the largest volumes falls on the second half of August. During this period, you can safely harvest your own harvest or buy berries at a not very high cost. There are several rules:

  • when buying berries in the market, try to choose ripe, but still elastic fruits. Soft, mashed blackberries are only suitable if you decide to boil liquid jam or jam and you will grind the purchased sweet products;
  • do not buy unripe berries, because blackberries do not ripen in an already plucked state. From such berries, jam will turn out sour and tart;
  • if you collect blackberries on your own, then try to do everything quickly and immediately put the harvested crop into processing so that during subsequent washing the berries do not lose part of their precious juice;
  • sort the fruits at home, remove adhering debris, leaves, etc. Then wash the berries. It is better to do this under the kitchen shower, because such a pressure of water is not able to damage the structure of the blackberry.

Advice! If possible, be sure to prepare forest blackberries - they are many times more useful than their cultural counterparts!

Cooking container

Ready-made jam is usually put in jars, and they must be sterilized. There are several ways to sterilize jars:

  1. dial cold water into a large saucepan, immerse half-liter or liter jars there, put the container on the fire and let the contents boil for about half an hour. Then take out the jars, turn them upside down and dry;
  2. fill a small saucepan with water, place a rack or special device for sterilization and boil water. Place the jars in turn on the wire rack (upside down) and hold them for 15 minutes;
  3. personally, I use the least troublesome method of sterilization: I put the jars in a cold oven, warm them up at 180 degrees for about half an hour. You don't even have to dry them after that.


All the plethora of options delicious treats blackberry is impossible to describe. I will share only those tested by me personally and my favorite ones.

Easy blackberry jam recipe

For making blackberry jam classic recipe all you need is sugar and berries. It turns out a very appetizing thick jam, which, in its useful and palatability in no way inferior to the equally popular raspberry.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: jam
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 0.8 l
  • 5-6 h


  • fresh blackberries - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

Sort the blackberries, setting the rotten or crushed berries aside, and then transfer them to a colander and rinse carefully, but very carefully, under a weak stream of running water. If you still have berries with stalks, then during the washing process you need to remove them with gentle circular motions.

Let the washed berries dry, then sprinkle them with sugar, mix gently and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature.

Transfer the blackberry that has let the juice into enamel pan and put on a small fire. Boil for about 30 minutes after boiling, or longer, depending on how thick the jam you want to get. During the cooking process, periodically stir the jam with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn, and as it appears, remove the foam from its surface.

Pour the boiling jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Note to the owner:
  • Blackberries plucked from your own garden can not be washed before falling asleep with sugar, but simply remove the garbage.
  • To get a thicker jam, you can boil it 2-3 times, waiting for it to cool completely between sets.
  • If the berry sprinkled with sugar releases very little juice, then a little water can be added to the jam before boiling. Considering at the same time that more water, the less saturated is the taste and aroma of the workpiece.
  • For more interesting taste lemon zest can be added to blackberry jam at the beginning of cooking, ground cinnamon or chopped mint leaves.

Five-minute jam recipe

It is even easier and faster to prepare a five-minute jam. I like this option because the berries remain intact and a lot of rich syrup is obtained, which can be used in winter for making drinks, soaking biscuits. And how tasty it is to serve this delicacy with pancakes!


  • blackberry - 970 g
  • sugar - 800g
  • citric acid - 3 g.


  1. Sort and wash the blackberries, remove the twigs.
  2. Sprinkle it on a paper-lined surface to dry.
  3. Place the berries in a wide bowl in layers, sprinkling with sugar.
  4. Wait 5-5.5 hours for the fruits to release enough juice.
  5. Boil slowly for about 5 minutes, carefully skimming off the foam.
  6. One minute before the end of cooking, add citric acid and stir well the almost ready delicacy.
  7. Place the jam in a sterilized glass containers cool slightly and cover with plastic lids.
  8. store finished product in the cold.

Blackberry jam with raspberries

The combination of blackberries and raspberries is both tasty and healthy. Such a sweet delicacy is indispensable during the period of colds.

What you need:

  • blackberry - 500 g
  • raspberries - 500 g
  • sugar - 900 g

How to cook:

  1. Separately, sort through the raspberries and blackberries, rinse and tear off the stalks.
  2. Place the raspberries in one bowl and the blackberries in the other.
  3. Pour both types of berries with the same amount of sugar.
  4. Stir gently, being careful not to damage the fruits, and put them in a cool place for about 10 hours. As the juice comes out, pour it into one wide saucepan.
  5. After the set time has elapsed, put the released juice on the fire and heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.
  6. Now you can add blackberries and raspberries.
  7. Boil for 5-6 minutes over low heat, removing the foam.
  8. Remove from heat and wait for the contents of the pan to cool completely.
  9. Now put it back on the fire and boil for 5 minutes.
  10. The jam is ready, it can be packaged in sterilized jars.

