Salt the cabbage according to the moon. When is the best time to salt cabbage?

October 25th, 2017

Hello, my dear readers!

October-November is the time to prepare very useful and delicious product, without which it is difficult to imagine our table in winter - sauerkraut. Therefore, today I want to tell you for the winter. Every year we harvest cabbage grown in our garden using this method. To make the process of sauerkraut even more visual, I illustrated the recipe with photographs.

When is the best time to ferment cabbage?

Somehow, before, I didn’t really think about when it’s better to ferment cabbage in accordance with the lunar calendar. Usually ripened heads of cabbage white cabbage We cut it in the garden in mid-October, after the first frost, closer to the Feast of the Intercession, and soon began to ferment it. But if you decide to stick to the lunar phases, then do the preparation on the waxing Moon, after the New Moon. It is believed that in this case the cabbage will turn out especially tasty and crispy.

Which cabbage is best to ferment?

It is known that there are different varieties cabbages: early, middle and late. I usually buy the “Iyunskaya” variety for sowing seedlings in order to cut heads of cabbage and eat fresh cabbage in the second half of summer, and the “Slava” and “Moskovskaya” varieties for pickling for the winter. But now you can find many seeds of other varieties of white cabbage on sale. Of course, for preparations it is necessary to use varieties of medium and late ripening. Early varieties are not suitable for this purpose.

Sauerkraut: a simple and practical recipe

You will need:

- white cabbage (late ripening),
fresh carrots,
- Dill seeds,
— coarse salt (without iodine).

I will not indicate the exact quantity of products, since it is quite approximate. But you can focus on approximately the following proportions: for 1 kg of cabbage we take an incomplete tablespoon of salt and 200-300 grams of carrots.

Preparation procedure:

— We prepare the working surface of the table so that it is clean and completely free, because we will mash the cabbage on it. We will also prepare an enamel tank, bucket or large pan.
— We wash and peel the carrots. Grate carrots onto coarse grater.

— We clean the heads of cabbage from the top leaves and chop them into strips. We throw away the stalks.

— Place the shredded cabbage on the table, on a clean oilcloth. When there is a heap of cabbage, add to it a handful of grated carrots, a pinch of dill seeds and a pinch of coarse salt.

— We crush the cabbage a little with clean hands, using the same movements as we usually work with dough.
— We throw the mashed cabbage into the prepared tank, which I usually place close to the table on a stool. You can place clean, whole cabbage leaves on the bottom.
— Cut the next portion of cabbage, mix it with carrots, dill seeds and salt, mash it on the table and throw it back into the tank or bucket. We do this until the tank is filled with cabbage, compact it with a masher. The tank or bucket does not need to be filled to the very edge, as the cabbage will soon release juice.
— We put pressure on the cabbage. For oppression, I usually use a water-filled three liter jar, placing it on a flat plate.

— We leave the cabbage in the room for 3-4 days to ferment. During the fermentation process, remove the pressure and pierce the cabbage several times a day sharp knife to release gas.

I usually determine the readiness of sauerkraut by taste, so that it is pleasant and not over-acidified. When you are satisfied with the taste of the preparation, we take the cabbage into a cold, unheated room. In a private house, cabbage stands in the entryway all winter. We consume it in winter as needed. If you haven’t fermented a lot of cabbage, you can immediately put it in jars and store it in the refrigerator at home.

I wish you good luck and delicious crispy cabbage! See you again!

Sauerkraut is delicious and vitamin preparation, which is easy to prepare, but also easy to spoil. To make pickling a success every time, find out when to salt cabbage according to lunar calendar in 2018, find out the favorable phases for the process. The Earth's satellite influences the fermentation processes used to ferment the vegetable. Take this feature into account when deciding to prepare crispy and aromatic preparation in the year of the Dog.

How to properly salt cabbage

Delicious and crispy sauerkraut Not every housewife succeeds. The dish will require high-quality ingredients, a proven recipe and a suitable day. The technology for preparing fermented treats will not cause any difficulties. The vegetable is finely chopped (shred finely), grated carrots, salt, sugar, and spices are added as desired. The ingredients are mixed, the mixture is compacted into glass containers. The fermentation process takes 1-3 days at room temperature, the finished treat is sent to be stored on the refrigerator shelf.

Besides traditional way sourdough with carrots, there are ways to prepare a salty treat with the addition of a variety of plant products. With the additions, the preparation will acquire a special taste, but will not lose its beneficial properties. Additives used:

  • apples;
  • caraway;
  • beets;
  • lingonberries;
  • prunes;
  • quince;
  • grape;
  • basil;
  • pumpkin;
  • bell pepper

To ensure that the cabbage preparation is guaranteed to come out crispy, special components containing tannins are used. This could be oak bark or horseradish root. oak bark can be purchased at a pharmacy. A teaspoon of one of the two components per kilogram of cabbage is enough to make the treat crispy. The components will add piquancy to the appetizer, harmoniously combining with the main ingredient.

Which cabbage is best to salt?

Be careful when choosing the main component for fermentation; the taste of the dish depends not only on a successful day according to the lunar calendar, but also on its components. Only thoroughly ripened, clarified heads of cabbage are suitable for pickling. If the cabbage is not ripe, its leaves will be dark green. It is not recommended to salt such a product, as bitterness will appear and the juiciness will not be enough. Use heads of cabbage that are tight, not bursting, not spoiled. Choose a late variety of cabbage, for example:

  • Belarusian;
  • Dobrovolskaya;
  • Sava;
  • Present;
  • Menza;
  • Kharkovskaya.

Not all winter varieties suitable for pickling. Amager and Cromon won't work delicious preparation, even if you follow the salting rules. Dutch and Chinese varieties Also not suitable for pickling. To prepare the preparation, it is better to use heads of cabbage grown in your own garden bed. This ensures their quality and safety. When purchasing a product in addition to appearance, pay attention to its taste. If cabbage leaf it’s bitter, don’t buy a head of cabbage, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

What kind of salt

An important ingredient that should be carefully selected for a recipe is salt. To salt the product, do not use iodized salt. Iodine slows down lactic acid fermentation, which must take place actively for a high-quality result. The microelement will cause darkening and softness finished product. Choose rock salt medium, coarse grind.

What is the best way to salt

The taste of finished salted cabbage is influenced not only by the day of the lunar calendar and the selected products, but also by the container used for pickling. Traditionally, barrels and tubs made of wood are used, but a three-liter one will do. glass jar or enamel pan, sometimes used plastic container. It is forbidden to salt cabbage using aluminum dishes. During storage, the vegetable will acquire a metallic taste, darken and become unfit for consumption. Wash the starter container thoroughly and treat with boiling water before placing cabbage preparation.

When is the best time to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar?

Known for hundreds of years ago, ancestors prepared cabbage heads in this way. Over the long period of existence of the recipe, it was possible to identify a pattern between the phase of the moon and the taste of the finished product. It was found out experimentally on which moon it is possible to salt cabbage and when it is not. A soft and sour preparation will be obtained if you salt the product on the full moon or waning moon. To make the treat crispy and tasty, look in the lunar calendar for the 5-6th day after the end of the new moon. This is the most favorable time to salt vegetables.

Another calculation system has been developed that takes into account not only the waxing or waning of the moon, but also the zodiac sign in which the Earth’s satellite is located on the day of salting. To prepare the preparations, choose the day of the year when the moon is waxing and the day is under the sign of Aries, Sagittarius, Taurus and Capricorn. It is not recommended to ferment any products when control goes to Virgo, Pisces, Cancer.

In January

The lunar calendar will tell you when you can pickle cabbage in the first winter month. From January 3 to January 16, the moon wanes, so you shouldn’t do salting. The best time for preparations is from January 18 to 29. Use the last ten days of the month to make healthy vegetable amazing vitamin dish. If you are using varieties intended not for fermentation, but for storage, start preparing the preparation on a January day. After a couple of months of storage, such a head of cabbage accumulates a sufficient amount of sugar needed for fermentation.

In February

When February comes to the human body There is an acute lack of nutrients and vitamins. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, prepare delicious sauerkraut. This vegetable will retain all its beneficial features and even increase them. Favorable February days for pickling cabbage will last from the 17th to the 28th. It is not recommended to prepare salty treats in the first half of the month.

In March

The second half of March (from the 18th to the 28th) is an excellent time to prepare the product. The lunar calendar does not recommend using the remaining dates of this month for pickling cabbage to prepare pickled dishes. On March 17, a new moon will appear, followed by a period suitable for fermentation. If you did not have time to cook cabbage during the lunar growth phase, postpone cooking to the next month.

In April

For thrifty owners who have white cabbage varieties left until mid-spring, it is better to start sauerkraut according to the lunar calendar from April 17 to April 28. Coming soon fresh fruits, so you need to actively use up last year’s reserves. If you ferment all the heads of cabbage in the fall, the cabbage may become sour. For amateurs, it is better to make preparations in not too large batches.

In May

When the last month of spring arrives, everyone is looking forward to the appearance of fresh vegetables, but if you still have last year’s cabbage on the shelves of your basement, use it to prepare the preparation. Consider the influence of the moon on the fermentation process, use quality products to get good results. For perfectly tasty and crispy cabbage, a waning or full moon is not suitable - only a new month. According to the lunar calendar, it is better to salt vegetables from April 17 to April 28.

In June

At the beginning of summer, you can already treat yourself to fresh vegetables and fruits, and use them to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. If last year's cabbage reserves have not yet been exhausted, use the heads of cabbage for pickling. The moon will wax this month from June 14 to June 25, the dates are suitable for making pickles. Early cabbage is not suitable for pickling; do not expect good results from early ripening heads of cabbage.

In August

If you have reaped a big harvest early cabbage, please note that early ripening heads of cabbage are not stored for long. The varieties are used for pickling, but products that are too soft and do not have sufficient elasticity can result in a porridge-like mass. For pickling, choose the most dense heads of cabbage, without cracks or damage. It is better to prepare the preparation from August 12 to 24.

In September

The beginning of autumn is the time of ripening of mid-season varieties that are suitable for preparation. You can get a crispy, tasty snack from them if you choose and take into account the favorable days for pickling cabbage in September 2018. Waxing moon from 10th to 24th – the right time for making pickles. Vegetables cooked within the specified time frame will be well stored and will turn out crispy and piquant.

In October

Autumn - best season for pickling cabbage. In October, pickling varieties have already ripened, the shelves are full of ripe fruits affordable price. Choose varieties Slava, Belorusskaya, Midor, Geneva and others. The optimal weight of a head of cabbage for pickling is from 3 to 4 kg. In October, you can prepare sauerkraut for future use, focusing on the lunar calendar. Favorable days are from October 10 to October 21.

In November

Perfect time pickling of autumn vegetables continues. Even heads of cabbage that were caught by the first frost are suitable for pickling. People say that not only lunar phases affect the quality of the finished product, but also the chosen day of the week. To ensure that the preparation is stored for a long time and turns out great, prepare it on Wednesdays, Fridays or Saturdays. In November, the moon waxes from the 8th to the 21st. Combine both observations to get guaranteed delicious result.


Fermentation processes in December are most active from December 8 to December 20. Use the time to prepare the cabbage and fermented preparations from other fruits and vegetables, from apples to eggplants. According to the observations of the housewives, the most delicious snack will happen in the middle of the waxing moon cycle. This date falls on December 14th according to the lunar calendar. Verify the observation with your own experience.


No matter how simple the recipes for sauerkraut in jars are, unfortunately, not everyone turns out this dish the way it should be, and what the housewife herself expects. And why? Because even this business has its secrets. Which? We'll tell you. They are all simple, but very important.

No matter how strange it may sound, yes, the timing of cooking is important. Some people never even think about it, but why? After all, it’s no secret that in our time only beginners and non-professionals in the dacha business do not use the lunar planting calendar to work in the garden. There is one for every year, month and day. It was compiled in ancient times, and it is still important today.

The moon affects everything on our planet and, of course, plants. So, if we need a harvest from a crop that bears fruit on the surface of the soil, then we plant everything on the waxing moon; if we expect a harvest in the soil, then on the waning moon. But there are also separate days, and not just phases, that recommend sowing certain crops, cultivating them, and doing various work related to them.

All these subtleties not only lead to a good harvest, growth, development, but also to storage. Why is it that some people keep everything wonderfully until the new season, while their neighbors, in equal conditions, don’t have a single harvest, and what they have is impossible to preserve. Yes, the lunar calendar plays an important role here.

You will find a calendar for when to ferment cabbage in October and other months in our article. Every year, use it for all matters that, in one way or another, are related to the garden, harvest and preparations. Your secret will help solve many problems. And it’s better to never do anything during a full moon. Rest or do other things.

So, when to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar:

  • September is the most favorable time - this is the waxing moon phase from the 10th to the 16th. Unfavorable days are the 9th and 26th. The full moon is September 25th;
  • October – the first ten days of the month from the 2nd to the 8th. The full moon will also be on the 24th. Unfavorable days for pickling are October 25-29;
  • November – 8-13th. Full moon - November 23rd. Unfavorable days November 24-30;
  • December – 4th-5th are favorable for salting. Full moon - December 22.

As you can see, the phases of the moon for fermenting cabbage coincide with the recommendations for planting the crop and always fall on the waxing moon. During these dates, juices will be actively flowing, fermentation will proceed better, and accordingly, the cabbage will be tastier, juicier, and cooking will take a minimum of time.


Housewives begin fermenting in September and finish just before the New Year. But we advise you not only to use the dates of the lunar calendar, but also to ferment cabbage better in the first months after harvest, when the heads of cabbage are the most juicy.

Cabbage varieties for fermentation

We have already told you above what kind of cabbage can be fermented - the one that has been recently harvested. But there is one more important nuance, why many people fail to get the expected taste and crunch. It's a matter of varieties. For sourdough, always take only late varieties that form a harvest by autumn. All varieties are early and medium ripening and should be eaten fresh throughout the summer and fall. And ferment the late varieties. Therefore, when you choose varieties for sowing as seedlings or buy seedlings, take care of this in advance.

If you buy cabbage at the market, do not forget to tell the seller that you need cabbage for pickling. Then you will always get very tasty sauerkraut. But that's not all. It is also important that the cabbage for pickling is dense, the leaves are crisp and not frozen.


It is better to take one large head of cabbage for pickling than two small ones. After all, this way you will have much less waste.

Conditions for fermenting cabbage

It sounds ambiguous. You may ask that in order to make such a simple dish, what conditions are also needed? Of course, because if your house is very hot, then all processes will happen much faster, the cabbage will ferment quickly, it will only take 2-3 days. If it's cool, the process may take 2-3 times longer. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question of how long to ferment cabbage at room temperature, because it is different for everyone. But the best option is 18-22 degrees. This cabbage will be ready in 5-7 days and will retain a lot of vitamin C.

If you don’t pay attention to this, it’s easy to overcook the food and that’s it – there won’t be any crunch, and the cabbage may also turn sour, since for many people the temperature at home can reach more than 30 degrees. Below 15 degrees all processes slow down, so you will need more days.

There is also one more tip. Until the fermentation process is complete, which can be seen by the absence of bubbles, it is better to put the jars in the refrigerator. This way, the cabbage will not spread and will remain crispy.

So, let’s summarize how many days to ferment cabbage:

  • at a temperature of 25-27 degrees - 2-3 days and leave in the refrigerator;
  • at temperatures up to 25 degrees – about 5 days;
  • at temperatures below 15-17 degrees – 7-10 days.

Again, you must monitor the process, do not forget to pierce the cabbage every day so that the gas comes out. The less foam and bubbles remain, the closer the process is to completion. To avoid overcooking, put the jars in the refrigerator.

From practice, let's get down to business. And below you can find an interesting and very delicious recipe, how to ferment cabbage at home in three-liter jars.

Recipe for delicious sauerkraut with carrots and apples

We will need:

  • cabbage – 10 kg;
  • carrots – 400-500 grams;
  • apples - 10 medium pieces;
  • salt – 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, more according to your taste.

Many of our readers are interested in when to salt and ferment cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar.

It is believed that the most better days for pickling cabbage - these are the days of the waxing moon. Therefore, the most favorable time is considered to be from November 1 to November 13.

Clarified, ripened heads of cabbage are selected for pickling. An unripe head of cabbage has dark green leaves. They are not so juicy and taste bitter.

It is better to choose locally selected varieties. Foreign selection is aimed at breeding salad vegetables and those suitable for long-term storage cabbage varieties and hybrids.

Crispy sauerkraut recipe

For brine, take 1 kg of salt per 10 liters of water. Boil the brine and cool. Finely chop the cabbage and place it in the salt solution for 2-3 minutes. Remove from the brine, mix with carrots shredded on a coarse grater and pack tightly into jars.

Leave in a warm room for two to three days. If there is not enough brine in the jar, then boil a new brine of the same concentration and add it. We close the jars with plastic lids and lower them into the cellar.

Many people believe that pickled cabbage is an original Russian dish, but this is absolutely not true, because the appetizer came to us many years ago from China. In ancient times, workers built the Great Wall there, and since no special food was allocated for them, then most often the workers received sauerkraut for dinner. This product has very pleasant taste, and also retains all its beneficial properties; the advantage is that it can be stored for more than six months, which allows you to salt vegetables in large quantities.

From China, salted cabbage migrated to the Czech Republic and Ukraine, and a little later appeared on the tables of our people, while in Russia sauerkraut became traditional snack, without which not a single feast is complete. And if previously no housewife attached particular importance to the lunar position when salting this vegetable, today women increasingly want to know when to ferment cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, so that the finished salted dish really comes out crispy and salty enough.

Well, in order not to lose face in front of dear guests, the hostess should take a closer look at such a calendar and find out the best days for pickling cabbage. It is also recommended to find perfect option for pickling vegetables, this will help make the cabbage incredibly tasty, moderately salty and sweet, and the vegetable will retain its crunch and freshness for about six months of storage. Well, in order to get a tasty and crispy vegetable, you should choose the best days for pickling, they will be described in detail below.

The salting process will also play an important role; if it is carried out incorrectly, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get a crispy vegetable, but by observing the proportions and standards, the housewife will receive salted cabbage, which can remain fresh for at least six months, subject to the product storage rules. This article will tell you in detail about when to ferment cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, so that the vegetables remain fresh for a longer period of time.

Ideal time to salt cabbage

How experienced cooks tell you how to get great food taste qualities salty dish you just need to use a special calendar, where all the available phases of the moon are indicated; using such a calendar you can easily recognize the good and bad days on which the vegetable is salted. But as the calendar says, it would be ideal to prepare cabbage in barrels on the day of the new moon, then the vegetable will be moderately sour, well-salted and will receive a light sweet tint. In addition, if you use suitable days for salting, then the cabbage in its finished form will be able to retain its beneficial properties longer, and in general, storing vegetables in salted form will last longer, since salty product will not spoil even six months after salting. During this period you can cook.

There is also the opinion of those who believe that the new moon is generally not suitable for any type of canning or pickling of vegetables, especially cabbage, since the product ends up being too soft, it absorbs little salt and acid, which significantly affects the finished taste and aroma vegetable product. It is worth considering when to salt cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar in order to get a tasty enough crunchy salted snack for festive feast or family dinner. However, there is a slight exception for the day of the new moon, since beets can be harvested on this day; this vegetable should become soft after canning or salting, so it is better to harvest red beets on the day when the new moon occurs.

It is better to exclude the process of pickling cabbage and on those days when the moon moves to the constellations Cancer or Pisces, also not best time will be the moment when the moon moves into the constellation Virgo. If you cook vegetables on such days, the cabbage will become too soft, it will not be salted well, and the spoilage process will occur several times faster, even if the product was prepared strictly according to the traditional recipe.

If you need to find a day to ferment cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar, it is worth carrying out the process on the first, ninth and sixth days of the waning moon, it is necessary to carry out the pickling process on these specific days, and the countdown is made directly from the day of the new moon. If we talk about which days it would be better to ferment cabbage, then for this purpose they select only the period of the waxing moon; on these days the preparation turns out to be the most delicious.

It is also very important to monitor the position of the moon, since pieces of cabbage are much better salted if the moon enters the constellation Capricorn or Sagittarius; preparation in Aries or Leo is also not bad; it is when salted in these signs that the vegetables come out incredibly tasty and They are quite crispy and can be stored for quite a long period. Housewives should take note that when the process of salting a product is carried out under a certain star sign, then the sample will have to be taken in the same zodiac sign. If you open the cabbage before the required time, the spoilage process will occur more rapidly.

There is a certain legend that tells about when to pickle cabbage in 2016 according to the lunar calendar in November, and it is best to do this after the onset of the first frosty days, to be more precise, exactly on the tenth day after the first frost. Some housewives prefer to take cabbage from the garden, but this is not always possible, because by November the harvest is already fully harvested. In this case, it is enough to take the cabbage heads outside and leave them there on frosty days for ten days, after which they begin the process. pickling vegetables in large barrels. If you salt after this procedure, you can quickly improve the taste of cabbage, since the acid in the vegetable turns into sugar, which makes the heads of cabbage the sweetest in taste, which means that the vegetable will turn out excellent when salted.

The day on which this vegetable is salted will also be of no small importance; it would be better to choose any men’s day, let it be Thursday, as well as Tuesday, or you can take the first Monday. Women are prohibited from preserving and salting any vegetables during “women’s” days, as the preparations turn out to be too soft and not tasty. As knowledgeable cooks say, it is best to select late varieties of cabbage for salting, which will be the last to be harvested from the beds; they have a softer and juicier taste, and are also easier to salt with the prepared marinade, and the shelf life of such varieties in finished form is much longer.

The best types of vegetables for pickling?

It’s not enough to know when to ferment cabbage for the winter according to the lunar calendar in 2016; you also need to prepare the right variety this vegetable so that it turns out really juicy and crispy. For this purpose, late varieties of heads of cabbage are taken, which have more sugar and less acid, their shape is often more rounded, and the vegetables themselves are dense and heavy.

Certain varieties of cabbage are intended specifically for pickling and salting in large quantities; if the housewife needs to prepare salted vegetables for the winter, then it is worth paying special attention to suitable look Vegetable "Slava", this cabbage has quite an impressive weight, and the ripening process occurs approximately at the very end of the second month of autumn. It is best to pickle such vegetables immediately so as not to store them in the cellar long time. A variety has also stood out under the very festive name “Gift”, it has attractive qualities in density and taste, so this cabbage is often used for pickling, salting and ripening; when mature, the head of cabbage grows up to five kilograms, so it is better to ferment such a vegetable in large portions. The shelf life of the finished product is quite long, which is also a plus when preparing large quantity snacks.

Kharkov winter vegetable can become one of best views cabbage for the pickling process, the head also retains its freshness well throughout the entire shelf life of the salty snack, but it is better to carry out the process of harvesting the vegetable immediately after harvesting. But the Crumont variety absolutely cannot be used to create pickled or salted snacks; the fact is that after salting, the snack becomes soft and bitter.