When is the best time to ferment cabbage in October? Sourdough cabbage according to lunar phases: tips and recipes

Sauerkraut is considered Russian national dish, but it is not so. Initially, it was fed to the builders involved in the construction of the Great Wall of China. Then the vegetable was brought to the Czech Republic and Romania, and only then to Russia. In the old days, fermented cabbage was stored in barrels and fermented any day, so cabbage was not always tasty. Over time, they learned to make it crispy and salted it only on favorable days.

Sauerkraut can be used as a snack and used in other dishes as one of the ingredients. Sauerkraut is usually served with fatty meat, sausages, and sausages.

It is suitable as a side dish for many dishes.

Some families have it on the table all year round, because it is healthy and tasty. The vegetable is rich in its composition, because it contains:

  • vitamins (B, A, C, PP);
  • trace elements (iron, zinc, iodine, manganese, fluorine, chromium).

Suitable days for sauerkraut

It is better to ferment cabbage O lunar calendar and take into account the relevant days. It is not advisable to salt vegetables during the full moon. During this period, it turns out soft and does not have the desired taste. This applies to all homemade preparations, except for beets, for which it is better when they are soft.

The most favorable days for pickling cabbage are when waxing moon, this occurs immediately after the full moon. At this time, the prepared vegetables will be the most delicious: the fermentation process is active, rapid fermentation occurs, which ensures long term storage of the finished product.

When the moon is in its waxing phase and in the constellations: Aries, Taurus and Capricorn, you can get delicious fermentation. During this period, the cabbage turns out crispy and can be stored for a long time. The finished product should also be brought to the table during the period of dominance of these zodiac signs. On other days, bacteria may get into the fermentation and ruin the taste.

According to legend, it is advisable to ferment cabbage ten days after the first frost. The period when this needs to be done is October or early November, when the harvest takes place.

One more condition: it is better to choose a male day of the week for pickling (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday). During menstruation, women should not prepare cabbage so as not to spoil it. taste qualities.

It is well known that many housewives use the lunar calendar to properly prepare vegetables. The dates when you can ferment and prepare vegetables this year are different from the previous one.

The days when you can make preparations in 2017 are as follows:

month of the year favorable days unfavorable days
January from 3.01-7.01, from 18.01-26.01, 28.01, 30.01, 31.01 from 10.01-14.01
February from 1.02-06.02, from 14.02-20.02, from 24.02-28.02 from 9.02 -13.02
March 1.03, 3.03, 05.03, 07.03, from 16.03 - 24.03, 26.03, from 28.03 - 30.03 from 9.03-13.03
April from 01.04-4.04, from 15.04.-30.04 5.04, 06.04, 10.04- 12.04
September from 09.09 - 10.09, from 21.09 - 23.09, from 28.09 - 30.09 from 5.09 - 07.09, from 18.09 - 20.09
October from 08.10 - 12.10, from 18.10 - 22.10, 22.10, 24.10, 25.10 from 3.10 - 7.10, from 16.10 - 17.10, 30.10 - 31.10
november 8.11, from 14.11 - 15.11, from 17.11 - 20.11, 22.11, 24.11, 25.11 from 3.11 - 5.11, from 12.11 - 13.11, from 27.11 - 28.11
December 12.12, 14.12, 17.12, from 19.12 - 22.12, 24.12, from 26.12 - 27.12, 29.12 from 2.12 - 3.12,4.12, from 7.12 - 8.12

Which cabbage is best for pickling?

When preparing to make preparations, you definitely need to decide on the type of vegetable, because the finished result also depends on its taste.

For pickling, it is better to take vegetables with a high sugar content, with a tight, flattened head of cabbage. Particularly crispy cabbage is obtained from white heads of late and mid-late varieties.

Vegetable variety that can be used:

  • Glory. The heads of cabbage are round, large, weighing up to 4 kg. Ripens in mid-October.
  • Present. The variety is used for pickling and pickling. Some specimens reach up to 5 kg, the color is usually green or white.
  • Belarusian. Cabbage can be stored for a long time and fermented in any month from autumn to winter.
  • Menza. The vegetable is stored from October until spring; the weight of the head of cabbage sometimes reaches 9 kg.
  • Kharkov winter. The vegetable can be stored until spring, and it can also be fermented. In terms of taste, it is considered a leader among other cabbage varieties. Maybe, long time grow without watering.
  • Crewmont. This variety cannot be used for fermentation; such a preparation will not turn out tasty.
  • Amager 611. This variety will not produce tasty fermentation, because it is unsuitable for this.

To properly ferment vegetables, it is better to take a long and sharp knife. The boards used for preparation should be round, then the chopped vegetable will not scatter on the table. The width of the strips should be 1-3 mm, because this affects the quality of the finished product.

Narrow strips may ferment too quickly and become sour, while wide strips may not be salted at all. It is better to chop the vegetable into beautiful long strips, which will provide excellent taste.

Many housewives have their own trick that they use when making sauerkraut. To make it crunchy, you need to add horseradish and carrots.

The chopped vegetable is mixed with salt, horseradish and carrots are added if desired, then the mass is placed in special containers.

It is covered with oppression from above. Typically, the workpiece ferments at 16 degrees Celsius from 1 day to a month.

Keep finished product better at temperatures close to zero. Before storage, you need to remove the gas released during fermentation by piercing the vegetable or specially pressing it so that it does not taste bitter.

In order for cabbage to turn out tasty and crispy, it must be fermented on favorable days of the lunar calendar, while observing the rules of fermentation and storage.

No matter how simple the recipes for sauerkraut in jars are, unfortunately, not everyone turns out this dish the way it should be, and what the housewife herself expects. And why? Because even this business has its secrets. Which? We'll tell you. They are all simple, but very important.

No matter how strange it may sound, yes, the timing of cooking is important. Some people never even think about it, but why? After all, it’s no secret that in our time only beginners and non-professionals in the dacha business do not use the lunar planting calendar to work in the garden. There is one for every year, month and day. It was compiled in ancient times, and it is still important today.

The moon affects everything on our planet and, of course, plants. So, if we need a harvest from a crop that bears fruit on the surface of the soil, then we plant everything on the waxing moon; if we expect a harvest in the soil, then on the waning moon. But there are also separate days, and not just phases, that recommend sowing certain crops, cultivating them, and doing various work related to them.

All these subtleties not only lead to a good harvest, growth, development, but also to storage. Why is it that some people keep everything wonderfully until the new season, while their neighbors, in equal conditions, don’t have a single harvest, and what they have is impossible to preserve. Yes, the lunar calendar plays an important role here.

You will find a calendar for when to ferment cabbage in October and other months in our article. Every year, use it for all matters that, in one way or another, are related to the garden, harvest and preparations. Your secret will help solve many problems. And it’s better to never do anything during a full moon. Rest or do other things.

So, when to ferment cabbage according to the lunar calendar:

  • September is the most favorable time - this is the waxing moon phase from the 10th to the 16th. Unfavorable days are the 9th and 26th. The full moon is September 25th;
  • October – the first ten days of the month from the 2nd to the 8th. The full moon will also be on the 24th. Unfavorable days for pickling are October 25-29;
  • November – 8-13th. Full moon - November 23rd. Unfavorable days November 24-30;
  • December – 4th-5th are favorable for salting. Full moon - December 22.

As you can see, the phases of the moon for fermenting cabbage coincide with the recommendations for planting the crop and always fall on the waxing moon. During these dates, juices will be actively flowing, fermentation will proceed better, and accordingly, the cabbage will be tastier, juicier, and cooking will take a minimum of time.


Housewives begin fermenting in September and finish just before the New Year. But we advise you not only to use the dates of the lunar calendar, but also to ferment cabbage better in the first months after harvest, when the heads of cabbage are the most juicy.

Cabbage varieties for fermentation

We have already told you above what kind of cabbage can be fermented - the one that has been recently harvested. But there is one more important nuance, why many people fail to get the expected taste and crunch. It's a matter of varieties. For sourdough, always take only late varieties that form a harvest by autumn. All varieties are early and medium ripening and should be eaten fresh throughout the summer and fall. And ferment the late varieties. Therefore, when you choose varieties for sowing as seedlings or buy seedlings, take care of this in advance.

If you buy cabbage at the market, do not forget to tell the seller that you need cabbage for pickling. Then you will always get very tasty sauerkraut. But that's not all. It is also important that the cabbage for pickling is dense, the leaves are crisp and not frozen.


It is better to take one large head of cabbage for pickling than two small ones. After all, this way you will have much less waste.

Conditions for fermenting cabbage

It sounds ambiguous. You may ask that in order to make such a simple dish, what conditions are also needed? Of course, because if your house is very hot, then all processes will happen much faster, the cabbage will ferment quickly, it will only take 2-3 days. If it's cool, the process may take 2-3 times longer. Therefore, there is no definite answer to the question of how much to ferment cabbage when room temperature, because it is different for everyone. But the best option is 18-22 degrees. This cabbage will be ready in 5-7 days and will retain a lot of vitamin C.

If you don’t pay attention to this, it’s easy to overcook the food and that’s it – there won’t be any crunch, and the cabbage may also turn sour, since for many people the temperature at home can reach more than 30 degrees. Below 15 degrees all processes slow down, so you will need more days.

There is also one more tip. Until the fermentation process is complete, which can be seen by the absence of bubbles, it is better to put the jars in the refrigerator. This way, the cabbage will not spread and will remain crispy.

So, let’s summarize how many days to ferment cabbage:

  • at a temperature of 25-27 degrees - 2-3 days and leave in the refrigerator;
  • at temperatures up to 25 degrees – about 5 days;
  • at temperatures below 15-17 degrees – 7-10 days.

Again, you must monitor the process, do not forget to pierce the cabbage every day so that the gas comes out. The less foam and bubbles remain, the closer the process is to completion. To avoid overcooking, put the jars in the refrigerator.

From practice, let's get down to business. And below you can find an interesting and very delicious recipe, how to ferment cabbage at home in three-liter jars.

Recipe for delicious sauerkraut with carrots and apples

We will need:

  • cabbage – 10 kg;
  • carrots – 400-500 grams;
  • apples - 10 medium pieces;
  • salt – 200 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, more according to your taste.

Many housewives claim that it is best to ferment cabbage in 2019 according to the lunar calendar. This is the only way it will turn out crispy, tasty and healthy!

Cabbage is an excellent supplier of large amounts of vitamins and microelements. But for it to be successful, the technology for its preparation must be followed. Of course, it affects the taste and cooking time of the vegetable, so for everything to turn out perfectly, you should follow the lunar calendar.

Cabbage is an excellent supplier of large amounts of vitamins and microelements

Why we ferment the presented vegetable is because it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Not everyone knows that sauerkraut:

  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • gives anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial and analgesic effect;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • gives a laxative effect;
  • improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to make sauerkraut (video)

But the vegetable has these properties only if it was prepared correctly and according to the lunar calendar. If you prepare it on the wrong days, the preparation may become moldy or taste bad.

Sauerkraut in 2019 according to the lunar calendar: favorable and unfavorable days

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to ferment cabbage during the new moon or immediately after it. This way the delicacy turns out crispy and pleasant to the taste.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to ferment cabbage during the new moon or immediately after it

Important! When carrying out work, you should remember that salt should be taken no more than 2% of the weight of the root crop. The best option is 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 kg of vegetable. One more point: for getting soft cabbage For hodgepodge or pies, it is worth fermenting after the new moon.

So, let's look at which days are considered the best for work in 2019.

Full moon

New moon

Favorable days

In February

In October


When fermenting cabbage, you need to use salt correctly! It should be medium stone or large. Iodized salt should not be used.

If you are preparing cabbage for the winter in a barrel or large pan, You shouldn’t open the lid often, otherwise the vegetable will begin to ferment faster. And this risks the fact that the preparation may dry out and will no longer be as tasty.

Cabbage should always be in brine. If you need it, it is better to immediately put it in a jar so as not to constantly open the lid of the barrel. This is the only way it will remain useful for vegetables microclimate.

When fermenting cabbage, you need to use salt correctly

You should use strong cabbage for sourdough. The best option- a vegetable cut immediately after light frosts. It is better to make the leaven itself at a time when the Moon is in Aries, Sagittarius or Leo. At this time, prepare white vegetable possible in large quantities.

Previously, only oak barrels. This technique made it possible to obtain a product of excellent taste and aroma.

It is better to make the leaven itself at a time when the Moon is in Aries, Sagittarius or Leo

Best month for fermentation - October. In November it is also recommended to carry out the work presented, but it is important to choose the right vegetable. It must be of a late variety.

During cooking, to make the cabbage even tastier, you can add beets, lingonberries, apples, plums and cranberries, various herbs and spices. But you only need to cook it in a good mood, otherwise it will taste bitter.

The best month for pickling is October

A simple recipe for cabbage in jars

The easiest way to cook vegetables is in jars. To do this you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg cabbage;
  • 200 g salt;
  • 2 kg carrots.

The vegetable is chopped into thin strips 2 mm wide. Grate carrots on a coarse grater. Then the vegetables are placed in a large basin, salt is added and everything is rubbed with your hands until the juice appears. After this, they are sent into jars, which are covered with clean gauze on top.

Useful properties of cabbage (video)

After this, all that remains is to pierce the cabbage with a stick every day so that the gas comes out. After the brine in the jars becomes transparent, the preparations can be placed in the refrigerator.

Attention, TODAY only!

    In general, it is common among people to ferment cabbage after how the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God will take place, which means after October 14th.

    It is better to ferment cabbage after the Full Moon, when the Moon becomes waning.

    If you happen to be sauerkraut in November, then the dates will be from November 16 to November 28, 2016.

    It is believed that if you salt (ferment) cabbage according to the lunar calendar, it will turn out more tasty and crunchy.

    You need to ferment cabbage from January to June.

    The most favorable days.

    In January from 11 to 22.

    In February from 9 to 20.

    In March from 10 to 21.

    In April from 8 to 20.

    In May from 7 to 20.

    In June from 6 to 18.

    It is better to ferment cabbage, salt cabbage, and it is better to prepare cabbage for the winter in glass jars if the forecast is warm winter. You can’t put a tank on the balcony, it’s too warm and the cabbage will spoil, but in the refrigerator it sits in jars and is pleasing to the eye. And you can always ferment a couple more jars at any time, otherwise sometimes the wrong type of cabbage is slipped into the market and the whole preparation spoils.

    It is better to ferment cabbage during the waxing moon; many are sure that only when the moon is waxing will the cabbage become crispy. But crispy cabbage comes from very, very white heads of late and mid-late varieties. These heads of cabbage will crisp up and the cabbage will crisp up if you add a little horseradish and carrots.

    You can ferment cabbage using brine. Just chop the cabbage and sprinkle with salt, crush it a little. Prepare the brine with spices and pour in.

    It’s not always possible to ferment on the waxing moon, but when you know all the tricks for pickling cabbage, it turns out very tasty.

    In September: 12-27th. It is during this period that the phases of the waxing moon occur. The full moon in the first month of autumn will occur on the 16th. Unfavorable days for sauerkraut in September are the 15th-26th. By the way, it’s time to think about the New Year holidays 2017, where to go in Russia and buy trips!

    In October: an excellent and best period for sauerkraut is October 1-15. The full moon in the second month of autumn will occur on October 16, but on the days from the 16th to the 25th it is better to avoid this culinary process. Or, one might even say, sacraments.

    In November: the waxing Moon in the last autumn month of this year falls on the period from the 1st to the 13th, respectively, on November 13th there will be a full moon. The most unfavorable days to make sauerkraut in November are November 12-24.

    In December: the growing satellite of our planet will be from the 1st to the 13th, the full moon in winter will occur on December 14th, right on the Catholic Christmas night. By the way, Nativity Fast 2016: daily nutrition calendar (for Orthodox Christians).

    I will say unequivocally that, regardless of the region, it is not worth salting before October, and the best, of course, is the second half of November or the first half of December.

    Regardless of the year, you need to add salt either on the new moon or on the waxing moon.

    Personally, I think that you need to add salt from about 3-4 days of the waxing Moon, then the energy will be at its peak and even when cutting the cabbage it will not be so susceptible to the accumulation of negative energy.

    Let's look at the last 3 months of 2016 day by day:

    October - the new moon is highlighted in red, this is the 1st (at 03:11) and the 30th (at 20:38); The waxing Moon is highlighted in green, these are 2-17 and 31; my recommendations to start: October 4, 5, 6.

    November - the new moon is highlighted in red, this is the 29th (at 15:19); The waxing Moon is highlighted in green, this is 1-13 and 30 (forgot to mark) the number; my recommendations to start: November 2, 3, 4.

    December - the new moon is highlighted in red, this is the 29th (at 09:53); The waxing Moon is highlighted in green, these are 1-13 and 30, 31; my recommendations to start: December 2, 3, 4, 5.

    Many housewives note that pickling cabbage is best done on the days of the waxing moon when the new moon has already passed. It is noted that at this time the fermentation processes take place best and the cabbage turns out tight, tasty and crispy, and the fermentation (pickling) process goes several days faster.

    In order to know exactly when to start harvesting, you need to carefully study the lunar calendar for the phases of the moon. Since the past months of 2016 are no longer relevant, I will give an example of the remainder October, November and December

    Follow this schedule and your cabbage will be delicious!

    Even while adhering to the lunar calendar for pickling cabbage, let's remember that eating is good for health fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, in spring and summer it is better to eat fresh cabbage. And you will add salt in the fall, so as not to deprive yourself of vitamins in winter. We start fermenting cabbage no earlier than October. In 2016, such days in October according to the lunar calendar will be the following numbers: 4,5,6.

    If you believe popular beliefs, then cabbage fermented on favorable days according to the lunar calendar will be much better, tastier, and also more stable in terms of storage.

    A lunar calendar for sauerkraut has already been compiled for 2016:

Wash and peel 2-3 medium-sized carrots, and then grate them on a coarse grater.

Lunar calendar 2018: When to sauerkraut?

Don’t mix carrots and cabbage, the time has not come yet.

Grinding with salt

Bookmark in a jar

Three-liter, cleanly washed (preferably sterilized) glass jar Fill with cabbage, packing it as tightly as possible. The density of the cabbage and the less air left in the jar will directly determine how juicy and crispy the product will be at the end of the fermentation process.


Enjoy your meal!

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Favorable days for canning and homemade preparations in 2018

In the fall, as you know, the chickens are counted and the harvest is harvested. It is clear that growing a good harvest on your own plot is only half the battle. It is important to preserve everything that months of hard work have been spent on.

There are many ways to prepare berries, vegetables and fruits at home, but they will delight us exquisite taste only if the recipe is strictly followed.

But, paradoxically, the taste of homemade preparations and canned food is also influenced by some intangible astrological factors, such as the phase of the Moon and its passage through the signs of the Zodiac.

To many for experienced housewives, for example, it is known that you should not ferment cabbage or preserve vegetables on the days of the full moon - the result can be disastrous. It is also undesirable to choose days for all types of preparations when the Moon passes through the signs of Cancer, Virgo and Pisces, otherwise the products will quickly become moldy and spoil. The 3rd and 4th phases of the Moon, as well as the days when the Moon passes through the signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, are rightfully considered the best for preparations. Moreover, each type of blank has its own nuances, which were taken into account when compiling Lunar calendar for 2018. Good luck with your preparations!

Lunar calendar for canning and homemade preparations

Favorable days for sauerkraut

January — 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26;

February — 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23;

March — 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23;

April — 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22;

May — 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19;

September — 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 30;

October — 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 29, 30;

November — 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 26;

December — 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 29, 30, 31;

Favorable days for canning

June — 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17;

July — 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14;

August — 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 31;

September — 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19, 30;

October — 2, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 29, 30;

November — 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14;

Favorable days for drying and freezing fruits, vegetables and mushrooms

June — 8, 9, 13, 17;

July — 5, 6, 10, 14;

August — 2, 6, 10, 29, 30;

September — 3, 7, 8, 15, 30;

October — 4, 5, 13, 27;

November — 9, 10;

Favorable days for storing crops

June — 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17;

July — 5, 6, 8, 9, 14;

August — 2, 4, 5, 10, 29, 30, 31;

September — 1, 7, 8, 15, 28;

October — 4, 5, 13, 15;

November — 9, 10, 11, 12, 14;

Unfavorable days for canning, sauerkraut and storing crops

January — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29, 30, 31;

February — 1, 2, 27, 28;

March — 1, 2, 3, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;

April — 1, 2, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30;

May — 1, 2, 20, 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;

June — 1, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;

July — 1, 3, 4, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;

August — 1, 12, 13, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28;

September — 9, 10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27;

October — 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31;

November — 1, 2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29;

December — 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26.

1. Lunar diet calendar;

2. Lunar calendar for hair cutting;

3. Lunar shopping calendar;

4. Favorable days for long trips and travel;

5. Calendar of favorable days.

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In order for the sauerkraut to be juicy, crispy and not bitter, during the pickling process you must adhere to the recommendations and advice below.

Moon phases and days of the week

According to numerous observations, the most delicious and juicy cabbage It works only if it is prepared on the waxing moon.

If sauerkraut is prepared on a full moon or on a waning moon, it will certainly be sour and soft.

Also worthy of attention is the folk superstition that you need to ferment cabbage on the “male” days of the week - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Selecting cabbage and preparing it

Choose white cabbage for pickling, with cabbage slightly flattened on top. Green varieties of sauerkraut are not as tasty.

Taking 2-3 medium-sized cabbage heads with a total weight of up to 4 kg, peel them from damaged upper leaves and chop them finely.

Wash and peel 2-3 medium-sized carrots, and then grate them on a coarse grater. Don’t mix carrots and cabbage, the time has not come yet.

Grinding with salt

Place shredded cabbage in a large enamel bowl or saucepan, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of coarse table salt and begin to vigorously grind, press and mix it.

During the grinding process, the cabbage will begin to release juice.

The more thoroughly the grinding is done and the more juice the cabbage releases, the tastier the final product will be.

Add previously grated carrots to the grated cabbage and add 1 tablespoon of sugar. After mixing thoroughly, proceed to placing the cabbage in the jar

Bookmark in a jar

Fill a three-liter, cleanly washed (preferably sterilized) glass jar with cabbage, packing it as tightly as possible.

Terms and rules for sauerkraut

The density of the cabbage and the less air left in the jar will directly determine how juicy and crispy the product will be at the end of the fermentation process.

A couple of hours after putting it in the jar, you need to check whether the released cabbage juice has covered the entire cabbage on top. If not, add cold boiled water to the jar, otherwise the top layer of cabbage will darken and become unattractive.

Therefore, when adding cabbage, do not fill the jar with it to the very brim; leave about 3-4 cm of free space for the juice.


Close the jar with cabbage with a plastic lid with holes for the release of gases that will inevitably be released into the large quantities during its fermentation.

Place it in a warm place, remembering to place a bowl under the jar to collect the cabbage juice that runs out of it.

Every day, with a thin stick or knitting needle, pierce the cabbage in the jar in several places to the very bottom to release the gas bubbles that have formed in it.

After about 3 days (you need to regularly take samples), the cabbage will be ready. To avoid peroxidation and to slow down the fermentation process, place the jar of sauerkraut in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!

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Various signs tell us a lot. They tell a person what to do, what to do in a particular case. By following such information, you can easily complete any task, including those related to cooking and making pickles. For example, many people want to know when to salt cabbage according to folk traditions. After all, this will help make the food really tasty, crispy and aromatic. What kind of person doesn’t like cabbage pickled with cumin, lingonberries or apples? This is a universal dish that can be served as a snack and used to prepare sour cabbage soup.

According to popular statements, this preparation should be done on full moon days.

Signs about pickling cabbage

They can be determined by the lunar calendar. It's great if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that if you follow this folk sign, pickling cabbage will be quick and easy, and the dish itself will turn out very crispy. Whether this is actually true is difficult to say. But many people say that this saying really “works” and when they sauerkraut according to this sign, it turns out more juicy and crunchy. Although, there are also those people who argue that, on the contrary, it is impossible to do salting during the full moon. This supposedly means ruining the dish. Which one to believe is unknown. There are fans of one approach and another.

On the mentioned days, you can safely practice sauerkraut. It will turn out no worse than the one that will be prepared on the full moon. Many people, by the way, prefer to wait for the new moon, which falls on “men’s day,” and start making preparations on that date. According to them, cabbage turns out even better than on a full moon.

Sauerkraut is delicious and very healthy dish. GlavRecipe.Ru shares recipe for making sauerkraut in all its details.

To prepare absolutely magical sauerkraut, in addition to the vegetable itself, you will need several items kitchen utensils. First, the starter utensils. Perfect option- wooden barrel. It is difficult to find, so you can use a glass jar with a very wide mouth. Why the neck of the jar should be wide will become clear later. The second item is a large wooden board. Again, ideally - a sheet of plywood measuring half a meter by half a meter. The third necessary device is a sharp knife, the longer the better. Finally, you will need a plastic or enamel basin. The first three items will definitely be needed. A basin may only be needed the first time. During the cooking process, decide for yourself whether it is needed or not. It may happen that you can do without it. Having prepared all the listed items, we proceed directly to cooking.

A description of the further procedure will follow for a head of cabbage weighing two kilograms. If the head of cabbage is heavier, make the adjustment yourself. The stalk is cut from the head of cabbage.

Tip: Throw away the stalk. Cabbage stump accumulates harmful substances in its pulp. Do not under any circumstances eat it.

So, cut the head of cabbage into four parts and start chopping on the prepared sheet of plywood. It will take a long time to chop! The longer the better. You can turn chopping into a ritual. Smoke breaks, coffee, conversation. The main thing is to chop for a long time.

Periodically place the shredded cabbage mass in a bowl so that the added amount of shredded cabbage does not spill onto the floor. Consider this: high-quality shredding of two kilograms of cabbage takes about half an hour. If there is more cabbage, adjust the time yourself. And so the cabbage is chopped and placed in a bowl. Now comes the time to add salt.

Sauerkraut according to the lunar calendar 2018: choosing the most favorable days

Obviously, this is convenient when there are numbers - for so much cabbage, so much salt. However, cabbage is a specific vegetable to which standards do not apply. Therefore, it is impossible to clearly say that there are one hundred grams of salt per kilogram of cabbage. The ideal taste of sauerkraut is, if you like, empirical, experience, experiment. The more often you ferment cabbage, the faster you will arrive at the required proportions in accordance with your preferences. And yet, without any advice at all, it is risky to ferment cabbage in the dark, so something like this - for “pilot” fermentation of a two-kilogram head of cabbage, take about four tablespoons of salt. It is best to use coarse salt. Such a convenient salt for cooking as evaporated Polesie salt is not suitable for fermenting cabbage.

Pour the salt directly into the bowl with the cabbage. Next comes the most important operation, on the quality of which the success of the entire culinary operation depends. Everyone probably has an idea of ​​what hand washing is. If not, then take an interest in the technology of this matter. Because there is a lot of action to be done that is similar to washing. Take as much of the chopped cabbage mass as you can in your left hand, and some in your right. And rub, imitating the movements during washing, for example, the collar of a shirt or blouse. You need to rub with force until the cabbage juice begins to stand out. At the end of the “washing” you should get the following picture - the cabbage mass turns from white to darkish and wet. A visible amount of juice accumulates at the bottom of the basin.

Next, using ordinary coarse grater cook the carrots. Again, find out the required amount experimentally. For the first time, use about half a kilogram for a two-kilogram head of cabbage. Pour the grated carrots into a bowl. Mix thoroughly.

Tip: Before you start tamping, place the jar in a basin, because during the tamping process, cabbage juice will necessarily pour out of the jar.

You need to tamp very, very hard to completely squeeze out the air remaining between the cabbage particles. The picture at the end of compaction is a layer of cabbage, completely covered with a layer of juice on top. Next, take a glass jar of smaller diameter than the size of the neck of a large jar, pour water into it and place it in the jar with cabbage. This will be a kind of oppression. If you are using not a jar, but a barrel or a tub, then come up with something else as oppression. It is not necessary to place the jar of cabbage in any special place. A common place in the kitchen. Room temperature.

After two days, carbon dioxide will begin to be released - a waste product of lactic acid bacteria. Foam will begin to form. A very important stage. Therefore, the action that needs to be performed is very important. You need to remove the pressure and pierce the cabbage mass several times to the very bottom of the vessel with a knife or something long. The main thing is to get to the bottom. After completing this simple step, install the oppression back.

Two more days - and cabbage can be served. Keep sauerkraut needs it in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit.

When to salt cabbage according to folk wisdom?

Various signs tell us a lot.

It is best to ferment cabbage for the winter, adhering to the lunar calendar

They tell a person what to do, what to do in a particular case. By following such information, you can easily complete any task, including those related to cooking and making pickles. For example, many people want to know when to salt cabbage according to folk traditions. After all, this will help make the food really tasty, crispy and aromatic. What kind of person doesn’t like cabbage pickled with cumin, lingonberries or apples? This is a universal dish that can be served as a snack and used to prepare sour cabbage soup.

When, according to popular belief, should you ferment cabbage?

According to popular statements, this preparation should be done on full moon days. They can be determined by the lunar calendar. It's great if these dates fall on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is believed that if you follow this folk sign, pickling cabbage will be quick and easy, and the dish itself will turn out very crispy. Whether this is actually true is difficult to say. But many people say that this saying really “works” and when they sauerkraut according to this sign, it turns out more juicy and crunchy. Although, there are also those people who argue that, on the contrary, it is impossible to do salting during the full moon. This supposedly means ruining the dish. Which one to believe is unknown. There are fans of one approach and another.

If you decide to trust that cabbage should be salted during the full moon, but it is not close, and you need to prepare now, don’t be upset. There are others better days for pickling cabbage according to the instructions. These dates include the so-called “male days of the week.” This is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. By the way, according to folk superstitions, it is considered ideal if they fall on a new moon.

On the mentioned days, you can safely practice sauerkraut. It will turn out no worse than the one that will be prepared on the full moon.

Many people, by the way, prefer to wait for the new moon, which falls on “men’s day,” and start making preparations on that date. According to them, cabbage turns out even better than on a full moon.

Which of folk signs believe, each person must decide for himself. However, many families have their own traditions, including those related to pickling cabbage. Whether to use these “tips” or not is up to you to choose.