Blackberry jam with apples

It would seem - what is surprising in apple and blackberry jam? But if the recipe also includes cardamom, as well as liquor, then it turns out real dessert for gourmets!


  • blackberry - 1000 g
  • sour apples - 900 g
  • sugar - 1500 g
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • butter - 1 tbsp
  • cardamom - 3 g
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • any berry liqueur (ideally blackberry) - 100 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the apples, peel and remove the core.
  2. Cut them into small slices.
  3. Prepare and wash the blackberries, remove the stalks.
  4. In a large saucepan, combine apple slices with water.
  5. Blanch them for 10 minutes until completely softened.
  6. Squeeze the juice from the washed lemon into the apples.
  7. Lay out the blackberry.
  8. Boil everything for 10 minutes after boiling.
  9. Add sugar and stir until dissolved.
  10. Boil for another 10 minutes, stirring and removing the resulting foam.
  11. Add cardamom and liqueur and cook for another 3 minutes.
  12. Remove the pan from the heat, add the oil, stir and remove the foam.
  13. Cool the jam and put it in prepared jars.
  14. Cover each jar with parchment circles, and then cover with a plastic lid.

Blackcurrant jam without cooking

You can make your own natural multivitamin from blackberries and currants. In terms of useful qualities, this treat is ahead of any other! Nothing beats the taste in any way. Its only drawback is the shelf life, which cannot be more than 6 months.


  • currant - 1 kg
  • blackberry - 1 kg
  • sugar - 3 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.

How to do:

  1. My berries and lemon, let the excess liquid drain.
  2. We pass blackberries, currants and citrus sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith zest through a meat grinder.
  3. Combine in a deep saucepan with sugar. Leave for 5-6 hours, stirring occasionally - during this time the sugar is almost completely dissolved.

Pouring raw jam in sterile jars, screw on the lids. We store fresh jam only in the fridge!

Blackberry Jam with Plums, Raspberries and Elderberries

Fragrant blackberry jam will become even more delicious if you add other fruits and spices to it. Very good recipe delicious jam I once found on the Internet.


  • blackberry - 400 g
  • plums - 400 g
  • elderberry - 200 g
  • raspberries - 200 g
  • sugar - 1200 g
  • cloves - 5-6 pcs.
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp.


  1. Wash all the berries, except for the raspberries, remove the stalks and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Add chopped plums, after removing the seeds from them, and cloves.
  3. Fill everything with water so that it slightly covers the fruit.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat.
  5. Cook over low heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  6. After that, soften all the ingredients in a saucepan with a crush or mash with a fork.
  7. Put the resulting puree in cheesecloth, tie a knot and place it in a sieve.
  8. Substitute a metal container under the sieve and leave to drain overnight. You can put oppression on top.
  9. Measure the resulting juice and pour into a saucepan.
  10. For 600 g of juice, take 450 grams of sugar.
  11. Put the saucepan on the fire and cook until the sugar dissolves.
  12. Then make the fire stronger and cook for another 15 minutes.
  13. At the end of cooking, remove the foam.
  14. Pour the jam into jars and store no more than six months.

If you are going to cook blackberry jam, then check out the very useful recommendations:

  • For children, pitted jam is usually prepared. To do this, after washing and cleaning, you need to hold the blackberries in hot water for about 3 minutes, and then wipe them through a sieve.
  • If you want the fruits in the jam to be whole, then you cannot wash them before cooking, and during cooking you need to stir very gently with a wooden spoon.
  • It is desirable to cook jam in a wide container, so excess water evaporates faster and the structure of the berries is minimally destroyed.
  • Jam will be more aromatic if you put orange or lemon zest in it at the beginning of cooking.
  • In addition to citrus zest, sprigs of mint are put in blackberry jam. It has a wonderful refreshing scent. Cinnamon sticks and vanilla are also used as flavoring additives.
  • In order for the jam to have an excellent smell and taste, it cannot be boiled for a long time. It is better to cook in several stages with alternate infusion and cooling.
  • Those types of blackberry jam that provide a minimum heat treatment must be stored in the refrigerator. And dense jams that boil for a long time can be rolled up with lids and stored at room temperature.

blackberry benefits

Housewives prefer to make blackberry jam not only because of its good taste, but also because of the great benefits of this delicacy. Such sweet dessert will help:

  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • cope with colds faster;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve the condition of pneumonia;
  • "bring down" the temperature with acute respiratory infections;
  • accelerate the treatment of cystitis and kidney disease.

Compared to the more popular varieties of raspberry and strawberry jam, blackberry jam is much less common, but it is absolutely not inferior to them in terms of usefulness. Prepare at least a couple of jars of this delicious dessert for the winter and you will be full of strength and health!

Here is a video recipe for a real summer in a jar. Next season I will definitely make this jam with blackberries: